Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1947, p. 3

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Jc.SpQS ^r^q^r.-'*5 %^/i THI MCHKHY ykjnroK^ugt » r »»l»M>M»itlM»MMM I community 'in thw United States where the resident* lurrent reported seeing any "flying discs" although Aw I we most confess that in the past V» m MM AM I many of gg have seen some. strange >0 eee •»»»• eees »•••••»•< »••< ' creatures on the mornings-after and i '•* {suffered a few lumps on our nog- / Yardstick) , gjn9 from "flying saucers" wielded Grectfngs^ Tofts £ ! Dy our better halres whose ideas To date McCullpm is the cMiyj about Sunday mornini? rising hours were different from ours. So bring, on the "flying discs'?-- we're inured to anything shaped like a saucer and. won't even bother to look up. ' « '* -- . The %ome of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Schultx on Fountain Lane was the scene of . a party last Thursday. The occasion was a birthday celebration with Mrs. William Creuts as the honored guest. Among those Leif Monge mid iKmSSf, Mr. and Mrs. Ear) ftorensen andffcmily, and Mr. I and Mrs. George VanStan • ltd family, all of Chicago. ^ •' This week we say welcome neighbors to Mr. and Mr£. Wilbert Hecht of Maple Hill Drive who moved out! last Saturday to make this their permanent home. A hearty welcome also to Vr. and Mrs. John Wiberg, nSw owners of the Olsen Cottage, who too decided that McCullom Lake tiff fRH} J %*• v , * » *; ,-*4- r- v-, * f-1 , --I" i -4a<, . ,'f ' * • Jm tnli VWttiMs Sx princlp^ traffic violations account for moce than four-fifths of all auto accidents. Principal infractions an speeding, improper passing and disobeying stop sign or light. ^ CLARENCE'S SHOP ' KStehen cabinets and Upteirdi tuil Bm ©flawn chain, •ic table acta, children's play picket ftaoaa, windowboxes, bird to i; i, •: trellises fenuine leather men's and ladies' belts, parses, etc. CLARENCE SMITH, Johnsburg .. 1 • - Industrial Gas The Ford Motor company's River present to eniov • H*Hri«iii huffat wno w® oeciaea uuk mcv;uuom ute| Jf0"®? plant uaes enough gas to on# the beautifully decorated table p«. nent residence. people, according to the Eticyclopared by the gracious Mrs. Schults ... , were Mr. and Mb. WiUiam Creuts j * _?.1<*ynA ,*<^rno<!^2f and son. Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. WH-' SSw SSJSS? bert Turney of Orchanl Drive, and PJ*^ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grappling and son, Arthur, of Glen Ellyn my Pietfbwsltl irised itn» and *®w*e'« returned to their home f[. here with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. '» L. C. Judson of Morency, Mich., and Mr. and Mis. Stan Kopala of Chicago to take 1 few shots at the 19th Me. After repeated efforts the 1*T? n^WLreturned to Momny. {Chicago Sunday wWle'ttie Jud son's. ** W-1 feeing of hardier Michigan j Mr. «d Mrs. Ton; | we pleasantly surprised when a ! company of long-lost relatives I marched in on them last J At ike head of this troop I t-greit-grandmk Berch- remain until the end of this week. ITA /ulV* Safranski as Their score Card should prov. ther first lieutenant. Its surprising most interesting reading material! i •i^",?r"0,<Lwyo2r*8ter,,i lt >» "Adamfass* Eden at the! ,r**ln<! ^'••e days. The Plotrow- Kurina's this