18,1*8 by EARL R. WALSH SO DIFFERENT " V IN PERU ' _ New York--(rid U Peruvian woman, who says she is the only female bullfighter in the world, said she would't marry yet because 3 still enjoy Bghting toe much.' ' ' The boys are at it again. Here s the first sentence of a. letter received this week: "Sometime ago your name was handed to me as beinjg a •ery active Republican and having a great interest in the Republican Party in McHenry County." .... Nope. You got us wrong, sir. Joe McOmber (a Democrat) has promised us a deputy job when he gets the ; Coroner office. The hours will to* short and the pay shorter. The "Boss" (Douglas McArthur _ Kosher) breaks down and tells us that we can now run pictures on the ' sports page. That is, sports pictures. Not pictures of Democrats seeking office. So--if you can send us some good, clear pictures per- T" taining to either this or some old time era--weH be. happy to receive them. "• /* t k4V . TH1 -v T^HE Newspaper editor was in- * structing the cub reporter in important details of his calling. |*Never state as a fact any* thing' you are not absolutely sure about," said the editor. "To avoid putting the paper in the position of stating something which it may not be able to prove, you should always use the words 'alleged,' 'claimed,' 'reputed,' 'rumored' and so on, unless you know positively that everything is true as state'd." The cub was sent out to get society items, and soon thereafter the following paragraph appeared in the society column: "It la rumoredthat a bridge party was given yesterday by a number of reputed ladies. Mrs. Smith, it is said, was hostdss. The guests, is is alleged, with the exception of Mrs. Brown, who says that she comes from Illinois, were all local people. Mrs. Smith claims to be the wife of Alexander Smith, who is rumored to be doing a thriving business in town." ^ - - » - %OWUNQ NOTES -- SCUAEFERS -- "Open Bowling -- Eleanor Peterson, 183-150-184-517. Wonder Lake -- Widen, 490; Grubb, 500; C. Steffen, 504; G. Cculman, 2Q2-5S7; A. Repan, 490. Mai """" Hup Smith, 547; -Larkin, 518; : Kinsala, 210-506; Snyder, 564: Pei- ! sert, 200-513; Jones, 224-492; Kennej beck, 509; Miller, 199-172-209-580; Wrublewski, 499; Bennett, 918-507; Getner, 213-508; Bacon, 149-201-217- 567. .• . • V, Well seasoned That Billy Pries is a cut-up. He 'gives each kid that comes in his butcher shop- a hot-dog. No bans. But--he's smart!, Offers 'em to my kids on Friday. (Now hell probably give the kids a sardine.) Printer, Wife, Or Horaef Which Would YOB Take? ih O'Neil of the Dayton (Wash.) Chronicle Dispatch waa in a dither when he had a chance to get a much-needed printer. He couldn't decide who was most important, the printer, his wife or ".his horse. ' Mr. O'Neil stated the . case this way to his readers: "Well, here I am in something of a pickle. We've got a God-given chance to gel us another printer. He comes to " us because he can't find a place to live in another town, so the whole _crew is interested in finding him and his wife shelter. I've been considering- getting rid of my horse and mov The lieutenant received a complaint about the issue of bread. "Soldiers should not make a fuss about trivialities," he said. "If Napoleon had had that bread when he was crossing the Alps he'd have eaten it with delight." "Yes, sir," said the corporal, "but it was fresh then." ' Disposal Room An actor came into a little money and bought six acres of land to plant his long-coveted fruit orchard. Painstakingly, he planted one acre of peach trees, Mien skipped an acre; an acre of plum trees, then skipped another acre; an acre Johnsbarg--- • -v- 8f. Freund, 192-609; B. Miller, 148-202-200-560; P. Hitter, 525; B. Freund, 227-581.; H. Michels, 499; G. Jackson, 221-530; J. Jackson, 20^448; J. Frett, 196- 482; W. Smith, 489; B. Martinec, 485; B. Weingart, 184-508: iLeo Smith, 187-522; G. Nowalc, 191-500. K. of C. -- " .. G. Barbian, 493; J. Larkin, 197- 580; L. Stilling, 206-535; W. Meath, 187-507; W. Freund, 187-519: A; Schaefer, 182-527. : Business Mien-- Nimtz, 488; Bv^Long, Ball, 189-502; McCafferty, Rourke, 203-540.' 