" v .* - - -- -.-• - • . - * - r* *'*•* f'<£'<V * * * * ' 4 v , . . . „ , „ f. j.^s. J v.--• -rJ^ TZ^W%7^<m'gRPf#/ vfi •*-» 1 •• •»--' • •*.- • „V,..x.1.^':>;,i V. ""??• " • "-. --^ /*«•» f , . j » , r . , s » < « • - , r ' " . ' v i 4 • , •• *v A. (.-.«••.*•. -wd-" •••<=• •- " * • • • , ; * • $ k • • ' • { ! ' • • , • • « / t ? t '.«,. • .i •-. , - x * , . • * , ! (*'• »;,• . *• - • ' .< >h :-* \» . '•j;.*<s ' *»"A^:-J7-. ...r^.-r v;; • Jh_ - >1«^r S&. • pj ••• V*©*#* /.. f <•'. -' . >. '• - *'H<' •f" >? * "" * * ^ " ' AJ ^ r T^ ** V<) *3<V""\,:.'. • . ?#v 9& ? ,4- --*< • 'l.y i'-'r ywrn'-m-b • <w -t Vohunt 73 MeHKREY, ILLIHOIS, Y, JULY 17, 1947 SKI FMTOIIE LEFT WWW Br M. E. LMMB ^ Find Safety Deposit f* Box Empty; War Bond 14 Asiets Set at $75,000 VANDALISM, THETT WUEUPOKTED IK VICINITY TUB One case each of vandalism »nd th«#t havi been nyoitod in McHenry this -week. At evening luminate plal •troywd and glut in • basement door was broken. TTie dinafC was reported to have been done during the WWK. the high school last Thursday ng, the colored lights which il> late the band platform were de- EVAHBTOX WOKAH rOOMD BSATKH ASS NUDK MSAK WOODSTOCK Misa Selma Briscoe, S7 years old, of EVanston, a file clerk, was taken to the Woodstock hospital on Monday, bruised and in a dased condition, Unable to tell police authbrities what had happened to her.' She w»g found walking ndde along the highway just south of Woodstock shortly after midnight on Monday < softball games when two young boys m,o. rning. Hours .l at.er. .sh.e w,a s . still ! were seen running from the scene.; ® V* recall only that she had acv v ! A police investigation W • Wng cfp <J®L.wl »uton»°bile ride from a ^McHenry oounty joined th® entire carried out. stranger ^ ^ due«go area this past week in its! The weeklv ball nmes have nro-! Mu, Briscoe's eyes were blackened!St. Peter's parish ST. PETEraTO SPONSOR UMUAL SIIHEI FESTIVAL Spring Grove Church Cartiival and Dinner To Occur July 19-20 GHSCK route WHO1 YIOTIMIZED McHENRY STORKS IS SOUGHT WINS COMMISSION Lttefeded oarni^ A Warning to McHenry merchants was issued last Saturday by Fred C. Bau, sheriff of Mcllenry county, to be watching for a checlf forger who has victimised stores here and in Woodstock. Two checks were cashed at the Kroger store in Woodstock, one on the National Tea Co., and one gji the A A P store, both in McHenry. t The checks were drawn on the! ^ I Devon North town State bank, pay-' one of; able to Herbert Weisner and had ivals in i the signature of Sam Rosenbloom. Bkand of the finding the missiM for- vide<} niany hours ^enjoyment for!*™1 swollen «nd h«r jaw severely! Spring Grove in the past will be They amounted to about twenty-five , U» Dr. «$L„'7thtot£?<BS^ the «"42~d- - I'» MOm. „f WNinette »<1 Woodstock., two .uZ,..nd'it i, '. ^ V,U"f7 T" i uX "f SKl :tor died suddenly in his home! ro-w>tf1,i that «ii»h <>u>n anort should! on Rt- 47- Just outside the Wood-1 u™»y. July 19, and will lanned fbr next Sat- < xk doctor died suddenly in his home! rfi<rretful that such clean snort should' on Kt. 41, just outside tne .. ««>• „ - , * . mc ontinue i 7w Elmwood .venue, Wi|;n.tte,' 12:30... m.: through S»ndW. July «0. The cw The man who cashed the checks »s described as being about 40 , , - i j i • * i « * ' u L i i f * y e a r s o l d , w e i g h i n g 1 4 0 p o u n d s a n d test December 23 of a heart ailment. the vounirer folka bbyy sseeveerraall mottorriissttss who diid nnoot,t n/i1v^al'. iittsseelifi wwiilul bee hheelld on Sunday about five feet, six inches tall. a K«,tw th» i»t^ doctor Brv- ^.U I ' I offer her a ride but Who immediately evenings, with a stimpt^ous chicken J # W J * f i There are few persons quite mean | notjfjed police. I dinner served on the last day. ^ftlMlWTTTTIPVQ NAMVn W • Brand of Woodst<»kj^said ^the j enough to steal^ from * church,^but i Police Chief Lewis Thayer of Preparations are now in tne final _ " NAMED physician had at least $75,000 in war i at least one such individual has been j Woodstock and his squad hurried out stages for one of the finest festivals IN CURRENT DRIVE •aads and probably a great <iw nrvtont in nur oommunitv m recent! *.