wfth weko held, eneh _ handicraft, I M Culturelor*, wHfclj •gaaepsaeap*^" * from McHenry couutlJ Mrs. Sweeney, Heidenreich, my sssistMft, ana * -- mombors adult councilor*. * 0 hoi May doing Each morning started with_ the tj,e afternoon bugle across the Creek at <:S0, a, to two and a swim, bed-makfng*and inspection, and , craft, and i* 7hout flasr-raising before breakfast, which, After rapper at 7:30. We bad singing with ering, and a variety , >, .... - rood sonar leader after each meal, group stunts, the respoiisibtlrty of members from 8:30 to 11:80 four classes Direct contact i <hT W- H. Tam»«ii> • Four days at camp Shaw-waw-nis- . see with 260 youngsters is quite an • ' «experience. There were about 2 twenty-five of us older folks taking *•. son» I the responsibility of seil ng that all 8?$0 | went well. Twenty-one -.-mbM-a *rom PRIM) CHICKEN Specialty, -- SPAGH1 -o- •m&Pmmm JUg th« tag to the nfca, and was Ml stoeei. Ma; %i4 1fe«. Aadraw of M l. T. ttrs. VtoU 'Low spent Friday fSXT* Sunday wi made nicotine „ . Md Kit Geo called on thellr dough Ainger, and tic# tho Harvard hospital noon. Mr, and inn. Rtt •pent Sunday with and MrsTwfii. H volving tractora. They are: (1) give fair coMHV. efed beftre after- HINGWOOD Subscribe for The gammer Cabins and Rooms for --• o- Et. 190 --V/i Miles West ff Vote > Lily Lake Tel. McHenry 667-M4 J. KERECHEK, Prop. A T T E N T I O M H E A P i N G AID USERS1 0URCFSS GATTFPIES fit all instruments. Easy to buy from our* • fresh stock! 1 HEARING AID BATTERIES! Gome in and tell njtk, of your needs , . « and let us. supply you! Wilson's Radio Shop 206 Elm Street PHONE 469 McHenry, IB. hay at 10 p.m. 4-H members ! our county were Ji Marilyn Lafond, Tom . Woodstock; Richard ; Danner, Barbara Stone, Gordon Caik Judy Burton, Ann Bnw, Ann WI and Sharon Sells, Harvard; Huty Kriegger, Marvin H Marlowe, Huntley; ! Sharon, Wl«>; James Lindsay, MoHsnry; Data Nevel, Garden I Prairiej James McKe«, Jerry Hlg- ! gins, M«ronfo, I The Illinois Agricultural aaaoei- (ation tax department has relsassd a {very informative statement on lMd taxes* They say blame for the rise ' over"1945 taxes by as much as <S per I cent can be laid to the state admln- ! istration. local officials, and to local j citizens by not attending local toWn annual meetings. They call attention to the fact that township taxes for 1947 can be lowered by petition for special town meeting and a majority ! referenda at that meeting. Paying 1946 taxes und'-r protest is useless they say. unlers psotest is made of specific item*. For 1M7 levies, a general fuss in an organisedmanner will have a lot of effect. It would be wise to get your fuss start* Circle met at thehome L. Harrison on Thursday _ The usual business meetfceld. A fine program M* Must OoOh." by Carol Harrison was vwy nrath enjoyed. Ioe cream, cookiea and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entert. a in.e d their five-hiTbdred ehfe antt their name Thursday evening. Priam were awarded to Mrs, Shepard and Wfeldon Andreas, and Mrs. B. T. Butler and WhitUpg, Mr. fend Mrs. Kenneth Cristy returned home from Waupaca where thiywatt called by the death of a relative Mrs. Aynos J«ncks entertained a party .Mends at her home HiurBday enaiac In honor of her sister and baahmid, Mr. and Mrs. Lao Jfswnn. A pot-luck supper was •njograt | MosrcountVes'^m 2th es in August, as will road ?*•*»* ?» Mrs. Thoma* Kane, Mrs. ed now and take it W local taxing the evening was officials. county levies _ and bridge officials. All schools under boards of education must hold hear Ings before levies are "«t. I*o Newtln, Mrs. William spencer, Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Joe Holly and Clayton Harrison. Those to maketill happy group were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Do you have trouble keeping the i William Spencer, Mr. and chickens watered out on the range! "'.'"f11,. wencer, nr. «no an. where all brooded chicks should be l Robert^Thompson^ Miss Maud Gran- DR. HENRY FREUND ; ^ OPTOMETRIST ^ At 514 Main St., West McHenry * ' Stefian's Jewelry Store / (Closed Thursday Afternoons) t Eyes Examined -- Glasses FittedT Visual Training -- Visaal Rehabilitation Complete Visaal Analysis Hours Dafly: t te 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Eveninga: 6 to 8:S0 p.m. PHONE McHENRY 452 by now? A 8-16 inch copper tubing fj?