Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1947, p. 6

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CLfiJS'lFIED SECTION NOTICE Beetiie of the cnal number of classified tdi which sqppear in the Plaindealer each week. we have found it impoesWe to keep books such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday moraines will be printed. FOR SALE -- Folding Wall Bed;; FOB SALE -- 4-cubic ft. Sera! cutters; two lone zinc-lined gas refrigerator. _ Carey Electric| lower boxes. -Te l. McHenry 6688--Mm--2z,, SShhoopo,, McHen •9 Phone 251. FOR SALE--Domestic for the street, FOR SALE -- One-wheeled trailer, $40.00.' Phone McHenry 583-J-2. FOR RKNT -- At Emerald Park on -- -- FOR SALE -- 14-ft. Panyan canoe. Fox Rftar -- Kirk's Kottagee and ALE--rabbits, ready Perfect condition. Compote with jKabins, with housekeeping facilities,! pan. Mike Daley, 808 Main paddles. Sacrifice price, $50. Inquire ,92.75 a day or $15 a wee! McHenry. of Adam Brand, Hickory Drive, Mc-1 also plaeai to sleep eight; week and* u oroftener rates. Regular year round nMk John E. H1U. P. Q. Box 274, Me- Henry, Phone 806. • ^ » Cullom Lake. HELP WANTED cvtR aii.K ___ FnurJiurner Electric WANTED TO CONTACT s--• Person .nit Crtl W«*r Uk. Ml. <., ^»e, e a day hr. min.); ample Food one mlk Ufi:! TYPEWRITER 8ERVICE^-Typewri- boats, $1 . .nj wSlwit Cycles, an hour (8- lildren; ters and and rebuilt. adding machines beach for It. Ribbons and, facilities. j Main 8t., McHeniy. Phoni McHen; per. ^ Frank J. Immekus, Jr., lM block; McHenry Damgf,r lry 208-J. 8S4f insotaLAiraon8 FOR SALE --* Grey and white J N. L. Heinz, Johnsburg Air Park.! CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling enamel cook stove, Joseph Blake. \ Phone McHenry 600-W-l. 91 and A. Les- FOR 8ALE FOR SALE--2 Saddle horses, 4 yrs. old. Sound and gentle. 2% miles CARPENTERS WANTED -- "tor] repair* of all kinds, sard. Phone McHenry 684-R-2. 9tf, FLOOR 8ANDING -- Refinishing Tarnishing and waxing now and old *9-8 CIIlllllCl Vwa 9WfV| «VBV|ni a/iswv. ; Tel. McHenry 611-J-l. ^ FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- Veterans Housing Project. A-l men.{ •N.N.I . »HIT-TIT rare MACHINES. Service on all $103.20 a week. O. W. Potter ~ iWHERMEN makes. Also ribbons jfor alljnakes;; Sons, General Contractors. Tel. Wau- 3^,^ oni Flys carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St.,' conda 32331 after 8 p.m. or apply at Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf project site, 1% miles west of Wau- 1 conda on Route 176. 9-8 -- . .. FOR SALE -- 7-room house, good north of McHenry on Riverside Drive, condition; furT,ace; jrarage attach.; FEED REPRESENTATIVES --Feed Layman. *9, possession ac furnace; garage attacn.; FEED KEFKESISHTATIVISS reea , $6,750. Farm3^ all sizes; manufacturer will have vacancies for ~ _ ... . • . also acreage. See Floyd E. Howe at, two more representatives to complete FOR SALE--Solid walnut secretary carl M. Lars en's, 106 Benton St., promotional and expansion quota in desk and chair, living room rurni-1 Woostock. Rhone Woodstock . 970. this area in meeting increased dew ture, rugs, bookcase, books, art ob- j ' 9 mand for their more than thirty*. jects, pictures, Wtchen cabinet, --. --,----- - . • •--- ----4 j ^ve nationally distributed feeds anfc dishes, etc. J. (k>oaw'in^L<aKe pqr SALE •-- (New year-'round 4-: sanitation products. Applicant# rday Evenir^s floors; alio Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimate!.. Call-evenings, Henry 497-R. WHITEWASHING -- Barns, basements and chicken houses: also spraying with Carbola DDT. A1 Phannenstill Tel. 433-R. 410 Park St., McHenry. 51-tf FLY-TACKLE I MOTOR REPAIR--Electric motors VENETIAN BLINDS | Careifco cartfcg, motor brushes and Custom Made Colored Tapes I Johnson Bronze cored bars and Re taping Free Estimates I ready t° use bearings. McHenry One-Week Delivery IT [Electric Motor Service. 