... * * * ' A ^ ' V * '-&-W ..'.if. ,. "5.' .J r '...•. ... ..•:,< ; -% ,-hr,f&: .• '•• •£• ' »,T ", * U «f i^&WiS gg Mabdi were callers In WuuuStOLk on Monday. 1$?? * «v! , -V^m.v,, •r Evelyn T. Iiuaan Mr. abd Mrs. Michael DIPirro's baby |trl was christened Diana Chrotini, at tha Johnsburg ahureh Last Sunday morning. Sponsors war* " femday visitors in the horn* «f Mr. Joan May, and Wipk and Mrs. Ernest Mal^ oT am*' Vkrw ware Mrs. Viola Mr*. Elma Nick of Gi*en Bay. Wis., Hud the Alvin Malach family or Lake more deaths occurred in IoImIwi last week. Henry Htttermann, suffered a heart attack and \<• died Thursday, morning. Joeeph .*!/., (Butch) Freund died on Saturday morning of a heart attack. X.*, •* . (s • :\V.'. Ted Christensen of Sunny Side ;\-t . • Meeived a visit from his daughter, '.t Mra. Marie Marsen, of Chicago, one day last week. She was accompanied by her son and four, of his high school friends. The boys had a grand W:':r time ice skating and tobogganing. Mrs. Vem Russell and Mrs. Ernest Another christening in the Johnsburg church last Sunday was that of little Linda Lee DiBonsudaughter of Mr. and Mra. Angelo UiBona, who reside in" Marengo. Mrs. Di Bona is the former Dorothy Mtehels. Due to the many deaths in tha community last week, there has not been a great deal of social activity. One club did meet, though, the Thrusdav Afternoon club. Hostess was Mrs. Delia K. Miller. It certainly seems good to see Mike Rudil up and about again after the severe heart attack he suffered a short time ago. Since he moved in our subdivision (Sunset View) two years ago, Mike has always been so active, and it seemed strange-when - •fX - Vs* JiMm ROBERTS fHE nU0Li\lJ Afltottatic Oil floor furnace it the obvious answer to the a«i«.li home heating problem. ' It requires no base&cit v . . Takes up «o space in the house ... It needs no ducts . . . No headers to build or to cut... . Yet it is scientifically designed to "saturate" your home with just the degree or warmth ygu want. All you do is light it onci in the fall, set the wall thermostat to the tempera^ ture you want and forget it. It does its job of keeping your home comfortable . automatically, safely and _ to yottr long #• to come. of fMfT SVfMSi m 10, '•i+& *** c°*i* more of Jrou -- _ >t do this fbr Mia. pleaae? Just «aH 657-J-2. One smau itamor a number of then?, it will, bs W3 much appreciated. tomkr*, v.( Evelyn Inma*. Thinking about Orville Wright's death last week--let us hope that through the gifts he gave the nation, America will be able to maintain CHAS. ED VOGBL, world wide peace. •-Wf rfifrV i. pMrittar ia Pelia Installed in the aveifeg^ home--ready to operate p --in only 4 hours (2p men) at a cost w6iohr wiJI amaJte you. y ? GUARANTEED " All parts in the ROBERTS are UNCONDITIONALLY, GUARANTEED for '<W,f : vear. A study of the .1946 infantile paralysis outbreak shows increasing incidence of the disease in higher age groups, especially in rural areas, and emphasizes the importance of nutrition in its background, according to Illinois State Medical society.' There is no doubt that over a period of time there has been a progressive increase in the percentage of those in the higher age groups who have suffered from poliomyelitis. Nevertheless the attack rate beyond 25 years is low, being 8 per cent of cases reported. The fatality rate for the cases reported was only 4 per cent, but fbr the rural patients the fatality rate was 6 per cent For urban cases the fatality rate was 2.S per cent. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindetler. riMKUULMi Ptvii ttawts s Bmpttas Joseph i. evar lN shawls. The AMU iwfc wanstraced to the Vale af •hadr about 4,000 fears ago. f* WINTER FATIGUE? SJOHN F. BRDA & SON Bilf cm MTWt all tki ailk valves is their f«ed; bagla saw to sapyert sad mlsfliUM vltk XOW-KARB. flJS 7Se slsas. It'* Ceacastrated! Tealc Drags, lira, PkMikinu, CalelsM, XtSlae, Cekalt, Vitaaria D. HcHenrv, Illinois BOMB'S DRUG STORE (Farm h swing been sold and unable to find anqther, will sell at public auction, located one mile east of Volo on Route 120, five miles east of Mc- Henryy four miles west of Round Lake, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. IS Commencing at 10:30 a. m^ the following Inscribed property, towit: SO HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of CATTLE--27 milk cows, Holstein Swiss and Durham. All T. B. and Bangs tested; ten fresh in last thirty days, 4 with calf at side, 9 springers, balance bred back, milking .good, mostly second and third calf; some vaccinated; 5 2-yearold heifers, vaccinated; 7 10-mo. old heifers vaccinated; 2 10-mos. old heifers, vaccinated; 5 Swiss heifert, 3 to 12 months, vaccinated; Holstein bull, 24 mos.t -vaccinated; Holstein bull, 18 mos. HORSES -- Pair bay mares, well matched, wt. 2,900 lbs.; One Set breeching harness and collars. FEED--600 bu. oats; 76 bu. 2-yr.-old white corn; 30 bu. l-yr.-old white corn; 100 bu. DeKalb corn; 1200 bales mixed hay; 300 bales 2-yr.-old hay, mixed; all wire baled; 400 bales of clear wheat straw; 275 bales fit oats straw, all wire s baled; 14 ft. silage in • 18-ft. silo. MACHINERY--McD. F-20 tractor on rubber, recently overhauled; McD. cultivator; McD. power mower, 7-ft., 3 sickles; McD. disc, 8-ft.; McD. 2- bottom, 14-in. plow; McD. wagon, new, on rubber; McD. manure spreader on rubber, like new; McD. manure- spreader, on steel, working order; McD. corn binder; McD. single row cultivator; McD. side delivery rake. U. S. grain blower; John Deere 999 corn planter, tongue truck "and fert. attach.; Int. corn planter; Deering hay mower, 5-ft.; Deering grain binder, 5-ft.; two hay rakes; hay rack and basket rack; triple wagon< box; wood wheel wagon; Int. silo filler; U. S. corn shredder, 6-roll; 1932 Model B, Ford truck; Int. corn picker, pull type; Int. 4-section wood drag with folding steel draw bar; McD. corn sheller, like new; 8-ft. cultivator. (Broadcast seeder, with grass seed attachment; end gate seeder;- bob sleigh; walking plow; grindstone; 160 ft. hay rope; grab fork; pulleys; Phone 113-Jl smtr'-x- GREEN ST. McHENRY * ft, r;-«"ri '/ v •)v:" . T AM ' SfK S' JvJ-' I *' <- >• '-/»•»-, ^ ^ - *• i f * ' . • ' " A FINE CAR MADEEVW FINER! v ... i* »• • ' . % -.W / 't n-f , _ * ') J ' ' , ? 1 /- 1 % * ' < / ... ^ X 12-ft.; ^ feed cart o* staal,,, whre; SO rod*, new: it 8 'mw fence eontttOs; coai#; arsjiuaip Jack and l^itor; lOOtt Taday, Pontiac announces a series of notable % h± ^ r advancemenu in the car that has already won '• ^*5; . k 4' ' ^ wholehearted endorsement of more than a 'V, ft,. , ailllion owners and friends. • h 55 ' - . X^t' ~ fJ ^ \ , b ' ^ s " V te,«it*- ForanosC among these advancements is the great General Motors Hydra-Matic Drive-- now offered as optional equipment on all Poqtiic cars. Ponttac u the lowest-priced car in the world to provide this great mechanical ,,v,- • Is msswrpiecs--which shifts gears atomaricaily, and completely eliminates the dutch pedal. Coupled with this great engineering triumph is a striking improvement in beauty and luxury. New exterior smartness extends from the new radiator grille to the streamlined rear bumper. Interiors, too, are remarkably improved. Upholsteries are more beautiful and are expertly blended to achieve new attractiveness and charm. Instrument paiMds are finished in a Smart design adapted from quarter-sawed Kaahogany--and an adroit use of chrome iboulaing adds a deft touch of modernity. Engine and chassis have been refined whesever possible--but they remain*basically, tha same engineering msswrpiecet which have hacosaf in the autoeaotive iuillff ail goodness and dependability. There are many mare dilngs we could tell v«m about the new Pontine, fbr there are couadeeB improvements which add to its uaditfoaal quality and value. But we feel that, fbr those who hmw Pontine, we need only say-- --here is, by far, tha mot btmmtj/ml Pondac aver built --here is die most hutmrhmt Pontiac aver boik , --here is the most tUpmdmbU Pontile star bulh --and it is now available with GM Hydra* Made Drive--*t •Hditnual cut. We wish only to add that it is here on display in our showroom--and that yan are awet cordially invimd to see and inspNi % 403 Front Street verton Motor Sales ^ " Mdfienry, is _Two wooden gates, 4: tractor oU Ma. SO; 2 poet hole dtgsetii; p^st' Mkpttl; t wire strstchsrs; Kalvanlsed fsad tank; log chain; steel gates: ladder; 4H bundles haling wire: 78 ft snow fence; 60 ft. xibbar ariVe bait, endless; odd lumber; chicken feeders and water fountains; electric brooder; emery wheel and electric mtftor. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, No. 40 pump' complete; 3 single units and £ipe line for 38 stanchions, complete; 8 8-gal. milk cans; 4 wash taidcs; Sani-Matic electric hot water heater; 2 electric .milk stirrers, new; pails and strainers, forks, shovels, etc. HOUSEHOLD GOODS--Quick Heat oil burner with electric blower; 2 steel bads, springs and mattress; 9 Tknrsday, . ldtAsn sat; aid chairs; 'E. electric vacuum cleaner, like M*. Mbt rsaponsible for any accidents. nOttfS: All sums of |2<MW aad M|ar fkat amount cadi; ovjtr that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended an notes •proved by the clerk. Anyone desiring * credit kindly ment beftee purchase is property to be ^removed Lunch Wagon aa Grounds. ^ . CHAS. J. MILLER - MeHenry State Bank. Cladri^ MOTlca d Cbanse la 9cfteda »fffiTc*8 ^ Wssisra ualletf Uas and SUsctric Cdnpany bweby elves aotles to Uie BbUetftet? has tiled witn the lilmols es Commission on January 16. 1, a new rldei which nrovum for furnlstalnR of ras service oa a new riders to modernise Advance Deposit provisions for main extensions Rider 4. e new rider covenns Comwith respect thereto either directly A copy of the proposed changes In the schedule mav oe Inspected by any interested party at any business offlcs LBCTR1C COMPANY ByW&^LUNS ANU President SALE Fehrnry 15,1918,1^0 p. a. SALE !n- V r#-. t" *"5- Registered and Qrade -> yr' Hampshire"4' SEXTON «r O'BRIEN I'fe-n Innisfail, Woodstock, III . , ' t , $* t'yg* ' "'I'1' ' " Oatalogne on JUqnest ... % SALE ' In a Heated Building K - ( ' ; 'i.-K* THIS WEHMMK FOI TIE "WISE OWL" Ul V|H M Ann Psge Foods are too good to miss... that's why we're' fcatur. iag a little "wis* owl" in Atf sli dds week to idsntify thfOk Aad, make ao mistake, when you /S^\ select en item bearing the1 Ana na||| TM] bei you're getting a wise AHIe VJy jbuy... for ail 33 Ann Page Foods give you fep ^tuUity * utnmgt So, tomorsow, visit Atf and (he "wise owl" guide you A ANN PAGE OillCIOUS PEAOH PRESERVES . . . . '£43* ANN PAGE TART-SWEET SNJU BRESSMvV..M> 36* ANN PAGE SPARKLE REUTIR BESSERf... I 20* IN TOMATO SAUSE. VEGETARIAN, •OS'ON ANN tm READS . . . * XI* FROM SUN RIPENED TOMATOES ANN PARE KETQNVP ... ^21* SULTANA l4^2.RHa TIN mr ANN MM MILD Prep. SpagMR 1"^28* LOW raiCSO. SULTANA ,. Brass Nhrss.. .fS 27* IN COOOYEAR H.IOPIIM -v' RrM Prams • LI. 3H AtMOurs liicb Tss{mf . /m28* IN aOOOYiAft HIOFILM - '; - MmnIFnis. . . ij«2l* CUTS 0RIASI PKG. 10* SOAP OF THK STARS LUX IRUT SRAP FOR 21 so RM . n SLOAW SWAN s^xsl MABY eOOOD lANQVbi BiacaKm ...ai" SiSftftiit.... 3 -14< BSiAjHet. .tistf „ .... ^uiiiapeM -CHIdl.N NOOMl - saw itnit FANCV. STRAIMD •i 19m !!• . • .^.vto o« sucaa ---- pus i| [jigi M SVMffe t&int Me hoi. •PKG. 18s WHIN AVAILASLK SWIFTNING •St VOtM CON1SS1 SLANK4i|^MP TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT" FLORIDA ORANGES ^ CALIFORNIA DATES WASHINGTON DELICIOUS'APPLES .J 10 for 29c i lb. bag 45c 8 op. pkg. 2 for 29c CALIFORNIA LETTUdE . i ; ' a 'pi ?n:.- ' 3 lbe. for 2^ t hds. for 19b SCSVi HOT OS COLO TREET 53* •mn cuan PKG. 10* tratrt 2^«f AMUCKNISCAKS 4t« ':iA -Mitulg:*" caramil Neai ReSs. MARVSL Pas BeHs MARVEL SANOWICH . tread u&tt* i ceo • Twitted Ben *0. tie JANS PARKIR Ptlat* CU|H » 'kchSS* MVEtSSEMFFU TS SS WTH tM MILO ANO MSUOW COf NEC HfMOWeek Lt40c Wfc b*e 1.1a tic^Fuu^ooiso corns _ M Birele LB 4S« >Mk.M|iaa« ««0«0US ANO WINS* COFFW Bekar u 45B lMS.he«iSae Wk- 1 -SO ooMtmc BUieilEiSC AMiRICM* ANO NMMRCS PMST4TT MEESC....im. IS* IDEAL KM SAllowiCHKS LONFIHOM ENEESI^UISC A OCUOOUS CHMSSfOOO CDEM-IIT ;rs&TI« •CNCH CUREO lr 69c & Wl v>vu\ S\o\'^s ^FT ..S'-V.' %