Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1947, p. 1

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-- •-- -- " ^ ' «. « < wii • ? '*r% r>'« f;'¥^Va ' t w smn \**\ *.>«*V _& v; +xs4&*x *• % v„ * -*•;• ' >- ,'*U ^ ^f, -- _ « ^ V'***" •' W.^ Vn **'r 5^f -$,*.* 4 *t •>+. t^ - «!*» - "* *'*,? 'jtojdh 1- ?*":>;|;-VT-I,JVL!FW^^: /> 3*W55J ~-r^ -: v<.T| ' : -. - **r r-- H i . - r"" " $ p . " . >* v --'. • . >••& ;'; r,"T VjvW*>ft nwia T«hme 73 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1&, 1947 Ho. 18 TAX LEVY IN CQONTY TAKES AW»R RISE TRANSFERRED 'it" ' ^ Suburban Oil Co. Jtwsrdtd Contractg ^ For Road Improvement :;'. An increase in the ooanty tax levy amounting1 to $71,000 (WW 1949 "was approved at the board of super- j v^ors' meeting held last week. The rieir figure stands at 1280,870 com- Pfu-ed with f08.810 for the previous year. The 1047 levy includes general levy, 1147,406; county aid in bridges, 910,966; maintenance state siid roads; $40,000; improving state aid roads, <80,000; repairing county state aid Wbads. *12,000. -The increase in the levy is due chiefly to the proposed new addition to the couhty court house and also to a raise in salaries of county employees. While the increase is notj& le, nevertheless, the suqprvlsors Celt that there was an urgent need fir added space in the court house. The lmilding committee met at flic house last week and au- AHTOHBOH'8 CAMDIKS, NEW BU81HK8S, WILL oraraotK SEPT. at> Next Thursday, Sept. 25, a new business to be known as Antonson's Candies, selling retail and wholesale candy, will be open in McHenry. j located at 306 Elm street. Owner or ! the enterprise, housed in an attractive brick structure, is La Verne An- | tonson, who has conducted a similar {business in Chicago during the past. year. ' ( In addition to candy, dolls, stuffed i animals and Rust Craft cards will ; be sold and a small soda fountain has been installed, with drive-in were CHILD, AFIED 4, CRUSHED UNDER FATHER'S TRUCK PEARL STRATTON TO OPEN NSW BEAUTY FSALON IN HOTEL , Catherine Doetsoh Killed In WUmette Accident Sdpt 11 McH« nbthNi and Mends SEVERAL LOCAL FARM8 ARE MAPPED UNDER NlfW PROGRAM A new beauty salon is opening The McHenry county soil district CHRISTINE KRINN IS INSTALLED AS AUXILIARY HEAD next week on the first floor of the j conservationist, ' Norman Specht, Riverside Hotel, McHenry, operated I asserts that he and Edward Pederby Pearl Stratton. Mrs. Stratton is j son, who is assisting him temporara graduate of the Bumham School ily, have completed mapping a group of £eauty Culture and has had con-! of farms in the county. Mapping con- j Haw flffimn Arrant *iderable experience in this line of|sists of determining the soil types- «ew UIXIUCTB Accept "Uork. j by going over the entire farm with!" . Duties For Tear Ai- No name has been selectd, as y®t,jthe soil sugar and determining thrfk&v, tmn-#0iw, fUnrir**^ for the salon and Mrs. Stratton is t degree of erosion and percent orj'^. * impressive D©rvice asking residents of McHenry and slope. This information is placed on> ^ .1 • the nearby vicinity to help, her. She aerial photograhps. Dry weather, ac-' Formal installation of officers OC ienry retauvee is offerin„g three attractive .p rizes! cordin_g to Mr. Specht, has slowed up the American Legion auxiliary wis showed to leas* last Thursday) to the persons who send in namefe! boring the late subsoil. .conducted at the Legion hall on service. Besides bulk and box candy, afternoon, Sept. 1, 1947, of the death which are judfed best. More details Local farms that have been mapped, Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, with it will also be sold in beautiful tins ©f little Catherine Doetsch, 4 years i concerning this contest appear int include Samuel Wolf and Sam Pirie Mrs. 