Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1948, p. 2

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To, > ^ *Zy^ J ^V;, ;n On Nr«l< •'• •. "*-* Y^r ^ .^wsr** iWS fjrpj '»/ V*', - "«**' M *L| <Bjr Yardstick) Folks t .. it** rv \r •' #'4- 5•4•• ' t - "<Vitf!2iaw^yk#u4ana4epm , *•' v * III spite of the many toots by the *• •'mists that we will soon see an to the sub-sero weather we have faring these past weeks, no yet reported seeing that first •UK. We take little stock in the predictions of these seers, since they lave been so wrong in their pro- ' jthesies of a mild winter. % sij To «• winter will not be over until ; ^lee Sawdo tells us that his white *obin pet (an annual visitor) has •Xlf sfaken up housekeeping in the bird <- | house in his back yard. So throw * _a_^ another legion the fire mother |nd, ai#9Mh9j if your fdel supply should be running low, mention it t0 father an<| he'll be sure to come home with a load. *, t I There was a pall of sadness inthe hearts of the rcpidents of> Weil Lane Drive this past week. The reason for their grief was the news that reached their ears last Sunday that the angel of West Lane Drive passed away after a brief but serious illness. This kindly soul has endeared he*1- self in the hearts of all those around her by her cheerfullness, by giving help to those who needed it, by always sharing what she had witn her neighbors. The doors to her home were always open to anyone who cared to step Ih for a cup of tea or a friendly shat. A loving wife, a friend to all, a godd neighbor, "yea, 3" EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE After M years serving a private clientele in the Chicago Area, Ijua now permanently located in the Chain O'Lakes Region. p v ; „l •; Every Federal Return prepared has ,-my personal supervision. HOURS: Monday through Friday - 7:18 to 10:15 P. M. only. Saturdays and Sundays - MM A» M. to 1040 P. M. by appointment only * * - >. S.v/C * Write for special information fonaa if yeu would prefer to your income tax return by maiL Road instructions furnished en request. Write: ^ C. E. NOWAK y^Sh*. Consultant. ' Wild wood Spring Grove* Illinois Regret no telephone facilities are aa yet available. SAVE MONEY Only Oil-O-Matic with tiff famous Low Pressure Principle offers »o many fuel-saving vantages. Enjoy the smooth^ effortless low pressure operation that has already made Oil-O-Matic the choice of every eighth oil burner purchase^ No pin-point nozzle openingf to clog! No gear-driven pumpp to wear out! Call or phone to* <lay for full details of the iog "3-hour installation" pita. THENNES OIL CO. PHOMK 465-R COMPLETE BUBHSR SERVICE them was a every resident the sad news world's city tftHt to waraf toany cities la ADOUt «,*»,«» cattle of an UK are kept in the United ftatoa^E dairv Durooses. Caverly'a time Caveriy wae, that country - _ ftvmthe wen* tt41. Milwaukee Ave^ on Tueai Chanel at in Chieai Is aurvived by her husband, m Cdvtely. \ It TO a big weekend at the A1 Zovoda s. The reason for the Mg feast was the celebration of ain twehty-fourth. birthday anniversary. Among the mapy guests who made this Sunday a memorable one for Ma, were Grandpa Charlea Frits, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Frit* Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKenna and son, Kerry "Butch" McKenna. It will be days before Mrs. Zovoda will be able to dig herself out of tlis mountain ofu flowers and other gifts showered on her on this occasion. It was a grand feeling we got last Monday evening when we put a call through to St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago to find out how Jerry Cermak was doing after his two major operations. Imagine our surprise When the old warrior in person answered the phone. In otir brief conversation, Jerry assured us that he i;s well on the mend and expects^ to be with us in about a week. We are certain that the clean fresh air of McCullom Lake will do much for h$a speedy recovery. And we really saesa mm momey! comparison you wsat to make will grove to you that a Speed Queen washer is far the best value on (he market today. Come in and see. •OWL TUB CAREY EiECTOC SHOP ll» So. Green St. McHenry, I1L wur Old, Fuel-wasting #il Burner with a New !wfi5 Xs& SAVE FUEL It was a gas station attendant in Wauconda who gave Frank Rourke the answer as to why the hitchhikers he picked up on his daily drive to Chicago never rode farther than a" few Moeks and then asked him to let them off. Dring the cold weather Frank thought the cow barn would be a lot warmer place to park his car over night than his unheated garage so that's where he stored it. He never figured on the 'Holstein 48" aroma that is ever present in every cow barn. Any suggestions you folks might have to offer on how he can get that pungent odor out of his chariot will be appreciated. In the meantime, Frank carries a supply of clothes pins^for