* J k.. : • _ J I .V.r k»l<< n«mea mutir snH nthar . mm in cae _ 4aath. He said that a safet; fcax Dr. Brand maintani National Bank in Woodstock rbably a great oeaijpjpggeni in our community in recent j ^"{jnd "her crying"^and" in" a' dazed, ever held. Games, music and other «/>p wncpiTAT VTT«rn4 ^takers of the chapel at condition She ljt^n Z ^e h^ fnrms of amusement are beinK F0R HOSPITAL FUNDS THREE KILLEB BY ACaDENTAL ELECTBOCUTIO* Two Lost Lives When Assisting Victims of Crash ..•'41 • '-A ^ '71 a safety deposit chapel Hill, erected more than a' pital. where first aid was iriven planned to provide fun for the ei» untanied in the pjntiiry ago by Frederick Schmitt, | --' -- tOn Ttfesday of this week m m the opportunity of meeting one whtt truly kr.ew the meaning of the expression, "It's giand ;o be aliv.'-** She was Miss Juanita Ferris, 18 years old, of Wauconda, who miraculously escaped electrocution early Monday afternoon when a power lino • fell on her, just a few njiles from 1 her home. Three men who were struck by the line during the rain | storm died immediately. Two of the electrocution vietiaui Official u. s. N«vy PhotoKi*i>h Yere Samuel Adams, 32, 319 SL Kiljdare ave., and George Janis, 32, 406S NORMAN J. NE1SS S- Sacramento ave., Chicago, whoa* : /.T • ' % x.Yt *y4.i 'J?- ii - ^ fev that has been found are. two j future, aalmiiiohilf n and M0 which he had | H his person when he died. Dr. Brand was one of the most --•iwi fill figures among Chicago area physicians for many years before Us death at the age of 64. Hie pracmedicine in this section for years, the last fourteen being . in Woodstock. At Christmas in 1940, he received widespread sttantkm when he cancelled unpaid •wdical bills, which have been esti- •kj. ... . no , . wrwwi.tn.-ir , , Miss Briscoe there told authorities tire family. Beautiful prises will be: Members of the central campaign National Bank in Woodstocit, a few days ago entered_the structure j that she and her ^8^ went to Won- on display to attract bo#i young and committee to aid m the financing of; |fcHenry friends of Norman J vivc* watched from nearby cars as found empty | and found the offering box torn from, der i^ke on Sunday aftemoon and old. the construction and equipping of nST ?o? of Sfw ^enesa^eiss th« men t«can.e enUngl^ in the SLZ*Z- bakers ^ at^S^j ^eVcXdte^i.miSSy t!°I^p TJ: | to HaVa^Thly^iSd! 0f STu«r wiU be' ^ >nd | h^^^' "•j'T'thW ^rC'ilffwas Roger °Wth?^Tw Drooert^of the doc-! b"l.iu,n» .th; chaP*Jv |T*S onl? of dn v v.i!i.K {ol about *jv« who will once again demonstrate ^mnafrn chVi" an n*n> «*nerml j commiaion from Capt William Sin-' truc f k dnvm* went out of ?"ly k<»Pt on th* *»««"* m 111?* after which #he rec»"«l their culinary talents. The menu will ."rff^nfrS committee ton. comanding offi^r of thT -An- ^"troJ T int^ » noting. > ! include a half snrinc chicken with all f!" :i nanolia of tho Air." navml air tr-in. B°le- Jnjured in the accident wet* The offioe of Sheriff later auestioned a Harvard who admitted that he met U»r 7wu..K mg, saiaa ana assorcev nome-maae <reneral committeM whn will Hin^ "irnu,« sr "•m - • 'up'"r wm i . •«sAts i -»^ '-""wn.. in Woodstock and that another man; There is really nothing quite .so tf^ " f c " «i«w, her further. ^ mihft.n tok".; S!? iS'S o^»?d ^ CfllNTY HOARD TAIR A ,j m , . . . . 