v" *t; ' J?#:1? mw-> >'< •$? <v^>. *»*.•:; J-. f ^ • / " JL^'uf,' I .... . .. y..[: ,\ •}.*• $ • J * y-:® t" '$*5 ii"<' £*i ,y.* CHOSEN QUESN [with the alerted fag** **• *-- One hundred couples joined arms Dane*, Shirk* Wafcjagfn, baing aq- *r the Grand Match of the ROM ; corted thresh «ie M«k bf hercomt, KIM* held recentlyby the Woodcohi. ia(jies: Bonnie Massttch, Iola B«rg, ANNOUNCEMENT Having recently pnrchuod George Glosson's cattle truck, would appreciate the patronage of anyone in this area desirous of such service. -- BERN IE MATCHER Fox Street . \ • Phone 1Q0-X RINGWOOD EyJry Friday PRAGER BIB^^ fRED BOWMAN, Prop. McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading CALL MCHENRY 97 J McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS - OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING & WINDOW LETTERING H. REESE Fox Si Phone 440-R "/'V . WINTER CLEARANCE SALE AT REDUCED PRICES Ladies' and children's coats, men's overcoats and jackets, army pants and shirts (all wool), ladies' galoshes, ice skates, oil stoves.. _ Many other articles at redncedpftett* Gen and Is's Store TELEPHONE 493-W Third house on East River Road, going south from State Bridge. EASTER PARTY HAMS BACONS Saturday, March 20 BART'S TAVERN LUNCH MAIN ST., WEST McHENRY ^ " ' . •A.* * >,,*> * , • %'h >>: ->• • it - \ v ' fa--i (r< f5*t .-AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTY CO. PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 1309-J-l Located on Rt. 176, one half block west of Rt. 81 W8P$ HAVE THE LATEST EQUIPMENT TOJ>0 YOUR B*--' Cylinder Reboring and Sleeving Piston Grinding I In the Block Crankshaft Grinding Valve Refacing and Valve Seat Grinding Wrist Pin Fitting and Connecting Rod Aligning Blake Drum Turning and Grinding - Brake Shoe Relining and Clutch Refacing Armature Turning and Undercutting General Engine La' he Work H. CRAMM, JR. wr RINGWOOD Ot Mrs. Georra Sbevrd) The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley Thursday. Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. George Shepard were cohostess. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Mrs. Qscar Berg: had charge of the program. The W S. C. S. wiU meet with Mrs. .Pete Sebastian Thursday. A pot luck dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. E. EL Whiting entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Kenneth Cristy, high, and Mr. and Mrs. 'B. T. Butler, low. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn entertained the Round-up club at their hom^T Saturday evening. Chumh- services will be at 10 a. m. on Easter Sunday instead of 9:30 a. m. . ' The .Round-up club presented the religious movies "The Blind Beggar of Jerusalem" and "Journey into Faith" at the Methodist church Sunday evening. The Ring-wood Home Bureau met at the Legion hall on Tuesday. There was a book review and a report of the delegates that attended Farm and Home week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Lena P^tet and daughter, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and children of Caladonia spent Siinday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Weldon Andreas, Mrs. Andrew Hawley, Mrs. B. T. Butler afid Wayne Foss attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock, Friday. Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Wedn§pday with her mother at McHenry. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, visited Marion Peet at Elgin Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nick Wegner and sons spent Sunday in the home of "her son, Linus and family at .Woodstock. Miss Marion Hawley spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Bacon at Crystal Lake. •Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bacon of Oak Park spent the weekend with his lather, S. W. Brown. Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent the weekend in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley and Mrs. Etta Wattles and son, Glen, of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Harrison. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of M,cHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mrs. John flBlackman and Mrs. Cora Flanders visited Mrs. Jennie Bacoii at the Solon Mills Rest home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal A U C T I O N Located on Grand Ave., % mi. west of Gurnee, mi. west of Hwy. 63, 7 miles east of Lake V\ila, 7 miles north of Libertyville, on SUNDAY, MARC# *1 , at 1 o'clock : Watch for Auction Arrow on - Grand Ave. Gurnee Legion Aux. serving lunch CATTLE -- 1 registered Holstein cow, named June Rose Chief tian Atbekeck, sired by Montivic Chieftian ICth and whose dam is Abbekeck Rose June Lyons; 1 Holstein htifer, 7 months old, eligible for registration, sired by Ravenglen I'anchita Senator (Grand sire is King Bessie Senator), and dam of heifer is Jewel DeKol Johanna Aaggir. 9 choice*7 Holstein and Guernsey cows, consisting of one cow with calf at side; 4 springers, 3 recently fresh; 1 due in June; 1 Jersey fanily cow, due to freshen in Jipne; 1 Jersey heifer, will have 1st calf by suile tinte; 1 Holstein heifer calf, T. B and Bangs tested. PIGS--2 Chester White brood sows, av. wt, 500 lbs.; 1 registered Dtiroc Jersey brood sow, wt. 500 lbs.; 5 fat Hereford shoats, av. wt. 250 lbs. 5 choice Hereford pigs, av. wt. 140 lbs.; 4 feeder pigs, av. wt. 70 lbs. FEED--350 bushel of Clinton oats, raised from cert, seed, cleaned and bagged (2 bu. in a sack and ready* to take home on day of sale); 800 bales 1st cutting alfalfa; 900 balei alfalfa, clover and alsike hay; 8 ft. good silage; 10 bags of bran; 6 bags 32 per cent dairy 'feed; 5 bags Occo mineral. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Surg* milking machine, 2 single, units, with \ hp. motor, heavy duty pump (fot 4 units) and stall cocks; double ster. tanks; 14 milk cans. MACHINERY & FEEDERS -- New Coby wagon; rubber tired wagon and rack (6oGxl6 tires); Lindsay No. § power driven fanning: mill with elep a r, Lou&K lad Mrs.. John Jr., WMi san of AnUoeh spent «Uqr ftiffct and •Friday with Us parents, Mr. and Mflf\John JNaek* man, Sr. | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox/ of Spring Grove spent Sunday in tile Beatty-Low home. \ Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, went to Elgin Sunday and were accompanied home by ^lirion Peet, who will spend a few week* here. Mrs. Collins is visiting in the home of her son, Roger, and family at Elmhurst. -• Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. an<f Mrs. Arthur Dimon and Mr. and Mrs. Alan -Dimon and son of Ostend and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson Mid daughter spent Sunday: Mr. and Mtv. Was. tatosd ftlimis trem day «od Sondfty. H. MILLER vator; U. S. army 2 wheel cart;| wh. milk cart; 2 eipht hole hog feeders; cattle bunk and rack. « MISCELLANEOUS -- Pony saddle); Easy Ride tractor seat; 20 hot beli sash; 12 special cork decoy duck^ new door hangers; elec. fixtures new tie straps; new set spreait rings; stacking cable and hay car; guard rail for stairway; elec. fenc® controllers; shallow well pumpf garden tools; barn tools; ext. laddeff chicken wire; Mercury hot at? heater; rubber tire and wheel for wheel barrow; Pyrene fire extin* guishers; Cannon Ball cast iron circulating heater; large meat block; meat saws; large cleaver. PLUMBING, CARPENTER TOOLS AND DIE SET--Planes, hack saws key hole saws; draw shave; ham, mers; rubber mallets; chisels; screw drivers; drills, ratchet screw drivers hand ratchet drilla; pipe wrenches oi'pe die set (% to 1 in.) tap, die and irill set (in one box). LUMBER AND NE.W POSTS*---! 1x6 white pine; 12 and 14 ft. long; 300 cedar posts (5, 6 and 7 in.) PAINT AND ENAMELS -- Large amount of paint, varnish and shellae in original sealad containers; out' •.ide and inside paint (sealed colfc ainers); enamel flat paint. OUTBOARD MOTOR AND WASI ING MACHINE--Johqson light tw "ltboard motor; Easy washing machine. STUCK TONIC--Tonic in original packages for cattle, poultry and 'torses. .. j ; COLE FERRY, Owner Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneer^/ Eckart of with Mrs. spent ntuptay night aad*^ with hert Wnts, Mr. and Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs., vera Malsch of Lake OiMva'vilttM her parents, Mr. and Jaekson ef'Rich- Monday with their id Hka* Joe Chicago and Mr. Subscribe for The Pliiral--fsi In SElF STtltlltfi Ciiiiiatiia Stan f sin Sisl X-NV •* • MYM3f% ON MM Push up , • • pvM SMMI ftot'i «i you dtf 1^ chonge from acrean to ttona aarfi. One MeHmelS CoKforaio redwood unit ceataim end Moras float moth screen and close-fitting storm tosh, A^. pormonont install otion for ^ Saves up to 35% on fuel. •, * >; FOR FRII ESTIMATE *MD WHKW8TRAWON1 Designed aspedslly far r, too who live beyond city gss mains, Dri-gms and s ROPER -- "America's Finest Gas Bangs" will prose the ideal combination for yoor cook* ing ceqoirements. Ses as to* day about superior Dri-gas and Dri-gas service. Is's c o n v e n i e n t t < : e f f i c i e n t i t s economical tcfast ;:sde«ni ALTHOFFS HDWL S01 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL.- . PHONE McRENRT 284 Wisconsin Sash & Door Co. , . s< •- rw**! Tel. McHenry «3W 1S18W. Walnut & ! Adinw. Milwaukee 5, Wisconsin :Kp Oty. •«wv* NO M O T J t v D O W N 3 V ^ A K S TO P A Y %'• •&*- V ^ " • . ^5. -st.- i * , " / ;>r v- I i - J Msese ssm e mpsssseieNve te f I mf liw lor fr-- diwwtreMse I •sd eiltMrte sa Weelhs^Vase j f -Wndf WMsw -vmdM • M V: :W"- • This flash fire was one of Northern minois'wonc Ten families--39 people--had lived whe» now thete were only flame and death. ) , >. One of these people was little Rose Bdnkmatf. , Her mochet was frantic. She asked the neighbors. She asked die policemen N She asked the firanen. ^ ' : - ^••heirtmybabf?0' . "Have you seen the litdld^^T Then she sawihe fiumliir ted and white insignia. It was a Red Cross worker. "Have ym seen my baby?" She was almost pleading now; "Your baby's right over thete, ma'am," came the teply. "One of our workers is tending to 1 And there, indeed, was litde Roae. The Red Ooss had dressed her wttmiyr And she was Snuggled in a blanket drinking wum mBk. ' She even smiled a Utdewhra her teufiil mother reached fbchest| Last ynrtbiM Cms firMQR t0M| CWMSy 1HSI IHf M fins mi isistws ^ Last year, too, Red Ccoss<hapcefs in dtis area hdped thousands of veterans with the problems ol^gj readjustment, bcou^tt cheer to thousands moce who are hospitmliaed in this region. They helped the families of thousands of men still in the service to solve personal problems... They certificated over 9000 women from Red Cross ( j nursing das*es...Aod they taught moce than 32,000 peopk the fundamental of swimming sad wattMfcqr. /••j f*,7" - x. * ' f ^ ^ ?wvT . i5 ' ,» **- ,- Vi