p / < I At McCullom Lake; live H > / I all year bombs for sale I SHEET METAL work---jw E C T10 N NOTICE of the mat number of which appear in the *each week, we hare W it impouible to keep booki on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 •'dock on Wednesday mornings jrfll be printed. i rooms hardwocd floors; insulated, 100 feet frontage; price $7,500. Six •rooms; bath; full basement; also furnished; water front; fine bathing beach; price $8,000. Owner I will accept 'Small down payment. At Wonder Lake; six rooms; bath; ! automatic oil heat; garage attached; lot has seventy-five ft. frontage, ; price $10,900". Modern 6-room home, completely furnished, including new refrigerator, cooking rangej full cement basement; larpe corner lot: 2 miles east of Mc* Henry. Price $15,000. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg, Tel. 37 or Chicago | Lincoln 1333. 44-tf ! I DEAL IN USED CARS j THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU '46 Plymouth 4-doort very dean, rOR SALE--Champion 3-hp. out-* $1750. board motor; priced reasonable. '46 Mercury 4-door, RAH. Phone McHenry 634-M-l, between 5 '47 Chrysler, 4-door, 3500 original and 7 p. m. *44 miles, R & H, best offer. -- 2 '4b Chevrolet, 4-door, $1775. FOR SALE AT AN ATTRACTIVE '47 Mercury convertible coupe,' PRICE--Loop lots No. 242 and 243 R & H, many accessories. Open eve* in McHenry Co. Memorial Park nings. Stmetery, Woodstock, 111. Call Mc- aKMAND PAQUIN MOTORS ienry 189-W or J. 44-tf Rt. l£ and old Rand Road, across -- ~ , Irom Breezy Point. * 44 FOR SALE--Modern Roper tabletop -- -- gas range in excellent condition. FOR SALE--300 bu. Clinton oats. Price $80. Phone McHenry 568-J-2. $1.75 per bu. Clyde Clark, R-3 Wood- 44 stock. Phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. •44-2 FOR SALE furnace and sheet metal McHenry 480-M. Free Gripe's Tin Shop. NOTICE Bernie Buss shines shoes at the West Side Barber Shop, 508 Main St., after school and bn Saturdays. *44 NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself, after March 13, J948. Harold J. Grotthuss, West Mclfenrjr, NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself, after March 18, 1048* Clarence Warburton. *44 PAINTING--Painting and decorating; plastic tile; first class work; insured. For free estimate phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. *43-8 PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 fOR SALE--Team of good farm] horses, wt. about 1450 lb., 10 years FOR SALE--1940 Buick 4-door seold. Also Strictly fresh eggs. Ronald *"«; radio and heater; A-l condition. Paddock, R-2, McHenry. Tel. Mc- TeL Fox Lake 4663. *44 Henry 612-R-2 or 88-W. »44 ~~ „ „ . „ „ I ! FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. FOR SALE--Used washers. One Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf SPiShS- W.rfAr^C FOR SALE--Erinrude 2 hp. Sp.rUOS, EteSric Sh,^ ' "jj Ii ini iMnuoudceil,; uubsecdu vveerryy little. _ Sacrifice $75. Call Wauconda 4941. fOR SALE--Good used boy's bicycle *• H- Lu*»- *44 price $15. Phone McHenry 122-W. FOR SALE_Year 'round, 7-room _ home, with basement; excellent »D» SALE Hot Point . electric' 8& sr.r ^ ^ Sons, cor. Green and Elm. McHenry., war F i DRILLED OR DRIVEN, Phone 103-R. u ! f°,R SALE--Fifteen shares Edwal WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry. 034-R-2. *42-4 » / C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Toner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, HL DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, hones and hogs; no help needed to load. Day ana night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8} reverse charges. M-tf PIANO TUNING & SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf - ; • VI* UAUU AIAV^II OIIOJ Phone 103-R. Laboratories Class "A" FOR SALE--Vacuum cleaners. One (*750 Par value) f600- FRED Model 28 Hoover; one Model 61 CHASE, Box 93, Ringwood, Til. *44 Hoover. C.rey Electric Shop. « FOR SALE-Exercycle FOR SALE!--Electric, automatic, hot oJkm ' ,?!k1® .Call McHAe?n ,ry f * water heater, Rheen, 52-gal. approved ; I . 