1 ^vestigation is teing continued family to the carnival next Satur- "MembelV of the committee" ' DvlMIW lilAGD Bn^e. co-dy., .nd.entoy .everri j^r. tl.itm,.Q.Br„„ „««,? "rSHwdThr^Sd! old friends and Joking new for medical center facilities in acquaintances. Rev. John Daleiden, j Woodstock and McHenry county in, P*8^1". .°5., ^ extends » keeping with modern advances in! .. .. coHial invitation to all. > medical science and' hospital struc- j. 8<*W tafeveating and ITie church is locatfd very con-, ture techniques, and are serving on! ea»a up before the Mevemently-- just a few aMles north of (the committee to help provide county board of sujMrvisors at McHenry, on route 31 to U. S. 12. modern hospital care for McHeftry their regular meeting held in Wood- - " stock last week. «J) FASHIONED MX CREAM SOCIAL JULY the like of which has not been seen tion improves, in McHenry for mani;j ^jrears, will be held Sunday night, tchool' on the ALLEN KUENT 18 tod by his widow as amounting high school' grounds, sponsored 'by nrrvrvvn A« *1 aaa *150,000, a yuletide gift to his! the Mothers club. 'Proceeds will form! WIWlEll OF #1,000 yatients. A will which he made three; the nucleus of a building fund for • ATTT7 SHOW AWARD wn later, however, and now on file, the McHenry public Horary. The i revoked by state statute, con-, library is now located in the Cit; UP HFQRTANT BUSINESS tauied the same provision. Hall but Mothers Hist it pays to know --«'.EC t most butions to the •w all The an-'Jh® ch««h grounds hive an abun-. county » it enthusiastic- j d*n« ?{ Urf« shady oak trees which | . Because , S. 1/c, 19- mak* 11 «n Meal settint in which to,^nt to h 18, all of whont were turned. [Ferris, who was the first to rnnsa | in contact with the lirie, was knocked unconscious for several minutes and ! was later treated at a physician^ oifice. She suffered painful tarns e» the left hand and arm. . Track Crashes According to Miss Ferris' story aa told to us Tuesday, the Adams ear* containing Samuel *nd Lillian Adjuaa and flic^r two children, Patricia, S, ar.d JaequelfaM, 2. was driving north Bout* ennmte fur vacatio* he made ft prior to his lawyer stated that pars m he named her as flashing lighte and dlgting to thet two vera guest, perfi lanre died intestate and the widow wfl he sole ti sneidsry. According to Bryan Diaad, oflH- «Ms conducting th* war bond drives MU that his worth eadi ttae. '«( thr^Bfs^ hrmr kf •aighhors, tout at ln« been raled out in isaori that .a •sde for the missing ««tfng to an Meed, and eoi Wei a In Woodstock Mter was havfar « §tr a garage on ate yi is directly behind the greatfuliy accepted Mrs. Kii€iiy -- son~of Mr. snd^Mw^John "P*^. "» day relaxing and new _ me Sixteenth avenue, fn^oying the heet in food and entet- ,nwtA wm £ Kenoeha, Wis^ well known in this Ulnment. I community. IVe young man recently: ' a prise of fl.OOO on the GREAT NUMBER TOOK h ehM^^ I rti'u'Quon- ADVAWTAOM or ntBK, SrtEU ohsst x-rays uiMd to (tsnile lewsiasds eakea. 1vuj The in Inmi Md «ke irill h* served C? <. hoot the hoar vof the _ Ht -9'y. m Tlds week's coacsrt will feature j While the exact nwiber of per* - - •* Friw. n M mw tnm Mr ra anivMl J?,Sf2 which he has dan* aa effectively,' #«. fcHW ^ " wW h« for the lad has! past «llh»! . . , i sons not d hut heard "nit came to before ah" not ,y*t bee headquarters ber other county citizens have the protection of a $1,000,000 hospital, iwreeenta. tives of the county will have the opportunity to eerte on the committees," O'Brien pointed out. The enlargement of Woodstock fublic hospital will ianrsasi