Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1948, p. 8

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JofaMl tte Hotkball •tM': MILLER WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS FRL. SAT., FEB. 20-21 ft '4- v Wa. Boyd ta' ^ ~'.'x :'• - P «T«B MARAUDER** with Aaiy Clyde and Rnd Brooks Jy -deep valley- <T,:- with Ida Lupino ami Dane Clark SUN., MON., FEB. 22 - 2S m VtCTfM Of SMAU J9WH TEMPLE REAGAN Hffi&n Gm H. & YANCB--McHwry «1-J m flNtk Graea St. IdNafy, BL McHENBY FLORAL COl _. Photta tH • t Ote MO* Sooth of . oa Koato SI Ffowon for all occaMit ' FRANK S. MAT Tracking &»d -- Black Dirt -- CraM %a»sl Ciadora -- Lhaaatooa Track far HIm Phoae McHenry 5JWI*1 R-l McHenry Plaa • Leoa Errol in Room 303 £^§|JHS. WED. THUF*, > V FEB. 24 - 2S , Fead To The Death **!' With Swords of Hate! PARKS DRHW McHenry, Illinois \ . FRL - SAT. ' . Tyrone Power - Alice Faye • I* "ALEXANDER'S ".' ' RAGTIME BAND" Plaa - News ft N«rrelty f SUN. - MON., FED. 22 - 23 jofca Garfield ' - . Lilli Palmer "BODY AND SOUL" • Cartoon & World News CLOSED ON TUESDAY WE^fc' V THURS. Bfll Williaais - Barbara Hale "A LIKELY STORY* Q. May I deduct all charitable contribationa? A. No. Only (inn to ot|Uil>tiMi attcb craKhea.eoianMUiity chests, veteraws' organisations, relief societies IM many libraries, schools and hospitals. Gifts Jo • relatives and . other individuals cannot be deducted. Q. What are deductible interest payments? A. Interest you pay on mortgages, loans, etc. Q. What taxes may I deduct? A. State income taxes, most state gasoline taxes and sales taxes (if tax is shown separately on price tag), state and local property taxes (not paving and improvement assessments). You cannot deduct federal taxes of any kind on Page 3, Form 1040. Some federal taxes can be deducted as business expenses on Page 2. ^ Q. How do you deduct medical expenses? A. You list such expenses as doctor, dentist and hospital vuwvii* m ivwiaii evil vi «a»a§Ntv» ^e^c e i v i a g educational-rabaiataaca v a ana Paaga tnted. • -k Mid black mar* wt. 8006 iba. tat A. Yes. if the parent' MACHINERY---M«sH "101 Jr." traccontributes inore than half of the!tor (starter, power lift, ft T. O.), total coat of support, inclading the! Hke new; McH. 2-row tractor eoltigovemment contribution. Moreover, j vstop* McD. "WW" tractor; P I O these benefits do not count against 13-bottom tractor plow; McD. 10-ft. the |500 limit on income of a de- tractor disc: new McH P. T. O. pendent. Q. A fe terminal exempt? A. Yes. leave bonds AUCTION On Hwy. No. 41, one mile southwest of wadsworth, four miles north of Gurnee, two miles north of Grand Ave., on SATURDAY. FEB. M at 11 o'clock K A M Lunch Wagon on Gioundl bills, medicine, eye glasses, braces,' CATTLR-Thirty-aix Holateirt eows, x-rays, artificial limbs, hearing aids, j 9 nurses' Wages, ambulance service,< r 1 --: ' binder; McD. qorn planter (fertiliser Attachments); 3-sec. wood drag; McD. 8-ft. grain drill; McD. oil bath 6 ft. mower; McD. side delivery rake; McD. hav loader; AfcH. manure Sireader: McD. 8 ft. grain binder; cD. silo filler, D-B rubber tired wagon. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Clean Easy milk machine; Dairy Maid electric heater; 22 milk cans; 2 sterilising tanks, etc. FEED--200 bushel oats; 5 tons Mr com; 20 ton loose hay; large pile of straw; 15 ft. silage. MISCELLANEOUS-- Scales, grapple premiums fpr health and accident in surance, for which you do not receive reimbursement. A portion of these expanses, equal to five per cent of your irfctfrne, is not deductible. The remainder is deductible up to $1,250 if you claim only one exemption on your return, and up to $2*509 for more than pne exemption/ Q. ^^Vhat are "Casualty .Losses?" A. Tnese are usually losses , from fires, automobiles accidents, storms, hurricanes, etc., after deducting recoveries from insurance, salvage, etc. Q. What do I list under "Miscellaneous Deductions?" A. Certain job Expenses such as union dues and subscriptions to professional journals, certain investment expenses, alimony, and the special $500% deduction for blind persons. Q. Are service men and women and veterans exempt from tax? A. They are not themselves exempt, but most of their service pay is exempt. All pay of enlisted personnel and the first $1,500 pay of officers are exempt. But any income from civilian sources is taxable. Q. If a serviceman does owe tax and is overseas, when does he file and pay? A. He must file his return within 5V£ months after the month in which he returns but may apply for postponement of payments. Q. How does a veteran arrange for such postponement? A. 