'Robert Krinn accepting the imported from. England, which are old, who was crushed beneath the ; an ad elsewhere in this issue of' the1 of Spring Grove, C. P. Kries of gsvel from the installing otficesv extremely decorative and useful as wheels of an autMMmt truck driven I Plaindealfcr. Ringwood, and Richard May of West Mrs. Florence Detweiler of the De*f embroidery containers, etc. by her father, juatashort distance " ^ VT" *"* " -it-'. tfc McHenry. Than 87 Per Cent kx Bill Collected Announcement was made this week field Pietsch. Plaines unit No. 36. Mrs. Detweiler, , assisted by her sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Albie Radlein, instructed and congratulated eight other newly elected officers as follows: f First Vice-President, Mrs. WH^l REV. CLARENCE THENNIJS It was with regret that thei The man who will fashion the from their home at 9049 Glenview | HontUl PlaBS Provide I-" " tastar confectiwia was a candy maker road, WUmette. Hm child's mother] rf.TTl,, i a ^ at Marshall Fidd 4k Co., for thirty- is the former Miss Lucille Msy, a1 *'* *®w Sutgiftal Suites yeara. A ipccul ckooohtc resident of Sprint GlVft until ft few] > "• n *" ^ Bodnick of CUeaio, years ago. Four major surgical suites, commit prepare seasonal items for Cbe Doetoc,. a truck fanner, had 'uroished with the finest of ^ ^ „ - _ . v. _ .. , M local firm. driven hi* truck. Inaikiil with car-! modern equipment and scientific in-1 County Treasurer Henry A. .Second Vice-President, Mrs. I*eMt~ rSI, . b!Sl MS FITLTSL-T! «n.m«U in«l«d«l in plr, lor j N««. tk.t «1«2^»2 23 hM I B»con a SDot in Itarmrrt nlace 12B f««t lhe expansion of the Woodstockj collected of the county's total lax Secretary. Miss Sue Rogers. • L»t^f towSSlaimS: where^^ I public Wpital, it has been «».|t>ill ot%2,lS0,4U.9A. isslightly Treasurer, Mrs. Paul Yancto^ v. ^imwxon. a^ue wnere a nounced by Mrs. Thehna Miles, 87 per cent. Of the total amount1 Historian, Mrs. John H Greene. --J--» - - 'I collected, distribution of $1,521,500.28 Chaplain. Mrs. Harry Lock. in has been made to the various 4-H GROUPS MAO FINAL PLANS FOR SALE ON SEPT. 20 j pealed to Doetsch for a push, was j 8UP«rintendent of the hospital. I s-t a- lled. Upon being wa» rned .b .y1 her! itaMexlnpual n<dliead^i *i*ts urgical lacilities1- Sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. F r a n It Interest is running high in 4-H father to stay and play while he! ?entral district hospitals are in keep-; ta^'n5f. mc court nouie .„u .«- . ..WM ^ u, l~Z'work in McHenry county this week aided the driver, the child agreed ln* with the medical center idea * tfiorized Oscar Strom of Crystal psrishioners of St. Johns church jn preparati0n for its auction sale and began playing with a toy train.! ^c,°1 mmeude<? e the. United States I«ke, contractor, to proceed with the!an^ h's many friends in Johnsburg j on 20. Farmers and business Only a few moments later, however, ?U c Health Service and State ' K ,es.t !'• county. Th ? " wmodeling. The structure will be re- j ®n<* McHenry bid farewell on Tuespaired and re modeled on a labor-1 J>ay of this^ week to J «ther material basis and it is thought that | Clarence Thennes. He left that day w_ ork will be sUrted soon. |if or Oregon, I1L, where he will act as a38isUn^ past'or at St Mary,s "The building committee was *d*( parish. | Keller. jessed by Mr. Strom, who said that] A surprise party in his honor was raiVin«r monev for' the "buTlidin^" fund he hasapproximately i°0 men avail-; hel^ last Monday night at Nell's, JJ19^ 7^ TU Jney i 11 be able. The carpenters will be from Kallroom with several hundreds in j * iown. lms m ney whi oe McHenry county but sbrr* of the, attendance. A social CVCniniT W&8 en* I n*i/l /vfUn«• fi>nAo '^niva nn tka soma men are listing articles that will the father felt his truck strike some- ?f0!5p. . Survey. This will enable __j A, y 7 f i ' i make a very attractive sale and thing and upon investigation found the <-octors to handle cases involving; ^ .J rk« i 4-H clubs are planning booths to' that the wheels had passed over unusual or specialized surgery. With Next