j theiv thi eelebtmting Weddinf •anivers Ohio. Wl irty-nfth A. delicious dinner in enjoyed Benty, Dlfr by Lecy H. the above-mentioned' and Mist frtlh|iff •* *°*{Itythe ViU« Club at Pistakee Bay by tbove-n instn ;ijAw°ei»U Editor .Adele Froehlich j £arr ef^he University of Chicago, Miter and . n M | uarr, instructor « nowiini urwn AJ*itJzSStX University in Ohio, Miss Prances as second-claaa matter a»|»nd David Barr, a student at ,ra mt u.Dnra m -- W o o s t e r c o l l e g e i n O h i o . D r . a n d 1HSmT act of May a8 , ,1287V?. ^* "S W* Mrs. Barr remained to spend the week With their son. JOm Taw NATI *2-501 V|rtini> Fletcher AL€DITORIAL_ Announcement haa been made l*y SSOCIATION Mrs. Gather R. Fletcher of Elgin, jjwwAi* ivy n• a_ froorrmmeerr tteejalccnheerr iinn tuhwe llooccaall nhiiggnh vtajfUmMA- j school, of the marriage of her . ' daughter, Virginia, to Robert E. Eldredge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pres TV! . *1.' T>1-S^-1--ton, also of Elgin. The service took will be accepted until Tuesday noon place last week at a 4:30 o'clock Mrvice of the week ad is to^appear. •Class- bride,g mother at us _ ified ads will be accepted ^ntil Wed- A E McKenney, paator of the held in the home of the uovell St. nesday morning at 10 o'clock must be in our office bj .on Tuesday afternoon. r n',iwV First Baptist church, read the eereo o CIOCK mony JN the presence of the immediate families. • * * •? Sponsoring (on. Style She* °9®*« The Mis* Ellen Walsh of Ind., is vacationing at her mother, lbs. Jack Mr. And Mrs. Roy Merritt of Kokomo, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Ponald Mclntyre of Miincy, Ind., spent the weekend in tfar Vernon here. The three men took thair boot training together and served during the war in Pananta, returning home at the same time. Mrs. George TOiall of Chicago spent Tuesday visiting friends In enry. Patsy Owen, who had been attending a girls' camp at Camp Miniwanea, near Shelby. Mich., ~raade an unscheduled return home last Ihursday when she developed a case of mumps. Mrs. John A. Bolger and children, Mary (Ann and John JL and Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Decatur, (11., have been spending this week at the Oells in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay left on Sunday morning for California, Circle. Luncheon, Circle of the W. S. C. S. of the. . , , , , , M«thodi«t ctarch sponsoring a dessert luncheon and two weeks. style revue, the latter to be presented by Betty Nielsen. The luncheon and revue will be held at the ' Plan Outing v/ # ~ t ; jl« MCHcut . St. Annes society of St. Joseph's villa Hotef Resort at Pistakee Bay <church in Elgin is planning an outing on Wednesday, August 13, beginning S. [ . £?. . ./or Aug. 13 at the summer home of promptly at 1:30 p. m. Admission ^v*iMrs. Eugene Klinger. v- " --J " -J" L - + •+< Mrs. Peter M. Justen and Mrs. George Johnson are vacationing in Denver, Colo. r* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noonan of Chicago and Mrs. Clarence Tuttle of Dundee visited Mae Noonan one day last week. Miss Ann Frisby spent a few days the last of tne week, in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake. The Ed Moderhack family of Chihas been visiting relatives in price will be $1.00 and there will be many lovely prises. !Tcea-Age Party Ticket® may be obtained from "JBeld Saturday members of the circle or from Betty Miss Donna Freund entertained at Nielsen at her dress shop. Tickets a teen-age party held at her home will not be sold at the door but must east of the rivfer last Saturday be purchased before day of event. evening. At the close of an enjoy- * • • . able everting, a tasty buffet supper Bob Miller Entertained was served to the following guests: Co-Workers at Picnic JS£v R?»P,h ?