Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1948, p. 4

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•»v« •for-P i^Viivny Ttaniil at Mc- L, fry A. Howard M Editor-- Adele Froehlich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, HI., under the act of May 8, 1879. Year r NATIONAL €DITORIAL_ *"*-- x1' 'SSOCIATJON Krrhn and in abendufli at the ... party held in Aeacia hall last day afternoon, sponsored bs tha 0 E. & High awards were merited by Nellie Shorn, Lillian Co*: and tmma Pyrita. The commit ice in chargo ?•>.• the . «?»:•< v include a Elsie Reikev, Eldred .......$2.50 j Vv^ttles, E'l-mhcth Bohr., Elizabeth i Brand, Milc'ud Hovurka an ? Mildred ! rinitlle. Thvj i ommittee ably 'asr-iMed by Lydia McNeil and Olga £chi-ubert. Last Sunday the local Louise Miller, Jade Lombardo, Mrs. A. J. Rauen and MQfhter, Barbara, and Mr, and Mrs. Oliver 8tratton and son, RusseH/the latter Postpone Birthday \ : ' 4 Anniversary Party , Because of Tuesday's snow storm, the birthday anniversary party of Riverview Camp, R. N. A.s was post- . . i poned from iast Tuesday evening to chapter | March 16 at 6:30 o'clock in the K. of ?cted as hostess to line officers and ! £ j,ajj This will visitors from throughout McHenry j s ' t)€r ' cuuntv at a pot-luck dinner and social i ' » « * - afternoon in A<-acia Hall. ' « . A Club Members Invited 4 ™~7 ^ To Spring Meeting be a pot-luck h' ' (Circle 1 To , t-Have Luncheon---A 1, Circle 1 of the1 W ^ .. co-hostesS. 4fos Hittle To Talk On "Cancer Control" The next meeting of .the Mothers | « Club •will be held in the Legion Hall Pxssfield-Smith on Friday afternoon. March 12, when Betrothal Told Members of the McHenry County Business and Professional Women's iiv win meet on jnarcn ii ai wie name w j ? ' A r t h n r^ ^ o f M r . . G e o r g . G l o , . T h . l u t m e e t - r«j- Hita-. .JL », wilf * on ^ rwS.o^LM'e *Cahcer Control. »• • , engagement of their daughter. Vir- * « * ' ; _s* , jginia Mae, to Robert G. Smith, son Gntertam At • "" * " Tea On Sunday," , Mrs. C. W. &ood«ili; MisS isaieliJ Jones and Warren Jones were guests Couple Unserve at a tea held at the home of Mrs. Anniversary _ _ Winifred Adkins in Elgin last Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behrens of day afternoon. Among others present I Hebron, parents of Mrs. H. Lockto enjoy a pleasant afternoon were ^'Ood of McHenry, observed their Mrs. Caroline Christensen, conducter sixtieth wedding anniversary by holdof the Baptist choir, and Mrs. Grace "n? a recention in the Hebron Legion Wilson, president of the Elgin Mu-1 **11 on Tuesday evening, March 2. sfcians' club. Mr. Jones, tenor, ^he couple was married in Sharon, offered several selections during the Wis., sixty years ago. afternoon and on Sunday evening was > * * " ^ I soloist at the Ringwood Community F^tertaineid On Club's meeting. ~~" S. d 8. wit* ^ieet at the home of Mrs. J. Gonseth On Tuesday, March 9, the dessert \3cloocSk.r SMSrsW. J.V GSalSlaSghSe?r will be of the Congress hotel, Chicago. Miss Olive H. Huston, executive secretary of the national federation, wiil toe the speaker. • «• - • 1 > " ! O. E. S. Eajoya: Three Parties <Follcwing the regular O. E. 18th Birthday j. Miss Kathryn Jackson of Johns- Iburg entertained thirty guests from i Chicago, Woodstock, Wonder Lake, MR. AND MRS. LEE RITT Before her marriage to Lee mcHenry and Johnsburg on the occanieeting on FeT 24? a"teorge Wash- r«.on of hef eighteenth birthday aniHgton party was held, with appro- mv?r.sary wee^- Cards and a priate games enjoyed and refresh- evening were enjoyed, after J nwnts served. The committee in whlch a tasty lunch was served and the guest of honor presented with j many lovely gifts. Those in attend- , Kitt of Algonquin on Saturday, Feb. ! wl? WCrS »T\&nA i21- this charming bride was Miss ; Mrs. Ernest DiSilvestro and Richard | Dolores Betts of Ringwood. The :Dehn of Chicago, Mr. and jMrs. COuple was married in the Richmond i George Frett and son, Richard, of j Evangelical Lutheran church. , Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. George ' | Jackson of Wonder Lake. CkaHM Tht Community Club held * its regular meeting at St. Peter's Parish Hall on Monday night. Cards were played after the meeting and refreshments were served. Guests in the Jake Milter home on Monday were Mr. and) MJES. Peter Smith, Mrs. Tena Lay, Mifs. Steven Smith, Mrs. Mayme King, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and Ben Tonyan. The Jake Miller family visited the "Sonny" Smiths in New Munster on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt have returned to their home, having spent the past month in Florida. Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry and club are invited to attend the spring ' JJrs- Math Freund were visitors in meeting of District , 1 of the Illinois I home of Mrs. Nick Freund on Federation on Sunday. afternoon, I Thursday. ^ -- Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Steve Schaefer in Fox Lake Thursday afternoon. At one o'clock a delicious chicken dinner was served, which was followed by cards. Prise winners were Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Charles Freund. Mrs. Al Schmeltzer and Mrs. L. L. Kagen. The .next meeting will be held at Mrs. Arthur Klein's home A group of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Frank May on Thursday afternoon in honor of her birthday. . Cards furnished the entertainment And prizes were awarded those achieving high schores. A lovely lunch was served. Guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. iFord on Tuesday night were Abe Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Chakles Freund and Mrs. Shirley Dawson. Mrs. George W. May', son Jimmy and Mrs. Fred May, daughter Janet were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward May in McHenry on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Mr. and Mrs. iBob Lent, daughter Linda, Lltwrence Nimsgern, Miss Edith Stewart and AHhur Nimsgern spent Sunday with Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son Bobby in Sharon. The occasion was the celebrating of Bobby's fifth, birthday. Pinochle Ctah . ; - ' ; To Meet March 11 , The East River Road Pinochle club will March 11 at the home ing of the group was at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye, with prizes merited by Mrs. Glos, Mrs. Amy Hendricks, Mrs. Thonnfeson and Miss Rose Huemann. BfclDAL OOUPL* YOU'LL LIKF i , T h * TH0DI$T CHURCH NOTES m »hu lh» beyoail city pi anas, Dtigmad a ROPfX -- "America's Finest Gas laagt" will prove the ideal rwhimrion far fom cook-. it tumaumi See aaao. day aboot wptrior Drifts aad Dri-gas service. It's ALTHOFFS HDWL 5C1 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 2t4 Former Reeident Married Last Month * Miss Alvera Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hunter of' Last Thursday evening, a large I Hartland township, and Ray Wingate,! number of f riends and members of son of Mr. and Mrs. Burny Wingate the church met under the direction | of Woodstock, exchanged nuptial; of Dr. W. E. Bradburn and discussed ' vows at the Congregational church at i ®n<^ approved a campaign to raise iCrystal Lake on Feb. 21. ' funds to remodel the parsonage. This The bride wore an aqua-colored \ campaign was placed under the street length dress with black acces- j direction of the trustees, and will be sories. launched in the near future. An op- • The couple's only attendants were j portunity will be extended to all to i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hanson of i ?nd support th.s enterprise Ridge field During the month of 'February, two The former Miss Hunter graduated i "Ul® w®re °"T, from the McHenry high school with' Cradle Roll department, Miss Sherry the c!a5« of lttl, while Mr. Wingate I ^T,n H'nes- V- d®usrhte/ °{ Mrs; completed hie education at the w®va r^r®® ®"d Crystal Lake hiph school with the Mlss **'zabfh Elaine Coates age six months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r°Ple Edward Coates of Richmond Rd. have renamed from a short honey- Mr and Mrs LaVerne Drake and ^ transferred their membership hem* ^ tbe pa«sits to the p-iret Baptist church of Wateras WocKiEUtcit. Mr. Wing-ate is em- ^ jowa at tbe PeJersoE garage in Membership Sunday, Feb. 22, the Lrr*t*i LMe. 9 m itfcllowing persons were received into iroembership: Mrs. Frank Rourke, 'e .* 4 J Mr. r nJ 'Irs. Vale Adams, Mrs. AMiTfmrwi Herman Lacy. Miss Florence Lacy In WMr af lie turtidar anmvers- ^ H_ Ec*»r Lacy. We welcome arm or. Marcs 2 at Mrs. Joseph t}lem Recrer and ber nephew, Lany James Seyt Sorulay. March 7, the Junior <Jeier. rtj*tiTes fitiiiiJ m the Reg- ch0jr win fumish the special music ner hoiie last today to enjoy a tmj the pastor's sermon will be en-" sonai stteadance tiUed< «Asking For It." ' were Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mrs. Tena Invite «nd "fetch" your friends to , Lav. Mrs. Mamie King and son, ru,w>, I Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Smith , f and daughters. Marilyn and Phyllis,1 iffaia M*-- end Mrs. Herman Kreutzer, Mrs. ' v*"*® Florence Geier and son. Larry, all of, this vicinity; Mr. and Mrs. Alex j Friend and daughter, Nancy, of Chi- Icago and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick NEEDY CHILDREN AIDED BY AUXILIARY i WITH STUDENT LOANS of Woodstock. i On Tuesday, which was the real Madame Jeanne Decourcy BORN AND EDUCATED IN