Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1948, p. 2

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yk- HWE»*e L«st |Hti irt moved even * ihort beat will become lost and? to.And their hives. Mr your rubber • tamps at ".The j Plaindetler. \ ^ MICHELOTrt AUCTION Vtgel, Rami and DeWane, Auctioneer* Ob Parrti (By Tudrtlck) -v- : j , Greetings, Folks: Robert Whitman of West Lane drive reports the first robin at Hc- Cullom Lake this year, a definite indication that spring will soon be Sere. . SIKf^ 'ffl 1 ' %! ; ,* {'^ /V My t&iant having decided to leave, . -ww.. w* Mid being unable \o *et, help, the un- bred hol8tein herd last we«k bv the There la big news this wide $roih the Hickory Creek Farms. After classification of this pure teen awards of excellent rating ; *•- ^h^Sm'onAV^^*lSi« N.tion.l HoUttta .s.oci.tion, nine- 120 from Eppels copier 2 miles East ahd 1 mile South from Charles Corners on Route 1)20, 2 miles North-1 7 miles Wes,t of \ -t ARCH 16 ; 2:30 o'clock, the personal prop-j \ . { rr;> *• V ' * i. . * 7H-h 'K?' ^ .« • * east of Woodstock McHenry, on TUESDAY, • Commencing at ^fallowing describe ; 41 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK - Consisting of « -1 40 Holstein Milk Cows j f registered Holstein cow, with Users, 1 pure bred Holstein bull. *These are ill young cows, 12 firft calf Holstein heifers, balance second and third calf heifers. This is an outstanding herd of cows producing at present 17 cans of milk per day. Prospective buyers are invited to inspect this herd prior to date of 'irattMS: AIL sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash; over that •mount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for with the 'clerk. DOMENICK MICHBLQTTI Owner ,.Wrst National Bank of Woods tacit, Clerking MMWlWIMIfl CHIMNEY SWEEP REMOVES OIL BURNER S00T! Soot in your oil burner dirties vour home, steals hf st, canwi many ares. AmaaogliquidCHIMNEY SWEEP cleans out sooc safely, quickly. Disserves dogging sludge and gum. Reduces oil odOrs, too. Safe! Gee Liquid CHIMNEY SWEEP today. I>t. $1.29 Use in all oil burners, kerosene heaters and cooking stoves. Just poor in your fuel oilfinlr. . ' John J. Vycital Hdwe. GREEN STREETPHONE 98-M st Sunday after undergoing at the Woodstock hospital. ik: C A R M A N U F A C T U R E R S A N D T M L J n i E f ! M A N U F A C T U R E R S A S S O C I A T I O N ' A Y - WHEEL BALANCE 14 IMPORTANT Ikhh OUT Of lALANCE WHIIIS cmm "Sh 5 ;Av v*> 'i " V i- 4 «i *' m m Yirr c-'*' >€5'. lL Omi HIRE'S WHY YOUR WHEELS NEBD BALANCING "A wheel oat ef bslssise |wt OMB OUNCE at fts ttaad . .. iwriags U fas* e( vfbratton on ft* road at M a^k." STATIC UMBALANCI DYNAMIC UNBALANCE to a Mdrta when (to weigh* el a abseil MMably ia ao dtotxtbotad oa Be own ijhiHi or Shaft. «hal (ha wheel w« not win at nat whan aMwed Is ol static, that ealste wfcaafl>a weight olam»olrlaq whafl is ea JWiflnitid that vibration is el te speed el BAiAICE-ll ASTER correct* fltst fault* you at niilrtast snd moat mmMw d welghl mqulied ia auaoaa and tht met i el wheal to plana weights. oltanhMttng all Cam ahoold ha m* ta half > to pramt ft* guaaaaeilL WhaalS CENTRAL GARAGE J0HN8BUE0 Fred Smith, Prop. . Telephone McHenry 200-J to*tha ai* «iteals Itial eeivecf the saaie , dMIwcation in mpevioqr judgings rival th« Creek Farms the distktion of having the largest number of excellent; rated Holsteins in one herd in the Country. Our congratulations to Frank ,C. Howard, owner, and to A. C. Thompson, herdsman, on your fine herd'and for your efforts in putting McCullom lab on the map. One can easily appreciate the care these fine animus received throughout 'their life to make them eligible for the ratings, received, and for this