Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1947, p. 10

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PPW® wmi ' ' 7' * ? ,: pLAiribiuiJfti j'.'g:i':~ ' * : • . BMNmS;-.-' •-•» ^ _ ' *'.l-.'£ OMw year rafter stamjw at. The Hafcriealer. «> T PLAIKDBALER DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines tor newt Mid advertising are ai follow*: Display Ads: Tuesday Noon. Classified Ads? Wednesday at M a.m. News: Tuesday at 5 p.m. . Fafl Is ftps Itajt : Vultures, which are supposed to ha** aft exceptionally km sens* of smell, are actually deficient In this regard. Although the openings of the nostrils are very large, they possess a very weak sens* of smell. They detect their food by Sight from great distances. * M *£\Vv v -\ • Howard Sitp "WHITE Kay Kyser's «CBRENADB OF THB BELLS" Beb Atdier'a •"NEVER TRUST A WOMAN*- Jehnny Mercer Sings rSAVE THE BONES FOR HENRY JONES" -JINGLE BELLS'" and 1BANTA CLAUS IS COMDiG TO WMR ALBUMS Darothy Shay's New AUMUB "DOROTHY SHAY GOES TO TOWN" ~T'=; *•. "PROM DATF» By Tex Bent^ju "RHUMBA" with CaCaT ••COLUMBIA PRESENTS R ""KATE SMIW , *ALBC TEMPLETON*S MUSICAL PORTRAITS" Complete line of LeeH poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. *-« COR-DELS SHADY REST WOODSTOCK. ILL. Open Every Day Except Tuesday ; Luncheon ferved 11:30 to 1:80 Dinners 4:30 to 8:00 - 1- J In Tisp Room lOL CARTE 8:00 to 1:00 a. m. Sunday Dinners--1:00 to 8:00 \in dining room. ' ALA CARTE in 1 8:00 to 12t00-l , &norjjasbord on Thursday $i^o : "*W'Firjr Friday Eveajng 60c ' Located on Route 47, north of , Woodstock CHILDREN'S -SNOW WHITE AND THE . ; . SEVEN DWARFS" "LET'S PLAY" "BUSTY IN OCHESTRAVILLE" "MICKEY AND (THE BEANSTALK" Large Selection of Children's' Unbreakable Records and Albums Needles and Acceaaoriea West McHeary !-- 514 W. Main St, McHenry OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. MHIillllll!:!li:!lil!lil!!!!lllll!!!lillil!lllil Colony McHenry, Illinois ; flu. - &AT. fill Cinicolor Marshall Thorn ps«B~ George Tobias "GALLANT BESS" Plus: News & Cartoon l1l",r1"*1" . . I SUN, - MON^ NOV. W - 17 Eddie Bracken • - Priscilla Lane "FUN ON A WEEKEND" Plus: World News - Cartoon and Musical TUESDAY (One Day) "T»aul Kelley - Kay Scott (1) "FEAR IN THE NIGHT" Pins (2) "CAT CREEPS" WED • THURS. . Gregory Peck • Joan Bennett "THE MACOMBER AFFAIR" ATHLEIHS FIIRB IS NEAMH6 iters ""VSl Af^Committee Explains That b Hot Ok)Md; . * ^Shows Generous Support -- - - - w. c$k R. W. Ivar Ken --__ --.-- Prank Howard Ringwood Electrfcal Schaefer's . Bowling R. H. Miller George P. Freurtd 50.00 Koehr Supply Company ........ 10.00; Mike H. Daley 10.00 Retail Liquor Dealers Protective Ass'n. of 111 A. G. Paluch 100J 25JOO 25.00 ioo.«e 20.00 2100 McGee's Clothing Store M. Gladstone ; .... Following is a list of donations | M> Place Restaurant received to date to be used in the x Cjwvqolet Sales .w.« purchase and developmie nt of a new | £are^ Eltctrk Shop athletic field for McHenry and community. Dr. L. B. Murphy. Jr H. Pedersen . Previous reports have explained Thomas jPi.' Botger the Freund plan met with enthusiastic l'avor c_u a,-),, as evidence by the generosity shown J SUndard Service in the list of donations. 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 15.00 100.00 35.00 50.00 *.00 10.00 100.00 5.00 v' * m Sodality bors of Amor. .$5,103.00 Tfcr. A: Oscar*!** ^ . Harry E. Kekfend Ben Challni Edward J. Frett H. G. Zhatfljlermann Fred W* Heide A. F. Lilley R. L. Wildauer P. W. Seyl ....... Riverside Dairy John Stilling ^.-."7"'* William Wolf Lennon Beverage Co. Eleanor* Crane Renard (The Nook) ... S. H. FVeund A Son .. Hester Oils McHenry Floral Company Paul Gerasch Zion"!R Aid . 104W 10.00 15.00 240 10000 JSOJOO 10.00 25j00 25u00 25.00 IOJOO 25.00 committee was five thousand dollars. Women s Society, Methodist Up to this point the total sum of | Church --... 