m line axe Npnda and Che-, provide food and refreshments and his daughter's body. The child had only ,?ne operating suite, it is not i imy^- . .. . .. U? -- e v i d e n t l y f o U o w e d t h e t r u c k a n d P o s f , b l f f o r ^ e h o s p i t a l i n i t s p r e - ; ^t h e i r ^ I f f i d S F had attempted to climb onto the run- Tnt.,slxe *nd crow!led condition to, to^ <»ngratulated on their eKipient nir.g board without his knowledge. I ha"d,e C*sea involving traumatic | sennce to the pubMc. j 0 » • | oral or brain surgery, etc.,' inanv other types of activities. The sale is for the purpose of Wtv!»tbeth^m»^f«wd,ini i°yed'"ned by the various so-Lite where the McHenry county to the fact that there are "J cieties of the parish, and at th? close fajr was held years ago. the county. It has been estimated 0f festivities his friends presented that the r>eW structure will cost him with $200,000. although there is no exact a purse. , Among county residents who have made committments for the sale are h figure to be released since con- from St. Charles two and one-half fmctorc will not bid on construction years ag0 and since that time has because of the uncertainty of. proved himself a capable leader in |bor and materials. ^ .. | community and ecclesiastical affairs ^ Township Taje** j and popular with the entire popu- " _ The various highway coifEfrrfs- lace. alonerr^in the county turned in their: At least for the immediate future, tax levies for the year and they it, is expected that no successor will Were approved last week by the be named to the Johnsburg parish, various supervisors. McHenry town- • ' •Wp was high with $21;000; Algon- «|ftTTM'I'V nAMI1 QiTOVAIT quin second with $19^20; Nunda | COUNTY HOME BUREAU third •with $19,000; and Dorr fourth) TO SPONSOR ANTIQUE, , «fth <18.676.^ Coolruu HOBBY SHOW OCT. "24-25 The Surburban Oil company, of I -- «ak Park has been awarded three1 An antique ant^'hobby show sponeontracts for improving roads in sored by the McHenry County Home the countv, with bids in the amount Bureau will be held in the Woodstock of $24,074.65. One contract calls for: Armory on Oct. 24 the blacktopping of the Griswold tinw a 2C0-ycar-old Lake road, aide of the river. „ . . , «oat for the Hartland road runniqg The "bedspread, which has an interfrom Hartland station past the esting history, is owned by Mrs. «ounty home to Route 14. The third William Hunt of Woodstock, formerly job is for patching and a seal coat- j of McHenry. It was made by her ing an the Chapel Hill road. The last. great grandmother, who raised sheep, two projects are nearing completion.! spun the wool and wove the spread. Supervisor Cornue renewed a pre- It has a White background with a vious request that the county do dnrfc blue pattern. something in the way of helping: The largest single attraction of tbwnships with their road problems, i chow \vill be the Country Store', He urged and requited that the to he stocked by -eoeteiWtio*# of lioad and bridge committee make a j more than 900 members of Mciurvey of the matter and report to Henry County . Home Burftau inboard. He Mood that small j r]udjng baked goods, canned goods, townships are unable to raise money. farm produce, hand work and niany Father Thennes came to JohnsbUrg, Dr gamuel Wolf, Lorrie Steadman and F. G. Hanford of Spring Grove, Kenneth Peterson and George P. Freund of McHenry and Kane and Jepson of Ringwood. The Rural Handy Maids of Woodstock will offer a complete chicken dinner in a basket And the Snappy Stitchers of .Woodstock will conduct a rummage sale. .. - .. FIRST SHIPMENT Of MIDWEST WAR DEAD BEGINS IN OCTOBER Barvivora j pia*ned* Mra^Miles^Such operations* County Non High District# undw New pi» Jomi, Jr., 5, and Susan, 2H. 1 The new medical center will result in ^ r uneral services were held at 9:30' greater economy of time and money o clock on Monday morning from a I for the patient, as well as protecting {uneral home at 