its preated fOMa *° abling it to times the current Because ruwl health Mods will ha covered by the ealaigad JKoodeteek „ „ , . public hospital, residents of the farm McHenry t**t week and trade area in McHenry county announced by, are contributing to the new hosnitaL it Is a knownj O'Brien said. "Twelwa Feet if Harmony," who hove with the bond th^ put JIHVt entire the "tste to f«ct that in propor^on to the various! Committee chairmen and ce<hair- Money | populations, esore local rssidenU; men of the various committees in . . - for further irlwiHi» when he is were «tan»tned than In any other city,the towns to be served by the hoepi- 2? VS' FF** diechai*ed fron the mvy next Janu-; >n McHeniy county. tal are as follows: wiH .bo_ Vh»oe_ and Clem A<fainM, wy. In connection with the above, it Richmond: J. Wallace Kruse, in- As a jon«ator, ho was s fro- i> interesting to note the ectablish- surance business, and Frank B. Mcvisiter h McHenry at the nient of a state institution which will Cornell, supervisor of Richmond of his late graaitinwllioi. Mrs. manufacture and distribute a vaccine township; / is as follows: HSU' ~ lor the prevention of tuberculosis and Cary: C. Russell Allen, assistsnt Walts, "Stent air, by Yoder. Dr. Brand is said to have haw a close friend of the late Patrick "Teddy" Harmon, noted vaster who built the Ann. He was stad ontfl Harmon lost <»**£ »• : Walta, "Sengs tho Islands"--Xing, arena m 1929, aftw which O* late Vocal S^o/*MacNamara's Band"-- 4ector was released from his --' ' -- - - _ - --Caneva. L . Ohio"--arr. hri*SW CHILD ^ ^.jMaun Kelor-BeU. POet" LAW IN ILLINOIS THM MONTH Chief among t^e items of importance wa« an ordinance which waa adopted amending the county soning ruling as It pertained to the reclassification'of the Pencil property in Huntley, comprised of twentythree acres. The sonhtg board of appeals, in • raaort to Hm county beard, had aakefvthat tho Oction he mi to a mMM 'SfMA .lay ^ Jt« * .'J 1 ^ --A.-zsi5® Tho re-classMcatiemni tthh a t ^ fromlljw I «fSet 1p finiriTo u niaiorM i mi i , O'Connor: Boh Felse, Soloist. {SSSh^teaMbP Intermesso, -In a Moonlit Garden"--'^ served, or in any King. j pool room, hilltaad 1 Trot, "Jealeue"--arr. kgr BuehteL axhibitiott park or e, "Tho Traveller"--Buchtel. ment, public mosw by, "Twelve FOet of Har- service, garage, ftllli Vince and Clem Adams* . vice station, or as a .Match, 'InVCfreargiP--^Lithgow. (hotel or rooming houee, br in con- . ... . • To carry out a program of rules | Novelty, "Ten Little Indianp"--Long.; ncction with power-driven machinery °* illness and disability as is now in force throughout;Msrch, "Trombones on Parade"-- or other hasardoua occupations, is' CIRCUIT COITRT HAS •XW RULSS SR OP BY JUDGE OAXXOLL t.» '"y ™,i T r <w«M. «*U»IIT Afrtcti an to be paid from earnings oi tkott office*. The board slsa approved a salary sheriffs turned down tne seventeenth judicial district,; Taylor. Jndge William M. Carroll of Wood- Finale, stock last week set up some new| . segulations in the eireuit court. In t fjyg FrOfllk OOUIltV UT6 now illegal under Illinois*' new Child ** b* ^Tl.rSSLaJn'S Attending SUU Monwl "God Bless America"--Berlin. Labor Law, State Director of Labor, j RoVrt L. Gordon, has announced. ---- This law was approved by Gov- July 17 emor Dwight H. Green, June SO,, C. D. of A. Picnic and Outing. 