• •"? ,*! * " ".«'> ."^V* .*' *»' * - " -*; - « , ^ *£._. 11»MiMii iiif il'lftir •' Wff nfrMSIVil l/if^i Feeding Profitable ipHK octant of UnriBik tttutdatka tbat ,-f. -p the shot* oorn crop this year may Mt1» dHKsraiMd ftar time Needless to say. tt will not be one animal marl than necessary Um pmpmHw tight meat wppiy Owttw «ft keep pricss so attractive that feeding will continue down to the teat bushel of grain... . There have been a few Instances of farmers celling spring pigs without the nee of grata for feed, Ml they an widely eeattered in spite of the fact that good prices have prevailed. Recently a load of 115-pound pigs that "hid bom "lunched through," 6r exclusively en gran and forage, brought a hundred pounds at a terminal.... This probably looked attractive to the seller at the time, as Iris oost may have represented no more than $5 a hundred. . . . But It Is pointed oat that another hundred pounds could have been added profitably In spite of the probability that $2.25 com would be included In the rattan. Some authorities estimate the quantity of old corn on farms gteater than generally realised. -- Also it la thought that the unfavorable conditions for com this season may have caused holding back of new crop oats and bailey. . . . tntb t good-slaed crop of soybeans in prospect to furnish proteins for supplementary feeding, it Is believed possible that a fair production of meat can he realised this year and at good profits to producers. It appears that there never was a period when all-out efforts for production were more Important. . . . Unquestionably grain supplies can b% stretched considerably by diligent efforts to eliminate wasteful feeding, and reports Indicate that suooeesfol operators are r»--'"t measures toward that end. TOB COLUMN IS SPOMSOMD Wt Wonder L«k« By Vaneaae SeQa 17, abn of Mr. i*r «- Merrill, of J Park, was drowned en Friday lookout Point tiaA. Beryl i cousin, Marvin Merrill, . >V < r c h a a e 'd' ly ey had boon playing rose Park, were camping- op .42« water were using an 3 Tecently ^ ter and wei ettube ftraifh. or ball, E^ryl, foiled to surface from a dive. Howwver, parents. In the . inflated innet* fcabe t& dive In diving for the ball. MCHENRY CO. FARMERS CO-OP, Asstc. I PHONE 29 52S Waokegan R4. SUICIDE VICTIM , motor turned on. A note on the rear Burton Pritchett, 59, of Greenwood, seat said, in part, "I am too sick to was found dead last week in the keep going and can't lay around, back seat of his car in the garage Last^weekba$ been hell--just shake, at, Melody Farm, three miles north;30 , • of-Hebron. The doors of the garage: ^ t ^ , were closed, the windows of the car Need Rubber Stamps 1 were rolled down and the key of the The Plaindealer. Order at Helen Weber Says^ "MAYBE .... Y<ra can get your garments eleaned cheaper, but you can't get them cleaned BETTER t^sn we can do it. We take a great dealof pride in our work. Each garment must be eleaned and pressed to perfection. The next time your clothes need .cleaning bring them here we know you will be McHENRY CLEANERS ; MB KLM ST, MeHHIRY, ILL. . ttt-M Helen Weber, Mgr. : -r^John E Looze isd arry E. Kinne, Jr. wish to gnnomtce the opening of thai? OFFICE at Downs Naah Sales Building; 406 Elm St,, Highway* 17.0, Mrfftnry.. Office Hours After Sept. 1, 1947: • Mondays and Saturday^Hflll Day Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days and Evenings by Appointment 4 ' ; \ '5 E. Wf" TELEVISION! MCHENRY COUNTY RESIDENTS Also may have television and FM. Gall or write for information S ACE TELEVISION &• RADiaCORPORATION 1326 Lincoln Ave,,. v ;, 1 Chicago 18, Illinois f&BelroJpefoSso. • > his cousin djd not immediately become alarmed, as Beryl was considered an excellent swimmer. ; Edwin Mendenhafl of Chicago, vacationing at the lake, had been watching the two boys and noticed that Sferyl did not come up. Joined t>y divers from Wonder Center, including- young William Fiala, the search tiegan _ for the missing boy. Finally