Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1947, p. 3

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Tr*ai •ii >iiii »n -.* |f*S» T:-W,^ f ,£V -Happy the bride the *un shines •pon," is an old adage and I hope a true one. Anyway, the sun shone benignly on Saturday, Sept. 20, for the wedding- of Dolores Murphy which took place at the McHenry Methodist church at 4:30 p. m. Dolores, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murpjiy, of Shore Hills was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Kunkel, "son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunkd of Bellwood, 111. Her. Wayne Price officiated at the double-ring: ceremony. (Flickering candlelight at the altar and fivefoot baskets of white gladioi made a suitable background for a particularly beautiful bride, who was .given in marriage by Iter father. Her wedding gown was of white marquisette, made with a long train, a tight bodice, bishop sleeves and a square lace-trimmed neckline. Her fingertip veil, also lace trimmed, was held in place by a headdress studded with seed pearls. Her only jewelry was a quaint old locket, heavily engraved, | which, was an heirloom and which i contained pictures of her dad when he was young. Her bouquet was of • white gladioli. , Mrs. Alice Burr of McHenry at the organ, provided background mu- ' sir, played the processional and served as accompanist for Loilann ' Howorka, who sang, "Because" and "I Love You Truly ."just before the ceremony. i Lucille Nickcl of West McHenry served as maid cf honor; Marjorie Ripley of Maywoad served as bridesmaid, and 10-year-old Joy Stuedmann, niece of the bride, was junior 1 bridesmaid. All three were clad in :v'J V*;-?V r WnotMX GASSERVICI SUPERIOR BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Magic Chef Ranges Servel Ou Refrigerators Water Heaters . TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES LeROYJC SMITH Phone 499-W *pt- 9 - 419 Main St. McHenry A 'f*\ . . skirts. MttHdUng gloves and carried salmon gladioli. The bride's mother WOM » dressmaker suit of black twiuTtnd her and drew » tie „ to e iiis wae the Ihst football macak* ever played, in Woodstock, natter lights. Donaki GrilU son of Mr. wad Mrs. Ai^m GmnMid ;<j Precision Cut Work Clothes Men's Blue Denim Work Suits Husky Rod Hammoo wocti stay t^e.wuMr They've got sevea hswJf •> pocketa, nveted with U-amtrng fcoake h$ cow mw Work Gloves Reg Priot $1.99 ' Special $1.09* , • ^ y:yr. ^ FLANNEL GLOVES- ^ Special 36c lijjrL: Extra Special- 'rni'i ; Brand Neir Official B-15 BOMBER JACKET $85.00 Value Special $15.95 Alpaca Lined, Mouton Lamb Collar; Elastic Bottom and Cuffs; 2 Roomy Slash Pockets . Sixes 34 to 42 accessories wcte also Mack. She) Grill of WickHat ftw, played wore a corsage of white gladioli ' P**"1 *» the line. Those attending The groom's mother chose dull blue ^ .i*™* P1 as 'vool for the occasion, and with it j J10™* Mefcaid Richards «f she wore a black-off-the face hat lookout Point, a number of the and her corsage was of the salmon! junior varsity reserve crew, didn't colored gladioli. | get to play. Rkhaxd a graduate of Roy Stuedmmnn of Chicago served j > nOW * "°ph°raore at as an usher and Norman Knnkel,' * " " . . . , „ - . brother of the groom, was best man. ,McHwiry High plfcyed Grant High The bride, a graduate of McHenry j - VSr® *5? °fl *Tid»y and won high school with the class of 1946, 13 to «• T*™ •Wond?!LLake *!??* ar< has been a resident of Wonder Lake j probers of thevarsi^jr at McHenry for about six years. Since- her i J?1*' ®?y •*«!