Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 6

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m " 1 «r..^. / - ' ** *> *.** 3?£F V"" ^ * spring U McHe NOmCB BKWM of At |M»I BUtbtr <*F classified ads which ttitt in th« Plaindealer each week, we h*« fo«nd it impossible to keep books on inch small accounts. Therefore, in the only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper roes to pross at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE--Metal bed, mattress, good as new. Call 223-M.- FOR SALE--New 6-cu. ft. deluxe Frigidaire at ceiling price. Antonson's Candies, 306 W. Elm St Phone 235-M. 21 if 4e*w*vv AirUltila i, 'riyht^ift1 C<n>t W' many other landntssss AVAILABLE PART OR FUU< TIME--A man with mora than thirty years experience in accounting, bookkeeping, cost work, tax reports, insurance, pay roll, general office work, buying and selling merchandise. My services can be had reasonable. If in c> need of help drop me a card and I Shall be glaa to call. H. J. HANSEN, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, III., Rt. 1. (We just OF THANKS Niedert, In tSSPfliinner we wish to e*- | Thenn press 00*^thanks to friends and *2l neighbors for floral offering!, spiritual bouquet* and the many other < kindnesses offered during the illness j and at the time of the death of Miss ! ANNA PREtTND, BROTHERS AND BISTERS. w FOR SALE §X)R SALE--Antique lamp, stag ttern, price $20.00.. Phone McHenry 7-R. *21 FOR SALE--One large electric Sears I Cold Spot refrigerator, like new; one dining room set, genuirfe walnut, table, server, glass cabinet, nine chairs, nothing finer; one iron and glass table top dinette, seats four, moved here.and have no phone yet.) Call McHenry 604-R-2 after / 11, * *21 o'clock a.m. 21 +- - ---- i WANTED--Light cleaning work. 601 FOR SALE--Four-room house and South Green St., McHenry. 21 bath; garage; full basement; oil furnace; double lot. Frank Hay. WANTED--Plowing and woodsawing About one mile S. E. McHenry. See work. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond j name on mail box. Across from Rd., McHenry. Phone 241.' *21-4 E. R. Sutton's, on East River Road. ~7. .T___ ™ --; ~ •21 WANTED -- Three or four unfur- > -- nished 'rooms by single middle-aged FOR SALE---Davenport (ashes of lady, in or near towiu Must vacate • -• •r- -----« -«-- wiHitn aa m Braumng, R-3, •21 CARD OF THANKS >: In this manlier we wish to express * « -» .our sincere thanks to frfpnds and Josephine Freund. We are also neighbors for floral offerings, greatful ffer the services of Rev. spiritual bouquets, donations of ears many expressions of sympathy wmo greaUy appreciated. WIMnf WmB Jacksonville, Fla., is the westerly port on the Atlantic ocean. EDWARD PREUND. *21 Order your rubber spawns .<& The Ptsindealer. MM* Ml Plcacho peak. Ideated in em AzJaooa, is the rite where the onfe^batiie of the Civil war fought in Arizona. f, roses) pre-war springs; Sfmrnonsbaby '599^Mclfe n TOR SALE--Modern, 4-room, year 'round houSe at Wonder Lake; good Lake l.asoads; bus service; near lake. Immediate possesion. Price $6,500. C. Pilch. Phone Wonder Lake 241. 21 bed; two galvanised tubs; ping pong table. Mrs. Albert Ketel, Tel. ,W enry. 446. _ __ FOR SALE--Dirting ri onder *21 room table and six chairs. Call after 6 o'clock, 601 S. Green St., McHenry. 21 y&0. r t for SALE--Five-room year 'round home, fully insulated; completely furnished; electric range and electric refrigerator; electric water heater; automatic oil heat. West side Wonder Jkqke. Possesion, Nov. IS, Phone Mcjjenry 486. Koehr. 21-tf FOR SALE -- Lake front 6-room bouse, at McCullora La1&. Partly furnished. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 276-J. Sat. nights and Sundays. Riverside 3743 week WANTED -- W? have cash buyers for summer homes, city property and farms. List your property with us,. Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt.: I, McHenry or* 2005 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-1364 tf. WtNTEDr--Watches Anthony days. 2rk and jewelry to rep«ir. Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of J&aire Becuty Shoppe.) 15-tf :|FOR SALE--immediate delivery on M. E. Rotary Tillers for garden and farm use. Paetz & Son, Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 10. Call for free' demonstration on your soil. 21-tf FOR-SALE--About ten acres corn. Ih field. M. Gladstone, McHenry. inquire at store, Green street. 21 fOR SALfe--Country horn e. on 2\'t beautifully landscaped acres; apple , cherry and pear trees; 4 blocks to1 C. & N. W. station; 6%-room, all ihodem home; oil heat; new Hot-' point 86-gal. hot water heater and •fferge' water softener; full basement; completely rock wool insulated; 2-car rrage. Occupancv Nov. 16th. L. Drake. Call McHenry 687-W-2. *21 FOR SALE--Will hold sale of furniture and houshold goods on Sunday, Oct. 12, commencing at 2 p.m., at Mathieu residence, Johnsburg, R-3, • Box 86. *21 sedan, 1938, mg FOR SALE -- Modern 5-room insulated year 'round country home, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room and closed-in-porch. Lot 125x100 ft. Electric and city gas. East river road, Fair Oaks subd. Call McHenry 123-R from 8 a., m. to Elgin, 1.1. 6 p. m. *20-5 FOR SALE--6-room house and seven lots in Lilymoor subdivision; yearround home, mddern, . reasonable, i Phone Crystal Lake 814. *20-2 j HELP WANTED" j HELP -WANTED--Experiences att- 'round machinist, steady work. In McHenry. Write Box ' Z", r/r Plaindeafer. 4 RUG CLEANING -- Modern professional rug shampooing in your home or in our plant. $4.32 cleans a 9x12. If interested, phone McHenry 76-W after 4 p. m. and our representative will call for your rugs the follow- Monday. Riley Rug Cleaners* *211 PIANO TUNING--C. J. H. DIEHL, McHenry county piano tuner, 526 Washington St., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 208-W. *21-4 MISCELLANEOUS CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. CEMENT MIXER for hire by the day. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park, McHenry. Tel. 686-M-2. 21-2 *31 HELP WANTED GIRLS AND WOMENl Several positions available at once for suitable workers in packing department of one of America's largest photo grahpic chemical suppliers. FOR SALE--Packard Group work. Ince_ ntive system. Va- Model 120. Lboks and runs almost cation, sick leave and grou conr1'^-- " -- ilren JMcHenry 171 or 84-W. n ^ . , 1 riv» »v atuw insurance hkc new. Perfect condition through- nlan. Phone or visit The Edwal out. always well taken care of. Phone *21 Laboratories, Inc., Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 5. 21 FOR SALE -- New Coronado gas xange; bottle or natural gas, $149.50; Coronado electric hot water heater, SS-gal. $129.95. Gamble's, West McHenry. 21 FOR SALE -- JOHiNS-MANVILLE 2YPE A ROCK WOOL HOME INULATION. Guaranteed not to settle.: Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or •rite Leo J. Stilling, 200- E. Pearl St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf , ! business HELP WANTED--Men to work in production and maintenance departments of the Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, 111. Phone Richmond 5. 21 HELP WANTED--Boy wanted for full time work in grocery More. A&P Store, McHenry, 111. 21 HELP" WANTED--Man to help with' • _ „ - „ well work. Tel. McHenry 93-J or Westman Evergreen Nursery, M mi -- -- a--*1. St. Phone 0,01 1 for general hauling and moving. Le- 5 i Roy M. Smith. 419 Main St., Mc- 9 Henry. Tel. 499-M. 21tf S FOR FULLER BRUSHES--See Al- ; hert Pepping,Sr., Route 1, McHenry. Mops, hair brushes, our fair.ous : bristle comb, waxes and polishes. Also All-Purpose Cleaner for fall cleaning. Drop a postal card. *21 ; CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and renairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-IR-2. 21 NURSERY STOCK--A completT^Iine of Nursery Stock is available for fall planting. No-.v is th4 time to 'plant evergreens tmd to order fruit trees, shade trees and shrubs for later fall planting. Get our prices pnd. see our stock before you bu FOR SiALE--Farm and property; 90-acres; all farm bldgs.; front bldg. renter as tavern; on S. Hy. 20 near Marengo. For appontment call Jacob Fritz, Real lor, at Johnrfmrg. Tel call at 206 Main street, McHenry. 