Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1948, p. 6

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FO* iBLPWAiriiii MM BUSINESS MM fMSAlB t«toiy brick, two itam, «m ktn O-room apt, M baMMnt, •ntomwe botwatar heat, on Iwrti 1M in McHenry. Abo Garage Miteblt for other business, and modern 4-room homo, 100 ft. frontage, on the fastest growing business street in the county, at Jiha intersection of Routes 31 and 120, in McHenry. Price reducOd to I15JB00. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johns, burg. Tel. McHeniy 87 or Chicago. Lincoln 1333. 38-tf FOR SALE SALE--Case slicer baler, with ling chute. Good condition; used tery little. Call Richmond 846 *40 tOK SALE--Do you need a good fjickup truck ? We have a 1946 Hud- Son \ -ton pickup, low mileage; in •xcellent condition. Also a 1946 Chevrolet %-ton pickup, also A-l condition. EDGETOWN MOTORS, intersection R-47 and U. S. 14, Woodstock. TeL 966. 40 fOR SALE--Medium Clover, $24.00; Alfalfa Seed, $11.40; Hybrid Seed "Corn, $5.00, all per bushel. Also Other bargains. Postal card us to- ty for catalog and samples. Hall •bei HOME FOR SALS Modern 6-room home, completely furnished, including new refrigerator, cooking range; foil cement basement; large corner lot; 2 miles east of Mc- Henry. Price $15,000. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. TeL 37 or Chicago Lincoln 1233. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL FRUIT AND SHADE TREE TRIMMING -- Call McHenry 630-R-2. *40 to mannge of TBGuerntfiyt. for right man <Ao renQjr want* to work and sfctt* ilk imiw tion. New house, modern and equipment. Good references quired. Fin A Feather Farm, 1% miles north of Elgin on Route 26. Phone Elgin 9070, .between 8 a. m. and 9 p. m, 40 Estate if * Notice is sons that is the Kfause, deceased, v given to all pery, March 1st, 1948, date in the estate of Elisabeth Krause, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may, be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CLARENCE W\JtRAUSE, ' ; Administrator. f~f-- (Pub. Feb. 5-12-19) * 1 KILLED IN FALL Losing his balance when he at- HELP WANTED--Man to work on temped to alight from a Chicago, mink ranch; experience not tieces- Aurora A Elgin railroad train besary. If interested address Box 4 S," fore it came to a stop at the Lomcare Plaindealer. 40 bard terminal, Lawrence MacMurphy, 30, of Lombard, fell between SALESMAN WANTED -- Man for Rawleigh business in North Kane eounty; 2681 families. Products sold 26 years. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write, Rawleith's, Dept. ILB-52-103A, Freeport, I1L, or see A. Grever, McHenry, 111. *40-3 nog rts' Son, Postville, Iowa. 40-4 IDli IO' WILL TRADE OR SELL 1936 Chev. Panel Track feet running condition, all new tires. Will take a later model sedan. Truck can be seen next Saturday or Sunday at '* TED OLHAVA pO Center St., West McHenry *40 IS LIME-SCALE RUINING THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR WATER HEATER? Lime scale stopped and removed with MICROMET DOHERTY & McCAFFERTY •'••". Water Correction Service . jft)3 Main St. or Arbor Road, » IWonder Lake Tel. McHenry 259-M *40 PAINTING AND DECORATING PAPER HANGING First Class Work -- Free Estimates *3(M Phone McHenry 569-W-2 GENERAL HAULING -- Available for trucking and general hauling. No job too small or too large. A. H. Wegener, McHenry. Tel. 643-W-2. •38-4' SALE--Lot in Wattles subdivision; all improvements; sue 46x132, in city limits about four Itfocks to depot. Phone McHenry •*m9 2-W. *40 I -- ; fOR SALE--Safety lane equipment, CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling Seasonable. Shell Station, Wonder i and repairs of all kinds. Free esti- JLake. Tel. W. L. 468 *401 mate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. • *34-8 FOR SALE--Baled Hay, timothy, I : : ttiixed alfalfa and clover. Call Richond 849. *40 C. J.,H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tune£^ . . Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. #OR SALE--Frigidare in good con-! 