Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1947, p. 7

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-r ^ f" ' v ""' - ^ ' . >*-•?- H*A '• ' • •'•'•• lU." % r - aav:r- V 'f • S JL -' '"S^frr-rr • <&' j 1 ** ' S&JV a3& SIXTY TEARS AGO Unas Mtvaan, «f North Hyde McHENRY FLORAL CO. SI far aR MeHeary<P*ot No. 8*8, G. A. ft. on Moaiir FIFTY YEAR8 AGO A. P. FREUND BOMB .* ' i bNTttfai Cmtrmetm ' .. .. • ? .. #T*neUs«, tfyd*aaBc "|•:: ui Craan Borneo • -ROAD BUILDING-- 288-M MeHanr, OL F. H OnminHi eartiafs fin* premhm it the rar .laat week m the boot span of cvtiin horaoa. w. Loo has leased the McLeod residence for the winter. Mr. McLood will board with them daring the absence of his Wife $nd daughter, who haw goaooaatfor the winter. Linua Newman took a forced Jump from the roof of Joe. Dcitridk'i new houae on* day laet week, but fortu- No. 889 8T0FFRL ft RHtHANSPERGER rente ht aB daanea #f „fty in the beet West MeHenry, AKT JACKSON Burnt -- "Hr Dirt -- Cr«Bhed Gravel -- Limoetean Trnck for Hire Phone M8-W-S MeHenry, IUtaaia IQepCne AH Bp Electric Motor* Cutter Crystal Lake, Ln<~ Box 1M . General Contractera _ Residential •« Industrial Financing Wii'i'lili ' Woodstock Waahhsgten^St. ^JMar| WELDING Portable H. B. VANCB McHery 81-J .#9 8o«th Green St, MeHenry, IB. FRANK & MAT -- Black Dirt -- CWen -- Track for Hire Phone MeHenry 888-M-l R-l MeHenry Gravel W. D. Winter weimi and* the ran frott Crystal Lake to MeHenry in 8. 8toffeI*s ante yeeterday in onehalf an hoar. John D. Lftdts haa eoenred the rvieep of Slswart Tnle of Chicago, 10 win aaabt him in hie taller- E establishment this fall And win- TWENTY-FIYE YEARS AGO nately landed in t pile of sand. J«W Juston had tike misfortnne to catch his thumb In the door of his safe on Saturday evening, it quite badly. FORTY YEARS AGO i*t and VM. . Rev. A. J. Meidsct, Paator. Church, wXS pe^ oftho community to FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastec, fcehool: 19:N. r Bohoo rials • Wednesday ova-1 Re». George Mai shall, pastor! Spring 1*9, 10:00 and 11M. 9M ami 9M. Pint Friday: 8:80. it tha wing Mlasian Wonder Lake - - - - "fca 8tmdajr»:_9:00 and fondant, having been office of the Clark pastor notice is therefore. . . MU . Mid ch«rl«* Pols tBy Lake Bible Church ^:4j that the plaintiff to ^ '?* ',1tit,ed filed her School: .10:00 a. n. I said cause on the 8th lingular Service: 11:00 a. m. ovary j temb«r~ "l947r'and'"thaT aa7 srtisat seeon4 and fourth 3unday. • now pending and u " * * Rev. WUkinao^, pe||g> ; said court, and that • , Charles Polansky, defendant. First: Friday: 7:00 i5Ute °* .n«vjfile your appearance in On First Friday, CoinnQli^k ®g.fCoonty of MeHenry, j*. or before the third The household goods if Mrs. K. A. Hamilton hass been moved to ftfch- AND LAWK HOWEK8 » By Greaalng and Repairing WILLIAM BUCHERT Ml Front St. MeHenry Cam BOTHERMEL ELBCTRIC ( Electrical Contractors IOP Lst us eotimeto that next dscMnl Job of yours. LEOJ5. ROTHERMBI^ Prop. B4 Bwi57 W?» MA1T8 MnSr*MKII lohneburg - Sprtaur Grot* Rand Phone Johnebwg >14 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. AMD CATTLB Fairbanha typee. AS nt wmrmBre Cepplste sndJBsg BGSTROM SALEB AMD BERTICB TeL MeHenry S81-W-1 (9M ft frees NdTS BaBraom) HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid f«r Dead and Crlnplod Harass, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Leading -- Tankage and Mont Scraps Car oale. Phonea Arlington Heights 11C or MeHenry CIM-t Reverse Chargaa. Palatine Rendering 8ervke. McMAHON REFRIGERATION BALES AND SERVICE MeHenry 419 or Wonder Lake IN SI# Main St. McHeuy. Ulineis C. J, General Mew Work ni MeHenry, OL Tel. Ptstpkes MS-M-1 JOHN F. BRDA A SON Metal an# Ftoaaca Work 11 N. Green St* MeHenry, OL Phono m-R Phone MeHenry SU^S -- Bass mil Eneavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAYEL Gravd Dhf • jpirlsl Ratea fiveSwMd' m NMIT : ; P.Or4Mlw) _11» walls at the new 8L Patxck* gaod weather, this part of the big straeture should be eomplotod. F. W. VooMs