102 West B. E. MEAKER • i Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf . „ DATE fclalo ^rf JOStra KATTNER, Degiven to fril per- , Is the claim date JOSEPH KATTNER zasss Mid that data* may be fflad agafaHt «• said estate on or btftm said "*u ^«sssr!uiiaBr" ^.. ?*_i<Ftfb.JuIy 10-17-24) r.. Order your rubor stamp* at thf Plaindealer. -fcSM Phone Crystal Lake 440 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash fhi*® *nd Oak St., Wonder room home, located one mile from should have general knowledge of NOTICE I am nnt-resnonsfble for prices paid for cows, horses and (11 ' McHenry near Fox river, with river livestock' to qualify for advanced ^tracts S bogs; no help needed to load. Day ! wiiwkfa • ftillir tnculflfA/l • PRn nnyl Anal • t*omm<v Va in. I ® ' , » __ • 1 • n 1 J 1 1! J.... Lake, HI. r«mirww «a»f » rights; "fuHy insulated; rooms can saies and nutritional" training. No^in-! anyone""but mywtf" JOHN'kOER' and night, Sundays and holidays. CAMERAS FOR SALE -- 35 m.m. be put upstairs; oil burning auto- vestment required but car essential, rvtj ray • 7.9 Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Clarus. iF-2.8 color corrected^ COaten matic forced air. heat; utility room; Apply by letter, stating qualifica-: -- -- Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. lens, focal-plane shutter, built - m city gas and electricity; hard road in tions. P. O. Bofc 1230, Cedar Rapids, WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN.' j . 36-tf rriftge, and view finder, $116.25. Six-1 front 0f property; lot 50x150; for Iowa. ; *9 \ WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair" ^ ~ 20 Kodak Monitor, F-4.5 kodak An-,,quick Mle, $7,500. Tel. McHenry : and install pumps Bill Bacon, 206 astig-m:- lens, Super ma tic shutter. 227-J. 9 HELP WANTED -- Dishwasher, Main Street, McHenry. Telephone $65. Huneel Tri-Vision, F-8 color cor-j -- -- •; _ ^ male or female; part or full time;i93-J 10-tf • Traeo Uadnlant Fever References to diseases resem-' rected coated lens, dual synchro-j FOR ^ALE--Five-room year 'round evenjnf;. hours; good salary. Apply | bling undulant fever ar.e floAuOndn ^ivnt shutter, $25. B & H 16-m.m., Fil-j home at Spring Grove, corner of jn person, at McHenry Town Club or TREE SPRAYING AND WEED 1116 writm8» of Hippocrates (4W-J57 motion Editor and Splicer, $151. Rt. 12 and Spring Grove road; fur- • ein McHenry 12. - 9 KILLER. SPRAYING -- Frank W.! B.C.). Worwick Studio, 117 Riverside Drive, nished or unfurnished; oil heat; tile : "»»•••••'-"" i Henkel Tel MrHpnrv 6A1.M.1 I McHenry. Phone 275. 9-tf kitchen and bath; electric kitchen; CUSTOM COMBINING -- Want 52-tf built-in cabinets; full basement; 3- FOR S^tLE--8-room house in gafage; beautifully landscaped Heni ry; two plumbing; oil bathrooms, furnace; heat; Venetian blinds; shing's; $14,500. Address, care of Plaindealer. modern: B. H. Borg, Spring Grove, water •9 someone doing custom combining;; have sixty-five acres. Get in touch! SHHET METAL AND FURNACE j _ with Golden Bull Farms, Wauconda, WORK--Gutters and furnaces rewatei" C4IF _ 82 »al Clark water!IH- Tel* Wauconda 4214. »9 paired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., fumi- FOR SALE 82 gal. Uarte water j R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry B, in! heaters. Carey Electric Shop, Mc"|WANXED _ STENOGRAPHER -- 650-R-l. " ® | _enr^' ' ' j Legal experience preferred. - State, • FOR SALE Baby "stork" scale, age, qualifications, salary expected-CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone DR. R. DeROME FOR SALE!--, .James way fc-ft. hog j *4 50. ^sh aquariums, $1 up; 8x3-ft![ and references. Address Post Office' 691-R-l when in need of Insulation feeder. Call McHenry 60B-R-1. ^|maSsive table, $7.50; Brunswick Box 26, Woodstock, Ul- 9 or a new roof, asibestos, or insulated -- Dentist -- 120 Greea Street A A FT Pbone 292-J. McHenry Office Hoars: 10 s.m. to 6 ».