' -bt htahdaM) oa Starved Rock near LaSalle, featured recently an extensive summer advertising campaign promoting the scenic midwest, which Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is running principally in newspapers »:nd also on the radio throughout the fifteen midwest states where the company markets, according to F. N. Rogers, McHenry Standard agent. Standard of Indiana is featuring twelve midwest scenic many W(«ki in advei general theme of scenic midwest by car,* TURKEY aSOWIKS ffi,CAMPAIGN TO 8ELL |iRODUCt TO PUBLIC Moitey Well Sj^eot , Education ranks third among all public expenditures. BUpktag Oftadwr The lower eyelid of • reindeer covers most of the eye in blinking, says the Better Vision institute. In humans, the upper lid does mos* of the covering. -V"J'*-; WHY MOT DEFY THE SUMMERS MEAT £ WITH ' 0EVERAGE9 COLD AND SWEET ? -- CANADA DRY .4- Ginger Ale - Jtffct Beer a Tew i:ol!i«s Mi* rwhitf Soda and Sparkling Water (pl««5c bottle deposit) . •* -- DOCS -- Smooth, Creamy Root B<er %ft*-uG«anlolonn 2u5ce (plus 8c bottle deposit) ML PEPPfiR SQUIRT PEPSI-COL& . T COCA-COLA » ORANGE N . * tottlfs 2lc (phis 8c bottle deposit) U.S. turkey growers hope to raise 1 $100,000 this year to. persuade- coni sumers to eat more turkey. So far, i more than $40,000 has been rung up (on the National Turkey Federation's 1 cash register. ' To raise the money, the turkey in* 1 dustry is trying to apply the "checkoff" system used by the livestock I people to support the National Livestock and Meat board. j The check-off rate will be one cent per bird, deducted by the processor who handles the turkeys. The deduction will be made only if the grower agrees. One-third of the fund will be j ftirned over to the poultry and egg 'national board for its over-all m- : dufctry campaign. One-third will be ' spent on advertising; one-third for administration, and special?, campaigns by the eat-more-turkey committee. i MMMRRMR/ . The Wodrn Gra: ter his son, 25, was NEAMY NEWS' St. Mary'a Catholic Chuck Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:M NEAR GUAM Holy Days: 6:00: 8:00: 10:00. department last week. Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. • informed E. F. Potter of First Friday: 190 and 8:00. 'fk, 111., president of the Pot-i Confessions: - P Co., North Chicago, that ^Saturdays: 8UK) p. in. and 7:00 p. tik Lieut, (jg) Ralph K. Potter, Thursday before Xtrst Fridaykilled in an air crash off After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; , 8:00 B, oi. and 7:00 «, m. * 1 Msgr. C. S. £ix, 'Phsto^*- officer for utility squadron nine at Olathe air base. His wife and child are on Guam. CAR STOLEN An automobile owned by Harry Bfaehert, of Richmond, was stolen from the Richmond country club ground at 4 a.m. last Thursday. Buchert, who is employed at the club which is operated by his brother, Robert, heard his car being driven out of the driveway shortly before daylight. , j J # U St Patrick's Catkolk Charch . . Masses: Sunday 8:00, 9:00, l'OiOO and llg0. Holy Days: 6:30 , and 8:00. IK Weekdays: 7:30. « First Fridays: 7:80 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass.. Confessions: ' Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. tt. and 7:00 to 8:00 pi m. '< Wiursday before First Friday-- . ,4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 'i Bev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. ! ntkaa is lfttia to JL to the near tetttre. & Mng released that WMR ..fttrin FORCES RELEEUED any important decline t* farm produitf. PAPER INDUSTRY ^ Union is to be the home of a r.ew industry, the Protective Union Pa- Sn John's Catholic Church, Johnsborg Tpers, Inc., which has been granted Masses: a charter at Springfield and will en-' Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11;00. gage in the manufacture, buying and1 jj^y Days: 7:00 and 9:00 selling of paper products. One hun-; Weekdays: 6:35 and 8:00 dred thousand dollars worth of pre- ^irgt Friday: 6:35 and 8:00 * ferred stock, 1,000 shares at *100 j Confessions: each, and 10,000 shares of common Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 stock of no par value have been au thorized by the office of Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett. _ 'Die company has purchased the building formerly occupied by the Union Milk Co., Rt Union. DICKDW 5 ii AA n N U tz T * ^TAFF PRSSER AND KTCXT* JACOBS, OF RUE WASHINGTON MM STARTS TS A KAL, UVE* SUMMOUGH MMMFF. HESTER OILS - "The Beat For Lees* FTOSL OIL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS West of C. ft N-W. ft. R* WEST McHENRT, ILL. TELEPHONE M'HENRY 14# A Kt hfekrr AnUMk irt Ed in 1 » hon Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor* St. Peter's Catholic Church, . Spring Grove ! Masses: of a hot Water tank' Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. -- Holy Days: DIES IN EXPLOSION eahip at Lake Villa L Lfeke county, rethfc death last week of R. UHnann, 30, a caretaker, was in Atchison,_ Kan. The explosion occurred in a kitchen feway from the rest of the camp fend none of the 256 campers was injured. Hie cause of the explosion %as not determined. 6;80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8ft0. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday--• 2:80 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. KILLED IN CRA§H William Reineel, 25, was instantly killed one day last week when his truck .left the roatf near the W. Schwandt. farm home near Pell Lake, and crashed into an electric light pole,, snapping it off; then crashed into the next pole, where it stopped. He was employed on the Riverside farms at Fort Atkinson and was enroute to Chicago with a truck load of eggs at the time of the accident. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Char<k <(The Church, of the Lutheran Hoar) John St V4 block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry. 111. Rev, F. C. Pudsell, Pastor Sunday Worship Service--10:15. Sunday School and Qible Study-- 9 o'clock. Inflationary forces are Hies to reach all-time at-JMtae and aSqpoad will be so extensive as to ersirte a lma demand for most classes of food produced In the Middle Wast IV is estimated that billions <rf dollars In addlttoiul spending power are nbouC to be made fcvmllaljae to consumers by action of Congress sad expected new'drives for ineasased wages In Industries.... Unqfcstkmably, the day of reckoning will and there are nam a number ofUnes In which production Is overtaking demand, but that situation docs not appear in sight Iftr agriculture. runners are being urged to plan carefully their feeding programs fir the Winter so as to be in position to take full advantage of the situation. . . . Emphasis is placed on the Importance of abundant supplies of hay and silage, not overlooking the use of additional storage in temporary silos. ... A program calling tor the feeding of heavy roughage with limited quantities of grain may prove to be most profitable, It is believed. Supplies of fat cattle are expected to be relatively low until Fall with little prospect of a decrease in demand. . . . This situation should afford an excellent opportunity for those feeders far-sighted enough to have such animals ready 'for market. ... Prices norm*lly are high in that period, also supplies of other mcala are expected to be abnormally low: If the corn crop should turn out to be small, as Indicated by the tvertiment's July crop report, early marketings of hogs are expected some, although the price may remain relatively high. . . . ffbg Slaughter this Winter should be about equal to that last Winter as . numbers saved this Spring were only slightly more than in 194L ; THIS COLUMN IS SPO^SORf© BY PHONE 29 52S^Waukegan Methodist Youth Fellowship, 7:45 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Paster. Rhrgwood Church Ringwood, lit . Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir_ Rehearsals--Wednesday hing. R*gu)ar Service: 11:00 a. m. second and fourth Sunday. Rev. Wilkinson, pastoc. SECRETARY BARRETT _ _ IB HOLDER OF LEGIOH Rev. George Marshall, pastor! RECOGNITION CITATION . Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) Services Sunday School--10:15 a.m.; veterans. Secretary of State Edward J. Ban* ret is today the holder of the ican Legion citation of recognition ail tribute for his employment of Morning Worship Servicer-11:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer Service on Thursday Evenings at 8:00 pan.. A cordial Welcome Is extended to Visitors and vacationists are hearts [all the people of the community to ily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance cards for their Home-church records. worship with us. . FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor; lily Lake Bible Church . * Nonsectarian Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. Secretary Barrett, who is himself a veteran of' both wars, is the flirt employer in Springfield to receive the national Legion citation^ He nominated for the award by Shangrl*, La Post No. 1064, Springfield. The citation commends Mr. Barrett for "his unselfish service, cooperation and aid to the Legfonli national prosrram for the employment of veterans." *> Subscribe for The Plaindealtr M(M£N R> 3 Coaunariity Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. fast Pen Name Wbrship Service: 11:00 a.m. The real name of the French Writer, Voltaire, was Francois Marie Arouet Insolatlng Material Cellular rubber, on war duty to* protect the delicate instruments that guide ruthless fighting, once again is •available for the proper and pro- •ale task of insulating refrigerated Space. This heat-transfer retardant, reported as lighter and more effective than cork as an insulator, 1 |>esides being proof against rot and vermin, is made by expanding rubber with chemicals containing nitro• S4K(K gen- ^ INHWHIIIIIIIIIHIIHIilllllllllllinHllllllllt IJ ! OREATEi rauiNO raws LONOCR TRIAD IK V ^ COMPARE THESE SALE PRICES ON JJYOVL into th* tm ' ":- of Chicago, Grand Rapids, Marion, Ind., Oklahoma City CHAMPION TIRES WITH ANY OTHERS AND THEN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY . . . DON'T WAIT . . . YOU MAY BE TE1 I RR T 6.00x16 $11.99 plus tax 14.55 " " 5.50xltf MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS ALL OUR BAKERY GOOftSAT Riverside Bake Shop Walter J. Frevuid rr AND SUNDAYS . „4 \ •. ••• . ! ' •" i ? H^*A.JK