Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1947, p. 2

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ygpiytrs#® .tip#* t . 1. *>f.: y, / n •?{ r *&**. rKr '.'».* * v y 'v ' VIMMI .Americans today need lb seeing. tiUtle ^?ed Water * A constant supply of fresh, clean water for cattle Is Important in beef production. e-a Psss^ngei^Oelmna If the 25 billkm passengers who ride the nation's street cars, trolley coaches and gas buses each year were lined up together/they would make a column more than one-quarter mile wide extending from New York to Los Angeles. Miii I M M I I H t l M 1 1 » H I 11 mmm " Mwn VtMi ,, r Wonder Lake IS4'4:/ ;-•. J-K TAVERN & RESTAURANT t Specialty CHICKEN -- SPAGHETTI - ttAVXOU 'jv-ir* V /Hummer Cabins and Rooms for Renpi intern -m Miles Wert of VflJo. " Lily Lake * • " Tel McHenry 667-Mrl J. KERECHEK, Prop. By Vanesse Sells Sumiher really arrived this week. My neighbors began to cut their ati falfa. Surely no other single deed • could more clearly announce midp ! summer. Just as sure as the cutting Lake *£ilf $iey moved, 1» the,Ohio cito frwojrietrs ago. Thefunnrnl was held St Indianapolis, Tnd., and was conducted by Rev. Merton Aldridj# of the Woodstock Congregational church, who made the trip to Indiana for the services. *xsminatian for entry an<jl will enroll on September 1®. V' ' Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week is the time for the big On Sunday, June ^ the first CWthfelic tMapse* were heaxd fti Wonder Lake at Harrison school, which had been loaned for the 0£- cassion. At the masses, which were said at 9 and at 11, there were S76 tnisweeic tne ume zor m vtg people in attendance. Between 8 and Jamboree sponsored by the Wonder j 8:45 a. m., forty persons came for i.,; '-wj nyrWHRIfVI Stock-Taking Time Lake Rod and Gun club. Be sure and confession. The masses were said I drop down to'Wonder Center for by Father James Vanderpool, with| . . _ . , some of the fun. TWjre is something Father Anthony Becker hearing con-1 ,of corn means autumn, ^steady!rlann€d for every taste. Movies, fessions. I clicking of the machine cutting the j fraiTieS( contests, and many other at-1 The altar boys for these first j clinking of the harness on j tractions. { masts were Thomas* and Richard the horses drawing the hay wagon . .Mathews at 9 a. m. and Daniel | (and the steady rhythmic hands of Pat and Gale Wrede and daughter, Prince and Paul Marke, Jr., at 11 the men who toss' the hay to the j Pat^and GaleWZre dLe 7a™nda ?d*au J< 1 _ ... .„ , -jne Ann, left on Saturday for a a. m. Thomas Mathews will be in; IwagoT'knd'lhosr just a7 rythmic | fthree-week vacation. Their plans are| charge of the altar boys and those: J,ane Ann, left on Saturday ' oonneess wwnhoo aarrrraannggee iitt oonn ttnhee wwaaigroonn-,1 thr«e-week vacation. Their pli . j * tQ camp aJonR the way to the state! who wish to serve are asked to i all of these are summer things, and jlo me w»y vu -^lvir,iof-i,, j park in Dorr county on the Wiscon-; contact mm. j * ? fomP|ete'y ,?™er sin Peninsula A ccompanvinir them There is an old superstition that 1 of-the ' drying hay which is a per- j ;s Helen Gniel l 1, of Richmond, 111. a new church should be wished upon . fume par exeellance. I lay out m the'18 Me,en uruel" ' and that a wish made at the first i sun on Saturday and thought how, . Qh,,mw«v nf Window mas3es will come true. Many of peaceful the men cutting hay made; . I)V8- ®°yd ohumway of Winslow, The afternoon. .„3 hir .the! Art* and hertwo youn^^Bobh., this new venture. .With the ground'too wet from thO v>; V»i '-i,' DONT FORGET JAMBOREE At Wonder Center y: WONDER LAKE - / • f > . r Oiven By wom«a iu^Roi^AoroB olws . July 4, 5 & 6 nm ros all r--^ iilDiiiasioH nas harvesting of the hay hadn't changed! ?' and Karen, 10 m much through the years. And then ,n °/ ^ Shumway s ™)in in„ ion Sunday, along the strip of ground "J ^.' Saturday storm, a ground-breaking wwun„errep ftUhep «Haallll hbr>ovy<s5 hnaadd g^nattVhieerrepdd Heniiinsg Widen. Bo^y d Shumwa'y Will coealruermulo*nyy w_ as dispeKnsfe»du nuw uitrhe,a Kbinugt up their hay, a small cabin plane arrive on July y. ana win spena ms corner-stone lavin? Will takp nlace landed with a visitor for the Martell two weeks of vacation with his *fu v y ". I Place idndecl with a visitor ior tne Marten • .