Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1948, p. 6

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• I iBk, to the future, only «ds whiefc ST paid for before this Metta ef Um pupwgoes to press at 10 MNk on WMnMday maniacs trfll be printed. FOB BALE--Estate Heatrola air oil tarner; four 56-gal. drum* and gravity feed, system; pric~ reasonable. Call Wonder Lake 876. 4SP FOR SALE--Roper gas range, excellent condition;^ price $80. Phone McHenry 568-J-2. 42 W Aniw--nan w wont «!•«•» ywi cvucvi. «a station. John Stilling Scrriet • ^ . , . ,, . Elm St, « tf | Sggjg- HELP WANTED--Woman for all Call 'round kitchen work or dish washing. Either part or full time. Navy's Restaurant, phone McHenry. 422. 42 vicinity of wast side, I McHenry 411-R. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Baled alfalfa, 1st and 2nd cutting. Hugh J. O'Brien, phone Waijconda 2817. homb'IforT sale _ Modern 6-room home, completely ^{fe board three farm employees. HELP WANTED * *41-2; Married couple for farm estate 85 miles northwest of Chicago. Man to be familiar with farming operations. FOR SALE -- Fourteen tons baled large corner lot; 2mil«east of Mcwonder l-atce • ; Chicago Lincoln 1233. 9a *f 80 furnished, including new j Fine home with all modern con "ally 145, cooking range; full cement basement; j reniences. Write fully with refejr 88-tf IMMEDIATE POSSESSION mcrSi. 60 tillable. New hip-roof: MISCELLANEOUS barn, chicken house, large machine, abed, corn crib, granary and 8 room j bouse, furnace heated. May be bought ences. 111. P. O. Box Barrington, 42 BRICKLAYERS WANTED AT ONCE! $2.75 an hour. Long job. O. W. POTTER & SONS, General Contractors, Wauconda, Illinois, Phone 3231. 42-2 JOHNSBURG CLINTS REFRIGERATION „ SERVICE idS'peraonai^ •which'inciudeT lots*of 1 When you have! refrigeration trouble j OPERATOR WANTED--Experienced feed $20,000 for combine unit, call an expert. I specialise in beauty operator at Ju-Als Beauty $13,000 on farm alone. MORRISSY & domestic refrigeration deep frees*, |Shop Phone McHenry 35. GILBERT, Elkhom, Wisconsin. 42 milk coolers and sm»Jl -- -- units only. All work guarantee®, « FOR SALE--185 acres in vicinity oi hours, service. Call Crystal Lake 42 Lake, Illinois, on "gravel , 1280-R-. Corner Virginia and Hickory AU under cultivation exceptj ?°®d. Tjn Lennor Heights, Crjjgd Lake, 111. Crystal road. 15 acres. Beautiful modern 7 rm. _ __ house, with new foundation and utili-1 WATER --leaves ugly ties; excellent drive through dairy ; gtajngj jjme scaie ruins pipes and hot barn, new milkhouse, silo, implement water heaters. Using an easily inv stalled MICROMET will remove both tact Mr. Adcock, Hugh C. Michels & Company, 106 W Madison St., Chicago STA 4045. / 42-4 COR SALE--7-room house, approx. 17 acres tillable land in town. Genoa City, Wis. Write N. Matyas, 1212 S. Pulaski, Chicago 23, 111. *42-4 Doherty A McCafferty Arbor Road, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, 111. or call McHenry 26^-M. 48 SALESMAN WANTED -- Man for Rawleigh business in North Kane county; 2681 families. Products sold 25 years. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write, Rawleigh's, Dept. ILB-52-103A, Free- Krt, 111., or see A. Grever, McHenry, •40-3 FOR SALE -- 200 bushels Henry] spring wheat from certified seed.; John Gritxuk, Spring Grove. Tel. ] Richmond 723. *42-2; CARPENTER WORK Remodeling and Repairs f Free Estimate & ARVIDSON Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 42-tf for complete cCafferty, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY --Want representative for Weather-Seal, the original combination storm and FOR SALE--l«-rao. old pedigreed screen windows and doors, in Mc- English Springer. Will accept reason- i5*jlry ^aH^/seal" 1613 State aMe offer. Also one Torchiere lamp., 1613 W* .42 Jeff Myers. Tel. McHenry 210-J. *42 j St.. Rockford' I1L vno Gii d/u. m| » ~ • SEE US FOR DETAILS regarding S ^ ^^Ch^l«t ?;uryA: the M^ waur Softener. Frcnnd, M.H.nry Tel. CTO-R-1. -42; SLnf k M FOR SALE --*Farm personal Arbor Road, Wonder Lake, or call property. McD H tractor on rubber McHenry 259-M. with starter and lights, like new, with 7 ft. power mower and cultivator. Manure spreader on rubber. John Deere combine. Complete line ' of excellent harvesting and tillage tools. 