FOR SALE - Radio, reasonable. McHenrjr. FOR SALE y , LANDSCAPE* OB TREE SERVICE Five-rpom house at -- Tree removal, tree trimming, tree NOTICB ^ Besaase of ttw iml mnaber of ebnifM ads whin appear in the Plaindeakc each imL wa have found It tepwaibto toksep boob on audi small accounts. Thwefore, in tfce fMhm, only ads which are paid for More this section of the paper roes to proas at 10 •'dock on Wednesday. mornings win bo printed. Lily Lake, reasonable, or will rent to surgery, tree feeding; tree spraying, responsible year-'round tenant. All Cau j. w. Guntafson. Phone Crysconveniences; automatic oil heat. **1 Lake 326-W. Call McHenry 595-W-l, after 7 p. m. 4B 10• CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling 1 a 1 • «s. « j u . 1 ' *nd repairs of all kinds. A. Los- FOR SALE -- Wardrobo^runk, play, ft,one McHenry 634-R-2. Otf. pen, two" pair drapery cranes, one : • *94 pair drapery cranes, ivory drop leaf | -- 1 table and two chairs. Tel. 620^J-2. NOTICE--I am not responsible for •10 any debts, bills or contracts, by 7--r : (anyone but. myself. JOHN KOER- |FOR SALE -- Archery set, f ° 1 * RER •7-* 1 clubs, bird cage with stand. Tel.i *-- --' -- McHenry 675-R-2, *10 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. 1i FOR SOAAL.®E -- LT e~adT a nTd nOTil rE~xterri„or 1' WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair HQ^ install nnmM PUI PBM*. VM WAKTttl TO BUY -- Small fourburnerg< » range and 5 or 6-ft. refrigeirator. Box 121, McHenry, 111. •10 FOR SALE White Paint. Five Barn Red Paint, five Gamble's, West McHenry. Rnd *n«tall pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 gallons, $23.96. Main Street, McHenry. Telephone gallons,»$9.75 j 93J , % 10-tf inry. 10; -- ' POR SALE -- 26 Casement Win donro, with hardware. Also man's j in jrood condition, •overcoat, navy blue, si*e 42. Phone ] 138^J. . McHenry 678-J-2. *10 ' FOR SALE -- Motorola Aujt /^ftts all cart,, -Gamble's, -Henry. ,< "r-[ ' FOR SALE -- Motor Scooter Frame' TREE SPRAYIl^G AND WEED, MOt°r McHenry KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. ; *16 Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. , 52-tf #i:r. ;f< FOR SALE -- Row boat; bed\or; river, folding davenport; floor lamp, \yith. ight light; white table top kqro- FOR SALE -- Combination g a s, rdjo range. 50-in. steel-enamel sink, 1°0-, SHEET METAL AND FURNACE Mi»Il lb- ice box, 21-in. electric fan. Nel- Gutters ahd furnaces relA'son. route 3, about 5 blocks southeast Ralr „„ McDonald, Regner Rd.t | of the bridge and 1% blocks from ' McHenry. Phone McHenry or! river. *10-2 ',650-R-l. 44-tf WANTED tO BUY -- Good used ptefcuu trade, %-ton sise. Call Stanfiy Br**., McHenry 145-W. v 48-tf TO BUY--House or eotitei on or near river. Writs 7* oare Plaindealer. 52-tf M WANTED FOR CASH 1 «• Farms -- Bash EDWARD M. LANNE8 Seal Estate Hoot* S McHenry, IIL McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 T 40-tf WANTED -- Crippled and Down Cattle. $10.00 and up. Peter Dombrowski..' Mornings and evenings, call Woodstock 1699-R-l; daytime,! phone Woodstock 882. *8-6 JARH ADVISEE'S 5" COMMENTS H. Tamraebs) One of our good is>' A A' ; farmers says n«l»»--< to WMtarn Nmwpir Uata. By INEZ GEBHAKD AYBE some day, when a movie producer announces that he will search for an unknown girl who's perfect for the leading role in a big picture, and star her in it, he'll be greeted with the derision that he deserves. Of course nobody who's at all familiar with the workings of the industry believes him, but a lot of "unknown" girls do. They have high hopes of being chosen -- then the producer announces that some experienced actress has been given the part. The latest offender is Jesse Lasky; after I a'l the whoop-to-do about the role I of-^'Olga" in "The Miracle of the 1 Bells" he gave it to Valli, the Italian actress who recently made "The Paradine Case." , " train. A freight