30-tf Woodstock, I1L pition, $70. Tel. McHenry 655-R-2 t *40 i DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Inn a ~ I prices paid for cows, horses and f°R Use^ .<Lar? J?47 Mer- hogs; no help needed to load. Day gury club coupe; 1947 Pontiac sedan ; an§ 'ni^t Sundays and holidays. P}YTn.°^J-A^ sedan; Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Ford convertable club i Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges^ 16 Chevrolet 4-door; '4f> Mercury i-door; '46 Ford truck, 1% ton, wig wheel base; 1938 Dodge 4-j PIANO TUNING & SERVICE ioor sedan; Model A Ford. Armand Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W Faquin Motors, Rt. 12 and old Rand ' -- - - - acros? road from Breezy tint. 40 or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf OUR ^™O^^»KRRRRFN W£LLS? DRILLED OR DRIVEN, "UK BATHROOM AND KITCHEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair heck following features and you and install pamp8. Bill Bacon, 206 no^r^.n h£™«; Main Street, McHenry. Telephone COLORS ARE THROUGH THE 93-J. 10-tf s TILE. CANNOT WEAR OR 1 SCRATCH OFF. w ITS BREATHTAKING COLORS, i 18 OF THEM. # ITS GLOWING LUSTER. f FOR SHOWERS, WATER DOES *1 NOT AFFECT IT. UGHT, IT MAY BE APPLIED ; i OVER ANY KIND OF WALL 4 MATERIAL. § SIMPLE INSTALLATION, a Write or call for free estimate. Will be glad to give all information "ling self-installation. Only 65c ft. for this genuine Styron. ! RNGSTROM SALES A SERVICE (900 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) Phone McHenry 552-W-l 40 FOR SALE Boglstsrod black and Hidt and white Cocker Spaniel pup- K George W. Reiker, R-l Mcry, I1L Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. . *38-4 #OR SALE--Generators, armatures, H n Starters, fuel pumps, distributors j c r^ FLOOR SANDING -- Reftnishing, varnishing and waking new and old floors; also Kentile, a life-time floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. 34-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John MdDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf ATTENTION FARMERS -- Have your ag. limestone spread before spring planting. Vera Thelen. Tel. McHenry 588-W-l. *38*3 Voltage regulators and ignition parts Jor iFord and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. 8voboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W<-2. SEWING MACHINES TO BE REPAIRED-- Work guaranteed and reasonable rate. Erven Erber, R-l, West Phone McHenry 620-M-2. *38-3 fOR 8ALE--10-acre fruit farm; 4- foom houpe, bath and tools. Owner •ust sell. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) i Tel. McHenry JH. INCOME TAX SERVICE Fanners, Business, Individuals c- FRANK DALY "'•o ! Art's Barber Shop and Cigar Store 227 N Phone 18 ' 34-tf Benton St. Woodstock, HL 31-tf j dispose of your garbage each week, FOR RENT R SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE PTTDv.ourn PE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-!?^ - FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENTHELP WANTED -- COUPLE OF the platform and the train and was EXTRA MEN1. HUNTER BOAT CO.,; killed early Wednesday morning of McHENRY. 40-3 ! las^ week. HELP WANTED - SALESMAN; *ac.Murphy, employed in Chicago, ROOFING; SIDING AND COMBINATION WINDOWS. TRUMBULL CONSTRUCTION CO., ROUND LAKE. PHONE OR WRITE FOR APPOINTMENT. TEL. ROUND LAKE 4111. *39-2 -HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug 4t6re. Bolger's, Green St., McHehry. 39-tf is believed to have fallen asleep while riding toward his home in Lombard and he did not awaken- until the train reached Wheaton. -- first American Saws Prior to 1840. American carpenters used s&wfc Made in Europe. Henry Disston, then 21 years old, made the first commercial Araeri- HELP WANTED-Janitor, 4 hours I Fa? 88w" T°^8.y American per day. Time may be split during | ® exported. day, 2 hpurs each. $1.00 per hour to RAY L. YANKE start, steady work no experience necessary, be sure to state age. Address box "T," care Plaindealer, McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED--Mechanic. Downs Nash Sales. Tel. McHenry 484. 