1945, to become effective six months t Ep*t Fiver Roai Pinochle CI' after proclamation by the president' Mrs. Thomas Thorneson..;V Registrations in the various sum- of the United States of cessation of inly 18 ^ hostilities. The president's proclam- ^ R. Bake Sale. McHenry County MP carry them out. Judge Carroll stated in 'open court that in the future he will not hear mer programs of Illinois State Nor motions on legal matters while mal university have jumped from 11 ation was issued on Dec. 31, 1946. there is a jury trial in sessfbn. He to 87 percent over those of a year <%dded that neither the court nor the ago. circuit clerk will tolerate any inter- A" an°lv*is of all enrollments ferenre from attorneys while a trial totaling 2,662 so far this su' Is in progress. t j shows that one-week and three-week tions, but not in any dangerous or dt Rosary Sodality In announcing his new regulations, courses are moat popular, that ex-1 hazardous factory work or in any oc- Jaly 19 and 20 Jadge Carroll said that he waa Hot tension classes in home communities cupation otherwise prohibited by law Chicken Dinner end Carnival -- St. making this change in order to place cf teachers have special appeal, and or by order or regulation made in I Peter's Church, Soring Grove.' any hardships on attorneys, but'that interest in graduate work is in- pursuance of the law. Such minors . •'•'ly 2# fee did believe in a certain dignity creasing. _ 1 may not, however, be employed Annual Picnic--Sponsored by O. E. S. ftning associated with the court, Among those now attending the unless there is first procured and J ba"ter »nd Masonic I<odt;e --' •anions. He announced that if at-1 r^o-M-week session at ISNU from placed on file for inspection by: \Valkup Woods. tsrneys wish to be heard on any McHenry county are: Donald Thom-: authorised employees of the state de- July 24 aatter or have motions before thf8en Crystal Lake; Richard Hegner, partment of labor an employment Despert Bridge -r- 1:30 p.m. River Grove; Howard Baird. certificate issued by the local super* Mogonic Hall -- 5 carry on rssaardi In tuberculosis con- state's* attorney of McHenry county, trol. Thin is provided for in a bill and Walter Meyer, druggist; just sifMd hy Qovorhor Dwight H. Wonder Lake: Klnley Enfvilson, Gr»*en. TIm taMtation will be oper- president of the Wbnder Lake Synated by ,tho University of nilnois and dicate, and Ivar Fredrickson, general the (Swta^o municipal tuberculosis mi'trpr+or and Guilder; sanltavlMl. Hart land: John Tomow, general boy,' Tho friipnt. known as BCG, haa manager of the Shurtleff Lumber o* in l>t'en used In Curooe "nd in a lint- Co.. and a Woodstock school trustee. ,ent in' 'ted way Hi this country with grat- and DeWitt C. Weat, manager of the lioitors .iWitt. n>en's clothing densrtment in Marling alley ' Govwnw lgr*en. in tifrning the bill, shall \Field and Co. in Chicago; _|nL', ex preosod the belief that tho measure Hebron: E. L. Bakkom, farm equipe of amuse-' opeh*4 way for Illinois to make ment di-'ributor, and Kenneth Lopeor daliverv n°table advances in the continuing man. «rr'>ctr: •tetion «»r. A*ht against taberculo«is. This di-. McIIerrv: Esrl R. Wflsh. insur-. ' * sea*e cause* jW^out 8,000 deaths an- ance bu«in»«*. and R. I. Overton,] awarded a contract to in Illinois, and a van amount mayor of McHenry and president of j R. T. Overton Motor Sales; j Union: Frank O'Rourke, farmer; Crystal I^ake: Wm. C. Teare. prea- Men* of the Sterling Products Co.! concrete floor. . Chicago and of the Crystal Lake [Country Club, and Harry Hansberry, ^invpxtments broker; „„„„ . V1W( ' Marengo: Fred R. Kelley, attorneyi "r.7 "i." "v™ • ®t-iaw. and Carlton Robb. owner of i the Trianrle Grocery and vice-president of the Marengo Building and Lily* Lrt^P.-TrA7 Social -S flolfe of Loan Co. on Route IS onroute for a vacation in Wisconsin.- Moar Wniwndi th«r saw the panel track old* and crash into a light pole, overturning and pinning Kasnnoofln underneath. waytelEi'sMne of thTamSent'te wore iStca^j aamusson's body *, m. c. Irene. The last four mentioned are ?