Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1947, p. 4

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«S "-«5 CELEBRAT *^YOUft MONfj. North and Mali|«r...HA. E Moeher Aitrfrtf* Editor. Jkdele Froehlich HOW MEN -fcj ' ( • £ % '*4 Bn Imrlwi w <mt «t St. Maqr's monttaf at • o Carl -J. fVMnd of Court Henrr became the Wd« of stfn htand M if postoffic* at McIT--ry, tSL. tfce ect of Mi ? 8, 1879. ,**» *.«* tie ••yen of Johaitot, Rt Riv.MarrC. S. Nix oSr* the 9 o'clock nuptial service. The children's choir sane the with James Lennon offering "Ave Maria" and Sancta Maria" daring the'service. The charming1 bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a ...$2.50 C0HORIA1-- SSOCIATION JRUZ 5 Display juis for the Plaindealer 4(11 be accepted until Tuesday noon of the week ad is to appear. Classified ads will be accepted until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock- News must be in our office by t 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. CIA prtcm am up. That makm it mmi an important naam to a* n«» by A. Worwick, lfcHenry MRS. VICTOR HUNT Saturday, Aug. 30, was the date which Miss Dolores Freund of this city and Victor Hunt of Woodstock selected for their wedding. They exchanged vows at St. Mary's church during a 9 o'clock service.. Complete details concerning the wedding ap peared in last week's Plaindealer. WED AUGUST 30 *T'V •?A. » Circle 4 At ?--•: - McCraefcea Basse • Circle 4 of the W.S.C.S. willmeet at the home of Mrs. Leonard Mc- Cracken on Friday, Sept. 19. .. » -*•-% ; Lily Lake . .. . J k*TA Social ' » me Lay take A: Sbdst Will be held on FViday, evening, Sept. 19,: .at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. Host- . sses will be Mrs. Geoi^e Wegener and Mrs. John Milinae* • Compax* our auto loan plan with oftharaT And remembe* this--it's over-all coat that counts^ Get the complete costs, then choooe* As a firat step, get our tiuto loan facial Batertaim Club Maaibtre. Families' Mrs. Arthur Schaefer of West McHenry entertained members of her club and their families, all of Chicago, at a picnic held at her home last Sunday. About were present to enjoy and a social afternoon. FR. EDWARD BERTHOLD Edward (Berthold, 741 Chicago by Archbishop Peehan in ' forty" giiMts! years old, chaplain of St. Charles f 1897. He was active as assistant delicious food hospital, Aurora, I1L, Rockford di<^ E"e8* m 9hlca*? at Aloysius and i v «. jT- .j e j x t St- Henry s, and acted as pastor in ^e, celebrated hw Golden Sacerdotal West Brooklyn and at St. Mary's, Jubilee on Sunday Sept. 7, at St., McHenry, where he built in both Nicholas church, Aurora, where he j-places a beautiful gothic church, a t t e n d e d t h e p a r i s h s c h o o l . I B i s h o p B o y l a n of R o c k f o r d . , _ _ . - Fithfr Berthold studied it Attended the jubiUriftn'K solemn hiflrfi hrfrf° T el8 „ 1 CanlFi,0n ard Teutopoli8 ani theology mass, with thirty priests of tfie held at the Legion hall on Friday i at Milwaukee, and was ordained at f diocese afternoon, Sept. 12. At that time, Mathers Clab Plans Interesting Program The first meeting ef the fall Mrs. Mary Rita Stilling will offer several vocal selections and Supt. C. H. Duker will speak on "School Re-organixatiOn or the Unit District." Mrs.,Fred Svoboda Ta Entertain Sept. 17 The McHenry unit of the Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Svoboda on Sept. 17 at 1:S0 p.m. sharp. Interesting lessons will be given on "Making your last year's dress look like new" and "How good is ypur taste?" Those attending are asked to meet at the Lily Lake schoolhouse at 1:15 p. m., from where the group will go to the Svoboda home. Visitors are welcome to attend, AUGUST BRIDE t X. Fell " Of W5.C.S. Opens 'iV -P16 fal1 session of the W.S.C.S. . ^2 °?en ,at the Community Methods «riTi. ch?refi L on Thursday, Sept 18, T? V a luncheon opening the meeting at i p.m. in charge of Circle 2. The •v - meeting will be followed by a pro- • m UIMPHY--BTTLLOSFQ - NUPTIALS SPOKEN AT ST. PATRICK'S ' j Even though the date was Sept. 6, j true summer weather prevailed last | Saturday when Miss Mary Grace Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Murphy, became the bride , of Mr. Robert Stilling, son Of the George Stillmgs of Orchard Beach i Father Edward L. Kilroy, pastor ! of St. Richard's parish of Chicago, Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry -j. attend! EDWARD SLAKE I " r; 5 * • a , ^ . i*?