week. After a hectic stock will paedia Britannica. About SO million cubic feet of gas aje used -a day. Mlaeral Wealth Diamonds and told are the srals pwk tfcfafc of in with Africa. But the continent has the greatest reeenre of copper Hi the work! In northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. It Is also probable that its rich deposits of coal will someday be more important than its gold and gems, in the opinion of geologists. DR. HENRY FREUNCR <***• •> OPTOMETRIST VT, At 514 Main St., West McHextr^ ^ Steffan's Jewelry Store A (Closed Thurs&y Afternoons) Eyes \Btamined -- fflmw Fitted Visaal Ttaiaing -- Yisaal BehaMlhatie* _ - Complete Viaaal Analysis -" i •sltfs Daily :• te U and 1 to S--Saturday yviagsi i tlMl'|Oa. FHONB McHENRT 4SS Reau ihe Wanv xd* ' I ^ ® the next two weeks en- weekend, Arleno Snn. Helen j 1 ^;5; >v BfGGSST NEWS IN THE PAPER f&DAYt DELUXf • Free installations) • Double guarantee! • Big cash savings! • Low weekly payments! • Free trade-in estimates! • A complete set of 4 CREST Tires for only $1.25 per week!*" ' !?* L ? Mt,\ *nd Mrs. and Martha Krause decided to stay Gene Piotrowski as well as their behind to soak up a little more of two grandchildren. Phyllis and "Old Sol." The "No Wolves Allowed* l^oiores or Chicago. [sign posted in front of the Kurina's m* j „ . J residence means just that. Mr. and Mrs. William E*stlund - •w^ioyed the company of Mr. and. Congratalatioiw Te Mrs. Ernest Fredell of Milwaukee! Mrs. Shirley Jensen 0n her 16th over the weekend. j birthday July 30. ^TW. M ESS. *»*** tiiree-weeks* vacation at their cot- Mr. and Mrs. Tryg Ronjstad on. tope on* Maple hill by entertaining the 45th anniversary of their bliss- Mr. and Mrs. Walter iRgge, Mr. and ful wedding day, July 3. | Mrd. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. John Ronald Paul on his 8th birthday. ! Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Funk July 6. and son lister, Jr., and Mr. and Otto Pyriti on his 25th birthday Mrs. A1 Johnston, all of Chicago, i and he don't look a day over 52 over the long weekend. Mrs. William Creutz on the 25th . ! anniversary of her natal day, July 3. With the Independance day holi- { #»y» behind us, we are happy to; Nats and Bolts report that no casualties- occurred When you question your wife's within our community. The nuisance judgments, pause to remember she Jef exploding firecrackers and other chose you. noise-makers of that day was held Two motorists me down to a minimum, thanks to the too narrow for two law-enforcing agencies throughout "I never back up for an idiot, •he state. Now all that remains to shouted one angry driver. "That's J»e done is to slow down the road- all right," replied the other calml Wrecking cowboys, who with open! as he shifted exhaust pipes on their ornamented; ways do." .tin-heaps, essume the role of the Asked why he was going to marry 'proverbial bull in the china shop, a glamour girl from the city instead with no regard for the safety of of some woman his own age, Gran# i-others. This menace, too, is: pappy opined: "I'd heap rather smelt A gradually being overcome by con- perfume than liniment." j tinued arrests and fines. t * j A lot of bright childen should be --; I applauded with one hand. Carl Bergquist, who has- been} Time tells on