£» Noren and graduation, she has been employed I Heftry Cross. Skip played the in the Woodstock office of the Illi- i ent,p« S*"® *»>d "Hank got in durtiois Bell T( company. Re-i ™ quarter. c-i-ntly she applied for a tran ;*er U I When the cheerleaders were chosen the May wood sff'.'r, which w'l be' for McHenry High, two .Wonder near her new home in Belhrwd. ; Lake girl* were vgted in by their The groom, a graduate of Proviso le"?w students. Iftiey are Joann high school of Maywood, the class of Andreen and Janet VonKanegan. As 1943, is a navy veteran and served! °J}}Y . our chosen each season,, three years in the South Pacific. He!"118 ,s * much T f.oufht honor among is now employed by tht International;4, students. Joa^y Andreen is the Harvester Oonipsmy. i o*, Mr* &nd Mrs. R. Wannrfldef Directiy «ftcr the ceremony a buf*1 w^iom she makes her home infet supper for 100 was ferved the! Spring Woods, and Janet is h~ r.o of the » hdc s parents ; , ! the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walter Pels, chef of the "400" who1 VonKanegan of Wickline Bay, served as caterer. A three-tiered i wedding cake, trimmed in pihk andt It will be lonely awhile in the white, and topped by a miniature i home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vonbride and friootn, centered the serv-1 B amp us. Mrs. Gertrude Caley and lhg ittol. . ; v: , j her daughtef, V^taja, mother and landscaping of MHowaw island aad a regatta to be held next soauner. Sailboat races will be held each Sanday next summer when weather conditions are favorable. If enough contestants in each of several out* board motor classifications are present these races will also be held frequetntiy. Next Sunday, Sept. 28, is tion day in the Sunday school at the Gospel Center (and don't forget, that we will be back to good old central standard tune.) On Sunday4 October 5, the annual Sunday school rally will combine with the molar morning service on this occasion and will start at 10:30 o'clock. An unusual program will ha presented and time will be souveniers to all attending. The alterations in the basement of the chapel is progressing very nicely as willing hands are offering service. Another reminder of the Confirmation class, wMch will begin Its Bible studies next Saturday. September 27, at 10 a. m. This class V open to all young folks, ages 12 to 16. . Ught Sleepers Norses' Pay Women sleep more lightly and Forerunner of the modem U. & areun more often than men accord- medical department was the army ing to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. hospital department authorized for Green Skin Little green men do not exist solely in nightmares. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the completions of the Punans, natives of Borneo, have a greenish hue because they never expose themslvea to direct sunlight, but live perpetually in the half-light of the forest. the continental army in 1775. "Each regiment," said the order, "•hall be equipped with one hospital . . . there shall be a matron with every 100 sick or wounded, to supervise nurses, bedding and so forth, and 1 nurse for every 10 sick or wounded. Matrons will receive 50 cents per day, nurses twenty-four ninei tieths of a dollar." Read the Want Ads Order your rubber stanvp£ at Tto Plaindealer. TO THE'MEMBERS OF THE MUENRY ASSOCIATION In "April of this year, just five months ago> an enthusiastic group of over fifty business and professional men met to organize an association Which was to promote civic welfare, Cleaalag Pan K food should burn in a pan, dont . scrape it off with a metal ihfthi- formulate and regulate certain business practices for the com- The younpr folks; >.ivi .• n n tc Det; Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeVries of Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Jr>hn J. Hotfner and family. The hom<> if now Ltinjr winterised and the Hoefners plan to some day make this their year-round residence. I,i now on a'SI8ter « Mrs. VottAimpus, left this had th t.M -h' we*k 'or their home in Seattle, after " having spent |he summer here. Virgmia has been employed in the of-' of Roland McCannon, count* superintendant of schools. She wiU again take up her studies at the University of Washington. The Doe Club of Woodstock met on Mondsy night with lour Wonder Lake women as hostesses. They ware Betty Pavlik, Florence Dean, Elty Little Miss Janna Stephev had her tonnsaiillss out at the Woodstock hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Joe" Hrrse* are again residents of .Wonder Cen- i™*1* • * "»™nce. « tor. "Old Timers" will remember thel V,oU>*nd Mar*uer,te A«»eL Ifansens as residents of this district iVom 1985 to 1940 when they sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Prendergast who still occupy it. Recently the Hansens purchased) T „ . .. A ^ •. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas * fatlS?k *l the Holland, who plan to return to Chi-, f ™? • Waukegan, cago. The new Hansen residence islwh«"> he l* u"«r °Wrvation. located rn North Drive, east of Lake!. ^°Vliny 5 ,on Monday Shore, in Wondei Center. Mr, Han- ^ take up the study^of law at Loysen is ono of the original members i . university in Chicago. He w|lt< of the Wonder Center Property ™"ke b1" b®11?6 f»r A * Owners Association The Hansens hisjfreat-uncle, Stephen G. Mathew* WF ment but, irstead, flB the pea with water to which a littw vinegar has been added, and boil for a few minutes. It will then clean easily In warn sudsy water. If pots and pans ari' thoroughly cleaned with hot soapy water aftsc each use, they will seldom need hard scrubbing. Itymhols of wadding anniversaries include 1st, paper; 2nd, (bttoo; Ird, leather; 4th, books; 5th, wooden; •th, iron; 7th,' copper; tth, eleetrical appliances; 9th, pottery; 10th, tin; 11th, steel; 12th, silk or linen; 13th, lace; 14th, ivory; 15th, crystal; 20th, china; 25th, silver; 30th, pearl; 35th, coral or Jade; 40th, ruby; 45th, sapphire; 50th, gold; 85th, emerald: 60th and 75th, both diamond. 4 ADVANTAOKS own a big English bulldog, "Boots" of city. v. hom they hope will not scare anyone. He only looks ugly! H..*; v I !tf <ay to little Jol-nrtc Sirtat-k. who \vw«: seven years o'd on 3ept. 21. and had twenty-two little Itys *nd girls ir. to help him celebrate the- occasion. I hear that they had hamburgers and, if the little folks were as empty as they usually are, I wonoer how many poundi cf hamburger it took to fill them up! Thev tell me Johnnie is wheeling ( around a big "Sliver King" bicycle1 SO™'"* »8 ^Uoin: Don that was a birthdav prewnt. , G. Coumbe of Wonder Center, commodore; Peter I. Georgeson of Won- Congratulaton.s Jerry iad Frank Center, vice commodore and Weidemann. who celebrated their first fh^nnan of the^ racing committee; anniversary at the Mill Inn on Saturday night. We hear that there was a lot of fun and lots of friends ware there to share in the celebration. • At the annual dinner meeting of the Wonder Lake Yacht club, J«eld Saturday evening. Sept. 13th, at the IRolaine GrilU the 1947 "Sailing Championship" trophy was presented to Hal Georgeson of Wonder Center, skipper of the "Heather Bell." The 1947 "Fastest Sailboat" trophy was awarded to John Georgeson of Indian Ridge, skipper of the "Admiral Scott." Officers arhich were elected for the BULB FIKDINO Andy Kuns of Deep Spring Woods, rear commodore; and Robert Ploog of Wonder Center, secretary-treasurer. The commodore appointed as chairman of the entertainment comm it tee. Tom CBrien of Deep Spring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keevii of' Wood8- *nd. « „of M th#, Lookout Point are parents of a »"ng committee. Roy /Skip Noren | daughter, born Sept. 20, in thej »"<* H£nk t Scislowics, both ef Woodstock hospital. This is their. Wonder Center. fiecond child. I At the business meeting which . • i followed, .plans for the coming sea- The Blue and White Varsity erew1 son were discussed. Including the FAI^IKXp ^Cotton Flannel Shirts- RICH SPOK.TY PLAIDS Men's Sixes 14*/, to 17 Boys' Sues, ages 6 to 16 ......... 12.29 $1-98 V 1USCED LDISD SWEAT SHIRTS Enjoy Comfort and Fit Men's Sixes 38 to 46 .