• daily except Wednesday. Evening* by appointment. console phonograph,' brick siding, weather stripping, or! FOR SALE-- Motor Scooter frame j j^g^H^ypewriter^or"sewing"machine HELP WANTED -- Waitress and combination screen and storm"win-( itnM gT ood condition. Tel. McHen•r0y1: *W .j • jocn. re-conditioned grass woman for kitchen. No experience!dews. Free estimates. Durfee Bros.] 188-J. 1 cu*UttICe^r , $T5 .5rr0 ;' .l.i.b rary tables, $3 and« necessary. Rainbow It--n--n a.jt. Island RFno/ovffiinnwg CPoa . iQ 4~# Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R: H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hoars-- Tutsdsv & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pm ^,,ossr. If -- 17e'thr"mil"=Wwxstsssss! w u T nr.i-L Ur>TTAnr\-: household scale, $2; vacuum clean- HELP WANTED -- Couple ^ Phone --" " ..------- Walter J. . Walsh, phone McHenrj ^ $4 Rnd |6 50; carpet sweeper, Angus, pig, poultry farm. No dairy. 608-R1 ; 9 $1.50; 5-ft. picture easel, $3; also Good equipment; new buildings; mod- [ WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS pictures, lamps, mirrors in FOR SALE -- English type garage; hot water nei n»«i 1 house; DR. R. W. DONNELLY -- Foot Specialist window glass, etc. 19 irrors, ladders, em living quarters. Salary or share --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES Chiropodist ~~ Foot .Sp< Orchard Beach, basis. Excellent opportunity for McHenry. 111. Phone 277 49-tf 103 So. Riverside Drive eat with TeJ McHenry 59»-Wr-__2.. *9'caTp.a. ble, steady, honest ,w orkers.)t -j----*•,? •• --; Phone I17 M< r- --. ! Write, giving full details, references,j C. J. H. DIEHL churches and schools; 10-min. walk FOR SALE --- Fox river residence, etc. to room 1488 Merchandise Mart,j McHENRY COUNTY to depot. H. J. Schaffer. Phone Mr- one mjie north McHenry; immediate Chicago 54, or .phone Huntley, 111., | PIANO TUNER * Henry 83-W. possession; 3 bedrooms, • modern 3232 Sat. or Sun. 9 526 WASHINGTON ST., WDSTOCff' _' plumbing; cobblestone, natural fire- ---1 PHONE 208-W Woodwork FOR SALE - JOHNS-MANVILLE Juce and chimney; 30-ft. living HELP WANTED --. Waitresses and, ' TYPE A HOME INSULATION, j room; stone foundation; suitable short order cook. Mi Place, Green Guaranteed not to settle. Installed year-'round dwelling; 9 cubic ft. Street, JMcHenyy. 8-tf by the Wallfill Co., Call or write 1 genuine Frigidaire, like new; elec- -- -------- Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel.1 jrjc washing machine; furniture, HELP WANTED--'Snuffy's" Ham- McHenry 18. McHenry Office hours: by appointment Daily and Evenings Closed Wednesday DB. H. & FXKB Vetariaarlaa MS W. Waakegaa Pkmm tl _ McHattry, m. , Office Hours: l pja. to 2 pja. , Except Thursdays Evenings by AppoiatmMt &N Sender gilt pins used by enlop^ oflsts in thak study^ of inaecta an, m smallth*H tatei abotit them 4o vdih as one*. ^ Biggest 'Eator* Cam b the biggest "ffter^ ^ riant foods in ttio entire grate family. Producing lOO bushala <f corn takes 156 poundis of nitrogw, -M pounds of phosphorus and lSOpoonii^ of potash/out of the soil. IT HHPHIF' 804 Washington St. PkmSm-rn .VERNON J. KNOX Attoreey-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sta„ McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appoiataumt Phone McHenry 48 CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslvn A Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 ' Office--Koehr Supply Com 542 Main Street, West C. J. MEYERS iSsnsrsl Conttnete^^'r. Carpentry H Now Work and Repairs McHenry, I1L TeL PisUkee 642-M»I 'SSIe. nry W« k 1135 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Ftre, Auto, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES , When you need insurance of any kind Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHentf Telephone No. -800 ;? 