725 Ridge Road,'him from the. difficulty and danger Wilmette, to St. Joseph's church.; ol such travel. with burial in the church cemetery. ________ Among those who attended the RETAIL LIQUOR In a special meeting called byj County Superintendent Roland Mc- j Cannon last week for residents of non-high scuool territories, there1 was discussion of whether or not; to annex all of the various non-high' Escorted deliveries of an estimated 37,000 casketed remains of middlewestern servicemen who were killed sMeravyi caens dw fearem iMlyr, . Manrd. " aMndrs . MErdsm. uEnld-1 DnFEAATL EFRRSS 1T0H SSTTAAGfEll - - | ddIiTsttHriecttLs . * dred Johnson and family, Mr. and PARTY ON SEPT 29, m p was 11 no °PPos,t,on a"d Mr- Mrs. John Matchen and Mrs. Ber- - ( / : «n«on will go ahead immediately nard Matchen, all of McHenry. On Mondav e^ning, SeptN29TMc- of ' THE CHANGING CHINA OF POST-WAR PERIOD That transportation) pupils will then be borne by the i On Monday eifening, Sept. . __ _ _ ^"flenry Local 46 ol the Retail Liquor I districts rather than the parents, is _^l>ealers Protective Association of j only one of the numerous benefits! Illinois, will stage an exciting party ] to be derived from the annexation.! 4'onsisting of fun, music, song and 1 ^ fhoto by A. Warwick, McHenrv CHRISTINE KIUNN kames at Dan OanWs Lake Shore N£Ltlve Of Johnsburg Passed , „ , tlub. Route 120, Idly Lake. An or-1 A___ Q„_j0_ T„ Mrs. Krinn, the newly dect|# . t. . ganized drive by the ticket and : AWBy Sunday Jn W&UKCg&Il i auxiliary president, was a form#* lms week we will continue the imoliciiv committee is rapidly cover-1 ' member of the DesPlaines enit and article appearing m the China ing ti e community and neighboring Miss Lena Smith, 71 years old, i there conducted the office of sergi a f^ir _ Weekly Review conceprrnniinngc the nprron-. communities, and .thle. a„djv. ance salelo.*»" •Z:io n, t•|•i edj on So.u. nd, ay," rS»e! p.t . .1.4 ,!1 eant-at^ -arms. Smh e j• o•i n.edj .thle. Mu.cuH enry ! overseas in World Wat II will begin' J001 /"".j w ol'L'n that area, 01 tickets would seem to insure a 1947, in the Lake County General unit early in 1946 and has taken J l , „ tn S> I late,in October, with the arrival in j ®n . Arnold N. of Spring nuge turn-out l^r this affair. ' i hospital, alter an illness of six care of the many requests that come k'™ thVeast Iw nVmvm «m? _,;,i I Chicago of nearly 500 bodies from Grove is, chief engineer. Last week! Local 46 solicits tne nienloership weeks. Born in Johnsburg, she moved to the chairman of the auxiliary* 2.23 miles on the ^ ea -OK*, woven wool bedspread ^Vl11 J Hawaii, Lt. Col. Carroll J. Grinnell, the article told of the revolution ofia„d tJie cooperation of all licensed | to Waukegan as a young girl, rehabilitation program lor veterans.! Ji!f^ Til a*Tk°Ii8«SPfS leauUIikS °n *P!ay'I chief of the Chicago Distributionf S0Ciajt CU8t0rn in tfle Ea8t-. Continu- tuyems in McHenry county, lhe Re- where she made her home until a! She was chosen to fill a vacsncy In Center of the American Graves Registration Division, has announced. Colonel Grinnell added that although no remains would be returned' to next of kin for final burial during the holiday season, December 18 to January 5, a steadily increasing flow of deliveries will be made during November and early December. The peak load of deliveries will ebe reached during the fall of 1948. Eiach of the remains will be ac-< compatiied by a specially selected escort from the braVich «f the service for 190 along the hearted cooperation of McHenry; pRTrivo PVflWTTCn nv northern bank' and 118 ' kilometers local, tie m. mbership list of local: ~j T,,'!'"