Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1948, p. 7

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•• -v .1 x* l lk for GLASSES NOW FORMING A pretty wed tout place at the *9CW0W> SQRPOI. of f CULTURE UtWi TWENTY-FIYB Tlitt AGO ENROLL NOW Call or write for information 887 W. STATE ST. BOCKFORD, John Schaid, Sr. who MB Cvm aMur has bonght the how fotisorit the Green stooet. and ifli he given, possession of same shortly, A tw--iiii is ibdii dat the Zim Lathers* church on Joiui street and the iBMnbsis rf the emmntim .hope sfen to he en. joying the prtvilogee «r a anr meeting hall and fcr holding social gatherings. • Cash and Cuiy 8tii quoteo these VtfT s • OR. HENRY FREUND . oPTommuBT At 614 ttain St., Wait WMmif " " • - •' •• Steffan'i tmHrj Star* ' - '« {Closed Thursday IfUnooos) - r $• Eyee Bmmlned -- Glaases Fitted Training Visual Bohabllitetioe - Complete Visual Analysle Hons Daily: 8 to 12 and 1 to S--Saturday Burnings* ||| SM pja. PHONE McHENRT 481 ' o HiHMMi •isaUH turqay Afternoon Skating Session - -J •? ::-c vvVf^-2 to 4:80 p> aLT*"? for t£> Ohildtfi Admission 46c inetadiaf tax Just For Fun Roller Rink • McHenry, 111. ELECTRIC MOTORS COUPLETS REPAIR SHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding - McHenry Electric Motor Service BRUCE W. K^OHg 108 w. Vaukeoak RD. . •* /'i J>HO« m MOTO - MOWER LAWN MOWERS POWER MOWERS - SICKLE MOWERS WHIRLWIND MOWERS LAWN SWEEPERS FLOOR SWEEPERS Otto »Adams Service Station Phone McHenry 434 Johnsbnrg, OL MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE -- Records Installed and Maintained-: ELMER P.- ADAMS ' Certified Tax .Consultant One Mile North of Tox Lake on Rt, U. 8.1} Phone Pox Lake 6601 POX LAKE, ILL. GAL •" 1 JPM Call 672 or Geitt Tour Stock iiin Early 490 if yon inunt : 25% down, bal. in 12 mos. at *4 of f % int. NIGHT AUCTION 7:30 p. m. very Wednesday GAULKE'S SALE BARN ROUTE 47 WOODSTOCK, ILL. AOOD SELECTION OF CLOSE FRESH COWS STOCK BULLS 7 Calf Your Calves Top Prkes? 4 YOUCANBUY YOU CAN SELL 00. .T Jill Iding to of the Moe'i parents Ringwood at two o'clock last Thurswhen Miss Florence Elynore _ became the wife of Mr. J. Bell of Richmond. Rev. David of Greenwood performed the eemnony. FOBTT TEARS John Regner ^iaa sold his red* donee on North Green street to Mrs. Bp* Meyers, who takes possession jfer. . In MttlNl efthr Frank Oole astute, the firm at the arast end of Mc- Cullom lake, known, aa the Wallace Colby farm. Rollin Waite has received the appointment of postmaster of McHenry, in place of Cant Snow, whose -f-term of office expired March Waite is a Repoblicfta.- Charles TO-igtjt who has occupied the Mrs. Kearna house the past year, moved to Belvidere last week. ' SIXTY YEAB8 AGO Carpenters are at work remodeling the Geo. Yager store building, whiceLh win at a near future date be occupied by a first class resturant , Tke home now occupied by G. W. Booty, and family on the West Side, has been purchased by E. Bassett, who win at some* near future date move {nip it. , '• B. Palmer of Chicago h chased the milk route pf H. «djs being su] ^ fVeund dair FIFTY TEARS AGO^ M.-*F. Walsh of the fttarsrd has pur- J. Degen lied by the Stephen . WiffBB PUMPS yajrhanks Metua Blectst and Pump fyp* An sbM. Complete and Baay . W paa^a. Take old B^twhi sales and sbbyice TA Mdhnry 5M-W-1 (Mt ft* fram NdTs BaHrsem) -- WAN! ED TO- BUY -- Wa pay M ta «SS for Old Horsea. ,mr **WI> hor-- •«* cattle. MATTB MINK BANCS lehmiburg - Baring Grove Boad Fhaam Jennsavc S14 CALL AT OI^CE ON DEAD B6g8, Hons AND CATTLE % ^ Wa pay phone charges Phone McHenry 584-B-2 -- Baawnent Excavatiar -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL 8pedal Bataa on Rand Gravel ant Lot Filling . , Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. B. NETr Jehnsbarg P. O.