CLASSIFIED SECTION HELP WAfcTED--Cloak room woman; evening work, five nights a week. Apply at Just For»Fun Roller Rink. Tel. McHenry 449. 20 NOTICE . Because of the great number of classified ads which appear in the Plaindealer each week, we have found it impossible to keep books on such small accounts. There* fore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper go** to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE--River front lot with two cement block houses; rented all year 'round; good incbrae; lot apfiroximately 50x275 feet; three blocks rom town of McHenry; $4,000 will handle. Tel. McHenry 903 or Richmond 4M- ... 201 HEL# WANTED -- WOMEN AND FOR SALE--Modern 4-room house GIRLS it) SEW. GOOD QPPOR* at Wonder Lake. Good roads and bus TUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTservice. Near lake. Two corner lots I ED IN THIS TYPE WORK* APand 2 other lots. Immediate pos-IPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO- M0 session. Year 'round house. Call Wonder Lake 241. C. F. PHch. *20 i FOR SALE -- Metal-covered deep freeze unit; inside dimensions, 5x3x3 ft.; suitable for large family, farm or store; good condition; used two seasons; original cost, $500; sell for $250. Lowe, 400 Waukegan Rd., McHenry. Phone 167. *20 FOR SALE FOR SALE--One 1946, 2-ton, Chevrolet C.O.E., with box and milk - _ route; good condition. Phone Mc- carpeted floors; , 20 ~ RIVERSIDE PHQNE 99. DRIVE, Mcl&BY. FOR RENf FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with or without bath; ideal. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 20-tf FOR SALE--Cold Cache Deep Freeze ii'"":' 750-lb. capacity; cost $550; wiU sell, Henry 145-W. for $300 cash. Wm. Staines. Phonej PnB n,. F k Mnm i« 607-R^. West McHenry, 111. *20 sFuOlaRte dS AyLeaEr '~rou nMd odcoerunn tr5y- roh°omm e,i n2? FOR RENt -- Beautiful 5-room apartment, nerwiy decorated; newly " heat furnished; garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. $8o month. Oak Park Hotel. Pistakee "Bay, McHenry. 20-tf FOR SALE--One rabbit hutch; 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, din- WANTED New Zeland white does, pedigreed, closed-in-porch. Lot _ ^ WTBn reasonable; gas stove, 2 years old, '.25x100 ft. Electric and city gas., WANTED _W good condition. ~ 137-W. „ 6 p. nave cash buyers Phone " McHem-v East river road, Fair Oaks subd.; for summer homes, city property and •201 Call McHenry 123-R from 8 -a. m. to farms. List your property with us, -- 6 m. ' *20-5 Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. FOR SALE--New Martin 40 motor; ~T~ ~|1. McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., outboard motor in box at discount. . V? 6-room house and seven Chicago, Pnone Lincoln 1333-1314 tf. TMe •l . M•* c•H« enry 3JK0A3A or Ric.h mond. 4.0.4.. ' ,IontKsi jtnn -1L . lHl iryfMmAoAoOr subdivision;° tyf AeOa !r• _ .... •20 round home, modern, reasonable, i WANTED--Watches and jewelry to Phone Crystal Lake 814. *20-2 j repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. . (Front part 15-cf TF*»? OR SAU! _ 4-wh«l F0te SALE_Etectric Sk^l sturdy boat trailer, capable of carry- , e size; two compiete bedroom1 - y Llsma cruisers or speed boats, £ one dinh) r00m' set. M ,ike $l«); w,n trade for lightweight car ^ew. Tel. McHenry 604-R-2 Friday FoPrerta2057 ^ ^ betwewen 11 a. .m and 2 p. m. 20' WANTED TO BUY *20: WANTED TO BUY -- Used Allis- FanriritiM Heavily OatHt InfostrfWltlk LI* Two types of lice attack cattle: One type has sudcipg mouth-parts and feed upon skih and suck the blood, injuring cattle by loss of blood, disturbed normal body temperaturaa, and skin irritations; the othe^ type with chewing mouthparts feed upon skin tissues which irritates the cattle and eventually qauses a nervous condition. Heavily, infested animals may even die, although the great financial losses to farmers and ranchers occur most often in reduction of flesh in full-grown animals and slow growth in calves. Mature animals on feed will not make normal gains in weight, eat poorly, and lose vitality. This unthrifty condition is best observed by their depressed attitude and mangy appearance of the coat and skin. Because of irritation, these cattle rub against any convenient obstacle and so lose theig skin in patches; develop chronic