Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1948, p. 2

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ftrhftld# humor rosettes. Tt* thecake w«« they had ewr seen sr than it looked. JSttM «|| a gU1 - the heaatiful, lake front home of m$. L. lfartell in Hickory Falls". 81m l^qMM me that I might ne her taitfMr and sister who had just arrived here from England. The chic little Frenchwoman looked horn and reared in Paris, marrl l&nglishma daughters. Englishman and reared twp At 17, Lyuia, her ol daughter, married a doughboy--' is a 19X8 word that means G. I. A big long-legged American a* •--which soldier ^ t as a Frenchwoman ought to with slow-spoken charm unable to k; her crisp white curls rising resist the dm eyes of a half4fcrftish from a wide white foMtead; tier girl; and another International ropleaaing Gallic features; the smart mance was born. The young couple SI Si - r . • See T. P. on the -• * jf Lake Shore for your Estate and Insurance T. P. MATHEWS "SBAt SSTATK AND INSBTtANOK f ' * l»ake Shore Drive, Wonder Genter ; T . Wonder Lake, 111., P. O. Ringwood »* . . v!?' Phone Wonder Lake 306 Saturday Afternoon Skating Sessioil ' v "^r*to 4:30 p. m." 7 For tile Childretf Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun Roller Rink McHenry, 111. se rear, French Englan| taught and for an instruct! sea of Northhamptan scllegahi For twenty JT«F« sl» coaching on the tide, many k thia war DR. HENRY FREUNO OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store ((Hosed Thursday Afternoon!)-- Byes Examined -- Glaaeca Flttef Visas] Training -- Visual RehabiUtatim Complete Visaal Analysis Pears PaBy; 9 te 12 and 1 to S--Saturday ^rniagi: ( to 8JI 1' PHONE MeHENRT 4CS ,d«Mb gathered; the Kngitsb Slaughter. If rs. Hilda Lewis, enlisted in the ATS and serves aa a captain for seven long yuan as Dunkirk passed; the rocket bombs began to buss over the little Island and no one knew the dutcome for weeks and for months. At long last the war, ended and peace began its slow and heartbreaking grind. The English people grimly pufied in their belts, and the rationing became stricter; and an opportunity to come to America to join her American daughter, son-inlaw and grandson wabv suffered the gallant little French-Englishwoman and her now-widowed daughter, the captsiin. Together they consulted; only if they could support themselves would they consenWo become a part of the Wonder Lake household. And so it was decided. The wheels of red tape began to unwind and xtassage was finally secured and preferential visas were given to them. That is, briefly, how Mrs. L. Martell was able to get her mother and sister to come and live with her in her new home overlooking the lake, in Indian Ridge. And, if you see small sijpis about saying that you can receive training in French from an expert, those are the, notices that Madame does not intend to become a dependent in the household where she now resides! And, 1 will just bet that she won^i Every room at Harrison school held a Valentine party on Friday, com* plete with a box, well-decorated to hold the exchanged missives of love. A special party luncheon was served with cup cakes, cookies and pies as part of the refreshments. The pies were made by Mrs. Marie Milbrandt, Mrs. Margel Trxoell, Mrs. Karen Widen, Mrs. Betty Fiala, Mrs. Rose Silk, Mrs. Wendt, Mrs. Estelle Biggers, Mrs. Cheney, Mrs. Marney Sullivan and Mrs. Wohnrade. There were eighteen pies in all; made from dried apples furnished by the school. Cookies were baked by Judy Troxell, Jean Selsdorf, Sandra Sells and Etta Reinhard. Cupcakes were made by Mrs. Davidson. Charles of a toy, born Fab. 16, at • lb. and 12 os. Probably it ever born in this district m4 ao many local relatives aa tint ehild of "Chuck" and Mrs. Agnes Jame* ia the paternal jfrrandmother, while Mr. James of the flower shop is a great-ancle. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.. Clayton Horton St. of Chicago; summer residents at the lake, and Clayton Horton, Jr., also a summer resident ii the only maternal uncle. Mrs. Fred Hansen is a _ great-aunt and Rober and Marina Hansen are cousins. Surely* , no baby was ever more completely a Wonder Laker than this little fellow---whoever he is!" *• Ob The Sick List ^ Johnny Wright, * 6, still in the Woodstock hospital, has had his illness diagnosed as rheumatic fever. The little boy had been complaining of his leg, but his parents had thought it was due to a skating accident. Mrs. Olite Armstrong, recentl; operated on in a Chicago hospital may be home this weekend. Philip Carroll, retired policeman of Wonder Woods, wqp dismissed from the Woodstock hospital on - Friday, but must undergo surgery soon in a Chicago hospital. Mrs. Suzanne Dolgopol, wife of the Wonder Lake tailor, and a resi dent of Indian Ridge, was a medical patient for two days at Woodstock hospital last week. William Deckard has been dismissed from Woodstock hospital and is continuing his recuperation at home. Mrs. Frances Riegel has just returned from Chicago, wh'ere she was present at a reunion with her mother, Mrs. Nora Bates, her brother, P. F. Almond, his wife and his son, Larry, all of Denver, Colo. Mr. Almond is with Steelco Stainless Steel Corporation and was attending a convention in Chicago. All stayed at the Sheraton hotel in the city. Happy Birthday to small Nancy Langston, who was 6 years old on Valentine's Day. Nancy is very anxious to get into Harrison school and is going to be disappointed that they wont let her in seme day thisweek. > -V. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE ON ANT; HOME KILLED MEATS. f We guarantee our sugar cure to'be the best* . #nr smoking is done with hard wood hickory.. Tb$re is no need for yon to struggle with the cutting and wrapping problem, when yon can have it done Mark Feb. 21 on your calendar as the dafe which is set aside for the rummage sale sponsored by the Community Club and Feb. 28 for the Hard Times party which is being planned. The party held on Saturday night by the Auxiliary of the Rod and Gun Club was outstanding for the many beautiful boxes offered for sale by the co-hostesses, Mrs. Stellar Biggers and Mrs. Birdie Bergdahlv The prettiest box, which was decorated in Valentine colors and carrying a picture of the chairman of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Dottie Powers, was the creation of ^he artistic fingers of Mrs. Marian Cannon and Mrs. Rose Murphy. The box also brought top money, $9.00 and was purchased by ; Harry Hampton, who just may have admired, the picture! In congratulating T. P. Mathews on tiis birthday last week, I did not know that February is really a Mathews month. Mr. Mathews celebrates his natal day on Feb. 19; Mrs. Mathews observes hers on February 21; and their son, Richard, will be 14 on February 26. Instead of Happy Birthday--shall we say, "Happy Mathews!" The Altar and Rosary Society of the Christ the King church will hold a bake sale in the church on Feb. 21 at the church. Mrs. Vincent Adams, president of the society, will be glad to give any further information. Another member of the marine reserves is Jimmie Widen. Anyone interested in the reserves should WILLIAM JURS AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer with a minimum of effort and waste. : i: LOCKER SERVICE CENTRAL MARKET Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lauzon are parents of a baby girl, born at Woodstock hospital on Feb. 14. The miss weighed only 5 lb. 14 oz. and has been named Toni Anne. Mrs. Lauzdp is the only daughter of Mr. Rockstead, also of Winder Lake. Mary Ann Martin held a 4-H Valentine party at her home on Friday. All members of the Handy Helpers club were present at the party. Mary Ann's sister, Greta, baked the valentine cake, four signi quit farming, farm having been sold, will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Fred Powers farm, located 2 miles north of Crystal Lake, 'and 5 miles south of McHenry, on the Crystal Lake*McHenry blacktop road, on SATURDAY, FEB. 21 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to- 4 HORSES 1 matched black team, 1400 Iba, ,! sorrel mare, 12 yrs. old, 1300 lbs., t black gelding, 1400 lbs. 1 pedigreed Shepherd cattle dog. Hay, Grain and Farm Machinery 20 tons good hay, mostly alfalfa; 1000 bu. Vicklanu oats, 1100 bu. goo$ hard corn in crib. J. D. Model A tractor on. rubber with power lift, nearly new; J. IX tractor cultivator," J. D. GP tractor with steel extension rims, recently overhauled, McD. power corn binder, new, cut only 40 acres; McD. bundle loader and hitch, 6-ft. McD. grain binder, McD. mower, Big 6; McD. corn planter with fert. attach, and pole truck, McD. Type B. silo filler* McD. 14-in. bot. plow and drag attach., 7-ft. double disc. New Idea haf loader, brand new; New Idea side rake, 6-roll Appleton corn husker, dump rake, hay tedder, New Idea manure spreader on rybbef, U. S. grain blower, 16-disc Hoosier drill with grass seed attach., 3 sec. drag,. 