Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 3

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MT^d Wonder Lake i grandson of Fnd Chaw II of Lani tine, lfidk, who la th* secretary of; the Michigan Stata Senate, lbi. i Chase waa-the former Esther Althoff MIMllMlMiH li# » > 11 i < i ith^dgiyr ** **' *"* ***• L®uU By Vanessa Mis Mrs. Howud C. Mariner three ekOdna, Irene, 10,; Jr., 8, mm Mtehael, 2, u I n Pm, CaMf. awl Mrs.' Schneider, mother of Mn.j also of California, are in tia home of lCr. Mar sister and her hatband, Mr. Mr. Wonder born in week. lfin. Ha circled Mr. fluid Mr*. Chittes P. Pilch; a^Tw^^'«af^aShX ^d^aSI were in Chicago last weekend to ha w--ij ha waa aa help small grandaon, Raymond 'nidi, j DicUt thought, celebrate his fourth birthday. " . ftobert Abel of -iut j i .? ??""^d at the American Lerion'hail in hoapital last (Woodstock was ..well attended by a j large crowd of hobgoblins, and" other !». bm tath.' <*»•<*••• -«"* •"»' th, Woodstock ' » B . , _ . . ! That new boa driver on tSe' WAF 3?*..ESl,?lSLASS^5?n? "»• t. OW,. OB f M Uto. The bosses, incidentally, now go around to the other side of the lake so that serrice is now available to complete examination, were tried before aa operation. dottiiag far Women The average American woman spends about 45 per cent mora for clothes than is spent by men. tag Meffc Preteetlaa Rugs that are in constant use are not likely to be bothered by mothi. But watch out tor the parts that go ' following uoiao, waa has been m taa evenin* hours aboat thi. time of the Woods 'and; under heav^^S seldom-moved fur- XSL¥s&nz T P Mathews. ofWonder !?**? to w St" fa CWf*iw-^n 2nd; l' *aui«wB, oiwonoer ««*•! «*» Dick VonBampus tied ; Sunday by ambolance. A brain f0_- 3rd and Fred 8ells received 4th. club. Home for the weekend was _ Mathews, who is studying at Loyala University and who ww taeently specialist at the hoapital will*operate. A complaint fat divorce was filed to Sigma Chi I weeV in the circuit court of t- . . ... , .. . . Harrison school will have a paper <w«as. f«in e and everygoonoed .h. ad a TMnu"o^d drive on November 7 and everyone is Mked te nTe their time. It was agreed that Mrs. ~I of Indian Ridge chaises Leslie Hen- <3e«gratulation» to Libby Rapan,; thorne with deMrtfcm. via passed a milestone on Octobet j B. asd spent most of it on the last -Young Tony Grosso ia home again, lap af the journey in from Florida. He is convelescing at his home in • , , Wonder Center. Tony greatly en- Kr. and Mrs. Fred Chase of joy* his radio and record changer Ridge are the parents of a and needs some new records. paper for iw ww« hk cwun. gi -v ---- that date aa the money is to be McHenry in which Vera Henthorne i mittce c?™" used to purchase supplementary party. Mr. llieXitock -h^oa"s>p5ri ta^l °yo'n ^OK?crnt otibiee r 26. There "will be a Halloween party had again produced a fine volumes for the school library. • ; People are asked to have the bundles ' •»' o 1 tied securely. A truck will pass and Mrs. Lylci Stensrud and around on that day and pick up .their children motored to Chippewa the paper. Falls, Wis. over the weekend to visit! Mrs. Virginia Monteleone returned ni jSrM8 1>a#e2k8I J£r" * on Saturday after a five-day obeer- , Mrs. Claude Myre, of that city. ( vation in a Chicago hospital, where Vm __ she had thought she might have to Mrs. Karen Wldem left on Thurs- undergo surgery. However, after the moths are likely to make plenty of inroads in spots like that before you know they're at work. The best protection for these spots under heavy furniture is to move the furniture often and keep that part of the rug vacuumed and sprayed regularly with a good moth spray. State ftafltray Mileage Texas leads the nation in railway mileage with 15,830 miles. Illinois la second with 11,758 miles and . OMest Living ftf»« In Sequoia National petit thousands of giant Sequoias which several hundred are max than .10 feet in diameter and Mi feet in height, while some have keae diameters between 25 and 37 feci. The age of the Big Tree is difficult Marketing af Grains to realize. I^t is^ b^e7yUoJInVd1 cwo,m pa.r isoa Corn, wheat and oats eg the j «nth the oldest living thing. Several £W"o•r£ld. £weaart »IrI,! frcaoilr1n cprr2od!u'c«ti2onf fa0v?: of ^ vouHc eraged about 2^ billion bushels; wheat, about 800 million? and oats, about 1 billion. A bushel of wheat, however, weighs nearly twice as much as a bushel of oats, so wheat ranks ahead of oats la total weight produced. trees were vigorous youngsters before the pyramids were built in Egypt and before Babylon was at its zenith. Thousands wera flourishing trees when Christ waa born in Bethlehem. Hundreds were lusty youngsters through all the agea of Greek art and Roman wars. Need Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer. Order at (Sevaraara Experienced The average state governor la years old. day for Winslow, Arix., where she i *. will spend a few weeks in the home^.