Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1948, p. 4

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.FabMshod every Thursday «t Me- L y, III., by A..Howard Mosher. Editor--Adele Froehlich ; ^ ' OEnteired as second-class matter at Hie UpoUs3tIoUf.ITI i.ce. a**vt „M cHenry, Ill*» under act of May 8, 1879. One Year $2.50 "NATIONAL €D|TOR|AL^ John Knox and Jacob Steffes left list week for Martinsville, Ind., • inhere they have been undergoing '(Hedical treatment. : Frank Justen has left foryfiis hom ' % Chowchilla, Calif, after spending W week visiting relatives and friends fin this community. He was accompanied by his sister-in-law,' Mrs. .. /Eleanor O'Neill, of Lake Geneva, spfho will be a guest in the Justen '"""jipme for a few weeks. . 1 - Mrs*. Edith Hayes was a recent • CUest of relatives in Lake Geneva., Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent the week-'j •Vjend visiting in the Harold Bacon V- -liome in Crystal Lake. ! Mi?s Eleanor Edstrom and her; " sister, Mrs. William Lingenfelter of j jj^oodstock, were Chicago callers last; - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdrich > . have returned after spending several; «eeks in California. ! Jack Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Arthur Smith, Sr., has been released | from army service. He was stationed at Camp Stoneman, Calif., at the time of his discharge. James Winkelman, a studentM a Beloit college. Wis., spent last Bunday with his parents, the Elmer • Winkelmans. He plans to visit at the home of a classmate in Bedford, 'MMr'.'" and^fin?*FYed KamhoUAnd son, Fredy\Jr., visited » the Kamholi home in CMon test Sanday. Ernest Kamholx entered Lutheran Deaconess hospital in that city on Monday for surgery. Mrs. Martin May, Mrs. William Staines and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken and Bruce, the latter of Woodstock, were Sunday dinner guests in the Elmer Smallfeldt home in Kenosha, « Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gladstone returned last week from a two months' trip which took them into Mexico, returning by way of California. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson of Evanston were Sunday vsiitors in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Helen Heuser, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Freund and family of Woodstock, formerly of Fall Creek, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the Peter W. Freund home on Waukegan street. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Gladstone are enjoying a ten days' trip to Florida and Havana/ Cuba. ' Rat Harbors Rat harbors, such as wooden floors near the ground, piles of lumber and various materials stored out of doors, should be removed or elevated 18 inches or more. Cleanliness and orderliness discourage "V- Flying Like a Bird v Flying equipment which can be strapped to an individual has won a patent tor the Connecticut inventor. Application for the helicopter flying apparatus was filed in 1943. It enables the wearer to fly from 12S to 350 miles at 100 to 200 miles per hour. Landing can be.made with or without a parachute. ' m AIDS IN CRASH if local residepV^David R. Heckman of Lily Lrfke, sbh of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heckman of McHenry, witnessed the Delta Airlines crash in Chicago on Wednesday evening of last week and assisted in removing the body of a crew member from the wreckage. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. SINGLES •SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY" ""PRUNE SONG" , s : *YOU CANT BE TRUE" All by Ken Griffin : ' •NOW IS THE HOUR" by Eddie Howard, "Kate Shuth, Kiddy Clarke and Bing Crosby "JUBILEE" by Kay Thoupaagi "SABRE DANCE" by WeOdie Herman • TOOLIE, OOLIE, DOOLIE" by the Andrews Sisters ,'J New shipment of single classical records; also large selection of children's records. ALBUMS :.,-l A1 Jolson Bing Crosby SiejfoHi jewebiy m W. Main Street, McHenry TeL McHenry 123-J •ATAVAVAVr tV AV i f iV AV V VAV •v*- Colony McHenry, Illinois . FRI. - SAT. Robert Cnmnungs - Brian Donlevy "HEAVEN* ONLY. KNOWS" PJw - Zero Girl - Cartoon & News SUN. - MON„ MARCH 21 .... SS George Brent Joan BJoodell "THE CORPSE CAME C. O. D.' Also Cartoon & World News Special "DRU^K DRIVING" CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. - THURS. Ted Donaldson Tom Powers "THE SON OF RUSTf* Alao"3 