'By applying in writing to the -collector to whom the tax is due. Usually, as in the case of service pay or pro-service earned income, the law permits payment, without interest, -in twelve quarterly payments over a threeyear period. Application must >be made within six moiuns aitei discharge. Q. What other exemptions ar^ granted veterans ? A. Veteran exemptions, in addition to the usual exemptions granted civilians, include M f'. ' -'* OSEYINN > RINGWOOD 4 / Fish Fi •y Every Friday Night : PRAGER BEER ^^ " •'1 Tit 1$ BOWMAN, Prop. ( T - McHenry Sand and Gravel Ce. -- fend iti^ * Excavating and Grant Sendee Z -.2 * , • •" *«*ew dhg".:^ . CALL MeHENKT S7-J FINE. . HUNGARIAN COOKING NAGVS RESTAURANT Open 11 a. m. until 8 p. m. daily, including Saturdays * CLOSED THURSDAYS PLATE LUNCH 65c--Served from 11* a m. *<> 2 p.!tt. v • Complete Dinners $150 up. Also EAItLECUED RI^S--STEAKS--CHOPS CHICKEN-IN-THE-BASKET -- SEAFOODS ^ Homemade, pies made fresh daily. Located at 188 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. HcHEHST FOR STEERING SAFETY See Oua NEWMANBEE aciErrnyic eouipmkht % • , J*OR BALAKCTfe WMBBLg 1 . AND TESTING 8TBEUNC NOW AT Y0UK OOMMAND 5ft tonSatcti'4 Sakft Don't pnt ap with lUauar, wefctle or wander at ye«r front end. Tbeee "r are danger signals. Onr scientlfle , . teat will give tree MUM and correct emrtl Onr NANBEE eqnlproent dedksted to ymw safety . is finest, most selentlfle way to test anil correct fealty balance. Slop by and see It. An inspection of yonr car without obligation. Don*t pnt It off--for safety's sake. IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN . . . SEE IIS NOWt CAftAGIi; •> . * JOENSBURO * ' .y Fred Smith, Prop. Telephone McHenry 900-J \ f'y ;}* t30R QUALITY CHICKS^. mc^iNi^creased profits for yon. You can't go Wrong when you select from hand culled flocks backed by years of breeding for fast growth, heavy production and big Jf&swe. MCHENRY CO, FARMERS CO-OP. ASSK. ?H0NE 29 M'HENRY, ILL. I• c ' k \ N \ N x ^ IT'S stopped you more than once as its graceful length moves smoothly down the street are rich and fine in finish--and so blissfully quiet that it seems a whisper can be heard, throughout the oar. And again and again, you've turned to lookt ^ f 'V ., at this foshion plate that so plainly pro- Jour *""• soft pfflowy Cushions, your claims its power and mobility in every line four runs r-; h. f r * 'i'; ' Broadcloth Shirts Bothered by curling collars? Not with shirts like these! Collars are short and to the p?int, with neatness doubly assured by fustag the fabric. Tailored by Wilson Brothew of firmly woven, Sanforized broadcloth4** with fullness through chest and shoulders^' tapered waist. See our selection of white# and patterns. ^Ac(3e08 !l7r* 1 ft '< & MrllCNlY and action. Now listen to the engineering story thai makes this the car of the year, moat wanted not only for stunning good looks but for allround goodness. Xou ride here behind Fireball power thai is lively and eager and big -- and noi" cradled to the fluid smoothness of waters running deep. a v You relax in big cushioned interiors thai SlMS" ,#awsi jHPYMAROW0" - °rzrz." „tacH»r \.y.f ^ p©w»r ptent 'J®* con<lMl«e> ^ _ to varying d'Wnfl eon springs gentle ooils, your sure-footed §agc|Htidf only Buiok provides. • Your ride is the first one truly shielded against road shudder and shiver by scientific damninl of huild-un within iht ^ iVnd if you choose a ROADMASTBR. you can treat yourself to Dynaflow Drive*--a liquidsmooth drive that does awAy with all'gearshifting. You'll drive the only car on the marke^'i <where the power plant does what geari*^ used to do--and driving becomes a nearmiracleof ease. \ou profit, in Buick« from 30-odd new ad' vances--choose from ten sparkling models --select from three series in three wheels bases and four power ratings. So why are you waiting, when waiting only Suts off die brightest moment of a i fetimeP See your dealer and order now. , mttm Rtmdmaitir mttUs. hmallthtm fmmhum *fiYNAH0WDmVt * TAfBt-rmU STYUNO • vm ik wmum uot * mod voitQUMUMr AOtKMUDCSMJtrADVMMCC KSAfeTY-MKX • . : - * QUAMUHfX Cpa +rux-maL*MQs v# tMUMffiMMNOI , ,r • ( + »*OUW flHMU fOm$ ): *,FMfiMA*rMOOaS h -pm: You get style--you get siase--you get com* fort, quiet and ease --and ever die solid goodness that the name Buick stands for, *T:Vir^ TWM in NCNRr i. TAYIOC - R. kJtoertcm Mottw: „Sales 403 Front Street v » McHenry, Illinois .'UlilHi; rA-L'P' + . * / 't \ . ~ ^

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