Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1948, p. 3

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M I I I I I M • I i t I I I M I I HUH "My White 4 f" <hdijit fol? JINSMNLM&^WmtSolaLUBt, have tie thai? nt now miUie. after 9 p.m. and they will served for you. ;X'K($r * mm new trip m fat, There mn two exciting flHrties for Mr. and Mn. Herbert Howorka in eslebration of their silver wedding day, which occurred on Tuesday. Feo. 17, 1M8. On that date a dinner party was held at the Rolaine Grill, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Grabig of Mr. ahd Mrs. "Chuck" James brought their little son home from Woodstock was a wesksnd % of Us enter,' Mf*." their parents, Mi. i Deckard, of WiekHee «Mr. Deckard. race from the WoodMM making a fine recovery from the major operation performed for the relief of stomach ulcers. Among STwAiL*! ^llrdh0 miSatT?rebl^reth&BoJ^ inie hospital on Saturday, arles H. James, Jr<* ts. w discharged hospital, is say he will answer to the name •lei Mr Morin of Wickline'Bay over the loss j Urber Ronn Connell of Chicago: Mr .and Mrs. ' Feb. 22^948 ^nd Mmi Mansfield of .Wonder Lake and Rev. Frank Howorka of Wonder Lake; j were he'ld on Wednesday, Fsb*26^» ^dw!!l!L*C'lP" J<>€ i. Herbert Howorka Jr. i Chicago. Mrs IDv~" • °' Woodstock. Many others offered her husband, Ttie past# service of " Kelley of Feb. 21. from this born in La< 1861 and was edueftted in Lawrence* ville State Normal School of Pennsylvania. Dr. T. B. Madsenf acting president of the Evangelical Free Church Bible Institute and Seminary of Chicago, was the much appreciated speaker Me «t Grand Coulee enougb cesaen* to Pyramids. contains Taxless Tewa Has Pa *he taxless town of Sweetwater. Fte., gave a aeries of parties to f*tae funds for a city hall it**. knthme Amn Mtariml. $• "mwt and youth center. All labor needed has beenr" ' "* mco*«o- a- Mr. and Mrs. of Wonder Lake; and LouAnn, who is stiH at home, all present to partake of the sumptuous fare in the form of a big roast pork dinner. A big wedding cake bearing an upright silver wreath around the figure ' 28" was a gift of Mrs. Grabig. On Saturday, Feb. 21, the The home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Neilsen of Wonder Center was happy one y» * entertained Mr Howorkas held 'Open House" at the , law and her sister, who recently ar- Legion Hall in MIccHHeennrry-, w-- here abou*t- ! lived from ~D enmark sixty people from Chicago came to give toeir congratulations and about Ed™- ^nt?" .Th«. * * * » ' * • buiib win na ve' gnndctuldren ana ^one cepted whose names I was unable to ^ ® *"lnsr 8erv*ce at. 7:45 P- m., nffnrf ^ when an unusual musical program' great-grandchild. ' a*-,. - will be presented by the male quartet iJo^PeteSon*o? Indian'Ridlfe wS ^ p,By musShinsS^Tments. ler a very ^ J^S^hirtv tW ve*™ P*stor wil1 b™ng a brief message, this week' when they ni™ 2f1 w' tw¥- There wil1 ®,so ** * 80cial hour fo1- Mr. Neilsen's sister-in- Ihcmt Irim lowing the service, when refreshthought that was about their AGE!) ments will be served. A most cordial invitation is extended to one aa^ all. c/;,.v;/ transmission years have types -- electrical Mrs, drive, hydraulic torque pledged by craftsmen who live ?ear. with fluid in the town of 100 population. The ! drauUc varfhble ... :m Evangeli- i «*w®Wpallty. obly regular income • mechanical cal Free church both morning and i fron# building permits, occu- | fulcrum and mass evening that day. j patkmal license fees affto in- --aa' ^ all of which The sermon topic of next Sunday 1 aptctions. j into general use within three year*., morning at 10 o'clock will be: "Why " - • ' • - •'""r'--.* last Sunday morning, the pastor filling the pulpit in the 'Em Our dce epest si_y mpathy to Mrs. t * v.