Stooges Comedy*; and Novelty sxpaeripoi TO PABWOtti TOOTH HOBBY The second annual Youth Hobby Fair, sponsored by the Rotary duo of Chicago to encourage "the creative and mechanical genius of youth ! for a greater Chicago and a stronger, more productive America," will be conducted at the Museum of Science and Industry - April 26 to May 16. I Local and district competition, from ! which exhibits for the Flair will be I selected, will be r held in nearly 100 j communties from March 1 to April - 18. The fair is supported by : individuals and private .businesses, | and is open to participants and the 1 public without charge. It is hoped" to make this year's fair even more successful than the history making first annual Youth Hobby Fair held last year when over 20,000 exhibits were received J from talented Chicagoland youngsters. ; More than 140,000 persons viewed i last year's shows and the number > of visitors at the Museum of Science and Industry alone set an all-time I record for that institution. TTiis year, thousands more entries and still., .greater public interest and ! support are expected. Prominent business, professional, and religious j groups, and numerous youth service I agencies already have pledged their co-operation. • ! The fair is open to all young ] people up to 25-years-old. Entries, | however, must be ereative hobby pro- > ducts. Collections aAd Antiques are I not eligible. Among the more than sixty-four Types of hobbies t# be exhibited are model airplanes, automobiles, powerboats, sailboats, and railroads, wood carving, clay modeling, sculpture, water-color and oil painting, puppetry, embroidery, fly typing, and finger painting. Also: canoes, and kayaks, dress making,, etching, pottery, weaving, homemade musical I instruments, leatherwork, full size j rowboats, wood turning, and whittling. \ SOMETHING NEW ! • Steffans Jewelry Store on Main Street, McHenry, has inaugurated something new for all people who have and enjoy record players. This store carries one of the most complete stocks of reCbrds in northern Illinois, outside of Chicagojft Now this record shop has started a Record Club. It costs nothing to join. Each member will be entitled to one record free after the purchase of twelve records. Your first purchase automaticaly makes you a member, at which time a card will be started and credit given thereon for each record purchased. Join today. METHODIST CHURCH MOTES Wonder Lake Gospel Center * (Nonsecterian) " " Invites you to ™- fhe Monthly Fellowship. Meeting Friday Evening, March 19th, at 8:00 o'clock Guest Speaker: Rev. A. H. Pardon - PALM SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 A. M. Sunday Bible School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Service 7:45 P. M. Evening Evangelistic Meeting Rev. Gottard Kallberg, the speaker at all services. This Sunday is I'alm Sunday, the day on which we remember Christ's entrance into the Holy city, Jerusalem. In accord with the day, the cherub and junior choirs will sing the anthem "The Palms" by Faure, and the combined cherub, junior, and adulty choirs will sing, "Jerusalem" by Parker. The sermon topic for this service is, "Behold the City!" We invite you to come and lift your voice with us in worship and praise to Christ the King, this Sunday at 11 a. m. There will fee special choir practices this week; the cherubs and juniors will practice on Wednesday at 3:15 p. m., the adult choir on Thursday evening at 8 p. m., and the combined choirs on Saturday at 3 p. m. The W. S. C. S. will meet Thursday afternoon at 1 p. m. for their regular meeting. There will be two special services during Holy Week, the Coimminion Service on Thursday evening, March 25, at 8 p. m., and the Good Friday service, March 26, at 8 p. m. On Easter Sunday there will be two worship services. The service at 9:30 will include the Sacrament of Baptism. All those desiring Baptism please contact the minister as soon as possible. We invite the members of the Masons and Eastern Star to worship with us at the 11 o'clock, hour. Fire KOMI Met* Fire killed -more people in Boston's Cbcoanut Grove night club dla> aster than were lost by American troops invading North Africa. Lady Feamtsrs Elsctsd Oncers Annual election of /officers by the W. C. O. F. art he (March meeting last week. Those! selected to serve for the ensuing year are Helen .Wegener, chief-ranger; Mary Freund, vice-chief