8TOFFEL A REIHANSt*ERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies^ West McHenry, Illinois *8-4 EXPERIENCED AWDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY i AND REMOVAL -- INSURED J FREE ESTIMATES DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Physician & Surgeon 7^---f>l Johnsburg 644-R-l ?el. Johnsburg 580-R-2 el. Crystal Lake 86-M Office Hours: 9-tf tools, toat, etc., newly painted. Dras- burger Place wants a waitress. I"-'J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168,! 1« a.m. to 2 R.m. and 7 pan. to 9 . j tic reduction at a bargain for quick guire at 126 Riverside Drive, _Mc- Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, III. 40-tf No Hours Tharsdajr Evenings FOR SALE -- Witzer Motor BB iikkee | g a l e f o r o n e n o t * m e r e l y s e e k i n g a H e n r y , _ 5 1 - t f -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A . -- -- : -- _ . with side car. Never been used. P. home but one demanding quality and O. Box 146. *9 FOR SALE -- 16-ft. Miller -boat and new 50-h.p. motor. Complete with trailer. 2*4 miles north of McHenry on Riverside -Drive. Layman. •9 individuality. 19 Orchard Tel. McHenry 599-W-2. Beach. • ,*9l HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND #OR SALE -- 45 acres; 6-room1 GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORhouse; furnace; electricity; dairy.TUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTbarn for sixteen cows; cement «>lo; | ^ IN THIS TYPE WORK. APnew nuftine shed; hen house.1 PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO.. 2M $12,000. See Floyd E. Howe at Carl RIVERSIDE DRIVE,. McHENRY.^ M. Larsen's, 106 Benton street,! PHONE 89. 20-tf Woodstock, Phone Woodstock 970. ^ i HELp WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA I MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 83-tf FOR SALE--1825 lightweight building blocks. Complete set Detroit Steel Products residential casement windows for a home. O. W. Potter and Sons General Contractors, Wau-! FOR SALE -- Heil 350-gal. per heur, «onda. 111., Tel. Wauconda 3231 after 1 electric water pump, excellent condi-j * P ™ 1 9-3! tion, $50; coal Heatalator, $10; 450 ' rockfaced cement blocks;; steel reTOR SALE -- Shetland ponies and inforcing posts. Tel. 675-R-l. *9: "addle horses. Jay W. Jones, Jr., Harvard, 111. Tel Harvard 607-J-2. *9 . FOR SALE -- 1965 iEGarley-Davidson, 74 motorcyde, buddy aeat, new con- FOR SALE -- Year-*roUnd home, dition, battery uid windshield; good {garage, two summer income cottages, tires. Phone Wonder Lake 193. *9 j 100-ft. frontage on river. High and FOR SALE -- Two new 8-can milk coolers, Westinghouse. Carey Electric Shop, McHenry. Tel. 251. 9 HELP WANTED . MEN . ' . ' , 2nd and Srd SHIFTS " ' \ m EXPERIENCE NECESSARY wm 8AI.B _ M-ft. Lyman - boat H7nrvF^d«®eL.i S with 10-h.p. Johnson motor, steerine Henry i bridge, East si(te_of nveT> l APTOY TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM McHENRY FLORAL'GO. Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry on Rsinto 81 Flowers for sll occasioiHI' A. P. FREUND SONS \ Excavating ContractoiF"" Tracking, Hydraulic ' and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M FRANK S. Trucking ' 8and --Black Dirt -- Crashed Grafit Cinders -- Limestone :'r . Truck, for Hire , Phone McHenty 580-M-l R-l McHenry ,. TeL McHenry 243-J > Harold h. bell ^ t»*lntlrtg, Paperhanging, R^aottng Old Wall Paper With Steamer, 8ffay Painting 101 W. GREEN 8T. McHENBT . ' W. P. BROOKS ft SON s Painting and Papering . AH Material At Cost TeL 1S1-R 11* Washington Sfe. - McHenry, Illinois FRANK E. WEILBR PAINTING AND DBOOBATlUg Phone McHenry 689-W-2 } Painting, Paperhanging, Spraying EatUaatea Cheerfully Furnished JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metsl and Furnace Work |101 N. Green St* McHenry, HL Phone 24S-R McHenry.m All Branches I Jobnsburg Johnson motor, steering wheel, extras. P. O. Box 146. *9 FOR