Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1948, p. 3

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Jk ML. • • .'.'->5:2 i fy "» *• . ' *»« # Ill IMS \ % ' • H40Vt>lALBE *-if':"4. •• •- JSSHNS ^Sjii :.' $&*!& .. " * .: WW Q«w* w wTKwfta, bMMd «H but fliHr own vehicles from that cily'e I streets. Bead the Want Ads -- ,, Gieaae htm Leather A mixture of twe-thirds vi i n i l i i i m m h i | ( ' :' -•* * H*. • MR CMML with Need Rubber The Plaindeejer. it Ordfar •» • « *• •>..• ^ ; LINEN TOWELING "•"• * -•• •" •-.**; is M w \> , T~^Sfr" ^ ^ , . ; -•: " '*"• .. 1 1 lPU End* .... vr.^,.v . to 4 Yd. Leogthl •' . _•• Colored^Border f~ '1; "<•" r • . * « r , . &-/£ r * C. * >r,. . w " * V ••' " \>*-V / - • -*j !-• - a„-»•£, • •. 'Vs '•;: \h :• 1 xtf*" ; ' i , / ^ J ® A ik'. A , - ^ - * • • .1 1 '*'» i-J, V 'W'" ~ i"\ • . I" ' •- v 4?** J •" ^ .JQ1G YANK- • ^ 'Denim " Sixes 29-42 AH 2*9 -v.-; '*i; '.' " Men's patWS I Winter Weight 50% Wool 80% Rayon ••• -' • i. Pleated Zipper Front ' Si*e 30-38 4.95 Valne 3« TOBT KBOTIvro a complete Use of W«m Bnbber netmsx in Boots md 2 and 4-buckle OvenhOM. • V • . *'. , • Gladstone's McHenry, Illinois ^ Phon« 182 - HHIIillMMtMOXKlMI By Vanessa 8ai» The auxiliary of tbe Vender Lake and Gun dob met at the Rolaine Grill on- Friday eveninf, Jan. 9. Daring the business meeting, a grounds committee was appointed, with Mrs. Lillian Drnml as chairman •"d confuting of Mrs. Lb McKachxen, Mrs. Helen Renter, Mrs. Charlotte Mayer, Mrs. Birdie BeigdahL Mrs. Margd TVoxdl, Mrs. ReeeMvrphy and Mrs. V. Sells. Mrs. Renter was also designated as chairman for a play committee with the object of calling together those interested in holding • play in the spring, and Mrs. Bergdahl was appointed general chairman for a party to be held on •Valentine's Day at the Grill. Following the business meeting, Its. Libbgr Repan, general chairman of entertainment for tbek evening, organised the beautiful boxes which half of the ladies had brought and for which the other half bid and which contained the evening's refreshments. 1 It was difficult to tell which of the boxes was the most beautiful as so many gave evidence, of the lady hat. ing slaved ' all day" as auctioneer Birdie Bergdahl so aptly put it. Mrs. Ann Grosso paid $4-00, the greatest amount brought by any box, for a very plain white box that had been prepared by Mrs. Betty Fiala. Mrs. Fiala's goodief are so well-known that it was whispered around that hers was that plain number and the bidders acted accordingly. The second largest amount, $2.60, was realized fronv the sale of a box decorated in aqua crepe pap^r and with basket handle of silver berries and flowers. The box was the handiwork of Mrs. Charlotte Mayer and was puurchased by Mrs.~Etta Schau. 1 he third greatest amount was paid by Mrs. Helen Reuter for a pink basket that had been decorated and prepared' by Mrs. Anna Landman. The funds derived from the sale of the boxes was immediately earmarked for the building fund for the club house which the good ladies dream of building. The next regular meeting of the dub will be held at the Mill Inn on 'Friday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p. m. It w<-a also decided that an altemoon group of the club members would meet, on Jan. 14 at the home of Mrs. Kar'n Widen for the purpose of playing games. : Mr. and Mrs. A1 Horn and Albert are making last minute preparations for a 7,000 mile trip which will take them ail through the south and to part? cf Florida. They will be gone about two months! Lucky them-- and, though green with envy,'I say, "Bon Voyage." yeii are a: At • speech da* « ~ school Norea so«Wfte >Wo*"Mons «bject was program waa the fciftr sextette, srfth which two Weader lAke gMs sing. Thjr are Janet VtaKanSgan and Ardeile Krwsger. but falls over Has Irish as a full grown his own feet. Be and answera, of "Chief." He family and is 6 months old to the to the SeUs missed. If anyone seen him, call us at 188. Christ TIM Kiaff Cherdi Two infants were baptised in the Christ the King Church during the past two wedOf The church, no longer a mission, will start building a fine new edifice in the spring. Linnea Elisabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard StssMon, waa bap- tised on Jan. 1111,, aanndd Etrriicc PFa ul AUetag, son of Mr. and "Mrs. Gerald Afletag, was baptised on Jan. 4. The Altar «m Reeary society of the chuxeh will mm a party on the evening of Jmny 82, at 8 p. m. The public is invited. Games will h* ^ ^ ***** Mfl IwlewflnlRCIIll* -.ysltVi It was always my opinion that it was a pretty hard job to get a child to go to see the dentist, even.. Jar, a routine checkup, but lately my small daughter and her bosom pal, Bobbie Cormier, have been more than anxious to go each week to see Dr. Watkins. Last week, when their work was finished they still wanted to go back to his office. The reason: Well, it seems that the good chappie has invested in a new stack of comic books and all of the young fry are spending their spare time reading1 them--whether or not they dental attention! Gaapel Gsater ennial meeting following officers :i'ii »4Br of the •t c*» la ovwM to remove its vedatile caastitMalB -- Xttbm ' oompoaada JiWJi franaboutM per cent of the weight of eoke, Mtfly 10 per om| is ash sod the remainder mo*# small miantttias «f avlpbur «nd plaisytiMius. T#o types at «b)b» oVens are te mm tt» djqr. Tfce heahhretovett ocxmAMs Wt~ t dome4&ee chamber «Wi m Ml. to the top through siiieli tta oed is charted and the eaffc. tar in tint coal necessary to coke, the rMching nearly MOO degreaa. product ovens. wWch now gntet, SLtLSXSid'SS than' 40 «er cent # tta m ia uaed to ha«l the ovm$, w being a*aOaWe !or ValuiUe bp^raUttt tar dyea, fertfliaar chemicala also «r| TaO Graaa Mewing Tall tomfa graM ytekis to mowing with a paver mower haying an ar- et whirling blades on a axia instead at the familiar C IMsst in United SUtee There >M twenty-one ao-calle<t' railway labor unions tract Art vfndily *ft mc old auiiib<n» 'p£??'•' • : - / ) 8btM. Hineteen of them belong to iHswn. Labor.Executivfs' am- ^ __ _ , Cemplete, Hne ef Lee^i poultry the XJnited ; remedies at Wattles Dng Store, Me> ^ ^ Cttm at "howler** moikayl^u be heard for miles ia the fcmtfefc At the Gospel Center, (^e were sleeted to serve • during the year of 1M8: & J- Swenson, chair, man; Richard Oldaon, vice-chairman; Edwin Dorhbush, secretary; John Christoffersen, treasurer. Other members of the beatd are Wilhelm Martin, Morris T. Ness, Hugo Carlson, and Franklin Anderson. Mr., Dorabush was elected Sunday School! superintendent; Mrs. Richard Oldson, ' vice-superintendent; Annette Glauser, secretary; Mrs. George Lisenby, cradle roll superintendent, Marianne! Glauser was chosen pianist and Joan! Dornbush, vice-pianist. The social committee is composed of Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Walter Glauser and Mrs. Edwin Dornbush. Three more new members were enrolled in the Sunday School last, Sunday, making a total enrollment of ninety-eight, which does not include; the cradle roll department. : Next Sunday, Jan. 18, the pastor' will speak the morning service, 11 i o'clock, on the subject: "It is time, to seek the Lord." Friends and I neighbors are cordially invited and! always