•A/ ' M'. W:'.^ r ;,.. ' rf^-T i\ r;<i! • ? ;J, }.^y_^>.-.-- " J V.I -•i-^ fSV/^O^ ,"A1 & *tj*r fttvhik ae4 R^riens t«W YEAR'S E\f MTONITE SHOW WED. Dmm» 0|N lldS •tarto at 11:45 5 Bay Year Tickets In Advance At tljkr Boa 0tfk6*»0aly.' Hiptn CspaeHf Said pu^Jw?I3^^f iw. in fuel oil TOR ft&LE -- New, Mm year Vound home; automatic ail forced air tei|icu,Mr fltfMri; cabinet kit»hc(g in |*afcricted location. Priced at |7^w>. mMdHcnry S*?-J. <3 rat SALE -- qvkmr of n«w CfWiiuMRt, hand Operated sirens; eeat government over t$9; special |4u95. Also large police or lire truck nren with red light, fSO. McHenry Boat Co. A Cobi Radio Service, Venice Park subdivision. Tel. Mc~ Wmty sos. 88 WMI SALE--Child's outdoor, nearly Mir, gym set; all steel; "two swings; Be; rings and bnr: ladder; . Call MeBertry 687-W-2. *88 SALE--Singer sewing machine, like new, 880, also boys' bicycle, $85. Phone McHenry 190. 88 FOB SALE--2-flat frame house with feieome of $60 from one flat. Owrier resides in other flat Price $12£0O, SQ00 cash, balance on mortgage. II Friday at 806 Court St, McHenry. *88 TCt SALE--10-acre fruit farm; 4- room house, bath and tools. Owner must sell. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87. Sl-tf HM MAim ftmm to fwriir CenteiTit* rOoess; lath iMMI shewer; hot Mar; basement; fully infalatod; E&SgZ&S&g&liSSi Rohawk *pTCl>k»#<>- Address Mn. M. DeyerKafc 746 Armitage Ave., Chicago, lQl, 81-4 FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION. Guaranteednot to settle. Installed bgr the Wallfill Co. Call or write Leo 3. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. Me&inry 18. tf WANTED TO RBNT--House in Me-' Henry or JohaAurg. Phone Johnsm lfl>R4 before 6 p. m. ask for Dick. *88-2 £ WAHTKD TO BUY Phone »W, lie Washington St 8Mf . MHiitfSFVL WANTED TO BUY--Veteran needs Sin^fr sewing machine, condition unimportant Will pay reasonable «» TV-. £T^*\ Write Box "A," care of *>_load- .*>«y Plaindealer. *32-2 - WOMEN AND GOOD OPPOFCP THOSE INTERESTTYPE won. AP- -JDR MFG. CO- 20# *™HRSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE ». JS-tf £•381'* feJaBrtiJuSI Calls Wheeling and holidays. Works, FOR SALE---Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and igrnition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry S1S-W-2 10-tf PI^OHrtJNUtd * SERVICE Harry Q. Cankmn--Woodstock 1063-W or Hairy J. Geannan--Cary 4602 Membra of American Society of Piano Technicians' 28-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located an or near river. Write Box "VB»" care Plaindealer. fg-tf WANTED FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDDIG MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carton paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-9 4-i1. J * * ' *yj,';'5 • "fM' -;'Wj HOMES FOR SALE At MeCullom Lake--Modern 5- room home; automatic oil heat; hot water; copper screens; storm windows; full basement; near bus line. Price 88,960. Also 4-room house, running water, one block to bos line and stores. Price *6,560. West Shore MeCuUom's Lake, near Rt 120, 6 rooms, bath, furnace, oil heat; 2 lota. Price In Sunset near Joh: nace heat large lot mation TOR, at 37, or Fox River, GENERAL MAULING -- Available far geueral Huilinc Roy W. Smith. H Henry. ToL 4M-M. 21tf WANTED--Work on dairy farm on 60-40 basis. References furnished. Tel. MdHenry 662-R-l. *33 j„ c....... . . WANTED -- All-year homes, in br M._Smfth. fl» Main St, Mue?-. |2W McHenry, from ?8,000 to am. mu8t £avc poS8eg8I0^ within 80 days of closing deal. JACOB PRITZ; ^REALTOR, at Johnsburg. i Td. McHenry 87, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 26-tf| WANTED-.Watches and jewelry to Anthony Noonan. 