Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1947, p. 9

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MMIIlMllllliMMMMli that Wnier Lake By VanMM Sells Quaker* are practical people and their religion is a very definite part of theirHves. They usually practice what they preach, too, which is a good thin* in anyone's lexicon. Throughout the world the Queers j sort of fellow--and hell find the same thing abodt you! • oat.' the members of • the Wonder Women on Friday afternoon at a dessert ----' • ! luncheon. Boy and Alice Noren, and Skip N -- home again after a camping trip1 llr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crain o( took them clear across the Wonder Lake View Farm are par- North weetern section of the United exits of a baby girl born July 7. States. They saw the Black Pills, i 1947, in the Woodstock Community prowess as a fisherman again this'school is yepr by catching the largest Oswego i proper. Wrge-mouth bass j«r. .caught in WondWT ? <npi 4 felfaw 1ft. Rushmore, lush ranches, Glacier i hospital. National Park and finals to the f lumber camp in Oregon owned by] Guests in the home 6t Mr. and 1 friends. Mrs. Robert Moreau are Mrs. James, , One* during the night, Skip.!K. Polk of New York, niece of Mr. sleeping in a jragle hwnmock along Moreau, and her daughter, Jean, the trail, wag distanced w a large, They plan an extended visit in the ;ing beneath his bw, Moreau home. have been known for their completeHI bet he covered up his head! ly non-political efforts to aid those that were hungry, homeless and harried by war or confused by an- , , , . . , , .. . oeaceful I mother, Mrs. Arm- . . i P a r l o u r o f W i c k l i n e Woods,-found a (strong; his father, Ferdinand Arm ^ '18 summer, in Woodstock. tne i tuttje jagt week with initials carved strong; and his sister, Mrs. Man on its back. The initials, those of Lou Merritt. Armstrong is on his • John West, were carved two ago when that young man j-v omes in ivisions have not been contacted. „ . . ,A . _ k .... ^ 'den T. Armstrong of Guam was HJJHOIS, THURSDAY. JULY Thirty-six pupils iid®teachers a*. Wade COsick, 10, visiting at the a visitor over the weekend in the --J J " home of his mother* Kenneth homes of his brother, Alan international relations and understanding- Securing the use of Todd School, the American Friends Service Committees have gathered stud e n t s , a l l a t t e n d i n g American colleges, from more than twenty countries. ' These students, speaking many languages, of many relipions and from diverse cultural backgrounds, TO FIRST CLUE ins; " TEN-DAY-OLD-- -fc-., years way to Rhode Island where he will, ISCOE M7STXR p "" caught spend four months before his return ' C » * . the .turtle and let it go again. to his station in Guam. j h,^ •„ ..v. "Aung Wade and his brothers,, Mrs. Merritt celebrated her birth-! U »!!»A* L _ Bill, 11, and Eddie, 13, are. spending , day--shall we say thirty-first--on a few weeks here on vacation f-r om Saturday while her brother was Jipr®. JTjiude'and Condition their home invKentucky. I em not very proud of these .. . j . j items, hut they are local news. Anare attempting to understand one other item from the COunty court of the item' house concerns John Welsh of Wonder Lake who is being held in the here in jail on a disorderly conduct charge, months, On last Wednesday, aboard the Pftcem: ker to New Y.ork, a homesick Wft- Chi-ea*? °" <hes, consisting of a th ffi,rrsstt llaa»p ooff ' hh(e'rr -jloouurmneevv home yht to have been or a visit. Young Barbara Howorka, Wonder Lake for eighteen is now at sea aboard the Marine Flasher which will take he* rf-toefc It i. thought that the A card fr^m Jim-J andAOeLyle- ih -Bridgewatey/ . was used to 8trikf the woman fhe face and head, causing her to » Woodstock on Juty 14, came to It this week. According to Police t(f Louis Thayer of Woodstock, suit of shorts worn by Miss itcoe, were found, together with oblood-stained stick underneath j* bushes on the