Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1947, p. 9

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Tlrertday. Savtamfasrlfi, 19tf •« i Hi it i iiiiitVit i n nut Woate Lake By Yi Winter lent in his «*lHt end this week and it caught me so suddenly that I was still complaining about the heat when the cold wave •truck. Frantically I began searching the house for sweaters, wool skirts and other items of warmth that I had put away in June, right Ifce cbilof all the fjr?- <3E b ^Sltlai%e <5n^2y. edf.) New come thole fall day* when yen dress for winter apey aondag, •aether in summer wemher tqr noon, end are beck in the tee lex by sundown and you wonder for ^rhkh pert of the day you should be messed. Yea can rererse that order given above and dress for the middle of the day, instead, and fieese on each side of it. The trees turn; the grass is brown; the city folks have dosed the cottages and gone away--Only their garbage along the road to remind us started out a* .Wednesday. Mrs. Wat hat Chssa jgas hostess to the members of the wender Wrnpea Hfc'- fiom^bere . ' " ' • ^ I'm Guilty I x :r* •' S-f: 'V-K 1 Mki sometimes criticise ue emaO-tewa editers fer the wsy we tftta liar ae Hflls tblsss" ilal :<§* ¥t .tons* l>tal am la ' Iriece of werii eveeta. J . I cen*t dsay it. Bead the Clerise ; ftad you'll le*rn about the Martial ., Redden wedding anniversary... about the community sing down by 'the river...the husking bee et , Sober Hoakins', where nei|hbof| . helped busk the corn, and later drank spaifding beer together. "Little things?** Maybe. Buf f rest where I sit, they add up to the m 4 frlsaiUness of small tewns ...the bslplBghaad... the respect for-<ae «aotbor*s i%hfts.Aad abers sB the Wte sf fsMeasltj and ffftidsmwhetha* Mfr frsalaaa te apeak eae's aried er rhsose between a giese <f bear er buttcradBc. 1 figure that if everybody lodes after the HWe things," maybe biggerjiingi will take.e*re of taamsehrta. organise. A new local formed, the fhet all-Wonder Lake competing group, to be known as the Wonder Lake Business Men's League. Eight teems from the business houses will enapete eech' Monday evening at 9:90 p.m. at Schaefer's in McHeury. The teams are aa follows: Ko^ine Grill, sponsor; A1 Repen, proprietor; Sgt Stephen Duttko, Walter FVoet, Wa and Mike Druml. ratter Dean, ^ Copyrif htf 1947, L luted States Brcwcs FoundatioH Lake View Inn, Sponsor; Horace Wagner, Mel Sellek, Arthur Wright, William Ttticke and Prank Corrado. Mill Inn, Spronsor; George Coleman, Bill DeYoung, "Doc" Stephens, Charles Stephens and Chris Norgard. Handy Pin try Food Shop, Sponsor; "Bill" Wright, proprietor; Klroy Johnson. George Kucera, .Willie Fiala and Henry Ross. - Wonder Lake Repair Shop, sponsor; A1 Schimke. proprietor; "Bud" Schau, Henry Schau, Tony Grosso and A1 Bisbee. Wonder Food Shop, Sponsor; Johnny Widen, proprietor; James Widen. Paul Marke, Joe. Monteleone and Arthur Thorns. George's Repair Shop, soonsor: G e o r g e G u t z m a n , p r o p r f e t o r ; Clarence Wilhelm, Ronnie Wflhelm, jack Van Kanegan and Gene Wagaer. ~ ; Ivar Fredrickaen, general contractor; Dick Williams. Paul Matt, At Kruerer, Lloyd Oeffling and Les Kl'ntworth. Later this week teams from both th* Lak* View Inn and of the Ro- Isine Grill will compete in the Tavern Le*srue. The names of those teams will be given later. In the Women's • League of Mc- Henrv a Wonder Lake teamTconsistof Dottie Powers. Florence Dean, Libby Repan, Jean Dean and Betty W* Ven Kaauf, of the fairy-tale castle, is UL at bis home. ef Friday aftetaeoa at the home of Mrs. Pat Wxede. Esther, who has recently returned to thfer district to, iivvuow ftlf h?mei house in wonuer uenter f. ^yiPg' I Hansen. The Hah sens are £££ ot Wt"K"r L,kecupied last winter by Mr. ana MH. Lloyd Benwell Mr. j»id Mrs. Donald Conard and their two little folks are settling down this week in their new home in 1 Woodstock. They recently sold their Wonder Center to Roger old resi- Mrs. Ernest Mayer grew a whop- Clean a Metal fixtures, audi as door knobs, door hinges, metal racks, abd radiators can be cleaned easily with a atiff brush and hot soapy water. Dry with a clean cloth. OH Sewtag IfaeMae When not in tube, keep the machine covered to protect it from Judy Troxell, who at seven is s "duti"s1t.' *L*ewtt»in»gS t™he pprreesssseerr rfoooot t duoowwnn definite personality, was not too! 00 • •"•P cloth the tension taken with the Tint week of school. to ***? et proper adjustment and r»-- -v. J * " l',«" any excess oil that If • „ K. . . T m ---rr. I Ojicc she just wandered away be- alao takes up . -- r?. 7!