21 ^r egt, °n South -- -- Woodstock, 111. HELP WANTED--Lady or girl to - stay nights with elderly^ womaiu1 MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors Phone 440-R. 21 ^paired, rewound, redesigned. Dis- 1 | tributors of Johnson Bronze and HELP WANTED--Man for general cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor McHenry 37 ^ V"rd work. Alexander Lumber Co., I Serivec. 102 West Waukegan Road. §r Chicago, Lincoln 1333. WHEN YOU NEED $4^ is- EXPERT ELEOTRIO AND OAS WELDING AND PLUMBING 510 Main St., MeEfeniy Hone McHenry OR LATHE WORK / . See OTTO MUELLER ft Route 12 and Oak St., Fox Lake rear of Hunter Boat Co., Phone McHenry 138-J mimmmmm .s ir - v C *'• r *-1"' *;*• '.'-"v.- < > V' ' J :, . ' t - • ' ***\/ ' . October ntlt 18-tf: West McHenry, Phone McHenrv 5, „ , 20-tf FOR SALE--In Ringwood, 8-roomi '..7~ ^ 1 1-- aouse; furnace heat; 2-car" garage;' ™ELP WANTED -- Experienced or thicken house; large lot; on black- ^experienced saleslady . at Gladtop road; two blocks R.R. station. s*®ne's Store. 20-tf Price $7,750. Also, at rooms and bath; two $6,250. -For appointment, call Fritz, Realtor, at Johnsburg. McHenry 37 or Chicago, Ifiaeoln 1333. 18-4f Phone 181. Pistakee 5-1 HELP WANTED -- Btsoooo^ukee eperlarge lots;, typist for genera] office work. References required. Phone Wonder Lake 22V or see har Fredrickaen, general contractor. Wonder - Lake. 20-tf jSfT FOR SALE--Motorola auto radios.' Jjt all make cars. Gambles' West la»Henry. 21 FOR SALE -- For immediate occu-1 pancy, new 4-room year 'round home,' mile from McHenry. TeL Mc- HELP WANTED--Female helo McHenry Laundry. No experience necessary. Tel. *<Stewy 189. 19-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers! See I. 20-tf i SWTlC TANKS a ad GREASE 'TRAPS cleaned. fcuiK, repaired; a complete draina#e service; modern 1 equipment; complete engineering. ; Clogged sewer? Hive th«f electric rod cut oat the obstruction. No digi ging, no lawn mesa. Lake County | Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Preston Woodafl, Eng. Phane 1346. 17-tf ; FLOOR TILE--Asphalt a^d rubber - : lino!e#m: sfak tops. Ray Irion, Woed- | stock, in. Pkwne Woodstock 699-M. I i . ,*17-8 WELLfl DRILLED OR DRIVEN Henry 227-J. 16-tf Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call • kb Bacon**206 Wonder Lake 221. lQ tf1 ~ »»» D?con' Thatfi the Day We Open NEW BASE Oi OPERATION^ YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED It is with real pleasure that we announce the opening of our new place of business at the intersection of Routes 31 and 176, just east of Crystal Main 93-J. This is your invitation to bring your family and attend our Grand Opening on Saturday, October 11th. We want you to inspect OUf rtew quarters, and see what we have to offer for the service and convenience of the,|fMEfBin, fjUl,- We want you to see how we have tried to make our new Base of Operations, a pleasant fortable place for men and women alike. > ; ' . * v f • "• ' ' - t ( i'*-'*- v/Ur ilcW iwlc woB OUnt wlln OHC aim the best possible service to friends and customers in this community whose trade and good will we must have' in order to stay in business. Our entire staff js pledged to tj?i$ prif^ciple and will do their best to please you. ' V ' ^ ! FOR SALE AT WONDER LAKE-- . * > SHMfr a^T> Ideal all-year country home, five HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND woS_Gutter» j rooms, large sun porch, automatic GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR- un* ana Oil heat, hardwood floors, canvased TUNITY **|l5» deep well, gafage, large lot, ED IN THIS beautifully landscaped, natural fire-! PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 Place. Price reasonable. For appoint- RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. s»ent call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR PHONE S». Telephone 10-tf II SEW. GOOD OPPOK- Mired FOR THOSE INTEREST- ITV | rHIS TYPE WORK. *AP- j 650-R-l FURNACE fat naces re- John MrPsaaM, Rttnir Rd., Me--fi enry. -- s M cH~ enry 44-tf it Johnsbun, Wrene «or Chic*<S 1333. McHenry 37 13-tf 20-tf FOR RENT *JoT8 FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350- ft., en Route 31, about two block from depot Tel. 1 Inquire at 716 McHenry 278-J. Center St. 22-tf FOR SALE--Coronado deluxe electric washer with pump, $125.95; also pew portable electric ironer, $44.95.: gamble's, Weit McHenry. 