GWOOD *1 ^ ... •+V< i 'A-« £ \\ i i <^V " / / v '. " s *'* ; ?£>* Mrs. QtotN Sheaardl Community dob held tMr HiMrij it tt» jgr muBl. m>pHnr w eadi receiving a prise at their Graniprises were won fey WS Sebastian for the grown ape ana Shirley Seexil for the children. At the close of a. pleasant evening refreshments were served. . Bill Johnson sppnt the weekend ,%dth his uncle at Milwaukee. ..Callers in the Beatty-Low home on fonday were Irving Herbert of Burifjton, Mrs. Walter Wilcox of \ T.*'\ ts- ' . % Ar, VF * Mi, f /> IV .... W'M tf v W m M Woodstock afcTMr. and Mr*. Wilmer | Woodstock and Hr. and Montanye ami * family of Huntley, j Low and family spent & W. Brown and Clayton Ham- j their mother, ^Mrs. *W son were visitors at Janesville.'Wis., |fr. and Ml*. tirt Friday. son, Melvm, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawfcy and daughter, vey Bauer of Mtaddten *ent Marlon, were visitors at Elgin,; day with .Mr., and JMra. Ttanday afWrtoen. ]K, Mia. Viola Low and sona, Walter, MmJCdna Wfcber ^Chtoigo «p«t and ftebert, ««« IMMII at Wood- "J* .W6*kand with *•* ?•*•«"• «• •T^irfc.'SCiS son, Gtei, ' ~ r^4 A1 «.*- « of McHenrt spent Sunday wttfc her; Kenosha spent Sunday In the John daughter, Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Blackman home. family. I Mrs. Paul Jollts of McHenry Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard, vilited relatives hers Monday. spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger. Mr and Mrs phUip Fonk of home near Hebron. Mrs. L#na Peet and daughter, Alice, called on relatives at Crystal Lake, Sunday afternoon. > Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of and We are again set up to do a thorough seed cleaning treating job, luring DuPont's newest production CERESANM. • Phone or write for aa appointment to avoid the nBlt- Mid waiting in MCHENRY Telephone IfcHenry, Illinois . Kenosha visited Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson, Barbara and Russel Laurence and Marie Ritsert of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. Nation*." C. S. will serve a cafeat Mussys hsll on |n. 29th. City Oonndl Proceedings Council Room, Jan. 5,1M8. Council met in regular i meeting with Mayor iding. Aldermen presn, Althoff, George J. e P. Freund,, Regner, t: None. Regner, seconded by ,t the minutes of the jbe approved as read. as- Community Methodist Charch Rev. George Marshall, Pastor Worship Service, 9:30 a. m., Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Youth Fellowship, 3rd Saturday evening, young adults, 2nd Saturday evening. W. S. C. S., 3rd Thursday, a. m. church board, 2nd Frida ning. lay eve- Wednesday 7:45 ss \!>;U HEADQUARTERS FOR STEERING*SAFETY See QUA AND NOW AT YOUB GOMMAND Sake mr «pjhr«» Oar MANBEE e*a§ MnlM to year safety is the newest, la test asl eeeteet fnkjr aBowsat or by aad see it. Aa iaspeedea mi year ear «fl be i UIBEE OfBUM d DM*! pat H off--for safety's sake. IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR AXE HARD TO TURN . . . SEE US NOW! CENTRAL GARAGE J0HN8BUK0 Fred Smith, Prop. Telephone McHenry 2004 l ] Chirfr practice, p. m. On the last 8unday of each month at the Worship service, the pastor leads the congregation in a discussion of questions and probems pertaining to the (Bible and our religion. This is proving interesting and hcteful. The Youth Fellowship met at the home of Jack Pearson, Saturday evening, Jan. 17. The next, meeting will be Feb. 21st. The young adult group will sponsor a box social at Muzsy's hall, Feb. 6, at J3:00 p. m. Ladies are invited to bring a box holding lunch for two to be auctioned by Fred Wiedrich Jr., Coffee will be served and an interesting program of enterfcinment has been planned. ( Serving will start at 4 $0 p. m. itnd continue through the evening. The public is invited to enjoy the food and fellowship of this