Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1947, p. 12

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OMCFL RMM -raon City Council meeting be approved ns read. Motion I sent to explain bonding procedure on carried. < the above mentioned project., The « . t. Monthly reports of various ap-j board requwted that deilnite Dro- ™47 , pointed officers and employees were j posals be Council inet in regular! received by . meeting wwiutnh Mmaayyoorr* yy.. HH.. KKia sser, engineer, was pi Overton presiding. Aldermen present: I sent to assist in formulating pli Althoff, George J. Freund, Gwrte P. an(j procedure in the proposed street Freund, Tonyan. Absent: Anderson,] widening and bridge construction on Ragner. Green Street. Motion by Althoff, seconded by i Marvin BirchfieW, representing the of Ballman and Main, was prethe Council asser, Engineer, resented at regular meeting: 6 re-1 Motion by Althoff, seconded by plans' George J. Freund, to adjourn. 1 MrtHnw cArritd. 7* . EARL R. .WALSH, ^ ' • City Clerk. yan, that the minutes of the last firm W N I N G S . JTARPAUJJNS •^CANVAS GOODS LargeSelection of Materials - • *;ry ORDER '<i " * t \ „; • • -txsM ^ Specialising la Store and Residence Awnings Phone McHenry 871-Wi fbos. Thonneson Prop. ' i : ife5 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF HODERN HONE DECORATORS "• " • " at • ; 117 8. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Barrington, Illinois Making custom made upholstered furniture, slip covers, drapes; also handling Venetian blinds, shades and carpets. . Wide Selection of Fine Fabrics . Also General Furniture Repairs Free Estimates Prompt and Courteous Service Telephone Barrington 138-R-l or C&ry 5318 us. ky- *' . .V 1 • ' Kr*--, - - NOTICE, SKATERS SKATING 8 TO.11 PM. EVERY NIGHT Except Monday & Thursday Tuesday 7 to 11 p.m. 1 hour of Skating Instructions. JUST FOR FUNji! ROLLER RINK • veBnntT. nx. . H*W .WAf ?US SCHZDULX- . ': . ^ to and From Rink * >-J*" •' "*1 *' . NfftkBM.IL JL-f&il Waneonda m • : Tees. V Wad. Fri. Toes. Sat. PM PM bland Lain I ... Island lake III Gils weld Lake Oddnnt .. Org. ... Ptafc . Mineral Mflhatl 6:06 6:18 6:22 6:27 6:29 6:89 6:43 6:46 6:47 6:48 6:50 6:62 7:15 7:27 7:11 7:85 7:87 7:47 7:61 7:54 7:55 7:56 7:58 8:00 Seat* McHenry ......... Mineral Sprgs. ....... Emerald Park Hickory Grg. .......... Oakhurat Griswold Lake Island Lk. ID Island Lake I 81ocum Lake ..--.... Wauconda TowerLake Sun. Tuea. Wed. Pri. Sat. PM ... 11:06 ... 11:07 ... 11:09 ... 11:10 .._ 11:11 ... 11:14 .... 11:18 .... 11:28 .... 11:80 .... 11:84 .... 11:88 Barrington „ ...... 11:50 Livestock at Auction Oi| Route 17 Woodstock, HI. Every Wednesday at 7:30 pjm. Fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairyd H COWS -- HEIFERS -- H0L8TEIN STOCK BULLS T. B and BANGS TESTED •' Private Sales •Monday and Tuesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS PASH OR CREDIT Consign your surplus stbek to this AU We have buyers for every NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% . Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois • 1 -rr r . \ FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WPODSTOCK COMM.SAL®fift.JNC. l'"V i / - Phones 572 or 499 R. I, OVERTON, Mayor. •iip* TWICE TOlO TAL£* Items of Interest Take* Proa the Pile* of the ftahtdealer •f Years Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO during the past few wedE*]'fclon wP©B8^ which has been ele&ring up the river, front! (The Ctaidi «t at the Owen, Stenper A Allen sub-; John St division onthe west shore of Poxl WM| river, of this village, lias . ,Bw» ing very satisfactory progress. T, • . ' s t , Masses: Sunday: Mary's Catholic-Chareh |(Kerdi Wonr) ^J*r. si SL . Pastor 7:0°. f,i°:°° fP^11 :«°1 Wbrship Service: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. - - -- - - 6:45 aim 8:00. C. Jttririp fieho&l dt 9 o»el»ck. •. Visitors and viesaonists in hMiH- % welcome In all iMrviees. Sunday •fbMl children may have attendance «irds for their Home-ehurali records- Community Cburck Church School: 10:06 a.m. H«ly Days: Week Day*: First Friday: Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. to, Thursday before First Friday-- ' After 8:00 Ma As on Thunday} 8:01 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, P***?