Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1948, p. 8

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KIHa of Our pnfcfafeat, Gacag* ] Convention . Jtkhardson, of Sprinc firm, My* In j In Chka|o. He ia an ifricultuiil > CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn nd poroh swing*, pier And park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. <# vPatl Una at leather beltt, jaspcadors. MBfoMi, etc. 1 ' CLARENCE SMITH MiiMinif eea-w t JfihwAwp. m. * 'V 'H •' f'.i V-i PTBOTAX OU MM' 1 •«™« BOTTLE GAS «*'"» Jfcgte Chef Sanger Servel TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES LeROY M. SMITH 499-W Apt. 9- 419 Main St. HcHenry See T. P. on the l*ke Shore for your Heal Estate and Insurance T. P. MATHEWS KKAL ESTATE AMD INSURANCE BROKXX Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 IpR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~w . I-Beams, Columns, Angles " Basement Sash of all Sixes Specialise in Ornamental Iron To Order SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. O. Address: Rt. 3, Box 514 McHenry, 111. Two Miles South of McHenry on HI. State Route 31 DR. HENRY FREUND ^ OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steflan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Rjo* Runhwd - Ghi--• Fitted Vlsaal Training -- Vinuil BahaMlitelhR Complete Vlaul Analysis DeMy: » to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday EvaalaeM 8 to 8*8 4ju. PHONE McHENBT 482 - -- - "C JBHTHLY BOOKKEEPING SHtVICE ^ Records Installed and Maintained Business, Partnership, Individual, Fiduciary Farm Income Tax Returns Prepared. Phone for Appointment--Avoid Waiting. ~ ELMER P. ADAMS * Certified Tax ConsultaipF^ 1 One Mile North of Fox 0n Rt. U. S. 12 Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX t.ACT yi.i. - ' : ^ SEED CLEANING ud TREATING We are again set up to do a thorough seed n*wg and treating job, using DuPont's newest production CERESAHM, : ™ Phone or write for an appointment to avoid the rash and waiting in line. Inc. 92-R McHenry, Illinois Water Beaters l^ier. Mr. Bilffcat says tin IM aaw James -was whan In out to sign mp Riehardaoa'e as • member. Membership now Is at an all time high here* with 1602 members, Da* eember SI. There was a net gain of 220 dating 1947. Some of oar biggest strides are being made, also, to devsloimasiit of faranng methods. Don't fail to read John yrohm's article in the February issue of Country Gentlemen about weed control, tt sounds too good to be true. McHenry county will make the choice pans of that national magazine, with over a million circulation, in both February and March this year. - Charles SChroeder on 176, eapt of Crystal Lake, moved to his location there forty-three years ago this spring. Not too many years later he joined the McHenry County Soil Improvement association. It. seems our greatest interest today is still in soil improvement. We tested 10,910 acres or 146 farmers in 1947. Rev. Hubbard, the aoil conservation expert or Winnebago county, said last Saturday from the ground up. He figures soil is necessary to save souls, HOW right he is. Aiere is not much use to try to save souls when the people Tel. Wonder Lake 41* DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist ^ --Of flee Hoars* Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 aji. to S pja. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IB. WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. K VANCE--McHenry 81-J I South Green St., McHenry, ID. the w«ME.,Uk» rjm or - to catch the other f< top seQ rather than he cat _ mum* 1 eould get the equivalent to ^oStion of rode phoephate that wajHataf few yean. It's not impoa- . BMHngan is the digestive Jake of the vegetable kingdom. It mikm the ,color of plants dark green* A .pale gra» to yellow corn plant doasnt predafea because it haa the same ailment as. 1 man with a stomaah deer. He ean*t work either for very long perioda at a time. * - Weaiea la Oeagrsss - Un. Rebeoca Felton was the ftrst woman to serve In the saoato. She was appointed by the governor el Georgia to lfcm la ptaeeof flMttto B. Watson. tor Ostfge, elected November T, MB, to 011 out the term, refrained (ran ptaarntlng Ua aahwHah onto Meianter 22. allowing Mrs. Petton to participate to tho sassloua of (he la m November 21 and 22. The first nainan elected to tha ssnato waa Ifti Battle Caraway, elected Janaaiy 12. 