Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1947, p. 8

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^ " I1-" :;4 rp. drop fa jetoss."r^Se beik **" itod -Oh YMn f At our fftB jb Md ?*#»• * .T*l tut oar •»•'«"' ••«»* k*tt« H called a took* . . _ , don't have to ofcee Sown necessarily ju»t because ti*f <M .sftr other] wars. The 1WMI®* wte* s oar |K with pries line with it to the raaehera an WhmLM «£"* that there would belvere in our hirtory, WM McHenry Slid ad Gmd C*. Bxcavating and Crane S«fleo ^ y.4»ir Dirt -- Sand »nd Chr«ffl y f , , \t\-•: - , * ^ *1. V"«i5& *ufc .,&.##• . T» ««T.T.HoHKintT «.*•• »•. HcHENRY CAB--CaD 472-J If yon are telaIrony For prompt And cosrtww m*k®» Don't start to wonry. r , ; We have 24-hour service. McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J "»* : ' • » K'& IM»#i CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinetsand cupboards made to order. Full Une of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, ptonic table sets, children's play pern, sandboxes, trellises picket fences, window boxes, bird houMP? bind woven baskets, etc. Genuine leather men's and ladies' belts, purses, etc. CLARENCE SMITH * Johnsburg THE OPENING OF MODERN HOME DECORATORS #H S, HORTHWBST HIGHWAY R * Barrington, Illinois Moving custom made upholstered furniture, covers, drapes; also hftridl1n£ yenet|ia blinds, and carpets. ;i- £ Wide Selection of Fine Fabrics Also General Fnrnitnre Repair! Free Estimates " Prompt and Oourteons Service telephone Barrington 138-B-l or Cary ftSIt slip Have large listing of farms and other tad lots at Wonder Lake and MoCullom Lake 906 . v:: Wheat bumper wheat crop aid a high price have wheat planted In good eonditlon ibeat ready to paetare. They have the money to pay lor «#tle and expect to make enough ftvw the cattle to pay for the entire copt of olantiiur m harvwtfae the wheat. On September fO, the Farm and tainly wo ahooM provide our youngiten with faciltties to carry on their activities that give some indication [of tint wealth. A community aale wtU be ^onducted on the «-H Town FairgTQt^di to September St, where anyone can contribute acttelea ftr aale n# « livestock, poultry, food, seed, farm i and garden produce, and other things. The machinery dealer* In I the county are coming through with flying colore In Mpport of this protect. A couple of tractor*, one and | two-row corn piekers, concrete mixim, rubber tired farm wagons, feed wagons, feed grindera, power takeiff tire pumpa and other thing* are , oflMwL The aale* will be on a eoungission Ibaaia with a minimum of SB pir cent xntrlbuttid to the building fund on tale* of under $190, IB per cent on tales of from flOO to IMS, - and 10 per cant os Mies ever |WQ. , .v„. _ as Boh material m Standards w of I million taehriM e#T poke which are at least St mat long pso a ctrcuiniiBionoe OK H inohse • feet from the butt Altfce IMS forest aervice «s*» ihat about 9T7.S0S aena of Jack pin* In Minnaanta, only ST par dpi of thia area supports standa of limber Under the al> MS. 170,000 polos eeuld be. e4ch year In Mhmaaata all thp pole sin timber were used faf pelea. With heavy compotition tor other MMS, however, It Is estt* matad that the state's annual jack pine pole production wttl ' aot e» coed 100,001, A simple way to restore die Crash fruit flavor to canned orange Juice or other canned citrus juices lp to pour the chiliad iuloe beck aa^iprth from one tumbler to another *Ju*t before serving. This adds air^iriiich la naturally present la fresh #|ice but Is removed during the vacihim canning pwoess. Much of the "dtffarenrr taste la properly canned Juice, especially In orange Juice as it comes from the can. Is actually an airless taste which largely die* appears when air Is added. fllananraelal PenleMa to a Joint statement by die United States PubHc Health service, the United States Fpod end Drag administration and tw committee on medical reaearch of the OSRO, commercial penlpll* Ifa Mle not a single substance, but a mixture of several,*' Identified bjr the letters G, X, P and K. Much commeroial penicillin contelas K, which Is said to be "relatively tnaf* ftcacloua against the sircars) infoetiens against which \\ hss been «» aerlmentalbr studM" becswst of which U Is dtmoyed Ih# txxtjr* Keep Vkee he* Aa Uhe tree eea be kept i |f you aet It up la a paa» ef iw ater. I Cut off the base ef the tree at ea end keep at original cut in water durtn that the tree 14 la the house, water to the jar or tub in tbe tree steads at Intervals tf* the water level always abore 'the cut This method whin used frith fresh trees reduces the flanimabll* Ity as effectively as any ftreprooflag chemicals. Chemicals may cause the tree to turn brown or yellow or to loee its Mediae. The place you select for your. should be well away from-stovee, radiators and other aourte* of heat. When you smoke, keep^away from the tree. > _ Reed Bobber Stampi! Che Platndealen Order a* AUG T I O N CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Thia sale "it being held* to allow new building conatructkm. Auction will be held on the Florsheim - Haldrup Farm located 4 miles northwest at Huntley, Illinois, on THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 Commencing at 1 p.m. sharp 4t Head Helstein Milch Cows 1 Registered Holstein Ball, 2 yrs. I It, 8 Bred Balstein Heifers. 