215-52$; 480; Coniin'L-- H. Weber, 196-519; V. Adams, 214-510; L. Thennes, 188-503; G. Schcaefer, 182-176-195-553; B. Peisert, 178-493; W. Aeverman, 188- 484; B. Miller, 199-418; R. Scharlew, 186-500; R. Bennett, 219-536^ Schaeferettes-- F. Larson, 182-455; F. Dean, 416; L. Miller, 186-417; D. Schaefer, 181- 534; B. Freund, 432; M. Sutton; 460; S. Weber, 413; H. Knox, 405; B. Buergler, 400; M. Rochelle, 197-463; |E. Rand, 408; E. Peterson, 405; B. lJusten, 433; A. Grosso, 400; E. Pei- I sejtrt, 187-442; J. Weber, 401; M. I Doherty, 175-435. ing myself and the"wife out to the ' °f barn. Of course it might be pos- trees' and ,eft another acre sible to get rid of my wife and move * !fl's UL , » ' in with the horse, but the law of ! . .A came along as he fin J.he State of Washington gives wives some extraordinary rights that might interefere with such a plan. However, we've got to have a place • for that printer and his wife even . though I sure would hate to be without a horse." Ladies-- S. Weber, 405; E. Rand, 417; H. Heide, 441; E. Hoyte, 448; M. Sutton, 434; P. Kraus, 455; M. Simon, 190-509; R. Stilling, 479; M. Miller, „ __ .... 438; F. Feldham, 413; L. Miller, 414: ished, and remarked: "I don't mean E Hecht, 440; A. Ross, 410. to be nosey, but I'm curious to know 8t. Mary's Catholic C5hi NEARBY NEWS Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. q inn ntinrnt Week Days:- 6:45 and 8:00. w, CKACKED First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00. . Delavan, Wis., for the sec<M« tfnte Confessions: " l,n two weeks, was visited by safe Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m.! cracker,s °.n, Monday night and they rhurgfiay before First Friday- Oriental New fork City New York City is now the world's greatest market place for Oriental rugs. Each year importers in the metropolis receive millions t>f dollars worth of hand-woven rugs which ultimately find their way «t homes throughout the world. After 8'00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8.00, 9:30 (High Mass) and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:15. y. First Fridays: 8:00 Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00, 7:30 and 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. Confessions: Saturdaysi 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. a«d Rapid Growth of Guernsey , •. * - „ _ ^ - , America with characteristic en. escaped with a loot of ?350 m cksh, t ergy has selected and imported I some bonds, insurance papers and from Guernsey island, over a period j possibly other valuables. The Doyne • & Rayne Lumber company was [visited some time Monday night or ; early Tuesday morning., but for the j explosion of a tear gas bomb inside : the safe, the entire place probably would have been ransacked as others iin this territory have suffered during past few weeks. j " CONTINUE TRAINING j Elgin youngsters of grammar school age are to be offered the _ . . . 