2jMHJ five thousand one hundred and j Pj^Mc Service Co. 1®J.0Q three dollars has been received. With ! Westeni United G. * E. Co. 50 00 Wilson Radio Shop Publication has been held off to „„--L possil While this list is the public demand for a skating pond j £faro|d F. Miller and lighting system, the committee j * J*"* Swartz does not want to stop at the first j £1., Krause goal set. jeld allow as many as possible to make their donations. submitted, it is the desire of the committee to explain that the drive is not closed. As other amounts are received they will be published. The committee wishes to appreciation to thU CMC Pr0* ^ S^'1 N^knton |€Ct A 8QCC6S8. Lutheran Mission 10.00 mmmm ~ r rn|lT - - C1 NEW nrSURED FAKH HfOatOAOB PROOKAM IS HOJg^IN ZffiOT > Private lenders (banksf insurance companies, other financial institutions or individuals) may now make the farm purchase, enlargement and * of the Fi ri«s ipi the fdbetipns *f pgooo>wing, collecting and " This farm ownership _ designed 'to enable £pm tenanta farm laborers to buy and family type farms of their to enable ownership of or under-developed farms to adequate family farm tmita. are made only to applicants who ar* unable to get the nocessary credit at the rates (but not more than 5 per cent interest) and terms prevailing in their locality. Veterans h&ve preference for all loans. A revolving insurance fund haa been established from which in fulfilling the insurance provisions of the Farmers Home Administra- Farmers tion Act of 1946 are met. Additional information may bo ob? tained %jf ocptaotiiqg Bbbert 'O. farm mortgages are simple to handle Lake'^McHenn^ and provide a means whereby pri-1 count;-- fy development loans '2!™^ Becker, county supervisor for Am, . Kane, DeKalb counties, at the and Del Federal Building, 150.00 10.00 10.001 o 10.00 g 10 .00 * 25.00 ° 100.00 10.00 10.00 vat*- lenders can develop new busi- 1 ness and broaden their services to | >,00^0CK- • their community. They are sound! investments since they are fully | Complete line of Beeb* guarv»teed by the government. The remedies at Wattles Drag 8tore, Mc- Farmers Home Administration car- Henry. g-tf 1 20.00 25.00 jO 6.00 Q 10.00 g Naate R. I. Overton Motor Sales , Wm. H. Althoff Mattrs Tavern Glen T. Wattles ..................... Ray Howard Howard Wattles ..... McHenry Co. Farmer* Co-op Frank & Helen Immekus ..... McHenry Mills, Inc ........ McHenry Lumber Co. .M...... Stoffel & Reihansperger ..... Homer Fitzgerald ...». Fred Pepping George Collette Amount Herman Kreutzer John A. Thennes John E. Hill Robert E; Knox .... ............ Thom°s A. Bolger ................... Sen. James Aducci ................ H<»nschel all who have co- Stanlev 0. j^gon 30.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 mft AA ! W. UlflAV nuiui Odica ...MM. "100.00 inn'nn Andrew Worwick 10.00 iJtn nn Riverside Bake «hop 20.00 100 00' Peter Gies - i An'nn Riverside 6 A 10 Store ........ fin'nn i Huck Service Station 100 00 I Marticke-jlft Nixon Tire Reno nfli cappers 9K no Riverside Motor Sales KIWI ' & Comnany 25 00 < Telephone Co Peter M. Justen Furniture Co. 5o!oo j CT1hT„»C° Ymrcp Tnvpm ar nn! ®,rj? Softball league J. C. Thies A Company Geor ^100 00 i Na^y'8 Rotaurant Laura Meyers 100 00! A. S. Blake Motor Sales FBI. * 8AT„ ftOV. U'~ 15 'Gene is Back! • Crene Autry ia "BIOUX CITY SUE" ,4OAS HOUSE KID6 00 WEST" With Carl "Alfalfa" Swttser 10.00 10.00 10.00 SUN. * MON., NOV. It • 17 Robert Young - Saaaa Hayward Jane Tlreer Rita Johnson 0 "THEY WON'T •; BELIEVE HE" I Yegge Tavern ! Tonyan Construction Co. I Steffan's Jewelry Henry Freund, O.D Jacob Stoffel , Ed Nickels Hdwe Fred Kamholz Art Smith McHenry Sand ft Gravel Co.... McHenry Garage ................... Freund Oil Co Buss Motor Sales R. M. Fleming Dr. J. ®. Sayler ..... ............ Irven Schmitt Agatha Shop bickow's Market Dr. R. A. DeRome .............. Dr. L. F. Silverman .............. John R. Freund Ju-Al's Jos. Miller Tavern "Hoot" Noonan Tavern .../„. J. J. Vycital Hardware I^ee Gladstone McHenry Plaindealer R. F. Justen George Worts Gus Freund Downs Nash Service Colony Theatre .... Earl R. Walsh Vernon J. Knox ....................... Local Cleaners Catholic Order of Foresters 100.00 Royal Neighbors of America 5.0ft McHenry Country Club Crystal Lake Cleaners ... George J. Freund 35.00; Mothers' Club A. ft P. Store Joseph M. Schmitt W. T. Cooper ...t..... 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1;00 20.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 100.00 25.00 10.00 50.00 10.00 g ioo:oofD 15.00; O 25.00 I n 25.00 25.00 5.00 [ l| i5.oo; o TUES. - WED. - THURS., NOV. 18 - 19 • 20 Paramont's Mammoath , Musical • 40 Great Stars "VARIETY GIRL" Cob Hope - Bing Crosby Alan Ladd - Gary Cooper Ray 'Miland - Paulette Goddard j and -Scores of Others <"H 111 nil; ; 1 1 ' i 11 •H'tmi n iit i 50.00?; j •. 50.00. * 15.0# AT tAST/ WE CAN Give YOCf ONBIHE HORMONE GRGMl / (mnwrt V (Nil-YOUTH) 1?PiUS°TAK Cotrtirfils 7,500 Units of Natural Estrogenic substance (female hormones) :: BOLGER'S DRU^STORfi-! i ;: PHONE 40 Faultless Nobeli Pajamas Back again--the popular Nobelt feature i* Wilson BrodMra Faultioos Pajamas. TUf qpadal patented wais&and giros *|mder proosure... assures you the comfortable sleeping gannent you've < had. Many patterns to pick from in < fabrics that withstand lob ol laundering* ^RIPPER fasteners won't pop off. -*"S *9fS&€)rt McGEE'S IN atO-COAT leed, Lot Pty* ului lout sparkling-hrifht, ••sy-te-doe*. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Oreen St. ' McHenry The High Cost of Living GRADE "A" 3 4 lb. LAMB SHOULDER - n lb. 49c Home Rendered LARD • lb. 35c SUMMER SAUSAGE lb 55c SHALL, FRESH 2 LBS. A UNDER SPARE RIBS - - v- lb. 49c "nuesH VEAL * HEARTS lb. 39c i. " TENDER CLUB STEAKS 'FT ' lb. 59c LEAN, 3-5 LB. ' BOSTON Bu rl's - - lb. 52c -t---- MrlJCMPV 8' I»'t"l FISH HALIBtTT .. JfADDOOK m - OTSTEES PERCH 39c BULLHEADS 41c 39c 0|U)JBR YOUR THAKKSOIVINO POULTRY NOW4 WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION. You look over diose long, clean lines, free and flowing as the wind -- and you say MAye!" to that. You slip behind the ready wheel, settle yourself in deep, soft tfush- -- and once more the "Ayes'* it iti. : You fttiger the little Buttons that run the door windows up or down, test out the control that at a touch he front seat for you -- your nod. ow pot foot to treadle. There's quick answer of eight big Firecylinders, tossing down a chat Make a little test run, picking out j*oads not noted for their smoothness. - They're ironed level by four coil aprings. cushioned by Safety-Ride Siims that get 25-lb. softness from atandai^J&lb.-pressure tirfs.^ • "^tou test the wheel, the 'ihNllbcs, i ^|»e room, the road-hugging steadi- They all win "Ayes" as Inle shows why it is just that. Centered here are all die good things you want in a car -- including style that stands all alone for sheer beauty and as a forecast of coming things. . So why hold back? Be as smart as those who've gone liefore you and get your order in, with or without a car to trade, aeon aa you can. ONLY BUICK NAS ALL THESE * AMFOfcl it FNUSAU KWH it Acamtrt CTUMOBI + sum tarn Boor Moummm •k SnPON PMHOHQ SSiUn »tWMIQWP Ml--•! *njUrUMom rotoui-nm oaivi *OMUX«rCUNOM *1 *1 *1 *INVT4 * nNSMMTi *soorsri Look will the top. A pull on a kno$ it ut of die way it tight and snug against A FINGf ft TOUCH BUICK SMbr ns> all raft* or tow* tts fcp end a#* •* **at a*H •r,:* L Overton Motor Sales Front Sfc, West McHenry. IU, V* N. Main St, Crystal Lake. UL rjr r v-:;; ' 'j ; -v- ' ' •. . ; ' ' s >~y~ : ' •• „

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