$1.98 Boys' Sixes, ages 10\© 16 $1.79 Men's Goodyear Welt Work Shoes iy tieatmi work ihow MM harvard Mid. AC 9W nnra)r mil George CaDstte, Owner . AatfMriasd Daalsr Phone McHMtfy ~ - S21 «Ua Street / West McHenry CLEANING PRICES Green Street, McHenry SUIT OE DRESS Ci«h and Carry StJIT OR DRESS" Drfivwed $1.00 v" garmente prioed in, proportion EFFECTIVE OCT. 1, 1947 PHONE20 /' Ifce CiipliH Xaa» food rpOR MOOR, BKTTO, . MOtIBIAUTMFUIOIOOMS JOIN X VYCITAL HDWL Pboao M-li McHeary mon good, and generally make the city of McHenry a better place in which to work and live. In bnt one month the membership drive had given this association a total~of over eightyfive active participants. It is sad to relate that the interest and sfelf-sacrifico the overwhelming majority of the membership is of such a nature as to be practically non-existant. Meetings were to be held on the first Wednesday of each.and every month; this would mean one or two hours each month would be devoted to the betterment of living and business conditions in the area. Evidently the time is too precious to give--the pursuit of happiness or the dollar is too consuming to allow even two hours a month to be spent in making both a little nicer or easier to attain. The last three monthly meetings have not had an attendance in excess of twelve, not near enough to give a quorum. ^ w The Association has been asked to act in dealing up the parking problem--obtaining better commuter service--working out comprehensive store hour plan? for summer and winter--- curbing juvenile delinquency--discussing and reaching a conclusion on the hospital question--to submit recotnmcndatibns- on a municipal zoning ordinance--and many other problems of a truly beneficial and necessary nature. Of course, in view of the tremendously pressing problems which must be present, most of the members just can't set up a two-hour period once a month in their schedule to help in the solution or organization of the above program. Evidently Civic Duty comes far down on the list of Things To Do. Thene will be a meeting of the Association next Wednesday, October first, at the American legion Hall, eight o'clock in the evening. This, so far as the present • officers are concerned, is the last attempt. If no further interest is shown, we will terminate the activities as of that night. The treasury will probably be donated to some deserving subdivision road project and all will be peaceful again. No twinges of conscience on those Wednesday nights--no fear of being put on a committee to aid in curbing juvenile delinquency or make possible a larger year round population by virtue of better train schedules--Me Henry's Civic Spirit will be again laid to re*t with but few mourners. It is distinctly up to you giembers--either you appreciate tlie life the community givee yon enough to work for the community--or you don't. f • ^ JOHN E. IiOOZE, President. MCHENRY BUSINESSMAN'S ASSOCIATION NEW PRICE pf: McHenry Barber and Johnsburg ft*-; HAIRCUT SHAVE Tomcs;_ SHAMPOO MASSAGE 1.00 I; Children. 11 yean of age or ander, haircuts, 79$, except Saturday or days before holidays, $1.00. , . IRVEN SCHMITT Green St. U HIKE DAILEY, West McHenfjr. Tfl. HURDLER Riverside Mm, FR^LNE; ADLER, Johnsburg. • ' \ * * :"•?*' ' It's great lo BIG-CAR QUALITY | :s; particularly when you ride a|* - LOWEST COSTl 3 ' ' v •: r?7< ilif •KcmptamCki* flMoiirfMflMhprioid cars. Ift a UiMmI My by IUmt, wMi No Draft Ciafcrt fiahrai. • • • yov^N plufy of octfoi^ f^osi y^n h Hwmd TWW Uaatmr ftigtu. wSk At h«f«< enflfaf raoov^ ol paiinMMi of awy MIQMNW iMlalay. Settle h«ck* MtHe M* fmrammr OninMT" i Far year ewe flhoaslee • • | «• Ml yea tin'i of' ' eOiar car im Majn kStatrMa* waaoalhh4,.,^.v sd tftaa^Syf sa tafatyw*^ Wwfthwuems. DM Kiwa-AUlaa »»cl»lh« to Cfcewlet am4 . Wglw-prteed can. Yes, indeed, you'll enjoy ewfjH^, thing, including economy, wh«| you set forth Ii one of lhei|_, bigger-looking, better-looking Chevrolets for 1947. It offers you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST--big satisfaction at big savings--<7 in all itemsof purchase prica,0peration and upkeep WHk «N lh (Mb for Mm my*--for IK* pwtii--mm, i#wn, me iwnny fm. Ir aanI p_Ai_' --Oxwoltt di> prow' oM-rowndl iiippty for pam»»w-Wi>if stool aoartMdiaa -- Kooo AcHoo We--N*'51 Nvo^Acttaa My for ¥HMerf Dunng Sefytoavbepr and October Chevrolet dealers are molting a specici point of fall service to demonstrate the exceflence of homr service fodMties and qwoBty woriuwamhip. So .bring your car in soon and let us get 9 ready for the jbad weulhf days aheod. CHEVROLET PHON^ 277h.^ McHENRY, ILLINO t-f -;

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