2- row horse edit, with tratcor hitch, single row cultivator, shovel plo*. cultipacker, buzz saw, 10-in. Intfl burr grinder, Model A Ford ton truck; rubber tired wagon with 16-ft. rack. Steel wheel wagon with basket rack, steel wheel wagon, 4 wooden «r at Harrison aa Mrs. Woiit on crutches arid has one foot in a east. Last week Mr«. Blount fell and broke owe of the (small bones in her left footj .and ana is/se 'grateful to bar mother for her assistance ,*t this time;- " ' The Hoi/ Name Society ittf the Christ the King chprch will meet on Thursday evening *at 8 p. m. The men are asked to turn out for this meeting. j % Lenten services will be held at the Christ the King church each Sunday during Lent at 4 p. m. and not 4:30 p. m. as we pulished last week. As we go to press we learn that Mrs. Julia Schmidt of Wonder Center died on Tuesday following a heart attack. No further details are available.* CARD OF THANKS » O. F. Henneberg of Wonder Lake and his family would like, in this manner, to thank the Woodstock hospital and its nursing staff for the wonderful care Mr. Henneberg received during his recent severe illness. Most particularly they would like to thank Dr. Lee Gladstone of McHenry. It is the sincere belief of the Henneberg family that Dr. Gladstone can take his place beside any doctof for being conscientious, thorough and capable. 40 TO ALL RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT S6 It is very urgent that all #Wri#^nts of district 36, known as Harrison school at Wonder Lake, attend a specical meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1948, at 8 p. m. It is to everyone's advantage to be there! One in Four On the basis of prewar experience, National Safety council'estimates'that an accident resulting in a disabling injury may occur to a resident of one out of every four farms in America this year. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindecler. . BAG BALM R L s i l l ! s To maintain full milk flow and easy milking, be prepared for instant application of Bap Balm -- lanolin-loaded, antiseptic-oncontact . . . spreads just right for needed massage of Caked Bag and promotes quick healing of cuts, superficial sores. chaps, injuries. 10 ox., 7Sc. PHONE 40 MeHENRT ;V;! •* Auctioneers , ^ The farm having been sold the undersigned will sell op the Oakdale farm located 2l/£. miles Northwest of Cryeb§ Lake, 6 miles Southeast of Woodstock on U. 8. Route 14, «| THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 y at 11:30 o'clock diarp the following described pro] 31 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK \ •'... « Consisting of the following 20 Holstein dairy cows, 8 of these cowe are close springertKS • 2 are lo freshen aboiit April 15th and the balance milkin« 8 Holstein Heifers, 15 to 18 mo. old; Holstein bull, 2 yrs. oM|: " team of good work horses, 5 and 7 yrs. old. . . V • - FEED, ETC* V 5 tons alfalfa hay, 2 ions baled hay (mixed) ; 6 tons balet ' straw; 200 bu. ear corn; 300 bu. oats; 20 ft. of silage in 14 silo; ^ tons 3-lSkl2 fertilizer. MACHINERY John Deere Model D tractor on rubber; John t)eere Model B tractor on rubber; John Deere Model B tractor cultivatoil John Deere manure spreader on rubber 1 yr. old; John Deeri Model 101 corn picker; John Deere 10 ft. power lift fertilize# grain drill; John Deere mower; John Deere corn planter witji fertilizer attachment; John Deere 3 bottom tractor plow|; John Deere 10 ft. tractor disc; New Idea steel hay loader; Ne# Idea side rake; McCormick Deering power corn binder witl|: bundle loader & wagon hitch; McCormick Deering 8 ft. grain binder; McCormick Deering 28 threshing machine with hulk ing attachment; Gehl silo filler; Appleton 6 roll corn huskei^ 4-section harrow; spring tooth harrow; rubber tired wagoil and rack; steel wheel wagon and rack; Prater hammer mill; Prater V2 ton feed mixer with electric motor; Owatona grain elevator; .grain blower? McCormick Deering power cor# sheiler; Ward tractor buzz saw; bob sled; corn sheller; fanning mill; 3 oil burning heaters; electric brooder; 2 