« , familv before thev returned to ^ the basement of the new home m Indian Ridge. In a-24-hour Vf11? 8 lamuy nerore tney returnea to . . . o]tJ Those inferpst^d npeeriiiooda It hnaado sseeeenn iinn tthnaatt oonnee fnieelwd the,r western home. Mrs. Shumway's are ijnC"v ited, c®tom spt,,eepte ao-v ei rn otose t hinet ecroeusntetyd the machines of several generations, the horses drawing the hay rack, the tractor cutting the hay, and , the modern cabin plane. On July 1st a new system was put into effect by the WAF bus line to make things a little more Inexpensive for the evening passengers. After 6 p. m. each evening, anyone going intp tottfa can pay an additional 6c and receive a trans-, . fer which is good for the return, ™e sister, Mrs* Greta Weisenberger, * „. . , . v, isn't seeing much of the visitors. I view the fine big hole that Her small sons, Karl and Kurt, are71" 1^ *T u ch"rch- Pt! under' nnnrintinp for mpnsles. Shi> Catholics of Wonder Lake have asketf | that the people who signed the: netitions and the schol board of: under quarantine for measles. She has waved to her sister, though-- TlSCAUSB farmers must maintain production- under all condition^ D iii« importance of adopting methods for greater efficiency tl< operations at this time Is being suggested by agencies both In and of government . . . Outstanding authorities are pointing out but ttvtnos It would be to have declines In both prices and a* the same time, and that up to the present no means have devised whereby Income can be maintained by reducing prodactt«$>> Increased efficiency Js shown to mean: the culling of herds anft \" flocks promptly and vigorously, as the animals may bring more now than later, while those kept should be well fed Sod. cared for . . Unproductive marginal land should not be cultivated and 'low-paylniV •-crops should be reduced ... It has been established that poor lam| is (a drag oh many farms as It forces( the good to- carry the cost upkeep . . . It is Just as Important to cull less productive land mf ' > unproductive livestock. Dairying, is a long-time enterprise . . Dairymen cannot go In antf / out of«che dairy business with every rise or fall in prices. They cad* however, cull cows much more vigorously than normal. This will lower the average age of milking herd and in many cases will ' ' increase the efficiency of production. These culling operations should be undertaken promptly while milk prices are high and cows bring good prices ... It might be better to be content with a milk check than to cull cows later when the prices of both the and the cows may be lower. ; •' ") This Is believed to be a poor time to purchase pure bred bulli;. purebred industry is highly speculative and the interest in purebred " a n i m a l s a n d t h e w i l l i n g n e s s t o p a y e v e r - i n c r e a s i n g p r i c e s c a n mek r * - a»ay rapidly. • * ,VT "-k IH* OOLUkdt » SPONSOBHJ Visiting set the home of llr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone on Friday evening was Mrs. Maybelle Bryan, who, with her husband, Warren, operates the bar at the Meadow Lark Lodge on Route 14. The dining lodge is operated by Harrison school be given heartfelt thanks for their co-operation in making the church a possibility, i: MCHENRY GO, FARMERS CO-OP. ASSK. PHONE 52S Waakegan U. trip, or round trip for 30c. This ^"K)]d and Margaret En^starom of transfer will be good until closing Wonder MUM. time. Also the bus company would like to know how many of the mothers and fathers would be interested in having a bus at the roller rink at 11 p. m. each evening. Those interested are asked to phone the bus company or the rink, or drop a card to either place. If enough interest is shown, this service will be installed. nr Center w^il l be chan-ge d . | --, -Jy. handicraft, a. m. to IX) a. m., which will give thephysical children a, little more time for the morning services. Margaret Kott* so 4-H News I Sharon Grace Sells left on Sun-' _ , day to attend, for four days, the;Brook8" c- Rossell Allen, assistant activities at Camp Shaw-waw-nas- state's attorney represented the1 see, Kankakee, 111. Younsters from! state. The appeal case is said to be twenty-three counties, boys and girls, I the first under the state's new adopare participating in the activities tion law. . 