30-tf FEMALE HELP WANTED--Secretary, stenographer with some clerical experience. Transportation can be arranged. Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein, 111., Phliio ne Mundelein 1430, 32-tf VAJ TO WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. 20-tf AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctcioneer WANTED--Will care for children in my home evenings. Phone McHenry 480-J. *39-2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED WANTED -- taking care of children or light housework, after school and Saturday afternoons. Phone McHenry 66-W. *40 WANTED---Farms, 60 to 1(10 seres, for our clients with cash. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. 37. 38-tf WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about . April 1st. Earl R. Walsh, Phone 43. *37-tf WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to $15,000; must have possession within 30 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 26-tf W ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonsn, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Veteran, wife and daughter, wish to rent a 2 or 3- room apartment. Tel. McHenry 569-J-2. *39-2 APARTMENT WANTED -- In or near McHenry. Factory representative from reputable eastern firm. Youn^ couple, both college graduates. No children or pets. Write or wire collect to John G. Weeks, 205 North Delaplaine Rd., Riverside, III. *38-3 Because of the shortage of help, I will sell at public auction on my farm at the north edge of Ridgeneld, 6 miles southeast of Woodstock, 3 miles northwest of Crystal Lake, on Woodstock Country Club blacktop road, on TUESDAY, FEB. 24 Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit: 32 Head Holstein Cows Mostly fresh and close springers. This is one of the outstanding dairies that will be offered at auction this spring and I will be pleased to have cows inspected before sale date. Anyone desiring replacements may come at milking time, and further, anyone changing farm on March 1st, I will be pleased to care for their purchase of cows until March 1st. Feed and Machinery 1200 bu. Control oats, 600 bu. ear corn, 160 bu. rye, 20 tons baled alfalfa and clover hay, 3 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa, baled; 10 ft. silage in 14 ft. silc. McD. F-20 tractor On rubber, with cult., 14-in. McD. 2-bot. tractor plow, 8-ft. J. D. tractor'disc, .J D. tractor disc, McD. power mower, 7-ft. cut, Appleton 6-roll all steel corn husker, McD. power corn binder with bundle loader and bundle carrier. 16-in. Gehl. silo filler, Case tractor corn planter, 4-sec. steel harrow with folding drawbar, new; 3-sec. wooden harrow, cultipacker, 15-in. Wards Buster hammer mill, buss saw with 2 blades. Set dump boards, wood rack, 2 rubber tired wagons with racks, iron scalding tank, Cowboy tank heater, bob sleigh, com shelter, James way silage cart, drive belt, oil brooder stove. i Milk House Equipment DeLaval 3-unit milking machine, Speedway, complete with pipe line for 33 cows, 42 milk cans, Losee hot water heater, 2 wash tanks, pails and strainer. There will be a lunch wagon on the i grounds. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 ahd under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. RAY L. YANKE Owner First Nitional Bank «f Woodstoek, Clerking rates. _ ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle.! £°^Ev£!!!: J* °* B°* 274' MSl M*** houskeeping privileges" "for nstailed by the Wallfill Co. Call Dr Henry. rhone 805. tt, single or double. Call 54-MX or 14. - E. M. LEHMANN A U C T I O N ite Leo J. Stillii it., Tel. McHenry R SALE--TYPEWRI G MACHINES. Service on all TYPEWRITER SERVICE--'Typewri- E. Pearl WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS t* --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, j McHenry, I1L Phone 277. 