, * ' "* T« '<*r * ,V^- »' ."»4": •**»«# lLI£ CLRS5IFIED SECTION FOR SALE -- Kitchen set, porce-, SEWING DESIRED--Doll clothes lain table top and four chairs. Mrs. ! made to order for Christmas gilts. John Murtaugh. Tel. li4-R. 27 j Mrs. Key, phone McHenry 697-M-2. SIFSsPh iPMi *mrM LOST *27 N0T1CB Because of the neat number of classified ads which atipear in the Plaindealer each week, we nan found it impossible to keep boon on l such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are psdd for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE--One 7 cu. ft. Kelvi-j nator refrigerator; good condition, i Carey Electric $hop, McHenry. 27 j FOR SALE -- New shower stalls; , reasonable. Call Pistakee 378. "27 j FOR SALE--G. E. electric reach-in | refrigerator, suitable for restaurant! or tavern. Carey Electric Shop, Mc- | Henry. 27 NOTICE--To the party or parties who took a kettle of dressed rabbits from my porch Saturday afternoon -- If you were hungry and needed a good meal, I am willing to help, but would appreciate your bringing back the container. You know who! *27 FOR SALS REPAIR WORK--Available for repairing farm tractors and other farm FOR SALE -- 1935 Ford0 2-door se- j machinery of all kinds. For free dan. Tel. McHenry 77-W. 27 estimates call or see John E. Nett, - j Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 584-R-2. FOR SALE -- Brown teddy b«rj_ , 27-4 coat, size 12, .embroidered with green and red on sleeve®. Tel. McHenry 687-J-l. *27 FARM AUCTION SALE--Henry C. Gorham will hold a farm auction sale on the old Sawyer farm, 5 miles southeast of Woodstock, on Tuesday, Nov. 25, beginning at 11 o'clock sharp. 43 head of livestock, including 14 choice Brown Swiss Dairy cows, 3 horses and full line of machinery. *27 FOR SALE --.Turkeys and geese, live and dressed. Tel. McHenry 612-W-2. John Passfield. *27 CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. CEMENT MIXER for hire by the day. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. McHenry. Tel. 686-M-2. *27-2 FOR SALE 12 to 20 G87-J-1. -- Geese, weighing from lbs. - Phone McHenry •27 FOR SALE New 1947 Packard 4-door custom super; 3,000 miles; FOR SALE--Quality natural rubber Perfect; bargain; private party. Call inflations for all McHenry 622-M-2. 27 BUSHELS AND BUSHELS OF MONEY THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA OF NEWARK, N. J., have appointed DAN \ and 11:00. QUINLAN, their AUTHORIZED | Holy Days: 6:36 and 8:00. FARM LOAN SOLICITOR fori Week Days: 7:15. LOST--Diamond wedding ring, in or near West McHenry business section. Reward. Tel. McHenry 691-W-l. ' , '.*7. , 27 -- i !,l;ife» ii I niir , i. 8L Mary'* Catholic Church MS99C9 * Sunday': 7KM, 8:30. 10:00 and 11:10 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 1000. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:80 am! 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p.* m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday- After 8*00 Mass on Thursday; 8:03 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix. Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: JLOO; 9:80 (High Mass) Public (All conftnanicatftsa*-tm tide dejwrtnent must be altned hr tlw writer, otherwiao they will hot be published. The Platadealer invites its readers to oaptoai opinions in these coltnana.) V*. McHENRY NEEDS THE BUSINESS, TOO! McHenry, 111. Nov. 17, 1947. To troT Mayor pi v ' Woodstock, 111. _ Dear Sir: ~ . », The enclosed HApion my car last Saturday afternoon. It was dark when I removed it and not having my glassses could not read it until I got home. . I have been a resident of McHenry for many years and a good customer of the merchants in Woodstock. Last Saturday, Mrs. Hemsley and I spent over $60 in your town and two weeks before, over $100. During our shopping tour Satur milking machine milkers; one-piece inflation for all DeLaval cups; no more hard work installing; you use your own cup; easier cleaning. Dairyman's _ CoV, Phone McHenry 73-M or 684-J-2 • .r - v. .. - . ••• ' 27 FOR SALE -- All or "any part of 4^,000 shares, McHenry Mfg. Co., FOR SALE -- Just received carload of wood stofm sash and aluminum agutter, all sizes. To get a free es- 9 P" y timate call or write Frank Gans, 300 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 106-W, Representative of Sears, Roebuck & Co. 27 M)RTTIERN ILLINOIS and SOUTH-'j First Fridays: 8:00 Communion dis- (i_v j returned twice'to the meter tRN WISCONSIN. tributed at 6:30, 7:00, 7:80 •nd^'p^^ There are bushels of money to loan 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. on farms at 4%--no stock to buy, no Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to ,5:00 p.ffl. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 tp 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. . Rev Jafaes C. Vanderpool, Administrator. crtiimissions to pay. You get all you sign up for--loans may run, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years--with privilege payments on principal. It is a good time to check on your old farm mortgage, and have a new loan placed for a long pejriod of time with all the a traffic violation once in all my fifteen years that I have driven my car in the State of Illinois and assure- you that from now on, my car will never enter your worthy city. Whether parking meters are good or not is for you to judge. They haven't made parking in your city 1 any easier and if it is for profit only FOR SALE common stock and 50 shares 5f/< fixture, 48 cumulative preferred stock, owned by windows 27-in.x6 ft., an estate. Inquire Vernon J. Knox, p>hone McHenry 233-J 101 N. Green St., McHenry. Phone 43. 27-2 One florescent light long, $15; 7 storm $2.50 each. *27 FOR SALE -- Pure bred Yorkshire boars. Matt's Mink Ranch, Johnsburg. • TeL McHenry 314. *27 FOR SALE -- Young, confinementraised turkeys, 23 to 28 pounds, dressed weight; 60c per pound; live birds, 55c per pound. Ed. Schmelxer, Rt. 1, West McHenry. Phone 613-R-l. *26-2 FOR SALE -- 8-pieee dining room set, 6 chairs, table and buffet; blonde oak; four years old; very good condition. Call McHenry 431-W, Friday afternoon. *27 privileges. Drop in at the Quinlan . St. John's Catholic Church, Johusbarg. that you have had theae fnatalled, Ground Floor Office near the Depot Masses. ^ j V(M1P will ln«* in iAn» Wbodstock and they will explain Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00. Fir^t Friday: 6:35 and 8)0$ "t how you may obtain one of those long time easy mortgages. • *27 GENERAL HAULING -- Available Confessions FOR SALE--Pedigree spaniels; 8 weeks old. Call Pistakee 633-J-2. black cocker $25 and $30. *27 FOR SALE --, Year round 4-rdom home at McCullom Lake; furnace heat; garage. For information call FOR SALE--Eight (8) bowling alMcHenry 678-W-l. *27-2 leys, including tavern and property. , Overlooking Fox River; ail-year FOR SALE--Cold Spot refrigerator, WELLS for general hauling and moving. Le- Roy M. Smith. 419 Main St., McHenry. Tel. 499-M. 21tf SEPTIC TANKS and GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a complete drainage service; modern equipment; complete engineering. Clogged sewer^ Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digping, no lawn mess. Lake County Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Preston Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and* 7:60. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. your merchants will lose in the long run. I have a wide acquaintance in McHenery and you can rest assured that I will publish this fact. To treat a slight violation of your rules as if the man sp violating same was a criminal, to me, is very poor judgement. I am sending a copy of this letter to 'fK^--PTai nafeaier- »nd hope agethis Dwhywert of Puerto |Um .HNpib"Rlbo hps wmm traditional IMS Industries, largely baaed on agriculture and including production ofsu*ar,- molaaeev rain and pammsrclal alcohol, tiiare-ia the Puerto Mean flne-needle*6rlt toil--try, which ranks amaaf * thi toast in tha world. Although the available labor is largely unddBad In industrial operations, tha established industries have shown that Puerto Ricans can be trained to a high degree of mechanical and manual skill. Varioo* aids In training labor are available, among them a new vocational school for 1,000 students. Wages, though high, ar than elsewhere in the Caribbean because of both federal and insular established minimum wage rates, ire considerably lower than in the Statea. Because Puerto Rico is inside the U. S. tariff wall, the;Island can compete in U. S. trade with the sometime lower wagea of foreign producers. From Oak te Rijihafaay If it is desired to change an'oak finish to mahftgany, remove the old finish with palht remover and then remove any trace* of was that may haveheen left by the remover or other residue, by fcoroughly wiping the surface with mineral spirita of benxene, being careful to keep the work away from lire or flame. Then stain with mahogany stain to tha desired depth of color. 'When the staft is thoroughly dry, thin pasta wood filler, obtainable from any paint denier, with turpentine to the oonalatency of thick cream, and brush it on freely, brushing with the grain of the Wood.