sores, and start bleeding wounds. Winter causes the most severe suffering to cattle. Generally, the St. Mary's jpathoHc Quvh Masses: Bunday; 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy D»ys: 6:00; 8:00: 10:00. Week Days: 6:46 and 8K)0. First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00, Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:0) p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. , St. Patrick's Catholic Charch Masses: Sunday 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:80 On First Friday, Communion distributed at (5:80, 7:00 and before and during tHe 7:80 Mass, Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. TH"-*day before First Friday-- 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 800 Hev. Vf m. A. O'Kourke. Pastor. RINGWOOD (ByJfrs. Georre Shenard) War Spars Rtvatt fnm Drsfc Cltttilaf «f Pttl • Feminine revolt fnm plain, aawe lines and colors fat apparel and home furnishings is strongly in evi- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy en-" 'Iwof. and it will have an important tertalned th^ 5"0 0 club at. their home influence upon forthcoming styles in Thursday evening. Prises wen awarded to Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, high, Mrs. Weldon Andreas end E. E. Whiting, low. clothing and home decoration. Daring the war thousands at. women were in overalls and in opfc Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison 'on?' 5"* #pent their leisure time left Thursday morning to visit their j** , rooms of barracks, hotels, son. Jim, and family at Waubeno, rooming houses, to say nothmg of Wis., and .their daughter, Mrs. Mil- colorfesa offices. This, says one styl- V! ford Smith and husband at Chetsk, Wis. 1st, has awakened a strong urge for clothes and surroundings which have depth and variety hi colbr and ornamentation. Frills may be etf. pected to! win wide appeal witfe numbers of lice increase slowly during the fall months,' but during 1 St. John's Lathotic Church, Johnsbarg the winter and spring seasons, the j Masses: FOR SALE--Circulating oil W,' Ml*- amOrtta,*** corabine- Tel Kound "g two 50-gal. oil drums, pipes and JIf0. s»2ce't»u condition, l'ke stands. CaU McHenry 567-M-l. *20 Price- *25- Phone McHenry 637-M-l. J WANTED TO BUY--Cylinder head *20t for Scripps 6-cylinder inboard motor, FOR SALE--Brand new Hi-StandarSl Fred Chase, Box 93, Ringwootf'or Safety Requirements. Tel. McHenry Oak Drive, Wonder Lake. *20 696-J-l. *20 Call Channel Lake Boat House. Tel Antioch 540-W-2. *19-2 FOR SALE - New Coronado gas ^OR SALE-One 1^37, IH-ton, short j nw? ri^r°rWrite range; botUe or natural gas, $149.50; wheelbase, Chevrolet truck; good ^ «VB" c«e PWnd^er 5?-S Coronado electric hot water heater, condition. Phone McHenry 146-W 'BOX ' care r , ^*ler- 6211 20 MISCELLANEOUS animals will become covered with lice and louse eggs. When warm and hot weather comes, the louse population will begin to • decline. DDT is the best insecticide to use for louse control; rotenone ranks second. Either material can be used as a apray, dip, or dusft. 8kiny Hemft Dropping hems usually is a simple task, but occasionally a home sewer will find the hem shiny from pressing. To combat this problem, clothing specialists of the department of agriculture recommend steam-pressing. If the fabric is a light-weight wool, the hem should be ripped and steamed-pressed on the wrong side. Ste*/n-pressing o$j the right side will probably be mora effective for thick wool. Any woolen 53-gal. $119.95. Gamble's, West Mc- Henry. 201 pqh SALtl--Dinette set, including, -- FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE table and four chairs; A-l condition; j FOR FULLER BRUSHES--See Al- gbric"whkh'"ha"* T^aiMd'MtterS TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- needs refinishinfr $10 Address Box hert Pepping,Sr., Route 1, McHenry. thp ^eavl «hm.M S nres^H nS SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. R> «re of Plaindealer. 