1922. Mias Jaaaetta Rankin, Montana, waa the first woman elected to tha heme of rap* rsosntatlves. She waa slsatodln 1911 in 1940. Mlas AHea M. Muskogee, Okla., was tha second woman to aenra In tha She waa a Republican and one term, 1921-22. Pepper Keeps Maths Awar*', In ftance arid Holland coarVe ground pepper is dusted Into fttts and expensive carpets as a moth preventive, and is used in preference to all new sprays and repellents Thtvword pep--meaning energy, vim and sprightliness--cornea from the exhilarating quality of pepper In foods. Reports of officers and employees wen received by the Council. Representatives of the local American Legion Post were present to Tffl&aV0 •pmw fcTtCWteu tegtom Pi* ot MeHeary, to sponsor carnival in the Anmrfean Legion Park daring 48 Fourth of July week-end, >rtivision that, in consideration the 1948 F with prdvt of elderly; parsons and those who may be ill, the heavy fireworks be relented daring the early part of the evening, other display fireworks to be released at the asual hour. Motion carried. A delegation from the McHenry Businessmen's Association, with John Looae, president of the association as spokesman, was present to discuss parking regulations, snow removal problems mod to express the desire of the association to co-operate with the Citjr Council. J?1*?? T* Kaseer was present wira original drawings of the Green Street Bridge and road widening improvement. 'Mc. Kasser was instructed to proceed with detailed drawings. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George J. Freund, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. ^ . R. WALSH, City Clerk. f> fc I. OVHRTON, " ^;Jlayor., ' ^"-isawtai A new king of seaweed Jelly, use- ^ M In ice creams, confectionery lolnga and the like, ia the subject of • .P*tent recently issued. It is a mixture of ammonium or sodium alginate with calcium alginate. _Need Rubber StampeT Ordar at The PlaindeaMr. rwtms KMOZ ^ AWhrney-At-Law Car. CMNM and Elm Sk, Taeeday aM Other Days Phoae McHenry 4t CftJfcl! iWsdayt tmm f to 4. Brenlaga hyaaaeSt. AL*S WH«S?v^ Gravel . a Weldhg. and Catting MoRNRYf ttJje WEDiOAiW TOJOdKc f f.T - Dirt --. " Car Hfea _ T.I m. J KcHwy . Sand ud Gnvel Co. Excavating and Crane S«r?iee Waok Dirt -- Sand and Oravel ^ % Road CtauUng v!j \ it - f , ,i' v J'-jfei'it* KcHEMfR Y OTIJ ^ McHKNRY FLORAL CO. Phane^04 Oae Mile 8eath af MeHeary aa Roate 11 Flowers for all eceaaloaat FRANK S. MAT Saad -- Black ^rt --^Traahed Gravel Cinders -- Limeatone Track for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M*! R-l McHenry DR H. S. FIKE Vetertnariaa Oa Highway 21 -- Office and Home TeL McHenry 21 MeHeary. HL -' Office Hoars: to 2 pja. Except Thursdays EveaiMra by Appoiatmeat M,' McHENRY" CAB--Call 472-J ^ §& you ara in a hurry For prompt and oonrteous ^ Don't start to worry. $ \ We have 24-honr servioi, McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J MOTO - MOWER LAWN MOWERS li'f •^53" POWER UOWSBS _ iraXLK KOWXBS • tLWIND MOWZ&^ v auww SWXXFBUT %LOOS SWSSP8SS ^ * s • '« Otto Adams Service Station Phone McHenry 434 Johmborg, 111. WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and , ! types. All aiaee. Complete and Baay 4 to iastalL Samp paaps. Take old ' puape ia trade. KNGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL MeHeary SS2-W-1 (S00 ft from NeU's ~ ~ -- WAN7ED TO BUY -- We pay $4 to $21 for OM Horses, lees for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jahnsburg - Spring Grove Road CALL A^NCrnUD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone ehargea PLASTIC WALLTILA Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitehen. Colon are through the tile--will not pod or scrathch off. Write for eathnato or put it on youraelf. Engatrom Sales A Service, McHemy, 800 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Platakee 552-W-l. JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Werk 191 N. Green 8t, McHenry, I1L Phone 24S-R HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for °**<1 *nd Crippled Horaea, Cattle f4 Ho*l -- wwitafy Power Leadlag -- Tankage a«f Meat Sen for aale. Phonee ArHutoa Heigi " I*®1"* ttW-t Reverse Chargea. Palatine Reader lag Service. ;T A. P. FREUND SONgr f" Eseavatiag Contractoaa Tradrfng. HydraaUc aad Crane Service •». --ROAD BUILDING-- Tet 294-M VMcHenry, UL Telephone No. 299 STOFFBL * REIHANSPERGER Iaaaraace agents for all claaaes «i „ Property in the heat companies. West MeHeary, Httaob CHARLM 8. PARKERy Attorney (Jealya tk Parker) . Office Hoars: Vetoeeday Aftoraeew--1*9-6 Office Keehr 8apply^ Comyamy. S42 Main Phone -McHenry 489 Woodstock 1188 . ' ' 41. t •' 3>*. •• t- ' •* ' - .• i •. V. ' % a* T V • V • ^ ' V/ m SP ' TODAY! h A' INSURANCE EARL RTwALSH ft* Aato, Farm and IJIe ^ REUABSSTCOMVANIES When yea need iaaaraace af aai Green A SrrsiS"™- Aoddems like tu»4iiM pfetentcdl uanrfea and advtts auce are aad possible death from old or defective electric wiring ia ordinary household appliances. Replaceffayed cords .. .J»ve the inside toasters, grills, irons and other alliances inspected today! • all the danger spots are easy to see.* Maay wafdme appliances were made of inferior asaterials dae IO shortages... and thesepakeshifts are postwar hasards. Be sure that appliances yqm buy are top quality. Have a qmillitd electrician check the applisaces in your home today md replace defective wiring with die food quality now available.: st s cnUrib$ttiott a At r NATIONAL SAFBTY COUNCIL'S swriwiftfa eutfia mmm iii tr'ni'turwr -anim' i t.ji

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