*8 Miss Ethel Freund, daughter of! . *-- r-n ffiailma * v the Jacob Freunds. The wadding of & 'Mi &F»*EME«T ! HJe £***, couple WM solmnixed in n- 0. E. McLaughlin of,^ gM^fx" church by Rt, Rev. Msfr. NwninM the tngage- »ent of tUr dautHiiM*, Oirolyrf ^urb* n», to Iieut. Edward M. Carp, only j DAVIS-HOLMES nV0VS T^VIVU7 MFHS! EXCHANGED K^BHTLY F at ty 1 Cotvmfafc Will T^E ptece 9n OCT. , AT GREENWOOD CHURCH i Hill Baptist church in 1 Li»nt~?^ni ^ ^ ,. ! A wedding of interest here .TiSJytLH*1 « tuition with j solemnized at 4 p. m. on Sunday, I ma"y V**™ MKS. ROfcERT STILLlNG a friend of the Murphy family for the Pttfmf W..7t n7, h i r I soiemnixea at « p. m. on Sunday,!";""'. officiated at the 10 to 1 ^^'•tton PH<STjAug.24, at the Greenwood Methodist, ° clo«k eenrlce, which took place in the i^T»!r w!L ?G •serv5d w,tli R^v George Marshall officiatfng.' St. Patrick's church, McHenry. vears .n i l during* the war r United in marriage Were Miss Mar- ] The church was . beautifully transferred to the -jorie E. Davis, daughter of Mr. and I decorated for the occasion with boupresent he is Mrs. Earl Davis of Wauconda. andiQuets of blue, white and purple S " infantra Tn iojc r?? ed | bou rre«ent 8Dd, Quets Benninr^^ airborne school at Fort 'Mr. Frank H. Holmes, son of the 'gladioli. Soloists were Miss Apgela „ . , Frank Holmes, Sr., of Rt. $, Mc-.FfcmU ?f ^cfaflton, cousin of WWo-old--stockk Newlyweds 'T-Tt.'" ... .. Mie.tos, .wfeTuing "Ay. Marie, " At Partv t-M" Lfe • Mr iidKHMDormrrirl!hrw^d' ,matchi'1/ headpiece and'U^rt i ^«'*lCeinmunionT"" nr"Miss""Adele Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Clem of W ood-; veil and a gardenia corsage. Froehlich whos< newlyweds, were honored The matron of hohor, Mrs. Lilian! Sheubert's "Ave The bride was lovely 4n a blue, 6'h uh' Mo^e?' preceding the street length dress, with #hich she; ^IrVife and ' Panis Angelicius" at WAFA Q motohin« kAA/ln: > ' _ - - - • - - Photo by A. Worwick. McHenrv MRS. GERAILD J. SCHMITT A pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Joseph's church Johnsburg, on August 30 when Miss Helen Diedrich of Yolo and Gerald J. Schmitt of Johnsburg were united in marriage. The young people are residing in Johnsburg. Photo by A. Worwick, McHenrf MBS. ILBROY MEYERS white satin gown, lace trimmed, with long train. She wore a short veil held in place by a tiara of seed pearls and rhinestones and carried a bridal bouquet of white roses and gardenias. Her only jewewlry was a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. Miss Freund's two sisters, Virginia and Carol, and a close friend. Miss Gladys Stilling, served as bridesmaids. They were attired in floor length gowns' of aqua color, with small matching hats. They wore bracelets, gifts of the bride, and carried bouquets of red roses. Elmer Meyers of McHenry served his brother as best man, with James Hettermann of Johnsburg, a friend, and Eugene King, his cousin, acted a4 groomsmen. Ushers were William Meyers and Clarence Freund. Mrs. Freund g chose for her daughter's wedding a grey crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Meyers was attired in blue, with black accessories. and a similar corsage. Following the service, a wedding breakfast was served at the William F. Meyers home for the bridal party, McHENRY STATE Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Demit Iaaaranee CerperatiiB ^lY MATTiafiTOuH fend at noon thirty-five members of the immediate families enjoyed a dinner at St. Mary'srSt. Patrick's school hall. A recaption during the