his riders. If you store^ your fujel oil -in tanks or drums outside of your house, put a padlock dn the spigot. Two thefts of fuel oil from such outdoor tanks have been reported this week. Tha.t stuff is too hard to get these days to risk any chances. The Lewis cottage on (Fountain Lane has been broken into during the past week., Nothing had been taken and from the evidence some* one just wanted to get In out of tilt cold. , ^ catvrejsch them havu prow* fowesaful by the V/ & far* in *--** yiaimila. t planea carrying the with water and bomba. Results war* good enough to tests with modified a alight check to a Are Jirtjjfetting under way may prove fcfgnjjqr important in Rowing time tor ttafred fire fightinf crews to arriv%. The forest service has been alert ai using flying equipment in fightizw Jfires. It has crewv of - fighters known as ;rs" who parachute to the vicinity ^of fires hard to reach with ground crews. Equipment and food are parachuted to augfe #U$- fightm as tleeded. *• ... IH i nflinn ' ,<4 Horse Racing Revenue New York state leads, with California in second place, in tax .revenue collected from horse racing. Amos . _ to ttw wrid. ?& vdlie el HI band, UVeetoidt, m^iiMty and «toar equipment ia SO Mllfgn dollara. Thdt out* put exceeds S9 bUUon dollars as piliQIt ( for t^a steel htftwtty and 3 billion for the automotive Industry. ' « Amexleaa Magi PaeMnl^r i?^. From a humble beginning &06 years ago, ftieat packing has grown to become one of the nation's largest industries. Meat packers, in the .United States produce more than 20 billion pounds of meat annually .r From five million farms and* ranches in every state the meat [ packers purcfiase 127 million cattle, calves, hogs and sheep to make into', steaks, roasts, stews, sausage items ;and canned meat, as well as utilizing by-products for many pharma-.. ceutical and manufacturing items. Heavy ifigg Eaters Americans ate an average of eggs per persbn last year. Oimiln* Jehnsea's PelHhint UpM» yM Wax h easy >e me liquid} fsnu. Same uses... and It C|IANS. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHOHEI^ MCHENRY, - -- 'are poa. «W# beneath the Nullobor plain, one of tha driest atretehea of cow*, try in Australia. The underground sea was discovered hundreds of feet below the surface of the platp by an early exploration party but details of it ware tost until an expedition from Adelaide rediacoverad the entrance a few yeara ago. The underground sea can be "sailed" by collapsible boats. Pat Words aa Wire Putting words or music on a wira still eounds like magic, but the trS is dona with magnate. An <»««-< looking apool of fine statoleaa steel wire, resembling m hardware shelf, thay, when prop, erly magnetised, hc^ds the fodordS minutes of a meeting or the of a symphony. Complete line of Beebe liw . remedies at Wattlea Dn« Store, Henry. y"-.'f . * ' '>"1 • - . ail*.'-." ..-' v.••»- HOOVSR Tfce aew Ho over Trlptm- AcDm C/mmmr, MoM 2^ «Mi •xdtntv* "PmMw Aglto- Nan" |K b«at*... atffivNp*,,,. M M CIMM*). ClMMf aloi^: OM>«*oali .. ...frt* The Tony Doolins were justified in doing a bit of bragging while visiting with the George Baumbeck's last, Sunday. Their son, Don, a senior at St. George high school in Chicago, has been picked All-American on the big city's high school basketball team. Don, an all*around athelete, has made a name for himself at McCullom Lake when he gave the Wonder Lake team such a bad time* .two years in succession by his superb p_uit.c-vhsi_n g- with the McCullom Laka Wildcat! Ken Ebey returned month vacation ia tldcats. Mr. and Mrs, after a three _ Florida.' T)m folks had nlanaed <to spend the entire winter, but cided that their home here was a lotmore comfortable in zero weather than the unheated hotel rooms in Florida at 83 degrees above. Wel» come home folks. Congratulations To Mrs. Al Zovoda on her twenty* fourth birthday anniversary, Jan. 2& Mrs. Van Houts oh her twenty* third birthday, Jan. 26. ADIOS. ItrtpfMiytln Dr«f llttd IR TvbtrwUas Sinm# Streptomycin, the recently discov* •red bacteria fighter derived from a mold found ia the soil, has prove#; affective when used in tha treatment of draining tuberculous sinuses, ac* cording to a report to American Medical association. Streptomycin has succesafully at> teeka^dkaasM ot sWaatod by eltht er penicillin or the sutfonamklea. It apparently checks tha growth of germs rather than destroying them, and resistant strains of germs often. ^ develop if treatment is prolonged* Many investigators have concluded* that it is most valuable in cases where temporary suppreeaion of in* faction will give thTpatimt's nat. ural defenses a chance to rally and' gain the ascendancy over tha d» aaae. In 42 cases reported, 16 per cent of the 90 ainuses closed within on# to four weeks, and after 12 weeks of atreptomycin treatment 80 pet cent had closed. After 20 weeks,' all but one sinus had closed. In IF out