4a-tf type, brand new. Will sacrifice at rno gaii? it;--* , . tSS nnHor ii«+ r.n hOK SALE--First and second cutsell, uid install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry M-J. Telephone 10-tf $35 under list price. Call Wauconda 4941. R. H. Lutz. *44 ting alfalfa. 631-M-l. Phone ' McHeennrr:y 43-3 steers, torn fed. Wm. Glosson. Phone McHenry 687-J-l. FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing, varnishing and waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a life-time floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. 34-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned >hone east ofMTlJpnrv• if™ b* ****'* Sanitary Service. Eddie •«-2 X l,.".?.', 8K.r™r „h.Tf' Huff. Prop. Tel. M.Henry 290. 29-tf FOR SALE -- Choice butchering caii? mn * v-nm faA w«. Di _ rOK SALE--160-acre farm, 2% mi. •y; 8-room house _ bath, furnace heat; 2 barns, 2 silos. FOR SALE--Tavern on U. S. high- £lso 147 ®cres» north of McHenry; i SHEET METAL AND FURNACE way; also three cabins. Also tavern 8-room hotfse; automatic oil heat; WORK --Gutters and furnaces rein town north of McHenry, including arge bam For W^tment call paired. John MdDonald, Bowman St., ice cream parlor and barber shop. Nell), JACOB FRITZ, REAL McHenry, 111. Phone McHenr^ 772-M. For appointment call (Hank Nell). ESTATE, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- 3&tf JACOB FRITZ. REAL ESTATE, at Henr>' 37. 43.tf 1-- Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37. 43-tf ~ 0 OAIr ~ r~ GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us *OR SALE--10 ton of oats straw;. dispose of your garbage each week, FOR SALE--185 acres in vicinity of two Brown Swiss family milk cows; or oftener if desired Crystal Lake, Illinois, on grave!. three registered Holstein bull calves, aesirea. road. All under cultivation except age from three days to eight months. 15 acres. Beautiful modto-n 7 rm. A. C. Clemons. Kries Farm, Ringmuse, with new foundation and utili- j wood. ties; excellent drive through dairy! barn, new milkhouse, silo, implement' MISCELLANEOUS ahed and granary. Will finance. Con- »v«junnw«a . *41-4 Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone S65. tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, III Phone 277. 49-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 108 *44 Main St, McHenxy. Phone McHenry 203-J 52-tf LADIES Make up to $8.00 per day and get dresses free selling Maisonette Frocks. Address "LK," care Plaindealer. *42-3 v i tact Mr. Adcock, Hugh C. Michels A , SOFT WATER H»vp ~.fa- SS^A 4046* M*,"80,, St ' ^ cago STA 4045. 42-4! softener. Micromet and ^Modern FOR SALE--7-room bouse, approx.! «ofie"ers a"d heaters Doherty 17 acres tillable land in town. Genoa la McCa^€^y' Ph™e Wonder Lake City, Wis. Write N. Matyas, 1212 S. 888 or McHenry 259-M Pulaski, Chicago 25, 111. M2-4 BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITY--Boat FOR SALE--Medium Clover, $24.00; shop, 40x60 ft. on lake, shop attached Alfalfa Seed, $11.40; Hybrid Seed 16*20, extra building, 16x16; two Oorn, $5.00, all per bushel. Also cabins, sleep 8 people; possession other bargains. Postal card us to- APriI 1- Price $13,000; cash $9,000; 4«y for catalog and samples. Hall glance terms. iLake Region Realty, Roberts' Son, Postville, Iowa. 40-4 ; Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 FOR SALE!--Generators, armatures, RADIO REPAIR -- Call McHenry -- starters, fuel pumps, distributors 87-J for pickup service. Cleveland' HELP WANTED--Earnings $10 to voltage regulators and ignition parts Jkdk* Repair Shop, Fox St., Mc-' $20 Daily--3 salesmen or sales for IFord and all other cars. Seaco • Henry. 111. *43-2 ladies wanted for specialty selling. Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. ~~ ---- -- Experience helpful but not necessary. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. CLINTS REFRIGERATION | Write in care of E. R. Cost, 417 S. 37-tf SERVICE Highland Ave., Rockford, 111. *44 JOR SALE - JOHNS-MANVILLE an°U exper^^T^s^liS'1^ 1 HELP^ WANTED--Man for garden TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- domestic refrigeration, deep freeze, Iand work •round house. Call Mc- SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, milk coolers and small commercial Henry 231-M. 43-tf installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or units only. All work guaranteed, 24 j p WANTRIX_M«« write Leo J. Stilline. 200 E. Pearl hours service. Call Crvat»] T.«l.1 WANTED--_Man, steady job. HELPWANTED 2Tite„Leo J- Stilling, 200 E. Pearl hours service. Call Crystal Lake M m* t pui},5 !fy •St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf 1280-R. Corner Virginia and Hickory i *_ lrl« t?". ! TOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- K IH U°°°r H<!iKht5' C't?M KG MACHINES. Service on ill makes. Also ribbons for all makes; grbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. ~ 7-tf l/)T^ FOR SALE--Lots 50x350 ft., Rgwte 31, about two block from v;,,,.- • _ * XI'M i b jviinK nancn, i\-o, pox ;McHenry' *2-4 HELP WANTED--Girl for general CARPENTER WORK ~ j work _in_ drug store. Bolger's, Green Remodeling and Repairs St., McHenry. 39-tf Free Estimate T»i o ja ' HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND Tel. McHenr> 653-M-2 42-tf GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. WOOD SAWING Tel. McHenry 278-J. Herman Dowe ITUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- 21' McHenryMfTO, Or4er your rubber sumps at lb, -- RIVERSIDE DRIVE. HcHENRY. Plaindealer. i Subscribe for The Plaindealer PHONE 39, 20-tf V^tory For a Moment r-v^. • By ^-^-I.aWLfcDW --^ *T*HE old ground hog was uneasy. -*• Every few seconds she would stand upright, her bright eyes searching continually for the ever expected danger from some quarter. Each time the close scrutiny satisfied her and she would drop down and resume greedily bating the tender leaves of the young red clover? She was thin and shaggy. The three young groundhogs, eating the clover even more greedily than she, were the reason. This was the first time she had brought them up from the soft nest deepnn the earth. The young ones revelled in the warm sunshine the strange taste of what they were eating. They ranged farther away from their mother and the safety of the burrow unaware that danger lurked nearby. ' A couple of noisy croWs winged, their way overhead but the old groundKbg didn't pay them the slightest attention. She knew they weren't hawks who would bring death winging swiftly out of the sky for her young. She was getting full, yet she ate cm, her stomach starting to swell. A familiar sound jerked her upright and little quivers of deathly fear lanced through her small brain. The dog, her implacable enemy, was bounding down the field. He saw the red-chested 1 ' g r o u n d h o g a n d raced toward her. W i t h a s h r i l l whistle she scurried towards her burrow, her brood close at her rump. As her young nuzzled, the shrill yapping of the dog penetrated clearly to her. "listen to that fool pup yappin' his head off down by the creek. Hasn't got a brain in his head. Never be as good as his mother." The slatternly-looking woman leaned in the cabin door, ready to find fault with anything. "Yeah," her husband answered slowly, "She was all right, too bad she had to get killed on the railroad. Maybe I should get the .22 and go down and see what he's up to. If there's any groupdhogs down there they'll be eatin' the heart out of the young clover." "I'll go down, Dad" their young son cried. He grabbed a stick. "Bet he's got a big one cornered down there." « YOUNG Tad ran along by , the 1 stump fence until he reached the clover field. Climbing up on a stump he could see the pup down at the other end near the creek jumping around a small stonepile and barking furiously. "Bet he has one," he said aloud and started to run. "What you got, Tippy?" propping, on his stomach, he could see a! groundhog crouched in between the1 safety of twa large stones. Tad} poked his stick in as far as her could 1 but the groundhog only retreated | further. I "Sic him! Get him out, Tip," he1 urged the excited pup. 1 "Guess we'll have to move some I of these stones for you. Watch