is having quite tensive improvements made on •ukegaa street. Wltti an abundance of apples, cider ilia thftinghuut tide section are dotog a rUshtog busfaiees theeo days. Lawrenc* Bauer «f Johnsburg. so we are Snnrmed. has purchased the Mathiaa rreund estate house on Mspio avenue in this viUag«u FIFTY XMAS GIFTS ts. For several years the American *ited Cross has supplied gifts for men in the armed fores who spent Christmas day on the high seas. Those men are shut off from normal Is of eommnnieation and rest Christmas time no other gifts, than thoaa provided by the Rsd Croon* The St. Louis office, MeHenry county haa been naked to gifts this year and . county chanter Ms been invited to provide fifty of theeo fift^. Tim gift packages may contain good quality fountain pans, waUots, 2K?>«£?S2d,"Wrf'5M are optional. Small Items are now available at the canteen aboard ships. The quota- of fifty has been accepted r. Any todi- Satardaya: SM and T:ll. Thursday before First Friday-- Idt gad Tilt Rerv. John L. Dalsld--, Pastor. Sis* Evangelical Lnthsran Chunh (The Churai of the Lutheran Hour) John St H Mock oast of Hwy. SI West McHonrv. HL Reiv, F. C. PudsiO. Pastor Sunday Worship Borneo--10:15. 8unday 8chool and Bible Study-- 9 o'dodc. Visitors and vacationists are heartily welcome in all Services. Sunday school children may hnvu attendance cards for their Home-«hurch records. Bolger's Drug Store Green St. MoHtnry JM Will MI Ui AcQtylsne Welding and Cnttlni ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phssm m-W-l mtTu V 4™ On Highway. ?L:-, Office H VHWWXKMK r-At-Law Car. Greev aatf Bfan I Taosdsy and FiMay Other Day* By A§ I*. "nMad^rft Lahe «U B.VATOW' . 9ajn.taSp^s DR. R. W. DONNELLT IM S*. Rtverslda Phone <lf . 'WStA Closed Wedneaday DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAB PhysWIsn^ I-Burgs-- --^ Td. BSfti SM-R. TeL as1. Maja. to2 Muasi7 ia to• No Hours Thnraday CHARLES S. PARK at Attorney CJeolm ft Parker) Once Maura: Wednesday Afternoons--1M SjM Officii Ksshr Supply Comi MS Main Btruet, Wei INSURANCE EARL % WALSH ffas, Ante, Farm and Ufa 11 Community Church^: >;: Chord) School: 19KW am. ; Worship Service: UHM Un. Methodist Tooth Fellowship. 7:46 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price. Pastor. whfeh the tiwntM, 9M00 gi CsMtar, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarlan) StrtipM Sunday Bible Sdiool--10:15 a. Morning Worship Service--11:00 .m. Midweek Prayer Service on Thurstrjbuted during 1A0 Mass, It 7:90 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. First Friday morning: 6:80 to 7:00 •. m.. . Ringweod C Wlijuuul Sunday--AiS^wor m. worship, 9M. State of Illinois, ry, ss. " 1 on or M«y»rY In thfc_ In tiie Circuit Court, month of October, 1947, and in the event you fail to do so defSssit tonfP' be entered against you any thereafter. t Emma Polansky, Plaintiff. vs. Charles Polansky, Defendant. Complaint in Chancery for Divorce.) LESTER EDINGER. No. 31008. i Clerk of said Court, i Affidavit showing that the d«fen-; Plaintiff's Attorney and his Addrsssl pdaat, Charles Polansky, on due in- , Vernon J. Knox, Crystal Lake, IBfi>> quiry cannot be found, so that proc-! nois. ess cannot be served upon said do- (Pub. Sept 11-18-27) You'd bt SURPRISED! %JS chapter, intfr sated in nlHng a or eontmuting may contact .chapter headquarters in Woodstock City halL pc EMW St Mary's CathaHc Sunday: 7.-00, 8^0. 10.-00 and 11 JO Holy Days: 6:00; 849: 10KW. Week Days: 6:48 and S J9. First Friday: 8JO and StOS. CLA88KS MOW FORMING E00X70&D IKIHOOL -- or -- : Beauty Culture KNKOLL KOW Call or Write for Information NO OBLIGATION 307 W. STATI STREET EOOKFOBD, ILLINOIS Main 826 to Know What Urn* Scat*, Corrosion an«l Mft«dM Wol«f am Costing Yottl V MICROMET • Prevnh lime Scab • Controb Corrosion • Clear* Rusty Water •&: > clogged op ooQs and pipe fines ... corrosive decay of your water tank, heater, pipes and fectates... ugly, discolore4 water. At die right is the efiden^ imapsasita Micramat feeder that inquires