8 Halatela Calves, S mea. to old. All cow* (arye in tisc end tlesh. Anybody looking for cow* can make no mistake In buying these cows. No maatitis is la this herd. All cows Bangs tested, T. B. vaccinated and blood tested. Majority of these cattle are home raised. UUAL TERMS ^ HAROLD ft FUNtSHEfll " SKDM) HAIDRUP State Bank of Bantley, Clerking HOMES FOR SALE J: DR HCNRY FREUND 0PTOMETRI8T At S14 liMn Stn West McHenry •UffMi'a Jewelry Store (Oloeed Thursday Afteraoonl) fwJ __ Tlsaal Rsbahmtaile^ ' ; Complete Vlanal Aaalyeia Nbi t la IS and 1 ta B Saturday Brenin^s S la 141 pjm. PHONE McHENRT 4Bt i ***, >•* ; mmrnm •e tin bast use of their' Ssad Mitt they at^ cured of the patamm Oedir at the osaspooui OATOH have gNflMi M0 spread so fag that yeur garden of mol pea te be still that "KJSls EDDIE'S Order your fan at the . iItk'iaWJ YOUR _ sptw rasxa •*- , v UlSTBUn ' " v Y SERVICE warr.rwf. McHENRT 290 A U C T I O N On the Buckley Ri, 6 miles of Oilrnee at end of High I Rd., 4 miles northeast «r Libetryville, 8 mile* eaet of Hwy. SI (Mil-1 waukee Ave.,) on W SUNDAY, SEPT, SI at 1:3# p. wl (DSD Wi$c& for AudUon Arrow on ley Rd. 7 IS--CATTLE--IS HMstetn haVbrs, IS to S4 aid, bred, gramr and in good fleoh; I Gaemaay bener, S4 msntbs old, ^ id, grewthv- and in good flaah; S lataoi hwfara (vaccinated), • SMntha eld; S Halstein yearttng ball*, papers available; 1 Holstein ball calf, aontks old, papers available. MACHINERY i- A-C. 2 bottom 16 inch tractor plow with 2 seta sharea; walking plow; Cow Boy tank heater; Undaay No. 88 pump jack; Hp. BHggi and Stratton gaa engine; Electric fence controller; 2 sterilising racks; new MdD. corn binder tongue; new New Idea Wagon tongue; New McD. corn planter tongue, etc. FEED--200 bashel rye (S bushel in a bag), free from weed, fit for seed; 200 bushel ear corn; 260 bushel choice Columbia oate (1946 crop); 16 acres standing mixed hay. 14 ft. house trailer, good conditlon. TERMS WAttERb> WOLF. Owner Chandler umI Etfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk I N G S TARPAUUNS CANVAS GOODS fldigi BeUction of Mststisli OEDM1AELY • • • - * Speoialisinf in tto#e and Keaidenoe AwnSnp McHenry Awning €a now watmrt nvwk rw ThooMMi rnp. fm Material* AubirNlf MAKANnKP n Sean wenksrbile wvlage* Inl/iNabva psr i • • . ^Pbone ISS.W KRANK CANS HO RIvsrsMs Drive ; MeHeary On Ronte 47 Every Wednesday Woodstock, HL at 7^0 pjn. rrash load* < 0000 IOHHSSOTA IMTT COWS -- axmss -- HOURUM VSOOK. BVUJ ;,v' Private Sales t, B. and BAH08 TK8TSD. We take ordini lor feeder oattle a^d pifs ' ^ r CASH OB OBiDIT 14 stock to this A e haps tayers for every - MKW LOW OOMM188IOH BATB^% Beet Calf Market in Northern Ilpnois ; ~ %0B LIVESTOCK OOMB TO WOODSTOdt WOODSTOCK COMBi SALES CO, INC m or m WONDER LAKE Beautiful year-round lake front feoao; completely insulated; 8 rooms; two and a half baths, all colored fixtures; all electric; oil burner; General Blectric refrigerator; electric range; all steel blinds; snn porch, sundeck; screened-in patio; newly' painted and deeorated; all large rooms; everything oompletely modern; hardwood floors throughout; natural stone fireplaoe; full basement and garage. One of the outstanding show places of Wonder Lake. _/ Cosv, 4 room home with endosed sun porch, automatic hot water heater, completely furnished, located on 3 lof« overlooking the and countryside. Owner moving to California account of health. Must be seen to appreciate. A t\ • RINGWOOiy Large store with attached 5 room home, bath and basement. Built on large lot in the heart of town. Suitable for lunch room, griU and ice cream parlor if etfasf businesses. PISTAKEE BAY Sportman's Paradise, 6 room house, 2 porches, electric, electric pump and water system. Completely furnished. Lot 100'x400' on Coon Island. Priced right for quick * BODY AND FENDER WBLDDfO v : Uta," Wf^k Work a • ' i> r* I 1 •# ^Over 20 years Ui the Trada HANS FLACtt " mm . Mrvfll 1R« « * ; JPhoiie McHenry 244>B b for your . P. MA Illinois ; II .¥ COUNTY BKLID^rSS •rffl'J : : . -J-4 • y , Also aw have television andi VK* '•••• v.*' £# i f e . : V fall or write for isformati«a ^ ACE TELEVISION 6i 4326 Lbiooln Ah, ^ k.£<i a,' 1®, Pbsao Jnaiper QM0, POST* f IIS INTIRIORS sssvs as • StACMIMS SMSeS • enurr'sm^emfl PAXNTINa » J • ' ikia',. ^ . _. • F aT ALEXANDER LUMBER GO. _ . • _ .l ------ ••

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