49-tf makes. Also ribbons for all makes;; tArB «nH *<Min v- Cl®y Stj!and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf; FOR SALE--1935 PI Graham; ilso Schwlnn Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf ig machines repaired paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 outh, 1935 Mai" SV- Mi:Henry- Phon* McS»e°: bicycles. ^ 208-J 52 tf 40 FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with bath, $45 per mo. without bath, $30 per mo.; ideal. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 30-tf CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer who wure wkhout » _ ss children, Tlmodare, 3, and Alhwt, 4, lived in Grootegast, NeUi«rlands, and are rriatives of Mrs. Vandervelde. When the Dutch family sat down to their first meal In the States, they were astounded at the amount of meat served.' "A piece of meat the size of a five-inch Mmr. would have to last a family of four for two weeks," said Mr. Dyk. -FARM 8ERVICE WAY AUCTION L. H. FREEMAN AND SON ami EUGENE FREDRICK, Auctioneers Having decided to discontinue partnership and the farm having een sold, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Johnson farm, located 2 miles North of Hebron, 111., on Highway 173 to State Line, then ^4 mile East or 7 miles South of Lake Geneva, Wis., oil Highway 120 <to State Line then % mile East, on WEDNESDAY, FEfe. 25 1948. Sale to start at 11:00 A." M. Lunch Wagon on Grounds/ 60 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE 39 MILCH COWS-- 20 are springers or with calves, 15 fresh or with calves, balance milking good. 11 First Calf Heifers, fresh; 5 Springing Eirst Calf Heifers; 2 heifers, 6 mos. old, 1 open heifer. 1 Purebred Bull, 15 months old; 1 Pumbred Registered Bull, 15 months old. 20 of these Heifers are vaccinated. 2 HORSES--Gelding, age 11 years, weight 1,400 Ibe.; Mare, age 10 years, weight 1,400 lbe. 1 set of draft harness, breeching. TRACTOR EQUIPMENT" -- John Deere manure spreader, hammer mill, No. 10A, new; Gehl silo filler, Case corn binder with loader and wagon hitch, two wheel trailer with steel bed, tractor cultivator to fit Allis- Chalmers WC tractor, Case NCM pickup hay baler, with loader, like new. McDeering mounted corn planter, Case single row corn picker, on rub- Kfiy lilrn nAW MACHINERY -- 235 ft. hay rope, David Bradley manure spreader, on rubber; John Deere side delivery rake, New Idea side delivery rake, stalky cutter, rubber tired wheelbarrow, 16 ft. feed truck, John Deere lMi h. p, engine. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- .DeLaval Speedway milking machine, 3 singly units, with pipe for 60 cows; Universal milking machine, 2 double units; Surge milking machine, 2 units; 25 8-gal. milk cans, 3 milk lails, 2 milk strainers, wash and soution tanks, electric water heater, 20 gal. GRAIN, HAY, FEED--5 tons alfalfa hay, baled; 425 bales clover and air falfa hay, 80 bales alfalfa hay, second crop; 6 tons baled straw, 3 tons ear corn, 10 ft. silage in 16 ft. silo. Speed Queen Washing Machine. ^ sual Illinois Farm Auction Terms. REYNOLDS BROS. Farm Auction Service Inc. "Auctions That Pay Are Manage# The Farm Service Way" Henry A. Freeman, District Representative, Phone 122, Hebron„ I1L R. D. Keefe, Lake Geneva, Wis. GEORGE D. SMITH tii«t is the dajr of tka leap year eslabration in that city of idmost .60,- W-ifi undetermined number* at whom are badielota The women wtu take over the entire city gpvernmept, including the poliee force. Comely coppers will pinch eligible bachelors mid throw t^em in jail. They'll bo taken into court and fined silk stockings or other feminine dainties. v Need Rubber Scamps? Order at The Plaindealer. tart fee Want Ads! ivm lamtiwoy Uni -T«mp ^-^•ctric • Hov«i» ,; C T I O FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer The farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm formerly known as the Forrest Farm on Davis Road, 1% miles south of Woodstock, 1 mile west of Howell's corners, and 5 miles north and east of Franklinville, leaving the blacktop at Dietx's corners, on MONDAY, FEB. 23 ' Ofiw 1 r***.wi££g2?, tiSS&S 8 ALBS AND SERVICE __TeL Mclfanrj 662-W-l (3®® ft. from NdPi BaHrw) I- -- WAN1ED