afternoon, and evening and a supper at 5:30 o'clock were attended by 280 guests. v coOple will Following a wadding trip to undisclosed destination, the be at home at 406 Court street. The bride is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1945 and has been employed by the William H. Althoffs. The groom is a local high school graduate and since his return from service has been employed at the Artificial Stone Co. • Dibler-Leigh Nuptial Vo Spoken At Woodstock Sep. Friends here will be interested to learn 6f the marriage at 8 o'clock last Saturday everting of Miss Marilyn Dibler of Woodstock and* Stuart Leig}i of Jackson, Mich. The candlelight service was read by Rev. A. J. Tavenner in the Woodstock Methadist church. Miss Elisabeth Carlson of Battb Creek, Mich., served as maid e£ honor, while Miss Marie Nickels of McHenry, the bride's cousin, Mary Albrecht of Clare, la., acted as bridesmaids. Henry Leigli served his brother as best man, and Harold Dibler of Woodstock, cousin of the bride, Ebgene Leigh of Jackson, Mich., brother of the groom, Jack Rigler af Chicago, ushered. The bride, a graduate of Spro^ Harbor seminary at Spring Harbaf, Mich., and Greenville college, Greenville, 111., has been a hostess for twm years, employed by the Tran World Airlin* . / • f?* PnpQs . v Pupils of the eyes of.the Bombina, or fire-bellied toad, are shaped like hearts when contracted^ Complete line of Beebe livestoA remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf 1946 K-5 International Stock Truck*, 7:5tf*20 Tires. lMft <nievrolet. iyf Ton Stock Track, 7:Mx20 Tire*. A L MILLER, Phone 281 r"W Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois Ftock, whose selections were Maria" and "On ? V i ^ddi,nR "^ration held | Colby of Morton, ill, sii^ " S' Thi" Day O Beautiful Mother/' iSn'ri y. !ak®' dress, buff! The briAj im^poacl^d the 30- Delicious lunch and white in color, of hw father, radiant in i£j " IFF M KNOCKOUT! Aug end refreshments were enjoyed a: ^341' a- social hour spent. f-'\- G- ue, sts /from Mlsa Jeanne MilW, Wsiliir AkfetA, Mr. mnd Mrt. Andrew J. !ljf riarris of Wau- a, gown of white taffeta, colonial gra&o ather. of the bride, style, with which ;sh^_ wore White .'s best man. nntt«5. Hor shoulder length y - ae wedding took place on the illusion was place by j(i _. ,day that would have been Mr.; piece of seed pearls. She cfirtled a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Latham, i Harris' forty-ninth wedding anniver-i white prayer book, a gift of ""her Mr. and Mrs. Affred Palmer, Mr. and sary. had Mrs. Harris been living. ! cousin. Miss Farrell, with white Mrs. Noah Thompson, Mr", and Mrs, j A wedding supper was served at;%atin streamers and roses attached. Harold Ashby, Bernard Wilson, E. 1 the Davis home in Wauconda fol- f Her gift from the groom was a gold Bloedom, V. Wilson, Robert Wilson, \ lowing the service, with ^ nineteen i cros1? nnd chain in diamond setting. Ellen Kellogg, Eddie Dawson, Chris- i members of the two families and I Matron of honor was Mrs. Arthur tine Lyons, Mary Wilson and E. S. [ bridal party in attendance. The Jackson of Woodstock, while Miss Wilson. couple left latw in the dny for # Ann Bolprr of McHenry Acted as • • short wedding trip into Wisconsin, bridesmaid. Both voung ladies, close Mr. Holmes has almost completed a frjend« of Miss Murphy, were attired new ranch type home near the resi- ;« ~»i- _i_i. j What Is?... Why. W doac pakd feat MOisef* and any suiiiaBa It b appU ft & & Obaervsa Advance Night Advance Niigt ht was observed at •'Wx . . . __ 'n n^le pink taffeta dresses with dence of his parents, and in a few T*-hk«h) they wore matching mitts. Acacia Hall last Monday evening by ^ee s *he couple will make that their Qn their head each wore a wreath the O. E. S. The various officers| li!re w.nM.jJ?' ^ue 88t<?rs end carried a colonial were filled as follows: ! bride attended the Wauconda, boviouet fed with blue satin ribbons. Worthy Matron, Eva Eppel, Mc- ^ho,ols- ^he..K",omi » ^ed W*hl served his brother-in- Henry. T ' , Englewood high Khool in Chicago, ,RW a8 ^ man; Ugherg wei% Dr Worthy Patron, Chance? Harrison, i1/ "'wwted hl1 ["^5. J. *, B^rt Me»dow« of Cook County McHenry. - furniture and gift manufacturing hoSpitai, Chicago, and his brether. Associate Matron, Elsie Hoppe | company which they conduct at their j Hjirry Meadows ' of Elgin, cchool McHenrJr. i home. •, [friends of the groom. Associate Patron, Harold Rudinskij Mayflower. Secretary, Harry Ehora, Richmond. Treasurer, Thomas Merwin, Woodstock. Conductress, < Elsie Reiker, Mc- , Henry MOOBTS HOUSE PAlMT--fhat i MMtnw ttbanpUad. -- MOORED HOOSS PA1MT is a pure Bneeed ^ oa point mm pmhng* fee Me ol your*,^ tod Mnifsrnfssr Us cvpearance IsonfliolOW ^sniSs^^jsrpSss doe# just flat CRYSTAL LAKE PAINT STORK Exclusive Dealers af Benjamin ft Moore Palate ^ Phone ll€f Cryatal Lak^ » ~ Located Acroea From Depot" MRS, ZY8KOWSKI DIBS teowf.lfu !S!' o/™rd« ?' "in™ 5"Ss bE-k sS. of the d«tb of her mXr. whieli | JS&I held at Lyons, Wis., Ion? CMuoJndCay I law and matching picture hat Her corga|fe wa8 of ^h8ia and white| ,A<^eitte Conduct™, Neff CS"^ fhf tS!»W ,r Woodstodc. - Chaplain, Carrie Stewart, Haven. < Marshal, Chester Camp, Harvard] & Organist, Eleanor Masslich, Woodv~:' li»ck. Adah, Edith Case, Mayflower .jRutft, Nellie Ehorn, Richmond. Henry.^' Margaretha Spurlinp, Mc- „f - «MHiry. Mwtha, AUie Barnhardt. Harvard f Etocta, Bernice White, Nunda. Warder, Adalbert Stewart, Marengo. Sentinel, Luella Stephenson, Mc- Sbmry. Soloist, Lillian Schroeder, Wood- Updt. : -- Bearer, Louise Kramer, Mc- Gtand Laetarsr, .(Lillian Gilbert, McHanry. . Onset of Bonor, Myrtla Haiflsea, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kfosala, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso. George, Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala. Mr- and .Mr*. Elmer Tensen and Mias Maria Powers, all of McHenry. Disabled by Accideatfa Each year there are approximate- Qr 350,000 persons permanently disabled by accidents alone. Complete line of remedies at Wattles Henry. Bernard Kina), <rf CbMttQ.j . Ty.nty^ne me g b . , . of f t . ,a Mr. Hmk tn«iuig Mr anrl families, rather Kilroy^ and the clergy of St. Patrick's church par-. * to"k of a wedding breakfast at the Villa Club at Ptttakee Bay,. and in .the afternoon, a reception was held there and dtaher served to 175 guests. The bride 'is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1945 and of Mount St. Claire college in Clinton, Iowa, in 1947. The tridegroom is a McHenry high school graduate and servpi for three years as a sergeant with the marine corps during the war years. On Sept. 26 he will begin bis third year at McHenry. Lake Forest' college, where he is There will be initiation at the next > majoring in business administration, regular meeting, to be held on Sept. The couple has been fortunate' ih 22. All members are invited, to at-[finding a furnished apartment., in Lee's poultry Dn?8to~ fe "t '• finding xurnisaed apartment, Lake Foreat, IAMM ifcey will live COMPARE Tirestone CHAMPION TIRES i ' . WITH ANY OTHERS AMD YA&E ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY SAVE MONEY--DONT WAIT-- YOU MAY HE U1V 1 «J00X!6 «^0xl« v.„ ?.«0xll ... 7 .•0x1*9 y». •. Other Passenger Car Tires Pteportionately Lew in Price WALTER J. FREUND ;Pboi«e 3M Tirea -- Tabes -- Batteries -- -- Tire and Tube Vulcanising All Work Guaranteed Off£N EVENINGS AMD SUNDAYS jfe'r ;" tee# ^ ' * f .y .4 " ^w%k, AT HOME IN (JOTTONS ONLY • Wash-fast Colonl • Sum for Everyon*! WORK DUNGAREES! $3.19 Indispensable dungaraea... Sanforised blue surf denim. "'itl| lipper placket, and featuring i-pd* top stitcbing. Siaea: 10 to 18. SMART SKIRTS!1 $2.89 to $6.98 No giri canl&ve to* Hany of these gay aUrta! All atyles in quality fabric^ favors He colon! Come in to tfacm, today 1 MTe CMleUa Owner 'X'j'&Af*: •S' . - -xHr - • • ' .. " I11JI plua tax •14^5 le.oY p 16.49

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