Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1948, p. 7

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SIXTY -YEARS AGO datN afttfca on Flfllr T1AK8 AGO the ae- A ateirh load of ssembenjrf ML E. Chureh, «f this viHtp, corapanied tar the paster, mat out to the iMmqi of D. B. Mor, southwest of this riBafe, on Amday afternoon, and Md an afternoon prayer meeting. « A. Wegenner informs as that he win at town a farm and is occupying the same, will this spring accompany the ^ Chicago White Sue on their spring training trp. The sleighing last week was the best we hat* seen in fears, bat walking (on oar sidewalks) is made rather dangerous through a coating of most sltpper]r>ice. We take the road now. have MeHenry, open »_ bs™*** ^ I Will Noonan and family, who haw rf SuJfel's new upek, West, been making their home in Chatta «fy, next week. jnooga, Tenn., for the past severs Jaa. B. Perry, Esq., is attending fte .Grand srmy meeting at Spring- Hany depot? sheriff and jdar the past year, is home for a short time^recniitiag his health. , Hit E. A. Howard had the misfortune to fall down stairs one day recently, injurng herself quite severly, bat no bones, we believe were the On. Tuesday ot lart wosk, when the ; months, are now occupying the old onn was ragtag the Setcest, H. E. Noonan* homestead near Ringwood. £3 Wightman, ET J, Hanley and Geo. Myers turned oat their to the school boose, m after trip antil teacher was safely1 at About seventy-five attended the Eachre party at Peter Doherty*s on Tuesday evening. A very pleasant time is * ; FORTY YftARS Alft> It J. Hanley will some time la COMPLETE REPAIK SHOP Btwtadiiif ft Rebuilding BadMcaiog MeHenry Electric Motor Service BRUCE W. KLONI? 102 w. WAUKEGAH KD. tHOMX 181 Saturday Afternoon Skating • V ' jr ' l&SfkV'. - t ' Session - 2 -to 4:30 p. m. , - For the Ghildren Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun RpUer Rink ' * MeHenry, HI. ..-.-I^^ENRY FREUNO / OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West MeHenry Steff&n's Jewelry Store fClo&d Thursday Afternoons) '""Z'2 i. • - «/es Ezsmined -- Glsssss Fitted • r * flooal Training -- Visual BehaMHUti«*~~* '*",T Complete Yisaal Aaalysia Dally: • to IS and 1 to S--Satarday Bvaalnga: i to Oil pja. PHONE McHENEY 4SS TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO John P. Weber, local contractor and builder, has completed the blue mints for the proposed new bank building to be erected by the Spring Grove State bank in the village this summer. Mrs. Harry VanGils and daughter, Wilma, left Sunday morning for Joliet, where they joined Mr. Van- Gil* and in which city they expect to make their future home. Best Elgin creamery butter, S& cents; crackers, 4% lb. boxes, 14 RINGWELIJ .FARM ' A U C T I O N CHASt LEONARD A ED VOGEL, Avtkmrari cent lb.: jbttoon sqaacos, 15 cents. Cash A Carry Store, Waal MccHenry. -L. P. Bostwfck arrived la MeHenry from Florida the first of the week to look after interests concerning the Pearl Fisheries here. A U C T I O N CHA& LEONARD ft ED. VOGEL, Auctioneers Having decided to qait farming the undersigned will sell on Ma farm lo- ~ated five miles east of MeHenry, two miles north of Volo and Four miles West of Round Lake, on the Sullivan Lake road, on > TUESDAY, MARCH tad v at 11:80 A. M. t the following described property:, 44 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of One pare bred Hmsteia bull, 1 yr. eld; 18 head of milk cows, Holsteins, all T. B. aad Mood tested; 2 chwe springer*; 6 heifers, bred; 10 heifers; 2 marts. 