1 opportunity of religious training, 7:00 to 8:u0 pjn., and on Thurs- i despite the Supreme Court ruling days before First Fridays: 4:00 that week-day instruction in the of years, 13,000 head of Guernsey cattle. From this relatively small number has developed a population of registered Guernseys now estimated at a half million. Registration of calves each year is more than 18 times the total number of cattle imported. „ Read the Warn. Ads fit* steel' - Stainless steel is • name which is brjadly applied to a whole family of alloy steels possessing the ability to resist corrosion without the aid of a surface coating. Besides this advantage, some stainlesa •teels are much harder than ordi» nary steel and other types are very riueh strongef. Some will renal strong acids. Others are valuable because they retain their strength at very high temperatures. Other* will not tarnish under the most corrosive atmospheric conditions. One 'mportant type of stainless steel contains 18 jjer cent chromium antf 3 per rent nirkel. This steel has been widely used in building traina, buildings, food handling equipment .•nd kitchenwar? -- Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Henry. to 5:00 p.m, and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. j public school is illegal* Rev. James "C. Vanderpool, ' Administrator. St. John's Cathode Charcfc, Johaaharg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Diya: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:86 and 8:0p Confessions: Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 ntureday before First Fridaj& ^ 2:30 and 7:89. i x. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. tt. Peter's Catholic Chareh, Spring Grove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11KW. Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8^0. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: 4 Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday^ 2:30 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zkm Evangelical Latheran Charch (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. Vi block oast of Hwy. 31 Weat McHenry, 111. Sunday Worship Service--10:15. Sunday School and Bible Study-- 9 o'olock. , - Meeting at the YWCA, the executive committee of the Elgin Council of Christian Education discussed the many serious problems created by the a court's decision, and decided on I courses of action. APPROVE NEW DISTRICT A total of 3,225 persons from Dundee And surrounding areas cast votes I in the election held in Dundee, March 16, to decide whether the large proj posed unit grade school district 1 would be formed. The election car- | ried unanimously in favor of the : consolidation with 2,710 votes cast in favor of the merger and 515 votes ; cast against the plan. New Mexico Traveling The traveling public in New Mexico during the middle of this 19th century, used large government wagons drawn by teams of mules. rbvWMR A tr rrft Wiit AMIH»0£AI McGEE'S * ,v#>' ,lv * < MtHENRY / : Commnnity Methodist Charch Church School: 10:00. • Reihanspetger fa ar White Sox Glad Herb out of town while our poor are losing all those exhibition games. FLASH--St. Patrick's Day this year proved to be the proper time for a conscience-stricken Irishman, wellknown to all readers of the column left on this sports page, to return a pair of gloves, left in the office of aforesaid son of Erin about a month ago. They belonged to a "Fatherly Tavern" owner, who now is wondering why he did not receive them 80 days sooner. Must have' been " a misfit! why you left so much empty ground between your fruit trees?" "Well, I gotta have aome place to tjtjpp Jthe pita, don't I?" ^ • f- -V A* Money to Spare Th* tramp looked worried as he entered the doctor's office. -- PALACE -- Ladies -- H. Conway, 467; 189-145-537; E. Conway, ty, 124; 2Q3- E. Hester, 192-487; M. Green, 429; B. Weber, 188-469; T. Meyer, 437; P. Pries, 418;, J. Stoller, 175-467; R. Mai shall, 173-464; A. Froehlich, 434; L. SteflFes, 200-473; J. Simon, 426; A. ELEV1NTH DISTKIOT r DIRECTOR OTOBT