Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1948, p. 6

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«ttk priulai. , FOR 8A|<B--Lats in Wattles subdivisoa; all ' taMrovamsntsj aixe 66x132, in dtylhrita abart four Mocks to depot. Phone McHenry 792-W. •« FOR SALE--1940 Plymouth, 4-door sedan. Call Richmond 5S8. *88 FOB SALS FOT SALE -- Parlor set, breakfast set, bad and dresser, gas stove, G. E. w»*h machine, Philco refiegerator. terra cotta tile, aireralt generators, i FOR SALE -- Baled hay and straw, i Tal. McHenry 612-J-2. *S8 m* FOR SAWS--For immediate delivery. The following appliances: Refrigerai tors, washers, gas find electric garage equipment, chain hoist, bench j rangM.oilsp^I^ters, and vise, bench grinder, welding1 an5* i^sonably pric«i._ A ^ PMtcarj outfit, cutting torch, oil stove and Y"11 u T^ard drums, 1942 outboard motor, metal )»ome-_££d,S8 Fhlcabinet, electric drills, etc. Bill's Auto 1 ' y,: ' 809 Elm St., McHenry. *38 wood Park' ?"• pg 87-2 - BUSINESS PROPERTY ' FOR SALE ^ _ 2-story brick, two stores, one large Fhone Devore, €>room apt., full basement, automatic : FOR SALE--Thayer bui FOR SALE--Thirty tons baled alng, c McHenry 171. hotwater heat, on Route 120, in cetlent condition.' McHenry. Also ! 543-W-2. falfa; first cutting, very fine .quality. -- ^88 in ex- Oa Vh cHen 3 Oarage suitable for other baaing! FOR SALE--Electrolux refrigerator, and modern 4-room home, 100 ft. g cu ^ modern air-cooled; excellent frontage, on the fastest growing; conditioh. 1575. Call McHenry 227-J business street in the county, at the \ 33 intersection of Routes 31 and 120, in : McHenry. Price reduced to $15,500. FOR SALE--Large lot, at Lake Gris- JfACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johns- : wold; excellent fishnig; 300 ft. from Murg. Tel. McHenry 87 or Chicago, 1 fake; small private subdivision. Call jLincoln 1333. 38-tf j McHenry 522-M-l. •88 FOR SALE -- 1947 Royal deluxe ; FOR SALE--Registered black and Studebaker Commander, like new; black and white Cocker Spaniel pup- S-passenger coupe. Extras include' pies. George W. Reiker, R-l Mcoverdrive, climatizer, Philco radio, Henry, 111. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. fog lights, electric clock, hill check, I *38-4 cigar lighter and special chrome -- • trim. A good buy at $2,400. Call j FOR SALE -- Tree-ripened citrus Fox Lake 5221. 38 fruit, delivered express prepaid to ' . ; you at $4.00 per bushel. Oranges, FOR SALE--Used cars--1947 Pontiac I tangerines, grapefruit, all of one, sedan coupe; '46 Plymouth 4-door kind or assorted. Send check and sedan; '46 Ford convertible club order to D. W. Malloy, Lake Helen, coupe; '46 Chevrolet 4-door; '46 Florida. 38-2 Mercury 4-door; '40 Plymouth 2-door; PIANO ten weeks' tiiiUcourse. 5 p. m. or write R. J. Holochwioet, Rinpraol *88-4 SEWING MACHINES TO 1MB REPAIRS)-- Work guaranteed and rear sonable rate. Erven Erber, R-l, West McHenry. Flione McHenry 620-M-2. *88-8 ATTENTION FARMERS-- Demonstration of Hedlund barn cleaner Saturday afternoon, Feb. 7, at 3 p. m. at Martin Brothers farm, operated by Eldred Johnson, two miles west of McHenry on Route 120. *38 ANNOUNCEMENT HAVING PURCHASED GEORGE GTJOSSQNPS QATIJLE TRUCK, WOULD APPRECIATE THE PATRONAGE OF ANYONE IN THIS AREA WHO DESiPRES SUCH SERVICE. BERNIE MATCH EN, FOX ST., McHENRY, PHONE 109-J. *38 * INCOME TAX SERVICE Fanners, Easiness, Individuals > - C. FRANK DALY Ait's Barber Shop and Cigar Store 227 N. Benton St. Phone 18 34-tf Woodstock, I1L male or fsfliale; part or Sell fttuapfteed water correction; •very mum » prospect; low cost Micromet corrsction; all types and siaes of modern water softeners, filters and water heaters. Remuneration on basis. Fred F. Prell Co., 400 W. Kinaie St. Chicago, 10. Tei Delaware 6996 or weekends at Lake of the Hollow on Round Lake Road. Tel. Fox Lake 5221. 38 HELP WANTED -- Dishwasher for after school work, Saturdays and Sundays. Nagy's Restaurant, Riverside Drive. 38 FEMALE HELP WANTED--Secretary, stenographer with some clerical experience. Transportation can be arranged. Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein, 111., Phone Mundelein 1480. 32-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 89. 