Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1947, p. 6

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.i*± irurrsD^ reprir. iUMwiy Btl of €Wn G«k.**y FOR 8ALE--Two pair Ice ska INCr-For now 2 site 4 and ft; roller bast and football shoes, baby pen, trunk fend "#»limt vitnms Hifcsoi. Ctil McHenry 688- woodsawing Richmond WA work. Herman FOR SALE -- Brand new approved Rd., McHenry. Phoa| 141. type Rheem electric automatttiuc hot water heater, 52-ral. capacity, at a bargain. Hdlenre 481-M.. FOR RBKt N0T1CB Of the (TMi classified ads which an Plaindealer ead foand it impossible to on such small accounts. Therefore, hi the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the p«per goes to press at 10 o'clock on WMMsdi wMl be printod. FOR 8 ALE IFOR SALE--Change over tires, like new; 6.50x15, $12; 7.00x15, $14. Cole's Radio Service. Call McHenry 308 or Richmond 404. SO , -- f . . . . . IFOR SALE--Candy machine. Call McHenry 233-J. *80 f^FOR SALE -- free-ripened Citrus ?;|Fniit delivered Express prepaid to t~&ou, $5.00 per 1 3/6 bushel crate, granges, tang«rines, grapefruit jn ^ nuII of one kind or assorted. Send check with order to D. W. Malloy, • • JBOX 316, Lake Helen, Fla. SO V: :|POR SALE--Heating coal or wood t|»tove, with coal $5; Chickering piano, •0#S6; 100 lb. ice box, oak, $10. Tel. "•'•;V'p9fr-M-l. • • 7 - 30 j FOR SALE -- House furnishings, in- ! eluding furniture, rugs, lamps, i drapes, dishes, beds, desk, typewriter, lady's coats, men's good overcoats, large size boots, etc. George Haberline, Ringwood. *30 FOR SALE -- Leaving town, must 1 sell 5-room practically new furniture, deluxe gas range, refrigerator, dinette set, oil heater, living room # furniture, Hollywood bed in perfect I condition, bunk beds, metal cabi- I net, lamp, pictures, etc. Phone ! 541-W-l. • ^ 30 1 FOR SALE -- Model*T tFbrd sedan, (rood condition, new tires.' Phone! McHenry 608-J-l. *30 FOR SALE -- Cocker spaniel and! Labrador retriever puppies; register-I rd. E. Underwood, Rt. 12 and 120,1 Volo. Tel. McHenry 682-R-L *301 FOR SALE -- Beautiful 3-band Phli- J co console, tone control, magnetic! tuning, perfect cabinet, $49.95. Coles I Radio Service, Venice Park. Phone McHenry 303 or Richmond 404.' Closed Thursdays and Sundays. 30 FOR SALE -- Turkeys, between 18 j and 22 lbs., live or dressed. John Passfield. ^Plione 612-W-2, McHenry. | •30 i FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly of monthly rata: with bath, $45 per mo. without beta, $80 Mr mo.; ideal- Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phono ITS* SO-tf FOR RENT -- Furnished large bedroom with bath and kitchen privileges. Tel. McHenry 632-R-l. *80 LOST LOST -- Someone has our puppy; she is a golden and white cocker spaniel about six months old. She answers to the name of Ginger and disappeared from our home in Hunterville Subdivision on Saturday, Dec. 6th. Reward. Call McHenry 481-M. *80 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call Wonder Lake 221. ' 19-tf -- , 1 [ ' -- j n i ri ii .i fii FOR SALE -- Blue taffeta formal, basque bodice, bustle back, size 11. Phone McHenry 274-W at 400 John street. *80 FOR SALE -- Cocker puppy, will be eight weeks old Christmas. Tel. McHenry 543-J-2., 80 w, -- SALE -- Lot, one-half block from river in city limits. Phone 483-R. : • . 30-2 FOR SALE -- 1935 Ford coupe in food condition. ' Phil Brautigam 'ourth house from west end of Orchard Drive Rd., McCullom Lake. *80 FOR SALE -- 1936 Nash sedan mo- -tor and body, good condition; radio, heater, Excellent tires, new battery, » seat covers and winterized. Call Crystal Lake 1301-J-2 after 5 p. m. *80 - FOR SALE -- Radios, phonograph combinations, television sets, most flukes and models; big discounts. Prestoline electric ranges, timer, etc., $271.48 complete. New large "Whirlpool" washihp machines. Coles. Ra- #iio Service, Venice Park, McHenry. Phone McHenry 303 or Richmond 404. 