„ Henrietta Schau, Henry Schau Jr., thirty-five from this area dropped in. | inlc -jylJ noti^ of^ the bake ule Mra Verm Henthorne and to Cora Many of those calling were members . wficf is to be iwreJto ^h« Jean Henthorne on their recent loss, of the Order of &*tern SUr of ' J I V^rv Sv of SS Henry Schau, 59, died at the Victory which Mrs. Howorka is this "»«•' -- - - Kosiiy Society of the > Mamnrj.j Wmt*) nn Sntnninr an<i Conductress. A buffet supper of ham and turkey & °I-ii ' Memorial hospital on Saturday and it will De i jjjs funeraj was held on Tuesday from the Peter ML. Justen funeral ahd Mrs. Pauf Gerasch, both of McHenry. Altar and year | Christ the King church. held on March IS--not last week. For those who may have found a ! u»H«n™ little confusion in my column last! Rweek, please forgive me. While I i I , .. . was writing it, I was notified by i Schaus built their cottage in Burial was in They All Can ftatecmMr; , ft is not only the elephant that remembers. The power of memory is present in all branches of the animal kingdoyn, even in the ttoy one-celled protozoa. "SPEEDY* for My Surgmott" 41,516 persons are being rushed to hospitals today. This year 1 odt of 9 persons in the U.S. trill be hospitalized. That means 1 person out of your family or your neighbor's is due to become * hospital case within the next year. And 60% of those cases will require surgery. More than " 25,000,000 smart persons have already taken out some form of hospital plan. ' No Rate Raises Rate you start with is one you keep. No raises or assessments on any policy. Even if you start at the 75c children's rate, it does not increase when you become an adult, as long as you stay on your original policy. You are tfOl entitled to your 100 days a fear, Surgical Fees, Operating Boom, Anesthetic and other **e xt-r as• •• | r - We Pay tar Attpltii,^ Yaw Dictar ar YOU! > ' It's "your money" and subject to your orders. You just tell us where to send your check. COMPARE! See how nearly 70 years' experience serving almost 1,000,000 persons enables Bankers to offer «uch liberal benefits as these: _ $ Pays hospital room fnd • meals up to $8 per day, up j to 100 hospital days ppc year, per poreon."' . $ Pays Surgeon's Foos from $5.00 to IISOJOO lor operations in home, hospital or doctor's office. $ Pays <or x -Kays, medicines, treatments (as spod- 7^ ~~ lied) given in hospital, even though not bod ^ » Toni Pei^nanent Wave Kits, $1.25' plTone"that"*my*husband'^ha^^' been In! Indian Ridge several years ago and and^$2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf | Mrs. Anthony Grosto of Bimker i an accident in which his car had been * *t first, T»s a summer place. Hill- entertained a group of friends completely demolished. I completed' Flve y«"f tht<y to, on Friday in honor of her sister-in- ; the column while waiting for them Wonder Lake permanently. ; law, Mrs- Joseph Kucera, of Maple: to bring him home. He was only, The Henthorne* settled in the same Drive. ThoSe attending brought many j bruised, and was able to return to ' neighborhood so that Mrs. Henthorne , lovely itwns in pink snd blue (mostly work on Monday of this week, but could be near her folks and Cora blue) for Mrs. Kucera to put in a while I was writing that news last^Jean was entered in the Harrison little chest for the arrival expected week--I didn't know. Tschool. i a t ° _ M_ I * ~ -- Mr. Schau left a job for thirty Mini? Wilhjjrfr '> Fred chl«e o{ Indi«» and' three years tenure with the Sawyer Mri I Jeai^IWn' of the Ed^*1 Laboratories Biscuit Co. in Chicago when he came Mr, Frn. ^ Ringwood, left on Monday for to the lake; after that he worked in rustafaon Mra Carrie Rhode Mm International Falls, Minn., where he the neighborhood and many local .S11 take on his new duties with a residents will remember