20-tf WANTED TO RENT MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motor* repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of Johnson bronze cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 20-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of yeur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf '46 Ford truck, 1% ton, long wheel FOR SALE--Because of a change in base; Model A Ford. Armand Paquin our operations this following used Motors, Rt. 12 and old Rand Road, equipment will be sold privately at across road from Breezy Point. *38 j reasonable prices: McD. wire tie ' _ , baler, ME rototiller, 2-bag cement FOR SALE--Ten tons second crop: mixer with LeRoi motor, 3-bottom alfalfa, choice, $35 per ton. Tel. 16-in. plow, grain drill, Monroe all- McHenry 631-M-l. *38 ; steel tilt-bed trailer, 16-cu. ft. deep ~"; freeze, Bobson cooler, DeLaval Mag- FOR SALE--Spinet piano; beautiful, netic milking units, corn binder and 1947 dealer's sample. 'Prefer to j loader, International tractor on steel, sdl locally for quick disposal. Write ( 3_h.p. electric motor. Cletrac crawler, Waltham Piano Co., wholesale dept. large oil burning room heater, James- 1802 E. Oklahoma Ave., Apt., 8, ^ay ventilators, Maple Lane Farm, Milwaukee, Wis., for information I Rt 12. 2% miles south of Fox Lake, when this piano may be seen in Mc- i rtone McHenry 632-R-2. *38 Henry. *38 i , - : ; -ft-5 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- • Burpee canner and | •wlei4. Bertha M. Esh, Spring Grove, j GEjjERAL HAULING -- Available for trucking and general hauling. No job too small or too large. A. H. Wegener, McHenry. Tel. 543-W-2. *38-4 '•V FOR SALE--Frigidaire, 7 cu. ft.; round dining room table, 6 chairs; gas stove; bed; dresser; kitchen cabinet; washing machine; sewing machine; hamburger grill. 'Call between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Mrs. Albeit Rodig, third house north of Johnsburg bridge on river. Phone G84-M-1. • . *88 FOR SALE -- Mahogany drop-leaf table; also Suncrraafftt ultra-violet ray laa Henry 411- therapy lamp and stand. ~~ 111-R. CaU ME- 37-2 - * t J • •' FOR SALE -- Choice wooded lot, 78x109; on river in McHenry. Call McHenry 411-R. 37-tf PERFECT SEAL ROCKWOOL-- Will save you up to 40 percent in fuel costs. With shortage of fuels and high prices, don't delay. Call us for free estimate. NO MONEY DOWN. PAYMENTS LOW AS $6 PER MONTH. We also apply Barrett roofing and siding. Airspun Insulation Co., Wonder Lake, Rt 1, Ringwcod, Tel. Wonder Lake 698 after 5 p. m. *36-8 POR SALE--Generators, armatures, Starters, fuel pumps, distributors voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. , ftvoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2. j 30"tf 37-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *34-8 C. J. H. DIEHL ~ Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. Woodstock, I1L DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash 4. j prices, paid for cows, horses and er nogs; 110 help needed to load. Day 1 j and night; Sundays and Wheelin #OR SALE--10-acre fruit farm; room house, bath and tools. Owner -= , ». & , . , ... must sell. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) "g™* Sundays and holidays 4ACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at Johns- WheeBng Rendering Works, - • -- " r-- mu Wheeling Na, 8; reverse charges. - ' 36-tf lrg. Tel. McHenry 37. .FOR T%p: BUL. SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLEi E A ROCK WOOL'HOME IN-1 PIANO TUNING & SERVICE LATION." Guaranteed not to^ettle.! Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or or Hlirry J- Gearman--Cary 4502 " ? Write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl Members of American Society of : . - \ St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf ; • Piano Technicians 28-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD-' WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, JNG MACHINES. Service on all WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair •takes. Also ribbons for all makes; and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 L. V._ Kilts, Clay ^St, Main Street, McHeidzy. Telephone WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, nL Phone 277. . 