they joined hands in a long chain and one of the searchers aiepped on the boy's hand. Artificial respiration was applied but all efforts proved futile as he had been in the water for more than in hour. Both of the inhalators kept at the lake were empty, one from a leak and the other had not been refilled since it was used last fall. - The body was taken to the Peter M. Justen funeral home in McHenry and from there it was transferred to Maywood, where services were field. A, coroner's jury retailed a Verdict of death due to drowning. Corinne Krueger, 7, of Skokie p a visitor in the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Krueger of Lookout Point >1 grounds tiding whether pt not ild be purchased for a Twehty-one membert and, after a great deal _.iing discussion, a vote and it was decided, 14 to the available land. The •uestion is a four-acre tract Mack-top road going toward Hm. Final arrangements will Made until after the general of the Rod and Gun chu>, wOJ be held, in the grove of ^ the land mentioned on 7. The men will . then vpteori. cjirfiothcr or not they wish to fcners, with the woman's purchase of the tract. A birthday party was held on August SS for Mary Lowrey, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lowrey of Wonder Center. Present to l»e Huiy in the celebration of her eoveuteinth milestone was^w girl friend from Chicago, known as "Struke." Mrs. w£ ibSSl rf^toT'LakTr Rev. and. Mra. Oacar Andaman of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.GuaH5oinbenr and faaifar of Hnrrard-* Mr! f-shnua w »jsafsai Rev. Paul Rooell will preach at the morning wozahip aarvic* at 11 o'clodc. Residents and visitors are always welcome. A number of th« local merchants met on the lawn of the Repan home last week and formed a Chamber of Commerce for These men have applied lor a charter, by-laws have been adopted j and temporary officers have been | chosen. At present A1 Repan is act- | ins: as president; Johnny Widen is I vice-president; Art Hay is secretary and A1 Schimke' is treasurer. Amonjr the many things on the roster of the new organization is the listing of. all property owners and the setting up of an information office over each weekend to help the confused motorists who tour up and down the roads searching for friends. All subdivisions are invited to send a deligate to the organization and so are all major clubs in the vicinity, as welf as all business men. Permanent officers will be elected when the charter arrives. A wieiter roast for ^ twenty-five big and little folks was given on the beach last week for Beatrice Kasper of Chicago, house guest of Peter Pappas. Mr. Pa*ppas is almost completely recovered from the accident recently which demolished Ais new car and in which his chest was crushed. Mrs. 0. Nielson and Mrs. Chloupka, al^o of Wonder Lake, were in the car at the time of the accident and were shaken up. Mr. and Mrs. Ifed Leckband are attending the Berber and Beauty Supply convention now in session at the Palmer House in Chicago. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier are* Mrs. Sidney Matynard, Sidney, Jr., and Audrey Ann Maynard; Mrs. Lillian Page and her daughter, Lillian Helen Page, of New Orleans. Mra. Lillian was one of those chosen to speak on the Breakfast Club. Excitement r^n high or«r Sunday when nMographers from a Chicago paper appeared to take pictures of the entrants in the "Miss Wonder Lake' contest By popularity vote, Dolores Wilde of Wonder Woods was chosen as "Miss Rolaine Grill," and Ardelle Krueger will be "Misa Lake View Inn". Other girls included in «>e photographs taken were Betty Smith, Dorothy Powers^ Martha Dorn, Patricia Jurgens, Eleanor Stromski and Sharon Grace Sells. In the picture also were some of Wonder Lake's most charming babies who will vie for prizes in the baby contest next Sunday. Babies photographed were Terry Miller, six months old; Pat Wyatt fifteen months old; Myra Ney Franz, fourteen months old; Marjorie