°* Mi!,ler fntertained ^^"litoww, WiCbefore"reYurn^ng"to h£ Johnson, Jane Cristy, Terry Bauei, an(j fnends at a wiener roast and i home in Thor»bv Ala. •Dorothy Justen, Ann Herdnch. Gene party heid at his home east of the j M^ AKne?H Schaefer, John McGee, Milo Mc- river one evening last week in honor Culla, Warren. Wepener, Eugene Qf j,js seventeenth birthday annivers- Freund, Clarenaa Foereisel, Gilbert ary. Present to enjoy the social Christofferson MM Mark Hopkins. hour were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, Mr. and Hold Gathering Mrs. Victor Freund, Mr. and Mrs. At Marray Hosie ; Stanley Diedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Le- Amidst a setting of lovely shade Roy Conway, Mr. and Mrs. James trees on the lawn of the O. C. Mur-; Doherty and Junior, Miss Ethel catfp M^I enry this week. Mrs. Anna Phalin, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Mc- Henry, is now vacationing in Man Ml Photo by A. Worwick, XcHenrjr. MR. AND MRS. ERVEN ERBER In a lovely summer wedding ceremony performed at the Zion Ixitheran church on June 21, Miss Marjorie Griswold of Greenwood became the bride of Mr. Erven -C. Brber. Details concerning the wedding apeared in an earlier issue of The 'laindealer. SPRING GROVE5 Agnes Hammer of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. May Sommers of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mahoney and family of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the William Doherty^ home here. Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Sommers are the former Sutton girls of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs, William Rothermel of Springfield and Mr. ray home in Geneva last Sunday, Freund, Miss Grace Bolger, Eddie LoUjs Rothermel of Peoria visked in relatives and friends enjoyed a de- Blake, Harold Stilling, Victor Miller, | the Ben Justen home the past week. Ikious picnic lunch and social after- Bernard Doherty, Howard and John j Sunday visitors, in addition to the noon. Those present were Mrs. O. Knox, Eugene Schaefer, Warren I above, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Murray, daughter, Marjorie, and Wegener and the George Miller I gkow' and family of Woodstock, Dr. , son, Ray, Miss Ethel Byer and Mrs. family. I and Mrs. J. W. Justen and children W M snVvof 's teitai Mrs.' Charles Freund) •h of Momence, of Chicago Miss and Lorraine Domak Mrs. Kenneth -:k E. J. Murray of Geneva; Mr. andj Bob was the recipient vt many Mrs. Charles Gftrtis, Mr. and Mrs. gifts. >- Thomas Doherty, Kate and Tom Mc-! .. • Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert q. j; g Planning Kralowetz and daughter, Karen, and Events* of Future Miss Alice Gaulke, all of McHenry., The local O. E. & chapter held its j are visiting this week in the Justen ^Lught refreshments were served in regular monthly meeting last Mon- home. / •the late afternoon before .the depaf- jay evening and were happy to have i , Mr., and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and present Mrs. Lillian Gilbert of Crys- i familv of Council Bluffs, Iowa, have | tal Lake, grand lecturer and in- j been visiting relatives And friepds in structress. Guest of the evening was McHenry. / Mrs. Anna Hermann of 4734 Park j Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen are vaave., Chicago, of King Oscar Chap-, cationinjr /n Denver, Colo. V ter No. 762. Appetizing refresh- ! Mr. arm Mrs. Pete Engelr* of WIowta ments were served at the close of1 stock" Visited in McHenry last Sun? a pleasant evening by Valeska da; Fan«t\ of the Spring Grove firemen's team of water fighters will be glad to know that the team will have a water fight at Grayslake Friday ni|^ht, July 18, ^starting at about Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, daughter, Pauline Annf and Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Freund returned, on Sunday of last week /from a trip to Iowa and MinnesotaN. While there they enjoyed visiting with "relatives and friends and also met Mrs. Nick Freund from here, who has been in Iowa several weeks. The annual carnival and chicken dinner of St. Peter's church will be held on the parish grounds Saturday Krueger and children of Williams | and Sunday, July 19 and 20. Bay, Wis. Little Jerry and Jimmie Justen and Kathleen Piet of Momence tore for home of the guests. Entertain on ; / V.