TO BUY We pay $C to $SS far Old Horses, lesa for dawn horses and cattle. . L MATTS MINKRANCH Johnubiirr *^J|^JSnT( Road MATUMt'S KUMiST MIVALS Ike choke of bHter Poslfcyiaea every* where ^ --- they're Air CoedMoned. Chides ore Hardier and Feather biMw e^hea hro^^^lecl this s®^^^Jsra^ e^m^j ee^p^ • Hew Air and Heal dMdbsSoa principle pt»»«nh hot and cold tpoto -- chkhs stake ste of entire brooding area -- oo crowdfaif or pMinf sp. If yoe have dedricMy yos vdt wad ft •ee Ihis new hover. We also carry the cosiptsls line of JaseMoy hro^dtaj aad laying John J. Vycital Hdwe. GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M ' WEEK-END SPECIALS . ; ; uo'-*Sn Food Market Self Service McCullom Lake t Formerly Horh»-- UFEBOUY AND SWEETHEART SOAP reg. site * bars 17c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 cans KEYKO Oleomargerine lb. 37* v . FKE8H VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES HOGS, Phone CALL At ONCE ON~ HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone chargee - TLAWIC WALLTILE Eighteen colors of beautiful wdl covering. See them before decovat- #ig your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will not peel or scrathcn off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Enestrom Sales & Service,. McHenry, 800 feet from Nell's, ballroom. Phone Pistakee 552-W-i. JOHN F. BRDA A SON , Sheet Metal and Furnace Wark 101 N. Green St, McHenry, IIL Phono 243-R HIGHEST CA8H PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Mont Scrape for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Son rice. O A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Tel 204-M McHenry, HL Telephone No. 300 " STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insurance agento for all. ciassea of property in the bast companies. _ West McHenry, Hlinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney __ (Joslyn & Parker) Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:0t Office--Koehr Snpnly Company, , 642 Main 8tfeetTWest McHeuy thone--MccHlteennrryy , 4IMN Woodstock 1136 INSURANCE EARL R. WAEBH rfflra. Ante, Farm and Life Insurance -r RELIABLE COMPANIES When you seed fawnraaee of any kind Phana 4S or 116-M Croon * Efan Hdtory Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp e following deli wit: LOST Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dnrtbt LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x550 ft,- --. --Office Hours-- on Route 31, about two block fromlfOST OR-STRAYED <-- Springer ""f^ay*Saturdays: 9a.nuto5pA depot. Inquire at 715 Center St Spaniel. Answers to the name of i Evenings and Sunday Mornings Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf "King." See A1 Schimke at' the I , T»r Appointment! •40 Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IU. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Wonder Lake Service Station. The undersigned, having sold his farm, will sell at public auction on the farm 3 miles southeast of, _ Woodstock on Route 14, being the and a very good quality beef type first farm on the right hand side of j °f cattle., the road after you pass School House ! Team of roan mares the described property, to- 26 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of # Angos Cows--2 Short Horn "n?1 Durham Cows 1 heifer, 1% yrs. old, 7 Angus steers, 3 Angus heifers, 1 purebred registered Angu°s bull. The above cattle are all T. B. and Bangs tested1, ACC0RD1AN INSTRUCTION Special ten weeks trial course. Instruction for ACGORDIAN and piane. jnent furnished in home. Phone Wonder Lake 698, or write ' B. HOLOCHWOST ^ ^ Ringwood, Illinois ^ J Instru- Subecribe for The Plaindealer Helen Weber Says: • NOW! is the time to check your Spring Wardrobe. Easter will soon be hero--so don't get caught short--get those spring clothes 4>ut now. Don't forget--all dry cleaning is TJ-SAN-0 mothproofed at no extxra charge. HOM District No. 10, on SUNDAY, FEB. 22 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp the following described property, to wit: Grsin and