10 aad 11 years,oW. with set of good harness; 1 Chester White boar; 4 brood sows; M White Leghorn layiag hens. FEED--One stack, 650 bales, 22 tons of hay; 13 tons second cuttng alfalfa; 36 tons mixed hay; 320 bu. j oats; 600 <bu. corn; 16 ft. of silage in '12 ft. silo. MACHINERY -- Farmall H tractor j and cultivator; David Bradley manure 1 .. The undentaMd hSS? * ! Case 2-bot. tractor, plow; McD. trac^ ^ At !tor di8°; cultipacker; McD. corn! w ^ isheller; sate seeder; Wheel bar- Wonder I^ke btetop road on j row; McConnick p. tractor hay FRIDAY, MARCH 5 j mower; MccCormick side delivery commencing at 11:3,0 o'clock the • durpp rake; McCormick D. milking; machine, 2 single units; electric hot the tures IB ***** Imw-- a. according to clopaedia Rrltannlca. By its and quickneas of eye, bowv mongooee avoids the fangs snake while fixing its qwa the hack of the reptile's Heavy Egg Eaton Americans ate an average at eggs per person last year* A U C T I O N VOGEL * BOB SIETZ, Aact. following described propesty: 97 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 55 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS--1Q of these cows have freshened in the lsst two months, 4 close springers, balance milking good; 7 Holstein heifers, 20 months old; 4 heifers, 15 months old; 9 heifers, ranging in age from 6 to 11 months. This is an outstanding dairy herd, the majority are large cows and are all in good flesh. All calfhood vaccinated. 11 Hampshire hogs, 7 late fall pigs, 4 sows bred to farrow in April. 150 Leghorn and White Rock chickens. v FRED--200 bu. Clinton oata; 1100 bu. Vicland oats; 950 bu. corn in crib; 300 bales mixed hay; ZS feet of silage in 14-foot silo. MACHINERY--Case C. C. tractor on rubber with cultivator; grain seeder; McD. 14-in._ silo filler; John Deere side delivery rake; U. S. grain blower, new; John Deere 10-ft. single disc; 20 Star Line drinking cups with 1-in. pipe line; 400-gal. pressure or gravity supply tank; 150 feet %-in. pipe. These cups and pipes are 1 yr. old; 1 new Jamesway 10 hole hog feeder; 2 chicken feeders; 16 8-gal. milk cans; strainer, nails, wash, and rinse tanks; Dairy Maid electric water heater; McD. 14-ft. single disc. Terma. All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months st 6 per cent will bo extended on notes approved by the .clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements water heater; milk cans; McCormick Deering bundle loader; horse drawn : cultivator; grain box; 25 grain bags; ; grind stone with pedals; two 50-gal. barrels; *A h.p. electric motor; seed i com dryer; sterilizing tank; 50-ft. j drive .belt; block and tackle; hay 1 fork; iron wheel wagon; cook stove; 4 chairs; McCormick D. corn binder; Universal double unit and extra pail; rubber tired wagon and rack; trailer; i 3-section drag. j Not Responsible For Accidents. j TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. . Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangement before purchase is made. No property to be removed antil settled for. JACOB P. DIEDRICH MeHenry State Hank. Clerking FRENK BROTHERS AUCTION William H. Raeael and William D. Sullivan, Auctioneers "••'ft \ • v>f;- &,\v " wv •?yA ADMIRAL CORPORATION IS NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION !: our new Being unable to get a farm, it is necessary for the undersigned to sell their personal property at public auction on the farm formerly known i ~i_ --.j. xr« th.e Dacy Farm> ^ mile west of before purchase "^*"^'^"0 property tj,e intersection of 176 and 47, 6 ^ . remeved until settled for %itn , mil6s south of Woodstock and H mile r nnrn, r « east taking the Dean Street blacktop smevR a annMrrvT road- 6 miles north of Huntley, on 8TBVJ* * ^5?TLh-# I « FRIDAY, FEB, 27 tUfllil j Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp, following described property, to* * wit: S3 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 28 Head of Dairy Cows 28 16 of which are fresh sipce Do* cember 15th, 4 close springers and the balance being fall cows. 1 pure bred Holstein bull, $ years old, with papers. Dairy recently Bangs tested. 