SALE-- OR EXCHANGE for improved -property, 3% acres with Fox river rights, ripe for improvements. Address Box T, in care of nginde&ltr. - *9 Mineral Springs subdivision. IN PERSON AT PQKMHVNEL DEPARTMENT FOR SALE -- Dresser, dressing; table, chifforobe, console radio, floor I lamp. Tel. McHenry 657-W-2. *9 FOR SALE -- 22-h.pToutboard mp- ' GOOD TRANSPORTATION tor in perfect condition. C. Horton, 4-tf AVAILABLE Center Drive, Wonder Lake. *9| ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CBt WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS SALE -- I must sell immediately (have been transferred to 1 FOR SALE -- 1935 Chevrolet - WANTED TO BUY "Texas! beautiful year 'round ranch reasonable. - Miller. - road north, ftype nOWe, *'.! stone construction. | from Wonder Lake View Farm. Won- WANTKT1 TO BUY -- Good used1 >» TWhtf KcHt ted close to McHenry; river | der Lake hts. Immediate possession. Tel. oiai cHenry 540-J-l. *8-2 FOR SALE -- New 6.50x16 6-ply 2-tf *9 pickup trade, %-ton sise. * Call Stanley BiwWn, McHenry 145-W. ; tires; also electric lawn mower, p. LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., t o. Box 146. *9 WANTED TO BUY House or cottage located on or near river. Write 52-tf on Route 31, about two block from WI IIW ..... .depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. FOR SALE -- Dresser with large Bo*x -VB>- carc Plaindealer. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf looking glass, like new; two small -- -- -- -- j end tables, settee, like new; good WANTED FOR CASH FOR §ALE--Modern house, fur- graphophone and radio. P. J'. Cleary, Homes -- Firms -- Businesses mshed; Venetian blinds; automatic; 104 Waukegan Rd., McHenry.. Phone EDWARD M. LANNES oil furnace; air conditioned; electric 86-M. *9' Real Estate hot water heater; tile bath, built-in - -- - Route 2 McHenry, 111. «Ub and shower; cabinet kitchen; FOR SALB -- Reconditioned wash- McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full. ing _machines.' Carey Electric Shop, Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 atorm windows; copper screens. McHenry. Tel. 2ol. 9 40-tf fvonder^Lake 1^3^ ^rive' P52-tf. FOR SALE -- Chrome table, $8; WANTED -- Crippled and Down Wonder Lake 1<J- ^„ bathinette, $3; folding baby buggy, Cattle. $10.00 and up. Peter Dom iKOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Six- $10. Tel. 695-J«2. *9 browski. Mornings and evenings room furnished home; lake front, eA,p call Woodstock 1699-R-l; daytime, north shore; modern and complete; f^.-^^t^rdef. Phone Woodstock 882. ^-6 choice location on Lake Shore Drive. 1 T . TT . *q -- __, Phone McHenry 276-J Saturday leL _6C1-J'1: • _s_i __9 WANTED and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. IpOR SALE -- 16-ft. Thompson deck ' G. Elarton. 52-tf j hull; accessoriei, 9jS-h.p. lite foiir; SITUATION WANTED -- Experi- Report of Condition of A^cHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry, Illinois, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on June 30th, 1947, published in accordance with a call made ^v the,. Federal Reserve bank cf this district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. >, „ ASSETS 1. Cash, balances with ether banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection „....$ 919,218.27 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ................. 2^21,838.50 8. Obligations of States and political subdivisions ...~-- 296350.66 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures ......................... 286,768.40 5. Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Fedoral Reserve bank),, 4,500.00 6: -Loans and discounts (including $701.17 overdrafts) 1,608,120.86 7. Bank premises owned $14,800.00, furniture and fixtures $5,457.00 ... 20,257.00b 12. TOTAL ASSETS ....