RINGWOOD (By lbs. Gnome T. Itc f. B. C 8. till meet with Mrs. Leon Grosby on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained' tike "600" dub at their home Thursday evening- Prises were awarded* to Mrs. George Shepard and Weldon Andreas high, and Mrs. B. Butler and E. E. Whiting, low. surafternoon when a group of friends came in to help him celebrate his birthday. Ice cream and cake were served. They presented him with a gift. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Clinton Martin attended meetings of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star in Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. Mesdames C. L. Harrison, Roy Haystock spent^gunday afternoon with weekend hia Mr^t*"I>Ur . Eleven-year-old Catherine Oost, weigh Mrs. Lena Peet. t Md Mrs E E Whitinr "rj daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph „ v Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stanek and yr Winn and ^°st' k^e Geneva, experienced one1 Subscrioe for The flaindealer Wayne FOBS prised at his home pleasantly Saturday i rison and Lonnie Smith attended on the Charles Prey home at "Blue Wednesday. Island.. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown wei». Harold KeOey of Wheaton visited visitors at JanesviDe on Tuesday, i his mother, Mrs. Cora Kelley, Fri- Miss Marion Hawley spent Wednes- day afternoon. day in Chicago. I Mrs. Hickey and Beatty Lou Cary Leonard Brown of Palatine spent of Chicago spent the weekend With Saturday evening_with his parents, Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. S. _W. Brown. Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking ton left Saturday from a visit with her Thursday morning for a month's va- daughters at Evanston and Amotion trip to Tennessee and South strong. 111. son spent Saturday with Mr. and . , - Carolina w. WH«« Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and I Mrs. Earl Harrison at Burlington. wiiSmVh f"et' ^ and n Mr* Fr*^ . ,.T' M children of Hebron spent Friday eve-; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Redmond, Mrs. SmJnlvin tyulfL <?' f?®8* IWeber, spent nine with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.' Madeline Stone and Howard Sack *h®lP» Saunders home iKK WmiHav ' George Shepard. of Kenosha spent Sunday with Mr. "Sycamore. ^ • Tnrifi?«tt imH Wrfa.T.' Mrs Harold Weber of Chicago i and Mrs. John Blacfcman. , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and ! siatarIfrTnMre HtaM Jrnr^J 5P®nt the weekend with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of .da"Fhtlr' Carol, were supper, ouests Henry Hinse, at Crystal jjr and Mrs. George Haberline, and j Antioch visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon, in ~Le Henry Marlowe home at Hunt- Mr* tt+vnhtt ' her son, Harold. Saturday afternoon. « *ey Sunday. 5y°i_ ^ i Mrs. Fred Bowman and children! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Mrs. Ed Peet, Mrs. Raymond Har- GeorreHaherlin* home ar!d, .Lou Carv gpent Saturday | Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter "son and Mrs. Chancy Harrison at- Mr and Mr* Vani Malach af rdatives at w itmot. 1 Low and children spent SundayI tended the Home Bureau meeting at Lake Geneva soent Thursday «ve- • Home Circle was entertained; with their mother, Mrs. Viola L6w. the home of Mrs. Palmer at Wickn? n7 wither Xnt* llr »nd Mrt &the,home of Mn• Carr on Mrs. George Haberline spent Mon- Hne Bay, Tuesday afternoon. EKtS hISJS ' TTiursday, with Mr.. Cn.ik,h.nk .ndd.yin Chic«o. . . Mrs. Crtrud. Ritttr of K.nosh. Mn Viola Low and mnthrr MW. i M Oscar Berg as co-hostesses. Mrs. Robert Duff of Dundee spent: visited her father Frank Fav Sun Emil™' Wty. s^it wJdrlSkr^ ?avf, ? ^.lk ^Sunday afternoon in the home of day, ' y' S°n pulled a 20%-inch young life chpiekerel Tonyan. These . ^ ^ wt group were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ton- mer's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Collins Sunday. **"• „Mr Dodd» Mr. Saturday