filling osly ones si BM»th) --i •f.:' €*U us /or ia/orsMNon on Hi; rtm&rkMt ntm scunti/U method •/ contctwn,tk*t coM *fmc*au s4*$l Descriptive folder mailed on DEALERS WANTED - SUPPLY PLUMBERS > DISTRIBUTORS AT 1AL DISCOUNTS FEEDER '16.60 MICROMET 88.00 THE LB UP TO 8900 GAUL OF WATER PER MONTH CONDITIONED WITH tt LB. MICROMET. " FRED F. PRELL CO. WATER CONSULTANTS CHICAGO OFF1CB AND WAREHOUSE -- 400 W. Kinzi* St. -- AU Phonea Detovare B998 BRANCH OFFICE -- Big HoDe* BdL, Lake of the HoOow, WL U Inglaelde, OL, FeaLakeSSB MM, 918:99 and 1IJ*. Holy l&ft 8J9 and Mi, WoakJtoT 7J9. Ftrst Xftdsysi 7: On ttosf al ldi 7s89 and bsCim theTJ9 _ i : 4 J 9 t o 8 J 9 p . m . 1^0^ td9 p. m. TWrsday befon Fferst Fildai 449 to 8:09 pjn. and T.-M toldO Rev. Wm. A ft Mara catholic Chuwh, Sunday: 7H)9, 9J6 and 1IJ0. Ha|y Days: 7*0 and 9*9 Weekdaye: 8J6 and SJ8 First Friday: 8:88 and 8d9 A U CTION This Month In Your Chaa. Lssnard, Auctfeneer Due to poor health the undersigned wID sell at public auction on Us farm located on ROuta .Al #8 Ringwood, Illinois on SUNDAY, SEPT. 88 starting at , 12 o'clock sharp the following], 28 HEAD OF UVBSTOCK 1, Holstei n-GUernoey 1st calf heifer, due to freshen with tod calf, February 20th: 8 Guernsey heifers, 14 SMB. old; 1 Holstein heifer, 9 old; 1 Holstein heifer, 8 mos. 20 fsidsr pigs, average 120 lbs. 800 *Sed nana, 1 yr. old; 75 pullets (An^n Whites) started to lay; 60 Mueoovy dudes. MACHINERY-- New Idea manure aprpudsr: three section dreg; two wheel rubber tire trailer; hog oiler; 2 electric battoriee; starter and flniaher (600 chick capacity each); wire atrctcher; corn M«ler; electric brooder stove (800 chick capacity); woven Wire; 2 steel wheelbarrow*; wash tan);; larfre quantity of chicken feeders ' and waterers; 8 electric water haters; 8 six-foot chicken feeders; ehicken Boots; egg chicken crates; water tank with stand <88 gat); hog crate; brooder house (double walls, deuble floor, inaulatod 12x18); new electric water heater, 10 gal. capacity; S8 pieces hnber .lrt 4 ft. long; 8 pieces lum-j her, 8*8, 12 ft long. HOUWfBOLD and other arttrtss Efectric .refrigerator pesos lain lined ice box; coca cola lea eeslerfjdesk with swivel chnir; diniAg I room table; library table; 2 khebw tsMoa, one wood top, one poreel^n top; 9%HP rug; quantity of B-X wirO; misfBamous electrical supplies; S •f] Jht. "t* Browsittf through tha old barial acras of , '^Northcrtt Illinois, we were Cfaght by the charm sad - beauty of the simple, sometimes etude tombstone . artistry. Realizing that this stone art is passing, we selected some of the symbolic images and _i designs for oar story whidi Is soother la the historic landmark series. The Irregularly spaced line* with unexpected capitals and occasionally misspelled words accompanying the stone imagery are also fading. Many of the couplets and quatrains are - -Completely illegible. As these old sentiments disappear, * epitaph-hunting grows. We found one marker whicfe , bears only two words. We found another headaton0L__ which says that the man beneath k "Was the Victim of a Dishonest Woman " The lengthy message on a ssone placed In 1147 orer a man "buried in a wdl" tails the drcumetaacee in rime. We jotted down these and other epitaphs In OUR LANDMARKS for those of our readers who collect them. Tombstone art Is tepsoduced by John McKew aril .tray stands; tire changer; visa; 2 hand'tool grinders; samll quuntily of paint; 20 new v-fan belts (aasortod) 8 oil quart jar dispensefs ' wire racks; 9 new battery '(hast); 8 lengths new radiator t 128 feet rubber boee; waah btfwl sink; beer cooler; largo quSSktity of wine, beer whiskey ariosoes; large quantity of dishea. Jars and jugs ; 8 restaurant or tavern 2 vacuum cleaners; water (oil); 2 antique eilver urns; quantity of chaira; lawn mower; refrigerntlng eompreaaor. oM2S end under pver that omount •CUJT11V I by the deck. kindly make the dork before Those doslilug arrsngementa • •4; h. > . .-V... .,5&i

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