a man--especially a playing a bachelor role for the past good time and, so for another week ft>vv months whirle his Mrs. is en- we again say ADIOS TOO FAT? Get SUMMER this Hma more slender. atarrhflt. notltOtt. litter, you ^mply oit than down. It', wafer la clinical UMa I MRe gnularr| l ifsmt $2 b.Mox. oTrr iapol.M* aTc SbSa.cSkO.. YC«oU« goMr ipwkalMll Hoot's Restaurant 202 South Oreen Street ^ V. " D I H N E R 8 • -rfc* -V' , v - COUNTRY FEIED OmCKKM FRENCH FRIED CHICKEH FRENCH FRIEP SHRIMP 5 ' ROAST BEEF or ROAST PORK : ^ r R l t W LIVER ADD ONIONS SATURDAY on a bridge cars to pass. joy:nR herself on the continent, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cobk and Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ahnquist of Chicago over the past weekend. !|irs. Berfrtouist is expected home from her trip to. Norway in* t)ie next two weeks. • , _ Safe IMstance Store gasoline aid kerosene in closed cans in buildings 75 feet or more from the house. Do not use them to start fires. AMAZING PlttCi REDUCTIONS! Not a second-lino tire . it'a Gambles FIRST LINE CREST Deluxe ... the tire of Peak Performance! Ye», it's an a»n««ing low price for the tire that gives you extra road rubber, extra heat re$i*/ance, extra tmctiefi anfi safety, ana extra toughness to shodc* and abuse! Deduct from this new rock-bo " * "* unsafe tires for new first line CREST Tubes, at thoir new lowpnce , •tw only |2.4S plus tax. Be safe! Get yours NOW I Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Fox left 'for Scott Field, Mo., last Friday, leaving Pa and Ma Myers to hold down <the fort on Maple Hill. Ceetfi CoUette, Owner Ffcoae 459 ,S ! / W t- 1 H llie Friendly Store AUTHORIZED DCAIJE1 w O R L I ' S v v i 1 1 f SIS Saia Street WEST ITHENlT T H A O f R S Timely Sewing Stitches In time save headaches for housewives. Pressing each seam before it is overlapped, keeping an The Winnetka Trust and Savings abundance of pins^ on hand, letting Bank willMist two very sunburned ^resse? hang a day or two be e Misses among their liabilities this j hemming, and machine gathering Hveek. June Noble and Diana Pal-1 by making two rows of large stitches -inieri are the names ef the two girls j and then pulling the lower thread who tried to soak up a whole sum-' are useful tricks tor -all sewing en yner's sunshine in three days while guests of their grandparents, the Nobles, over the weekend. We know just how you feel girls and we certainly hope your boss is a sym pathetic man. * - * piitrCnr^'Mrir m--ir 'irir iii"ii'B'HrvSni^l|' The Ray Qsterby's home on Orchard Drive as usual was a very gray spot last Sunday. The names on their guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Field, Mr. and Mt?. Henry Henschein, Mr. and Mrs. Le- Holte and family, Mr. and Mrs. BIG-CAR QUALITY Ymm'H Ukm ffcaf Up-Car Tee^g Mfce thmf >% CmrHpHmgl Youll like the long, low lines of the new Chevrolet YouH like the look of maaeiveneae and sturdiness. That big, biautifui Ymm'H Ukm Chevrotet's packed with features that give you Big-Car oomfort and safety. Ppeitive Action Hydraulic Brakes, for eaampJe, with exclusive design features far safer, surer stage. Unitteed Knee- Action, for instance, that adds stability and ease of steering, as wag as rMifj; But your greatest thrfH will come when