^ that cause she said, "it was all toot,bor- may run down the needle bar. IX SF 80 1 went home" Such candor,1 the machine is left idle tor e conwnn^ n* hf^Liwli u i suf,h hone8ty which we, as adults,! siderable time, occasional oiling she wouldn't be believed and so she will no ou» level best to take out beeps the oil in the machine from gave it te the Widens, who will prove! »»f the child* drying end becoming gummy. it--so there! _ . ' James Audino of Wonder Center rour new members were reported, is a medical patient in the Woodto have joined the auxiliary of the; stock hospital. , Rod and Gun club. They are: Mrs. i --_ Dorothy McEachren, Mrs. Lorraine j AI Repan is 'way up in Canada Mooi% Mrs. Sylvia Paknik and Mrs% on a fishing trip. He plans to stay Lillian Karr. All are of Indian Ridge i for about ten days. He is acexcept Mrs. Kari-, who resides in I companied by a friend from Cicero. Deep Spring Wooda. [ A potluck dinner and picnic ""were I NOTES FROM OUR CHURCHES held on the bcach by the property! , Gospel Center owners of the Shore Hills subdivision, About tnirty members of the Midon Sunday afternoon. Following a: West 'Bible church in Chicago atbusiness meeting, games were played i tended the morning service of the and prises were awarded. Mrs. J 1 Gospel Center last Sunday,-Sept. 14. Noval distinguished herself by win-! Jhey were dinner guests at the nine three cakes! and Mrs. Adeline i Bo€88*11 hom* in Indian Ridge. True Zimmerline went home with a b»aa i custom, they would not miss tiful vase. . - • J out on the morning worship service i .. .. .. I °n the Lord's Day. Mr. and Mrs. The Boy's Rifle club will resume I Herbert Radeke represented the its activities the first Thursday in'?rouP. very effectively by bringing October. Elmer Murphy, director of inspiring messages in song at the the club, would like all of the old •serviceboys and any new ones who would l:ke to learn to shoot to register with him with Ronnie Extensive alterations made in the basement of the chape in order to make more suitable are being pel wun mm or wim nonnie Milbrandt w muc suiuiMe at the school. The government i# Quarters for the f Sunday School. A '•--!-1-!-- -«--*•- '-- ; number of men have volenteered their service for this undertaking. The entire cost of the project will --w IllllCItt • tO . furnishing the shells for this enter-1 prise. Hattea's Selective Service men because of physical or „ neurotic conditions and found # per cent in top condition those accented. Datrymea's Faveelte Orchard grass combined will ledino clover as a pasture crap is rapidly becoming a dairymen's favorite. The two plants make aa ideal pasture and soil conservation team. Orchard grass is a perennial bunchgrass having rather ra|K id recovery after grazing and responds in growth yand yield to high levels of nitrogen usually foOnd ^jjnder ladino clover growth. ^ « %MsWea**t. .G£TTMREE cm MINK SPOON SICHT# O***'C**L* *Oo aCaaKee COffCC •MOWOKt «•A * COfftl Y*v MAKE yn--7~ g* k «b«ol*elf fwe--«ll !»• ff* «• J»k(tcpi«*jNr*w«lAtfh'TMrl|M*M* ^oo* thai pMtMM Ml Ike emt tmomrl <* eodw Wu ilnit far aacfc cap (m dMcmiad by ik« NalisMl C»ffee AiMciaban') . IItt wwiiltll MMpp yTOouO im"«kket wfrafMiv*** «ffee emr te. S« wffl A*P Crfee. Why Ml £ ^ / i l^o«d » yow whiU y«i •« pi* • . J»8 "P V""1- 1 , This e#er aspires Sept. SOMi, 1947 | EIGHT O'CLOCK .. 3^*1.12) l-LI. M6 ae« 2 l-U. BAGS TT« I KEB CIRCLE.... 2£&Sle •* - 11. IA«4,.I JKOKAR • • . • *3 BA6 LS.Ma«ee 2 i-u. BASS ae« LOAVES JANE PARKER, ICED LaJyFtagais DOZ.M" JANE PARKER, ICED CsffBsCake h.4* JANE PARKER, CHOC. FUDGE Bar Cains e e EA. 38* JANE PARKER, JELLY TOPPED FmhBsss e PX6. 