of the 12 cases the patients' ap* petites also improved, and the# gained an average of 15 pounds. WEEK END SPECIALS at- "Sig's" Food N^et Self Service •McCullom Lake (Formerly Horn's) Rom where I sit... iy Joe Marsh Are You "Hobby Happy?" Fanny thing about hobMee..; When Ed Carey started making a model of the "Flying Clond," it was only to reat his eyes from reading. he spends every spare ship modelling! Some wives might have resented a husband suddenly shutting himself in the attic every night. But not Ed's Prudence. When she found him working late, she brought him up some beer and crackers... showed a teal interest in his hobby ... until finally Ed had her helping Willi the rigging. ; Wasn't long before they were working aide by side on Ed's bench, sharing a common interest Instead of keeping them apart, Ed's hobbqr brought them more together. From where I sit, a husband'a hobby can often be a wife's as welL In fact, I've got the missus interested in tiling trout fliei--andj along with that mellow glass of beer, it makes the evenings go bjjfr* mighty pleasantly. IW aew Hoover Qdbdsr daaai^ *|HOOVV Wj pWrfrlW WCnOH Pt9* (•ring Mm Dirt Qador, imw idaa h dht 4b- •79s® 1st us thow yw Sen great itv N««ver HOOVWK OWNU& fm CAREY ELECTRIC CO. Copyright, 1948, Vmittd Stale* Brewers 119 S. GREXH STRUT " KOHXIIXT, ILL : 3 Unions Block Labor Peace--Refuse Wage Boost Already Accepted by 19 Other Railroad Unions! Union _ 125,000 railroad The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engii, Brotherhood of Locomotive Fbeand Enginemen and the Switchmen's of North- America, representing ! employes, have refused to a<x»pt tile offer of the Railroada of a wage increase of 15# cents an hour. This is the same increase awarded 1,000,000 non-operating employes by an arbitration board in September, 1947. This is the eame increeae aodepted by 175,000 conductors, trainmen and switchmen by agreement on November 14,1S47. * ate have .been made with American Fam&y FLAKES Iff. pkg. 37c PHENIX 0LE0 30c lb. get move. They am demanding also many new .working ruke not embraced in the settlement mth the conductors and train- What Now? The Unions having refused to arbitrated the Railway Labor Act providee for the appointment of a fact-finding board by the President. The railroads feel it is due shippers, paasengers, employee, stockholders, and the general public to know that throughout theee negotiation and in mediation, they have not only exerted every effort to reach a fair and reasonable aettlement, but they have alao met every requirement of the rUilway Labor Act respecting tha negotiation, mediation, and arbitration of labor disputes. ItaeemaaatUskable that theee three aaleluu Kfteeeatfag lees than IS per cent of railroad employes, aad theee amoM the highcet paM. caa MMcetthdy aaiataia the threat a par- J agalast the Interest ef the «adre coantry--aad against toper ceat of their fellow eaipleyes. The threat of a strike caaaot jaatify graat- Ing mnrn fammhls i nailUlons >ii I1IT_|0S um pioyee than have aheady been pat hi efltct for 1,178,000,^er wfflit alter «hT opposite, of the mlroods to aawatraated wage 'iamake. They are am -- the raaka of laber ia the " paid ia Halted Statea, C A H ' Granalated SUGAR 6 -lb. box 48e' T AT ALL TlMBft Incidentally, the Switchmen's Union of North America reprteenta only about 7% of all railroad swftohmen, the other 93% being yamreeented by the Brotherhood of RaOxoadr Trainmen and eovered by the MtdOMt wi^kth.1 inta. fltrikm Thrwmt The leadsrs of theee three unions spread a strike ballot while negotiations were still in Dtogrees. Thie is not a aecret vote but ie taken by union leaders and votes are Waned toy the employee in the presence otnnion representatives. When dLrect negotiations failed, the load--a of theai* three unions rsfUeed to Ma-the railroads in asking we Natkmal Mediation Board to attempt to aettle the dkwte, but the Board took jurisdiction at the request of the carriers and has besn aarneaUy attempting sinoe November 24, 1M7, to bring abant a aettlement. Tim Besod on January 16, 1M% ^ fey i--MHty fn rsprh a anofiae aattib> at Um leads-- of the unione relacted Compart thost wagss wlth wlut you main! Bote lo a oompaiison of average annual earningo of comio -- mm tews tor 1989 (prawar) and 1947. Abo shown is what 1947 Saratoga wquld have been? the 16H Road Pasoiugor 3,632 Read FV^gfat (Through). 3,147 Vfid 2,749 Read ........ 2,738 (Local aad way) Rosd Pssssngor 2,732 Road Fmight rnxtJagh). 2,089 per hoar need by i and rejected by the ' i leaden, had been , ofby the railroads •U meAoetthioiiahoutl Optke year 1947. $6,128 4,684 4,081 4.683 4,544 3,460 8,196 96,767 US **• #468 Hsflinsil wagw orsapiitirt frrm Tntorststii rnmiwri rnmmlooiiiH u«m» . Vwfyear 1947 esttnalod oa basis of aetaal flgwss for tost sight i of the Meillaltm i- ' "• ; • xs

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