Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1947, p. 3

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. . . . . . TMJM&BJ&BL i'v ^;^v' #? '* mm mm K t of* farbifc. <Bam|e J> that no om wsnte around It breeds rat* M wi>ll '4 u ifl«--«. •*», «atur«lly, everyone is Mnudmn to dfeooat of it tf toon as ' possible. The decent people who own pro- > >iOil l«|»M «MI . IMIM .«>.» . • . » « M M« | perty inthl, v^nl^d mid. (By Yardstick) a' * i provisions to have it luraW my litetinpr (Folks! K 'or burn it up and booty what is teft This week wa ba^in our column on i but then there ig that other two per 'iHi. j. V.F.W. SUMMER FESTIVAL AUGUST 13 - 16 - 17 !$#*.<•••' • • feHEHfcY CITY PAW • McHenry, IlliiioiB " 'Sponsoftd by FOXBITEK POST No. 4100 , SIDES -- REFRESHMENTS -- GAM®S Dancing Saturday Night Only 9 to 12 o'clock JkW Open on Saturday and Sunday Afternoon^ cent of despicable, an<T~%e hesitate to call them "human beings,V frho have an idea that tlw dltches alone our highways were especially provided lor their convenience. While driving along the McCullom Lake road from Wonder Lake to U. S. 31 last lfondfcr morning, we noted at least stab piles of garbage arid other rubbish, some scattered siting the- pwroment, and, in one spot just east of the railroad croasinr, we noted four bushel baskets loaded to capacity with old tin cans, and empty bottles set in row as if soqm one intended to establish business there. Wte are indebted to our good neighbor, George Baumbeck, for cleaning up this mess. | Now our message to the good1 people of our community is this: If you are interested in keeping our{ highways dean, report the license. number of any one you Me throwing J their refuse out of their cars to any law officer and be assured that this: person will be dealt with harshly , as such practice is strictly against ' the law. ! So much for news on the garbage] situation. Now to get to the dessert' course of this week's column. «T 7 - »» * » Vi * * i wi&r tancarrow of dogs Ob our reaching our the "No Dog* Althere are a few ttosist on bringthoir p«te along' when they go Mrs.: and Mrs. Jim Robinson, ike GoMVa, |nei( all of Chicago, and «Mrs. CongratalatloiM "To Bpnnita Spring on her 6th birthday anniversary, July 17.- Arlene Slcala on her 2nd birthday July 25. Lorraine Skala on her 5th birth- Jaly 6. •tod majority, it shall be f hy law in the future, with filing of proper complaint against the offender: Nats aad Bolts posted there' A cackling hen is either laying or insistence of the lying. owners here,: Drive like h - - - and youll get wings, naturally there. Mir bath with an; A man is drunk when he feels is a rule _ laid sophisticated and can't pronounce it. You can't marry amiss if you marry i Early widow, to bed and times Its site. rise. Common told* Ninety-four per cent of the population is afflicted by the common cold if least once a year, TarMae Nfeeleaey Strife The modern steam turbine bp W&ld War II developed six timet the total of electric power with only twice the amount of coal Moannad lb World War,I. Tenter of Earth' , "Thi center of the earth" tofta ancient name for Easter island p:-:i The four lovelies who are enjoying their 'a vacation, at the Lee's cottage Mioses on Orchard Antoinette Meyer, Jackie Briinke. Untiedt* til of Chicago Drive are the, Triolo, Marion j and Shirley m WET WALLS CELLARS Community i VISIBLE CELLULOID LABa HEAVY RUBBER CUSHION awfe It was a very surprised John Paets who found thirteen ^rabbits'in a box where he, the evening before, only*' i. I;;- Mr.' Paetz,H'il where rabbits are concerned, one'- « AQUELLA McHENRY PLAINDEALER Green Strwrt" McHenry, Illinois JOfiN J. The McCullom Lake club held their first meeting this j deposited two. season at the old windmill, with; For your information President Kantorski presiding. , At this meeting plans were made j times one equals thirteen for an intensive membership drive' -------- j? to'gain.View members for this pro-, Mr. and Mrs. John Sponheur and?..* igressive organization. Committees t daughter, Dorothy, and Mary Ann' -" 1 w( re also oppointed to arrange forjKrzysik of Chicago are enjoying a'J- ! a series of bingo games for the en-! week of glorious sunshine as guests, tertainment of our residents to be] of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boyle. held at our community park. i . 18 j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frisa of Last Saturday's Screwy Doten's1 Germantown are hosts this week to regular monthly birthday party held Warren Prester, Joseph Potter, Mr. Phone 98-M at RoyAl was a bigger success thanj . ----1, ever in their past ventures. This. - * can be attributed to the presence of i the famous Freisinger Trio who with! their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franz j Freisirger, occupied a prominent place at the guest table. Among other notables was that grand young man from Cicero, Anton Cer-1 mak, who recently^ has been admitted j to honorary membership in the j Screwy Dozen. After an evening of dancing, din-1 ing, and enjoying other refresh-1 fnents, the p^rty broke up as usual i 1 in the wee sma' hours. Jerry Cermak, the shepherd of this ilock was last to leave, (reluctantly.) . •' Tufa that damp cellar into a | bright dry room with Aquella v the scientific mineral surface coating used to control water seepage in the Maginot Line. - 09S HDWLy McHenlf Fdr A Cents Per Day 1 Insnre Your Water Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Sawdo were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fetz, former residents here, and George Dall of Chicago last Tuesday. The Fetzes and Mrs. Dall considered ^his a day well spefit. * - - The McHenry Businessmen's Association Herewith Presents Its Statement Regarding Mrs. Elfrieda Buch enjoyed ~the company of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Candler of Detroit over the weekend. The Fred Thomsens entertained j Mr. aod. Mrs. Howard Duke