32* DATE GBA e e e PKG. SS* CAN «r ll -OZ. Mi *22221* NO. 2 e -a a e CAN suNnyfield IRAND hMlto •Tw. N* SUNNYFiKD MUND 0HI rMWS e • ^ ll-OZ. Ill e PKG. if* 17-OZ. IN IQMATO SAUCC ^ ^ rip MM e e 2 CANS ANN PAGE. PUM / i o o® 8 a a > JAR SUNNVPlELD MANO (rial Maaal*. . . mi; 27* DAIRY--CHEESE VALUES WISCONSIN MILD ~'r* • ttaMv Cheasi. . . RACK AGAIN % Natley MafgariM^. , » K1: 2T* CHH)-0-BIT, AMERICAN f Cheese Fowl. . . . »SS79* FOR SALADS. PHILADELPHIA £-3 Qraasi Cheese.. .2 £&2S* KRAFT IRAND Valisata e'a.S'p^KPKG9G.. §$ RICH IN DEXTROfl KaraSyisp . . ... FOR MAKING CHOCOLATE MILK Baaaa Sjrap.. NEW IW PACK I t ' Itsa Tasahst..".";! NEW IW PACK! lesa Large Pest NEW If47 PACK. CAMPKLL'S Taaala Ssap e e 0 -."ijuB CANS » NEW 1947 PACK I y MMsCan •ACK AGAINI LNty's Taaaie Mas . .S^ IO* AftP UNSWEETB4ED SnasMI Mas. . .2££33» ft Young Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ^ covered by free, unsolicited do- Cabel are back from theK- honey-! na^?nsmoon and are a__t home to theiri. Confirmation Class, will have friends in their new little home back of the Chnst the King Mission. Betty fiala Gibel is looking... very elegant ih a black afternoon dress, a gift of the groom. its first session in the chapel next Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. It's for all boy* and girls of 12 to It. Need Vitamin C There is a daily need of vitamin C because the body can store very little of it. It has a special func- 'Head the Want Ads "SPEEDY" Bob Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis, was married on Sunday in Chicago to a Chicago girl a' "Vl*cr Vl "• 11 nas a special iuncniece of Mrs. John Viola. Upon their jtion to in keeping many of return from their wedding trip, they the tissues healthy. Vitamin will make their home here with the; ^ is especially important in main* paints of the groom. j taining sound, healthy gums. A diet somewhat low in this vitamin for a Our sincere good wishes to Robert j long time brings about soreness of Scott, who has returned to his work ! the joints and muscles, fatigue end after being ill for nearly six months, i loss of appetite. "Willy" Scholz, -with "Cinders" Leckbend and "Terry" Davis celebrated Willy's birthday last week by splitting a birthday cake. Willy Cinders and Terry, all of whom are, dogs, weren't too polite about who; got the most cake--each tried to' see that it was him--but thev alii enioved .every last crumb. "Willy",: who was one year was taken by j his master. Otto Scholz, down toi Rolaine Grill for his birthday dihnerj of a hamburger. "Wihdy Sam" Ande sen captain, who will be 81 years old this fall, was a weekend visitor in the home of Mr. rnd Mrs. Roy Noren. The inagnificc; t oM captain, with a shock of white hair, ruddy skin and the clear blue eyes of a man u*ed to loc1tfr<" lontr distances. What did he »yrv FOR SERVICE • PARTS • ACCESSORIES ta Clark Chevrolet Sales PHONE 27? McHENRY, ILLINOIS :?;5 . C ; • r yW'rl !. > -I 1 « ' -"I SE5" 608 PROMT 9TEEET JM)UXE„31 u-oz.rv9 •' a a e...» e tin •• MORTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE DINNER ' "£40f ATP, UNSWEET04B> \ |„g,, m 4VOL Mil MH • A » M CANS #W HM PACK, ION^ NEW 1*47 PACK • • ./» no. ityi 27* NEW MCK, SOUR PITT^ Far fad Iwer • • • fK Atf's mm ILLINOIS WEALTHY COOKING inh*. . . 3 us. 26* fM of Mm Smsm--Washington Jwitlm Applaa . . . 2 ^27* LOUISIANA POTTO RICAN - • MBK e e e e3 LBS. 33^, MICHIGAN GROWN. CRISP Fresh (Miry 2 sites, IT* TURN THE SWITCH a nd dowif ^corhei your si I age, atioft rr\o 00 SCHU1S AND «UKCH FRESH ClACKBtS 25' FOR RAKING, FRYING KITCHM OR BATHROOM POR DOHES-FOR LAUNDRY I x-t; • * • ' ? .'i: rfe.r . --C" ROEBUCK AND CO THE SWITCH Yon stand on the ground and flip thw switch; That's all then is to it! Shuts itself off automatically V by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE ><OU 6V8P SA^W?>yLjJ ** m THB I •waks- _ . ithat ircnu.i IBCKMIUOn NMKYGMtA6( PHONE 108-R EASY TERMST ->*:• No more climbing to pitch down silage. Merely flip the switch Mid down it cornea, in just the amount yoa want! Terns itaeif off aeton*aticsllv on reaching the anwunt set. Tested S years under actual working condition*, year 'round. A great time saver--back saver--silage saver--accident saver--money saver, FEATURES THAT SAVE YOU MONET it- Easy to Transfer--Can be -5=7; .... ' Used in One or More Silos. Preventg Evenly off Top. _ Skimt p FOR YOUR BATH SWEETHEART IHI SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN CAMAY SOAP 3 - 27c * Automatic -- Prees yon for other^chorw:" • Breaks , bun ili evenfy.-- * Economical--Comes complete with 3 HJ. Electric motor. * Silos can be filled without removing onloader. Lightning Rods as low ** Installed SEARS 133 S. Cknesee St. I1L - -IVf- ».* A . j f f - >>1 '•-V.k'-li •:CSv. - »VL*V' * " J, j

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