out now, or you'll get hurt." Tad began throwing stones aside. "Watch him. Tip." The pup saw the young groundhog and pounced on it savagely. For a few seconds he had a wntrgad from the In Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Pwn, rubber investigators of the 17. S. department of agriculture have reported. About 29,000 acres of field plantings now are established ii| government demon* stration areas, on coffee, banana and other plantations, and on nearly a thousand small farms. Tha United States maintains scientists and technicians in various centers to conduct research And train local workers. The return of rubber as an economic crop in Latin America became possibleyby the introduction of clons from high-yielding Hevea trees (pm the Far East and by dexeloptrient of leaf-blight eon. trol methods. ^ / Mighty Maskellonge Ftsfe,/, J The general form of the muskellunge is similar to that of the common pickerel or northern pike. The muskellunge reaches^ length of six or seven feet and Specimens have been caught which weigh 50 to 60 pounds. 'Color is dark gray; sides have brokan and unbroken stripes on.a silvery background; the head is larger than that of the pickerel *nd both the cheek and opercle are sealed above but unsealed on the lower halves,. ^ SACRED LILY A sacred lily of India, a. fiewer very rarel7 found in this lo«ality, is in bloom at the homf of Mrs. Lillian Barber, Marengo. When in bloom, the flower has a purple-red blossom mottled with green spots, and is approximately one foot in diameter. It has the consistency of morrocco leather and a few days after it has opened, the blossom begins to curl slightly. The original sacred lily of Indian bulb, of which Mrs. Barber's flower is an was sent to a late ltifr-- from Iowa may years. Sgo. Rockets lm fM Rockets of the V«2 type burn than 300 pounds of fuel per Trnml* 1 developing a thrust of more «»• | 72,000 horsepower Complete line of Lee*a jasiuj remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. * Male Help Wanted WAKE UP AMD Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. I would like to have you meet six of our representatives and see what tbey earaed iador business in l947 by income tax reports. Former Salesman earned ...................... Former Bartender earned Former Accountant earned. Former Tool and Die Maker earned ... Former .Singer earned Former Teletype Operator earned »...? 7,893.44 with us 8,241.20 with us 8,730.30 with us .... 8,903.87 with us .... 9,09f.08 with us «... 11,068.49- with us Uncle Sam Says There are five positions available now in yon have a car and are ready to go to Work, come an interview with Mr. (table, Room 222. Fox Elgin, Thursday, March 18th, 2-4 P. M., 7-9 P. M^rri day, March 19th, 2-4 P. Ji. 7-9 P. M : T--^- 4 ' - ' / • • in 1947 in 1947 in 1947 in 1947 in 1947 in 1947 If in for Hotel, :v" <• kl V, 'mi .• THIS HEW CHICK CATAIQ6 •WPWW mmm Rnnram • • * • HOW • WHY farm flocks produce such high egg records • WHAT YOU con reasonably expscf to do for you Want to.know a Leap Year proposal you can accept whether you are pintle or married and have a dosen children? It's the proposal to Join the Payroll Savings Plan for buying United States Savings Bonds, or the Bon4-A«Month Plan at your bank if yea are self-employed. Mil. lions «f my nieces and nephews have learned from experience that a growing nest-egg built -i buying ef United. States Savings "by regular- Bonds is the best personal guarantee of a happy future. V. S. Trtantry Dtfartmmi HMINI You've heard about Hy-Lines . * •. 