and! family and the lovely Miss Dorothy | Bender of Chicago over the pleasant weekend. " It's a girl at the\ Frank Passalaquas! The little addition to the Passalaqua family made her appearance into this world early Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Chicago and at this writine: ifcoth mother and daughter are doing nicely. Our congratulations to Frank, Annie and sister, Sandy. . The stork shower held at Betty Cermaks last Thursday came as a complete surprise to "Ginny" Aalto who will soon be in line for congratulatory messages. A delicious buffet supper of baked ham, potato, salad, cake and ice cream, as well as other refreshments served by the gracious Betty £ermak, was enjoyed by about twenty of the gals present. The male halves of this congregation of lovelies were royally entertained by Jerry in his new dug out hide-away. The prospective showered with .At a regular meeting of the Association the problem of solicitations was discussed bv the membership. Aftcr^ carefully considering this problem from every-viewpoint, & resolution was offered and duiy passed for the control and operation of a solicitation program. * The' business, professional and industrial firms of McHenry feel that because they are beifeg over-run with requests for all types of donations such as Programs, Cook Books, Celebration Publications, Caali Donations, Merchandise Dona- i mother was many tionx, Ticket Sales, and Script Schemes, euch a control pro- XrtoJ'rf S? Ray gram was a "mujst". A plan 'bias beem adopted and put into and Ginny team. effect, which provides that donations in any form as ^vcjh<^hR»ThJMJ« elated will not be given by any member of the Association • wheels down Hickory Drive some unless the solicitor has in'his or her possession an approval (day in the near future. card from the Association, signed by the Secretary^ stating^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorpes' guests that the proposition is based on sound business principles. In the past every business institution has been glad to assist worthy local enterprises to the extent their business would permit, but the number of solicitations' per year has now risen to a minimum of 100 and as high as 200. No! businessman can afford to pay out on this basis, sound for him to give to some and pass up others. ; * POR T R A I T S For a gift, or to use in your home, have a beautiful natural color painting of you or youi: child. See example and make appointment at the AGATHA SHOP 110 S. Qrtm Street Phone 1454 v McHenry System Against BwtndUog Supply, Clogged OoHs, Red Water and Nc^edless iCkMrtly Plumbing Repal^; ^ FEEDER $16.60 MICROMET \: $35.00 Framed A^arilyn Prussing Live -- PKBVKNTS SCALE -- 00NTR0LS 00KK0SI0M -- OLEAKS KVSTT WATKK -- u ---o-- If Your Dealer • ^ Can Not Supply You Phone, Call 01 Write FRED F. PRELL CO. (NOT INC.) ; Water Consultants 400 W. Kinzie St., " " Chicago. 10, Ills. All Phones • Delaware 59pl. Residence & Branch Off: Rt. No. 1, In^leside, 111., Fox Lake 5221 We Supply Dealers At Usual Discounts \ i t'"4 4^9 * , $3.00 the lb. jThis modern MKSROMET | successfully used in homes, industrial plants and municipal water works) consists of feeding automatically a slowly soliHblirform- trf'food grade vitreon* j»hof*]^mte iitto water lines at the veiy low rate of onlv4 a few ounces per montlfe The common practice in tliie locality for most clubs and| organizations desiring to raise money lias been to conduct a carnival or have a souvenir program printed for some social j event. Some of these promotions have been carried put by an outside organization specializing in just swell collection plans. A careful stuldv of these plans 'has showar that the local mp gives up from 50 to ^0(/( of the moneWcjollected to tile promoting firm. Such promotions absolutely will not be ett- 1 'flie business and professional men of this* Community have always tried to give good value and complete service. *PhAv have maintained standard? *as high as the best. The money required to meet the demands of this constantly growing practice must come froui tihe profits in the business. Inasmuch as most towns and cities do not indulge in sup<port of various improvements and programs of a private nature, our merchants must either cut. quality, cut service, or remove themselves from the competitive range by increased costs to >ver iljie money The Association has embarked on a series of most ambitions projects which are designed to benefit the entire locality, not just a select few in areas which take the time to finance themselves by the programs mentioned. In order to give our best in money and effort-to the sponsored projects, we ask to be eliminated from t uch discriminatory plans. ^ Solicitations for religions pur)j>oses and for national orgjimrations will be approved reftdilv. Ai a matter rtf fact, we will welcome the opportunity to handle some of the^e ject« ourselves. We ask those HrfHb affe cbntefhplating fundraising drives for snclh reasons to contact us tint. It may be possible to do away with the necessity for paying aft (tatside agency for the work done- ^ ^ ^ . ffomntY mufliNnsMXirB association, JOHN X. LOOZS, President. •m. mm- Mi- ??5~ mm From the day of its incepti to quality. For forty-five years, it has been the Cadillae purpose to provide the finest personal tran»f portation that advanced engineering and manii facturing can bring into being. It is only natural that Cadillac should long since have been as the world's foremost motor car. NEW KITCHEN? L E A D E R S H I P average kitchan with NtMNAMIL for only $3.45 If ym mn mmitimg ft m m» Caittimtm pfoiw b* mttmrtd tkmt tv*ty it Mf 10 fmrtkir ffdmeUtm. Dtmmi it sp rst, hww, tkmt nm dtlmy i» dcHvtrf ttUl imtvitmM*. Bmt h»U tm iMe/ rim it m tmkttUmt* /tr m CwtiKe* ,w. §m?. OVERTOHM ^403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS 1 Carey Electric Shoa 1U M ft. IM.

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