1 at the camp, which include photog- 10:15, raphy, swimming and education. Maternal Mortality . .Maternal and infant mortality rates art considerably higher fti itqpl communities than in cities. beloved by tike children here, she taught daring the first year of the Gospel Center,. is confined to a hospital in New York City following an accident. Harold Dietrich of Wonder Woods Livestock at Auction On Boute 47 Woodstock, III Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. trash Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy OOWB -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULL8 T. a and BANGS TESTED Monday and Tuesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS CASH OB CREDIT Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTION* . We have buyers for. every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois ros UVBSTOCK OOHS TO WOODSTOOSl WOQOSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC. PboM #72 <# *» CASE RBMANDBD The case of Jhdith M. Moris, 4 years old, a dependant child, has been remanded to the McHenry county court at Woodstock from the second district appelate court on a Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glende cele- „ , , „ . « revereal opinion with the directions brated twenty-five years of msrriage! to dismiss the dependency * petition, on Friday evening, June 27, at tne f°rS*>t to bring his lunch box home ending court litigation that has ex- Svithoid Singing clnb at 624 Wright-1 Monday evening. I wonder if that is tended over a period of several wood Ave., Chicago. A smorgasbord why he nicked up the garbage can in;m°nths. The child was found dedinner was enjoyed by the sixty °f hi* mother-in-law's home.! Pendent by Judge Henry L. C.. Cowrelatives and friends who attended!course it would make a splendid | "n county court last fall and he the celebration. Dancing followed. lunc^ --for 1°0 people! i appointed Louise Brooks, county pro- Many beatftiful gifts, which included! Most °f fonder Lake, their I bation officer, Judith s guardian with a chest of silver, were presented to families, their friends and their rel- authority to consent to adoption. The this popular couple. Probably one of ^atives we*"e present either Friday c.a®e was immediately appealed by the most attractive invitations every' °,r Saturday to see the plays and! Attorney Arthur J. Mercurio repredesigned announce this momentous;the ^a^et "Put on at the McHenry I s®nting the mother, Mrs. Eleanor occasio/i. A pen and ink drawing of I Hisrh school. The friends of that i 2Jor.n8. Chicago a cartoon bride and groom carried: ha"et were stunned at the exquisite the actual photographed faces of beauty--of the costumes! These Read the Want Ada Order yoar ruooer stamps st Plaindealer. Mr. and Mrs. Glende. costumes were designed by Virginia Monteleone and were made bv- Hazel VonBampus and a committee which included, besides those men* tioned on the programs, Mrs. Win. The annual meeting of the Indian Ridge Improvement Association will be held on Sunday, July 6, at 2:30 p. m. in Harrison school. New oficers KamP and Mrs. Wm. Fiala will be elected and reports to the j property owners will take place. This organization, now one year old, has already much to be proud of. Beaches I and II of Inaian Ridge have been made attract iMe and usable. The new steel supported pier at Beach I is weekly the scene of much activity. The tons of sand have made the beach easy to walk upon and. drains now keep water from standing ' in pockets on the higher land. Beach II, filled and sanded, has for its upper rim a necklace of .stout posts and cables of steel to keep the unwary driver from dropping over the cliff that was long a motoring hasard. Widened to make room for parking, the beauty