outskirts of ftOt within Wonder Lake ; Sellek home on Julbegan with Tentative plans jure underway to i schievement "^old a carnival the last of August .' Friqfey, a nassinw mnt/iri«* mm th* Mi . >r the benefit of the mission. Other v,ted to attend. blanket -rrf t-rnlr hsr into ffiomii lans include a dance which will he!. The club has decided to give a play inhere police were notified aadahK eld at St. Mary's school, in Mc-; instead of having a tag-day for was taken to Woodstock horoital enry. \i^ty 4*H .toWn: The pl*y wiH *»! where it was found that AeiSf Father Becker stated that he had, L, some time in August. 'bruised about the head and face: - date, fceen in more than 200 Sharon Sells gave a demonstration' she said she had been drinkm* atholic homes in the Wonder Lake onJ ,ren. types of hems. ..'in a tavern in Harvard with ' rea. These were, of course, both , , hostesses served vanilla and|sjster arMj .tj,e sister's husband Permanent and summer homes, but: chocolate P,es , became separated from Ham bout half of them are permanent. whipped cream which I attempted to return to the * the Lookout Point Sub- ^^Tlfdoi a<Suaintonce Ihe1,Sd£d . "eggy Selsdorf, reporter. , in ^ Uvern. She has no recolleetioa p * •m. . li. °* bow she lost all of her clothing, * . _ A awipletely nude woman walkiiur nor has any trace of the -WKided the first session of the Daily down route 47 about 12:90 a. m. on ^et been found. Vacation Bible school which started it the Gospel Center on Monday i * ~ ~~ " •' orning, July 14. Many more arel 4,V ** " P- 1'"*' Wir ' ;*.?v -• r. •: « > who- was found another and the problems countries represented Perhaps these students will, return to their native lands and tell their people that men of different' i.v.„ races, of different cultures, of dif- Doyle was mailed July 7 from England. ferent speech, aren't too different in Riverside. Calif., and says tliat they •--- i her memory the basic realities of life. Hunger are having a grand trip and seeing, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Biggers an- 'j,s Briscoe and need is an understandable thing some wonderful country. They think nounce the engagement of their. !HorinR along the highway south and so is the love of a man for a it would be nice if they could bring daughter, Gloria, to George Freund, c0unty ^at aboUt 12:30 or maid or a man for his son. The wish back some of that packaged climate Jr. of McHenry. Small exquisite) , j, toW jice she had accepted for better living standards and the j to spread thin over Wonder Lake Gloria is showing her friends a ^ from Harvard to Wondei urge to be politically and religiously next winter*. beautiful diamond solitaire, flanked: ^ where she was vacationing. free is another common thing and : fry two b*gu$ttes. No wedding date [ did not remember how she had easily understood, though the men Another card, mailed in Yellow- has been set. ,11 disrobed or left stranded on who jiave those urgee art products gtone National Park is from Mr. and . _ 7 t 1 ' highway. of different civilizations. A man can Mrs. A. W. Wingren, now in the; Robert Chudik of Pistakee Bay,i jthorities hope measure a man and find hia stature! trailer home on a westward trail.! formerly of Wonder Lake, has been, will clei -- ... - .athorities hope that further ina stature formerly* fiction clear up the mvstery. good. I The Wingrens sold their home here * Datient m Ravenswood hospital, |t Perhaps this seminar of young, on July 1. and will make their home, Chicago, for the past thirty days. An i i ______ ___ citixens from all over the world may j in the future, in the fine, modern operation followed by senous com- |7|^||| p|j|| bring home to each of them the! trailer which they recently knowledge that, if you get! chased. acquainted with your enemy you may i 1 find out that lie is a pretty good; Mrs. Martha, Burch was xpected to enroll before the week- j ind. . , •!, The annual picnic of the Sunday ' [•hooi will he held on this coming' laturday, July 19, at Fox River fark, located Jtwo miles north of ; nimot. All of the children of the (imday School, with their parents,, platives and friends are heartily in- • Sted to spend the day at this beau- Iful spot. Pack a lunch basket and |ime for the fun which will include lines with prizes for th£. winnerSi: •ffee and special refreshment' [cats will be served free. There will [.