* laid just underground a few inches imr* will flow 400 gallons per day. The new disease jjdmqthjitfjflffl in oats rots the stem off jq*t at the ground level and the l#aT#S h#V0 M orange ryst on them, Elm trees seem to be very suscept- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas f«r Mrs. C. L. Harrison and C5*ro|, Mm, Georae Shepard, Mr", Lu^la Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Nmvlto and Mfl. frocks. Dianne mid Barbara Granberg1, of Oshkosh, fb., are visiting with their uncle "and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas., and family spent Sunday with her parents at Algonquin, Mrs. Jennlf IBacon spent the past Iweek with hor son, George, and wife *t Antioch, Meedames L u e 11 a S^sphenson, >rgo ahapard, Viola Low and ter Carr attended a meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary at he home of Mrs. Walter Wilcox ar Woodstock, Tuesday evening. Harry Evans is enjoying a Vacation from his duties in Brown's Drag Harvest Time Can Mean 7 Harvest Daze!! V" A W N I N G S | TARPAUI1NS CANVAS GOODS 1 Large Selection of Materials V ORDER EARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings * McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Tbos. Thonneson Prop. Vs atkm Time has now very deftn* itely arrived in our midbt, but we are also quite conscious of the hage task with which oar farmers art presently confronted. store. Charles Carr and Leland Berg were on a business £rip to Nebraska a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Geoage Shepard Vacation Time for our Chicagoiand. were viiitors at" Woodsteek, Friday | neighbors means Harvest Time W] morning. the men of the field. Harvest Ttoo! Louis Hall, Fred Bowman and brings Harvesting Probkma , . . a Harry Evans returned homtf 8unday Harvest Daxe! j from a fishing trip in Wisconsin. - . J Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welter and Wont equipment nood not, present fwmilv of MeHenry spOnt Sunday any foratidaWe problem, however.]-with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Matt We have a complete line of haying wVKer. and harvest tools • • • hay forte, hay| Mr. atld Mrs. Alan Ainger of He etc. Come In and talk ever i*^ announce the arrival of a 7 problem today!! |ib. 11 Vi oz. daughter born at the Harvard hospital on July 12. Mr. for preparing tae aar-| amj NmJ ropes, YOUR Housewives, attention! . Wjfcmr, fclrfeago, spent the weekend witJ» hm> parenU, Mr imd Mrs. Gobtfgv George and Nancy Ainger, Heon, ••ai«-*M|kk ttHy^mniiti, Mr. and Mi^SS*i«l«sMWL ' Mr. aiid Mri. frtak Dix andi Mr. ' mid Ml*.' Rbbm Vi Mr. and M,. WBcoit, and RttsiH Lattreiwo and Marie RHsert of Elgin an^ Mr. and Mra. W Wkfk of Chicago spent Sunday in the OKver Lauranee home. MM. John Shadle loft Saturday for Chester, Va., beieai^e of the luddeit death of her father, George Bennet Sharon Block of Oconomowoc, yg,*L%£gi»Tm*' Mias Phyllis MeCMhon of Woodstock, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr have moved from the Frapkie Stephenson house to their home. Lester duo* spefed befire turning or applying brakes; (2) don't rftl* trae^'%^ tor drawbar or drawn lmplsmawts; 1(3) atop power tOl»-o<f befOr» dla^ ^ mounting; (4) don't refuel r1 tor la runnlng.or extaenoaly (8) dcm't operate tractor ' building or near inflammable " tferfcite. Mrs. ington and chidren of Libertyville spent Stktidav in the alkington homes. Mr. and Mrs; Roland McCannon and Mrs. Frank >f 1 Ben and Paul Convenient drinking water antiseptic to help prevent spread of harmful germs,, such ca pullorum. For many simple bowel troubles. ltes. beMe. $ .73 MefchtiH* 1.50 I gaklMMt*. 