engine J' * YOUTO KSCAFflg , " j railroad Harold Jes6hke, of Huntley, hit an obstruction he had placed tm who tried to wreck a Chicago (! the trades bat it was not duMfif North Wertprn railroad train near J; ' • • % & ! Minded Persoiis at INxm, , Agriculture is Hie largest 1 ^*21 industry In the nation. Mora last Thursday in j eight millioii people work on W^'fwS^bLu. *'or *v*x7 person that tills fta mental e^inatite Mk>aing*h^. *! least one other pe rest and wassent to torn hospital; Ws Uvtaf by instead of being prosecuted on a ~1"~' "~ charge of attempting to wreck the agricultural products , . . . . t <,e,.7r , ;.•<* • i :b >>>*•*•.yt- uain FOR SALE -- 1945 Chevrolet Dump CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone u__j ; Truck; two-speed axel; 4-yd. body; i 691-R-l when in need of Insulation ^pii mi. excellent condition; 25-ft. conveyor.] or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated .... „ - T . en? if 1 * *ia A. R. Quaintance. Tel. McHenry 312. \ brick siding, weather stripping, ori there are two kinds of farmers in' „T ... Henry 607-M^l. - m. 10-2 combination screen and storm win- the county. One sells hay to the . John Larkin wasin HoUy- '^w\o cur rk»* ak/Mit * ^ tt 1 dows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros, other and during the last week or wood he tried to get a bit part in £? for l SaLE -- Hoover sweeper, plus, Roofing Co. 43-tf! twp it was almost necessary to have the "Perry Mason" pictures, but -fiiten tablfes cocktail, lamp and ©no, attach.; occasional chair; three odd ---- 1 a traffic officer on everv rural cross--' didn't succeed Disheartened, he tables, formerly no* ,.at tables; davenport and chair; double SEPTIC TANKS ANtLCESS POOLS road t„ direct the hav traffic ' 112.50. Town and Country Studio, be(j complete; walnut vanity; large cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth Wm Whitinir and sons south of Riverside Drive. McHenry. ™, upholstered rocker; studio couch; St., Crystal Lake, III. Phone 543-M! wZt M;C ' ? " POB ,,1F Lots 100x200 feef reed rocker; high chair; stroller;| or 716-M, --' •' - Mc^-nry, l1t: Elertro""1 ck,ner with road south off route 31, towal am --"j, on the blacktop, i have the slickest thing in hitches for First' Mr. H s'Fike lWE BUY AND SELL USED CARS'ha^ "n>ey are home made river. Sl?e^s of d'jLlvTerS; Mrs> S* ,a --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES i a"d ,atch J"®t like railroad cars. No Walter/ J. Walsh. 608-R-l. Phone McHeikry McHenry. Tel. 31. •10- FOR SALE Club 4-door Sedan, $675. 10! --CLARK CHEVROLET McHenry, IIL Phone 277. Hudson 39 Country) tel. Mc- FOR SALE -- New 8-cu. ft. Coi-onado Henrv 303 10 /Deep Freeie, $269. Gamble's, West, - - r: McHenry. 10 FOR SALE -- Must-sell immediately FOR tfce best offer; one-ton wood box; f fair condition; also Vfc-hp. mbtor and jack for pumping water. Mrs. Chas. -- " Peet, Ringwood. Phone Richmond FOR SALE -- 600 head ofrlean, 681. *10-2, healthy, guaranteed steers wwfrhing SALES 4S-tf p'ns 'ose or ^ni?crs to mash. The z j boys are as handy as Gordon Clark, , j west of McHenry, on Rt. 120. 1 1 Seven Chicago high school "boys haVe been ^placed on farms in the They are doorated, river rights. Immediate pos session. Phone, McHenry 540-J-l. *10 C. J. H. DIEHL McHENRY COUNTY PIANO TUNER , 4 . 526 WASHINGTON ST., WDSTOCKi ?ounty ?Ur office. ---- , it--r~~. 4-room year-'round home, newly dec- PHONE 208-W, Woodstock *8-4!,nK everything from minor chores to SALE -- Chevrolet Truck for riVPr H<rhtH Immediate DOS- -- 1 operating a hay baler doing custom EXPERIENCED ! work. Farmers who have hired LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY! them include Harry Giles of Sharon, AND REMOVAL -- INSURED [Wis.; Lawrence Rudolph of W. Mc- FREE ESTIMATES 1 Henry, Charles Ernesti of Huntley,' .. ,J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box Hi,! Robert Peet of Woodstock, L. E. 600 to 800 lbs., costing 20c per lb. Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, IIL 40-tf«Countryman of Harvard and Dayton ' FOR SALE -- Six - room House on;and less; have recently left my farm: -------- -- Field of Woodstock. Dayton waslarge lot; full ^ basement; two-car jon route 20, two miles west of Bel-j TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri-: once a Chicago boy on a McHenry garage with side drive; cabinet videre, going to farms between Chi-1 ters and adding machines repaired county farm I understand. Other headed for New York, took a radio kitchen; gas range; automatic oil cago and the Mississippi river and and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon! farmers who came that route, I audition--and now he's the "Perry hsat. Must have sufficient cash for! 150 miles north into Wisconsin. More paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 believe, are James Fyfe and Mark Mason" you hear on the air! dawn payment. $8,800. Tel. Mc- are on the way here. Fresh ship-'Main St., McHenry. Phone McHen- Hansen. 1 Henry 867-W-l or McHenry 690-M-2. j ments in every Friday and Saturday j ry 203-J. »• 52-tf [ The Guernsey breeders " plan to *10' for the balance of the season. Vis-i _nt r~---- 'have their parish show Saturday, Dick Jones, the 1943-44-45 "Henry ... . ; - j itors always welcome. Will sell one,Jy"KBAuK COLLECTING-- Let us July 26, at the Dorville Farm at Aldrich," has an important role in FOR SALE --- Lot m vV attles sub-; or , ag many M you want. H. L. i dlsP°se of yeur garbage each week. Rarrington. Excellent dairy ilesh will the Gene Autrey picture, "The " Dunning, Belvidere, IIL Phpnesj 1 Reasonable be there I'm sure, so better put it /Strawberry Roan," featuring Gloria JOHN LARKIN House 624; Farm 318. 10-3 HELP WANTED T1!*8" r> roun^_ r°ute. 0n your calendar. John E. Hill. P. O. Sox 274, Mc, Henry, Phone 866. tf , Henry and Jack Holt. Pictures are A neat, white mail box will look nothing new to Dick; he?broke in good in any community. The 4-H when he was six. He was the voice MILK ROUTE SALESMAN Wanted | FLOOR SANDING -- fiefinishing j them t^raile mone^'for'their^I-Hj Sam^a^^ in ^^e ^dv^tuw -- Good salary, vacation with pay, t varnishing and waxing new and old Town building fund. Look for some of *»ark Twni_ .. „_j insurance plan. Apply* MMlR? 1 floors, also Kentile. a lifetime floor.I rani Kav* ri. nm*itani Twain, and recently co SPITZER, Bowman Dairy Co., Round Lake. Phone R.L. 2431. 10 Ijfloors; Kentile floor.|real boys, and girls too perhaps" to| j, Free estimate. Call evenings, Mc-: jrop in regarding the--job of paint-: ^ featured reie 1 )j Henry 497-R. 51-Srtf jng yours in the next couple Df Chase. 1 rr r : mnn»h. » •'--; . division with 2-car garage and im "i provements; used lumber. Nick * Klein, Spring Grove. 111. *10 ^ FOR SALE -- (New year-'round 4- * room home, located one mile^-from McHenry near Fox river, with river .rights; fully insulated; rooms can he pat upstairs; oil burning automatic foraad air hesit; Utility room; t city gas and electricity friard road in front of property; lot 50x;150: for quick sale, $7^500i TeU XdSenry 7 227-J. 10 FOR SALE -- Beautiful new fully insulated two-bedroom home, onehalf block from Fox river, with river rights; one mile from McHenry in exclusive restricted subdivision; gar- im, uira <mui, iou oueinenci pF 1 ' " « ' «" t o ' ; . " "Y M C A , C . ~ r ^ T ^^ Bmn ramn Tknnoam m>» Vnln m. j 1 x I'O"" eacn This is (Farm the HELP WANTED | WHITEWASHIN. G. -- Barns, base- Luke Oberwise, Jr., of Harvard! After fve streaoous years in the 1 Makers -- 2 . „ Sn/^th Shol^DnT al!(] and Wm. Ackman of Crystal Lake armyp Dan Dailey reterned to Holly At least 5 years experience top Sprajnng wth Carlwla DDT A1 have ^ BeIected to attend State ' ' ' wages; excellent working conditions; j TeL 433"R* 410 4-H Leadership Camp July 21 - 26. modern shop. Apply: D. E. JOHN- St., McHenry. 