$5,469,062.69 LIABILITIES 18. Demand deposits of ihdividuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,608,773.88 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations - --2,146,420.43 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) .-- .' -- 57,089.02 16. Deposits of States and political stibdivisions 241,476.96 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc .. 78,534.59 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $6,132,294.88 23. Other liabilities »•'. ^ 15,484.17 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) '""T $5,147,779.05 ^ „ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital* .......a........ 26. Surplus •.' 27. Undivided profits ••• 28. Reserves '(and retirement account for "preferred capital) - ••••• 50,000.00 100,000.00 108,783.64 52,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 311,283.64 80. vpwi v roNSTKiH-TKH Mnu simplex starter; EvinruAp. Sundays enced Bartender -- Fast. worker, so- «EWLi CONSiKLCIKU MUU- onlv Becker's Cottasres Woodlawn ber, desires day or night work for ERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round par^ McHtenry 111. ' *9 season. Now living at Griswold Lake, j Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plumb- --J ! -- Please leave message at McHenry! ing, gas, electric lake rights. FOR SALE -- Case 10-ft. power 619-W-l or mail card to Engber, Rt.1 TERMS. Phone McHenry 6i4-M-2 grain binder in A-l condition. Earl 3, Box 288. *9 or 590-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 50ni; Barron, Gray slake, 111. Phone Grays- -- -- --r , 1 . . . . --: r lake 2831 • 9.. WANTED--Watches and jewelry to FOR SALE -- 4%-room house, toi- e ' - repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. let and bath; basement with FOR SALE -- Beautiful new fully Green street, McHenry. (Front part .heat and garage. Inquire John, the; insulated two-bedroom home, one- of Claire Becuty Shoppe.) 15-tf Tailor. West McHenry. 4-tf half block from Fox river, with river . ca 11? 7777 rights; one mile from McHenry in WANTED--W* nave cash buyers . A i n n _ f f H L a , 1 ^ e x c l u s i v e r e s t r i c t e d s u b d i v i s i o n ; g a r - f o r . s u m m e r h o m e s , c i t y ^ o p e r t y s n d Lake, 25x100 ft., $115 each. Also attached to buildintr- cabinet farms. List your property with us, "four Business Lots on route 120, Lily kitchen; tiled bath- full basement Jac°b Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. Lake, reasonable. Inquire of H. Fox; w\th Uundry trlys' automatk hot l- McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., 825 N. Avers Ave, Chicago. 6-tf j wLter' furLce^heatedj c^ Chicago, pliona Lincoln 1888-1884 tf. FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein | walks and driveway; city gas and bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- electricity; room for extra bedrooms tin, Ragapple and other leading | upstairs. Must be seen to be apfclood lines at farmers' prices. Hick-1 predated. Buy direct from builder. or? Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. Priced at $10,750. Tel. McHenry T&. McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf 222_'J- " ' 9 FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, FOR SALE -- 260 acres; 7-room starters, fnel pumps, distributors and | house; dairy barn, 86x80; young ,,, ignition parts for Ford and all other cattle bam, 40x80; com crib; hen ears.' Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- house; jnrage. Only $125 acre. See moor, FrOd J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel.'Floyd £ Howe at Carl M. Larsen's, McHeary 615-W-8 POK >j1F Six-passenger Runabout lSr Bent and 16-hp. Racing JolmtXSnlSNmni Moj^ vrith »ecui euMretor and propellor; nicely ftnished and priuted; has natural-4n- [ deck and decorative deck lights; new: ' priced to sell. Can be at KixVs Kottages and Kabins. Brntnld; PwfcJ ?9>. *R., 10-tf i JW Benton St., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 970. 