20; Mops, hair brushes, our famous Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or PftR caif Yfot/xmi. ..if „j-„ I bristle comb, waxes and polishes. Al- ng side, however. To steamwrite Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl «ii ! s<> AU-Purpose Cleaner for fall clean Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 St., Tel. McHenry 18. Fit all make cars. _H McHenry. Gambles' West 20 FOR SALE-Oil tamer, IS-ln. fire CnT blW Sr f"™. C.: '"""V with fe™, Ed Young. ing. *20 press, cover the material with a dry wool press cloth and then with a cotton cloth dampened in warm Available' water. Use a warm iron. Press . Weekdays: 6:85 and 8:00 Fir^t'Friday: 6:35 and 8:00 Vy Confessions: ?:-:i Saturdays: 7:25 and 9:00 Thursday before First Friday-^*- - 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. St. Peter's Cathobc Charch, Spring Grorv <. Masses: kSunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11HW, Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:M» Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: {Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday-- . 2:30 and 7:16. Rev. John JL Daleiden, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. % block east of Hwy. 31 West McHenry, 111. Rev, F. C. Pudsell, Pastor U. S. GENERAL HAULING for general hauling and moving. Le-j by Setting and lifting the iron, takon ^ M tavern! on Call evenings after 5:30 p. m. or'Soy M-^S,mitk 419 Main St-' Mc" in* care not to slide U back and Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Last, Tel. 499-M.. _4 *20 forth. If the shine persists, it may tiT.t Mnrfntr Tel. McHenr? 37 h°use in "»* SL c^ur™' NURSERY STOCK-A comolete line | Sf """ of hihe or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 18-tf - .-i-- | of Nursery Stock is available for j ,, If. j brush or a rubber FOR SALE -- Novelty box (draft fa 11 PlantinK- Now the time to sponge--the kind used for suede ' luroit --j shoes. Steam-pressmg may also remedy acetate rayon which hag become shiny. FOR SALE--In Ringwood, 8-room beer refrigerator), capacity 2V> bar- p,ant evergreens and to order fruit house; furnace heat; 2-car garage; reis; joo feet coil- recently re-1 trees, shade trees and shrubs fot chicken house; large lot; on black- finished; like new; can be had. fti-ilater faI1 Panting. Get, our prices tw/°«7 ai C S* id1" f14150"- eluding refrigerating unit, cheap. I »"d ,see our stock before you buy. mce $7,750. Also, at Pistakee. 5- Phone McHenry 237-R. *20 ^estman Evergreen Nursery, % mile rooms and bath; two large lots;. ---- west on South St. Phone 232-R. 20-2 iinlv: price. S6,250. For appointment, call; FOR SALE--Used stoker, in first i Woodstock, 111. Jacob Fritz, Realtor, at Johnsburg.1 cla»s condition. C. R. Draper. Phone Tel. McHenry 37 or Chicago,! McHenry 613-J-2. »201 MOTOR REPAIR-- Electric motors Lincoln 1333. 18-tf--- (repaired, rewound, redesigned. Dis- ------ -- ' r OK SALE--Coronado deluxe elec- i tributors of Johnson Bronze and FOR SALE--McCullom Lake 6-room; *nc wasner with pump, $125.95; also [cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor furnished home; lake front, north "ew .P°,rta„le electric ironer, $44.95. j Serivec. 102 West Waukegan Road. More on Lake Shore Drive; modern, iGamble 8» West McHenry. 20 Phone 181. 20-tf Will rent for winter to rc^P0Ti".iblc i -- ^ - •-- •-- -- parties. Phone McHenry 276 J HELP WANTED ! CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Saturday nights and Sundav or -- !Work- J- M. Stangarone, Emerald Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 17-tf.; HELP WANTED--Man for general' Park, McHenry. Tel 686-M-2. *19-2 FOR SALE ^-- For immediate occu-' West McHenry. Phone McHenrv 5! GREASE pancy, new 4-room vear 'round home 20- t f . A P S l e a n e d , b u i l t , r e p a i r e d ; a one mile from McHenry. Tel. Mc-' : complete drainage service; modem Henry 227-J. 16-tf' WANTED -- Experienced or equipment; complete engineering. -- . inexperienced saleslady at Glad- Clogged sewer ? Have the electric SALE AT WONDER LAKE 'stone's Dept. Store. 