I3- *v • *r>!^n*;r? • , Q.... *xA.<;;•••• <• • - ft|i Two "•' - "• :^.^.j.-i----_--,-- r -. . . . -- ? - . -- -- • • -- -- -- V I mm *?' tMi> i f t m » » » « m » i ' i »•*> Ntwi Froa Wonder Lake ff >»**»»•••»•»»•••••••• By Vioeue Sella mes it itiTtan to be i ." Last/ weekend, I "Sometimes •"Good Neighbor, had a great deal of fun talking to Senora Mercedes Ramos^ of Caracas, Venezuela, who was visiting in the home of Mis. Dorothy MacEachren. The Senora, teaching Spanish and studying for her Ph. D. at Northwestern told us, in her soft slurred English abeut the school system of j hej: native country which ia a re- | public of north South America. She told of the rigid examinations ; given the children after they have j completed the requiured four years of instruction and how those incapable 1 of passing those examinations are no : longer forced to attend school. Also that those capable of going on are ! tested again and again at regular i intervals and only the superior stui dents are retained. However, for those who pass the tests, all schooljine is free, even through the | colleges. I Upon her return to her native | country, after she receives her degree, the Senora plans to teach :'"T: See T. P. on the * Lake Shore for your Real Estate andliiaurance T. P MATHEWS ESTATI AND INSURANCE BROKE* Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center v Wonder Lake, 111., P. O. Ringwood }i / • Phone Wonder Lake 306 N - NOW! ANYONE CAN HAVE HOT WATER QUICK tfEW POCKET-SIZE WATER HEATER COSTS LESS THAN $2.25 _ HEATS WATER FAST Hlferely place a portable FAST- *VAY Water Heater in a reeptacle containing water. Plug i the nearest socket. Lo and ehold! The FAST-WAY goes work at once, heating water Ske sixty for 101 purposessufficient quantity for bath-- fig, washinaFscrubbing, cleanfig cream separators, etc. The jpeed depending on quantity. !5AUTION:Directions for using are furnished with each heater. Bead and follow. Costs less than $2.25. No fires to build Or hot water to carry. No Sunning up and down basement =#tairs. No heating tanks full When a few gallons or a »(|uart is wanted. Handy! P#r- • teble! Inexpensive. Carey Electric Shop GREEN^STREET M'HENRY MEYER OO-fM AKCONOmONB AM%an history in vtlw Caracas university. < When asked what languages she spoke, .the Senora said that she spoke only Spanish and English but thai she could read and write both German and French. The former, which she is now studying, she finds too difficult to speak because, as she confessed with a little laugh, "You have to put your mouth into such a funny position for those gutterals-- I try and just seem to giggle!" Very interested in the countryside, Senora Ramos couldn't-seem to get enough information about Northern Illinois; our schools; our dairy farms; our 4-H clubs; our Farm and Home Bureaus; and all the other evidences of our culture. -iv A -i •'•••.»*• '**• ;<•.! ,7 PLAWDEALE* > . fit'#* Call • AMk for Johnny, or Dickie! MrJJiim mie, Elmer Murphy has just notified me that the final tabulations are all in now on the 1948 "March of Dimes" collections in this district which, this year, combined Ringwood and Wonder Lake. The grand total was $229.62, and was collected from Ringwood school, Harrison school, Brown's drug store, Mill Inn, Fairvie^ Inn, Rolaine Grill, Fireside Inn, Widen's, Jervis', Milbrandt's, the Handy Pantry, several women's groups and the Mosey Inn, which incidentally turned in the largest amount, $57.67. Next highest was the comb>inineedd efforts of the V of Ringwood and the new Rii Home Bureau. They WSCS ew Ringwood donated $30. An orchestra concert was held at McHenry high school on Sunday evening. This was the first of two public concerts, directed by Paul R. Yanda, band and orchestra instructor. Three Wonder Lake youngsters were members of the orchestra. Joan Heil* man playing first cornet; Sharon Grace Sells playing the Oboe; and Joan Biggers playing solo clarinet. Joan is also one of the two librarians for the orchestra. Also at the high school, on Monday evening, a Wonder Lake girl, Betty Smith, was one of the trio which won second prize in the FHA amateur show. The Ringwood Players won first prize. ... Mrs. Eleanor Foley wa&sappointed to