him from Sntirl- Howork» and Loaanne , chemical firm there. His wife and the Lake View Intt and the Mill Inn. [_ | son will follow him as soon as c, n. j suitable living quarters are secured. • McHenry firemen were called to the Sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Glen | I Wonder Lake View Farm early Mon- A card this week comes from Glen- day to put out a roof and chimney dale, Arizona and is signed by Millie fire which had, apparently, been rr.. r<i„k j and A1 Horn, who are still on that caused by a defective flue. Local ^ ,on«f. trip for their much-needed va- residents, had the fire under control ISSrt." Feh 2^" starling «t 8 '»«»"• ^ " "• "•"»>« the irem.n arrived. . ,. ^ p.m. It will be free. Mrs. Charlotte M»yer, chairman for the party, and vice-president of the club, says that ldks are to come in "Hard Times" clothes, and that a fine will be levied against those who come "dressedj up." There will also be small fines for those who wear iriakeup and nail-polish. There will be games, entertainment, dancing and good food. Everyone is invited. Any funds realized.from the sale of food, the fines, etc. will be used for the benefit of the school. Donations have been made by those who do not have children in the school and they are to be hosts and hostesses for this particular party. 8b* T. P. cb the Lake Short for yo0 Ileal Estate and Insurance •; V^j- . *•15 4 >*' T. P. MATHEWS ESTATE AMD INSURAHOE BRO Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, III, P. O. Bingwood u ^ Phone Wonder Lake 306 ms§ W „' * } Hawthcrne over, the loss of their twoweek- old daughter on Feb. 23. 1 NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE tOUP BPMHT LI6HT5 ARE Lome, apentt VOU tDUtL BUND THAT FELLOW COMIN6 KKRMuart VKHtTCMMt BBRMR M» UCHT8, WU< •ut Hem ma t idiokw THW auvt> -IURN P<S5-Smam^ FRONT STREET ROUTE Si PHONE 108-R $ Pick any Surgeon and any Hospital. Also: "Wa^e Insurance" You can have, for a few cents more per day, up to $200.00 per month ... if you're laid up by accident or sickness, at home or anywhere. Detak Mail this coupes to us now-- paate it on a postcard or put | WM« CtOM imvelope. Lb J **- s't let" anrdaygoby. MAIL THIS COUPON WHITE CROSS PLAN Dept. MCHl 226 Bankers Life A Casualty Co. Bankers Insurance BU(. Chicago SO, IlluMHs. Send me all information about soaazmg new WHITE CROSS Plan. This does not obligate me. .Happy Birthday to small Carol Watkins, who rounded out her first year of existence on Feb. 23, 1948. Carol is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins and the granddaughter of the late Dr. Carl Watkins, who initials she bears. The presentation of "Papa Is All" by the Woodstock Players at Che opera house in Woodstock was so well received in Wonder Lake that the players have set aside another "Wonder Lake Night," which is to be March 7, and the play to be given is "Charley's Aunt." The tickets for Wonder Lakers were all sold out before all who TILED WALLS J.IKE THESE Can Be Yours! BATH IT'S ARMSTRONG'S VEOS WALL TILE Genuine Porcelain an Steel See the beautiful colors at our showroom. Free estimates. No obligation. of.... i m«&m?• McHENRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY A: NEW BASE OF OPERATIONS W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS , FEBRUARY Open House from I2:00.Noon to 10:00 P. M. . . . . . - f c > V ' . . , V v ' . *• > • " -V •TWO BIG STAGE SHOWS" . Starting at 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. . - . - r f Music <- Entertainment Radio Stars from W.l .S. ... v ' • FRED KLING | INVOTD S-" ; VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. |j Phone 490, Crystal Lake, 111. j= • w 'Vi ; - 7 - - - - - m -• V- r p 'k:r±; s. .. . ~ . • i.-.r.. • -

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