20-tf i rod cut oat the obstruction. No dig- Ideal all-year country home. Ave n~„r a „--, , I ging, no lawn mess. Lake County rooms, large sun porch, automatic . WANTED -- Bookkeeper- Sanitary Co., Libertyville, IJF. Preaoil heat hardwood floors, canvased LypJst for general office work, ton WoodaH, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf walls, deep well, garage large lot KefeTences required. Phone Wonder; 1 .1 i _ '1 I .QlTO 991 Aw baa ' Sunday Worship Service--10:15. Sunday School and Bible Study-- 9 o'clock. Visitors and vacationists are heartily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance cards for their Home-church records ^"Community Chcrctt Church School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. . Ice Cream Stains cream contains milk or ehetrm, sugar, sometimes egg, and often cot oring. To remove an ice cream . rs«ta«iin , considmer* na ll these ingredients, i Midweek Prayer Service on Thurs Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) Services § Sunday Bible School--10:16 a.m. Morning Worship Service--11:00 Cool water wffl remove egg, sugar and often milk. The grease left by cream may be soonged out with m grease solvent. Therefore, the first step is sponging with cool watel and gentle rubbing; the second stegr --after the fabric dries--is spong* ing with a grease solvent and rub* bing. Lpst of all. wash with warm soapsuds and rinse thoroughly. If some color still remains, such as that from chocolate, try powdered pepsin wh)ch is sold' at drugstores. Peosin is a digestive Enzyme which day ffrenings at 8:00 p.m. A cordial Welcome is extended to all the people of the community to orebip with us. FRA softens many food sTarns so that i Confessions: NK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Ovist the King Mission ' Wmmder Lake Hssbcs: Stmdays: tf.HW and 11^0 First: Friday: 7:00 Oh1. First Friday, Communion distfrrbuted daring 7:00 Mass, at 7:30 and they will wash out easi-ry with water. In using pepsin, have the beautifully landscaped, natural fire-1 22* °r see Ivar Fredricksen, I FLOOR TILE--Asphalt and rubber fabric damp but free from soap and place. Price reasonable. For appoint- Kenend contractor. Wonder Lake., linoleum; sink tops.^Ray Trion, Wood- other alkali. Sprinkle thv peosin inent call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR i 20-tl i stock, 111. Phone Woodstock 699-M. r at Johnsburg. ^ or Chicago 1333. Phone McHenry 37 HELP WANTED-Boy to work in - tf grocery store. A&P Store, McHenry. WELLS *17-8 . , DRILLED OR DRIVEN LOTO FOR SALE--Lots. 50x350 ft., _ ' ' - *20 WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair on Route 31, about two block from HPI P wiK-rm" v. . . , 1 and install pumns. Bill Bacon, 20# depot. Inquire at 715 Center Main Street, titOenry. Telephone Tel. McHenry 278-J. <1°^enter 22-tf; eood pay. Antons9on'»9 Ca^ndies, ' ^806 i 93-J. 10-tf FOR SALE--Modern house f„r- Elm street' McHenry. nished; Venetian Minds; automatic HFJ P Wivnrn_v.«.i. WOR^--Gutters *nd furnaces reover the dampened stained cloth and l«t it stand for hair an hour. Then brush off and rinse the spot thoroughly. Order your rubber stamp# at The namdcslei." 20: SHEET METAL. -- AND FBTtNACH. j WORK--Gutters -and furnaces - ry 44-tf SC03BLL , , watfr heater; tile bath, built-in; necessary. Tel. McHenry 189. 19-tf1 gfio-R-i tap find shower; cabinet kitchen: - > K1' ^ear garage; asbestos shingles; full HELP WANTED -- Women are CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling^ *Uwrn windows: copper screens, changing to fall make-up. Earn, and repairs of all kinds. A. Leayrank RellS, Birch Drive. Phone substantially, serving established, gard. Phone McHenry 634-S-2. ^«nd<r 173. 5£-tf >customer demand Jbr Avon Products,, *v» ai ~ rii- ' ^__tlnc., M. Gease, Box 527, Elgin, III ' BOR SALE -- Registered Holstein' bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- v' tise, Ragapple and other leading1 *18-3 CALL ROBERT I KNOX--Phone- .... REPRESENTATIVE i o^a^ew^f, Wood lines at farmers' prices. Hick- Lifetime employment with the largest j brick siding, weather striping, or or* Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. i Catholic publication in America, ! combination screen and storm win- Tei. McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf THE EXTENSION MAGAZINE dows. Free estimates. Dorfat BVob. For Kane, McHenry and "Ke ndall Roofing Co. 43-tf A U C T I O N CBm. Leeward. Auctioneer, Phase 478 Because of ill health the- under-, signed wiTT sell at public auction on 1 ^ A ,. _ . , Hth tarm formerly known as the Er- 1W6 totaled" approximately $1,550, Saturdays: 7:00 to 8:60 p. m. - First Friday morning: 6:30 to 7:90 a, m;. ' • • i Btngweod Chwreh 4 Ringwood, IU. Sunday--Pttbtic worship, 940. Chumh- School: J0:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Rfcv. George