Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1948, p. 9

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V . f ; "• ~*-*m+ JL^Ou •. EtbnuryM, 19tt m vdlllntY •T<«-* IK After Ma diseharft be remained triad engineer. At he is in of Btrla, the Hindu in in whose mansion Gandhi By Evelyn T. Ihman Subscribe for The Plaindealer •rmt? - i ^ \ipSiii ';.-Kr: NATIVE or INDIA ^Vassjuwinstion of Mohandas K. Goadlrt Shocked the worlds few weeks im, fiat no one in Etthorn, Wla*jw*d tjie news from India win interest than did Mrs. Woodford. Mrs. Woodford born in Calcutta, India. She y^:.g-. :L T '."••••••• *":;;r •- • *#* lived there a*d b) How Delhi, Gandhi was Idled, for her entire life until she^came with her Mind to Afl^make&rMicaas lha^na d* 4^ ^AdSilr • ects* to EUthorniMn i^piiwnPwj niv« xxwF pwvuiK| flur* and Mrs. Fred Potts, want to India during the first World -war when her father was stationed there as a kw * . * Among all the Strang* Ihings men have forgotten, the aftat universal and catastrophic lapse of memory is by which they have forgotten that that ttay are Hving on a star. , --Gilbert K- Chesterton. The Johnsburg Community club will hold its next regular meeting, Tuesday, March 2, at Nail's ballroom. Joe King, Bill Klapperich, Steve May, Bill May and Matt Lay are the members of the refreshment committee. A few weeks ago Hans Schnobble suffered an injurued knee while skating on Spring Grove Hill and had to be confined to his home for awhile It is indeed a pleasure to hear that he . is making rapid recovery. lilr. and Mrs. Edward Frett motored to Kenosha last Thursday, where they visited with the folks i of Mr. Frett. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Helen Hettermann were her daughter and son-in-law, Ollie and Jack Keenan, and their children, The Keenans reside in Elgin. ri--IM fflie rtof in automatic all-s«ason liMrting and ventilation! 'ERB's an amazing new system that combines fresh air . . ' automatic warmth... and sheer magic/ In winter--it keeps car air automatically at the desired temperature ... with a gentle blanket of warmth instead of the old-style blast of heat. It circulates warmth fore and aft, side to side. Does away with windowfogging problems. Gives you a complete change of air once a minute! " ' On rainy days--it picks dry, fresh air right out of the mist . . . keeps interiors crisp and windows clear. heat waves--It circulates a quiet flow of fresh air throughout the car . . . even when window* are dosed awf the car is standing stillt See it and you'll agree--h*s die successor to all the car heating and ventilating systems you've ever known! So drop in soon at your nearest Packard showroom. See how the new Packard Eights let you "tune in" thte best of every season! ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS OHI Quite a thriving community our Sunnyside Subdivision. They how have a mayor in the person of Ted Christensen and also an alderman, R. G. Ricks. Next time I see you, Ted, will I have to address you as "Your Honor," or wiB *Mr. Mayor" be quite all right? ^ X Recent visitors in the town of JVauketfan were Mrs. Helen Hetteri mann, Mrs. Gerry He^terman, Mrs. i William Mertes and Mrs." Albert Peeping. | Mrs. Delia K. Miller was hostess | to the Evening' club last Sunday. ; Those receiving prizes were, Mrs. j I Catherine Freund, first; Mrs.. Bill | May, second; Mrs. J?en Freund, third. I Visitors in the Jake Miller home in i Lake Geneva one day last week were ! th- Nick Millers and Joe E. Millers of Richmond, Peter F. Freund and Mrs. Steve May of this community. v ' * Aurora was' a recent visiter xt» our community. May I pass this thought on to all of you--We always pray for thofle that we love the best, but why not also pray for those that Wo love the least to keep from arrogance and to have confidence in those we think are in error, for it is always not onesided. i•• ••••>• * •-- I., me v*f1 . The town of Dalhart, Tex., is closer to the state capitals of Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas than it is to ita own state capita] at Austin, Tex. In War II the American *•» Tmk lrMNHn spice industry was declared tial" by the war manpower commission. A similar action was taken a Romana in 61 B. C., when a nOMHSS nigltt! LiVM : law was paased exempting mem- U. S. has errors in SO ---- Reams' U*Q agents to nillion tax forma. fa contrast to passenger car proauction, output of trucks is at a neiy ncord level, according to Northern Trust company. ""While slightly more than one milium units were produced In 1941," the company said, "the war was an important influence, as SI per cent of production consisted of i military vehicles. Last year military truck production fell to only < about 2,000, a negligible precentage 1 of