30 FOR SALE -- Lady's winter cloth coat trimmed with Persian lamb; like new; size 18-38. Price $30. Phone Fox Lake 3142. Mrs. Wilk. *80 FOR SALE -- 1940 CMC one-ton SALE--6-gal. portable electric truck. Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder ! washer; washes two pounds dry Lake. Tel. W. L..221. 29-tf c'°thes at one time; white enamel. •*-- $15. Tel. McHenry 581-R-2. 30-2 FOR SALE--Ail or any part of j , r 1,000 shares, McHenry Mfg. Co.,! ^OR SALE -- Brown fingertip coat, common stock and 50 shares 5%two Pair ice skates, sixe cumulative preferred stock, owned'7 •"d 8, $1 per pair; pair hockey Jbjr an estate. Inquire Vernon J. ! "kates, size 8, $5; man's regular sin Knox, 101 N. Green St., McHenry. 38 blue California weight topcoat, Phone 48. 29-2 like new, $25; girl's snowsuit, size (14, $7. Tel. McHenry 278-R. * *80 •OR SALE--Pedigreed black cocker ftAl ^ 0~, ~ . .--~ aoaaiels. 10 weeks old. ISO. Gcorm FOR SALE -- Special, set beautiful HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRfcS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE Sfc r ' M-tf FOR SALE --7 1938 Ford four-door sedan in good condition. Tel. McHenry 205-M. *30 FOR SALE -- Four 'targe garage doors with Windows, good condition; also reflector eas heater; set of and- j irons for fireplace; screen to be used i with andirons; five bales Johns-Man-i ville roofing tile. Tel. McHenry 239-M A. F*. Lilley, 126 Country Club Drive. *30 FOR SALE -- 1935 Plymouth, 1935 Ford, 1935 Graham; also Schwinn bicycle. DtJwns Nash Sales, McHenry. 30-tf WANTED--THREE MEN For work in production and development departments. Interesting work for young men of high calibre. Knowledge of chemistry not essential. Liberal vacation, sick leave and group insurance plans. Phone or visit THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, Inc. Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 5 30 FOR SALE -- Girl's bicycle, 26-in. like new. $80. Phone Wonder Lake 893. *30-2 spaniels, $20. George meiker, R-i, Box 218, McHsnry. Phone Piat&kee 683-J-2. *80 FOR SALE -- Genuine Deepfreeze nome freezer; tab style; good con- Stion. Can be seen by calling Mcenry 150. 80 V. seat covers, $17 value, for 2-door *41 Plymouth, $9.95; set for '41 Pontlac, '41 Oldsmobile, '41, '42 or '46 Chevrolet, $10.96. Coles Radio Service, Venice Park, McHenry. Tel. 808 after 10 a. m. Closed Thursdays. 80 FOR SALE -- Dressed geese, from 10 to 20 pounds. Tel. McHenry 687-J-l. *30-2 UNION MASONS WANTED AT ONCE -- $100--40 hours. Long job. Apply Ftorest Garden Estates, 1% miles west of Wauconda on Route 176. O. W. POTTER & SONS, General Contractors. Telephone Wauconda 8231. 30-2 WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BI/Y--All-year ,'round house or cottage with some land. Can be in McHenry or outside of city limits. Address Box MB," care Plaindealer. - *27-4 WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaihdealer. 52-tf MISCELLANEOUS C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W. 526 Washington St. 80-tf Woodstock, I1L PENTER WORK repairs of all I Pnone McHenry -- Remodeling -- kinds. A. Les- McHeary 634-R-2. *25-8 SALE--Eight (8> howling airs, including tavern and property. •Sless^jSlOWB*FRrre'&BALlioK T~ Amei^cmn streamliner Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87. or model, with electric icago, Lincoln 1888. &-tf I plenty of track; good condi- , -- -- tion. Only engine lacking. Tel. Mc- * SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE Henry 603-R-2. 80 rPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- --ITION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallttl Co. Call or fvritei Leo J. Stilling, 200'E. Pearl -|Bt, Tel. McHenry 18. tf *|pOR SALE -- For immediate occuy, new 4-room year *round home, mile from McHenry. Tel. Mcflenry 227-J. 16-tf CARP and sard. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices p*id for eows, horses and nogs; no hats needed to load. Day and night, Snndays and holidays. JWk wImnHm Ran doting Works, Wheeling No. I; reverse charges. 86-tf PIANO TUNING A SERVICE Harry C. Calhomt--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J- Goarman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf SALE -- red Holatein _AD _ . M -- --•-- REPAIR WORK" Available for re- FOK SALE -- Girl s snow suit and! pairing farm tractors and other farm Chesterfield coat to fit age 10 girt, i machinery of all kinds. For free Call McHenry 691-W-l. 30 estimates call or see John E. Nett, FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES-- Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 584-R-2. FroaMy cut nursery grown Koster Bhia Spruce, Douglas rir and Scotch Pine. All sizes from 8 ft. table trees to 20 ft. community trees. If it's the best you want, we have K. Also assortment of branches for 27-4 -- --GENERAL HAULING -- A v a i l a b l e { for general hanH»y and moving. Le- Roy M._ Smith. 4l9 Main St., Mc- •1, 21tf! aa T aeo»»«w»w UVWICUI MMIIUIIVIII Ut unuicnrs I9T ill calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- decorating./ W E S T M A N EVERK «c%>ple and. other leading GREEN NURSERY. % mile west of ood lihesUt farmers' prices. Hick- Woostock on South 8t- Phone 232-R jwt Creak Farms, Leo J. Smith, m McHenry 670-M^2. Henry. TsL MM. mgr. i 48-tf *29-8 WELL8 PBltJJED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repaid end install peaim. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Stnok, McH enry. Telephone 9S-J. 10-tf -- i FOR SALE -- Year round 4-room i TOR SALv^^tfliCfitorti Annitur(8f I home at McCullom Litke; furnace' JOJCB FI8HERME*N--- -starters, fuel pumps, distributors and; heat; garage. For information call *e have,pterty of white grubs for ignition parts for Ford and all othar McHenry 678-W-l. *29-2 lce n«ing. Worts Service SUtion, cmamrsb., Soveasccoo Soaiilcess aA SoWerTviiCc®e,, LLiilllyy-1-' ---- _ "= 1 --" moor, Fred J. Svoboda. Prop. TeL 1 LOTS FOB SALE "Lots, 50x350 ft., McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf; Roote 81, about two block from FOR SALE-TYPEWRITERS, ADD*, ING MACHINES. Serviw on all' • • • V* Center St. 22-tf Alpo ribbons f«r cubon paper. L. V. Kilts, Woodstock. Phqtie 549. FOR 8ALE--Tavern and large ball room; also 19 rooms, on Fox Rivet, including property. Owner will take improved property as part' FOR SALE -- Six-room house; automatic oil heat; ICO ft. on river; Phone JIcw4f WANTED WANTED--Free rent and help with board for cpu|fle who will live with Sd cast for active elderly lady. In iHenry. Tel. 618-J-2. 29-tf For appointment call JACO REALTOR, at' Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87, or Chicago, Lincoln 1388. 25-tf , dab gii n r" T~--. WANTED -- AU-orear homes, in or FOR SALE -- Garage and^ modern near McHenry, from $8,000 to r0°m re?1.d\nce' 100 feet >15,000; must have possession within fronure on mam highway near in- 30 day* of doafa*^ deal. JACOB tersection of Sute 581l aanndd 112200., iinn ram REALTOR, McHenry. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR. For -appointment call McHenry 87, or Chicago, Uncoln 1338. 25-tf FRITZ. REALtORT' at Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Linooln 1333. 26-tf Subscribe for Tbe.Flafodealer McHenry. 29-tf E. * feL HUBCTRIC CO.--Refrigeration, electrical construction and maintenance. R««te 11-- 1H miles south of McEknxf. TU. McHenry 617-R-2. *2»-4 HAV^* VOim CESSPOOLS, catch "t tanks, cisterns cleaned Sanitary Service. Eddie TbL McHenry 290. 