Marshall, pastor Li* Lake BtMe Chwrch Nonaactarian Sunday. School: 19:00 a. m. Regular Service: 11:00 a. m. every second' and fourth Sunday. Rev. Wilkinson, pastor. Steel Payroll Payrolls- distributed to employees in iron and1 steefmaking {Hants in FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, counties. Established and protected starters, fuel pumps, distributors and, territory, support from your Bishop! SEPTIC TANKS AND f'KSS POOLS ignition parts for Ford and all other and local clergy, former represents- i cleaned. Fred Wells, 19 Ellsworth cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lily- tive transferred. i St., Crystal Lake, IH. rborie 543-M moor, Fred J. Svoboda. Prop. Tel. i Write or call J. H. Branch, District j or 710-M. 42tf McHenry 615-W-2 * • 10-tf Manager, 617 N. Second St., Mil- ~-- •••••'• mm rr~- -rt- - --" waukee, Wisconsin, Broadway 8074.j?»X FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- 19-2 --CLARK CBBVBOLltr SALBS^ ING MACHINES. Service on all I McHenry, III. Phono 277. H4f makes. Also ribbons for all makes; i HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. jwiper. Kill Woodstock. Phone 549. caitan paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.,: Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call, TYPEWRITE® SEKYICB-- " ' ~ -- 7-tf Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf tei* and addinar machmee repanred -- I and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon ^iiiHiHinrntirarinnttimntiuiinimtiimMniniiHiiimflntiiimnmmiiiiHniiiRiinniitiiiHimiinmimnHi i paper. Frank J. Inunekua, Jr., 108 Main St., MuHenry. Fkone McHenry 203-J. 5S-tf Mothproof rfearithg by us insured against mat|l ckunagp for six months ^ i • ; *. i Your clothes are too valuaUa to food to mofhs. AH QarmenU cleaned by us are mothproofed' wMi the U-SAN-O mothproof cleaning process that ropals moths. Forget your moth worries. Send your donning to w today! McHENRY CLEANERSb Helen Weber. Mgr 1 TeL 104-M GARBAGE COLLBCTDfG -- Let us nest Knaack farm located 3% miles south and west of Woodstock, I hi miles west of Franklinville, 1'% miles east of Marron's corners on the road known, as the Silliman Schoot Saad, mt TUESDAY, OCT. 7T Cbasatenemr at 1:00 o'clock noon, the frilowing described property, towit: Machinery Ford Ferguson tractor on> rahber with starter and lights, Ford Ferguson tractor plow. Ford Feguson tractor cultivator, Ford Ferguson 5 ft. v mower, Wood Bros, corn packer, amount pa^d out to employees power take off for tractor, Ford I any preceding peacetime year. It 000,000, declining only 5.8 per cent from the 1949 total, despite the fact that 1940 steel production was 17 per cent belOw the 1945 output. The decline iir payrolls, like the decline in production, was caused chiefly by the steelwonfterar strike and two coal miners' strikes in 1946. Despite the 18.5" cents per hour wage increase granted in February, 1946, hourly piecework and tonnage wage earners of the iron and steel industry received $1,210,000,000 during 1946, compared with $1,361,461,600 in 1945. The- total payroll of 1946, j however,, was fhr in excess of the tractor chains. All of the above machinery is only two years old. was 19' per cert greater titan the $1,301,347",W§ which went to employa- section drag, I ruober tired wa- TT r, * gons and shoveling boards, 8-ft. Mc-,than the 1^2,775.082 paid to emdispose of your garbage each week, Cormick Deering grain bimfer, John ploy®es- i* 1939. In 1929, only $841,- or oftener if desired. Rossonable Deere corn planter with fert. attach. | 253,000' waa paid out to employees, rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. 0. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 865. tf WHITEWASHING -- Barns', base^ ments and chicken houses; also spraying with Carbola DDT. Al PhanneoatiH. TeL 468-R. 410 Park St., McHenry. 4 51-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- gighiit cash Erices paid for - cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf Order your rubber stahros at The Plaindealer. FLOOR SANDING Refinishing, varnishing and wax ing new aikd old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. . Free estimate. Call McHenry . 