9 FOR SALE -- Johnson' 9.8 h.p. motor, perfect condition, HOO; pn in nerspring mattr«sa .gadreasonable 223-R. Dakar, phens Floor Tile niiw Asphall and Rubber - ' floor Sanding and W Roflnighing - SAT IBION Phone Woodstock 699-M 512 Clay St. Woodstock TOTAL LIA1BIUTIES AND CAPITAL •' ACCOUNTS - -- 85,459,062.60 •This hank's capital consists of common stock with total par value of $o0,000.00. MEMORANDA ^ M 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and _ for other purposes - 614-W0-(I0 "-- I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my Knowledge and belief. ROBERT L. WEBER. * tl • Correct--Attest: WILLIAM M. CARROl|g -- GERALD J. CAREY, C. J. REIHANSPER Directors. OFFICERS • . .Chairman of Board Vice-preaUent -iVm - r-n- --....Preaident Cashier fa. M. Carroll C. J. Reihansp^Egfr .^ Gerald J. Carey Robert L. Weber .--; _ James E. Larldn .......Asst. Caahier Naed Robber StampaT (Mar «t The Plaindealer. ^ ^ ; • • % v" • ; .. Tha national achool gram serves mora thah 1 U. & children daily. C. J. Reihaitsperger --l""'i DIRECTORS Wm. M. Carroll Jeaeph W. Freund Gerald J. Carey MEMBER FEDERAL fiKOiff Telephone Crystal Lake 1119 "Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICi Blocked Sewers Opened Without Digging By Electric Motor-Mole and Root Cutter Cryatal Lake, Illinois L. Neben Box 193 plione McHenry S84-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- * NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT P. O.--McHenry ALU WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main 8t, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRF8, Operator Phone 615-W-l er 464 MUHNRY. ILL. WELDING ~ Msiatenance and Constraction ^ Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-1 •09 South Green St.. . McHenry, IH. MeMAHON REFR' DERATION SALE8 AND 8ERVICK McHenry 419 or Wonder Lake MS 510 Mate SL, McH *WAT%R PUMPS y. Illinois WILSON*8 RADIO SHOP fedioe -- Records -- AppUoMMO Repairs on-All Makes Home * Auto Radios t0« E. Elm St. McHenry^IH. Phono 469 RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Abo Greaaing and Repairing Can WILLIAM BUCHERT «01 Front St. McHenry ROfHERMEL ELE^TIUC" Fairbanks Marao Ejector and Pnmpj Electrical Contractors types. All aisee. Complete and Baay Radio Repairs to install. 8amp pampa. Take aid i Let as estimate that next electrical pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND 8ERVIC& TeL McHenry CM-W-1 (900 ft. from NelTa Ballroom) Job of yonra. 804 Riverside Drive tap HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo- Dead and CH^pkd Horsea, snd* Hogs -- Sanitary Power EE «ng -- Tankage add Meat Scraps > Cor sale. Phones Arlington Heighta 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverttc! Charges. Palatiae Rendering Serviea.! --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horsea lese for down horses and cattle j MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOG® HORSES AND CATTLE We psy phone charges IK (>lt£ ELM STREET FLORIST PTE 120 5! PX * H£NRY U0! •WE tdCca'utpJulLOWERS All Year Round Homes For Sale PISTAKEEBAY 6 Rooms, Well Built, Lot 160x180, Rolling Acres Subdivision. Price $9,500. ^ 5 Rooms, Bath, Garage, Lot 100x200, One Block to Fine Beach and Pier for Boat. Prka |2.750. { . McOULLOM LAKE 7 Rooms, Garage, 'oil Fnraaee,^ Lota, On Black Tap Read. Price 48,950. ,6 Room Houses Water Front Lft, .Fnraished, S4L Cement Basement. Price fO.OOOt - WONDER LAKE Modern. 5 Room Home. Glased-in Porch, 8 Lota, f andsrspsd £rk« $tf,»0. ; ^llso sukmxs hokks fok sale WONDER LAKE-- Well built, 5-room leg hanae; hath; haiit-in tnk Price $5,500, RIVER, NEAR McHENRY-- • 5 mwan; ranning water, garage; 100-ft. water frent, at divide. Suitable far all year 'round. Price $10,18#. • c. •aBtef JOKKSBUKO, -}f*' 4 IIUTZ. Realm Eonto 1, HcHouy, Hi -v PHONE 87.OK CHICAGO, LINCOLN 1888-4

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