serve as vice-president of the Alpha Theta chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma, a teachers' sorority, at a meeting held last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Verda Dierzen, assistant to the county superintendent of schools. Mrs. Foley led a panel discussion on 'Teacher Welfare" with the aid of her. committee. Mrs. Mary Endreas, superintendent of * District 10, was also present at the meeting. All-Star teams of the McHenry high school girls played intramural games Friday evening. On the Freshman team, Sharon Grace Sells and Joan Dornbush were among the players; on the sophomore team, from Wonder Lake were Joan Biggers, Betty Smith and Esther Martin; on the Junior team only Jayne Cristy was from this district; and on the Senior team were Joan Andreen, Nancy Cristy and Ardell Krueger. The althMtt in convenience, economy, effort!«» comfoiti Wane . . air, automatically filtered and humidified, is positively circulated tiwoMghowt every room in your home. Automatic controls eliminate drafts . . . assure yo« carefree comfort Come in foe detaomMion. j W<IRK<Y<II means ••den Ittit JOHN McDONALD SHEET METAL WORK Tel McHenry 772-M Borden St. McHtnry _ii. Mrs. Mabel Sartwell reported on Sunday that she had seen a robin running perkily across her lawn. ] She told me, though, that she had r heard an old saying to the effect that the area will be snowed . in three times after the first robin is sighted. This, I hope, is strictly in the "old superstition" class. ,, A card from Mrs. James Novak brings greetings from Clermont, Fla. The Novaks don't say when they will be back, but, if I were they I'd wait * bit longer--just in case. <»ee proceding robin dope!) E. E. Murphy is appealing for help in transporting the boys of the rifle club back and forth to the range near McHenry. At present only four can go, and there are •bout ten who are vitally interested in learning to shoot a rifle. Yoluateen can phone 611. Chriat The King Charcfc ;X Mass every Sunday morning ait 10 o'clock 'with confessions heard before mass. There will be a distribution of palms on Palm Sunday,. Maavh 21, at 10 a. m. and afternoon services at 4 p. m. On Good Friday, holy stations of the, cross at 7:30 p. m. with confessions 8:80 to 9:30 p. m. Children are to come to confession on Easter Saturday from 9 to 10 a. m. Easter Sunday there will be a high mass at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Charles Pike, chairman for the bake sale, would like to thank all the women of the parish and their friends for donating cakes and pies whidt aided in making the sale such a splendid success. v Gospel Center Thq next monthly Fellowship meeting at the Gospel Center will be held on Friday evening1, this week, March 31, at 8 'oclock. The pastor of the Genoa City Bible church, the Rev. A. F. Fardon, will be guest speaker of the' evening and singys from his church will furnish the musical program.. A social hour, with refreshments served, will follow the program. On Palm Sunday, March 21, the Rev. Gottard Kallberg, superintendent of the Great Lake Missionary Society, will be the guest speaker at the Center. He will preach at the Morning Worship at 11 a. m. and in the evening at 7:45. Holy Communion will be observed on Good Friday evening, at 8:00 o'clock. "Worry comes (through (human interference with the Divine plan." Ellis Island to Close Ellis Tslahd, the gateway to America, through which more than 20 million immigrants have passed during the past half century, is to b« dosed TILED WALLS tIKE THESE --Can Be Your LEGALS' " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Trustees of the Burton-Richmond Township Fire Protection District will receive bids for the construction of a building to house fire 1&1M8 BICYCLIST KILLED ' Robert A. Brechlin, $2, of Wooddale, a fireman employed by the Milwaukee railroad, was killed it 12:35 last Thursday morning when > his <bicyc!e was struck by, an auto- ' mobile driven by Richard H. Steven*: of Elgin rural route 8, on Irving | Park boulevard road just west of the j Bensenville limits. Brechlin, qanki and father of two children, had jwt finished work, and was riding Ma bicycle home when the aeddsHk occurred. Stevens, a