! ,,v!7.7.1„7, .fj,, along the southern bank, shielding 4(i is showing a healthy increase. j NATION S HOUSEWIVES «DwnBiii|N» >rc uiiwk '""".v | iarm nana worn ana many fK, J oK woman mow of riph farmland The Retail Liquor Dealers Pro-| » eMm«oiiuirgth/i nt o macdosn stHruec at a1k7e,d0 0t0h apte ra »mriole- 0the.1r products. Mrs. Nest_s D_ia h:lg ren, I -seerrvvee<oi . Tinheessee eessccoorrttss aarree nnooww bDe«ning *r,r 0m _ -killing ealt water of tective Association maintains CaO OltltAk Maat a ..A won MlMnilAn n • CmM ing the story, we learn of the his- J tail Liquor Dealets Protective As- short time ago. t the office of first vice-president in tl. ******* which the Chinese have sociation is the largest organized! Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. j January of this year and fulfilled the worked to ^repair against the assults tavern group in the State. William Mary Rose of Waukegan and Mrs. j duties of chairman of the auxiliary "*• * '*" ---i- ----- - ... • ' ' " " lise nes delegation _ t „ , ... Waukegan, | of members and congratulated the i seawall bwllt to protect the 6,179,-' business manager ol local 8, are with burial in St. Mary's cemetery. I McHenry .unit for having in Mrs. 000 farmers living along the Chien-1 actively engaged in organizing Mctang River and Hangchow Bay. This Henry county taverns. As 9 result of l,200-y«ar-old wall now stretches mtir labors, ana with the whole] STFADY SOARING OP kilometers I Krinn a president well qualified sad versed in her duties. The visiting group presented Mrs. Krinn basket of flowers. " Holds Coanty Office Mrs. William Green was presented with a past president's ring, an BIDS SUBMITTED -BY STATE POR $200,000,000 Martha Cane, well knowh radio! verted !nto mortuary vehicles, will fyphoims, river current^ and the v<-rselv affecting the tavern owner | am, for the fcurth consecutive day,! Arniroximat-ly seventy members, artist on homemaking problems, will t, the delivery of re- ?J5"y .on5,a^^lt, of 'freak»sh ,or the public interest, is strongly | thirty.five wholesale commodities i «ruests and Legion members were be one of the entertainers. Drama-1 * • ' center aa Hangchow Bore, a tidal wave that opposed by the association. The »«- j reached a new all-time high atjwsent a* the installation, including **"• * "* "L~J-- r ushers in high tide with, a destru^c- sociation however, warmly fosters 192.26, compared with the 1926 base I Richard Williams, poet commander. tive speed and force unparalleled city and county ordinances which are | year Qf iqO. j Committee chairman for the fcSfelsewhere in the Far East. ! designed to penalize minors who included in the continued advances I lowing year were named and introi* the sea tide enters Hang- falsify age in order to obtain liquor, j w^re meat, coffee, butter, tallow, dueed as follows: Rehabilitation and Bay and meets the Outflowing At the election of officers held • egg and corn. Moreover, the entire veterans employment, Minnie Green; the ^salt water riseS^over the Sept 9,_ the following members of j dajry outlook was far from a pretty j wihlicitv and radio: Agnes Buch; m • *- iL --*•«- - " 1 .-j m icture as described by Russell j Gold star members. Katherine Weber; ifer, executive secretary of the "nnshine, M»ry Frennd; wavs and j Waters, a crest forms which roars A Lee's"; vice-president, Dan Daniels, j American Sutter Institute. j means and finance, Elvira Durland; I ujWtieam as the spearhead for the "Lake Shore Club"; secretary andi The dairy industry, Fifer said, is Americanism and community service, I nrirling, silt-laden tide waters, treasurer, A. G. Paluch, "Palace ^oing into the winter with an ex- LillianTkilger; membership, Margaret 'Twice monthly, at the full and dark Bowling Alleys and Bar"; and Berg- centionally low supply of butter Sm'tW: child welfare, "Eddie" Meath; of the moon, the "bore" is so power- eant-at-arms; Joseph Landl, "Landl's an(j cream {n storage and with 2 per, auxiliary loan fund and_education_«f wn. ani thlfrtSf ShadOW P^Si™e vehW™ ^11 W uXed for will b«8<thirtv^hooth« within an approximate 100- »nrinM» hoM>ies and , mil# trM of Chicago. It is estimated antiques. j that one out of three bodies will be retained via these government cars. Rail