29-tf WW Wf'BULLION DOLLARS His boi^Swsted in the M Federal Jnnpgs and Loan A tion by fiatore than 450 investors. They are receiving 9% dividends, and they an all insured in the Federal Savings, and LOiAn Insurance Corporation - to $5,090, each. A safe place fit your investment funds with a libeiM income. 30-8 ad aA 3li\J4umor Hot# One of the most charming Yule-! tide chucklers concerns the pigtailed youngster who found a pincushion among her other gifts on Christmas' morning. The little girl then placed this note near the fireplace: "Dear Santa: Thank you very much for your presents. And I always wonted a pin-cushion, although not very much." * * * Another classic of the season is the one about the woman who stopped to chat with a friend after the Yuletide" services, leaving her purse in her pew. When she returned for her purse, she discovered it was gone. *' However, she quickly found it in the possession of the clergyman. "I thought I had better hold it," he explained. "There are some in the congregation who don't believe in Santa Claus, but they - might consider this purse an answer to their prayers." • • • A10-year-old boy, making his first visit at Sunday school during the pre-Christmas season, was held spell-bound by the teacher's recital of Biblical stories about the Holy Day and the spiritual meaning of Christmas. Later he was asked to fill out the school's standard questionnaire for new pupils. One of the queries was: "Who will always know where you are?" The little boy answered it by writing simply: "God." • • • Invariably revived at the Yuletide season is the yarn about the Scotsman who slipped and fell while carrying a bottle of Christmas spirits. On rising he felt something wet running down his leg. He said to himself: "1 hope it's blood." " . •' * / • < Almost overcome with Joy on Christmas Day when she received two gifts she had most ardently desired-- a wrist-watch and a bottle of perfume--little Margaret chattered about the new possessions all day long, wearying her mother of the subject. Guests were expected for dinner and her mother gently admonished ; Margaret in advance, saying, "Now, dear, everybody knows about your presents and everybody is happy for you. But now we mustn't go*on talking about them all the time." The little girl held her peace at the table throughout the greater part of the meal. A lull occurred in the conversation and, unable to restrain herself, Margaret burst forth, "If anyone hears anythipg or smells anything, it's me!" • • • A department store Santo Claus listened to a long recital of requests by a tot, assuring her he would do his best to meet her requirements. Before she left, Santa handed her a bright red apple. "What do you want Santa to do now?" her mother asked. The moppet promptly snapped: "Peel itr re Helen Weber Says: Don't be upset during- the Holiday Season by that favorite suit or drai aoiled and not fit to wear. Send jour nlnanftif to n now and you'll bo sura of looking your beat. *••••', Electric motors , 11 >'iaaf, redesigned. Dto- ££ Service. U* Wast Wankegaa Road. ~ 28-tf SnoT AND FURNACE Ms and furnaces re- McDonald, Reaner Rd., Phone McHenry 44-tf WE RUT AND SELL USED CARS -CLARK CHEVROLET SALES. McHenry. IR. PWe 277. 4»-tf TYPHWSfn* 8HIVICE--Typewriters aai adiHng machines repaired: *aad lobvttt. Ribbons and carbon • paper. Flff| J. Immekus, Jr., 108, Mala ft/M&eny. Phone Mcflen- ^ , . 52-tf | 'GASBAGS COLLECTING --Let as' dispose of mr garbage each week.