--McHenry DB. B. DeBOME . -- Dentist -- „ IM Green Street j . Phone 2t2-J. McHofVy Office Honrs: Tuesday and Satniaya from It to 4. Evenings by appoint- Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DB. B. H. WATKINS r a Dentist --Office Hoara-- leadayit8aturdaye: lajktolun. Bvenings and 8«aday Mornings av Appaintment! Faint Wonder Lake, I1L The firm of Perry 4 Owen have decided to open a hank in this village. This has been a long felt want here, and will be a great convenience to our businessmen and the surrounding community. A. G. Locke, the baker, has Isold out his business here to Barbee A ILayton, and given them possession of the same. Mr. Locke, we understand, intends locating at Haraboo, Wis. . We near that W. H. Ford, formeiv ly of the BivenSde House, in this village will take possession of the Waverly House, Woodstock, soon. Forty-two inch black Spanish lace skirting, French and American satins, braids, Jet ornaments, etc Largest assortment of Hamburg', Swiss and colored eaubroidery in the county from 3 eents up, at La<j||«a salesrooms. v Qnat Population • Titer* are now 84,000 registered iJbats in the United States. Uncle Sam Says P-S , AL*S WELDING AN0 BEPAIB SERVICE <01 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Phono ftS-W-1 M*HENBY. ILL. Vebnon KNOX ^Attemey-At-Law i',- . Cor. Green and' Eha Sta* Mcilaary Tneeday and FHday Aftarnaana Other Daya % Appalnlmnsl Phone McHenry 48 PLASTIC WALLTILB Bghteen colors bf beautiful wall coveriM. See them before decoratiag yoor bath or kitchen. C are through the tile--will not sera thai off. Write i or put it on yourself. Sales A Service, McHenry, 800 foot from Nell's ballroom. Phone kee 652-W-l. WEENfiABT TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Fimat -- Black Dirt -- Tracks for Hire Free Estimating TeL 88S-B-2 McHenry, OL Tea don't need New Year's Dav to make one resolution which wil' make your future mare secure. In fact, this February day is as good as any day for this resolution: All yan have to da Is to sign up for the Payroll Savinga Plan for buying 8avings Bonds. Just write your John Henry once. After that, your money Is invested for you every payday autematicallv. In Just 1C years you get back 84 for every 83 invested. If yon are In a business or profession and the Payroll 8avtags Plan is not available to yon, aak for the Bond- A-Month Plan at your bank. U. S. Trtasur? Dtfartmma RaaaaKfc bf tha t*, ft department of agrk^tura on the ofl content of aoybaaua In atoraga shown that aa oil is lost from haana during dub itortge prior to pro rearing, cootrary to the commonly hald belief that such oil content diminishes during storage. Reeearch into both food and industrial uaaa of soybeans waa undertaken for protection of farmare who would ha subject to lower (turns If their stored beans were . nrchaaed on the aaaumptkm that Oil content had lesaefied during storage- Than alao was developed a paste containing pigments and driers so mixed that farmers can prepare a paint at relatively «Iow coat by merely adding soybean oil to it. Another new process separates soybean oil into two fractions, each of which is better than the whole oil for cart a i n p u r p o s e s . ~ * - v . . '-- ' it ijiti' Depth di Body of Water A pond of water appeara diallower to human eyes than it actually Is becauae the water bends or refracts light. The apparent diatance of the bottom is reduced by the light bending. A U C HON l mile west of Hwy. 21, 8 miles east of Hwy. 69, 1 mile south of Grand Ave., 2 mi. southwest of Lake Villa, 5 miles northwest of Grayslake, on MONDAY. MARCH 22 at 12 o'clock . ' K I M L U N C H w i d o N SO REGISTERED BEEF SHORTHORN AND WELL BBHD MILKING SHORTHORN CATTLE--8 reg. beef Shorthorn cows, consisting of 1 cow with calf fct side; 7 springers due in April or early May; 8 milking Shorthorn cows with cslves st side; 2a registered beef Shorthorn heifers bred; 2 beef Shorthorn heifers, bred; 4 beef Shorthorn yearling heifera, open; 1 registered Shorthorn bull, 1 year oM; 1 registered Shorthorn bull, 3 years old. T. B. and Bangs tested. HOUSES AND HARNESS--Team of I black horses; set of breeching har-1 noss and collars. ' SHEEP--5 bred ewes, due to lapib by sale time. PIGS -- 15 Chester White Shoats, average weight 105 lbs. MACHINERY -- New McD. corn planter (with fertilizer attachment) never used; McD. Model 61 Combine on rubber; McD. corn binder; McD* 10 ft. seeder; Gehl corn plantef; 8- sec. drag, 3-sec. springtooth; Gehl silo filler; M-M side delivery rake; «sit. sower (on rubter); McD. steel bodied manure spreader; rubber tired fMfon and rack; MeC. corn shredder; hay loader; McC. Big 4 mower; sulky cultivator; hit. burr mill; corn I shelter; 2 wagons and double boxes. 