transportation will fee mm Richard Yates Rowe, stake traas-] jfEW SAFETY PROGRAM S5r- iEKTtiu 2S.SS' saQOTMs BWHsm&Tioir --• **••* sealed bids for ^t $200.000000 0P SOME WAR TROPHIES In state funds for dooosit in their j By Law, hide are sub- OOIIING EVENTS Jbrtitutions. uy law, 1mas ire A letter has been received by fitted each year, Jis y«r^s Wd» Sheriff fv«d C. Bau from ThomS' SepUnher 18 Opened "hv the treasurer in the pre- Meetin*--°f.fW it can be seen and heard for Countryside Inn." . cent less milk cows" than a year ago. I omhans and veterans, Gertrude Weof reoresntatives of the audi- department, ssking his eo- C.^Hall 8 P-m- 1 miles. And on the eighteenth day of The gala party at 1>sn Daniels Since the peak milk production in ber; legislation and revisions, Le- •ence or^ represniauves 01 ine »uu^ operation in a safety program1 Seotember » »w- fk. miMil'l T .1,. Pltik will Kaflrfn nmnintlv «ai4 i .JJ.J «L. a# millr • ' iMiieio Elixsb|6ttl j Francee rese Connational Sn Amercarnival Bore Uadermines PiHaga i intermissions between the games. cag0 mercantile exchanges this week •.t-'nd. Pearl Pietsch and Eva Bacon; For twelve centuries the Chinese Dan Daniels will entertain at the for new peaks for the year. Eggs ad- veterans craft. Ida Green; member have worked feverishly to repair the Hammond organ. More details of the vanced to 60 cents a dozen whole- committee. Pearl Nerstard. " reading the jn Chicago and porterhouse in the many steak hit $1 a pound at New York , »i»i >*•»«»!»>»•••<§ throughout the retail outlets. L j *- Rirthl at its base, built county. i -------------- ' _ 'I and brushwork. ^ ORGANIZE THEATRE GUILD tearing force of the "bore", re- •*, • MILK PRICES _ ' At a meeting, held at the ^oodhigher rates is ST^od^ news for the typos of war trophies. September 11 UTy^c°lIr nn1n^^ftaear^de According to the communicatioa, o. K. B. Initiation 407,577.19. With the Interest now going er totalled $1,- the. above mentioned organization t^temcer » _ tottering seawall against the COM- pa-.ty can be had by higher rates of and . departments assert that the Eart iRiver Road Finochle Cltth-,^ afj«ult of nature. Built of ashli 'r window display cards °«wTg^tOT°eaTOln*'"I™ Building hig^and^x meters r" K*",f sh°P"-- amJ 3 X ^ Uxpafer on public money o^housa^ds of^exp^ive war^ Bumm^eSal^- ^wooden ji«ngsf in 1 i«»e> 1 O.E.S. Xx-llaxines Invited To Attend County Meeting. booby traps, machine guns, submachine guns, rifles and pistols. The handling children with their There will be a meeting of all 'J1 ,{nany former marines of McHenry county hardly who are not at present in the volun- 1P*J?er8 E*thZ" S "™ S'cMr.B.^. p«,«!5or, C.lumbu, Djy K at C. F~ty~ tt nlZ ot war trophy full, .«•: P.roch,^ S^h^l M. mteaerri nmesa rihnaev ec onrpos irdeesae rvweh. aMt athnye reex- - »P °b"a8 rrel le8n^g^thU IoJf 8:le ossr than e.ig fhTteIne*n cC. DD. o®ff AA . IInniittiiaattiioonn. *"LVu'„todW r,Jd"„«V' them " iallS'trS. JSSoni . ™TER BOHLANWtB DBBB OPSr.rin". .tM„<U^ thfm«.UD* .r. Veteran. Mr orged to haw their', S«nnc« wer. held from the_ late asked to bring their original dis-, . , charge papers with them. The ad-, exaipmed; peatedly 'exposes and undermines: Olas; prices for milk delivered stock opera house Monday night, an-: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hyatt et . . - - or- Lily Lake are the parents of a son, * hospital at at the and Mm. dress ton street • papers with them. The ad-, latwUr hrnther of the late (Fred Bohof »»» drt, i. U« 'en"' quire** concern?nK war trophy fir«: Burial «« .in arms or explosive type -souvenirs should be directed to the headquarters of the committee, room 1002, 610 S.- Canal St., Chicago. KITINGU18H GRASS FIRES MeHenry firemen had a bysy dav on Tuesday when they were called to three nearby subdivisions to extinguish grass fires. The fires were at West Shore Beach. McCuHom Lake; Lilymoor and WYmder I aha NOTICE Mi-Place Reeturant and Tavern. Green St., McHenry, mfll be clm>d all dsy every Thursday until farther aotke. Subecribe far The Among: the Sick Forest Lane cemetery. Mr. Bohlander is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Nordenholt. Fredrick Howell has been a medf-i v cal patient at the Woodstock hoe- • jg.