21 \ FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein trail calves--Carnation, Pabst, Curtise, Ragapple and other leading Mood lines at farmers' prices. Hick-; orj Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. I TeL McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda. Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR RENT --- Rooms; weekly monthlv rate; with or without bath; ideal. Oak Park Hotel. Pistakee Bay, McHenry. HI. Phone 176. 20-tf POUND CALL BQ99RT E. KNOX--Phone 691-8-1 win in nee«{ ef Insulation or a*n«w tee#, asfcestea, or insulated brick siding, weattiui stripping, or comhinatieiv screen and storm win- ,or dows. Free eetinmies. Onrfee Bros. Roofing Co. 43-tf FOUND--Pink horn-rimmed glasses found in theatre parking- lot Sunday, Sept. 21. Mrs. Edward Dittman, Rt. 3, McHenry. Owner to pay for this ad. 21 SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fied WeB*. lMKbworth St., Crystal Lake, ID. Pho«e 643-M or 716-M. 42tf WE BUY --CLARK McHenry, IfL Phene 277. 4t-tf AND SELJL USED CARS CKBYIOUST SALES, TYPE1HTP SEKVICE--Typewriters and adding mach^pes repaired j and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon ---- I paper. Frank J. Iauaekns, Jr., 108 WANTED TO BUlV-Smal) oil _burn-i Main Sfc* McHeniT. Phone McHen' WANTED TO BUY ing stove. Call after 6 p, McHenry 140-J. m. Phone •21 ry 208-J (2-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let m WANTED TO BUY--A treadle, drop dispose ef yeur garbage each week, head see wins: machine in good con- or oftener if desired. Reaaonable dition Call 110-J. *21 rates. FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- WANTED TO BUY--House or cot- ING MACHINES. Service on all.tage located on or near river. Write makes. Also ribbons for all makes;)Box "VB,** care Plaindealer. 52-tf carfwn paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone l-v • ? 549. 7-tfi Order your rubber stamps at The Flatndeale&; - 'i<r r#T:; p C'" -k ' Wfi , * , 4^, Pi WM -' §; "" Helen Weber Says: * Moths do not hibernate in the winter. • PLAY SAFE--Before putting your summer clothes in storage--send them to us. Our U-SAN-0 insured moth proof cleaning process at NO EXTRA CHA&GE wUi protect you. fiSsr Regular year round route. John E. HuL P. O. Box 874, McHenry, Phone MS. WHITEWASHING -- Barns, basements and chicken houses: also ; spraying with Carbola DDT. Al Phannenstill. TeL 49S-R. 410 Park ; St, McHenry. 51-tf ' DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and logs; no h^p needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf .•^r; McHenry Cleaners ^03 ELM STREET > Moles PreAtaMe lioleg are the most important wOd fur-bearing animals of the British Isles. The little burrowing animals are raised on "mole farms" in Britain, and mole raising is i highly lucrative occupation. -y- .755-' ' - ,'i ' ^ --•-- - : FLOOR SANDING Reflnishihg, varnishing and wax ing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free esti mate.^ Call McHasry 497-R . ..X ... We to «hoW you %|r Wcfck.4^1 plUtS"deCome celebrate Saturday, October partment, our completely equipped service .shop, huge display ^ floor, and ^ustog^yer convenienciNu QuePilmM fnd evening begi»nin« At ten in the morning. Plenty of free parking.. stars who have been heard many times over etaafternoon and evening. Every member t)i the this fek $hpw acts, consisting- of will entertain Doa't Forget the Date FROZEN FOODS Showing Processing of Vegetables, Fruits and Meat REILAND & BREE Intersection of Routes 31 |||' 17€» Crygtal, Lak» ^ ' Ty ..L- . Jt , •- .•)

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