«<v be a brief program. The (bus, which is to take the,! Jiildrfn to the nark, will leave Won-i Center at 10:30 a. m. and will •turn about seven o'clock in the Jvening. Those driving thejr own s are to remember that the park two miles north of Wilmot and iat narking area No. 1 is reserved- >r this picnic. * Services at the Gospel Center on pmdav will be at the usual hours, i ie Sunday Bible School at 10:00' m. and the morning worship ser-' |ce at 11:00 a. m. There is always i warm welcome fqr everyone at Crospel Center. ' * Hitfilnmm Rom where I sit... ^ Joe Marsh •" , > |am Helps with the Dishwashing | pur- plications will kaep the young man {confined for at least ten more day*, to act as recreation chairman for the . balance of this fiscal year. Plans < his w«;re then made to hold an ice-1 cream social on Aug. 22 in the Wonder Center business district. proven by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE r t WORK AT "SPEEDY* 608 FRONT STREET ROUT* 31 PHONE 108-K Our sympathy to A. S. Schulties who suffered a stroke this past week. We hone that the gentleman will soon be feeling fine again. 4-H Ne| The Busy Bumble Bees met at the dropped in at the Abernathy's »Just the other evening--and there was Sam, out in the kitchen apron on, helping hjs missus wash the supper dishes. (Arid then I learned later he'd helped cook t&) supper,too.) Of course, Sam could have settled into his favorite chair, en- ' joyed his evening glass of beer, and left all the messy kitchenwork to Dixie. But he kind of likes her company -- and she in turn certainly appreciates his help. In fact, aharing the housework S,. ^ "V an(i the mealtime chores is sort rf ° a bond between them... like slug' " ing that friendly glass of beer together, when the work is done. Ifa ' one of those little all-important things iii marriage, ^ From whsre I sit, the thne th|i$a; a man and wife can spend with each other in this busy world today is all too precious. And the more things they can do together, the better,. / '^4. .of"' ;i.^ ••M Copyright, 19i7, United Stmtts Bremen Ftmrndatm (||IMii»M Hi l l Mill 111 l l l l i l 'l 'NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES Christ The King Mission Four hundred persons were pre- *«nt to hear the masses said at Harrison School on Sunday morning. Originally planned to be held out* of-doors, it was too damp, due to the late rain of Saturday night Father Becker announced that one week from this coming Sunday, on July 27, he hopes to have mass in the church basement of the mission which will be known as Christ the King Mission. TTie first mass in the mission will also be the first mass read in Wonder Lake as. Ha TO BUILD a BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE New telephone rates... reflecting the first general increase since 192 {'... have been approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission in its temporary order of June 24. These new rates were urgently needed to help offset the Company's steadily increasing wage costs and other operating expenses since 1940. They're essential for your continued good service. * Here's what we've been doing...«nd what we're going to oroykte more better telephone service for all who want it, ^ , LOOKING FOR LONER F90I PRICES Shop at year A4P Store regularly sad see hew math yea save . . . act jut ence in awhile, bat day after day . •ot jnrt en an eecaMonal "special^* bat on itca after iteail You'll won discover that yoar (UUw _ ' when yea apend them at A&P. AlfS FINEST QUALITY, *2-13 SCOM • • SWWYHELD BITTEI . r. LUXURY TAST1N®. QUICK MELTING . MEUMIT CIEEtE FIN* FOR TASTY DESSERTSI ASSORTED VARIETIES-CHEESK BlneM«oR TULIP BRAND. TASTY CHtESS Baby Qouit fOt YOUR DESSERT 6lwM&r CIimm ... IN SWANKY-SWIO CLASSES Kraft ChMit SHCfFORD AMtiieaa Chaata ^ 16c ,l.,fdKt6e.