we give credit to Don Bowfcy, A1 Hunger, Bay, Louie, f>*y and John. The two beauticians on the farm's staff were reasponible for the permaQents on the tails of-the prise winners. Mr. and Mis. Charles Schroeder of Ashland, Wis., are house guests of the Harold Vycitals. The folkB arrived Monday after a hazzardous motor trip over icy roads. Sorry to report that Mrs. Ben Barteldes received head injuries when she slipped and fell on the ice last Sunday. Mrs. John 'Blazek returned to her home last surgery Judging from the happy smile on Mrs. Blazek's face, we just know that there is a marked improvement in her health every d«y. Johnnie Schraff's name has headed Our eligible bachelor list for a long time. We have always rated him 'as one least likely to succeed (In a matrimonial way of course.) Last Sunday we learned how wrong we were in our jugement. It all happened last fall when Johnnie decided on having a platter of ham and two fresh eggs for breakfast after a night of hard labor at the Alemite. So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he drove right through McHeAry and in . no time found himself at Lake Corners, where a billboard in front of Stan's Wayside Inn displaying a platter of steaming hen fruit attracted his attention. After wiping the drool from his chin with his sleeve, Johnnie entered the establishment and seating himself at the counter began persuing the menu. He soon forgot his hunger and what he came in for when his eyes focused on the beautiful dish that stood before him with pencil and pad in her hands. Johnnie suddenly developed a hunger of a different nature, one that no dish of ham and eggs could sate. Lovely Peggy Noren, -the vision before him, suddenly sensed that her heart too, was beating a bit faster when her eyes met his. Little did the other patrons of the place know of the drama that was taking place before their very eyes. No words were spoken between Johnnie and Peggy at this first PUBLIC AUCTION Of Choice lows Holstein Dairy Cows R. J. Wood, W. J. Wkkham aM E. J. DeWane, Auctioneers Phone Woodstock 1608-M-l or 1093-M Monday, March 15 1948. Commencing at 1:00 p. m. j Located at A. C. Wood's place,, : two miles south of Route 14, on j Route 47, 3 miles south of Wood- 1 stock. 1 I have just received a shipment of choice dairy cows, all are T. B and Bang« tpsted. 8 FRESH COWS WITH CALF BY SIDE. 9 SPRINGERS, 1ST AND 2ND CALF HEIFERS. 1 Registered (Bull, with papers, 18 mos. old. 9--5 to 6 mos. old calves,, calfhool vaccinated. •" » Usual terms. A. C. WOOD 0>w*er State Baak ef Woodstock, Clerking off with ft /was not until JehnaW* tfad vtiii t» the Wayside Inn that he gathered enough courage to pop the question and reecive a definite "yes^ for an answer. It*was New Years Eve when our Johnnie, with trembling hands, mana^M to slip the ring on Peggy s finger and set the date for the fatal daft which will be June 26. The moral of this story is--If you don't want to get hooked, don't eat ham and eggs. What happened to the boys on the W. A. F. bowling team in their match with the Roy-Al boys Sunday night at Sehaefer's shouldn't happen to Uncle Joe Stalin. The thriei games ended wiihs the Roy-Al team holding 168 pins in the bag in spite of Chuck Brocken's valiant efforts. The Roy-Al boy* found their jubilation short lived when they took on the McCullom Lake's ladies team composed of Betty Baumbeck, Shirley Jensen, Mrs. Lee Larson, Millie Rochelle, Marie Chojnacki and Beverly Rourke, who - gave ' them such a trimming they'll never forget. All communications from the Roy- Al boys to us in the future should be addressed to Ubang,'South Africa. Mrs. A. S. Thompson was the honored guest st a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Frank