497-R 253,000 and 80 rods of wire, spring tooth' drag, 8-ft., 7-ft. tractor diac, Inter-*- ' national manure spreader. I _ Slate Bird Iron wheel wagon and rack, shov-j« Tha cactus wren is the state bird elinj; board, platform scales, corn of Ariaona. sheller, gas barrels, set of work har-l --' ness, hojr feeders, oilers and troughs, j Cfcagrass Grows - 3 rolls of snow fence, chicken feeders | The house of representatives haa and waterers, also many articles tooj grown from 68 to 436 members numerous to mention. iince 1788, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11M senate, too, has grown from 26 to 96 members. Feed < 39% acres standing corn (good), 1 ton second cutting alfalfa hay, 100 bales straw. Some household goods including new Maytag washing machine. This farm is for sale and can be ^ tmm bought on day of sale if not sold c Phoem*, Is one of the few da Colorful Capitol The state capitol of Ailssna, ]»• prior to sale date. Anyon^ interested. PutlMc buildings in the country is welcome to inspect premises at iny | without a cornerstone. The capitol time. The improvements on the farm I Is situated in a beautifully landare as follows: 5 room bungalow, fur- < scaped 10-acre park with specimens nace heat and electricity; 2 chicken) of aative plants, trees andishJTUba. houses; hop house, milk house, new) ' i barn (small), 2 good wells, soil; j brown silt loam all under cultiva- Hybrid Tea Bases tion. Immediate possession. Terms The result of crossing the tea made known on dar of sale. rose abd the frost-hardy perpetual , .AU 8Unls of. %2hM hybrid tea rose combines the good 1t h a t a " l ° u"t c»sh; over ' Qualities of both. They are ever. : amount a crndit of six months at 6, unnt*r nm. per cent will be extended on notes Wooding and if Pjen wnter prcK ! approved by the clerk. Anyone desir- jtectlon ^here th® 18 ,m0r! tine credit kindly make arang^ments: severe, they are frost-hardy almost , before purchase is made. No proper-' anywhere in the United States. Of j ty to be removed until settled for. I the bush type, they are adaptable ' Fvnc IV arnm i n to beds and borders in whicK they | First National Bank oV wSSitock, | ^ 8paced about 28 toches rs a •; - - A??-;' " • ' . i _ . . - .. Mrs. Jessie y^alsh of Grayslake visited her sister, Mrs. E. E. Whiting, Wednesday and Thursday. They Ira%.wm called on friends in Woodstock on | Wednesday afternoon. ! „ ^ Mrs. Betts returned home Sunday Lf**? ^ men moving sw# from Thompson, Iowa« where sheiseverity in thefr was called by the illness of her ciothing. During the ^ar years father. He is much improved. (mens trousers were cuffless, and Mrs. George Shepard spent Wed- mapy suits were without vests. The nesday with Mrs. Clara Foster at variety of colors and patterns in Richmond and attended the Mecklen- neckties was limited, and few men burp-Munak wedding at the Com- had an ample supply of shirts. Now mMrlyivTnUH • * n * 41184 the 'nakew of men's clothing r n t ' S»£5rnas ,£««».«* Mrs. Lena Peet. : v - Mr. and Mrs. Frank -.Collins of) ' y' Wilmette spent Thursday with their; . parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Airv Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent! Planted for their state'v 'orm and Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home • soft texture, and for th»« delicate 4t- »t Huntley. • . ^ feet of the new growth early in , M.r.- am* Mrs. Harold Wiednch and spring, larches offer an airy beauty family of Caledonia *pent Sunday to the home landscape. The larch Wiidriih PSr ' • and MrS- Fred -common name for larix-holds a . Mrs. George Shepard snent ^ridav *™nf COnife w r» with her daughter. Mrs. Alan AingeV L" deciduous. Among the and family at Hebron. hardiest of trees, larches will do The McHenry County Rural Youth we" in almpst any soil or location.* attended the ballgame at Wrigley However, they prefer a moderately Field, Sunday. | moist loam soil. Species are grown ; The Ringwood Home' Bureau will! 'rom seeds sown in fall or spring meet with Mrs. Palmer at Wickline- ">d growth is very rapid, especially Bav at Wonder Lake Tuesday, Oct. 7. j in young seedlings. Development is Mrs. Wayne Harrison of McHenry i poor, however, when they are overspent Sunday with lier daughter,! shadowed by taller growth they do M Y w ea«?n,J and. family- ! not like too much shade. They do not Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and. object to exposure or cold providing narerrt* ^ Alwnnmil ° T»,W 1 8041 conditions are right. They usu. Elein visitor^ Raturdiivr* "'"l -» » Chrls«m«-tre. ,h,pe. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and ,on6 ^"ight branGhes and familv snent Sunday with her - short needles tufted like a pine. The mother, Mrs. Hunter, at HartlandJ American larch (tamarack or hack- The Home Circle will meet withmatack) is native to eastern North Mrs. iLester. Carr on Thursday,' American from Newfoundland and Oct. 9. - Laborador to Pennsylvania. Mr- and Mrs. Roland McCannon Order your rubber stamps at Plaindealer. and family were Sunday dinner quests of her mother, Mrs. Rose Tepson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkifigton and familv of Libertyvlle were Sunday supper guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and son, Herbert, of Blue Island spent the weekend in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. • and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and daughter visited her sister in Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Christy and Mrs. Luella Stephenson took Patricia Cristy back to Madison, where she is attending College, Sunday. Calvin Mohr returned home Friday night from a two weeks visit at New York City and Rochester, New York. Sunday guests in the 'Beatty-Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and son, Herbert of Blue- Island, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dalke of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. G16ri Jackson and family Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family of Ringwood. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. f^Sr.. and daughter,. 'Mae were visitors: at Crvstal Lake. Friday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Weber of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline, and her son, Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and son, Herbert of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family, Mrs. Viola Low and son Robert and M rs. Emma Beatty attended a party in the Elmer Olson home near Ricirmend, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a pot-luck supper at Woodstock Saturday evening of School District No. 10. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek of Ridgefield spent Thursday evening in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. BMler. Elmer Hopper spent Sunday in the Arthur Peet home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley and' Mr. and Mrs. Bendix of Chicago and Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Rose Jepscn spent Monday afternoon in the home of her son, Harold, at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene MadiSun of Portland;. Ore. spent Tuesday fit the John Blaxrttman home. Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned home j Sunday ftotn a two weekfS visit with her daughter and husband In Elgin. Mr. aw Mrs. Lyie Hopper and daughters. Dorothy Ann and! Eleanor Jane of -Chicago'spent SumtOy evening with her parents, Mr:, and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. John Blackman spent Thursday with Elizabeth and Ray Webb at Antrocb. Mr: and Mrs. Louis Abend roth of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and s o n D i c k , o f C h i c a g o s p e n t S u n d a y » » » » » *. » ^ ^ ^ afternoon in the S. W. Smith hoeae. You can better yourself -- make aew friends -- enjoy inures ting «tivities is P. W. JOIN jday: "America's Overseas Veterans... UuiUtt' Fox Kim Post, No. 4600 iiaiafliiiuitusuHHitrautiiiiuiiniiuiuNuuiHiiMraimJ The Tetcnms «f Foreign Wara of this community have p iirchased fifteen beautiful acres of land to. be developed complete with dnh 8and in your application for membership now. Kasia ^ Addfetoa CSp abate c--p-- and send FRANK lAFtf, Quartermaster, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Peat No. 4660. McHenry, 11L FERTILIZER ^ Wo vffi hftvi tow phosphate anilaUo far October delivay* This material ia fiaelj grtyimd, Florida rock jdiospfaate, averaging 32 per oent jtbosphoric add. We are now equipped to teet jour soil for iti •wrions fertilizer needs. Gall or write now to secure jour McHENRY MILLS Weit McHenry ' TeL 92-E <4- #. i