welcome. ^ capita consumption «f ft»d has Remained practically conattt^evfrthe past SB yeswat about five poinds per person p«r fay, the nutHtional coulent haa been greatly Improved. - PestHsity Osasbats Several lethal developed to coinitt teaects. One ef the latest Is an automatic elee> trie insecticide sprayer, a ainde ffll» ing of which wtt^RJIylniitaaecte in an area of MT.CM cttbic test Other devices on the market fa. chide: Electric screens for automat* ic fly control; a DDT-coated wire screen that encloses an ordinary electric tight bulb; an electrically heated unit that utilises the steam vaporization principle, and ah electrie sprayer, designed (tor disinfect* and deodorising in addition ti Insects and specially coated ing an killing incandescent lsmps that transmit only the yellow portion of the spec tmm to repel inlets / Bats Eat Insects ' ' The Carlsbad Cavern baU eSTi aieveral tons of insects each night. Mr*. Lillian Forsberg entertained i jrvoup of ladies on last Thursday evening- These present were: Mrs. Dorothy Dixon, Mrs: Velma Sinclair; Mrs. Virginia Coreado and Mrs. Grace Sellek. Mrs. Pauline Grifl, chairman of the Community club, asks that everyone be reminded that there is a meeting this evening in the schocl at 8 p. m. If you live in this fom- Automatie Belling Grows Vending machines are winning more consumer acceptance and in many lines, they actively compete with retailing. The industry is now considered a 500 million dollar business. New models can seU canned, frozen and dehydrated foods, hosiery, books, toilet articles, shirts, neckties, ice cream, hot dogs and complete meals. Greater ease of coin changing has plso stimulated automatic merchandising. "SPEEDY" . OH «9f| THtV WW ARSrt ASLCN6as yeamce Idomm *t we uu^e 608 FRONT 8TBEST R«e4 the Waat Ad|| H#', UP In fh# CkKKkl aadyertbowdfaagea CURTIS 6. NEWMAN* ' Spedal Agent m „ DL • •MMmmBJzm ••ss^jurr till "; m " by HICK MILLER'S McWENRY GARAGE 5551355 IM r ^ ,J. • v -m,1 KOTJTS n "7? ' h' tHoas ma «• •* / " -""v • «U'4' 4v/," »*** * * "%} -* '< --Aii., '(f^* .v.i. • 1^.' ... i ^ .Vs" -wmsms TELEPI0NE CITY NOW BEING Bill! I f off of Wis off Self's eow buildimgs were grouped logsmoT/ tkay would rssembls a tmm, modem city litem thn. 88 brand-new telephone buildings and, 47 new addition* w existing central offices are under way or have been com pleted. They will help us bring you more and better service Each is designed to harmonize with the local surroundtog*. Each is an asset and a source of pride to the community in which it is located But, more than that, these buildings and others to come Hill house thousands of tons of new equipment and open up many new and better voice-ways for you. They offer touting proof of Illinois Bell's determination to keep on Improving and expanding your service. ILLINOIS BILL TILIPMOHf COMPANY It MM jptopw yut wi hM Mt% In *W w ». 4'^ - ••• • -• • .. . NOW GIVES YOU , SUPER-CUSHION TIRES K" in- Z)odge now adds again to the super smoothness of its vehicle performance by adopting the new Goodyear Super* Cushion Tire. This is another Mma|n event" in the evolution of the Smoothest Car "Afloat." It is a further advance, for all Dodge -buyers, into that new world of riding and driving experience-- already pioneered by Dodge Floating Power, All-Fluid-Drive, and Full Floating Ridev„; ' ' J* >,'*»•**. *' ^ i •* 4 , _ . The Lowest PHted C&~Mth HuM-drim -V,-; A. S. BLAKE MOXQJi SALES, Inc. ^ 301 E. PSARL STREET. .., * - , - ,* • r ...-u. HcHENHY. HUI«0» • 'L •£#, .Hv " 1 ""«v" " - : ' ' ).# I **••> • '*11 • - Mgi J wm

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