°T* tte<k*y _ouniist, it owners of the Pioneer Manufacturing Pi >n° * .?* olart. which Is located in the im- . ^ _ mediHo vicinity of the Fencil plant i? viL 2S S«Ll » »» The supervisors also took uo the to have been killed immodtissue additional cleric hire for the "r™,.. .. .. ^cm of Conntv Clerk Raymond D. C^* 84, wjfo WVtods. Circuit Clerk Lester Edinger ?' was *km fteaa and County Tmasuror Hinry^A. J* £*^5** fw NuHo. The board raised the clerk ^j1™* .** *»• ^ hire anpropriatkm of tho clerk freni L _)M* to»19^00; tho circuit dork ^ **o~ koapital. Wanfrom 19,000 to llt^OO; and tho k*^.L°iL treasurer from $13,000 to $16,000. V. -'4' • j?* vv-j; •' 'r-'f Investigation diadosed that ttte era* pushed the light pole «ff its base, snapping the wire, hnt apparently leaving enough the cooing to hold It Ml about longh of up the line for a time. ' *176 per monthTte bo paid frem>n minutes^srfter the crash, which the general fund, for a radio op- P erator In the shorifTs office. How- naamusewi and Rognin ween ever, the from the board of review for an Increase in salary per day per membe* from $8 to $.10. "Hie road and bridge committee M. Melahn •OMTNO EVENT! members of Hie Will Back dance hand which had just completed an engagement at Lake Lawn, near Del> avan. Wis., and were returning homo. The truck wm loaded with band instruments. 'or construction of a new bridge in: About 1 °'clo<* °" Tueeday after- Chemung township, to be known as "°on. » coroner's jury, in Bamngthe Walters bridge. It is to be a ton returned a verdict of accidental forty-foot steel beam feridgo with, d*ath- BUSINESS MEN TAKI STAND REGARDING SOLICITATIONS LAOS OF FUNDS WILL NOT REDUCE GRANT8 OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE .... .. However, minors between the ages' Mr. and Mrs. C.^O. Hyatt. I of 14 and 16 years may, under the J«b' 1® HVVQTAT TAW ments, rew law. be emoloved outside of Food Sale--Jacob Justen Sons Fur- •mer, school hours and during school vaca- nitpre Store--9oonsored by Altar ( WINS APPOINTE AS SERVICE OF1 Announcement of the appointment I Changes in grants a of Phil Bierdeman of "Crystal Lake as! solely on the basis of r service officer for the Veterans Com- j past, Hilliard declared. One of the chief items of bni«. No grants to recipients of public "«M to come up before the M* assistance would be reduced because Bu81TTm »'»ociatH>n roof lack of funds as a result of ac- *.ent,y the P™**em of 'Ration taken by the appropriations ! J10"8- Wah requesU, from all s.dea committee of the state senate on the for contributions menders ^t that biennial appropriation bill of the some sort of contro^was a necessity* Illinois Public Aid Commission. Ray- r^uh\ng inthe •offering andjw mond M. Hilliard. public aid director 'ng of a reaolutjon for^ the. «>ntrj for the commission has announced, and operation of a solicitation pro* TJid as i^thJ K"n* ad explaining the position these business men appears else- In it is men* by"the* commiVtee',will tioned the astounding act that U mission of McHenry county was "A compromise agreement adopted ^ "! this issue. made this week by Homer Bradney j unanimouslv by the committee tfte aatoundi _ of Springfield, administrator of the, award $46,000,000 for Aid to Depend-15 p ce.* .