51-tf|at Lake Bdomincton. Thi., laandrv tnvs- S»tiCamp* C"mD near Volo. Johnson tBronie, cored bars and ^ ,8*SZ ety Week. Farm , accidents just dta't happen . . . they , w,ll]r e?t i are carefully planned. No? Just city; room for extra bedrooms! HELP WANTED Man for yard' *an ynone 181. 1-tr lock back over your last one and .Irs. Must be seen to be -------- and driveway; city gas and wood and dropped It pooads in his first stfnf before the cameras in 2Kb Centnvy • Fox's "Mother Wore Lest the weight dpvteg the dance rehearsals. In the Betfv pfctme he has two soto danee mnnbers, fear riabonte p»»- dnetioo routines, snd plays s itim dramatic role. list all incidents that led up. to it. 1 You were there and planned each1 step. Some people actually think a "J"1 to be »P-1 work or truck deliveries. Steadv job! DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash HELP WANTED - S«lmg No. 8, reverse charges. •>» m ••Sil'wir Riv*r."* FOR SALE-- OR EXCHANGE for! pry, uniforms, board and room. improved property, 8H acres with Write Box "O." Fox river rights, ripe for improve- Plaindealer. care of The | Wrheelin« No- S> rever8« char*?" ^ 36-tf ments. Address Box T, in care of - -- j ' WOHUDUCV Plaindealer. 10 WANTED -- County Dealers to sell FTton.:nT, T«fnf «?.!!£ n„ f ^ , . _ ; Goodyear'a Wingfoot Low-cost Homes j ®*tens'on Trolley Outfit. Boat Cush- CAMERA8 FOR SALE -- 85-m.m. delivered intact ready for occupancy.' l ®oat Nets, Motor Safety Claras, IF-2.8 color corrected coated i Houses family of four. Immediate! t i_rine_ * Spinners, Glow After IS years of perfonwing danvgeiuus film stonts without a single rroos injury, Don Turner had fife* in one year farm nea* in pietu»®bnow, m "Silver River. . . , j --miiy ox iuur. immva»i«j v Djuk-- focal-pi an e^ shutter, ^ buijt in I delivery. Five-year franchise AU-, 1' ^GTJIDE TACKLE range and view finder, $116^5. Six-; American Housing, Distributors, Rm. i 2» Kodak Monitor, F-4.5 Kodak An-; 442. 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. SUte astigmat lens, Supermatic shutter.; 1858. 865. Haneel Tri-Vision, F-8 color cor- *10 Woodstock, Illinois Open Saturday Evenings i Above Goodrows SIXTY-SEVEN NEW ? INDUSTRIAL PLANTS ^ LOCATED IN TOINITT Probably the- briefest romantir rote- in movie history is Paul Bvatf- Fey's in "The Unfaithful."' After ao>- peering for exactly two minutes aw. Ann Sheridan's Tbver he meets death at the hand's of an assassin, and be^ rected coated lens, dual synchro- CARPENTERS WANTED -- for shutter, $25. B & H 16-m.m., Fil- ^ Veterans Housing Project. A-l men. motion Editor and Splicer, $151. $103.20 a week. O. W. Potter A j ^orwick .Studio, 117 Riverside Drive, Sons, General Contractors. Tel. Wau -* ^ --•/ IRhone FOR RENT FOR RENT -- At Emerald Park on During the first six months ef 1947, arrangements were completed for the location of sixty-seven new' comes "the photograph of a eorpae. industrial plants in the territory served by Public Service company of Northern Illinois, according to a s u m m a r y r e l e a s e d by t h e t e r r i t o r - j Dermis Morgan and Jack Carson? used trp 10 potmds of crepe beards .McHen t^. 275. ial information department of the; in comedy seciuences for the War 32S31 after 8 p.m. or apply at F<>* River -- Kirk's Kottages and j utility. Of the sixty-seven new iit-i ner Btos. Tec!1 ---'project site, 1\4 miles west of Wau- Kabins, with housekeeping facilities, I dustries, twenty-two are newly or-i "Two Guys From also places to sleep eight; boats, $.3 $2.75 a day or $15 a week and up; 1 ganized concerns, eighteen are branch , $1 oil lot 98*150 ft* near ttKLl1' -- waitresses ana a day up; bicycles, 35c an hour (3- Tnurches and schools; 10-min. walk' £?rt order cook. Mi Place, Green hr kl A AaLiHM iV_ 1J "FOR SALE «*• Ergliih type house; con da on Route 