you ftod out thai Chevrolet is the low><tpriced line in Us field . . . and the line that coats lees for gas, oil and upkeep. Chevrolet's the one ear that gfcee you Big-Car Qualify at Lowest Cost! Yee* Mkm--r •ervke, feel --for the way it keepe your oar at its bait ail the year round. Drive in soon--and regularly.. Youlf find It fun to drive a new Chevrolet There's power and pep to spars in the only vitfvo-irv-Hoad Engine that powers a popular- . priosd car. And Chevrolet's quiet, comfortable, mad hinging my of going ie .ee i«etful-«a relaxkigl CHEVROLET thusipst'. to know. faaBaeBHHBBEai 0 IMAGINE! roios with A*r POMIlAt NAME Tn Wa*l 0« Tb«M Clark Chevrolet Sales . " MrUFNRV. ||J.lNO»J*a P E R S O N A L I Z E D of rtrfWTnf * > •*. An idee theft bright as a new ^vs^^^i^^l yser Hsr one of tliew wart, wslaeelAA AalM wWUWifIeI Lie news In on over all design in three colon. Mods by Apse of wenderfwl thfrene". The Hssisin tee, ere gMronlsed woihobls end flsrlasl. . For beys and girh from 2 years of oge to 14. They're perfect for youngsters' evsrydey wser. They're swsH for teen-agers' school ond wocotlea wear. •tjmln«. U4. f«t. og. A|*t 2 to 6*1.39 Agestte 14. n.89 PHONE 277 The Toddler Shop Green St McHenry, I1L ; -a® BOLOBB A* E. Noonan, Prop. Green Street AT A&P EVERY DAY IS SAVINtTS-DAY! Yes, everyday is Savings Dey at your A&P ... for you see^ qtur prices ere effective ell week, long, n off or one day . *. but everydeyl McHenry, Illinois I N Oar iffeat Dept. IE TEMttU-^- Ferm-Ffesli Pretfiice Caliornia Red Ripe Fancy Tomatoes Solid Heads, Crisp Fresh Cabbage 21b 15c For Added Coloi Green Peppers lb. 19c Crisp, Tender, Fresh Cucumbers 2 for 17e For Added Favor--Green Onions 3 bnchs 20c Red, Crisp, Radishes California Grown, Large Pascal Celery silk 29c THEY'RE SURE TO SKINLESS Frankfurters *£c TASTY. SMOKED Liver Sausage Ll sGc FOR YOUR SANDWICHESI SPI Luneh«e« Meat ..u FOR YOUR MENUI Thiriifer LONe OR Field Mac Belefif 3 bnchs 10c A RIAL Air VAIUEI SUCSO Dried Beef .*8SR»1« MAKSS OWOOUS SAWWtCHM ItlM N«ai Sic IVMYOM UKH . U.SH YOUR SALAD. MUH Cettagf fikeese Real Smrlisfi las Cheese, Efyi, Mutter, Ete NtW LOW HltCEl DOMKTIC Swfet Nm*N AV FINEST OUALIfY, tCORl taaayfMd Biitltr NEW LOW PRICil CRCAM4ICN Mian ChMM VtUM KOAfflcie rjvwfliias l-LI.'CTN. Of 4 QTtS FOR LAUHORYI SfM I PURi WHIm -^^FRYIN6I FOR lAKINSt fun FOR SCOURINOI SfM Dust Fvwder lUHNYIftOOK MANO. WN "ft" Largt Frtsh Em I LET SOArl .......CWIN. Bit Fresh Bmhem mt Yemr A*P Store! KM A LUXURIOUS RATH NMntnp SCHUUi f Ftavtr-Klsf SalliiM FLA1N, CINNAMON_Oft W OF JAM M», tipM 0 S4TNSIZE trim CAKE l*i Marvel JANl FARKia. N •eMea Rlaf |MMMM UFA SK M. CHOC FVBM Layar Oaks^ SACK AAAINI MARV1L, VIENNA MUH CAKE •trflim fliMi UCH H< •"IS IE* THANK YOU MAM) Cvt AtMraa» Nm Sari Braatf tic FAN. WNOU tawat&M JANE PARKER, RAISIN rash Ceftee Cake NO. 1 ve Ever* Dmg mt A+r IONA (RAND RENSSMINa §m BRAND, FANCY Ipplnnd SUNSWEIT SRANO MILD AND MELLOW • MM UilIJi I-ll. RAfi T8« .. BOTTLE UBEY'S BRAND (IN TOMATO SAVCKl BCMS win Perk 21 m« 27c RICH « FULL BODIED COFFCE l-LB. BA6S VieOROUS AND WINEY COFFH PURE EVAPORATED MILK Red Girdc 2^ 77c While Nmn MNk ASP BRAND. 60LDEN Whole KcrMl Con NO. 2 m eeaeaeeeeaiaaaaiaii--iftliiiiiiWilWIIIIWHiHiWW . t hvi

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