4 go03 work horses, 2 sets of harness. Hay, Grain and Machinery 1,000 bales mixed alfalfa and timothy hay, 200 bales 2nd cutting alfalfa, 10 tons loose mixed hay, 10 ft. silo feed in 15-ft. silo, 1,000 bu. good hard ear corn, 600 bu. Boone oats. 1HC Model W^30 tractor on rubber, good condition. Model A JD 1941 tractor and cult, with power lift, also steel wheels, Model B JD tractor and cultivator 1941, Model D JD on steel, JD 16-in. 2-bot. plow, new JD 4-bar tractor side rake. New IHC wide wheel hay loader, 8-ft. IHC grain binder in good condition, Oliver 2-row corn picker oh rubber, new 4-roIl Rosenthal husker, less than 1 year old, JD 999 corn planter with fert. attach, and tongue trucks, inclosed clutch, like new; JD No. 4, 6-ft. horse mower, M-14 Case silo filler, 45 ft. nipe, IHC corn binder with bundle carrier and tongue trucks, only 4 years old, new Colby wagon on rubber, Timken bearing; Lindsay wagon on rubber, Timken bearing. U. S. 30-ft. grain elevator with 2V4 h. p. engine, JD sleeve bearing wagon JD flare 'box, JD double box, 2 good racks, Little Giant lime and fertiliser spreader, IHC steel box manure spreader on rubber, Stover 10-in. hammermill, 75 ft. rubber hammermill belt, Lantz grapple fork, new Kewanee 4-sec. drag with folding drawbar, JD 4-sec. rotary hoe, new last ! rear; IHC power binder with bundle oader and wagon hitch, just 1 yr. old. Oliver 7-ft. field cultivator. 8 ft. IHC power angle tandem disc, JD 12-ft. single tractor disc, 2 JD single row cultivators, 3-sec. wood drag, 7-ft. grain drill, 10-ft. cultipacker, oil burner tank heater, JD power corn sheller with cab stacker and shell corn elevator, De Laval magnetic milker No. 40 pump 1 h. b. motor, pipe line for 32 cows, 3 single unts; new No. 51 Stewart clippers, electric hot water heater, 2 wash tanks, 19 milk cans. As this is a large sale, with a full line of good practically new machinery, it wll be necessary to start promptly at 11 o'clock. All machinery and feed will be sold in the forenoon. Anyone desiring to inspect the machinery equipment and dairy cows, are welcome to do so. There will be a lunch wagon on the grounds. TERMS; All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. FRENK BROTHERS Owners . First National Bank of Woodstock, Oerkiafr 507 ELM ST, McHENRY ^Formerly K&iser-Fr&sier Ageney Bldg.) Light, Clean, Interesting . O" *• y- WHY TRAVEL FARTHER, when yon can secure employment at or iuttr v. • »- Take pridtf In ytf&r job! Join the vast throngi who build America's Finest Radio Sets! , . Experience Not Necessary 9'a: m. to 4 p. Stop In and See Our Employe» Counselor Employment office will be open each day The undersigned will sell at his farm located 2% miles southeast of MeHenry, on the East River blacktop road, on FRIDAY. MARCH 12 Commencing at 11 o'clock sharp, the following described property: 5S HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 50 bead of registered Ayrshire dsiry cattle, close springers aad new milkers; S registered Ayrshire butts. COMPLETE UNE OF PRACTICALLY NEW MACHINERY--T-20 International caterpillar tractor; Gehl field chopper with corn and hay attachments, (new); Gehl* silage and hay Mower with pipes, (new); 2-rubbertired flare box silage and hay wagons with unloading aprons; electric power unloading unit for silage wagons; McD. tractor spreader on rubber; Challenge grain and corn elevator, (new); Case 3-bottom tractor plow; Stover hammermill; International 2- bottom tractor plow; 4-section steel drag; John Deere tractor 10-ft. field harrow, (new); John Deere corn planter fertilizer and bean attachment; McD. 8-ft. tractor disc; 3-sec. 20 ft. cultipacker, (new); McD. 4-ft. combine with pickup, (like new); Minneapolis Moline 12-ft. grain drill with fertilizer, (like new); John Deere side delivery rake (new); 4 single unit Right Way milking machine and pump, (new); 2 electric hot water heaters; 2 silage carts. FEED--25-ft. of silage in 12-ft. silo. 500 Austria White laying hens. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. THOS. THONNESON MeHenry State Bank, Clerking Njoj m are loat la edi»ea£t of high aehool baa an but 72 have hicatioa before jrean of ooDege are completed. •a «£ MM May See Mt* Ulsscoglc apectacles are dafteaa wMch enabk the near-blind to achieve » degree of visaal acuity WUcft aO penult (hem to have vision. As Km name --, art baaed on the pftoctola of MM talsacops lens system. Mkreaeeplc cystoma are used la spectacles where high magnification la aaadad tor near point work. Moat ValaaMe Fanas 91M large farms to the U. S., meas ured by value of production, are concentrated in the Corn Belt. 1 The Plaindeaier. Simsaiila The archHactt«ral minaret, the tower to