wlMnnf, wm driving- west and told Benaenvilli police that he did not see the lighted bicycle until his am wos within a few feet of it. until 7:00 o'clock P. M., April 2nd, A. D. 1948, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read. All bids must be in the hands of the Trustees not later than 7:00 o'clock P. M. on Friday, April 2nd, A. D. 1948. Plans and Specifications for bidders %re available from the undersigned Trustees and copies thereof may be obtained upon deposit of certified checkinjthe amount of $10.00, which will fterefunded to bona-fide bidders upon return of the documents in good condition within seven (7) days from the date of opening bids. The Trustees reserve the right to reject anv or all proposals and to waive technicalites. Dated this 17th day of March, A. ^ 1848. C. L. STEVENS, V CANTON MEYER, - ^AUL WEBER, Trustees of Burton-Richmond Township Fire Protection District. ((Pub. March 18-25.) .-y.,,,rasteartaea muk Raw milk contains about tha same amount of nourishment as pasteurized milk. Marketing Costa High Specialization and localization of agricultural production require development of a huge and expensive agricultural marketing system to get goods from producers to consumer. In most cases, it costs more to market farm products than it costs to produce * L* 1 ' I * '" "j- v^• yr# r-> v * », *S | ».7^, TAILOR MADE ^ When yon order your chicks from xa yon are getting the product of a breeding program recognised for its resnhs for many years. Yon will get chicks that have all the profit building qualities--extra vigor, longevity, size, fast growth, even feathering andNhigh production of eggs. They're chicks "Tailor Made" fear modpm poultry raisers. ^ c . , '7/ • • • ym MCHENRY Ga FARMERS CO-OP. ASSK, PHONE 29 M'HEHKlr, HJL r. v. " •mm msmm mm Several more hirthdavl, to be celebrated or already celebrated durduring the month of March, have been reported to me. Little Diane Falthan attained the ripe old age oi 2 on Sunday, March 14; Mrs. Myrtle Fuller of Maple Drive, Wonder Center, is a St. Patrick's day gal; Mrs. Nora Wright will have to wait until March 27 to celebrate her natal Pay; and Tony Grosso war 20 on Saturday, March 18. •--•--MM Albert Horn, 7, is slowly recovering from a bout with pneumonia. The changeable weather plus a fall into the creek is probably responsible Little Kurt Weisenberger, 6, is confined to his home with the measles. IATH tTS ARMSTRONG'S VEOS WALL TILE Genuine Porcelain en tut.. True for years--and truer than ever today--with the advent of this newer, smarter, finer Chevrolet for 19481 Official registration figures prove that more people drive Chevrolets--and seven independent surveys prove that more people want Chevrolets--than any other make of car! The reason, of course, is more v!%je. And now Chevrolet value is made all the more outstanding by the smart new styling, brilliant new colors, and even more luxuriously appointed interiors which have been added to aM advantages of famous BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST. See the new 1948 Chevrolet, and you'll know why more people drive Chevrolets than any other make! «Mh to Hie mtviable llf-Car of Mf» lody by IMnl MmaHstfMH «M«4L ssesr* • Willi null -- I-- the beaulWul colortet • our showroom. Free estimates. No obligation., FRED KLING VXOS -- TILK -- SEKViag 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Widens have a new telephone num- Phone 490, Oi"vital liake, QL Yev*l <M Am hat ay < ' car In Ms Omiulifi wodft tbaafrfon Velve-tft* lli^i ooiriloft gf Cor 1941--dkwet rawM el tfie MMm ef i O O Flowers Telegraphed to any Part of the Country k"" ^ In the Heart of McHenr|r Jpl McHenry, HL Rivtrsidt Driv* •a > ^ FIRST! Clark Chevrolet Sales PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS j- GLITtER EARRINGfe' V 1 1 ^ m o -•« ; i i Show off your pretty ears with glamour accents chosen from our Coro collection, flf V; .a r* i * * * * brilliant with gem-like stones and lustrous simulated pearls. CKarml $1.00 pair / • ' • • A C* • i*V Town and Country ^ Studio . fivt Btockt North ol Slate Bridge •- ; o ' vt ^ ' : : v ' V f . r - . - -r^\•• • J McM«myrIHiwNi ^ •• J . . . . . t 1 J - f r . . . X . . . .