^- pital. NOTICE A check-up shows that many have not secured city dog licenses. Kindly secure lifcense* in city clerk's office immediately. Police will be instructed to contact those who have failed to d° ciTY COUNCIL OF McHENRY. Richard Hyatt «f Lily Uk« has) Coasplete Bna ****]L been a medical patient at the Wood- remedies at Wattles Dwg Jfcstock hospital. ^ Henry. S4f are the at the tt'oodstock hospital on Sept. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Francka Nil VUfll sue IBUh I •«/• v/4"uu • x I land for a distance of 50 li inland! basic formula price used in deter- j „mr. and destroying the soil's fertility for mining the Clsss I, Class TI and CHAMPION QUARTETS r - a number of seasons. Annually, dur- Class III prices for August, 1947.1 Plans for bringing to Barrington announce the birth oi slaughter ing the high water season, new was the butter-cheese formula. The (three natiortfclly-known "barbershop Victory Memorial hospital. V* autcsfloods ewept the farmers off their! average price paid by the eighteen quartets were announced last week gmn, on Sunday. ' condenseries for August was $3,324 hv the Barrington^ chapter of the A 6 lb. 14 ox. daughter, When the war ended, the Chien- per hundredweight of milk. tang Seawall Engineering Bureau was establiahed to fill in the gaps in the seawall and resume the old practice of constantly repairing the crumbling wall as each new break appeared. The methods used for centuries had to be employed; 3,500 CNRA naid coolies carried 6,865,000 cubic feet of earth and patched up 2,000 meters of seawall with rode, earth brushwork and pilings. Pilea were driven by hand, sixteen teams of coolies hammering them into the river bed with 90-pound stones in slings. The temporary repairs staved off the annual flood last autnmn, bat more permanent repairs had to be •ads at major breaks, and new one* were appearing as quickly aa old ones coud ha plugged.** MARRIAGE LICENSES - -- - -- lb. 14 ox. daughter, Linda Preservation and Encouragement of Adele, was bom on Sept. 8 at St. P!*rher Shoo Quartet Singing in Therese hospital, Waukegan, to aWr America, Inc. The championship j \nd Mrs. Mort Jensen of Gmyslak^ quartets'scheduled to spnesr in Bar- ormerlv of McHenry. Arthur F. Kunk.l7 B«Uwoodv and 'J"™"' Dolores R. Murphy, under Lake. the Mid-States Four. 1946 Illinois Dale Holm, McHenry, and Alta Burt, Woodstock. RESIDENCE CHANGES AWARDED CONTRACT A. P. Freund Sons, local dredging champions' "and third-nlace winnersr) contractors, were notitied yesterday in this year's international contest mat they are low bidders and have -» Milwaukee:'an'1 the Ha-monisers, h=»en swarded contract by the 1943 international champions. Leo j Division of Waterways, State of IIK- ! Ives of Cary is a member of the lat- nois for dredging project below the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Antonson sndjter group. 1 McHenry dam. Their bid was |26,44K children. Karen and Donald, havei - -- ~ " -- Individuals now hold 46 bilKoni PURCHASE BLSINE9S dollars, cash value, of U. S. Savings) The concrete products company of moved from Chicago to their new home, which is located in the rear of their candy establishment on Elm etreet. NOTICE Wrecking Part Hotel; on prsmisss; sea our ad en page «. Jim# Lodb Wrecking * Lumber nifp Hsnry. Btey and hold U. S. Savings Bonds, nlos 20 billion dollars worth, von Bampas A of marketable Treasury securities.] Waukegan steeet, tM s bonds. 1 by Francis W. Aodette and VtaMMt ! A. Weyland of Re«te 1» Idhr ef Beehe Uveslsc^ The hnsteeea wtfl he IOMMH at Whtpaa Df* ateee, Hg futera as Amktla t i. "Jtt- -W

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