4ft kind of chicks bred like hybrid corn. You've* , listened to neighbors' reports on Hy-Line egg production. Now... in this new catalog ; ... you have the opportunity to get die complete Hjr-Iine' story . . . clearlv, briefly andv nirly presented for your consideration. This catalog is filled with photos of Hy-Lines from baby ducks to layers. It tells how Hy-Lines are bred and the research program back of them. Most important of all, it tells what Hy-Lines are doing to increase poultry incomes on hundreds of farms. You'll be interested in the coinplete Hy-Line story. CiSH Is mi S«l A Capy if As Nnr Hf4im Cfchk CiMh^ lthf NcHENRY MILLS, INC. PEONB #2 B WEST McHENRY, ILL. Helen Weber Says: WANTED TO BUT •^77' WANTED TO BUY--Have buve farm from 80 to 100 acres with good modern house. AlsjiT buyer for farm, 160 to 200 agres. Write Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED TO BE SUEE It'8 going to be a nice birght balmy Easter Sunday-- only one week left to get that favorite dress or suit mdy. , Bring it in today and you'll look right and feel rights our U-SAN Q insured Mothproof cleaning ig the beet yon can get. •' -- ' ----- McHenry Cleaners 104-M 103 Eln St. Helen Wdber, Mgr. WANTED--Die casting and punch press work; also polishing and buffing. All metalB, antiques, lamps, fiiaplace sets, etc. Northern Illinois Die Casting Co., Inc. 200 Third St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 788-J. •41-4 | WANTED--Dwelling to rent or pur- 1 chase, within city limits , of McHenry. Possession on or ab^tft April 1st. Eail R. Walsh, Phone 43. •37-tf W ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Bet.uty Shoppe.) 16-tf L08T -- I LOST--Thoroghbred black Scotty, 11 years old; answers to name "Jock;" carries right ear partially down; $25 reward for return. Information leading to recovery will be rewarded i also. Tel. McHenry 164. *44 FOR RENT FOR HIRE--One and one-half ton truck with driver; $3 per hour. Phone McHenry 433-R. 43.3 Anesthesia Resists Poison Anesthesia can resist the reaction of any poison according to findings of Soviet scientists. The woman leaned in the door, ready to find fault with anything. loose grip on it but the groundhog snapped back wickedly and with a surprised yipe the pup jumped away. The groundhog raced as fast as its short legs would go towards the safety of its burrow. "Get it! Get it!" Tad screamed hoarsely with excitement. "Get him, boy!" The pup was after it like a flash, his courage renewed. The escape of the groundhog was cut off only a few yards from safety. Urged on by Tad, the pup worried it but circled far enough out to be safe from those snapping teeth. Suddenly the pup darted in and grabbed the groundhog by the back of the neck and shook him vigorously. The young groundhog gave a frightened little whistle. Then something M snipping teeth. Itfge *nd frightening, mm tearing st tbt pup out of nowhere. Long thmrb fnngi tank cruelly into his rump. With m terrified yelp be dropped his victim mnd hightailed it for the house. Herding the groggy, frightened young one ahead of her, the old groundhog disappeared down the burrow with a mocking, triumphant whistle. -----RtitiMd toy wnu rM«K*s. . i-riw'r;r Your Ae sir eashlon (See fflnrtratton), by abeort* lug Jolts and bumps, protects the tire's oord body from over-strain, and assures easier, b«n comfortable, riding. Only Firestone provides this advantage, fip treads wfll last much longer and yean nottoe smell greater palling power. Get weighting at the lowest cost with Flreetene Hydro-Flatton. No dismounting is necMsaxy. I S e r v i c e a t O u r S t o r e o r a t Y o u r F a r m SPECIAL SALES ON FIRESTONE TIRES AND BATTERIES' Sterling Silver Sterling means 8X5-1,000 fine, or that silver in its purest worksble form is 915 parts pure silver and 75 parts alloy tor give hardiness. This ratio is fixed bv law. Newspaper Circulation The average daily newspaper CTfculation in the United States reached a record of rtearly 51 million last year, a gain of two million over the previous year. -fIRESTONE TIRES-- I I 6.00x16 Passenger Tires * .... $12.85 plus tax 6.50x16 Passenger Tires $15.90 plus tax All other passenger tires are priced proportionately low Special prices on all Truck tires FIRESTONE BATTERIES-- Trade in your old battery on a new Firestone. W* allow $2 to $4 for your old battery. We • have batteries to fit all cars, trucks and ---- tractors, as low as $12.85, exchange. WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Acceeeoriee Tire and Tube Vulcanising V All Work Go -fheitt IN OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 1' ,-Jk - • -• -•* - •• ?.sf