* After the shine has disappeared, rub thoroughly with a coarse doth or excel, slor to remove mxiy surplus filler. The surface then should be rubbed down with fine aandpa; and thoroughly cleaned of dust. Read the Want Ads. Cypress swamp in th«f IftrjBf* glades of Florida is a morass covering two million acres. E and R ELECTRIC CO. REFRIGERATION, MAINTENANCE Route 31 -11/2 miles south of XcHenry. ^-V. TEL. McHENRY 617-R-2 business. JACOB FRITZ REALTOR, $60; one gray cats-paw fur coat:/one at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or beaver coat; both size 12. Ptione Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf Wonder Lake 233. *27 DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone POR SALE--Immediate delivery on- FOR SALE--Ornamental coal heat- 93-J. - . 10-tf M. E. Rotary Tillers for garden and er. Call at Boyd's Antiques, Sutfarm use. Paetz & Son, Richmond, ton's Fair Oaks sub., East River Rd., ! repaired, rewound, redesigned. Dis- 111. Phone Richmond 10. Call for free McHenry. *27 i tributors of Johnson bronze cored demonstration on your soil. 21-tf ^ r-- : -- | bars. McHenry Electric Motor -- _ FOR SALE--By owner, two De-; Service St. Peter's Catholic Chareh, Spring Grove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. they will publish it so the citizens of Henry will know how they will be i they drive over to ! Mc treated when Woodstock Sincerely, K D. R. Hemsley, 25 Orchard Beach. mvSt-^^Lf ~ Laval magnetic units, stainless steel; I Phone^lSl^ TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- can ]yjr_ grown, Woodstock 118. See SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, the new Hinman Jiffy Milker; faster, Installed by the Wallfill Co. C^ or cleaner and safer. Dairyman's Sup- 200 E- Peafi u'y Co., phone McHenry 73-M or St., Tel. McHcnry 18. tf 684-J-2. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. Vt block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, 111. Rev, F. C. Pudsell, Pastor 102 West Waukegan Road. 8tfnday Worship Service--10:15. Studyor 27 WANTED SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, I1L Phone 277. 49*tf FOR SALE -- 9ox immediate occupancy, new 4-room year 'round home',1 one mile from McHenry. Tel. Mc-; ~ ~ Henry 227-J. '16-tf WANTfP ~ All-year home^in or « near McHenry, from $8,000 to LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 5UxS50 ft., $15,000; must have possession within on Route 31, about two block from 30 days of closing deal. JACOB depot Inquire at 7i5 Center St. KRITZ REALTOR, at Johnsburg. and „built. Ribbons and carbon Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lin-1 paper Frank j Immekas. Jr.. 103 " coln 26-tf | Main St.. M.Henry. Phone McHen- WANTED-Watehes and jewelry tol^ 203 52-tf repair. Anthony_ Noonan, 200 So. | GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us 20-tf t Sunday School and Bible 9 o'clock. " | Visitors and vacationists are heart- j ily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance { cards for their Home-church records- TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, CurtiM, Ragapple and other leading Mood lines at farmers' prices. Hickory Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr.' TeL McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf 1 Green of Claire Community Chcreli Church School: 10:00 a.m. Wbrship Service: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Gospd Center Wonder Center, Wonder Laic (Nonsectarian) Services Sunday Bible School--10:15 a.m. Morning Worship Service -11 KM) FOR SALE--Generators, armatures,: board for couple who will live with starters, fuel pumps, distributors and and care- for active elderly lady, ignition parts for Ford and all other1 In McHenry. Tel. 613-J-2. *27 cars. Seaco Sales it Service, Lily-1---- -- • moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. TeL WANTED--Good home for three McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf puppies, two female and one male; -- I mother good huntinir doc. Ted PfML SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- Graham. Oakhurst Steb. McHennT DIG MACHINES. Service on all Tel. 695-J-l. § tffakes. Also ribbons for all makes;' : -- -- cart>on paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St.,1 WANTFD--Plowing and woodsawing Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf work. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond M r n r n r-r < f, m j it I GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us a.m. re Brjuty ShoSe ) 16*5 di8p°5f of yf,ur "*ch Midweek Prayer Service on Thurs- ' " " or eftener if desired. Reasonable | day Bvenings at 8:0€T p.m. ' ™tes. Regular year round route. A cordial Welcdme is extended to John E. Hill. P. O. Bo* 274, Mc-1 all the people of the community to worship with us. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. WANTED--Free rent and help with Henry, Phone 866. FOR SALE -- Sable dyed muskrat fur coat, size 12-14; excellent condition, $65. Call Mrs. Montieone, Wonder Lake 451. 26-2 Hu., Mctlenry. Phone 241. FOR RENT •27-4 FOR SALE--Tavern and large ballroom; also 10 rooms, on Fox River, including property. Owner will take improved property as part payment. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mcffenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf FOR RENT--Large room with bath for winter months. Ingleside. TeL McHenry 632-R-l. 27 FOR RENT--3 rooms and bath, furn. house at Lily Lake. Ideal for couple. To rent from Dec. lat to May 1st. $38 per mo. Inq. Kent A* Co. Phone 8. 27 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or'cottage with some land. Can be in city or outside. Address Box "B," care Plaindealer. *25-4 WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 62-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call Wonder Lake 221. ------ 19-tf "POR SA&ji «-- Garage and modern FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or . ... inn monthly rate; with or without bath; l Q ideal. Oak Park Hotel. Pistakee Bay, frontage on DMA highway hear in-, McHenry. 111. Phone 176. 20-tf IwrSection of State 31 and 120, i n , 1 -- McHenry. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR. For appointment call Mc- MISCELLANEOUS Henry 37, er Chicago, Lincoln 133^ j CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Les- FOR SALE--Kindling wood by truck load. Ivar Fredrickson, Phone Wonder Lake 221. 28-tf repi wood by the sar<^- P"one McHenry 634-R-2. *25-8 HELP WANTED - WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVER8IDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 89. 20-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Slices .paid for cows, horses and ogs; no . help needed to load. Day house, at McCullom Lake. Partly ,?«inW and hqMdaya. furnished. Reasonable. Phone Mc-1 Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 9; reverse charges. days.' Riverside SWS week days.! WANTED--Man for process work in development department of company engaged in the manufacture of fine c h e m i c a l s . I n t e r e s t i n g work for young man of high calibre. Knowledge of chemistry not essential. Vacation, sick leave and group insurance plan. Phone or visit. Edwal Laboratories, Inc. Ringwood, HL Tel. Richmond 5. 27 Christ The King Mission Wonder Lake Masses: Sundays: 9:00 and 11:00 'Holy Days: 0?3O and 8:00 - Confessions: Sunday: 8:30 Ringwood Church -- Ringwood, TO. Sunday--Pubne werahip, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir_ Rehearsala--Wednesday evening. Small Era for Advancement There are many instances in livestock history of "community breeding" carried to extraordinary heights of success. Draw, for instance, circles having radii of 20 or 30 miles around the cities of Hereford, Darlington and Nogent-le- Rotron, and you wduld circumscribe the districts wherein great men lived out their useful lives preparing for the world's everlasting benefit the Hereford cattle, the Shorthorn cattle and the Perchi»ron horse. The case of the Clydsdale and the Ayrshire country, the accomplishments of Aberdeenshire, of the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, the great contribution of the Netherlands and various otjier outstanding illustrations all serve to point out how splendid enduring sources of world wealth have been worked out in the livestock industry within the boundaries of a restricted area through the persistent cooperation of enthusiastic groups of mien bound together fey the t^es of mutual interest :• • v- *. 1 to 5 Acre Homesites 1 mile East of McHenry, oil Hwy. 120, % mile Lily Lake, priced $550 and up. Can build 3 or 5-room houses, interior unfinished--$750 to $5,000, in two weeks. - - • -- FRANK M. KLIMEK R-1142, 410 N. Michigan, Chicago. Phone Bittersweet 7200, Apt. 417 ' Cnskg of the NKrfles In 1815 Goy-Lussac of Franco, assayer of the mint and a scientist of picturesque accomplishments, made the last of his major contributions to chemical research by working up the first complete description of hydrocyanic acid. It made a stir because the new compound contained no oxygen, a fact which opaet prior accepted theories that oxygen was Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 tq 8:00 an essential factor in all acids. Rev. James A. Vanderpool. ' From hydrocyanic acid, one of Gay- Lussac's assistants, in 1834, developed propionitrile, first of the nitriles. The nitriles were next heard from in 1880 when Strecker reacted acetald4hyde with ammonia and R^/'G^TlJ^ir'p^Mr th,„ with hydrocyanic .dd t._pr£ __________ j pare a nitrile derivative which could bo hydrolyied to alanine, thereby Sundays. 