49-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St., McHenry. Phone McHenry €03-J< 52-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box *'VB," care Plaindealer. &2-ti WANTED WANTED •-- Young hian desireS Saturday work. Driving, clerking, etc. Phone McHenry 494, evenings. *38 WANTED^--Farms, 60 to. 100 acres, for our clients' with cash. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. 37. 38-tf WANTED--Used piano of any type. Tel. McHenry 494-R. 38 WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about April 1st.. Earl 'R. Walsh, Phone 43. •37-tf WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to $15,000; must have possession within 30 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, er Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 26-tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 16-tf on paper, foodstock. Phone 549. $3-J. 10-tf fev; •OR SALE--1935 Plymouth, 1985 FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing, iraham; ilso Schwinn bicycles, varnishing and Waxing new and old t>ownjs Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf floorsalso Kentile, a life-time floor. LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x850 i Free eitimate- Call McHenry 497-R. on Route 31, about two Mock from! depot. Inquirer at J715 Center St. HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch Tel. MtHntj 278-J. 22-t( | basins, Mptie tanks, cisterns cleaned ' „ , - .T~ R _ _ . \ • by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie The^lainaeaier SUmp8T °rder at Huff, Prop. Tel. McHeary 290. 29-tf AUCTION hi mile north of Hwy. 173, M mile west of Hwy.. 41, 2 miles southwest of Russell, 10 miles east of Antioch, on ^SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 at 11 o'clock K ft M LUNCH WAGON ^ 7S-&HTTLE--73 32 Guernsey cows and 7 Jersey cows, consisting of 3 with calf at side, 15 springers, 7 recently fresh, balance bred back and milking; 5 Guernsey heifers, bred% coming with 1st calf, springing; 8 Guernsey heifers, 17 to 19 months old, bred; 9 Guernsey heifers, 9 to 12 months oM, APARTMENT WANTED -- IN or near McHenry. Factory representative from reputable eastern firm. Young couple, both college graduates. No children or pets. Write or wire collect to John G- Weeks, 205 North Delaplaine Rd., Riverside, 111. *38-3 WANTED TO RENT-- House in or near McHenrv by March 1. Fred Kunz, phone McHenry 273-R, , *88 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate: with bath, $45 per mo. without bath, $30 per mo.; ideal. Oak • Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 30-tf Great Salt Lake Great Salt lake with an average length of 75 miles and width of 38 miles, is only 20 to 50 feet deep. At one time it was an inland ocean that was 900 feet deep, where Salt Lake City now stands. The salt content varies from 15 to 28 per cent and this density makes it impossible for the human body to sink in it. Odd Into Mercury Ancient alchemists dreamed and worked for'means o* turning quicksilver into gold. Now in atomic ovens, gold is being turned into mercury, a reversal of those ancient drearhs. As the gold is not scarce, but a special isotope of mercury is needed, this process becomes of real value. This special mercury 198 temits a wave length of radiation which is an exart spectral line that can be used as a standard measurement. Mercury 198 does not occur in nature. This standard is worth more than gold, says David E. Lilienthai, chairman of t'le atomic energy commission. wi of the sudden passing of Jernr Cermak last Friday evening at St Anthony's hospital In Chicago hit McCullom Lak« residents. During his five-years residence here he had done much to improve conditions. He loved his home and the people ground him. His untiring efforts in promoting safety for our children as well as the many parties for them will long be remembered. We can truftltfuliy say that there isn't a child at McCullom Lake who didn't know Jerry Cermak. He was truly their champion. Jerry Cermak organized and was president of the Screwy Dozen Social club here, and as a final tribute to their leader this group chartered a W. A. F. bus last Sunday afternoon to make it possible for our young* sters to pay their last respects to their benefactor. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 9:30 from the Noset funeral chapel to Our Lady of the Mount Catholic church in Cicero, Ilk Interment was at St. Adalbert"* cemetery in Niles, lit. ^ „ He is survived by his widow, Betty, (nee) Kapsa; his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Anton J. Cermak; a brother, Edward, and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Petracek and Mrs. Alice Souhrada, all of Cicero. More details concerning his lift appear elsewhere in this issue. News of the sudden death of Dr* Maten L. Rathbun, a former resident of McCullom Lake, on Jan. 2t came as a shock to his many friend! here. He died at his home in Hanover, 111., and was laid * to rest at Fair mount cemetery in Chcago. Lee Sawdo suffered a badly bruise^ shoulder when he slipped and fell on the ice while alighting from his truck last Saturday. Well, it looks like Old Man Winter will reign supreme for the next six weeks. There was just enough sun* shine to cast a shadow of. MJP. Groundhog to scarfe him back into his hole last Monday. Paraat-Teaaher Gab The National Congress of and Teachers now has • ddp tf nearly fear and mWH/wi ffaimmppKii leada 754 menibers, twice aa which ranks aeeond In and the wall w>;s raa% 9 Out of respect for the memory of Jerry Cermak, all social activities of the Screwy Dozen scheduled for this month will be cancelled. The installation . of new officers will take', jp* WEEK-END SPECIALS at 44 'SM Food Market McCullom Lake (Formerly Horn's) ROYAL PUDDING . . '.'4 pkg. 21c _ S '• hi&fr'-*-'-*' • V-""' . .! '•w ' %•'; -5. V'/» .* t <•/!- • Helen Weber Says: ^I TALK ABOUT1?, A HOUSING SHORTAGE. ^•7-- ##• 'mm am \ Ttey may be bomestesdmg right worn in your favoHt* protact your ciotfcing with U-San-O, MM "", l--fid Motfcproof Claaaing System. ' U-Saa-0 is of oar rega!*' claanmg sarvica. CaM • as laday and fargat your molli frooblas. McHenry Cleaners 1M-M V : , 1M Elm St. IftiAiitllgr; neuera, 1 10 12 montRs on, open; 6 Jersey heifers, 3 to 12 months old, open. Well bred Jersey bull; well brad Jersey ball, 2 years old. 65 are official vaccinates and tattoed. Yearly average of 4.75%. MULES--Team of dark brown mules, weight 3000 lbs., team of bay mules, weight 2400 lbs. OHIO IMPROVED CHESTER WHITE HOGS -- 1 brood sow with 4 pigs; 3 gilts, bred to farrow in sgfing; I registered boar, weight 150 AUCTION Located on the Gilmer-Volo Blhck Top Rd., being 6 miles east of Volo, 1 mile north of Hwy. 176, 4 miles northeast of Wauconda, 3 miles west of Ivanhoe, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 at 11 o'clock • K & M Lunch Wagon CATTLE--14 Holstein cows, consisting of 3 springers, 4 cows with calf at side, balance milking good; 1 Holstein heifer, coming with 1st crlf, springing; 3 Holstein heifers, 2 years old, bred; registered Holstein heifer, 2 years old, bred; Holstein heifer, 8 months old eligible for registration; 2 Holstein heifers, 10 months old; 2 Holstein heifers, 5 months old; Registered bull, 2 years old; Registered Holstein bull, 20 months old. Well bred Holstein bull, 18 months old. All heifers vaccinated. Herd clean on T. B. and Bangs test. HORSES--Grey gelding; bay mare. PIGS--3 Chester White brood sows; 6 Chester White shoats, average weight 180 lbs. POULTRY--60 White Leghorn hens, 2 mated geese. FEED--700 bushel Control oats; 200 [ goo<" wheat; 250 650 bales 1st cutting alfalfa;- 140 DUZ - OXYDOt 37c ]£. »ixt CUDAHYS PURITAN SLICED BACON 67c lb. FRESH VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES of fee dating back to that Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. ~ ' II ---- mmimM Horn where I sit... ^Joe Marsh, ~ --L-- ---ft- Do You Have tpx Neighbors?' A lot ofthejneig*l^wiw,l^- stesd ef ceetfeialag abeet tift denly annoyed by Jeb CrewelTa hammering at night. Jeb was building himself a new front porch--and the only time that he could give to it was after sundown. Finally we decided the best thing to do was all pitch in and help-- and get the carpentry over with as soon as possible. We did. Finished the porch next evening--and Jeb gratefully treated