176, h«t WANTED syss as«h»(» to depot. H. J. Schaffer. Phone Mc- j Street, McHenry. Henry 83-W. s 11 plants and twenty-seven are moving in from other areas. ,, „ Manufacturing a variety^ of pro- 8-tf ample fishing facilities. lEmerald ducts including such items* as ani- Ji »9-4! „ _T. rn * » TT Food Shop, V* block; McHenry Dam, mal foods', violin strings, scientific ^ V HELP WANTED--"Snuffy's" Ham- nnf, miU »in.9 instruments o>»«lcets. ftis- Techricolor musical Texas.Figure ft up--a shoe box full weighs only two ounces. FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE! burger H^^^» J»it*«is. In- TYPB A HOME INSULATION, quire nt 126 Riverside Drive, Mc- Guaranteed not to settle. Installed J "enry. " by the Wallfill Co.. Call or write! - Leo J. Stilling, 200 JE. Pearl St., Tel.| McHenry 18. ?ltf' HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND wilt GAi v huilH ' GIRLS XO SEW. GOOD OPPOR- ™*M^£XtW^bt^,iTON|TY TOMB^TEBESTSteel Products residential casement inw MI?T ,NN conda. IiU Tel. Wauconda 3231 after iI HONK ^ <U l 8 p.m LOT8 FOR SALE--Lots, 50x850 ft J MENon Route 31, about two block from! depot. Inquire at 715 Center St.! Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf FOR SALE--Modern . house, fur-} niahed; Venetian blinds; automatic oil furnace; air conditioned; electric hot water heater; tile bath, built-in tab and shower; cabinet kitchen; 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full •torm windows; copper screens. Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone Wonder Lake 178. 52-tf ®"3! HELP WANTED--COUPLE, EXTRA HUNTER BOAT CO. 33-tf HELP WANTED MEN 1st, and 3rd SHIFTS Floor Tile Genuine Asphalt and Rubber Floor Sanding and Refiniahing RAT IRION Phone Woodstock 699-M 512 Clay St. Woodstock '10-21 instruments, gaskets, and food dispensers, the sixty-seven plants wiTl! employ an estimated 4,970 workers,; whose aggregate annual wages will: approximate $12,000,000. ! During 1946, 151 new plants la-; catted in the area, forty-four of which; were newly organized firms, forty- ( seven branches aftd sixty moving in; from other areas. Thus, in the eigh-i teen months ended July 1, new plants in the region totalled 218, employing an estimated 32,436 per-! sons with an annual payroll of more than $81,000,000. W-* FOR SALE--McCullom $ T-«ke--Sixroom furnished home; lake ' front, north shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake Shore Drive. Phone McHenry 276-J Saturday and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 52-tf NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, pluvbing, gas, electric, lake rights. TVRMS. PhOne McHenry 674-M-2 «r 500-R-2, or see Ed Lannos. 50-tf NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK 1^ SYSTEM APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT' ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE C<^ WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION 4-tf AVAILABLE 4 Love Token A figure of a serpent with a ruby t in its mouth was a popular love token In the past. 1 Named by Columbos ' i The Virgin islands were discov- ! ered by Christopher Cohirnbus on his second voyage in 1493 and named Las Virgenes, in honor of St. I Ursula and haf companions. | WANT] POI hull *f~I ir c SALE -- Registered Holstein calces--Carnnaalt ion, Ragapple and Pabst, Cur other leading fcleod lines'at farmers' pWrice5y.- Hickera^ y, mgr. WANTED -- STENOGRAPHER -- Legal experience prefenhed. State, age, qualifications, salaryN expected 1 and refer^ices. Address Post Office! Box 26, Woodstock, 111. 10-2 i POR 8 A LB--Generators, armatures, startera. tu* Mmps, distribators and IgriMsft farts for Ford and all other WANTED--Watches and jewelry to - rep*ir. Anthony Noon an, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- We have cash buyers --- „ t . . ... for summer homes, city property snd '• IW8 .