° are AAmmisktAn Mr RtMvUman Kaa Kmh ! .m^i (191 Fuui oAo far for a minimum of 100 and a mavi> wort, they may have a time aet by. Fox contacting Circuit Clerk Lester Edin- Harvard; Leoma Clark, Spring intendent of schools for each boy or and Richard Brown, Wood- girl between the ages of 14 and 16 0."E. A growing laxity has bi the court for the past according to tho judge, am «spected that strict adherence aew rules will solve this Grove; noted,stock. . fow years,1 ' it is | ATTENDS SUMMER SCHOOL to the j Mrs. t so employed. • Hours of work permitted beys and girls under 16 arc limited, by law,| -- commission. Mr. Bierdeman has been i ent Children and $124,500,000 for by chief clerk in the sheriff's office for. Old Age Pensions, with the under- nium of ZOO contributions emch year, r. Ho «.M^uia 11-- ...m mi« ranging from ticket aales to merthe past sixteen years. He succeeds standing that the latter sum may T" thus ba the late William R. Cairns, who lost la^ only through March, 1949," Hif c|M>nj"c dona.^°!M>-.. It.,c>n is life in an auto accident a short liard said. "Senator Frank J, Dick j. MMee"rc: hant ha difficult time feeding hamburger though hiF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r a n g i n g _ Jaly SI " " ' " " Card Party--S, . „ . Alter A Rosary Sodality--Walter time ago. I of Quincy, who offered the amend- ... . .. - ., . Carey Homo. The new officer, a past commander ment paring the appropriation bill Jj? Caries F. Sutton, son of Mr. and to not more than eight hours p^r day. August 2 and » . of the Crystal Lake American Le- „ passed by thf house ^L^e for fWy irW _rs. E. R. Sutton, u enrolled at! forty-eight hours per week, and not »«""»«' Pw-Wow -- St. Mary's gion post, 1ms already started on his, explsimng the reduced Old Age P0n-| th*n •" """"""" c,MRh- a..«. 7 ;a 5rJs* -h" 000 students attending "toe nine-1 Violations of the Child Labor Law Www ond Garden ShouE--Cmdo The Ulimds Veterans Commission, time an emergency bill can be pawed 'ng comn^ity. it takes ks' sumnMr ^Tsionthelarg^are punishable by a *ne of notmora r Sdm<J Gym. ** O™'™* Gre«..h»ato m«t any n^saary require*; drtttejmtao ttat . . jsnmmer enrollmenta/jnce Roosevelt than »00 or by in^risonmont in the C D. of A. ' ||;. I aSSSn^hTdaimsm " train. He must either make enemiaa Excitement reigned midsray.ho-1 college ooened in 1945. This is tho eounty jofl for net more than sixtv lyeterans by assisting in cUims, Ml-| .___nw vtrmivfit Sr giving to only a few or enter j Woodstock and McHtnry one laatMnaoter classes will be held days, or both. Each day during which Benefit Dance -- Wonder Lake Mis- ing out bonus applications and in ATTENTION > KTKKAN8! u ^2.. .11 last week when U^ei^btiam j fLWolls street The first1 any violation of the act continues alon Building Fund -- St. Mary's - general anything which V of aid to] Veterans are urged to •nrostigate, "V fiving to all. *7. ^ We€k ^ "Jul, SJll ^ cS^deml a. a septtate St. PhtrW. School H»U. |ST veteran' I„ ^tting up the com-! the po«ibility of renewing or con. ?! ^ Xi*?3L re Wteits new nuarters in tho «•'••• v \ I August Jl - lo lYmntic Search Lead* U ^pssing Tittle Toaagtitr little. 2 years old, disappeared ffcwa of his home ne«r State Rente i«®m aest of the Wonder Lake food. 8«m»| A rer, he was found later the m iy wandering in a field some Si* hotel on Michigan avenue street. j ty Held dis-l ~ , i to from the home. j JOINS HOVST19N ASSOCIATION cuit co The child's wagon, found earlier I William Wilts of McHenry is one roll this week, the highway a short die-] of fifty-six JBinois Hoktein breeders lows: inn'" " dlvom idrt by msge Bale MB c h X DIVORCE8 j Sponsored By P. T. A. i were «^antea Tfc «4r-| August 16-16-IT Judre William M. Car-1V. F. W. Summer Festival--Me- They were as fol- Henry Park. ! Aagast 29 _ from tho Tittle residence, at' •. tenH" adellHed to mearibership in1 Margaret E. Joyce from Anthony, Bake Sale--Sponsored by Ringwood Int led police auUawrities to believe Bw Unlstafci rrisaisn association of Jovce on cruelty charge. I Borne Bureau. #at the child mWht have hooa America fcr'unanimous vote of the Ette M. Carnes from Charles! Skefl up by a pasMng ssotorist. ;hoard of dbneteca. Applications from Carnes on cruelty charge. ATTENTION. ™ i«N«* <m*rn approved. The national Martha Mohl«ihrink from Clarence Wonderful news for the ladies-- MARRIAGE LICENSES ^H^Uatein aaejristin* ia the largeet MohleaiMnk on deoortion charge. .. 