- ..Anniversary ^^ • v ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Hatr?' Barr lM| Saturday evening entertained at 1 family gathering honoring Mr. Barr's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Barr of A chicken dinner will be served in the basement dining room and hall at noon on Sunday, and there* will be muny games to entertain,, you. Come and meet old friends. Everyboay welcome. M". end Mrs. Kenneth Crain of Wonder Lake are the happy parents of a daughter. Mrs. Crain is the former Miss Lucille Esh. ^ Cnarlotte Freund spent several days ^ last week visiting her cousin, Barbara Ann Gerasch, in McHenry b» interested S £ and McHenry friends wi to learn , of the max Joan Nelson, daughter Mrs. Carl R. Ndson, and fiwnnal DeLay, son of Mr. and Mra. &. B. <' DeLay, both of Elgin. The wadding took place on Saturday afternoon, July 12, at 8:80 o'clock in the Immm of the bride's parents, with Bar. Robert Elden, paste* of St Mark's Lutheran church, reading tbe ceremony. The couple was attended by Miss Carol Jean Nelson, sister of the bride, and Robert Larson of Des- Plaines. A reception for seventy-five guests followed the service, with four friends of the bride, Mesdames Wilbur Bell, Norman Holts and Georga Dittman and Miss Margaret DeLay assisting in serving refreshments. Mrs. DeLay graduated from Elgin high school in 1944. The groom attended DesPlaines high school before joining the marine corps, with which he served two and one-half Sears. He is now attending Ellis business college in Elgin. Anton* the Sick Mrs. Blanche Moffett of Oakhnrst has been a patient at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. , Mrs. Viola LaBine of West McHenry is » surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. T' Read the Want AO m I «|l IIiM • I Ml# MM % m that teep moving lire productive lollars. The 'that you > -t > * #1 • v. every American. Yen act in the interests of yourself and ""7w" -) . .7y"o-u*r "fa"m"Vily In the bonk , tot when you put money in the bank every pay day. But there's extxa satisfaction in the thought that " e ticts, and living for you are also helping to Credit tha^ means jobs, Jbomes, cars, new prodd better T ill of us. Every dollar yOu turn the wheels of Amerfput in your bank account can industry. If yon flco r the future, helps make the future more secure for haven't an account with us now, sftaat one today. iMcHEISRY STATE BANK Member -. Federal Boson* Syria* ^ Member Federal Deposit XBsmraooe Oorporation • • n i t N i i in if in in ij i ii mi 1111 n i i r i nut i u m»# ° \ GmiiMeA T1- -riendly Store featuring Clothing and Everyday ~^oaaehold needs at a- GREATSSAVINaS TO YOUTlf PERFECT Tllllft tmmm mi led Mt eer TrMMftM dtiyliy . . . Nrwmally Hit ntfmbc efttoed tiftf «• njiHiwi . • • m. -.»! I| - Steffan's Jewelry PHONE 123-J , MAIN STREET WEST McMENRY Hoppe, Mildred and Louanne How-1 Jtfiss Verena Justen is spending a1 She also enjoyed a trip to Brookorka. j few weeks in Denver, Colo. j field Zoo with the Juvenile Foresters. The chapter is making platft fori Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Fred, its bake sale, which will take place Diane, visited in the Harry Lawrence Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. on July 18 at the Pries market; the I home in Chicago last weekend. MrJ Charles 'Freund spent Thursday in annual picnic co-sponsored bv the Phalin spent Sunday there and ae»! Waukegan. T . O. EL S. and Masonic lodge, to beheld; companied his family home. { Mrs. Andy „Straub and children of on July 20 at Walkup Woods; and! Mrs. Frances Patzke and FlorenceI Chicago ant visiting in the home of the dessert-bridge to take place on! Antholz