a Mohammedan been traced back to the at 'Alexandria. Plywood ier ! Ths mummy cases of * the Egyptian kings were aa i plywood. First commercial ' fir plywood, now an oB^NSrpaaa^ - v building material, was in 188S wtMM ; door panels were made in the ed States. $ About one sta. j hundred million square feet af j wood will be manufactured tMe?" '• 'year. Manufacture of plywood jig. believed to have started about IMp,*'. to Russia and some other comtefsa.' • --m Need Rubber Stamps? -Oidsr McHeBry Sand anA Gravel Co. * • •. : T" •• Bzcasrating and Orane Service Dirt -- $knd and Ontvel . Gradinf -O i'-: CALL McHENEY 97-J mm FINE HUNGARIAN COOKING NAGTS RESTAURANT 1 1 n n t i l 8 p . m . duly, including Saturdays - 0L08ED THURSDAYS ruM LUNCH 65c--Served from 11 a.m. to 2 pjn. Complete Dinners $150 up. 4 AlSOx BARBECUED RIBS--STEAKS-CHOPS GfflCKEN-IN-THE-BASKET -- SEAFOODS Homemade pies made fresh daily. - - Located at - ~i 1S»K &IVXRSIDE DRIVE. McHENET **?••• • 3 ^ * ' ' |V;; j NOTICE To the Voters of MeHenry County •, o,";;,;-, ---- / f Only properly registered electors may vote in the Primary Election to be held April 13, 1948, as provided by the Permanent Registration of Electors Law of Illinois. The provision allowing a non-registered voter to "be registered^on the day of election IS NO LONGER IN FORCE AND EFFECT. V ' VOTERS who will be TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGB oft or before Prrajary Dav, April 13th, 1948, MUST REOISTEIR FOR VOTING on or before March 15th,^ 1948. REGISTERED VOTERS who have CHANGED THEIR NAME BY MARRIAGE or otherwise at least 28 days before election, mus]t register anew on or before March 15th, 1948. ^ REGISTERED VOTERS who have MOVED FROM ONE PRECINCT TO ANOTHER within the County since last registering MUST APPEAR before the County Clerk or the proper registration officer and sign an application for change of residence, stating the old and new address, on or before March 15th, 1948. VOTERS who are REGISTERED IN ANOTHER COUNTY and are now residents of MeHenry County MUST RESISTER in MeHenry County on or before March 15th, 1948. t * - ,-s ; ' " ^ ' Properly Registered Voters Do Not Have To Re-register J To qualify for registration you must be a citizen of the United Stales, of the age of 21 or over on the date of the next Primary election, April 13th, 1948, and on the date of said Primary election you must have a residence of one year in the State of Illinois, 90 days in MeHenry County and 30 days in the precinct^ or district in wfaich you live. The County Clerk's office at Woodstock is open from 8:00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m. except Saturdays and on Saturdays is open from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, and any elector can register at said office up to and including March 15th, 1948. For your convenience, any one of the following Special Deputy County Clerks and Deputy Registration Officers will register you or take care of your registration in the community in which you live up to and including March 15th, 1948, to-wit: OLLIE B. NELSON, Riley # MRS. HAROLD HYDE, N. State St., Marengo MRS. ANNA E. PHILLIPS, Dvnham MRS. LEONA B. WISE, 203% S. Ayer St., Harvard ^ ELVIN R. GAST, Alden MRS. MAMTK TORNOW, Har^land' P. W. ANDREWS, Seneca J. L. BASELET, Union MRS. MARGARET E. DWYER* ^ Huntley HAROLD S. THAYER. Hekrip ALICE M. BELL, Richmond | CHARLES J. FREUND, Spi^ng OroTe ALBERT KRAUSE, MeHenry JOHN J. VIOLA, Wonder Lake WALTER REED, Ridgefield ZERN W. LUSTED. Algonquin FRANK H. NAGEL, Fox River Grove KEVIN L. LEGROS, Fox River Grove FOTL.MENTCH.Oary f HARRY 0. SHALES, Crystal LaM| Only MeHenry County electors who are properly r^gjptered in the precinct of then* reaidenoe will be abU^o vote lwl^pril X'&h* Please take care of your voting registration so that vt>u will be able to vote 'Ifer lie. candidates of your choice at the said Primary election. f - ;v. 4 • ft- t ^ -r * "" ^ -^ 1^ * "*) "*i ,,.s# • -r J! - -« J- ; . fri- RAYMOND D. W< tty Clerk, MeHenry County, ML . •> . f. » .* jS£* ..^sS? *••• ,v ...

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