7 cu. ft. electric refrigerator. •• 1942 Plymouth, tudor sedan, perfect j shape. If you want good dairy cattle, i good machinery, good oats and good f corn attend Nelson Bros. Sale. Go • 1 mile South of Richmond to June- , tion of 111. Route 31 and Route 12, i then Wtest to Nelson Bros. Estate: Sale on Wed., March 10th at 11! •'dock. Lunch wagon on grounds. 42! WOOD SAWING Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. *41-4 PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE^ 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE bride, two stores, one large apt., full basement, automatic hot water heat, on Route 120, in McHenry. Also Garage suitable for other business, ana modern 4-room home, 100 ft. frontace, on the fastest growing street in the county, at the of Routes 81 and 120, in Price reduced to $15,500. JACOB FRm, REALTOR, at Johnshats* TeL McHenry 87 or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 38-tf PAINTING AND DECORATING PAPER HANGING First Class Work -- Free Estimates *3JM Phone McHenry 569-W-2 ' CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *42-4 FOR SALE Stack of clover hay. Herman Dowe, 208 Riehemond Road McHenry. TeL McHenry 241. C. J. H. DIKHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W. 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest caah paid for cows, horses and no help needed to load. Day night, Sundays and holidays. Calls- Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36-tf VMIf {mm? aST'i, . PIANO TUNING * SERVICE 41-2 Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 FOR SALE--Medium Clover, $24.00; j Members of American Society of Alfalfa Seed, $11.40; Hybrid Seed; Piano Technicians 28-tf Corn, $5.00, all per bushel. Also! -- -- other bargains. Postal card us to- i WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVES day for catalog and samples. Hall | WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair Roberts' Son, Postville, Iowa. 40-4; and install pumps. Bill. Bacon, 206 HELP WANTED -- COUPLE OF EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO., McHENRY. 40-8 HELP WANTED--Girl for. general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 89-tf HELP WANTED--Janitor, 4 hours per day. Time may be split during day, 2 hours each. $1.00 per hour to start, steady work no experience necessary, be sure to Atate age. Address box "T," care Plaindealer, McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY* RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 89. 2*-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED WANTED--Die casting and punch press work; also polishing and buffing. All metals, antiques, lamps, fireplace sets, etc. Northern Illinois Dii Casting Co., Inc. 200 Third St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 788-J. •41-4 • By Evelyn T. Inman A contribution of Elna Cuthbertson in the Reader's Digest caught my eye and I thought I would pass it on to all of you. ^ A Push-Oirer The Seeing Eye dog boarded the crowded streetcar with his master and led him to the only available space on the seal running the length of the car.~ It was too small to accommodate even a child, but the dog began pushing the passengers on each side farther apart with his nosd. Every other passenger in turn squeezed against his neighbor. When there was room enougn to accommodate two people, the dog signaled his master to be seated. The passengers' pleased expressions dissolved into laughter when the dog climbed into the remaining pace beside his master and rflaxed with his head on the blind man!s lap. The many friends and relatives of Mrs. Anthony N. Freund will be happy to hear the good news that she is making very rapid strides toward recovery. She arrived home from St. Therese hospital last Sunda/.' The daugrhhtote r and son-in-law of R. G. Ricks, Mr. and Jin. Emil Boiler visii umcago, ted with him last Sunday. A surprise party was given for Mrs. Ralph Quaintance Saturday evening, February 21. Thirty-live g u e s t s f r o m C h i c a g o , I s l a n d L a k e and Johnsburg attended. Mrs. Quaintance received many beautiful gifts. The evening was spent in cards and dancing, after which a very delicious lunch was served. WEINGART TRACKING Sand -- Gftvel Fffliag -- Mack Dtyt -- Limeetoae Tracks for Hire Free Estimating /f TeL 985-R-2 McHenry, DL Mrs. Leo Freund is In. St. Therese hospital, having undergone an Operation on Tuesday. • Saturday evening guests in the Joe Kroh home were Mr. and Mrs. Ffgmk Freund and Mr. Schmitt. and Mrs. John Miss Frances MicWls of Chicago is visiting for, a few days at the home of Mrs. John Pitxen. • T. Sgt. W. H. Mensching, his wife and daughter were week-end guests in the Marshall Mencel home in Sunset View. Received a post card from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gregory who have a home in Sunset View. They are having a wonderful time out in California. They were in Pebble Beach when I received the card. Mrs. G. said that the Mister was in his Lawrence Pitsen and Mrs. Lewis Pitsen were the sponsors at the christening of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. George Hausheer of Chicago last Sunday. The baby's name is A U C T I O N ED VOGEL ft BOB SIETZ, Auct WANTED--Farms, 60 to 100 acres, for our clients with cash. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. 37. 38-tf WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about April 1st. Eaxl R. Walsh, Phone 43. *S7-tf WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to $15,000; must have possession within 30 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 26-tf The undersigned will sell at his®1 farm located 2H miles southeast of McHenry, on the East River blacktop road, on FRIDAY, MARCH 12 Commencing at 11 o'clock Sharp, the following described property: 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 50 head of registered Ayrshire dairy cattle, close springers and new milkers; 2 registered Ayrshire bulla. COMPLETE LINE OF PRACTICALLY NEW MACHINERY--T-20 International caterpillar tractor; Gehl field chopper with corn and hay attachments, (new>; Gehl silage and hay blower with pipes, (new); 2-rubbertired flare box silage and hay wagons with unloading aprons; electric power unloading unit for silage wagons; McD. tractor spreader on rubber; Challenge grain and corn elevator, (new); Case 3-bottom tractor plow; Stover hammermill; International 2- bottom tractor plow; 4-section steel drag; John Deere tractor 10-ft. field harrow, (new); John Deere corn planter fertilizer and bean attachment; McD. 8-ft. tractor disc; 3-sec. 20 ft. cultipacker, (new); McD. 4-ft. combine with pickup, (like new); Minneapolis Moline 12-ft. grain drill with fertilizer, (like new); John j Deere side delivery rake (new); 4 single unit Right Way milking mae and pump, (new); 2 clectric water heaters; 2 silage carts. FEED--25-ft. of silage in 12-ft. silo. Those extra chicks you're raiting this year an doing a vital job providing extra food. So give th«m the beirt •. • and save time and labor ior youraeli o For big-boned, healthy chicks that get off to a flying start, buy lamesway hatched chicks bom your hatchery man. There's a diffarence. then on your own ianSbuaeJaoMsway Equipment and Housing. Have Bottex Chicks - Saw Food John J. Vycital Hdwe. WELDING Maintenance and Cooatruetleo Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J Ml Sooth Groen St* McHenry, IB. a+M :#? - One lul» Saa^ -- Block Dirt -- Cr--hidGiafj ffcis-- -- " ' Track for Bbo -Mil' MOSEY INN - RINGWOOD ftob fW Eve,T Friday Tsyah* " I t " - " • ' PRAOES BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. ;• gg 'W MOTO* MOWER LAWN MOWERS POWER MOWERS SICKLE MOWERS . WHIRLWIND MOWERS LAWN SWEEPER8 FLOOR SWEEPERS Otto Adams Service Statiott Phone McHenry 434 Johnsburg, 111. GREEN STREET Records Installed and M tamed Business, Partnership, Individual, Fiduciary and Farm Income Tax Returns Prepared. Phonq for Appointment--Avoid Waiting. ELMER P. ADAMS Certified Tax Consultant fawb MDe North «t Fox L«3ce on Rt. VrSr tt Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. PHONE 98-M ^HIllllltllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIinilllllllllllllltllllHIIIIIIIIIUI'IllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllUIUIiilllHIIIilllNIUIIIIINIIIIiraill^ i Main Street, McHenry. Telephone FOR SALE--Generators, armatures,, 93.J 10-tf starters, fuel pumps, distributors. Toltage regulators and ignition parts ! FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing, for iFord and all ether cars. Seaco | varnishing and waxing new and old Sales & Service, LUymoor, Fred J. ; floors; also Ken|tile, a life-time floor. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. : Free estimate, ^all McHenry 497-R. 37-tf; 84-tf WANTED---Watches and jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 , Sb' Green street, McHenry. (Front part! 500 Austria White laying hens, of Claire Bei uty Shoppe.) 16-tfj TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 ------- ; j per cent will be extended on notes ROOMS FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms approved by the clerk. Anyone deby the week at 106 Richmond Road. siring credit kindiy make arran FOR RENT McHenry. '42 FOR RENT Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with bath, $45 per mo. without bath, $30 per mo.; ideal. Oak Parle Hotel, Pistakee Bay, Mc-, Henry, 111. Phone 176. 30-tf ments before purchase is made. £Ne~o property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. V THOS. THONNBSON McHenry State Bank, Clerking FOR SALE--10-acre fruit farm; 4- ; HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch room house, bath and tool's. Owner i basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned must sell. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johns- Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf burg. Tel. McHenry 37. 31-tf j gjjEE^ METAL AND FURNACE FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE WORK --Gutters and furnaces re- TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- > paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or j 38-tf write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl |o .-- St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf| GARBAGE COLLECTING --1<1 us -- 1 dispose of yeur garbage each week, FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- or eftener if desired. Reasonable ING MACHINES. Service on all rates. Regular yeir round route, makes. Also ribbons for aU makes; John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mccarbon paper._ L. V. Kilts, Clay St., Henry, Phone 365. tf Woodstock. Phone 549. WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS 1935 --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, Phone 277. 49-tf FOR SALE--1935 Plymouth, Graham; ilso Schwinn bicycles. McHenry, HL Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf . - „ ------ -- TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri- LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., ters and adding machines repaired wi Route 31, about two block from, and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Tm. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Main St., McHenry. Phone McHen- -- I ry 203-J. 52-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding Redesigning McHenry Electric Motor Service ' BRUCZ W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAtfltEGAN RD. -- PHONE 181 ADMIRAL IS NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION I • * * ' f " • - : v- • McHENRY PLANT 507 ELM ST, McHENRY (Formerly Kaiser-Fraxier Agency B)dg.) ^ Read the Want Ads ^ . Helen Weber Says: m The Best Cleantag To: " ' v ;J 1 Give your clothes freshness. 2. Brighten yonr' home with deaa\ drapes, covers, rn Wankets and rugs. %. U-SAN-0 insured moth proofing at no extra cost to ; protect you from those destructive moths. McHENRY GLEANERS -- PKom 104-M 1 103 Elm St. ---- , -1 -f . - Helen Wtbpr, Mgr.. • Saturday Afternoon Skating Session 2 to 4:30 p. m: For the Children Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun Roller Rink McHenry, 111. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOHETKI8T At 514 Main St., West McHenry v Steffan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyes Examined -- Glasses Pitted ^ . * •tout! Training -- Visual Rehabilitstloa Complete Visual Analysis Hours Daily: • to 12 and 1 to S--Saturday Evenings: • to 8M M* PHONE McHENRY 452 WHY TRAVEL FARTHER, when you can secure employment at «i^ near home? • --; --7- ^ : ~ . . Take pride ln yow )*! Jtlm »h» wHteOBp who telU Jnarin'r Finest Eadio Sets! r > Experience Not Necessary ^ EES In . and See Our Employee Counselof Employment office will be open each day 9 a.,m. to 4 p. m. ffPB '..vr ' rT »Jf t £*' • . i" , ,.1? 1. . § ..

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