are vacationing in Wisconsin' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz. July 24 at Acacia hall. this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Miss Marjorie Duker of Chicago i Wagner, sdns, Herb and Richard, visited her parents, the C. H. Dukers, visited ii) the Martin Wagner home a few days the past week. I in Ottawa, i 111., last week. I : , - .. The Donald Hayes family of Chi- Mr. and \Mrs. John Doetsch aW our sincere thanks for the many cago spent the weekend with his i family of Wv:*^<»tte were visitors in kindness extended- us during the mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. i the Arthur Kattner home on Sunday, illness of Mrs. Adams and at ^the MrS. Loren McCannon of San. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lent and Mr, time of the death of our infant Diego, Calif., is visiting her parents, *nd Mrs. Math Nimsgern spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. j day with Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of 8on' Bobby, at Sharon, Wis. :a!D OF THANKS In this way we wish to express daughter. We are especially greatful for the sympathetic services of the priests of Wbodstock and McHenry. MR. AND MRS. NICK ADAMS 9 AND JACKIE. Lake Geneva spent Sunday with relatives and friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting of Elgin visited relatives in McHenry last weekend. Raymund Koch, one of the most widely known American singers in THANK YOU! The Orchard Beach association, „ wishes to thank the people of Mc-j radio,' opera and oratorio^ and his Henry ahd vicinity for their co-oper-1 wife, Helen Bickerton, brilliant soation in helping make the party of! prano of concert, radio and oratorio, July 12 a success. *9 were guests of Warren Jonas at the C. W. Goodell home last Sunday. Before baking potatoea, them in hot water, allowing tham to stand in the water for a III tttes. This will shorten the of time needed for, taking. Wadding Cakes The wedding cake had its origin in Roman times when the bride and bridegroom together ate a cake made of salt, water and flour, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica. The cake has become mora and more elaborate through the ages, culminating ih the high-tiered pastry of today. - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lennon at St, Therese's hospital, Waukegan, on Tuesdays July 8. , Many from here attended the carnival at St. Joseph's parish ground* in Richmond on Sunday. The firemen held their ^regular meeting at town hall on atinday nighfcJ Plans were discuaaed for $ carnival to be held in the near . future. Cards were played after the Warren has been a voice student of-meeting and refreshments served. Mr. Koch for some time. / 1 -- Mrs. Jacob Justen visited friends. iuj,n- . „ in Evans ton for a few days last | INultEASES IN STATE W-kr. .nd Hn. .^, rPHD« ARB AlWQPirCKD LaVerae Hay and the letter's friend! BY TREAS0UR ROWS of Chicago visited the Pells in W consin on Sunday. Richard Yates Rowe, state treas urer, has announced increases in state funds for June as follows; General revenue funds increased K7.625.ft44.98 from $107,348,944.29 to *114.074,589.27. State funds increased $311,713,209.58 from $298,. Henry Schmitt are 254.049.37 to $607,967,258.95. Most *4* Births Boys' Tan Sixes 14 tol6 yeqn BIB OVERALLS €Aii]dreii's Seersucker Sises Beg. Prioe *1.9§ fecial $1.49 . Price $2.1T Piece PAJAMAS I , ' 0 BOYS'. SPORT SHIRTS Sim 8 to 16 Reg. Price $1.89 Special $1.19 ' < Special $1.59 Hisses' and Ladiee*" BATHING SUITS ie(. Prioe MM to UM Seduced t# $3*98 to $5.98 WfF NOVELTY I3URTAIN MARQUISETTE •*% 4 -- Assorted Colors ... Beg. Prioe 45c yard SPECIAL 39c yard \ - Mr. and Mrs( the parents of a son, born at the of this increase is represented bv the Woodstock hospital on July 10. H»e j *300.626,875 proceeds of the sale of little lad has neen named "Tommy.'* i Illinois veteran's bonus bonds on On July 12 at the (Harvard hospi- June 4. Trust funds decreased 43.