PARIS . Senior French tntdr at Northhampton College, in England,; recently arrived from Europe and now re,- siding oh Lake Shore Drive/ Hickory Falls, "Wonder Lake, is now accepting pupils for French conversation Write' c/o Mrs. Martell, Route 1, Ringwood, m. In order that the educational pursuits of the needy children of veterans, of World War I and II may be con* tinued, the American Legion Auxiliary offers scholarships and financial assistance in the form of student loans, as well as information in obtaining such aid and appointments, j according to Mrs. Robert Krinn, president of the McHenry unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. Information concerning the granting of the various scholarships is available from Miss Gertrude Weber, local Auxiliary chairman of the Education of Orphans of Veterans' • Mr. and Mrs. William Marum of Edison Park visited her mother, Mra. Gertrude Juaten, on Sunday. The L. D. Mitchell family of Wattkegan spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mr. and Mrst William*' Martin of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. •Ben Bonslett of Chicago was a recent caller in the home of his sister, Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Frank Johnson of Oak Park spent the weekend with his parents,/ the George Johnsons. Sunday dinner guests in the home of the William Staines were the Elmer Smallfelts and Ann Witt of Kenosha, Wis., the Leslie Bungard family and Mrs. May Bungard of Elmhurt. These same visitors were supper and evening guests in the home of Mrs. Wesley Guffey. Mrs. Joe May and daughters, Joann and Lois, and Mrs. Wesley Guffey attended the Sports Show at Navy Pier on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNeil attended the silver wedding anniversary celebration of friends at Park Ridge last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton of Maywood visited in the E. R. Sutton home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ten Olhava of Chicago spent the weekend in their home on Center street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen and son, Norton, of Winnetka visited McHenry relatives last Sunday. , Mrs. Catherine Boger visited relatives in Chicago last weekend. Marilyn and Patsy Owen were Chicago callerte last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyk and family and Bill Herdrich of Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. Cora Herdrich. • Mrs. Henry Albert of Chicago spent the weekend with McHenry friends. Tm.Oww fAlvV WOWdf-i if-;: TO THE BANK f;,~; Out ot evexy dollar you earn papyourself something first. 2- Set thii amount asule in a tiuii V ctecount vrith us. ; , 3. live on the There's no better antidote lor •>l Mrs. William Johns and daughters, Carol and Cathy, and Mrs. Harry Fredricksen and son, Larry, of Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattnerjand Mrs. David Haverkamp of,Dunvisited in the^ Steve Schaefer home in Fox Lake on Sunday. TWICE TOLD TALES Items of Interest Takes Froi the Ftlee ef the Plsindealer •f Teara Ago TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Robert Weber has been promoted to assistant cashier at the FoX River Valley State Bank. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith moved into their home on Court, street from their farm at Emerald Park this week. With the season of much water and mud at hand, McHenry may once j - Cl,„ more take great pride in her side- I hotel on Sundaywalks. They are probably the poorest in the county. Arthur Bickler and family, who have been occupying the Chris Blake house on the corner of Pearl and Green streets, shipped their household goods to Chicago where they will make their future home. i dee visited McHenry relatives on j Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kalin of Aurora ' were recent visitors in the home of 1 the Nick B. Freunds. Mrs. Kalin ! attended funeral services for William i Hay on Wednesday morning. j Mrs. Myrtle Temple of Elgin, Mrs. I Bert Hawley and Mrs. Galvin of Harvard were among those from out I of town to attend funeral services : for Mrs. T. L. Kimball on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were McHenry callers on Thursday. Mrs. Tillie Jerak of Chicago attended the < William Hay funeral on Wednesday. Mrs. Herb Reihansperger and daughter, Lynn, are spending a few weeks with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Reinfried, in Madison, Wis!, while her husband is in the East. Ann Kaiser of the Debutante Beauty Salon attended the Mid-west Beauty Trade Show at' the Sherman I McHENRY STATE BANK S1 • Member Federal Reserve System 4 * gi Member Federal Depoett Innraue Corporation WiHxniM'fteoflinFR^ FORTY YEARS AGO Butter was