*, service: 11:00 a.m. ^4. t Youth FeHowsMp, 7:45 plft ' Wayne Price, Pastor. The use at DDT as a spray ciw> •tes a rssktue preble-i similar to th^t creatal 6y the le«^ 4%. sanat«. HWN Isssiii/lMi ivf your laundrycraft and at (he tame time, don't Waal BtfAlgUeM 0»« 1m*k is everyone's desire; aad in caring tor woolens, las* pressing is necessary when garments are given a rest after a day or two of w$a{, since' the wool springs bacfe -. and drop out. haprava To improve time soak your material tnore 10 minutes. Prolonged making o the ^bers and "nets" the soil. 'ii • jCssklag Sakstiteta - If you want to substitute sweat milk and baking powder in place of sour milk and soda in cooking, wrinkles 1 use four times as much baking pow- . der as soda, say nutrition specialists. 0:80 and 8:00. , Cispsl Center Weader Center, Woader LaiM (Nonsectarian) Senricea Sunday Bible School--10:16 ajn. Morning Worship Service--HUH) a.m. Midweek Prayer 8erviea on Thursday Uvenings at 8:00 p.m. good Templars will meet at j Ho"y* Day*^' «:-30 and° ^00 ftl1 People of°the communis to ^ ^ .^"%BSkV ANDERSON C-l Pasidf. St. Patrick's Catholic Churek Masses: Parker House hall this week. We are informed that Frank Quig-; . a.«n ley, with eight hands, threshed °nei0J ^ clay last week, on W. Francisco's farm, one hundred and sixty-three bushels of grain in 57 minutes. A. C. Granger, started Tuesday for Dakota with a car of work horses, which he and his lather, F. K., have been buying in this section tile past week. John Ftusky, who bought the widow Gates farm, southwest of this village, has been building a' St. John's Catkatic Church, Jofcaafcertf First Friday. Communion dis tribuied at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass, Confessions: Saturday*: *:W to 5:00 p. 01. end 7K)0 to 8:00 p. m. ^ ' Th"v S»'or® First Friday-- 4:0« to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8K)0 Rev. \? m. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. new house on the same. *** * ___ nrrr YEARS AGO. Sunday Holy bays: 7:00 and 9:00 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. A lively runaway passed through our streets on Friday evening, and as it was dark many narrow escape ® are reported but fortunately no one was injured. John J. Story Is making extensive repairs on his cottage, on Pearl street, in this village. Work on the water works system was commenced on Tuesday and ai soon as everything can be put in j shape the work will be pushed at! every point. Peter Bishop and M. Theien were exhibiting some very fine strings of black bass on our streets on Saturday morning last week. ~-- Weekdays: 6:35 and 8:00 Fiwt Friday: 6:86 and 8:00 Confessions: Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- •' 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastar. St. Peter's Catholic Cberck. Sprjng Grave Sundaj 1:00, 10KK) and 11:00. Holy Days: '6:30 and 9:00. FORTY YEARS AGO J. B. Wheeler, who has been bookkeeper for the Wilbur Lumber company in this village during the past seven years, has resigned his position, and moved his family Freeport, 111. The price of butter on the Elgin board of trade is 26 cents per pound this week. Heimer Bros., have recently added greatly to the appearance of their place of business on the West Side by the ! addition of hew cement walks. The old warehouse which stands just north of the Peter B. Freund building, is being razed to th? ground this week. . Kl Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday; 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday hefare First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:16. « ' r . Christ the K Wonder Messes: Sundays: 9:00 and 11:00** S , Fi»t:' Friday: 7:00 * On First Friday, Communion distributed during 7:00 Mass, at 7:80 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Frid«y "©"ring: 6^0 to 7:00 Rlngwoad Chnrdk • ^ Ringweod, IB. Sunday--PubUc worship, 9 Ji. Chuteh> School: 10:80. _iChoir Rehaarsala--Wednesday Rav. George Marshall, pastor My Lake Me Cfcvch B . Naoaeetariaa ^ IMPOIAR MI VIM: 11H)0 i, NU ERTRY • second and fourth Sunday. Rev. Wilkinson, paster. Order