ranger; Mathilda Gerasch, recorder; Lillian StofTel, financial secretary, Helen Weber, treasurer; Susie Justen, first trustee; Margaret Freund, second trustee; Freida Konig, third trustee; Evelyn Freund, juvenile director. Other officers will be appointed. The organization is planning installation on April 8. * * ; • ' , ' . Guest Of Honor * ':p. At Bridal Shower -i: Miss June Patzke was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Paul Patzke, Mrs. Harold Patzke, and Miss Claire Longhway. The forty-eight invited guests gathered at the Legion Hall to wish the young lady happiness and to enjoy a social hour. Pinochle > and > bynco were played,, with prizes in' the former osing awarded Dorothy Nickels, June Patzke and Mrs. 0. Milinac, and iif the latter to Frances Peterson, Alice. Krohn and Esther Jean Orr. Later in the afternoon, seated under a pink and white crepe umbrella, Miss Patzke opened her many lovely gifts. A beautifully decorated cake was the centerpiece on the tatole, from which a delicious buffet lunch was served. Miss Patzke will become the bride of Carl J. Milinac in the near future. He ia at present stationed with the marines in Florida. O. EL S. P: Officers N Past Officers Night was observed by the local chapter of the O. E. S. last w«ek, with the following holding office: George Johnson, worthy patron; Katie Harrison, worthy matron; Ethel Holle, associate matron; I George Reiker; associate patron; Myrtle Harrison, secretary; Valep&a I Hopp^ treasurer; Arledh Pearson, i conductress; Ethel iF. Smith, asso-' ciate conductress; Florence Larson, | chaplain: Minnie Martin, marshal; j Gretta Goodell, organist; Florabelle Vogel, Adah; Alice Lindsay, Ruth; Lydia McNeill, Esther; Elsie Hoppe, Martha; Ethel Jones, Electa; Frances Vycital, warder; Louella Stephenson, sentinel; Mabel Johnson, color bearer; and Louanne Howorka, soloist. Fannie Chamberlin, the only charter member of* the organiation, was guest of honor for the evening and was presented with a lovely corsage. Another guest was the chapter's popular instructress, Lillian Gilbert of Crystal Lake, who was seated in the East and also presented with a corsage. Miss Louanne Howorka, as soloist for the evening, offered selections at the conclusion of brief talks by the speakers. Especially beautiful was her rendition of "Only A Rose," which followed her presentation to the worthy matron of a single rose. Refreshments and decorations for the evening were in chcarge of Marion Collins, Evora Peterson, Eva Bacon and Louanne Howorka. Chapter members expressed their hope . that two members of .the organization, now ill, will soOnTjje able to be active once more. They Pinochle Clab • ^ ; At Oloe Hoae " • The last meeting of the East River Rpad Pinochle club was held at the home of Mrs. George Glos, with prises merited by Mrs. Amy Hm* richs, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs; Thomas Thonneson and - Mrs. Ben Diets. Mrs. Diets hostess to the club on'April * * * Clark-Hinonimus Vows Exchanged Miss Bernice Clark, daughter of Mrs. Ann Clark, who resides betwefi: McHenry and Wauconda, and Ea Hirbnimus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus of the same com*: munity, exchanged nuptial vows 1:30 o'clock on Saturday afternooit^ March 6, at the Methodist church in McHenry. The service was read fag Rev. Wayne IB. Price. • • * Mothers Clab Has Interesting | Program A very interesting progTam wai. presented at the Mothers club meeting last Friday afternoon, when Mrs. R. Young, representing the American Cancer Association, gave a clear and concise talk on cancer and its soi*- trol. Mrs. Albert Stilling'S Irish songs were beautifully rendered, with excellent accompaniment nished by G. Welty. Supt. C. H. Duker was present to give a brief outline on school re* organization so that a more intell>« gent vote may be cast when att election is called on the matter. Mrs. Lillian Cox mentioned the flotorer show, for which she is already hard at work ^planning, even at thia early date. A tasty lunch was served' at the close of the afternoon by" Mrs. George Stilling and the several hostesses on her committee. Due to an error in the Mothers Club booklets, the date of the next meeting was listed as April 19, whereas, this date should be April 9. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. H. J. Collins and family wish to thank their many friends for the many kindnesses extended to them during the illness and death of Rev. H. J. Collins. They wish to especially thank Mrs. Lau. Dr. Lau and -Dr. Fred Stone. r,*^1 money butm 4 O f - i f •• . ? hole m your purse,.. i -Hi/j III yaw. Ivr • * ' - X' m Z '• - '"^pEOPLE tell us that cash ili* o s through their fingers, but they ithink twice before they draw a -T'^ "• 3 check. To avoid reckless spending Vr S, / open a checking account with u«. S' v IINCHENRY STATE BANK Member federal Reserve System flember Federal Deposit Insararxe Corperatkm AffY MATTlBS ^YOUR •* •' •' ' ' j.* 'v.. ' • • Lit-' , L CARD OF THANKS I desire in this manner to express thanks and appreciation to the ladies "bf the Screwy Dozen club and other friends and neighbors for flowers ; and visits while I was a patient at | the Woodstock Hospital. *44 MRS. MARY BLAZEK. Be the picture you have dreamed about when you march in the Easter Parade. Select one of our lovely Fisk hats in a variety of styles. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. ^ 44-p4 Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The .Plaindealer. CARD OF THANKS j Ii\ this manner we wish to express j our sincere thanks to the McHenry and Richmond fire departments for I their fine co-operation in our j etnergency last week. We are also1 grateful to neighbors and friends | who helped in so many ways. MR. & MRS. BERNARD BLAKE.! *44 * ' I CARD "OF THANK# * I woulH like in this way to thank my classmates, teachers, neighbors and friendsvfor cards, gifts, flowers and visits during the time I was confined to the hospital and snice my return home. They were all op much appreciated. 44 JERI EINSPAR. CARD OF THANKS I should like to thank everyone^ and especially the Edwal Laboratoriese, who remembered me by send-* ing cards, flowers, fruit and candy during and following my cohfinement in the hospital. *44 MARIE JUSTEN. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I am as candidate for re-election as Republican precinct committeeman from the second precinct of McHenry township at the primary election W •be held Tuesday, April 18. Your support will be appreciated. -- 44-4 GERALD P. NEWMAN. • IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our husband and father, Wesley Guffey, who nassed away one year ago, March 23, 1947. A cherished smile and a heart of gold. Those who knew him all will know How! much we lost a year ago. *44 LOVING WIFE AND SON. Nation s Milling Capacity A governmental study on capacity of the flour milling industry indicates a capacity of 292 million sacks a year. Another shipment at Easter hata, $5, 16, ?7 and up. The famous Fisk labei is our assurance of quality and style. Elizabeth Pich, Green street* McHenry. 44-soc pi Matrons' hats, large head sizes. Select yours from our large selection of flowered or plain hats. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 44-p4 '-•i S^r- ICE CREAM OMSIqa of NAIIOMI FLAVORS FOR MARCH ----tBTTTERSCOTCH ROYALE - ~ VANILLiA ^ -- CHOCOLATE --" --_ rfAZELNUT ? | ; STRAWBB1RRY ROYALE - NEAPOLITAN BOLGER'S DRUG STORE raoms McHENRT MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRL - SAT„ MARCH 19 • 29 "THE SON OF RUSTY" with Ted Donaldson - Stephen Dunne -- Phis -- ' THE ARNELO AFFAIR" with John Hodiak Geo. Marphy Frances GUIord SUN. - MON^ MARCH 21 "BOWERY BOYS" in "NEWS HOUNDS" ' with • Christine Mclntlt* -- pins -- Joe Palooka ia "THE KNOCKOUT* with Leon Errol • Joe Kirkwood, Jr Elyse Knox TUB., WED., THURS^ MARCH 23-25 "GREAT EXPECTATIONS* with ^ John Mills » Valerie Hobaon Color Tour of Sooth Mexico -LAND OF ROMANCES and Leo Errol Coaiedy "WIFE TAMES A WOLF* v,: . i * ..Bring You New Beauty at Such a Low Price! e I FT s Glowing color, flattering 8*3%, worthwhJ ile savings! . . . Oome choose yours tomorrow from ov * exciting Easter Oreatipn styled by Clockwise, Haries and Joyce. Siaes to be foHn4 . * 514 West Main NEW-LENGTH SUPS from 75c to W0 lltoaillard rayon satin fr crepe slips are tailored! While §2-4*. CROSSES CRUCIFIXE PRAYERR bDO OKS ins rnenoqr w Authorised Dealer OEO. COLLETTK, Owner Phone 459 and nuittefotis other pieces suitable tot Easter Gifts WMts-fw-Sprag BLOUSES ta Main Stnat JMRNMS ** 255 to^J5 m Aa freak and dainty m spring itself in white, maize, blue or pink with choice of sleeve lengths. FhoM 12»r Size 32 to 44.

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