Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1948, p. 8

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<sfcv\ $ \ r, *'i el &% ttmrnm* WON J. KNOX Attorney NOTICE OP CLAIM Mfl Nick N. Freund. Deceassd. is henby given to all perthat March 1st, IMS, is the date in the estate of Nidi N. Freund, Deceased, pending in the CLARENCEW. VOkTT TSARS (Pub. Feb. 5- DA WMWAiNMM ffitfH If THasiath Tmit deceassd Notice SiZSt five* la aU perihrtre has he** „ east aad of tha oM A pair of overalls tad i noticeable from the Mb# aoanes the report that the is te elevate its tracks five the new electric line •f way. Oh! Air babbles ms! mox At*aaasj-At-Law Cat*. Grass aid Other Dan a leading to tha Can bee Mi-- , v i , « ' s t- » v . •?* ' ' ' ,S-"J Jv*-'"/" *- CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and pcwh swings, pier and pa.Hr yiH»hf« jtwiift tables, WtaiUlW „bC***» trellises, etc, . , • . • • - >r ' • Kitchen caWntfs and ortter, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. t FnU line of leather belts, suspenders, biBfolds, etc. 4 CLARENCE SMITH Tel. McHenry 883-J-l Johiubusg. HI. y 7m T"1 ^::^ f^rnuiirMM. gas service jg^r; SUPEKIOK BOTTLE GAS 8IKVI01 Magic Chef Ranges • " . ^. Water Heaters Servel Oas Refrigerators TOWN and COUNTRY UTIIHIES Phone 49®-W LeROY M. SMITH Apt. 9 -419 Main I McHenry See T. P. on the lake Shore for your Real Estate and Insurance T. P. MAfHEWS ratki. E8TATE ADD IN8UIAN0E BB Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center : Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwoof" Phone Wonder Lake 306 •Jb Saturday Afternoon Skating Session DR. HENRY FREUNH J OPTOMETRIST V- --At 514 Main St., West McHenr$r ~~> <: Steftan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed aftd Maintained Business, Partnership, Individual, Fiduciary and Farm Income Tax Returns Prepared. i|3? Phone for Appointment--Avoid Waiting. : '^1^1 ELMER P. AD^MS Certified Tax Consultant One Mile North of Fox Lake on Rt. U. S. 12 Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. mm «f latercot Tshsa VMM Ike FBee af tha Phdadealsc af Tears Age TWENTY-FIVE YEABB AGO Floyd E. Thompson had his household goods moved to Chicago via motor truck last Saturday, when the family^ will make their future home. v Boat building at the Hunter boat factory here is once more on in real earnest, workmen being obliged to put in extra tiiiie. The household effects of Wslter Warner were moved to Elgin on Tuesday of this week, where the family will make their future home, Mr. Warner having recently re- 2 to 4£0 p. m. Fer the Children Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun Roller' Rink McHenry, 111. •• "' • TsL Weadar Lake7 418 DR. R. H. WATKIN8 Deatist --Office Haara-- Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 ajs. ta S pja. Eveaiags aad Saaday Maraiaga Lake, III WELDING Haiateaaaee aad Coaetractiaa Portable Eqalpment H. E. YANCB--MeHeary Sl-J I Soath Green St., MeHeary, III. McHBNST FLORAL GQ, • ^ Pheae 404 . One Mile South of McH<ftf< on Route 31 ^7 Flowers for all occasional FRANK S. MAT Truckiag Saad-- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Gladera -- Limes toae Truck for Hire Phoae McHenry 586-M-l R-l McHenry DR H. S. FKE Veterinarian On Highway SI -- Office and Home TeL MeHeary SI MeHeary, n. Office Hours: 1 p.aa. ta 2 pja. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appofatmeart Eyes Examined -- Gtaassa Fitted ¥iaaal Training -- Viaaal RehabUHatk* Complete Visual Aaalysis t • te 12 aad 1 to S--Satarday Eveaiage IS ta f*S pja. . ' " PHONE McHENRT «S > ^ - WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Marse Ejector and Pamp types. AH sixes. Complete aad Easy ta iastalL Samp pnapt. Tike old »nsi la trade. ENG8TROM SALES AND TeL MeHeary SSt-W«l (SM ft. from NelPs Ballroom) tral sfiiiia houss has lean enclosed. A aaw asat of paint on the exterior of tha antire building will be the next Improvement in order. During a refent fieinry windstorm, tha lane tofcacco barn on the old i Gibbs farm, now owned by Clay Baird of Chicago, was wracked. John bj wtacke The barn was insured for $1,000. FfFTY TEARS AGO John J. Miller end wife attended a tin wadding* at Johnaburg on Tuesday. B. Harrison 'has rented his farm to Mr. -Pennington, who will take poasession on March ,1. L. D. Lowell, of Nunda, has been appointed Master in Chancery for Mcnanry county, by Judge Donnelly. Mr. Lowell is well known here, and has plenty of friends who will be pleaaad to hear of his promotion. Elijah Richardson has just received the appointment of poatmaster, at. Volo. The apointment is a