- Complete line of Beebe livestock tal a daughter weighing 7 lbs 11 \w. | 8fV>.629.18 from $497,874,989.68 ta. remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ain- j $494.069.360^50. Henry. ^ 8-tf prer of Hebron. Mrs. Ainger is the] Collections of retailers' occunation ; ~j former Gladys Shepard of Ringwood. | t»x deposited in the treasury during : I Friends here will be happy to hear i June totaled S13.928.928.80; an inthat Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell crease of $4,359,873.71 over /a year are the parents of a 6 lb. 8 oz. aeo. Collections for the first six daughter, Jeannine Cheryl, bom in months were $76,569,125.44; An in- Elkhorn, Wis., on July^jO. Mrs. crease of 9519,374,951.92 ov?f the Mitchell is the former Mi^s Sylvia same period last year. * . -- Snyder, commercial instructor in the Motor fuel t*x deposited in June local high school. JtotulM $5,425,105.72; an increase of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lennon of ; $1.030.82l.fi2 over lns+ June. De- Spring Grove are the parents of a1 rn«ft<! for the siy month period were daughter, born at St. Therese hos- *24,663.066.24; an increase of $2'- pital, Waukegan, on July 8. 1314.410.29 over the same period a A son tiras born on July 14 at the year ago. Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mra.' Collections of motor vehicle" IIICE CREAM Oivltiw of N*UoimI Dei ry Prodocn Corp. FLAVORS FOR JULY" ORANGE - PINEAPPLE • VANILLA / " // CHOCOLATE - . - " - - •*-"r-" • • HAZELNUT MINT / JPECIAI. BRICK EACH WEEK-END. -o- DRUG STORE s ' fa Prank Bitterman of Lily Lake. DEATH; RATE AMONG INFANTS IN STATE SHOWS SHARP DEOLOT LUNCH KITS Pint Vacuum Bottle cial $2.19 acuum Bottle $1.19 -- \ PERCULATORS : .' " v 8-cap Aluminum Special $|.19 LADIES' WASH DRESSES rSises 14 to 42 . . . Values from $2.49 to $4.98 HOW^ In 1917, artment o the year of p«blK health was estabin Hlinois 119 under 1 year of partmen Iisbed, there' deaths of infants age for every 1,000 births. Advances in medicine duri: last thirty years, and the the medical profession and all other health agencies have' also achieved in preventing and controlling communicable diseases, according to Dr. Roland R. Cross, state director of public health. He declares that since 1917 diphtheria and typhoid fever have been reduced to diseases of minor prevalence in Illinois, while the death rate from tuberculosis haa declined almost 75 per cent. However, tuberculosis is still rated as a major health problem, and as a leadin* cause of deaths fcatwaan the, mi of 16 .and 45. Wl censes for Jnn<» wr" $790,515.55: an increase of $65,738.8^) over last June. Collections for the «ix month period totaled $23,535,045.81; an increase of *1,460,976.32 over the previous year's six months' period. Oio-arpttfi taxes for June totaled *2.324,131.72; an increase of $864,- 020.94. For the first six months collections were $11,889,964.85; an increase of $3,696,151.94 over the sanM period last year. ii^h- the' _ ^ow® also revealed that S774,- helV of 15®®cigmrftte tax total and ii I $1,624,822.29 of paii-mutuel taxes at Illinois race tractdfjduring June have been adder* to^thc^bonus bond interest and retirement fund. Total places in this fundffor the first six months of 1947 is $6,816,741.04. J ,u Special $1.69 HIKER8 INJURED of tiidT holiday acts 1949 thar# HITC: In the account . cident toll in this areat as reported in the last issoe of Tlw Plaindealer, it was mentioned that John Jorgenw> n and SamuH Wyatt, both of Wonder Lake, hitchhikers who wars riding in a car which trashed after hitting a bridge, left the aasne ef the accident, uninsured. Wi hava leenl physician after an •f the crash W atata • M Socket ^WRENCH SET 12-Piece -- 1^-Point j; ^ ^ Vx -in Drive Socket Set . / Special $6.98 * - 21-Pieoe 8et -- fecial $l6.9€t ^Ma'ins lit all popular «oake cans TTT $6.95 to $1650 v Vv JL - ' ... 'I ; tV - -> : 'jjF