declared firm at 32 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. A drop .of 1% cents from last week. Steam head is being installed into the Central opera house this week. Herbes Bros., are doing the work. Mrs. S. S. Torrance informs us that she is now located in the Simes building, just one door east of her old location on the west side. Peter Moritz of the McHenry House will this summer travel the waters of the beautiful Fox in an eighteen foot power motor boat. FIFTY YEARS AGO Wfe understand that the family of E. J. Hanly will move back to the village soon. R. R. Howard is making some quite extensive changes and improvements; in his marked on the West Side. He is putting in a large new cooler, a new hardwood floor and making otheij' needed improvements. e Barreville factory is closed. are swindled out of $2,500 to $3,000, running from $300 down. Uncle Ben Gilbert, who has been in the grocery business in this village 35 years has transferred the entire business to his two sons, Jay and George, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of Gilbert Brothers. OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW that we have only one grade of ohicks . . . and that is the BEST GRADE. We don't waste time and feed on inferior chicks. Every one started must come up to Ugh standards that have been developed over years of experience. You'll be wise to take advantage of these years of experience by ordering your chicks from us. MCHENRY Ca FARMERS CO-OP. ASSK PHONE 29 M'HENRY, ILL. __r he Crown Point Creamery company and the Auxiliary Loan Fund com-1 has no money and no property in mittee, who is encouraging local sight and^ the twenty-three patrons children of veterans to avail themselves of these opportunities. Among.those available are the La- Feme Noyes Scholarships, Illinois State Scholarships and Aid, Military and Naval Academy appointments, scholarships from the national comj mander of The American Legion, scholarships from the national president of the American Legion Aux- | iliary, and financial loans from the Illinois department of the Auxiliary. In addition to these scholarships | and benefits, according to Mrs. Krinn, the Auxiliary in Illinois will loan up to $700 to students meeting certain •requirements. "To date the Auxiliary has granted 112 loans involving more than $32,000," said Mrs. Krinn who also stated that the local Auxiliary is contributing to this loan fund. St. Mary's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and llsSO Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00, Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00. . Confesbiuns: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8-00 Mass on Thursday; 8:09 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Chareh Masses: Sunday: 8.00, 9:80 (High Mass) and 11:00. t Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:15. First Fridays: 8:00 Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00, 7:30 and , 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pan. and 7:00 to 8:00 pan., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 pjn. Rev.. James C. Vanderpool, Administrator. SIXTY YEARS AG© CARD OF THANKS In this way we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses extended during the illness and at the time of the death of our . husband and father. MR§. HENRIETTA SCHAU •42 AND CHILDRE CARD OF THANKS - In this way we wish to thank our friends and neighbors for floral offerings, donations of cars, spiritual bouquets and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are also grateful for the services of Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. & Nfx mid Fr. Eugene Baumhofer. MRS. WM. HAY A CHILDREN. *42 St. John's Catholic Chareh, Johnaharg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:86 and 8:00 Confessions: Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Christ Hie King Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 10:00. ^ Holy Days: 6:S0 and 8:00 Confessions: Sundays: Immediately before, the 10 o'clock mass. j Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:90 First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:30 a. m. and during 6:30 mass. Sev. James A. Vanderpool. . * . Ringwood Chareh Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9:M, Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday Wening. Rev. George Marshall, pastor Beautiful line of Easter hats. High quality Fisk hats, a leader for many years. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. Read the Want Ads 8earlei Fever Cve - Greatly enlarged doaes of penteft- Ha given only twice, a day wiUmt use of wax or other antiakiiMw ta retard absorption have proved eflto» thre in treatment of aeuM fever, according to the claima of Dr. tW> ben Jersild of the Blegdams hospiM in Copenhagen. He alao says Ma method reduces the stay in the hospital from 30 to 8 days. Standwt treatment involves injections ewy three hours or use of abaorptiai retardants. Dr. Jersild claima she that his method eliminates iubdA> ary infections and can be given ir the home where it is possible te attain complete isolation of the patient. His treatment has been uaed on 1,000 patients. Complete line of Beebe H remedies at Wattles Drug Store. Henry. Subscribe for The Plaindealer • ' . IP7K0FAX OAS 8EKVICt SUPERIOR BOTTLE GAS 8«VI0" Magic Chef Ranges - „ Water Heaters Servef G&s Refrigerators TDWN tad COUNTRY UTlUTffiS LeROY M. SMITH Phone 770-W Apt. 9 -419 Main 8t -- P e t e r ' s C a t h o h c C h a r e h ^ Spring Grove * v &SS6S * Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and llM. Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:M. MY DAD SHOWED ME HOV^TO CATCH EM A Ht Inw * *• «m4 tUM ... •« Aw J**< Mm lyiu. k«mM• ytirfH* •mmn •Ay ... tiwt'i wM Mom mi I «• IMnt m mv| Wi |M| «• im to iili|i, to*. And Mem wS ka*t Immwm Mi far 0m imI «f Int Mc. Jutlfik M*m tayt, 0«i Imw • |m< IhiM W it! ^ Let me show yea how yea can give yoar family this kind of taction. Tel. 792-J CURTIS G. NEWMAN 1 Agent Weet McBnuy, SANRIlt coss»Airv MOIRIIi ••«»* F. A. Parker, having bought a hotel at Wall .Lake, Iowa will move there in the very near future. R. Waite has been re-shingling his house, in >this village, and making j other necessary repairs. • i The toboggan slide is being taken | down, as its usefulness is gone. No i mere greased l i g h t n i n g t h i s s e a s o n . . . . . . . . . " ' s week (The Church of the Lutheran Honr) for Britt, Iowa, with his family, John St. H block east of Hwy. 81 where he intends making his future West McHenry, 111. home. Sunday Worship Service--10:15. E. Lamphere will mdve to the I Sunday School and Bible Study- Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15.< Thursday before First 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, PaStor. Zinii Evangelical Lutheran Chareh SteIph e..n R•a y*m ond startsL i-th is I COhiu rct hL Fletcher farm near Wauconda, soon. ATTENDS SCHOOL Herb Reihansperger left last week 9 o'clock. Community Methodist Chw|tt. insperger leit ibbc wees Church School: 10:00. C' ' for Hartford, Conn., where he will: Morning Worship: 11:00. take a five week's course at the Choir Rehearsals: Aetna Casualty and Surety Company j Junior Choir on Wed. at 31:80 p. m. school. New Fertiliser Developed A alow-acting nitrogen fertilizer that feeda crops over a long growing period has been developed by scientists of the department of agriculture. The fertilizer is one of a aeries of combinations of urea and formaldehyde, known as Uraform, and does not teach out of the soil easily. [The t Order at Renewal ef Patefcif^ Patents may be renewed only by act of congress, a* thing practically unheard of. Patenting of an improvement does not extend the life of a patent. At the end of 17 years after grant of a patent, the ii*- vention passes into public domain and may be made, used or sold by anyone, incorporating every feature disclosed in the patent. Sixtyfive to 75 per cent of the functional components of the modern motor vehicle have originated with Cherub Choir onThurs. at 3:30 p. m W. S. C. S. on third Thursday ofj month at 1 p. m. Church board of education on secondf, Wednesday of month at 7:30 p. m. Official board on second Wednesday^ • of month at 8:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worshin with us. Wayne B. Price, pastor. Gospel Center Wander Center, Wonder Lair (Nonsectarian) Services Sunday Bible School--10:15 ajn. Morning Worship Service -11:00 Firestone TIRES, BATTERIES and CHAINS $12.85 plus „*lfi.90 pins FIRKSTON! TIRES-- 6.00x16 Passenger Tires 6.50x16 Passenger Tires > AH other passenger tires are priced proportionately , . Special prices on all Truck Tires ^FIRESTONE BATTERIES-- v Trade in your old battery on a new Firestone. We ^ have batteries to fit all cars, tracks in| tractors. TRACTOR CHAINS--All sixes. 20 per cent off o* Tractor Chains. independent inventors and are made ' midweek Prayer Service on Thurs complete by independent amaller manufacturers. Art & Lee's Restaurant Sff*fo open jrfter being day HJvenings at 8:00 p.m A cordial Welcome is extended toall the people of the pommunity to wonriap with us. FRANK W. AND >ERSON, WALTER J. FREUND" Tire* Tribes -- Batteries -- Aceeaaeriea lire and Tube Vulcanising All Work Guaranteed "• * Phone IN Weet McHearf 0PBN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS

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