1 FEED--800 bn. Vic land oats; 2001 shocks corn; 100 bales straw; 6-ft. I silage in 14 ft silo. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- McD I milking machine, complete with motor, pump and pipe; Losee electric | water heater; 2 sterilising tanks. (BUILDINGS--2 12x12 ft brooder I houses, on skids; 3 portable hog booses (4x7 ft.) MISCELLANEOUS--O-^ 1000 lb. seale; 10 nk 100 ft snow fencer brooder stove; tm electric motor; tank boater; FURNITURE -- Softs , furniture, including large cabinet; bookscaae; laandqr f*Hte tables; single bed and dianea. JOHN C. E. PETEB8EN, Ownor Chandler ihind Elfers, A^m Public Auction Service Co^ HOME-COOKED MEALS WILL BE SERVED Thursdays and Sundays Only J- {>, U , . -?• * \ •< r v HOOTS TAVERN S. Green Street Center Town SANDWICHES AND CHILI AT a? C A R M A N U F A C T U t A N U F A i T U R [ R S / A N D T H : WHEEL BALANCE 14 IMPORTANT bom OUT OP lALANCl WHIILS L Viimiaiiia body and ehaaala ^ wow of wl : v • Portable Equipment ' H. B. VANCE--McHekry tl-J m Santh Green St, McHenry, HL McHBNBY FLOBAL OOl 484 Ona Mile Santh af McHIa^ on Bonte 81 Flowers for all FBANK 8. MAT Trucking Black Dirt -- Crsahed Gravel Track for Hire " » McHenrv 888-M-l B-l Mcmnry Telephone Ne. 888 STOFFBL A BEIHANSPBBGEB Inaarancd agents far aQ classes af property in the best companion. Weal McHenry, UHneis S. PAkRkft, Attorney FABM DRAINAGE llliiig Work Dane With Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor 1899-M-l R. F. D. S Woodstock. 111. ^ BELL & SHALES Interior snd Exterior Painting Pa^er Banging Also Spray Painting 18C N. Green St. McHenry . TeL McHenry 243-J or JOHN F. BRD^ B 80N Sheet Metal «and Furnace Work li| If. Green St, McHeaiy, HL " Phone 243-B HlCrHEST CA8H ^PRICES paid for Dud and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hags -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tkakage aqd Meat Scraps far aale. Phones Arlington Heights tin or McHenry 659-J-2. Beverse Chargea; Palatine Rendering Service. Ai. P. FREUND SONS •xcavating Contractors trucking, Hydraalie ; and Crane Service «#BOAD JSDlLDINft-- fd. 284-M W W NLP Your $ $ Will Do Two Jobs for You! UIm AfvywUv fHl yMV ' DmUC Duly Dilif at cmsse ta avenge speed. HRrS WHY YOUR WHIILSNUDBALAMCMO r «*eel ml at bslsnes Jasl OMB OOMCS at fte Inad . . £-M" peands el vlhnttaa ea Iho rasd st W a«Jt" STATIC UNBALANCI DYNAMIC UNBALANCE ffl Is a sMs whsa lb* wiigkl ol a wheel sseaadbly Is so dMriholsd ea Ms own (ft iwt vim sloppod IK is a of ststle, that oatoMs whsa 0m weMht of a sevoHtoa whml IssodMAamdJtot vlhrettofB pmsset mgsidlsm of hi smd ef g • » MLMCE-BMnR eorroefs li-- Ml CURTIS G. NEWMAN Special Agent West McHenry HL, TeL 782-J CENTRAL GARAGE loHNSBVBO Fred Smith, Prop. Telephone McHenry 20Q-J QUALITY McHenry, I1L . DB H. S. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway 81 -- Office and Home TeL McHenry 81 McHenry, IIL Office Hoars: l p.m. to 2 px, Rrwpt Thursdays Evenings by Appointment Per BUSHEL IF you don't own a car, but like to ride in one . IF yon don't have a chauffeur, bat like one . . « (Less than 2c per WHEN you're "In, » ha««y 8a Be* some place fast . .. RUTTER - S WEET CALL FOR A ALWAYS CALL die Kdge of Like Zurieto PHONE HARRINGTON 857-R Open Weekdaysjl-5 p. m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a. hl to 6 p. WL T... INSUBANCB EARL B. WALSH Ante, Farm and. Life 1 "companies

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