us to ice cold beer and cider. From where I sit, that's what being a geod neighbor means, b* other fellow's * sifts, try to u»de& stand and share his ferferesfs. So if my practising on the fluffe d annoys you, come on over, neigh* ; bor, with your fiddle or guitar an^ v joi^ me! Maybe it will end up it> our knowing and appreciating another better... in an evening of' good fellowship. And IH promise to provide the beer that goe* with evenings of good fellowship! Copyright, 1948, United States Brewers Foundation when you can now REPLACE your OLD worn-out FUEL-WASTING oil bsrur 0IL-0- jVrJMKffffaf • Ms heir--fan » fuel saving Made QH or telsphaaa today about die a mating new M3-bo>ar iawsllstiea" Doa'c ssy oil bmmtr ... my oil taw. disc meant Oil-O-Matic with the LOW Prenure Principle. Act now-end ana! THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 465-E ' 00S S. Green St. McHenry, IB. COMPLETE BURNER SERVICE -- bushel good ear corn; 25 bu. spring bales 2nd cutting alfalfa; bales good timothy Hay; 14 ft. silage. MACHINERY--McD. F-12 tractor, on rubber, with 2-row cultivator; Case model ' C" tractor; new Case 3-bottom 14 inch tractor plow; Case 8% ft. quack digger; new M-H power . take off corn binder, on rubber, with FEED--7 ton baled timothy and'wagon loader and bundle carrier* alsike Ray; 7 ton baled alfalfa and'" ' J* . timothy hay; 11 ft. silage in 16 ft. silo. MACHINERY--J. D. Model *'B" tractor on rubber, with power lift, and pow^r take off; J. D. Model MD" tractor on new rubber (good condition), with power take off; J. D. 2-row power lift cultivator; McD. heavy duty power take off manure spreader on oversized tires; new J. D. disc plow (on rubber); M-H 3-bottom 14 inch tractor plow, on rubber; Case 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow; Case ft- single disc; Case 8 ft. grain drill with fertilizer attachment and grass seed attachment; new lime and fertilizer <sow«r; new M-H power mower; McD. side delivery rake; McD. corn planter with check wire and bean attachment; new M-H 4-section steel drag; MjcD. 6 ft. grain binder; Case push type hay loader; Case corn binder with P. T. O. and bundle carrier; Gehl silo filler and pipe (good condition); McD. sulky cultivator with fertiliser attachment; new Bear Cat hammer mill; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; New Idea mower. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, 8 single units; 24 milk cans; electric water MISCELLANEOUS-- New hay hoist with 150 ft. of cable; 75-ft. Hi- Spted belt; new elacftrfe tank 'heater; ALFRED W. WESTEBGAARD, • Owaer Christensen & Gutknecht, Aucts. Public Auction Service Co., Clerk Rosenthal 4-roll corn shredder; McD. endgate seeder; 9 ft. tractor disc; McD. 8 ft. grain binder; McC. 7 ft. mower; side delivery rake; new rubber tired wagon; rubber tired wagon [ and new triple box; New Idea manure spreader; steel wheel wagon and rack; corn planter; 8 ft. land; roller; new U. S. grain blower; 2- section wood drag; 3-section wood drag. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, 2 single units, complete; Losee electric water heater; 17 milk cans; 2 sterilising tanks. MISCELLANEOUS--String of sleigh bells; 20x26 ft. tarpaulin; 1 H. P. electric motor; pump jack; grapple fork; heavy' duty block and tackle; snow fence; chicken crates; Robert Bosch magneto (like new); < belts; cross cut saw; silage forks; scythe; wire stretcher; Prime electric fence controller; electric fence controller; 800 lb. scales. FURNITURE--80 player piano rolls; G. E. electric stove (good condition); kitchen range; 3-burner kerosene stove; Kenmore washing machine. AUTOMOBILE AND TRAILERS -- 1929 Buick 4-door sedan (good condition); 2-wheel all steel trailer (4x7 ft. box, 6-50x16 tires, Illinois state title); 2-wheel trailer; 1937 Ford V-8 long wheel base truck with cattle rack, 1945 motor recently installed. JOHN UNTZ, Owaer Froelich, Wick and Chandler, Aucts. Public Auctibn Service Co., Clark IN MEMORY OP OUR BELOVED PRESIDENTJERRY CERMAK We cant say "Happy Birthday" Jerry, Because you've gone away, love and keep you 'Till we meet again some SCREWY &OZEN SOCIAL CLUB Tprrf'v • " % i

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