Of LEGION AUXILIAS7 The McHenrv Legion Aiildltiry was honored by the presence of the 'eleventh district director, Mrs. Lydia Petterson of Elmhurst, at the last regular meeting. March 10. Mrs. Petterson congratulated the writ on a membership of 110, after having been organized less than three years. She gave a short resume of the history of the Auxiliary, ita-purpose and accomplishments, and told of the large tasks for th<f futdre Mien the sick veterans' peak load from this war will reach our government hospitals. She emphasised the need for more younger members to help in -this hospital work. Other guests included Miss Julia Pfeffer of Crystal Lake, who spoke on the flag code and parlimentary procedure. Miss Marion Winkelman of Dies Plaines, as guest soloist, »"f three numbers, "God Bless America? "My Hero" and "Now Is The Hour." The next party at Downey was announced for this Thursday evening, March 18. The two books! presented to the library to honor «ast presidents, Mrs. Katherine /eber and Mrs. Minnie Green, are "Ides of March" and "Eagles in the Sky." The school patrol of the community will be entertained by an Auxiliary committee in the future. Dorothy Justen has been chosen as the high school junior to attend Girls' State this summer. Marita Williams is the alternate. Five dollars >as donated to the "Doctor," he said, "you've got to j Glosson, 188-492; G. Barbian, 172- help me. I swallowed a half dollar j 465, M. Kinsala, 430« about 15 years ago." "Good heavens, man!" exclaimed the doctor. "Why have you waited 15 years? Why didn't you go to a doctor the day you swallowed the coin?" Match -- • f" City Clippers, "To tell the truth,"- replied the' tramp, "I didn't fieed the money at the time." WW - ON ^IPE WAT DOW* Mountain Guide--Be careful not to fall here--it's very dangerous. But if do fall, remember to look to the left. You get a wonderful view. Red Cross. Mrs. Eddi she was plaj Industrial April and th announced that a tour to the Boys' at St. Charles in interested in joining the group may call her. The school asks for gifts of neckties for the boys--wearable but not necessarily new. A box will be placed in McGee's Clothing store until April 1 for the convenience of the public who wish to donate their discarded neckties. Mrs. Ethel Conway was chairman lor the social hour and the theme of the table decorations was appropriate to St. Patrick's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy attended a lecture on current literature by the Rev. Harold Gardner, S. J., at the Morrison hotel on Sunday. Introduction of Golf Golf was introduced to the United States in 1888 by Robe rt Lockhart. after a visit to Scotland. Average Farm fverage farm is about 196 ^ «£resf a 50-acre increase since MM ^and 8 20-acre jump since 1940, First Steel Plow By screwing pieces 0# saw bladee to the wooden plow frame, the first fteel plow in the United States fashioned in 1833* ^ Beware of W« little five-year-old Jj walking along the street with little Betty, four. As they were about to croaa the street, Jimmy remembered his mother's teaching. "Let me hold your hand,** he offered gallantly. "Okay," replied Joan, "but I want you to know you're playing with fire." 21W, LandTs Tun; 2130. ^ McHenry Fire Dept., 2090; Spring Grove Fire Dept., 2040; Ted Miller, 487; Charlie Freund, 490. Pin Boys, 2224; iFox Hole. 2167; Hagberg, 186-483. Palace, 2614; Grayslake, 2686; Ed Smith, 527; B. Toqyan, 514; M. Crouch, 532; A. Palocb, 61& K. Rosing, C88. '•<»•**• . * Wig Wag Talk Little Louise -- Grandpa* when will mama's train get in? Grandpa -- I've already told you five times that it will get in at 5:45: Why do you ask so often? Little Louise -- Your whiskers wabble