evening. I Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters, from the lake. Using a cue pole R?v N^il «HMr iJd Mr- and Mr»- E- E- Whiting and A.lic« andManon, spent 8unday eve- and worm, she was fishing off a CaH« Sd a ^ninr*wS «« Wm* McCanon attended funeral »»««J"-the Henry Hinse home at P er with her mother, her brother, ' evening were en- services for a cousin at Greenwood, Crystal Lake. Norman, 9, and Mrs. Rudolph Ren- jfc « , „ T _ . , ^ , Monday afternoon. r-r ner. Everyone was so excited about t Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates of Wood- George Whitine of Chicaeo scent PRIZE FISH the catch, said Mrs. Renner, that | > ----i i :il v;_ 4 ' Klpv^n.vn&r-niH ritiurhu no one thought to w*i»h the pickerel. 50552* ® S?_ for-i Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter of the great thrills.of her " "" ** J " " , wj,en gj,e pjjjj lak< AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE •01 Main St., McHenry ^ Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone &15-W-1 or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. her job as "parish worker" in Cincin-' Mrs. Lena Peet. ' ~ -N<I M-. Wprh<.rf Nnrfkmn nStl' S?ich was Jf^eatly enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and and son of Hartland visited her nil. The next meeting will be at daughter spent Sunday afternoon! .ted her the home of Mrs. C. L. Harrison. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison Kane, Sr., at Mundelien. and son Bruce spent Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and in the Henry Hinze home at Crystal family spent Sunday with her mother,! Lake. Mrs. Hunter at Hartland. •" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Mr. and Mrs. Kryder and son, Sunday afternoon with his parents, Karrv, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and! 14r. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. daughter of Rockford were callers i i Mrs. Viola Low, Patricia Low, Mrs. at the home of Rev. an<J MTS. Col-: Walter Wilcox and Mrs. Emma lins, Sunday afternoon. < Beatty and Mrs. Walter Wilcox spent Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wick of Chicago ' Friday , in the Wilmer Montanye and Mr. anil Mrs. Robert VanDusenj lome at Huntley. and daughters of Elgin spent Sun- : Mrs. Antone Weiser entertained riav with their parents, Mr. and} Saturday evening in honor of the Mrs. Oliver Laurence. I firthday of her hunsband and Ben Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins and! v\*: ,Vi^- i- Whaft -'J / V BZltHL TO rORSERVICE^PARrajACCKSORIffi Clark Chevrolet Sates PHONE 277 \ McHENRY, ILLINOIS "SPEEDY" DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS • Physician A Surgeon Tel. Johnsburg 644-R-l Tel. Johnsburg 580-R-2 Tel. Crystal Lake S6-M Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 pjn. No Hours Thursday Evenings DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist -- Foot Specialist, 103 So. Riverside Drive Phone 417 McHenry Office Honrs: by appointment Daily and Evenings Cleeed Wednesdsy -:f Tel. Wonder,, Lake 418 > DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist " --Office Heecs-- • ^ Saturdays: va.m. toS jpiJlt. " i Evenings and Sntto Morninm 'S - by Appointment! ^ lookout Point . W*rfer Lake, OLr : fiom^iere I sit... Ay Joe Marsh : Mystery # the Missing Farms where our free, American life is secure. Where every member en» ^ operates and shares the work ... living together in temperance and tolerance--temperance that prefers a moderate beverage like beer,^ and tolerance for a taste thst may be different from one's own. From where I sit, our Family Farms (and they're 96% of ail farms) are something that HlfiK country can be proud of I . .. by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE Yep, the number of farms in ' America is shrinking (by a quartermillion in the last five years!). What's happened to the sussing farms? The land has been taken In by other farms, increasing the SVerage size by twenty acres! Does this