Farm Machinery New Holland baler, McD. F-20 tractor, Allis Chalmers WC tractor, Allis Chalmers combine, 2-bot. Oliver , plow 16-in., 8-ft Dunham tandem j disc, 4 sec. harrow, 2-bot. McCormick 118-in. plow, Chevrolet carry all, 6-ft. jmo'ver New Clinton lawn mower. New Pincor lawn mower, 2-wheel -wheel 330 White Leghorn pullets, R. O. P. blood tested. Hay, Grain and Machinery 250 bu. ear corn, 500 bu. Vicland li McHenry Cleaners IflS Elm It HeUnW#ber,M*r. oats, 4 tons mixed hay, 420 bales off alfalfa hay, 2nd cutting 100 bales of J straw, 8 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo. j AC WC tractor on rubber, with | extra steel wheels and chains, AC I tractor Cultivator, AC 2-«bot 16-in.1 tVactor plow. AC 15-ft. single disc, JD 10-ft grain binder, new; McD. corn binder, McD. 'Broadcast seeder with grass. rubber | seed at., McD. 1-row corn picker, JD j tooth MMZINtLV EASIER : wMh Mw, rbund PtASTIC CURLERS Implement trailer 4 _ tired wagon and rack, 15 bales hay|«orn planter, 999; JD spring i baler twine, 600 egg Jamesway incu- i harrow, 4-sec. steel harrow, JD Deluxe Kit wtthplastiS' «|N HOME PEMANEII^ THE arEME COLO WAVI^ Bulger's Drag Store MOM14* •cHENRY wing l nure spreader, JD 1-row cultivator, , 200 McD. dump rake, McD. 6-ft. mower. Deering 6-ft. mower, corn sheller, f steel wheel wagons with racks, wagon and grain box. Gehl hammer mill with cutter head, McD. burr mill 8-in., 7-in. drive belt, j 76-ft. new; grain blower, fanning > mill, platform scales, elect, fence con- I trol, new; grab fork, hay rope and i>ator, pump jack and motor, 2 swini feets, girl's bicycle, 2 tons straw, 20 bu. very good rye, 10-ton 3-12-12 fertilizer. Household Furniture City or bottled gas stove, combination refrigerator and deep freese, dinette table and 4 chairs, writing desk, chair and radio, 9-pe. dining room suite, two 9x12 rugs and pads, Singer sewing machine, 3-pc. living room suite. « rv s. - „ • Piano, bench and music cabinet 4: McD. cream separator, 2 pump jacks, small tables, 8 lamps, Hollywood bed,! * H- electric motor oarrel sprayer, double bed, dresser, and chest of j n«^; 5 milk cans, lawn mower, drawers, 6-yr.-old baby crib, ward- 2 brooder stoves, 7 chicken crates, *obe chest and bed, twin beds, 2 f? wooden egg cases, hen house 14 book cases, studio couch, white metal j * « ft., brooder house 12 ft. x cabinet, cedar chest, Thor Washing **., 2 range houses! steel neqjp. machine, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, waterers and feeders, some household The above personal property is all | furniture, also small tools and equipment used in the operation of a farm, too numerous to mention. Nov iou (an HiPlACf yom old fvel-wasting OH Bww v » i f f . New W I L L I A M S OIL-O-MATIC O I L B U R N E R T ; t -i J : r It- • I 0 IV .r * P t j S J 9 t p M N C i P L E pulleys, 4 rolls woven wire, 2 spools barbed wire, Cowboy tank heater. numerous to re persoi in very good shape. Many articles too mention. TERMS: All aums of (25.00 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes spproved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is mads. No property to be uMunusii untfl - for wW* the dark. E. M. LEHMANN First National Bank of ~ TERMS. AH sums of $25.00 end under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per qpnt will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arran ments before purchase is made, property to be removed untQ »f ^ ttjMchrt. "| GBORGS D. SMITH Owner First Matlsnal Baak of SHOW ||10 HOURS JYtARS 10INSTAU WTO PAT Check the facts and you'll find that the world's lending oil burnt is aba the world's leading oil Mr«r, Aad that means Williams Oil-O-Matic, based on i. dyi ^ow Pressme Principle. Oil-O-Matk is the oil -- burner d»af is dt0§mtH., Tf3at 10 minutes now to ulemarrnim gw hy those Oil-O-Matic diflFerenoes ate fu*U advantages for you. Ask about our amiring ^hour installation." THENNES OIL CO. PHOIO 4IUI 506 8. OifM 8t , KeStty OOMPLIT1 BUSHUt BXEVIOl

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