w Lacy and' Manager--A. B. Mosher Aavdils tditer^MAdih Fnriilkh y SSOOSd-ClSSe •t «dbuy, UL. *eM*«t May S, lilt. Om Year $2.50 Hock, Sr., of ffeHenry and kw been I fitquunt McHenry visitor in recent u*. Circle 4 At ij' Freund ,Honie^,,^>. . , ^Circle 4 ot S. C. % wfll _ meet at home of Mn. Henry Freund .»i at 600 Park avenue on Friday afternoon, Oct. 24. COnORIAI-- SSOCIATION sLmmMmAt. display ads for the Plaindealer will be accepted until Tuesday noon Annoance ElnitMat v_,, ,, Qf Miss Vtrgkiia Witt 1 H> Mr. and Mrs. George Witt announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Norman Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund 'of McHenry. . Reviews Book At Club Meeting • f Mrs. Clarence Anglese Louise Baker's book, Limb" at the last meeting of reviewed Ouf On a the &f^t'L£IC2CMrL5- **3: ££• ^'"I00?- nesday morning at 10 o'clock. News must be in our office by 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Card Party ,• Benefits Church-' -• On Oct. 28 there will bft. a card and* bunco party held at the Wtolaholt Lakeside farm, two miles west of Wauconda, on Itt. 176. Proceeds Lily Ltfke l». T. A. Planning Social » The Lily Lake P. T. A. is planning for a social, to be held at the schoolhouse on Friday evening, Oct. 17. Hostesses will be Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Steadman. • /* •* Attend Shower for Bride-Tb-Be , - Mrs. Harold Skoir ^ Woodstock and Mrs. Ben Justen of HcHenry attended a shower on Wednesday evening of I»st wedk in Chicago. The event honored Mia* Lorraine Dumak, in Wauconda. attend. Everyone i* invited to' Jtttsten * ifpi , *r will^ benefit Transfiguration church ^ become the.bride of Dr. ' " ' " ~ " ' Nov. 15. * * " 1 .;V ,• i- Lindsay entertained '• d .. current seaao^ Alice the Evening Bridge club, at their •irst meeting *f the curre Viio 8 eli eel Pleas Mr»L the Volo i on Conway, teacher «t 1, has announced that evening, Oct. 23, there Siena Miller. Mrs. Fannie Thompson JXJ fWP££tfi£5 41 STinwuhi th, grr™ou»p * * * Rath Jencks • ' Plaas Wedding Announcement was made last week by Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jencks of Elgin of the engagement of their daughter, Ruth to E. W. Maltby, son pf the J. W. Maltbys, also of The wedding will take place on 15 in the House of Hope terian church. Miss Jencks is a niece of Larry Presbytu THE TUCK! PAINTS A ROOM NEAT AND QUICK! folt Tasty at t*u> close "of the Admission price will be fifty cents and the public is cordially ifcvited to attend. • • • ' • * * Thirteen Tramp Cards Drawn By Mrs. Braeseke , ^ 1 Mrs. George Glos entertained the East River Road Pinochle club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. Frank Adelmeier. Miss Rose Huemann, Mrs. Albert Vales and Mrs. John Braeseke. Miss Huemann will be next hostess to the group on Oct. 23. Mrs. Braeseke was surprised and thrilled when she picked up one hand during the afternoon and found that die had thirteen trump cards.' * • •' Shower Honors Mrs. J. Glomon Mrs. Ed Tonyan, Mrs. Fred Mteyer, Mis. George Rauen, Mrs. Harold Rolfs and Mrs. A1 Em®, the last three named of Kenosha, Wis., were hostesses one evening last week at a shower held at the Meyer home here, honoring Mrs. John Glosson. Thirty guests were present to enjoy an evening of games and an appetizing lunch. The honored guest was the recipient .of gifts. • Mothers Club JIas ^ Interesting lYogram A very interesting program was presented at the last meetwg of the Mrs. three fHffls of %e Lonely Name.". „ _ «fthe club will ri the teflon hall on Nov. * j-Ti '/ j.C' f fr AWCENTLjr McHenry - residents *wiRs fei mrested to leartfc: 6f the recent mar- of Miss Lois Mae Simpson, Mt.tid M m. Mmk Sitter f f i PeUette, Qmpr W.JMai* 8C OPEN ^biT MORNINGS. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Howard J. Simpson (Rose Oertel) of Chicago. Miss Simpson and Robert Ritter, son of the Adolph Stttera of 1620 K. Drake ave., Chicago, were married at 8 p. m. on Saturday, Oct. 4, in St Philomeiia's church. ^ To the strains of the Wearing march, following the bridal attendants, the bride, on the arm*of her father, walked slowly to the front of the church, where she joined the groom. Together they approached the ' beautifully bedecked altar to meet their attendants, then solemnly heard Father Lawrence Wand, pastor, read the nuptial service. - < The lovely bride chose a gown of white satin, encrusted with pearls. Her yeil of nylon fell from a crown of pearls and she carried a bouquet of roses and white chrysanthemums. She also had a gold scent box which her great grandmother carried when she was married. Miss Betty Dehn, the bride's cousin, acted