growth mean farming's no longer a family enterprise? Just the opposite! More families own farms today than ever--only with labor-saving equipment they can handle more r||*id, more work. - • That's as it should be: The family farm is n fortress of democracy-- Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundtuio* ;5< BULLETIN '/' n : ' I •W f t Mm JP* ^ browsing again la old Northern Illinois' cemeteries. Again wa have collected epitaphs and unusual stone ca*v« logs. And we have collected stories: there it die Itoty of a family memorial on which die husband capcesse* his sentiments regarding each of his three wives; there is the story .of why two monu« jments were erected to die memory of one man; there are die stories of how two men buried a few hundred feet apart met their deaths by gunfire; and there are dark tales of poisonings. This OUR LANDMARKS is the second of two on old burying grounds of V Northern Illinois. b OF JUSTICl The tombstone art is reproduced by jfohn McKea. As fiMoU« As Ymmr fmml» mMa<tM > l«n THE Stxmice BULLETIN la Hi. is j o., « !! II 1 . R t ^ A N ^ t -*A £ - t !:.AiNMElD PIONEtR i >ift f - • ,t . r. V. ,• «nn»0RMrr? tamt ON MY < MBTDj •oiabunnr MS AHOftce. ^ANVtoO* KNMMALtOU KME to OO to «ifsbo» CAR IN FACT CUSS NICK MILLERS SMIENKYQMMi ><0U THE eWEFT tm.e ft LOMO nmma. J THE HORSC 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R A«P*s Thrifty Biiys - • • for the ^Budget Wise - - - Stock Up NowL 2Ci MAON.S You haven*t seen such variety and values in many a moon! It's been a long time since we've been able to present such a big selection! These are just a few of the many big Canned Food Values we have to offer! Stop in--see how you will save at your A&P! ntVrlWT TACK! TWICE-RICH. LIIIY'S N(W IN) PACKI TOMATO .JUICE .... N C°N' MH MM THUTQES. :#auiMNai*M NEW IWFACKICAMMIUS TPM4T0 PASTE TNUtS StUP. . . 2 Sahs01» AK »»ASC UNSWEETENED ¥A. m 8RAPEFRUIT JIIIQE 2 38* Sra^sfraR SMSws 2 ^ «• MUB>UnPaMM ^ itEW INTrACKI tELIASLt LIMA BEANS . . NEW IW fACKJONA IRAND CUt iREEN BEANS. SACIlAMtNTO HAND , BABTLEnPEAte COMSTOCK HAND. TASTY SLICED APPLES • • • j NO. 2 CAN NO. 2 CANS MEW «MT RACKI REllASLi _ n* FANCY PEAS . . . . .^N* 2H HALVED APRICOTS .. ?S» 2»« UMID htOTT. MCNCH STYll CAN DO 2 T- ..CAN e e • • e NO. 2 rft CAN II* AVIUM FANCY SPMACN NO. I M| CAN MR A&P DAM YALUiS! A&P BAKEMY YAU/tSi CHSO-O-«N AMETLCAN STANOASO Ot PIMENTO ub. mp LOAF •• PABST-En CHEESE. JANS PABKM. I VOftSANOWICHiSI SOI RAMHIt m««T CHEESE e e LOAF m|g, SSsrttwfc BUTTER e • LB. LB.CTN. 7«| OFQTRS. SCtEIWI, NATURAL •e e e PK6. VR7I c !HOCOiATI W0M. ICCO j-: : t|i| H1RTC W rm 1MHE e BACH W^ DANISM ALMOMO NA1D . OCFFuBAKE ^CD* MFELCMD ITLOW WVTE BREAB ... tS^2D» MgfASga. vAflu^OM rofis Wfe e • e BACH •* liSfflw iANIPAKKM. yiM.WaAMB> FRESH r # • OF SIX mmt - OR CINNAMON - PKS. mk e o o e OF 12 "• MORE PANTRY YALVtSt to AND MELLOW COFFfi -- O'CLOCK.... ^ t I-LI. IASS TV* -- >-U. IAS4l.1t RICH AND FULL-aODIED S. RED CIRCLE CCFFEE . . £«* M l-L>. IACS nt« VIGOROUS AND WINEY B0KAR COFFEE ... ^43« -- > I II. IACS OS* - MJ. BA6 SI .*« #ROMEDARY OR OCEAN SftAt CRANBERRY SAUCE . 't%22* >R ALL MILK NEEDSI EVAPORATED DRAN&E PEKOE AND PEKOI HOUSE *p ,3^33< OWN TEA . * * .%£3S* FRESH FRV/T a»4 VEO. VAUinf- NOW IS THE =£ ^rTIME TO BUY POTATOES FOR WINTER KEEPERS U.S. No. 1 COLORADO11 RED McCLURES $3.69 *** h®* SERVE HOT OR COLD Morreirs Snack FANCY QUALITY. SOLID PACK •" e< White Star Tuna Fish. 12-OZ. Tlfci 7-OZ. e TIN BLUE LABEL KAROSYR! 20 IJI-LB. CAN A REAL ASP BUYI Sunnybrook Red Salmon • o e "ft 6le SERVES FOUR! SIMPLY DELICIOUS COOKED rmafore Whole Chicken . .3 £N*2» PURE, WHITE. FLOATING IVORY FLAKES RINSO WHITE.ItlNSO MIGHT RINSO PKG. 35* PKG. 35* MAKES WINDOWS SHINE THE OVAL SHAPED CAKE SWEETHEART SOAP 3*1* OOc CAKES RICH IN LATHER CAMAY SOAP 2««s |9e FOR DAINTY THINGS LUX FLAKES 35e RICH IN PALM OILS FOR YOUR LAUNDRY Unco Bleach QT. le BTL 14 \fcV \VHH\ m - - t C • *•* ^ ) -•«» < - -r-^r .- /: -• '.t ' ^ • > « * h 'v »* , i • •ii • 4; J?,