-t"^^^"' •ml m 11 in in »t 111 ii i in n > i > m i i 111111 m i > » » n 1 1# HALDRUP romoas prbseht SHY" McHENRY HIOH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, NOV. 14 8:15 p. m. 8«atg may be reserved at High Soho*l, Nov. 12, at 12:30 noon Admission 50c Tax Included A U C T I O N of her daughter, Mrs. <Boyd Shumway. | Goests over the weekend in the Bob Moreau home were Miss Ema- , line Raboin of Milwaukee, sister of Chas. I<caMrd, Auctioneer, Phone 478 ! Mrs. Moreau, and her fiance, Nels . - ... I Ross of Daggett, Michigan. t^e undersigned, because .of ill I health, will sell at pubic auction on ' Libby Repan, Florence Dean and farm known as Florsheim and Hald- Betty Pavlik are back from Florida nip, located 4 miles northwest of this week. They visited St. Peters- Huntley, and 6 miles southeast of i burg and also drove to Miami. Mrs. I R< par said it was all fun, but that the 155-mile stretch of road through I the Everglades after dark was something out of a nightmare by Dali. Union. MONDAY, NOV. S Commencing at 12:00 noon sharp, the following described property toi wit: and their > Team of registered Belgian mares spent last 6 years old, well* broke. 4 2 sets of harness. 300 New Hampshire Red chickens. Our herd of cows was sold on Sep- • » 11»111111 m m m m n i i m in m i n n ii»111 n « HALLOWEEN COSTUME SKATING PARTIES THURSDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 30 FOR CHILDREN OF GRADE SCHOOL AOS 7 p.m. -- Ends 10 p.m. -- Admission Admitted Free FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 31 TO* BOTH AND GIRLS Or HIGH SCHOOL AOS' Starts 9 j>.'m. -- Ends 1 a.m. -- Admission 60c -- %s; $100.00 PRIZES EACH NIGHT Donated by Business Men's Association, City Council and Individuals Interested In Tonth Activitiei FOR BEST OR MOST ORIGINAL COSTUMEf -----o- .. FREE ICE CREAM JUST FOJl FUN SKATING RINK McHenry Ed and Jean Dean 1 daughter. Bonnie Lou. week in Winnewok, Wis., where they visited Bonnie Lou's maternal grana- | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hellpop. j -- j tember 25. j A better brush demonstration was Machinery ; conducted by Mrs. Inez Krueger at; Automatic baler. International, new j the Lake View Inn on Monday eve- i this summer; corn binder, Int'l., power ' ninjf. Seventeen ladies were pre-j take-off loader, loader and hitch; ' sent. Games and refreshments fol- j corn-grain elevator, 30-ft.; corn shred- (< lowed the demonstration. j der, U. S.; siio filler, Int'l, 64-ft. of | :--• 'pipe; combine. International, grain ! l\or those who haye wondered binder; grain blowor, U. S.; F-20 I about the lack of Gospel Center tractor, International; 15-30 tractor, ; news, we would like to say that Rev. International; fanning mill, corn 1 Anderson is in Austin, Texas, where ; shelter. | he is takine a vacation, but I suspect Grain drill, Intl 10-ft., 3-way outliet I .it is of the bus-man variety as a ' for tractor, tractor corn plahter, J.D. ^postcard states that he is conducting |new manure spreader, Int'l; new 6-ft. meetings down there. He expects to ; be home this coming weekend. On iFHHav evening. Rev. Hombcrg, missionary from South America, was the featured speaker at the Gospel ! Club and showed pictures from the : area in which he serves. Special mower, Int'l, for tractor or horses; side delivery, Int'l; 3-sec. drag, 4-sec. disk, plow, J. 51., 16-in., 4 sets of new plow shares, endgate seeder, grass seeder, drag attachment; hay rack, rubber tires; hay rack, steel wheels, Int'l; box wagon, bob sled, electric music, refreshments and good fellow- j brooder stove, electric fence box, elec ship were enjoyed after the meeting. " ' ' 1 L«st week we reported the tragedy at the home of Alfred J. Mueller when his old dog, "Duke" was noisoned. We would like to report that there is a new dog this