of this beach needs to be seen from the lake to be really Tlook! ap- Frank Cheney, that tall center of the ballet, must have gotten a little mixed with his dual role--he was seen sitting in the women's smoking compartment of the evening traill one day last week! ' Earl E. Livesey of Chicago was a weekender in the home of his granddaughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kolar, of Shore Hills. Protestant Children's' Home. The law firm of 'Eckert A Eckert represented the petitioner, Mrs. -• A T T I N T I O H F A R! N O A I D U S F R "> L-; u N C : •, ;> 3 A T :. N; L s in and teB ne of your needs , . . and let us snpply yon! ' III ad instruments. { Eosy tobvy fromour fifshstockl H£AIUNG AID BATTERIES! Wilson's Radio Shop IS* Eta Street PHONE 4«» \ McHenry, BL - ' PICIAL BRIDAL PORTRAIT preciated. Row arourtd and Besides the beaches, the directors of Indian Ridge have spent much time improving, grading and filling the _ roads throughout the subdivisions. The road work includes the clearing of snow in the winter. During this winter, with flash snowstorms lasting well into the spring,!" Indian Ridgers were able to get tOi!! work u|gpn cleared roads, when even! <» Chicagoans were snowbound. - ' Baby Roland Leigh Porter III was christened on Sunday, June 29 at; | | the home of his parents, Roland and! < • Norma Porter of Wonder Woods. " Rev. George Marshall officiated, Mrs. Alma Davis, mother of Mrs. Porter and Bernard Davis, brother of Mrs.1J | JPorter, are godmother and godfather !< > for the little boy. A reception held! ] | after the ceremony was attended by 1!! the Davis family and by a few close} •» friends. Roland II, father of the baby, celebrated his birthday at the .same time. Thomas P. Mathews, refiently graduated from McHenry High school, was ofifcially notified June 27 that he has been accepted by the College of Arts and Sciences at Loyala University, where he, will prepare for the law school. On June 7, "Tommy." • took a " jcompdtitive ; 111 II I I 1 I I H I I I 1 I I I I I| ! > • » f r r i Cetil Strupe of Cleveland, Ohio,: died there on Tuesday, June 24. The Strupes were residents of Wonders SltlAl ALBUM A wedding fertralt which flsrii the radiant hiaaly «t the happy bnde Is a prlsilass aslmslsa. And year eddlaa pletaass wfll bacon sherlihed keepsuMs whesi aMoated bs ear eualslle Bridal Albaa which will keep theaa. eleaa* eafe and conveniently fllad* NIIONAt •Iff iACKIft SAVE THAT OLD CANVAS! SstlSst mskes old stslaed or laded can* vas look like new at a fraction of iefdacsmcnt cost. This remarkable paint leaves the fabric pliable and will not aadk. k adds gtestly to durability as it Is son rcsisttot, water repellent and retards pn sod mildew. Easy to apply--- jnse brush or may it on. 10 attractive colors--also Black, White and Clear. Use it on Beach Chairs and Umbrella^ AwnJaga, Cshanas, Iknts, Gliders, Canvas Shoes and Lrggiiy, Fiber Rags, Caerras Auto Tops, etc. Oae quart covers spp*rwiiaraly"&> square feet. One coat is asoslly jj Quiet Dignity Those who attend services here never fail to remark on the |) serenity which results from a> the" quiet dignity and smooth efficiency with which we carry 11 out every funeral plan. Jacob Jusfen Sons:: FUNERAL DIRECTORS * Funeral Home Pfcene McHenry 1U-R Green, Car. Bhn, McHenry • LOAPIN* »ABN« Built with RILCO Laminated Wood lAFTIRI • . i * eCovtrtd with Weather-Tifht Material RIICO JUDOI CONNECTION RILCO SIU CONNECTION I -- MMnli MIM<S*»IH>«M|»WSI >ifili. S»Siii -- «1 --* tm Si »itori»li»II I»«M--WM H S» hwjSlii. SJ*III ASM imST (• b* MM <• «w fMNMtaMM • Here's the modern way to build every type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's easy to get all the materials you need right now. Come in and talk to us about itl PHOKE MoHKNBY 5 ALEXANDER LUMBEft. CO. WIST McHXNKY, IU. i i i i i i t i i i i i i n i i i i i i H m IV IHflXul "Bm Richard Ja^ e r Cy«iKr wlerdd^ingi rp.firie tares. w &f ^ MV MOMMY ALWAYS MVS AU OUR BAKERY G00RSAT Riverside fok? Shop «8L 117 SOLD BY JOHN J. YYCUAL 8DWE. SMOP -Ci LI v • » * r, - J t ; *, ' ' ^ "

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