funny when you say 5:45... MADE TO ORDER 'TIB a self-made man." "You're tacky. I*as the revised work of a wife and three daughters." All Included "Have you said your prayers, Willie?" "Yes, mom." -- f "Did you ask to be made a better boy?" "Yea. And I also put in a good City-- „ Hagberg, 405-652; ffi Freund, 207 601; H. Smith, 530; Richard Justen 211-168-228-607; Meyers, 498;' Thorsell, 197-497; Sehlitt, 212-671; Budler, 622; Jones, £29^548; Pyrita, 223- 546; Rosing, 208-198-191-897; J Carlson, 606; Rogers, 191-526 Crouch, 192-657; H. Kreutxer, 529 ftegner, 213-663; E. M. Smith, 518 B. Tonyan, 629; Weiser, 213-668 Freund, 201-600; Steffes, 210-577. C. O. F. -- L. Thennes, 485; L. Stilling, 606; B. Thennes, 205; J. Regtier, 618 G. Rodenkirch, 200-555: S. Wijas. 187-501; B. Kreutxer, 204-624. Wane--da -- Garland, 203-529; Peat, 506; Boehmke, 200-537; Sheehan, 514; Doolittle, 220-569; Cook, 201-644; Wagner, 607; Dickson, 627. Tavern -- Cairns, 185-496; Steinsdoerfer, 215-541; Knaack, 507; Johnson, 224- 531; A. Jackson, 202-537; Rogers, 203-477; Virgil Adams, 216-530; Arregger, 496; Deskis, 492; Zuelsdorf, 216-519; Joe McAndrews, 527; R. Freund, 219-506. ^ Smallest Pbetetabt The smallest phototube, so larger than a .22 caliber long rifle cartridge, is expected to expand vastly the electric eye or robot applica tkrna in industry. Street RaBreod Preflta From 1939 to IMS, if one man had owned all the street railroad systems in the United States, privately and publicly owned, he would have Inst 63 million dollars. First industrial 'school on the Fdi lenberg plan was established in Derby, Conn.', by Josiah Holbrook in 1818. The students paid part of their tuition by laboring on the term. word for you and dad.' Nothing Doing Him--Doggone it, you should.have hurried more. We've missed half the game. Her--Quit squawking. The scoieboard says 0-0. You can sre for yourself we haven't, missed anything. ; \ INJURED IN ACCIDENT Harold Burns of McHenry suffered painful injuries last Thursday when his car crashed into a utility pole, east of Rt. 21, near Grayslake. H£ received lacerations on the neck and bruises and was unconscious when taken to the Woodstock hospital. V shfhg Non-Shrinking Wool Wool that won't shrink in wasl Is One of the newest marvels of the textile world. A 100 per cent wool shirting fabric has been awarded the certified washable seal by American Institute of Laundering. Those School Lunches More than a billion pounds a! foodstuff were served to students by schools participating in the national school lunch program last year. The total food expenditure waa $112,500,- 000,000. Complete line of Lee's poultry; remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf! Need Rubber Stamps? Onler The Plaindealer. New nylon webbing, capable of stretching several times its original length without creating high recoil Strength, is undergoing tests for use to retarding the landing runs of aircrafta. Subscribe for The Plaiadoakr* Morning Worship: 11:00. Choir Rehearsals: Junior Choir on Wed. at 3:30 p. m. Cherub Choir on Thurs. at 3:30 p. m. W. S. C. S. on third Thufsday of month at 1 p. m. Church board of education on second Wednesday of month at 7:30 p. m. Official board on second Wednesday of month at 8:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, pastor. Gospel Onter Winder Center, Wonder Lair (Nonsectarian) / Services Sunday Bible School--10:15 a.m. Morning Worship Service^-11:00 Midweek Prayer Service on Thursday Evenings at 8:00 p.m. A cordial Welcome is extended to all the peeple of the community to worship with us. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Christ The King Mission Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 10:00. ' Holy Days: 6:80 and Confessions: Sundays: Immediately before the 10 o'clock mass. Holy Dsys: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:30 a. m. and during 6:80 mass. Rev. James A. VanderpesL » Rlngwood Charch Rinrwood, IB. Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Rev. George Marshall, pastor Making suimd Glass Glass employed in stained glass windows is colored in the making by tinting the glass in the melting pot with various metallic oxides, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica. This glass may or may not be painted or decorated afterwards. NATIONAL'S PIE-EASTER HOUSECLEANIM SALE! "C5," Whether yean Is or aof--It's m predeas heaM to yta •ere prectoas tfcea ever M to «f com* yea'll waat H sMay brlfM fer Enter Mat and We eeHy sprief seesea fast erased He eer» ser. As a • reaiia ' «eide, Matleaal teelares tUs week the best kaewa hows aad d sapplles te BMIW year sprlaf taf |eh easier aad SMTO eceeearicaL MNUZIT FFTENCH I OAL I DryCltaaor 1.69 CINCTWALL OOL CAN S4« Paptr€l«Mtr'g3<l7( OLD ENGLISH NO MIS QY. ST FlttrWax nNT47c JOHNSON'S ai*eMt . SSSH :i r . t : \ ; ' 4t rj £%i- * 4 • * ^ * v-* ASSORTED DESSERTS ROYAL or JELLO •3 mc6s- 20c • LAUNDRY SOAP GLASS WAX OR lanClNMr «NT He FELS NAPTHA THAT OXYDOL SP, OXYDOL • • • GIANT I BARS SPARKLE FOR FINE WASHINGS LGE. IK6. 27' 35' I FTLUI LABEL REO LA0SL tf« Kara Synp *** MAZOLA OR OT. ra* WatsoaOil CAN 16C .JINT 39c SOfTASILK--SNOSHMN I SMiiiavi Ma Flavr ^ 39e KVCREADT FANCY Fratteo«lrtall MOTTS FANCY tpplaSaMa .... TKXSUN WipMTllVJMOT •LWCRISSON IcJmHC 4 EtilH •16 JACK LaaadrySaap 3^am 2§C FOR WHITE* WASHES Rlata Pawiar . CASHMERE BOUQUET TallatSaap WHITE KOATtNO SwaaSaap . FMiSSC WHITE FLO ATI NO Swaa Sup... TOILET SOAP Swaathaart SSutSc K?sSS€ BARS WHITE FLOAT!NO IvarySaap.. WHITE FLOATING Ivary Saap REMOVES MEASE AND DIRT LavaS«ap S SSS HEALTH SOAP Ufabaay SOAPFLAKB Aaar.FaaNy .. LAUNORY SOAP Aaar.Faail|y 3 MRSSSC 2 £rs37c 29c 3K&29C - » • • 33c f - , r - QUICK ARROW SOAP FLAKES ----HTerminatinr Tennitea Awmal damage from termites to the United States is estimated to exceed 50 million dollars, yet the installation of a permanent termite control system should not be more than 2 per cent of the cost of a house. In sections of the South, more than 90 per cent of houses show termite infestation. Uncle Sam Says I Does a 11,0M in savfasga seem as elusive as the rainbow's net of gold to you? Then, think a boat these facts: By Joining the Payroll Savings Plan where you work and al- ^ lotting Just $2.50 a week far € States Savings Bonds, yen will aeeumnlate a&IJi In If years. Millions of my nieces and nephews are learning from experience that they can own an even greater amount of Savings Bends threagh this partial payment plan. In mm are swf-eaapfe^ed^ eat haying is Pianftt year hank V. S. Trtaturj Dtpmt+mrmi •SUDS IfNOERLEAP MaakTaaBaci NATIONAL MAID PLAIN OS StfaratfDaMrts CALIFORNIA LARM Saaswaat Praaaa .Of. N1T« g^YOULAulm? «**> TOO. HILLS, MAXWELL OR MaaarNtmaCafVaa I.9S VALUE ONLY SWIFTS SMORTENNM Swiffaiaf 1 WITH YOU* PURCHASE tm FAlious NrJt ® TIDE 35 UPTONS Noodle Soup Mix TOPS IN. own our. ENRICHK > ALLS WEST UH6EMT6 Margariaa MIRACLE WHIP SiM Draaaiaf NAIISCO RHz eraafcart WNAATTIOEN£AuLs,v, *O NALTY I qeallty, M red mler ead e FANCY vWwy Ivvhi WMyMHc Stais* Laka Sfcara Haaay CAMEO PawtfaradSlaral FLORIDA CALIFORNIA. SHO-RAU. BrapafraHs l9tVuTH39c Cwillflawar NBA»25c FLORIDA Jalaa0raBfa89LVSBSN46c FRESH STRINGLESS CraaaBaan MAINE POTATOES SiparSpii? 19 •EST WHEN GREEN Pascal Salary FRESH DAWN FRESH Mnhnam LITTLE SO-PEEP Ammoaia STALK ILONDIE OR Pasttl Braaan I Be LOC LURE Shmpia POMPEIAN CASTILI Skani^a GILLETTE BLUE BLADES 25e ....-j:;!