as maid of honor. Her gown was of poudre blue faille and her hat of American Beauty velvet. She carried roses, also in American Beauty shade. The two ' bridesmaids were Miss Dolores Michels of Johnsburg the1 bride's cousin, and Miss LaVtrne Peterson of Chicago. They wore poudre blue faille gowns and matching velvet hats and carried bouquets of blue and white asters. The junior bridesmaid was Patricia Simpson, the bride's sister, who wore a gown and headpiece similar to that of the bridesmaids and carried a colonial bouquet. y Jlimpson, the bride's brother "'as" best man, and ushers were the bride's cousin and her brother, Donald Michels fnd James Simpson. ^ After file wedding, a reception was held at the home ot the bride's pavents at 8528 W. North ave., where a delicious buffet turkey dinner was served to more thin 50 kuett*. Later in the evening a reception was held for more than 100 guests at the Norwegian-Ameri cap naU* Amidst the wedding fete th happily married couple left on their honeymoon trip. A prst^p wedding occurred Saturday evening, Oct. 4, at 8 o'd at the local Methodist church when Miss Jesin I#ire Hironimus, eldest daughter of the Harry L. Hironimous' of Vole became the bride of Photo by A. WoiwlcK, Mqllenry ICRS MARSHALL BUCHERT Mr. Marshall W. Buchert, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Buchert of Witt McHenry. Th* double ring MNmOtty was performed by CilWMiafct. The bride, b marriage by her father, wnl Attfred in a white rayon ninoft fbxm, with velvet flowered tyrfat, lattice yoke and fingertip Veil. Her bridal bouquet consisted of white gladioli. The bride's ' aunt, Mrs. Bernard Schneider, of Lake Villa, served as matron of honor, and her sister, Yvonne HiroidMlus, as junior bridesmaid. Mrs, Sfcihnieder wore a gown of acqua crepe and Miss Hironimus one of geld crepe. Both attendants carried mixed bouquets. Attending the groom as best man was his nephew, John Dittmer, of Chicago. John Jlehning and Boyde Knaack acted a% ushers. The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with white accessories and the groom's mother chose » black dress and white accessories. Both had mixed corsages. A reception was held at the Luna Cafe in Volo following the wedding and was attended by almost 400 guests. A buffet luncheon was served. The Wide attended Wauconda high school and the groom is a graduate of the McHenry high school. He is empolyed at the George P. Freund Implement shop in West McHenry. The couple will live in Volo for the present but expect to move to McHenry in tne near future. : OCTOBER BRIDl WEDDING RECEPTIOH I$ELD SUNDAY FOR STEVE EARVEYS A post-nuptial last Sunday afternoon, Oct. 11, at ©€ 'v FLAVORS FOR OCTOBER ^%1BUTI®R cRuKeH a? - VANILLA . • . • STRAWBERRY f. < Py nv: |;^TOAgTED HAZELNUT 'H- " \) , gPECIAI BRICK EiACH WEE&-END. V I. •% v BOLGER'S DRUG STORE reception was held >n, ' Club Ulymoor tar Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harvey, newlyweds. Forty relatives and friends were in attendance to enjoy a buffet supper served from a table centered with a lovely threetier wedding cake. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Sexton Johnson and son, Carl, and Don WiHiamtr of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Field of Woods toe and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harvey and daughter, Patricia, of Wauconda. The Manse <tf the Brookline Presbyterian church in Chicago was the setting for the wedding of Miss Helen Roche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roche, and the son of Steve Harvey, Sr., of Lily Lake on Sept. 27. Attendants for the couple were Mrs. ®av Bastyr and Wflbur Klint, both of Chicago. The bride's pearly grey suit was accented with Burgundy acfeesories and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Bastyr wore a light beige suit with Mack pceesories and a camellia corsage. Following the service, a lovely dinner for the bridal party was held at the Webster hotel. Mr. Harvey is employed by Henry Paulson A Co., wholesale Jewelers, Chicago. After a honeymoon trip through Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada Mr. and Mrs. .Harvey are now residing in Chicago. CARD OF APPRECIATION After waiting years to see some action taken in regard to black-topning the short streets of Lake and Charles and the approach to the old bridge on the east side of the river, and oelieving in giving credit where credit is due, we desire in thip manner to express publicly our thanks and that of our neighbors to Charles "Chuck* Miller, our recently-elected road commissioner, .who by getting this work completed has proven to us that he has the' business ability and courage to keep his promises. MR. * MRS. BOB FRISBY, JR. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to thank our friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets and . other kindnesses offered at the time of the death and burial of Henry G. Stoffel; also Rev. Henn and Rev. George Schark. MR. AND MRS. WALTER WHITEHO&SE. JOHN AND MARTIN STOFFEL MM Jtmrmmtw GHlt'r ll mfittn farms hare 'A >< Medlar Photo, Woodstock MRS. CLIFFORD WICKHAM Before her marriage ° to Clifford Wickham of Woodstock on Saturday, Oct. 4, this lovely bride was Miss Ann Schaefer of Johnsburg. The couple . was married at St. John's chnrth in a double ring service. MARRIED SATURDAY Of interest" to friends here was the marriage on Saturday. Oct. 11, at 10 a. m. at Genevieve's church, Chicago, of Miss Helen Merges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merges of that city, and Jerome Miller, son of Mrs. Anna Miller of West McHenry. -- i1' • OLDER WORKERS A*E URGED. TO INVESTIGATE RETIREMENT PAYMENTS Mr. and baby of the Lends Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mi's ton and Arthur Martin visiting friends in Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Charles visited relatives Sothave been Frett of Aurora here last Sunday. Miss Marjorie Duker, ft. N., of Chicago spent Tuawiay with her parents, the C. H. IH&ers. _ The Ralph Schroedmr. family of Pfclattae spent Sunday with her end Mrs Jacob Steffes. Mrs. Fred, Nickeb |nd son, Bob, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. *»ed Krohn, Jr., in -Chicago. , Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo lited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, on Sunday. ,_Miss Nancy Rodin of • Janesville, Wi», former residents of McCullom Lake visited Miss Lucille Nickels last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chica- go were weekend visitors in Mc- [enry. Mrs. George Johnson, y at Starved Henry. ' Mr. and spent daughter. Marguerite, and son, yes left Friday for the is visiting rela- ' Some firms in this area have gone back to the practice of retirinjr employees who are 65 or older. If you are over 65 and were retired or laid off. you may be able to get social security retirment payments," Bernard Harnett, manager of WaukeRan, Social Security office, has announced. "You should find out about your social security retirement payments even though you plan to get another, job, "Mr. Barnett said. "If you're 65, and have worked long enough on jobs under social security, you can sret social security payments for any months you do noW work. Drawing those payments does not mean you cannot go back to work--although benefits cannot be paid for months* when you earn more than $14.99 from work that comes under social seruritv." „ Mr. Barnett urged nil workers over 65 years of age who have had jobs covered by social security to find out about their retirment benefits whether or not they are continuing to work. "If you inquire about your SUtUn, wh?n y°»'w ®8," he said, you'll make sure not te lose any benefit which may be payable for months you do not work because of illness, slack seasons, etc." ATTENTION UMHONNAIRE8 All Legionnaitns are asked to meet a£ the Legion haH at 9 a. m. ... y y morning,1 from where we will leave for the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home to pay last respects to our beloved comrade and past commander, William Bickler. This will be a tnilitary funeral. 22 "DICK" WILLIAMS. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattka Drag Store, Me- Henry. g_tf Frank, Rock. Mrs. BditH Ha; Chicago, where si tives, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger spent Saturday •isittojjr at Lake Geneva and Delavan, iind Mrs. Robert Winkel Have Men vacationing at Atlantic City, Mrs. Leslie. Olsen, Mrs. Charles Ensign and Mrs. George Lindsay attended a meeting of the Past Oracles club of the county held at the home of Mrs. Earl Bryant of Crystal Lake last Thursday afternoon. Luncheon and cards were enjoyed following the meeting. _ Mrs. Anna- Phalin left last week Wednesday for her home in Thorsby, Ala., after spending several months with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. James N. Sayler. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Dr. J. E Sayler and Clinton Martin attended funeral services for Mrs. Ella Mol-. lohan at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Flaherty, Mrs. Alice Conway and Miss Lois Mclntyre of Ladd, 111., visited in the C. , W. Goodell home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kerber and daughter, Barbara spent the weekend visiting relatives in the southern part of the state. Glenn Wattles and Felice Unti have been vacationing at Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger attended funeral services for Dr. Isherwood in West Chicago last Thursday. Miss Ruth Reihansperger attended the Horse Show in Chicago on Saturday. Earl Wray of Chicago visited his cousin, Mrs. Harold Lindsay, last Weekend. Robert Vogt, Sr., left with friends last Saturday morning on a vacation trip to the Ozarks. Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer have returned from a visit with friends at Springfield, Ohio. AUXILIARY NOTES Th® reguUr meetfaig of the unit was held on Wednesday, Oct. 8. llie business of the ev number of projects. voted for the dep. for the Insulin Fun asthmatics, child welfare^ the ans Craft shop and the Trsaaure Chest It was" decided to donate a second book to the local library in memory of a veteran of the community who died in service. The monthly ward party plans for Downey were announced for Thursday, Oct 16. Five delegates ^uid the president, Mrs. Christine Krinn, were chosen to attend the district convention at Elmhurst on Oct 29. . There was a display and ante of craft articles made by veterans. Members were instructed any veterans' family who wished to seU hand made items of all kinds may find an outlet for their work by using the Craft Shop in Chicago. Mrs. Jack Green. dMtamanTwHl answere any inquirlea. Mrs. Minnie Green waa the recipient of a handkerchief shower from members in aptoreciatwn for her work as president for 1946-47. Bathe Plants •. A regular bath make* -healthy house plants. Wash the leaves once a week with thin suds of soap and lukewarm water. starts with SPENDING fJWHIFT and financial security X have theii roots in bound, o spending. It may teem iiaxd to money aside today, but you can should do it. There will come a day : when you'll regret every cjbllar yoi* wasted. A real aid in accumulatingmoney is an account at this ;? Member Federal Reserve System Renter Insuratce CerperatWi M \ ./a 'f i I " * 1947 WALWORTH COUNTY improvement urogram that will in- FOR TOTAL RB0EIPT8 race track to the east and remodel- 1 ing it according to United States The 106th exhibition of the Wal- Trotting Association rules. Thm worth County Fair took in a total 18 ^er the direction of J. N. of $105,226.82, hnaking all records: C°*f*s of Goshen, N. Y., the nafor total receipts and attendance as, t'on • *°r?n0Bt trmc*£ expert. , r'^ , well, according to the secretary's andj , --• » . _ treasurer's- report which was submitted at the board meeting late in September. Hotel Ftree At tttlt 200 persons ha The ticket .M.iil.es totu6d «kk u« Wiled in U. S. hotel fires in the past jOoo»o0; ^ mnntiia An AV(A iamvMi and the remainder came from ground j in rent, entry fees, state aid, etc. The1 V1.. ® . hotel fire deaths m fair paid $7,166.20 in premiums this year. With all bills paid, the fair now has a healthy cas^i and bond! balance of $^6,988.54, which is the' largest in the history of the organization. { Uncle San) was more than mildly; Make Your Own STORM WINDOWS Glass Substitutes Wyr-O-OlMi OlMsO-Net XI yd. Screen-CHass 1.45 yd. Ae Friend^ Slsi>el Authorised Deal^ Collette, Owfeir Phone 459 " J 52$ Main Street WEST McHBNRY interested in the Walworth County >r he went away with taxes. The b ay Sunday. The Fair is now in the midst of an i Henry. both the U. S. and Canada since 1858. In addition to the Chicago and Atlanta holocausts, hotel fires since June have taken death tolls in Dubuque, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Saskatoon, Sask., and cities. Fair, for awa: $9,277.13 in federal taxes, gest day was Sunday, big- Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- ANNOUNCING WINNERS T IN BEAUTY SHOP NAME CONTEST "Pin-Up Beauty Salon," First Prise ^ Alice Wilcox, Woodstock "The Riviera," Second Prise * Mrs. Dan R. Creamer, Shalinuur 'Slick-Chick Shop," Third Prise Louise Hunt, Ringwood. PEARL STRATTON, Owner ' • Located at Riverside Hotel, McHenry I I M t l l l l M l l l l l l l l M m m M l l l M l l l l l l l H l H U l l H I i TIME MEANS GREETING CARDS i| & is not too early to place : your order now, whide the ; ^ selections are food. We have I" ! a larger stock this year than ever hefozv. Come in and ; ^ | look them over. We will print your names fo* a small ; additional chargeL McHeni^y Plaindealer at NAGY'S RESTAURANT . Riverside Drive McHenry > ^ % • 1 ' . - <411111 «n o Special featnrt - BUSINESS LUNCHE8 6&* served firam 11 a. on to S p. Other Specialties ! ; BARBECUED RIBS -- STEAKS -- CH CHICKEN IN THE BASKET -- SEAFO Come in today and try our Good Home Oookin^ Order your ru at The .St