event. The January meeting of the W. S. C. S. at the home of Mrs. Arline Pearson included a summary of reports for 1947, plans for three study topics, "Great Prayer of the Bible/' ine CHICKS S » F ? ;•*, i W r B«I D <• o « * CtlCKS TMT MIK HEW OPTOSTUiaiYTOIIKKASE VOIR POULTRY PROFITS Hy-Liae Chick* differ from ordinary cWeksrHwyeie Iwed by eeseiag MgWy inbred lino. Hy-Liae pallets Isyfar Better tfcfa avenge Ism pullets. Ther are iacnanag farts egg earnings with reamfltable eoasisuacy. Yoe csa ressoasbly expect 18,000 or more eacs ia s year from every 100 healthy Hy-Line pullets you house. The aisionty of Hy.Line flocks do bener than this. Yearly arerages of 200 eggs per Hy-Line are common. Hy-Lines nave an omdsl average of 224 eggs per bird St the Illinois Laying Test. Many other benefits that Hy-Line Chicks bring are described in our new catalog. Come in and get s copy today. McHenry Mills, Inc. Phone McHenry 92-R West McHenry, 111. Tha <31 semi-morn Overton ent: Freund, Tonyan. Motion And last m Motion Motion by George J. Freund, seconded by Anderson, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George P. Freund, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by George J.. Freund,' that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by George J. Freund, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Pittsburg Equit. Meter Div. meters $288.00 Motorola. Inc., Police radio .... 495.21 Bro Enekson, police radio maintenance 45.00 Edw. J. Barrett, Stec'y. of State lies., ear and truek.... . 4.00 The McHenry Plaindealer, election printing & publ 184.40 Lester R. Bacon, salary 200.00 John J. McCarthy, salary 161.10 William Lundy, salary/-^,. 161.10 Philip M. Thennes, salary .... 140.20 W. C. Feltz, salary 127.90 Earl R. Walsh, office expense 65.00 Mayme iBtass, saalry A commissions A... 49.77 McGee's, police uniforms 90.78 Buss Motor Sales, truck inspection : 1.50 Leonard Thennes, labor plow- ' ing snow 9.00 Bud Thennes, labor plowing snow and spreading cinders 11.00 McHenry Lumber Company, coal 54.83 Pittsburg Equit Meter Div., Meters 44.49 Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., sup- Slies 10.00 n J. Vycital Hdwe., sup- PU«» 5.19 Thomas P. Bolger, supplies 1.79 McHenry Sand A Gravel Co., crushed navel 20.40 Alexander Lumber Company, coal 17.45 Carey Electric Shop, repairing police light -- 18.60 McHenry Co. Farmers' Co-op. Ass'n, salt 10.10 Illinois Municipal League, annual dues 25.00 American Dacalcomania Co., vehicle licenses 52.50 R. M. Fleming Implement Co. pipe* .50 A. P. Freund, recording deeds to athletic field 6.65 W. S. Darley A Co., supplies police car 5.87 Joseph M. Regner, services, st. A sewer depts 86.00 Ero Erickson, police radio maintenance 15.00 The McHenry. Plaindealer, printing notices 8.00 Ben. J. Miller, labor on streets 164.94 Knight's Refrigeration, oil .... 2.24 Worts Service Station, gas for police car Planning /Association requesting sistMce. ' The clerk' was instractad t* jSddress a letter to «fohn Loose, President of the McHenry Business Men's Association to anfenia a meeting at which a representative of the Planning Association will ia invited to attend. A written report, covering activities of the McHenry Bblice Department during the year 1947, was received from Lester R. Bacon, Chief of . Police. " * Motion by Althoff, seconded by George P. Freund, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. r ^ EARL R. WALSH, . •* City Clerk. /- R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. Grecian Cherries 91^ Greeks cultivated trees a? early as 300 B. C. in etfSfei AECMMTTAT SHOT FATAL Pfc. vttgil WiUiam Mikkeison, who l*M Wotf»ded by an acdMhw^M* gun- Aot at &ve army base at Andiorags, Alaska, on Jan. 13, died in Oie MUMS , , .. - - -----, hospital, his mother, Mrs. Martha! b*6n ^dentally shot. Barowski, of Elgin, has been notified, j Read the Want Adi IMS The fatal aeddent ecca^red on Taa. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8-tf Saturday Afternoon Skating . l' v, SfclM 2 to 4:30 p. m. For tho Ohlldreii^ Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun Roller Rink IfcHenry, m, Thennes Oil Company, fuel oil John Stilling's Tire Shop, gas 3.10 33.05 piveb you a ifoi fit $99.95 . VBeautiful to look . . . but wonderful to wash with, toot For Speed Queen'* exclusive Bowl-Shaped Tub with DOUBLE walls to keep water hoc gives you a cleansing combination forgetting; your dothes really CLEAJN| that no other washer can surpass, regardless of typ* or price. Come in and see lfc CAREY ELECTRIC 1X9 So. Green St. McHenry, IlL Gladstone's ml Men's Storm •Jkr Work Rnbb Heavy Weight--Wide Width Stat 7 to 11 149 Gladstone's IfcHenry, Illinois ~~ Phone 182 eie m uncart a it f$n service !__ We have made it at accurate ani ^ complete at we know how. It will serve yon beat if you follow theee five mggeationai 1» Discard your old directory. Tun it in for waste paper if k hasn't already been collected. we Check your memo list of f quently called numbers against th? new directory to be sure they're right. 3&• Look in the new directory for UKf number you're not sure of. That way, you'll avoid mistakes and wrong numbers. / 4e Save time by finding die number in the directegy Instead «f calling Information. S* Use Ae "Classified** section (the"" yellow pages in most directories)' when yqli want products, services or professional h^>. oil, police car A truck 19.04 Clark Chevrolet Sales, repairs and storage--truck 56.81 Lester R. Bacon, travel exp. P. B. I. school 10.00 Victor H. Kasser, Engineering services 110.00 Edward J. Thennes, police duty 60.00 Harold R. Hobbs, police duty 24.00 Theodore Miller, police duty 12.00 111. Bell Telephone Co., telephone service 7.29 Public Service Go., power A lifcht 227.09 McHenry Library, as per appropriation 760.00 Mayme Buss, stamps 4.00 Collector of Internal Revenue Income tax 154.50 SPECIAL SEWER FUND: JFVed C. Pelts, salary 135.00 Mayme Buss, clerical ............ 20.00 Emil Patzke, labor at disposal plant 19.50 Carlson Oil Company, distillate Public Service Company,, power A light 44.25 (Etagineer V. H. Kasser was present to discuss procedure on a zoning ordinance. It was agreed that Mr. Kasser contact the Chicago Area •hi ii 111 itimim i h 11 im your Old, Fuel-wastingi Oil Burner with a New RELIEVE IN Q (§ M $ ILLINOIS »XLi TILI9NONI • PscsiMeadir faenrriag amp> wans an mesa that wn in Mdmdag on thia ios." On ice, you'd heed As daager signds aad avoid a btfeak-through. Heed them now--and avoid a braakdown I Have a talk with four Doctor. Let him diagnose TOUT condition aad prescribe for your need. Prompt action will not only avoid midhn suffering, bin assy save yon time and money as well. And when pouhavetihe Doctor's prescription, bring it to this Reliable" Pharmacy where skilled service, pure drags aad fair prices prevail. 's Drag Store *l*HONE 40 McHENRY *.**- " - • ^••aaeel •>. J. WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC OIL BURNER Based on the LOW PRESSURE ^ PRINCIPLE a®? SAVE FUEL SAVE MONEY Once you begin to enjoy die dependability and* fael-*aving economy of a Williams Oil-O-Mstic,. you will know oil heating at iu best. The famous. Oil-O-Matic Low Pressure Principle assures lazy, carefree life and top-notch efficiency even with the new, hotter, but harder-to»burn catalytic oHs.. No pin-point nozxle openings to dog! No highpressure stress and strain! Call or phone today fog lull details of the aqtazipg "3-hour installation" plan. Make this your first of many winter* of fueU saving Oil-O-Matic heating satisfaction* THENNES OIL CO. • \ PHONE 46Mt 560 8. OretoBt M«H«ity, BL - COMPLETE BUSNEK SEBVIOE -- ^ NO Dbnmlbrt NO IncmvMiMn Assurad DaRvary 1