| tf desired. Reaaonabie < . _ round route., John E. HBL P. O. Box 274, Mc- Hemy, Pkoas 065. tf ^bristmos^fll The silent skies are full of speech For who hath ears to hear; The siods are whispering each to each. The moon is calling to the beach. And stars their sacred wisdom teach Of Faith, and Love, and Fear. But once the sky its silence broke And song o'erflowed the earth. The midnight air with glory shook, And Angels mortal language spoke When Gbd our *»«•««« nature look tt Christ the Saviour's birth. And Christmas once is Christmas Has gates through which 1< came, And forest wild murmuring rill, And fruitful field and breeay hill, And all that else the wide world fill Are vocal with His Name. Shall we not listen while they sing This latest Christmas morn. And music hear in everything,' And faithful lives in tribute bring To the great tong which greets the King Who comes when Chriat is born? • •* --Phillips Brooltt . McHenry Cleaners .. jPfcsns 104M let Ehn 8c W*«r. ,v FLOOR SANDING Refinishiag, varnuhing and ing new and old fioocs; alas Kantfla, a liliHn floor. Frse esti natai CaB> MeHonsy 497-R yjjk:tx% :• -z-h: r Iba electric lamp bidiistcy, says a Tw«ity Century Fun^ report, be- P®,® every major country •* » logal monopoly baaed at. patent rights. Sipce 1800 a standard lamp •oeket and base has replaced die 175 s1i--ze*s .nformerly used in residential t^|1Trit ^ *,'• < __ Plywood for Mamsalaa The mummy cases of many of the Egyptian kings were made of plywood. First commercial use of fir plywood, now an all-purpose building material, was in 1906 when door panels were made in the United States. About one six Ju®dred million square feat of plywood will be manufactured this pom-. Manufacture of plywood is botteved to have started about 1880 in Ruesis and some othar Itad the TV am, Ads Like a U.N. Meeting A SENATOR once delivered a speech in a Swediah community of northern Minnesota. Although he gave what Kfe considered one of his greatest addresses, he was disappointed by the utter lack of enthusiasm from his audience. When he sat down, another speaker arose and addressed the audience in Swedish. His wor£s were received with thunderous applause. The tactful senator also applauded lustily. Then he turned to the chairman and asked: "What was that fellow talking abcut? He certainly went over big!" "He was merely translating your speech into Swedish," the chairman replied dryly. , J 11 Tight Squeeie The young couple had just finished "inspecting" the tiny bird-cage apartment. Stepping out of earshot of the agent, they whispered briefly. The wife nodded at last, and the husband, turning to the agent, exclaimed resignedly, "Well, I guess we'll, take it. Although it is much too small." MI don't see why," retorted the real estate man. "The apartment was planned for two people." "I know," the young husband agreed, "but, you see, we were hoping to be able to keep a goldfish." NOT RESPONSIBLE 09 Mrs. Chariaa, _ John Daleiden _ of H.^Jteter's parish DaniaJ- lliller homo ofl ~f-A* tor their ragolat mtetSnr. the meetings evening at camis. feafaeh. Were served. Mrs. Peter May was hostess to the members of her card deb on Thursday afternoon. Games of fiTe hundred were played and arises wont to Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Math Nimagern, Mrs. (Ben May, Mrs. Frank Wagner and Mrs. Peter Ji*y a lovely lunch was served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer entertained at their home on Saturday in honor of his birthdav anniversary. An evening at cards *was spent in the home of Mrs. Charles Freund on Thursday night by Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. A1 Schmeltser of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs.'. Arthur Kattner entertained members of their club at their home on Saturday evening. Cards furnished the entertainment and refreshments were served. Mr. an l Mrs. Fred Sanders of i Rockfcrd spent the weekend with Mr.! and Mrs. George Sanders). " i Mr. and Mrs. Math Nirasgern, j Arthur and Lawrence Nimsgern and i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent had Sunday > dinner with Mrs. Lucille Nelson and ! Bobby in Sharon. The firemen were called to .the George W. May farm on Saturday morning bcause of a burning trac- Sunday afternoon^ in Hatvard. The Andy