200 So. McHenry. (Front part of Clalye Ber.uty Shftppe.) l*.tt WELLS WATER , and im»tall SM3ala. ~ ^ OR DRIVEN, 5 MS--We sail, repair BUI Bacon, 286 10-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddied Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. Hffimiy 29b. 29-tf MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Diststbotors of Johnson bronze cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 1M. 20-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn {urnitnr*, lawn tnd poi«b swings, pier »nd park bench«., picnic wfatd(nr Jiozai, trellises, etc. <,• „ *,*. T- • \ Kitchen cabinete aad eapbofthls nmde 16 order, hand woven wash baskets, shop|Htng and oaritet baskets'. ^'Fnll line of leather belts, suspenders, MWfftidg «tc. CLARENCE SMITH T»l. McHanrjr B83-J-] lnliMl>g»it 111. FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with bath, $45 per mo. ISO per mo.; ideal. p"jt Hotel, Pistakee Bay, Mc- Henry, IU. Phone 176. 30-tf roOTss; bath; fur-1 WORK--Ortters and furnaces rati garage; Ifer infor- . RBAIF IVL. McHenry 81-tf FOR SAtii' o Six-room house; automatic oQ heat; 160 ft on river; immedate possession. Phone McHenry 484, 28-tf I, 660-R-l. McDonald, Phone Recaer Rd, i McHenry 44-n GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of yew garbage each weak, or afteoer if desired. Reaaonable ratea. Regular year round route. John E. Hm. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Plume 866. If i'X ; < :,• • NEW YEAR y • ^ " jr. ' j, $ rt ~ rf **** f. r,*'rVy&'. i-"1" ^ * '.l* '*• ^ jp t t * IF WE HAD OUR WAT ABOUT IT, IMS WOULD BR A KG BUDGET OR GOOD NEWS FOB YOU. ACCEPT OUR BEST WISHES FOR TOUR HAPPINESS IN THE TEAR TO COME. OLD McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY (LAST DAY) Van Johnson - Ttoaas Mitchell Janet Leigh "THE ROMANCE OF ROSY RIDGE" ~-- AlJl - Cartoon - News A Gridiron Greatness lar it is- that happiness will bless oar ||ar lanadlies^-that friendship will $ondnae to |ww in our <oommiuixty from day to day and in its afterglow oome «he serenity of good will to each and all. 9E8T WISHES TO ALL OUR BRIDES AND GROOM* OF 1947 McHENRY FLORAL CO. WkMM ,v ^ ^ •?* . ,v.- '4$. , V,'L OMr Prselamation for . IMS! SATURDAY (ONE DAY) Paul Campbell - Gloria Henry Harry Davenport « "SPORT OF KINGS"--;-- Also - Disney Festival 6 Disney Cartoons SUN. - MON„ JAN. 4-5 WilUam Powell Myrna Loy "SONG OF THE THIN MAN" Plus - World News - Ckrtoon and Pete Saiith CLOSED ON TUESDAY trsp. - THURS., . In Color Yvwa DeCarlo - George Brent *^LAVE GIRL" Another NEW LOCATION # tn Insulatip at WONDER LAKE, ILL* ROCKWOOd Rockwool blown fa by men who have 16 years of experience ia all types of insulation. ROOFING < We apply reefing nude by Barrett All typea and shadee. WATERPROOFING We Waterproof your basement bone dry - An outside process - without excavation. SIDING Brick • Asbestos and Landen Stone Alao a Barrett Product Eaay Terms--Payments as low as For Free Estimates Write or OftlL The Airspun Insulation,po. RINOWOOD--WONDER T.Aipi Phone After 5 P. M. ^ Wonder *• ' -tMSSSasjffi ;r... } 4i>i- iji,; ,• • ll The New Year praaaiiis a "challenge. We accept As t challenge, plfflftef to do oto St^rfa i better community In Year friendship has en» sUed w to play an outstanding rela In ^ia paprt **e look forward t» s oontktuatien ef your |o«|: will in IMS. OVERTON MOTOR SALES W. Wish te ospreaa «av gTttafal thaaka to tl» PbteMer far the exeeDeat inijlrtH ef the lifrtisnl plea *er aai^jr Oriatiaa aiORnR.^ Threagh this help sad (he efceerfal ss aprsrtsa ef KM enlifa aaauaanity we HM baai aMe to handle the hseHsal lead hi the MSaj af.'fir past offices with no May. WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR McHENRY AND WEST McHENRY MOT OmCTE EMPLOYEES.' •c %fz-aa'.^K (-i Another year has rolled aroundr . 1948. As we see it, this is another opportunity to make new friends, and to serve our old ones even better. May we offer you our best wishes for a truly Happy New Yea|^ - i - m- * •» mmm .4^.' i