4.50 A«IOOX , ^Drinking water" medidne to aid in the prevention and contool of ceocd ooceidlosis along with sanitation. lies. beMe ...$1.00 3t es. beMe; S.Q0 1 »al. beMe.......... 4.50 LHMIILSION . For symptoms of colds, wheeling and bronchitis. Es|llllu#Jipyommondod tor It««. b«M». /»»..... .$1.00 It W. bsNiS....... ... S.00 1 gel. beMe^......... «.50 Mlyii piwH>) raiMrt ta Nt*W fUth kMMb pragMM*. C«M IN «M IN •nv Um •! ill CESSPOOLS OATCH BASINS YOUR * V ^ By ' SEPTIC TAMES OISTERKS* EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE ^OWl HOW, Prop. • --"Telephone MCHENRY Mr On Route 47 Woodstock, III Every Wednesday it 7:30 p.m. •Sk. '5 ' Fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy H0LSTEIN ST< BANGS TES' COWS -- HEIFERS - i | v • • • • ' r T . B . a n d Private Sales m4' %*}' Monday and Tuesday l^e take orders for feeder cattle and pi|§ TERM8 - CASH OR Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyers for every article ^NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% ^Best Calf .Market in Northern Illinois, FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK 00DST0CK COMM. SALES CO., INC. Phones 572 or 499 requirements preps vest of your orchards and gardens. Check our stock of cooking and can* ning supplies!! Nickels Hdwa Home of Standard Brand ' Phone 2 * McHenry RILCO fytiutcf ^Suiidiaa IO POST-FRII INTIRIOIS SLFTVI AS • MACNINI SHIP8 • UTILITY BUIlDIN9t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal returned home from a two-weeks' visit with their daughter and family in Iowa. Mrs. Colvey and children of BeW videre spent Sunday with Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and erandchildren, Woodstock, ipen| Sunday afternoon with Mr*. Clayton Bruce and family. « Louis Ton yen and mother of Fob Lake «rpent 9nday with Mrs. Bus bars Laurence imd son, Joe. Mr. and Mm Tad Kooistra and fpmilv of Sharon, Wis., spent Sunday with her mothotf; Mrs. Etaima Ander> son. and son, Bahlft. Mrs. Wattles and son, Glen, of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. C. I#. Harrison and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Bmil Bhlers, Elgin, were callers in the Beatty-Low homo Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lena Poet Is visiting witik her daughters in Elgin. Mrs. Mayme Harrison, M*£Ienry, soent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mrs. Frank Harrison and Carol Harrison were Dfin visitors, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox, Woodstock, and Mr. and Mra. Walter • LOAriNO •ARMS' Built with RILCO Laminated Wood RAFTIRS .. . .. Cav*r«(t with Waathar-Tight Malarial fvch as Comigalod Alumini^m floofing or Wood 8li--llilng and ComposWow Hoofing L?V« MOMEFUH In T«nr VMMin Trwsl WITH TMtjBOMPUVI PRK-VACATION mmTUnMMk MUa| a«yb> --wSh lifiia'i p«SSaM II «HS I • Here's the modern way to build every type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy ^economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's easy to get all the materials you need right now. Come in and talk to us about itl in the engine rfiormance. MtCO UOOf CONNICHOM •a • Sm ml iMh wMb m ««t mmt *MM to Si ALEXA PHONE McHENRY 5 Taoe-u top pei • Lubricam the chassis. :* Q Inspe ct the tfsnimiiifas anddiffareatiallnbricaats. Change motor oil; Inspect oil filter. Test brakes--adjust tf needed. --* Inspect windshield wipsnh" lignts and steering. T H I P R I C I f -Upobsbly l«s»ihu yon espoct ~ pay. • • StftVICI mmammtm DOWNS NASH SAUS ^SERVICE 4A0im6. Elm SM tI • • ^ j s i McHgnry Phone Green St. Announcing the appointment of IHgleside9 IlliQoii Phone MW W W * d i s t r i b u t e r o m w^ippig %.y • t! to a bost of friends When friends drop in, serve good rw^iman bee^... a welcome addition to tbcr best of parties. Ifs a beer..... traditionally f^foi four generations. Try a case! K. 01TT KIM All MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN I VMM