^. Service, Lily- farms. List your property wil& us, t^LA.^roboda' Pr°P- JeJ; Jacob Frits, Main St., Johnsbux?, St. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ak„ Chicago, F^one Lincoln 183B-18FTS tf. «lf-W-2 10-tf TOR SALE--TIPGWRII'ERS, ADDMACHINES. Service on all Also ribbons for all makes; paper L. V. Kilt*, Clay St. Phone 549. 7-tf .l. ' Lay.. More Eggp Chickens lay about 20 per cent , more eggs during their first year ef production than their second. • Nawt Nawl HOIK PERMANENT " • I I H , '// /// Here's whyfThe nswTONI Profssslonsl Plastic Curlers are big (00% more cttrliag surface). New DeUixs KH pHWIC \MMPv TheyYs rmmd, for easier wiading, smoother carL They're rMsd so your hair won't slip. They're wraisHt, to save yon ssonsyl Kit. Without cmrbn . • M* Kit, fibmr emritn. M* AUfriampkmim Many of the tnnes yon hear In Western movies are written by Red Foley, the staging guitarist of "Grand Ole Opry.** In alt he's written 91 of them, one of the best be'n* "Old Shep." written jriMs* Ills favorite «sg died. ;• ^ • --*--u * 1 Ralph Edwards P*o-1 fession visitors recently when "March of Time" cameramen visit-1 ed his "Truth or Consequences" program. They were gathering material for a short on radio shows. So Edwards' zany show will soon be visible to thousands of movie-goers, as it is actually broadcast, instead of in the exaggerated versiona you've seen in full-length feature films. Conrad Nagel, narrator on "Silver Theatre," seldom, if ever, fluffs a line on the air, but he does it fust often enough during dress rehearsals to scare the cast. "And aow, •Slivar Theater'/' said*he recently, and they shuddered. --*-- ODDS AND ENDS--Bit* Dm/it km gh*m b* Mg turn* ceftetfM A> tbt vHtrmu M Bitmimgbmm btpM . . . MUUmd hgm'Ms H•Uywod em-r ** m tsUnt mgrmt. . . . RltCi If' ' WontUrftd Lift" wmt tdjmdgid by tbt G*+ 0rd FnttrMiom •/ Wtmmtt Clmbt "tb* b*t pktmn mt 1946-47 tbst fortriyt tb* bigbost U*dt •/ Amaritm lift- ... OshU twtmm f fit/mmtbf W im "Sumpmlt," wbtcb uM * tb* Dmkt •/ rmmcb im Alb*im, Cmtmis. . . . Fmd Wkktm*** b~m bM htg rwmmioms witb tb* »Writitf MM witb bhm md bts •M •' BC5LGER'S DRUG 'STORE PHONE4|^ M McHENRY .vVv-J Lf"' Better productaff dairy herd* can he achieved by brajding all milk cows to good dairy Jfulli, and then saving and raising the haifera aa herd replscemema. Calossal Cava , Coleasal cave, one ct ArUuJua'a mangr wonders, is loieated SB tnflaa aaat of Tucson. The cmv was formed by underground sMtersjnto flormatioas resemhtog nd people. tWp this df ud praent it'at Wstodlo. Vou wtll tlua Town and Country Studio "Gifts That Make A Homely : * Riverside Drive -- Five blocks north of State Bridge McHenry §8 Helen Weber Says: CltAM "Jnst mat is Good Dry (leaning?" t Using sotva(t that is crystal-clear and fires of impurities. Wprk that includes Hepert spotting. 3. Pressing the ganftent into smart lines . . . ,fcAD to give yon longer wear and that well-groomed appearance." s - McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELH ST, HcBENEt, ILL. - Phone 104-M 4 - Helen Weber, Mgr. FOR BETTER PRODUCTION >ON VOUR FAR Ml ASK YOUR KLENZADE DEALBt FOR tRIAL FARM KIT JOHN J. VYCITAL HDWE. ft * ~ " 132 South Green Street Phone McHenry 98-M S t K L E M A D E - . D D T I N S E C All Y«tf Round Homes For Sale PISTAKEKBAt • ROOM, WellBam, UH Rattae Acres Sabtftvisien. Price tbJSM. S RasaMi, Bath, Garage, Let 1 Beach and Pier for Beat. Price IT,' McCULLOM LAKK • - ^tooms. Garage, Oil Furnace, S Price IMSt. Black to Fins Os Bteck Taf Bead. •' Room Hoaae, Water Front Let, Faraisiiid, 8-ft. Blweaieat. .Price WONDER LAKE ti&N flaaaa, Ghsad in fank, S Lata, ALSO SUM2QE& HOMES FOE SAUL- i WONDER LAKE-- WeU hailt, S-roen log haaae; hath; huilt-in tmb. Price (SSM. FOX RIVER. NEAR McHENRY-- 5 man; rsniu water, garage; 1IML water front, «t JOHHSBUEG FRITZ; Realtor Route 1, McHenry. BL PHONE McHENRT ST Oft CHICAGO, LINCOLN 1SSS-4 k • -. >-y '