your rubber stamps at The namdealer. :>* v*-W. * . *>* i • ' 9 \ - DR.IHENRY FREUND '; * h-1 v OPTOMETRIST Main St, West MoHeery Steffan's Jewelry 8tore ' (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Rr«s Examinad -- Glssats Fitted . >/ ^ Ylsea! Trafadag -- Tisnal BdiiMHiHis -•...v.; "U ^ - Com#eta Timet Analyefti Hoera Daily: f te IS and t te 5--Saturday f te 8-JO pM. PHONE McBBKRY 4SS u % i&i v . . • ' - A FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY f LBfams, Oohunas, Angles Basement Sash of all Sisei t We $pedaliie In Ornamental Iron SalUag* 1*. To Ordet. ^ 4'.t P. O. Address: Rt. 3, Box 514 Two Miles South of McHenry WORKS McHenry, ia BL State Route 31 RILED HXiCity 'SuUdtHd TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Chas. W. Gibbs, local manager of the - Farmers' Co-operative association, had the right hind wheel of1 his Ford roadster smashed wh«n his car was struck by a passing BRSCX on Green street last Saturday afterj noon. ] The two days' festival, *p spon- I sored by the parishioners of St. Patrick's church in this village, last I "jinday and Monday, proved a i financial as well as Social success. ' TVi®" cWrfd $3,500. The McHenry ice cream factory on account of the >rre»t demand for its woduet, sws forced to ooerate dur-f" inr tbe en^irie night Sunday. The Julius Keg dredging outfit A U C T I O N Auctioneer Due to poor health the under# signed will sell at public auction oi| his farm located on Route 31 al Ringwood, illinois.on |. SUNDAY. SEPT. 18 starting at 12 o'clock 'sharp the following: * 86 HEAD OF UVESTOCK 1 Holstein-Guernsey 1st calf heifer, due to freshen with 2nd calf, February 20th; 8 Guernsey heifers, 14 mos. old; 1 Holstein heifer, 9 mos old; 1 Helstein heifer, 6 mos. old. 20 feeder pigs, average 180 lbs. 200 mixad nana, 1 yr. old; 75 pullets (Austra Whitaa) started to lay; 60 Muscovy dudes. MACHINERY-- New Idea manure spreader; three section drag; two wheel rubber tire trailer; hog oiler; 2 electric batteries; starter and finisher (500 chick capacity each); Wire stretcher; corn shelter; electric brooder stove (600 chick capacity); woven wire; 2 steel wheelbarrows; wash tank; large quantity of chicken feeders and watextrs; 8 electric water heaters; 6 six-foot chicken feeders; chicken nests; egg cases; chicken crates; water tank with stand (85 gal.); hog crate; brooder house (double walls, double floor, insulated 12x16); new electric water heater, 10 gal. capacity; 86 pieces lumber 6x6 4 ft. long; 6 pieces lumber, 6x8, 12 ft. long. HOUSEHOLD and other articles-- Electric refrigerator with new motor; porcelain lined ice box; coca cola ice cooler; desk with swivel chair; dining room table; library table; 2 kitchen tables, one wood top, one porcelain top; 8x10 rug; quantity of B-X wire; miscellaneous electrical supplied 3 ash tray stands; tire changer; vise; 2 hand tool grinders; small quantity of paint; 20 new v-fan belts (assorted) 8 oil quart Jar dispensers with steel wire racks; 9 new batteryi cables (asst); 8 lengths new radiator hose; about 125 feet rubber hose; wash bowl sink; beer cooler; large quantity of wine, bear * whiskey glasses; large quantity of dishes, Jars add jugs; 6 reataurant or tavern tables; 2 vacuum cleaners; water heater (oil); 2 antique silver urns; quantity of chairs;, laWn mower; refrigerating compressor. TERMS--All sums of 826 and under that amount, cash, ovar that amount a credit of six months, at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Those desiring credit kindly makewith the clerk before sale. MARTIN RZECZKOWSKI McHenry State Beak, Clerking ft moot INTERIORS • M*rm« SABMS «a a Covirtd with WNthtr-fight a««JIM • Here's the modem way to«baiki cvtry are factory fabricated and smtocsicd for loads. Let us tdl M1COSIU CO*MICnON you the many uses, and speedy Boiger's Drug Store --ALEXANDER LUMBER CO* Orson St PHONE McHENRY 5 WEST MoHENRT, EUL. McHENRY LOCAL 48 RETAIL uQUOR DEALERS PROTECTIVE OF ILLINOIS Invites Ton To Attend Its MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 6 P < • - DAN DANIELS LAKE SHORE CLUB Lily Lake TON GALORE! MUSIC! GAMES! PRIZES! Vfed. Tut 8c *

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