week in the Mueller house. He is black feathered, rolicking and young. His name is "Jackie" and while he doesn't know what hunting is for, he °niffs at the good underbrush along the sides of the road and fans his nlumed tail in the wind to signify his delight in the odors he has nursed all his life as a city born doer. A friend of the Muellers in Chicago gave the year-old Jackie to Mr. Mueller upon hearing of old Duke's death. Jackie Stevenson, 17, of Canada left on Saturday for his home, after spending two weeks in the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Justus Kellner of Indian Ridge. The children of Harrison School all went on tour last Saturday. The lower grades, from first through fourth went to Brookfield Zoo and the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth, went to the Adler Plannaterium, to the Museum of Science and Industry and to the Airport. Dickie Selsdorf, who is 6, saw a tall man with easel trie Stewart cow clippers, many small items too numerous to mention. All machinery is practically new, some only one year old. * Hay, Grain, Etc. 4,000 bales of good alfalfa; 1,000 bales of red clover; 4,000 bu. of Vickland oats; 75 acres of standing corn, DeKalb„"468" fully ripe. Household Furniture 2-piece living room set, dining room set, 3-pc. bedroom set, 4 single Simmons beds with mattresses, Deep Freese COO-lbs, capacity, 3 wardrobe closets, KimbafI piano. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purhcaad is made. No property to be removed until settled for. SIGURD HALDRUP 1 State Bank of Union, Clerldu: I ~yMCMXEf * Add cowfort and safely to wMwr driving wtlh our complete ROT" ' of high quality VARCON products. Ulllut DELUXE HEAreRf Extra pawiiM hat water hoatar wM» Abo dtfrwh. 22.95 Rubbar Dofioslai Font 6-inch fcav 2-spaods.... .f .95 Thermostats Chav. '34-47 ...99c Ford '37-47 .97« Univ. Adjustoblo 1.9S 3 Spaad Haolar Switch** Clamp typo w/iHuminated knob 49c Warnor Liquid Soldor, 10 oz. 49c Varcon Radiator Solder, 3 ox 10c Dupont Radiator Cleaner 77c Varcon Radiator Cleaner 10c Glass Frost Shields 8'x18\. «4c 10' *20' 98c Side window (8' x 18').... .84c All popular sized wings... .98c 10 ( TUN IN AMOWANa for Your OM Plugt PLUS USED MIIG off to staffs on coM whiter <«y» with TKStt Sparfc Phfg*. Oan't wart* gat or ran dawn your battary on lary, inb-IWhig yhigs. Tradla "am in NO Wl VARCON ANTC-FREEZE RUST INHIBITOR ADDED {188 proof Ethyl Alcohol Basa) Don't take chances * Winterize your car Now! special $1.59 per gallon la Castoasec'a Centaiaer Authorised Dealer Phone McHenry 450 Gammed The Friendly Store GEO. COLLETTE, Owntf 521 Main Street Weat McHenry . * ' 1 ."<3 « It won't be easy to keep youc cmr going smoothly, especially when winter weather lea go in rail force. But w« • can do more than you may resize to put your car infighting trim--to give it vital winter protection--so t will serve you with maximum efficiency. O We'll drain and flush crankcase, replace with fresh winter-weight SKELLY Fortified Taeolene Mom Oil. O We'll protect transmission and differential with winter-weight SKELLY Long-Life Greases. t- We'll put SKELLY 0 O WU ^ in tip-top shape with Lubrication Y--$I£ US IOHAY FREUND OIL CO. PHONE 202 McHENRY, ILL. >- • t . 1 THREE OREAT IVEtV PACKARD EIGHTS "• 4« in The of bmatt of Packard's introdue- America's first Mt Una of cars!. '• already, a motor-wise is agreeing: "Those '48 are 'out at this wotW" fr» Hsw ityiinfl new beauty that steals o your heart! The breezebeauty of Packard Freeflow atyflag . . . wfth Its Packard identity not only preserved but enhanced! The year's 'idea* interior is tope Id refreshing year-afound comfort "Top® in convenience, too--with J||ch features as the new Consoler , Key instrument panel, with convenience of push-button switches, and "black-lighted" Flite-Glo dials! "Safety sprint" pwfnsii The smooth, thrifty power of three new straight-eight engines--all packed with a lightning-fast brand of reserve power that spells real safety! Power line-up for '48: 139> HP Packard Eight... 145-hp Super Eight... 160-HP Custom Eight. Hurry to see theae stunning new Packarda--America's first full ttqii of all-new postwar carsf ASK THK MAN WNO OWNS O Abur gndbptey «f your imnst hck*r4 showrooml RIVERSIDE MOTOR SALES % •» •p> m ' ZQi PStiSJBJ* %tr - "V-O"- - -"M ' -4;'-•,r

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