good oaa and we have no doubt will be entirely satisfactory to the patrons of that office. SltTY YfcARS AGO IMNMIMOMI Attsto>aUaii dodora diseor* a -mm bipod group wkfla tarting blood for olassiflcatioB in mm Of tha four stanaard groops Car fh* Bad Craw. Tha new group b Qtdta four standard The (ftacoverers ballava th* l^M|nataly w01 makft il poaaiMa Iftridantify a person as ae. curaUly ^|tood type as hf Snfara_ a Pllttle We learn that E. W. Howa has { resold the furniture business, bought - of J. B. Blske to Justen Bros., the West Side furniture dealers. . Fpagfct Agsiiast Patataas tlia word "spud," slang for "potato," has a queer history. Shortly alter Its introduction to hi tha 15th century, tha maat aad grain interests considered it sueh a dangerous rival that they pronounced & . "poisonous," and inspired a Jacfil-faddlst organization known as ihe Society for the Prevaatlon af Unwholesome Diet, from arhoee initials, SPUD, came the aickname which is now pretty gen •rally used. One medium-alaad po tato contains- about the ?ame too* valua as m*"'"'"11 • app) Oldest Callere Buildiaff Cutler hall at Ohio university, Athens, built in 1S16, is the oldest collage building in the old tforthweSt account of poor health, E. Parkins [ Territory. E. D. Slafter having rssigned the janitorship of our public school, on IPifflP if you are in a hurry For prompt and courteous service Don't start to worry. --• We have 84-honr serriofc IMcHENRY CAB--Call 472-J WEINGART TRUCKING -- Blade INrt -- UMaiatife. . *; Tracks far Bra Free EMImatiBg McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. irr-:- Excavating and Orane Service r v Blaok IMrt -- Sand and Orani .v^ Road Grading o i ^ MOTO - MOWER LAWN MOWERS M:. POWER MOWERS | SICKLE KOWSSS " J WantLWIMD MOWSKS .t - .T ~^X Vase* 19&tf LAWN SWEEPERS , > - , tifi • FLOOR SWEEPERi Otto AdaiM ^Se^u^ Statioi Phone McHenry 434 Johnsbnrg, HI. N t i ^ ^ w i ' * • u*:- '•s* ' ' ERVICE " ** - . * ^ „ -v , " V s /'• v* "< ".•jo .. ^ V :\A ' ^ ?' »: y- **** S y' <-5 - N- ^ X • - • .• - t " t * ll "* - 4 ^ -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay $« to $25 for OM Horsss, Isaa for doura horaes aad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jehaabarg • Spriag Grove Road Phone Jeaasaurg 314 CALL AT ONCB ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phaas charges , -- pumt mumih Eighteen colon of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales A Service, McHenry, 800 feat from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistakae 662-W-l. JOHN F. BRDA A SON Sheet Metal and Farnace Work IN N. Greea St* McHenry, I1L Pheae 24S-R HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid far Dead aad Crippled Heraee, Cattle and Hoga -- SwatUrv Pawer Leadlag -- Taakaae aad Maat Scraps far aale. Phoaes ArUagtsa Heights lit or MeHeary Wt-J-2. Reveres Chargea. Palatine Readsrlag Service. SEED CLEANING and TREATING We are again set up to do a thorough seed cleaning and treating job, using DuPont's newest production OERESAN M. ^ ; / Phone or write for an appointment to avoid the rush and waiting in line. McHENRY MILLS, Inc. Telephone 92-R McHenry, Illinois Af P. FREUND SONS ExeavatlBg Contraeta^i Traddag, Hydraalic aad Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING# Tel. 2S4-M MeHeary, m i Tetepheae No. SM STOflFBL ft REIHANSPERGER Inaarance ageata for all elaasss af - property la the beat coaapeniee|T Weat McHenry, Ulineia I CHARLES k Attarasf (JMfara A Parker) Wsdaasday Aftaraseus* I .W-8,t§ Office Kaehr Sapaly Camay, ^ MS Mah Street, Wat MeHsarr PVsas McHeauy 486 WssfcUtk 11SB INSURANCE •EARL R. WALSH Fire, AUte, Farm aad Life lasarsasl Rtprmmti** RELIABLE COMPANIES WhM voa aaad iasaraace of aay Idad Phaaa 4S or 11S-M Greea A Efaa MeHeary mmmmmmmmrni I • 1 mM »4* if?'; m MttMi ' Acddeots like this can be preveotedl Childrea and adults alike are in danger of serious terns and possible defttfeiro«n old or defective electric wiring in ordinary household appiianoap. Replace frayed cords .] . h»ve the inside wiring of yoar lamps, toasters, grills, irons and other alliances inspected todayt - . .. 'f- ' • Not all £^danger spots are easy to see. Many wanisie appliances were made of inferior* gjaterials due to shortages » .^and these makrtbifrs are postwar haaards. Be sure that appliaocee 0fd replace defective wiring with the good quality now available. ' ; .A This jAsrttiMMtflMiMata^ At lfttf iiuSanssf af es^ iu m L # r.>: & . f 1is ml , , J . " J i f c , t'v'C ' f K f i i ' *" V: '";,v - '4 '• * * r - tLi*^ t xm<!:

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