21-tf Subscribe lor The Plaindealer Helen Weber Says: OFFICE HELP WANTED Don't Ml hr the You can get rid of thm mollis the easy way. Tltt U-San-0 Insured Mothproof Classing System ftivss your clothing complete protection against dutructiv moths. Every woolen garment treated witli U-San-0 is insured against moth damage for sis months? Try it today! ' McHenry Cleaners- 104M 103 Elm "St. Helen Weber, Mar. Young men 17 to 25 year* of are High school graduates with or without business experience. Opportunity Permanent week, no Saturdays. Apply in person at McHENRY COUNTY TITLE CO. 114 Benton 8t»-- Woodstock, I1L 27 to learn position. a - profession. Five days per Unsocial Bat Welcomed Professional cooks rate the onion among the four moat important seasoning ingredients -- salt, pepper, onion and vinegar, in that order. Besides that, it's a great nouriaher in ita own right, either cooked or raw. The onion adda seat and appetite 'appeal to maata, aoupa, stewa, aalads--in fact, almost any food except desserts, although We cooka use it to make a ddiciotia "onion pie." The famoua Bermuda onion cornea chiefly from Texaa. Oniona grown in the United Statea are being exported to newly all parta of the world. At timea, however, this country imports oniona from as far away aa Egypt. i originating the synthesis of amino : acids, the building-Mocks of proteins I in foods. Since then nitriles have I been Identified as occurring natural- ' ly to a small extent in bone aii I and coal tar, in almond and peach j kernela and in aorghum, but none of ' theae aourcea yields the commercial nitrilesvof today; all are aynthetie. ' Down to the last decade few of Iht ' nitriles were in production ^or tine use; they remained in 1 academic realm of organic . ista who labored with ! progeny of nitrogen. CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Due to poor health, the undersigned will sell at public auction at his blacksmith shop, located in McHenry, Illinois, one block north of the Fanners Milh, on --- SUNDAY, NOV. 23rd at 1 p. m. sharp, the following described articles: ~-tv New Idea Manure Spreader Power Hammer, 50 lbe. 3-h.p. Motor 5-h.p. Motor Anvil Emety Stand Emery 'WTieel and Buffers Sickle Sharpener _ T^awn Mower Sharpener ~ A good supply of etc. TERMS--Caah ' ' Electric Post Drill Iron Shears for Cold and Hot Iron Electric Welder _ Acetylene Welder Blowers for Forge. ; Iron Bender and Shrmlter Lane Shaft and Pulleys 1%-ton Smithing Coal Numerous Small Tools* Ete. JAMES ORR State Bank, Clerk Tow Share ef During 1046 the poapfa at the United SUtea took mere than 40 Order your ratjber stamps at The million poUn<i» of pills and powders Plaindealer. -SALE ON VEAL SHOULDER ROAST Ik 45c VEAL TERRITORY MANAGES Old established company can use one hiph type, experienced man in this and surrounding territory. Duties to hire, train and supervise local salesmen, calling on large feeders. Most complete, quality line. Good future tor right man. Unusual repeat business. We train and teach you the business. Present managers earnin? from $100 to $150 weekly. Must have car. For complete information, write to "Sales Manager" 1610 So. 84 Street, Omaha. Nebraska. II M 11 H » I »1H< 11 IM H 1 > CLARENCE'S SHOP &rlrrt (EhrtBtmaa (gifts Children's barn yards, doll houses, ironing boards, : table and chair sets, writing desks, children's kitchen PjlhiflAtd aIA Btod woven.WMh basket., .hopping and market b&skcts Full line of lawn furniture, kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order. CLARENCE J. SMITH Johnsburg, Illinois Phone McHenry 583-J-l m n 111 m 111 hi i h 1 1 1 » hi i n mm11 >»111 11»•»•»' Subscribe for The Plaindealer FLOOR SANDING Refbtiahing, TarnisWn* and wax ins new and old floors; alao Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free eati- Call 497-R VEAL lfo Bones CHOPS lb. 49c STEW lb. 47l Ship Your Poultry To Chicago VIA Krtckl Motor TEL McHENRY 569-J-l N We Furnish Coops, One Coop or ft Tnwk Load KNUCKLE OUT , . - LEG - O - VEAL - v r- lb. 49c FRESH GROUND • • ' ~ > 'T BEEF - - m m lb. 42c BACON SQUARES lb . 55c -fw HALiBirr. HADDOCK n8H and OYSTERS ___ 48o PEECH 39c BULLHEADS ilo m ORDER TOUR THANK8GIVINO POULTRY NOW! WE HAVE A FINE 8ELE1OTION. If Mtirt 4 ' £ • - s ' - i v «