Tilicke. nine months old; Bonnie Lou Dean, seven months old; Diane Moreau, five months old; Ronald Porter; Carole Ann Larsen, nine months old and Sharon Hoffman, eleven months old. Mrs. Myrtle Fuller and her daughter, Dorothy, have returned from a wonderful trip which took thism to Seattle, Wash., San Francisco, LosAngeles, Hollywood, Salt Lake City, Denver and Omaha. In Seattle they visited in the home of Dr. Altaian, Mrs. Fuller's grandson, and his family. A new little greatgrandson only two months old, so stole his great grandma's heart that they had to unpack him from her suitcase or so I hear! Christ The King The .schedule of masse* for Sunday preceding- Labor day will he 9, 10 and 11 o'clock. Details concerning the first annual Fall Festival, to be held at Christ The King church grounds on Friday night, August 29, Saturday, August SO, Sunday, Augiuit 81 and Laor Day, ifill be - in the paper. at**© > OerirtT eiTfaf oTo I D*m"7 CiSr ii -iaiipi MMI tM9 SftMl JWiiCtl jMI A MoteMd • imIH MBo wffl ba taken by the Addition to MdSonry waa way Commissioner at a mee^i|!in behalf of C. S. ()wen. at the T\>wn Clerk's o'clock p.m., IViesday, % 1947. CHASUS8 Highwaj * AND" Town Clwfr For the second year iff succession young Ronnie Fredricksen accompanied his dad on a fishing trip to Kenora, Ontario, Canada. He even outfished his dad, catching, on One day five fiah to his dad's two! The trout and the northern pike w< really biting. NOTICE OP PUBLIC HBAKING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and Appropriation ordinance for Road and Bridge Purposes of McHenry Township, in the County of'McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning September 2, 1947, and ending September 7, 1948, is on rfile and conveniently available to public v inspection at the McHenry Postoffice. Notice is farther hereby given that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held Oity Council Proceedings Council Room August 18, 1947 The City Council met in regular aami-monthly meeting with Mayo* Overton presiding. Aldermen • present: Althoiff, Anderson, George J. Freund, George P. Freund, Regner Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Regner, seconded by Tonyan, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Reports of various department ofand tkm # . . wa» referred to '^he Street September Committee for investigai later^report to the council. Motion by George 3. Freund, aocotided by George P. Freund, to ift>. joutta. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, v • •"^*5!**4-Cit». Ckrki . „ IL t OVERTON^ . CARD OF TKANU "Tm this manner I wish to friends and neighbors for. caida visits during the time I wM fined to the hospital. I am so grateful for the prayers of Fi Neidert, Father Thennes and Sifters of St John's parish. 1 were all greatly appreciated. •15 MfiST CLARENCE'S SHOP" Kitchen cabinets and cnpbotrds made to order! L Full line of lawn.ehairs, swings, pier tenches, nic table sets, children's play pens, sand hexes, treUise^ picket fences, window boxes, bird houses, worm baskets, etc. Pennine leather men's and ladies' bdts, pnr»i, itfc SMITH ' l^insbolf ^ . , Mr. and Mrs. James Bastian and family, Judith, 8, and Peter, 10, are new permanent residents of Hickory Falls subdivision. The Bastian children will attend the Harrison Wonder Lake, j school when it starts next week, for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graff have been entertaining Mr. Graff's sister, who has been visiting here from Dubuoue, Iowa. Mr. Graff had not seen his sister for seven years and Mrs. Graff had not seen her for seventeen . years. * Mrs. Ivar Larsen of Chicago wgt a recent visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ivar Fredricksen, of Wonder Lake!' While Mrs. Larsen was here, a four generation picture was taken with Elaine Fredricksen Justen and her son providing the other two generations. Incidentally the young Justens have just moved into their new home on Green street