Straub famfly in Chiesgo visited her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esn, on Sunday. Tke flremen held jtheir meeting in Teton Hall on Monday night. After the meeting there was cards and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller spent this Wednesday and Thursday in loy* . s^; .Dewey Doeimal System -« Dewey decimal system is the classification of books as used in Mbrariea of the country. The system eras originated by Melvil Dewejr, founder of New York stete school libraries and founder and editor of the Library Journal in 1876. He published his decimal classification and relative index from 1876 to 1829. Wmtf, May'Be Too Late"'>>.^ _ TTie first advertisement for a petroleum product was printed in the middle 1850s. It urged prospective buyers to "hurry before this wonderful product is depleted from nature's laboratory." Yet, despite similarly pessimistic predictions ever since then,^reserves of crude petroleum and* condensates were increased laSt year by more then one billion barrels. % if Need Rubber Stamps? Order irt The Plaindealer. V < A patient in a lunatic ward insisted he was George Washington "Who gave you that name?" the doctor inquired. "The Lord gave it to me," Said the patient, with great dignity. "No, I didn't, either," countered a voice from a neighboring bed. The Loser • • Little Linda set out for Sunday services in her best bib and tucker, equipped with two shiny nickelsone for the collection plate and one for an ice cream cone pn the way home. She scarcely had left the house when one of the coins slipped out of her fingers end rolled into a drain. "Goodness," said Linda. "There goes the Lord's nickel." High Tilt "That girl certainly is a snob. Her nese is tamed «p so high she almost drowned." "How come?" "She got eaeght storm." Plain Evidence A salesman, who obviously didn't know little boys very well, rapped on the screen door at a house where, just inside and plainly visible, was an eight-year-old painfully practicing his music lesson on the piano. "Sonny," he inquired pleasantly, "is your mother home?" The boy gave the salesman a murderous look over his shoulder, then growled, "What do you think, mister?" NO TEARS HER* Student -- .When I my I®3* boarding place the landlady wept. Landlady--Well, I won't. I always collect in advance. Witheat Headlight* An old fellow was crossing •* » busy intersection when a huge St. Bernard came charging around the corner and bowled him over. The next instant a midget car skidded around the same corner- Bystanders rushed over to him h6lp6d him to his feet. Someone asked if the dog had hurt him much. ell, n0f" wss the reply, "but that can tied to uU *urc prised me." Automatic ff1 Engineers devveelolopp!i*n*g! transmission 4urinf 7 years have eetabli*** types -- electrical drive, Mctiop drive, hydraulic «ear type with draulic variable P"n»P. mechanical bMnLTSjL •We riorum and --any or all of come into general um witkin three years; Subscribe, *ET YOUB Christmas •V'* "r 1 Cheer at the OLD BRIDGE TAVERN 140 Riverside Drive * McHENRY WHISKIES -^-Fifths-- Schenlajr 7-0rown 4-Roses Imperial P. M. Carbeys 3-Featheii •O •»*' ,.*rrrr BONDED WHISKIES yiftha. • Old Orandad Old Taylor Old Fitgyerald v Old Forester ... Kentucky Tav«n Xma* Package Walker's 'DeLnxe Canadian Glufc 1497 I'.' • f ' - A 'Swiss Port, Sherry, Muscatel Rine Wine SCO'llOH Teachers White Hone . pLkc/C* tvfltTB 1 0. RUM Merito $6.88 „ 5.79 sn BRANDS' J. Bavet CASS BEER .fchlitx, Budweber, Blats. $3.75 per case, plus deposit Prater and Meister Bran $3.10 per case, pins deposit 'TOM AND J1ERRTM on Christinas Daj^ at the Old Bridgf Stop in and see TELEVISION Bucinff, Wrestling, Fo^ l«|l Every Ni^it HAROLD (Sehmals) MILLER •U/. v : f V ' yu. : . • < ' v.:- '}z. 4.,, s *, ,, rv : •

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