two wheeled carts; 3 drive belts; 3 rolls barb wire; 2 dog houses; rang* house; cider press; hand truck; air compressor with electrift motor; power lawn mower; wind mill tower; saddle; set of harness; platform scale; girls bicycle; silage cart; JanyBswit^ hog feeder; 200 ft. hay rope; 2 extension ladders; 2 tarpaulimtf electric fence control; shop work bench; Stewart electrii clippers; Surge 4 unit milker motor and pump; 26 milk cans; creaflf separator; electric water heater; 2 wash tankg; 20§r chickens; feeders and waterers; numerous other small articled^ 1940 CHEVROLET l^j TON TBUCK. Usual Thorp terms. * HARRY L. GROSS UtSSi FINANCE CORPORATION CLS&K W. P. Powers, Representative Phone Woodstock 119 v GM Hydra-Made Dfiy« optional41 on all models - RECEIPTS-- Will be given on all orders left to be called for at our plant. LOCAL CLEANERS, INC. Phone McHenry 20 TRY OUR Laundry Service It is done in one of the most modern and efficient laundries in Morthern Illinois. A phone call will explain onr different services. a f layer marble cake with a heart made J wagon wheels, silage cart, meal cart, Dairy Maid heater, 2 wash tanks, 2 electric stirrers, 20 - jnilk cans, 8 closed milk pails, 2 strainers, Stewart Clip Master, DeLaval cream separator, 1-inch line shaft, 20-ft. long with 3 boxes and hangers, 2 silo forks, bam shovels and forks^barn scrapers, steel 2-bu. basket, hay knife, breast drill. 3 crowbars, horse blanket, 2 grease guns, 2-man cross-cut saw, hand saw, wire stretcher, 300 rods smooth wire, 2 felec. fence controls, brush axe, hook axe, 80-ft. driVe belt, 6-in. drive belt, 29 ft. long, 40 gallons fuel oil, oil barrels and oil pump, 4--25 ft. poles, firewood, 2 sets heavy harness, 2 sets fly nets, set of lines. 75 pullets. Elec. brooder, BOO chick capacity; chicken feeder, drinking fountain. Hoaseholi Fanfare White Home Comfort wood and coal range like new, Bryant piano, cottage type, kitchen table and 6 chairs, dining room table and € chairs, china closet, I kitchen chain, 9x12 linoleum rag, 2 hospital beds and springs, double bed, springs and Buttress, 2 rocking chairs, large work table, 8 commodes. Two 9x12 rugs, 2 clothes racks, lace curtains, 20-gal. crock, 2 dressers, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, sewing table, gasoline stoye, several small crocks, 8 Wash boilers, Victrola, occasional table, mirrors, stair carpet, child's hi^h chair, dude feathers. There will be a lunch wagon on the rounds TRY OUR Service $1.15 Carry $1.00 .50 Dresses ft Suits Skirts ft Pants Topcoats ft Ladies' ------ Coats lift 1.00 Other garments priced accordingly. We have a great number of uncalled for d^ders and are nnable to dispose of them due to incomplete wswwf a.wfl addresses1. Anyone liaving garments here for a prolonged period of time please call us, w \ m # i i ^ . -Its »• \ f •e 4K has lad ks ield ia away of the bask aifitfi of k ha* been oatscaadiag ia with its distinctive Silver Streak styling aad beaa&t boSas by Hsbsr. U has bey coosiateody pnised for its fnfirmmin-based oa sasooch,jfpwmM si* and eicto cylinder sneiaes It has a record lor long his and dependability vosorpassedin (be automotive industry. grou TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No jrojgj^jo be removed uht^jpl^ Vtal iSSf «f Weed^ And now, in the 1&4S Pondac, comes revealing proof of Poouac s muimmimg leadership. Not only is die new Pootiec tar aaoce beautiful and luxurious--hot it offers, as optional equipment on all models, the famous GM Hydca>Manc Drive! This mechanical masterpiece, which eliminates the dutch pedal and makes shifting entirely automatic, Is one of the greatest contributions to driving ease and safety in the history of the motor car. And Pondac is the world's lowestpriced car to make it available to the motoring public Then are fifteen Foatiec models--each more beautiful and mora luxurious than ever--and each an outstanding value. You are cordially feavited to see and inspect them today. Pill Alt TNISI PIM CAR PIATVRIS wiw. ssiaarw suvia mm with no-MAsy vmriTafioN^ CUSHION sa UN • SMOOTH A MB VACUUMATK IMM COMTBOt • ruu.rinsusi MiifesiD-riow m--icahoii • Mwn-siAi HveaAuuc Hum • TMMMIC umr •C* brim. Gmmnh md WH* Wr.w» Tins / R.I. 403 FRONT STREET SALES McHfeNR% ILLINOIS '*-v . '. t. ; - , . < . "/.it >,.

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