in McHenry just beyond the high school. The houae was recently finished by Mrs. Justem's dad and his able contracting crew. The Ftadricksens won't be as lonely as they might be with the Justen family gone as they have added to their family, two young nephews of Mr. Fredricksen's from Trondheim, Norway. They are Albert Albestsen, 22, and Karl Fredricksen, 19. These young men plan to make the^r home in'America. K*«e Vto OwOwcMil A targe and appreciative aul gathered oh the lawn of the Gospel Center on Sunday evening, Auguat 24, to hear the old-faahioned, and yet ever new and living Gospel, presented in sermon, testimony, song and music. We owe a debt of gratitude to the School Board of the Harrison school for granting us the use of the folding chairs. Among. the many visitors at the G. C. last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. tfertil Johnson of Quincy, Masa^ * *1lV^VVVVVVT^yyyVg|l u r 5 f o » e o r a i Y o u r The members of the Junior Drama League held a party on Sunday evening in the south room of the Lake View Inn. The young folks, each attired as their favorite celebrity came in all types of costumes. Richard Christopherson was "Paydro," from someplace south of the boarder and Kenneth Fossler was a shiek, probably from Messarabia. A regular meeting of the Drama League will take place on Wednesday, September 3. The Drama League is under the supervision of Mrs. Virginia Doyle and all meetings are chaperoned. PLYMOUTH MMET&TIICK DODOI-PLYMOUTH TKAINID MICHANICS Will SIRVICf IT, IP MflACIMIHT DARTS ARB NICKSSARV TH«Y Will USI APMOViD" Chrysler Corporation MoPiR Rams A. S. Blake Motor Sales COMPARE THESE SALE FBICBS Oife tirestone CHAMPION TIRES & ITH ANY IITY TO SLAVE MONEY OTHERS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE /Of TUB EXCELLENT . BONT WAIT . . . YOU MAY BK: j i i i-Trw-r'-f r:r • TE! 1 l.00xl« $.50x16 1.00x15 7.00x1$ { Other Paasenger Car Tires Proportionately Low in Price. Everyone operating one or more trucka will save eowaderable money igf1 MyHft 'at fur sale prices. We have in stock all sisee of FIRESTONE "Tranaport Truck Tires, rices gladly quoted on request. FIRESTONE Batteries. Sizes to flt all cars and trucks. W«* allow $S to $4 (br r old battery.. 14.55 16.07 1«.4» ffi: Walter J. Freund Three Phone SM Tuhea -- Batteries -- Aoceaaoriea - Tire and Tube Vulcanizing All Work Guaranteed Seat Covers OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS .Hat McHenry t ^ •, The annual picnic of the Indian Ridge Improvement Association, which was held on Saturday and Sunday of last week was a great success despite suffocating weather and a great profusion of bugs attracted to the lights. Many attractive articles, which had been donated 'by the local merchants. were vied fbr in the games. Good hot dogs with all the fixin's were served by a smiling crew in the eats tent. Also there were little strawberry shortcakes, which meltedl . in your mouth, each topped' with whipped cream; there was coffee Ton and beer. People w»re saying the Indian Ridger? really knew how to have a narty. Pearl St., McHehry Wll-il!! PPIIT V IT Si D(GET Bh Richard Ja£er Mrs. Jane Dunway has iold her; hofcne and will move soon, with her son, Christopher, to MissourL Sorry to hear that Mrs. Kucera of Joliet had passed away. She is the mother of Joseph Kucera and Mrs. Ann Grosso and the grandmother of Tony Grosso and Patsy Kucera. » ALQK3MT, TUB CAR OOOLO STAND CLEANING, TM« SERVICE ROOM STRAHSHTTCNINQ OATHS VARO SONC OVWR. WHICH MAGGIE ,TM«S IS ON6 LABOR OA.V WU. ARK CSOINS "TO QO SOMETHING / oMu,B MAONMtHMgIrV . QAOOY oeeprr WlNO TV4INS TMIS IS A .N.A.M. My MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AU OUR &AKERY GOODS AT i Riverside Bake Shop A special meeting of the auxiliary, of Sth e. .R od "a*n™d G«»u»n "c«lu>b» w"•a»s (cwallierad \ oa %i#y evening, Augupt on the* RICHARD JAOER SHOP P R O P . *Gu a f - ' f y f / n s S e c r e t o f Ou r S u c c e s s ^> y r' ' i'" . " * •• ..v