'g^ng and summer hats, Jt while George D. Jones, HsHonry, and, dah^Vesttlsf' re^ordin* ufanlsatisn IsahfHe Leslie from Walter Lealie ^kov lart. regardlesa of former pnee. Nonna fVrrara, C("fhilkl wagOe. tH~ ««*4(L Ita total assuSetshlp on deaertioii charge. _ Oome in today and «eo onr fine George J- SchmittChicago. .In the _ I; i>rr*- nnmWn more than S7, Kid red F. Raywrft Woat MrHenty catdo breeders. • W;l?iam < B. BsBc*. JRhrtard, and -- Dorothy S. Evaaa. McHenry. |A1R DEADUKi association answer. i>e the on^p| The business men aa a group aih. mission, the governor said of it* verting their national government injMThe state can never diacharge in surance, according to the county offull its obligation to the veterans, i fice of the American Bed Cross. Tlie . . ... - but it can, by proper administration low rates and the advantage of the n0"c* that they will readily of a co-ordinated program of rehab-, borrowing clause on tho twenty and I 'ojicitatione for reUgious purpoeea iliation, repay in part a moat urgent thirtv year pay policy make theee ddbt of honor." nolicies hard to equal, particularly ^ ,, welcome^ the opportunity ^ The county office is open daily for veterans who might he barred, handle *ome of the»r projects. Mow* with the exception of Sunday. Vet- due to medical reasons, from taking 'v«- they ask that any goupa u«k who need advice or service out new policiee. dertaking such a plan contact th* erans "--1 n nn are invited to visit Mr. Bierdeman. NEW ORNAMENTAL FENCE ENJOY VACATION Eighty young boys and girls left local organisation nrst. Admiring glances are turning to- Chicago lsst Fridsy to spend a valence' nation PRIZE FLOWERS ^ ^ Mm Paul Weber df Spring Green the Jolly BoyaTcnmp at!w*8 recently awarded three white '•:s' •<«( i desertion charge. Oome in today and see onr fine ward the new ornamental fence at the Jolly Boyu comp at. 1 Riac hard Hujn t from Shirley Hunt sdeetion anotfi nokalaa tel and mdial rker sha*d es, «wi.hich haa been placed in front of:PisUkee Bay. This is ^ H^^^hKi^ for^iird Sace fe2 A kuti a^Anl Hiinnv th# rrMii) tii attend thi CAM1L which Ift two rM DDOOIlS xor InlPQ place IOT Complete ^remedies Hniry. Rood tho Want Aii on desertion dmrva. Styles suitaMe for all sea salons HQma Puhl from Eugene Puhl on Laigpe brimmed hate, tmauiffid floral - " i tiliaii»sd and others wltti lov." Sfa( woeks lomsin to enjenr 1r nWM yoiir _ ___ _ one of tne hate from this :„»4f The cost"<rf FuU-lengthftoture plus two cartoons dwke collection^ Risalnth pich, ^exhibitors' tickets this year ia $1.50, on July 18. In case of rain, will be Green street, McHonqr. * " 4'n«tr»d of $L80* aa formerly. shown ipeide. > ^ "P , ;. flp. s £sl. $ cS-^r the high school building during the group to attend the camp, which is. . . . . past ten days. The fencing, installed sDonsored <bv the Italian Welfare delphinium* 'i she exhibited rt both for beauty rnd protective pur- Council of Chicago. * reg^nal show held at the Garfield is the work of the Schrpedcr, _ . -- 7-7--. Park July 6 and C. {^T Works of McHenry. v I Complete Uhe of LoO'h ponltiy Sh® 1-- remedieTat Wattlee Drug Stem. Mclteur class. Mid-summer dance sponsored hy Henry. 8-tf Teen-age Clrib at Club Lilymoor on Saturday, July 26. 9-fp 1". tfisi'it?.- J VL, ! Order v -- iofthaB Tonight --• °1aindealcr.