Rourke last Monday. The occasion was Mrs. Thompson's twenty-first birthday anniversary^. Among the guests who fcracious Mrs. RotA-ke were Mrs. Den fcowby, Mrs. Atfred, Mrs. Louis and ] Mrs. A1 Hunger. . » \ * Did ypti ever eat # plate *f spaghetti with your fingers? That was the penalty Pearl Pietsch had meted out to her in Rockford last Friday when she found herself a member of the losing team on her employer's sales force. It was difficult for us to distinguish the Pear she arrived home that evening. spaghetti hanging out of Pearls ears from her blond curls when •Next Sunday the Screwey Dozen "will hold their first party of the year' at the Roy-Al. It will be a combination birthday and St. Patrick's costume party. Woe be to the member who fails to make his or her appearance in costume. So says Len Jensen, entertainment chairman. The pent-up energy and enthusissm for frolic will assert itself on that evening. Of that we are certain. The rejuvenated Otto Pyritz and his partner in crime. Win Pietsch will give out with the <ltn. Need more be said. A little lady down Napa, Idaho, way is responsible for that fish eye stare Ray Deskis has been sporting thes£ past few weeks. In her last letter to this "Casanova" of McCullom lLake, she promised to pay him a visit while en- APPLES */* • vH ! '- V. %• rWj, * Per. ^ fUSNEkz thaa So per ptand) APPLE BUTTX& . SWBZT OIDOl. HOKXY ^ • * • y ^agF.- » a Mosslev Hill Orchards 5 Routes 12 and 22 (On the Edge of Lake PHONE BARRINOTON 557-B Open Weekdays 1-5 p. m; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m,. U' v WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 * will be the date of the opening of MA'S EAT SHOP IJorner Riverside Drive and Elm St. ^ McHSNRY SPECIAL FOR THE OPENING PAY ' f One of those old-fashioned Jiggs Dinners-- Corn Beef and Cabbage Regular dinners served each day; also eandwichces of aU INVITES YOU TO EAT vicinity. ... - sriwilirntim _ of different odors. I you scent aayOihf from i Co Murphy goK you can be it _Ray is in th» immediate I What a price for love. Frfeda Meyer of Chicago wehk we Sgafai __ w~al AJMOiT Paritsos and Cranberries Puritans found the cranb_^ growing "wild among bMdMhp and bayberry bushes in tMditfings behind their settlement. rf*>: i.., A 1 • • ftrSOUtHOMM CURTIS G. NEWMAN Slpecisl Agent Tel. 792-J West McHenry, ' IB. r ; FRIDAY and SAtURDAY : TENDER POT ROAST •V- , ; •. ^ 55c ih. SUCED BACON V4lb. 35c POBK 55c IK SIRLOIN STEAK ' . .• Jii • .. *>. . FRESH FISH FMDAT HALIBUT PERCH 40c m HADDOCK COD ORDER YOUR EASTER HAMS EARLY LEADIN8 THE SJtT INTO A NEW BOLDEH EM. OHnoUk, AanW.oUx mm cAr manufacturer, is now the fast to mark its Golden Amuvonarr. Ia celebration, OHsmobile saMmness an entirel^new and greatly •dfiimd FUTURAMIC OLDSMOBILE. O L 0S fUTUSAMK Ck* SaSaa v - '> J f.* •• ^ ' Ar 1948 > Sbe Kg Nmm H 71m WyQHi/A brand new OMwwiWVi fur fntmtgn i. tos,is|fciWwrj ^ ^ _ hedy. And there's fsodjMRM HIHAV ""jS" is here today! It's the firm of km J • ami hi|h rns the Faturamk oars... mtrododng power to OldaaMUe's the fint of the eagerly awaited new Flsfer. It*« OUmmUo' ^awaked new Vstwarw Bodies by Natural^, tUs brand new ^948 asodel eg--Oil., nlj.^ MM -T imsraiHi/ driving at its yea see this Fhtarasie OHwihii, youll rssMae what ithrifi Tlw's^fftssMihto( ilinsflT iHj inside sad osL lWt'i Hyfa-Matk way »»*• ThMlll fwriM hj the nsw, lssr goethoFutwwirQIilnnnMIs "9T M Mp --rtrai whsdsbisld, asd aitra sine windows. TMilimnlifli wdOM and "W*--«s lf^|W,§4P' t- •, SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES a. J. OVERTOW i. tit' ' t Ir , HoHEHRY, OLINOIS jfr' V • - • '> ; _ * ^y i 1 • ' V • - -r

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