« 1e PK«. :/:. ut %'V„ V, ' X* • Cable, Wire, Switchbomrdi--Last year' '•pre put up more than forty million dollars worth of new buildings, -- • Jjplant and equipment T This year, Illinois Bell plana to complete over ooe hundred mil' lion dollars worth of additional construction including 7 new exchange buildings, 15 additions to present buildings and nearly a million feet, of wire in cables..p order to provide die kind 0. Service you want and need. < - y>' • ... •. .-.r. }>4 ng 166 New Telephones Per Hour--Last year we' Installed 352,000 telephones for an all-time record. But almost as' rast a%we put them in, new orders arrived. ^ This year, Illinois Bell will spend over ninety million dollars fer." additional construction including work on 11 new exchange build-' ings, 37 additions to present buildings and nearly 470,000 miles of wire in cable.. .in order to provide die kind Of service you want and need. , • ' Installing 173 New Telephones Per Hour -- Last year we. Installed 352,000 telephones for an all-time record. But almost asfast as we put them in, new orders-arrived. / * On the way is the faster, more accurate ami more uniform dlAl service for ChicagcC and other towns and cities served by Illinois- Bell. Speedy dialing of out-of-town calls is not too far in the future, and mobile telephone service for automobiles and ships is already established and growing. Service to planes and trains is next • : 0 Our aim is to make yoar service stili better ^ lb bring you the best service malre that service available at reasonable cost to as many as want it when they want it... that's our big aim. Adequate telephone rates wiU help us reach that geaL la the long ma, they w»U mi^n nxxe afMl batter Mfvk*, fa^ yourmooey. ' ^ * "1" • * if- MUNOIS SSLL TtUPHOm COSTMT > * **•» - LI. OF NATURAL FLAVOR. CREAM-RICH I RAND Caffiga Cham dJ; 15c tALLARD*S OVEN-READY Bittamilk BitaaHt 2M«S 23C FOR THE FAMILY FrnkMOk |JS i.37e NEW WISCONSINI CREAMY Maaastar Chaata 39c NEW LOW PRICEI DOMESlKB ...'.is. Wc FAKED GOODS JANE PARKER, DELICIOUS Fifth My Ml EACH SSc JANE PARKER. MEDIUM SIZB Aagd Ft«d Cake k4lc JANE PARKER. FRESH PlMtatiM Bar each 49c JANE PARKER, CHOC- FUDM M Layer Caka .a. 49a JANS PARKER. SOUTHERN StYll Iraafcfart laaf ..EACH Ha ENRICHSe. SLICCO. WHITE •arniSratd VALVES fiAMU PURS WHITE, FLOAT!Ne Iwry Map U« FOR PAINT» WALLS. WOODWORK. ETC liumtp 4 Spas --lis stok a. a Ufataay Scapias> ITc <t«ROFN SCREEN STARS USB laxTaMSaap . SRA«27C FOR YOUR TOILET OR SMN lam mm UttMOWMMI V'O MORE SAVINGS Lissn homo«m<izsd BABY FOODS ^ l^tTa FOR YOUR LAUNDRY UMBO BLEACH .... ...... &Me •UY ONI. eCV ONE AT HALF FMCtt . VEL _.*.P».|pe FOR YOUR LAUNORY STA-FL0 STARCH SLUR LABEL KAR0 SYRUP PURE WHITE. FLOATIN« IVORY SOAP S2-OZ. ...STL. 8c?^2tc ' PRODUCE VALMJES Real Treat! (When Available) LB. IRIPE BANANAS 13c {California, Freeh 2 LB. FREESTONE PEACHES Florida Grown, Juicy (38-lb av.) y LB. WATERMELON, ** I California, 200-22ft Size , . DOZ. JUICE ORANGES 35c Arkansas, Golden Bantam, Sweet * " CORN 5 ears for IArizona Grown! Juicy i 3 for' GRAPEFRUIT f 23c BIG SAVINGS ON FINE GROCERIES! THANK YOU WtAND CUT ASPARAGUS . RELIABLE IRAND _ ^ CUT GREEN BEANS. tie "°'«c POPULAR IRANOS. «UM AND, Camly Bars I CAN POLrS BRANO OIANM ft ©RAPEFRUIT Blandad Juice COMSTOCK IRAND. SUCH) PlaApplas. ....... IN TOMATO SAUCE ARBPagaBaaM 2 w 29c «to'vi^ai<^;*£ 1S«\GlC*raHM IONA BRAND Swaat Paas TUKON CLUB. SPASRUN* Bavaracas OLD GOLD. PAU MALI, CAMELS MO. 2 2 2^ 21c 2«* SSc iOm. IS Ffcak St .SSI SAVE MONEY om up COFFEE ANB TRAI MttO AND MSLLOW COMB / POt KB TEA (IS COUNT) bimmmc joarBmi^s. 35* RICH ANO FULL SOOMB I Bad QralaJBeffaa.. 2 sa& 77a ) U.MS «• ( OKAN6E KKOE ANO MRM <0ar0m^33* , ^ & % V -J UPlWiH

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