total truck production." During 194U, 5,700,000 trucks were < registered in the United States, j about 100,000 above any previous j year, with current estimate* run-1 nine to 6,500,000 registrations for I 1M7. Because ot lack of civilian j production during the war years, I however, scrapping of trucks was i held at a minimum, averaging 150,-: 000 annually compared with • prewar rate of 400,000 units. • bars of the spice mililuy sendee. •- "W ;v:v1^;: industry from lystsss Dewey b classification of books as libraries of tne country. Tbe was originated by MeMl Doveyk founder of New York state adMBl libraries and founder and editor v the Library Journal in 1676. He pofe lished his decimal classification > relative index from 187f to ltt. ' , r Read the Want Ads Rom where I sit ... /{y Joe Marsh * Where Does Your Money do? Peb-La Aaelent Wax Nearly as old as beeswax Is Pebla, secured by the Chinese from a small white insect during the Yuan j dynasty In 1280. The annual crop amounted to 13 million pounda. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me» Henry. 8-tf i Itead the ethef^day wttif*country folks aad farmers spend more afeaey, proportionately, on their ||MS than dty dwellen do. ; Doesnt seem' hard to believe when you think it over. Take the folks in our town, for instance: They're home-lovinf people-- who'd rather spend an evening by the fire with a mellow glass of beer than go out in search of entertainment or diversion. So it's oaly aatural they pat store la to what means most to thesi and to their children: their homes.They ft' may net have too but H goes fs» abidiaf co--forts that make heoM a ai^er place te be. ^ And from where taft^that get calls for some the niceties ef home life too--like eider and pipcorn for the kids from time totted and a friendly glass of beer for. Mom and Dad... things that belong with what we mean when wot say "Hone." ' ' t- ; r ,-j h.' v'fiv : A* ,> £ " • ~-L ~ '•J-ir Copyright, 1948, United States Bremen Fo 4', ; The Five-hundred club met at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Miller last week. First prise was won by Mrs. Pete Smith, second by Mrs. Charles Michaels, and third by Mrs. LeRoy Miller. Congratulations to D«ke Lawson and Miss Josie Carver, who have just announced their engagement. RIVERSIDE MOTOR SALES Mrs. Stephen Smith was hostess to the Alex Freund family and Gene King on Saturday. The occasion a nre-hirthday celebration for Alex Freund, whose birthday - was the next day. 304 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY,ILLINOIS The friends of Anthony M. Freund will be sorry to learn that he is a patient in the St. Therese hospital l Waukegan. Father. Raymond llettermann fMbMnJOti 43% #t M0RE| ssrsasKfiwitssi^ --- ever bwtM. FORD 0 Bid JOBS Irantf MEW for'48 WsTn fecmriog tbe two brand now 145 kp. Boom . . . biggest Ford Tracks ever bath. The Series F-7 BiG JOB is rated ac 19,000 Iba. G.V.W^ 9eei«sF-S at 21,500 lbs. Test these Titans of Truckdom! Price theaa for the surprise ot your truck life! Learn about the lull line of over 139 new Ford Bonus Bmilt Trucks, with new engines, *0 Mgferf If47 Fsrd Tmk. MTI> cwmbti •» *J2?2Sg: »w 4*X noai Noassaowiai ZZSZ t "i:*" v-* "*• *-->*• m» i>+-- P*** 100 bp. Ht Mggwt Ford Trocfc <ag£|. ff**®11 CAMCITVI a 7 J h ^ • * ""- I deio«Hoa h CwofbJT 5A5°ib*-' •oxMoas aaaas LIHIM ARIAI ooonusi ill J nes, new cabs, new^feamres throughout. 1 b edAhe fe dhl h mmml er Ortatr rfn'-MMr I VMefMI * * * nwoiaaaaiiMstoaRai ihlaati LOOK BUSS MOTOR SALES MbHKNBY, ILLINOIS m- HUSBURY, CERESOTA, OOU) MBAL Earichtd FlMr 2S^S1J9 SAVS ON 4U MWOSC CNKICHSO SiMyfMd FLOUR 25^11,79 IONA LIMA SCANS O SULTANA SCO Oft IfrOZ. RM KidKty IMM TIN AUTY. STRAINSO SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 43c lb. SntSAO ON SANDWICH IS, ARMOUR'S MM MM lie MILO ANO MSLLOW COfW ElfhtO'Cltcfc s i-L«. (AGS re* SLICED BACON 69c per m S-iS. SAO RICH FULL-tODIED COfHi RtdCird* LS SKI HERRINA S I4A. SAOSOS* nOOROUS ANO WINCY COfHS MICKELBERRrS SKINLESS R&ANKS Wem. SWIFTS NEW SHOHTSNIN9 fltSIM OSUCKMIS •rick MM LASOf OftAOfA MEQ ArVSnBNA CHECSS FOOO SWEET. FLAVORFUL Graaa Giant Peas 2^39* WISCONSIN SHARf SO PURE IT FLOATS IVORY SOAP I2C ARMOUR'S MOUTH. WATERING SSRVS FOR SNACKS Pabst-ftt FRESH NATURAL Mlaco CkMM CTN. JlA-oz. SSRVS DELICIOUS PHILADELPHIA TIN CrMWi CNott 2 ^\31c MAINE lb. bag WHITE POTATOES JANS PASKSR VAMUAICSD Fidn RmM MI ...4*. SSo JAMS PARKER COmS CAMS 9M. JAMS PAT KSR FLOKM ORANGES III 10 for TEXAS 8EEDLBM aSAPKF&UIT 8m IN MEW MARVEL ENRICHD WHITE BREAD CAUFOENU DATES pkff-i 2 for 29c DO«S REALLY GO FOR IT DOG A I*"02- FOOO L CANS T^y^r- «I«W MIRACLE CLEANSBtl THE SOAP OF LOVHT WOMBI GENTLE ON NICE THINGS 1 ••ti W- 3W3V 2«25 _..,r

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