Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1948, p. 6

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'LR-tt SECTION NOTICE of the mat number of •da which appear In the each weds, w tan it impossible to keep books small accounta. Therel^ tathifUn^wlgMl an paid for bafort tl efthe paper goes to f •Mt on Wednesday wffl be printed. at 10 ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE 'SHEET METAL WORk*-F©r your At McCullom Lake; five rooms; furnace and sheet MiflSsl work call hardwood floors; insulated, 100 feet fton tape; price $7,500. Six rooms; bath; full basement; also furnished; water front; fine bathing beach; price $8,000. Owner will accept small down payment. At Wonder l<ake; six rooms; bath; automatic oil heat; garage attached; lot has seventy-five ft. frontage, price $10,900. Modern 6-room home, completely furnished, including new refrigerator, cooking; range; full cement basement; large corner lot; 2 miles east of Mc- ! Henry. Price $15,000. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, ' at Johnsburg, Tel. 37 or Chicago Lincoln 1338. McHenry 480-M. Cripe's Tin Shop. Free estimate. •44-4 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. FYee estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenr/ 634-R-2. *42-4 C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Taiwfr t Phone 208-W, 526 Washington J3t. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, FOR SALE <M-tf Wheeling No. I DUAL IN USED CARS THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU '46 Plymouth 4-door, very clean, FOR SALB--Champion air compres- : $1750. •or; dining room buffet; kitchen sink, j *46 Mercury 4-door, RAH. Phone McHenry 603-J-2. *45 '47 Chrysler, 4-door, 3500 original miles, RAH, best offer. FOR SALE--Case NCM baler complete with dust blower, feed auger '46 Chevrolet, 4-door, $1775. '47 Mercury convertible coupe, and loader. Allen Schanks, Round R & H, many accessories. Open eve- £*ke, 111., R. L. 2845. *45 nings. -----------;----:--l ' 4 1 P o n t i a c , 4 - d o o r c u s t o m t o r p e d o FOR SALE -- Used ABC wssher; sedftn, price, $1,150. * used Wardway. Carey Electric Shop, Our best advertisements are; Green St., McHenry. Tel. 251. 45 driven--not written. g i f r Mn „ r Q n , . » • ARM AND PAQUIN MOTORS ^ fin Rt- 12 and old Rand Road, across l&t McH«n£ ' G*mb " Breezy Point. .45 FOR SALE--Brooder house 5 ft. by FOR SALE--300 bu. Clinton oats, 4 ft.; also fences Phone McHenry *1-75 perbu. Clyde Clark, R-3 Wood- Mj *45 stock. Phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. ° : ' ; ' *44-2 FOR SALE--Case CC tractor , on I -- ; rubber with cultivator and power FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks, lift, A-l condition. Clarence Ton- Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf yan, Ringwood, HI. Phone 636-R-2. ^ : ~~ •45 FOR SALE--First and second cuti ting alfalfa. Phone McHenry FOR S^LE--Simplex ironing ma- 631-M-l. *43-3 chine like new. Carey Electric Shop, Green St., McHenry. Tel. 251. 45 Worl reverse charges. 86-tf PIANO TUNING ft SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 10T3-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502, Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street* McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-1/ FLOOR SANDING -- Refmlshing, varnishing and waxing new and old flcors; also Kentile, a life-time floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. 34-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf SALE--160-acre ^arm, 2% mi east of McHenry; 8-room house, 1 dates' GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose- of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable Regular year round route. &*** til11 wf'ft ^ furnace heat; J, ba;n^r tT Silo3, | John' E,- HiU. P." 0. Box 274, Mclarge size. Tel, McHen.ry .597.-W» - 2. Also 147 acres, north of McHenry; Henry Phone 365 tf 4 5 8-room house; automatic oil heat;) _-- *. „,„n larjfe barn For appointment call: WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS t70,n New •hafl^rwell (Hank Nell), JACOB FRITZ, REAL! --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, pump $79 50; new sump pump $59.50 ESTATE,, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- McHenry, I1L Phone 277. 49-tf Gamble s Store, West McHenry. 45 Henry 37. 43-tf -- FOR SALE FOR SALE--Three river front lots, 50x165 each; full riparian rights; one mile from McHenry on hard road; MISCELLANEOUS &Ume gto.i bguy*. gLoSts atr&e teJnS feSet aabtoovife SSSSSiSSStaH. ««" Mrs. Hkrold Bantin Addre*s %QX 75 » in care of Plain_ j ry 203-J. 52-tf a"d son Tommy of Janesville. TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri ters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 SPRING GROVE (by Mrs: Charles Freund) Services for Holy Week will be open on Holy Thursday at St. Peter's with a mass at 8 a. m., at which time the Blessed* Sacrament will be carried in procession to the side altar, which will be decorated for the occasion. In the evening, services will begin at 8 o'clock. The mass of the Pre-sanctified will be celebrated at 8:30 a. m. r on Good Friday and at 8:00 in the^evening there will be Stations of the Cross. On Holy Saturday the mass begins at 8:30 a. m., with ceremonials preceding the St. Mary's Catholic dnrtk Masses: v Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11*0 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00: 10:00, Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8*00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Chare* Masses: mass. Kiwi on Easter Sunday are ndajr: 8.00, 9*0 (High Maaa) at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m. The altars will be appropriately decorated with lilies, ferns and spring flowers. Last Sunday the blessing of the Palms with procession ana distribution of Palms took place at the 10 o'clock mass. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein in Fox Lake on Thurs afternoon. A lunch-. eon was served at 1:30 and cards were played. Prize winners were Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Edward May, Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Ray ^ ... May. The club will meet at the John's Catholic Church. Johaabnrg home of Mrs. Nora Klaus in April. Masses: ^ The Christian Mothers and Blessed j Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Virgin Sodality held its regular! *£®«y Days: 7:00 and 9:00 meeting at St. Peter's parish hall' Weekdays: 8:p0. on Thursday night.' There was also i Fira^Friday: 6:35, and 8:00 a social evening at cards and bunco.; Confessions: Prizes went to Mis. William Britz, i Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 and Holy Days: t^lkand 8:00. Week Days: 7:1ft First Fridays: 8:00 Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, 7:(0'aad ' 8:00 and during 8:00 man. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pjn. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thurs- , days before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 pjn. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rev. James C. Vanderpool, Administrator. Thursday before First Friday-*' 2:30 and 7:30- fcev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Anton Meyer. Mrs. Ray May, Miss Donna< Schmitt, Miss Luanne Bauer. Special prizes were won by Mrs. Frances Schmitt, Miss Luanne Bauer, Mrs, John Jung and Mrs. L., L. Kagan. Refreshments were served by the'Masses: committee in charge. -- ^ f --Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11*00. Mrs. Math Nimsgern was hostess- Iloly Days: 6:30 and 9£00. to the members of her club on Weekdays: 8:00. : Thursday afternoon. The^ awards for! F'rst Friday; 8:00. • ' high scores in the games--of five- j Confessions: hundred were received by Mrs. Jake Miller,* Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. William IBritz,- Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Frank Wagner. A lovely" lunch was served. Guests on Sunday in the Frank Wagnec home were Mr. and Mrs Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:1$. . Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. *45 present high 'water; no water ... , , basements; no sewerage trouble; no dealer. lots !ike these between jjcHenry and WHEATON ANTIQUE AND HOBBY Pistakee Bay. Priced to sell. Investigate now. not when river is low. Write '1Box 15." in care of Plaindealer. 4:> SHOW--11th Annual Show. Wheaton Methodist Church. Mar. 31, Apr. 1 and 2. 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. Adm. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--YOUNG MEN-- BECAUSE OF EXPANDING PRODUCTION, WE NEED SEVERAL FOR SALE--New basement sump Excellent meals at moderate prices 50c. 3 day pass $1.00 (tax incl.) j MORE YOUNG MEN FOR WORK Shop. Green - * -- 45 pumps. Carey Electric "* St., McHenry. Tel. 251. *45 FOR SALE--1941 Plymouth coupe; radio and heater. Tel. • McHenry 698-R-l. 45 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 FOR SALE--1946 Buick sedanette, Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. fully equipped; low mileage; phone 45-tf 677-M-l. 45 TREE SPRAYING-- Frank Henkel, FOR SALE--Girl's spring coat, size Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. Mc- 14, nearly new. Phone McHenry1 Henry 543-J-l. 45-tf 497-J. »45 | -- -- JL j SHOES SHINED -- Don't neglect FOR SALE--Five-rcom house, nicely your Easter Shoes. iBernie's Shines, located, in McHenry; two bedrooms, i 508 Main street. *45 S?eP;letattSed ^arlgef Urge flot ! R£*OVATE YOUR BRICK ~OR priced reasonable for quick sale' STONE BUILDING --• New and old Write Box 60, in care of Plaindealer' „r ,ck tuck Pointed> cleaned, replaced. 45 Water-proofing, window caulking, • -- ^ concrete restoration, patios, side- FOR SALE--Ford cattle truck, A-l 1 77 condition; cattle rack, complete new ^ ^ motor. Tel. McHenry 213-J. IN OUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT. INTERESTING WORK. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. LIBERAL VACATION, SICK LEAVE, AND GROUP INSURANCE PLANS, PHONE OR VISIT THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, INC., RINGWOOD, ILLI- OTlri MQ,r , __. NOlS. TELEPHONE RICHMOND ^ Freund HELP WANTED)--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. barbecues. F il E E ESTImates. HANK JACKSON, Box 852. Fox Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 207-W. FOR SALE--1936 Chevrolet deluxe. • *45-4 $300. Call McHenry 243-R. 45 NEW FIXIT SHOP--Electric appli- FOR SALE AT AN ATTRACTIVE ance repairs or work done on other FRICE--Loop lots No. 242 and 243 articles needing repairs. "Bill" in McHenry Co. Memorial Park Comesky, on Chippewa Drive, half cemetery, Woodstock, 111. Call Mc- block east of blacktop, Wonder Lake. Henry 189-W or J. 44-tf Address P. O. 265, Woodstock, or JFTOORK SSA5L4EI--P-Tr avern on TUT . S_ . ,h igh-- R--- l, Ringwood, 111. ^*45-4 way; also three cabins. Also tavern J PLOWING, ROTARTILLER, wood in town north of McHenry, including ' sawing, etc. Herman Dowe, 208 fee cream parlor and barber shop. Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241. c8,1 <Hank Nell), 45-tf JACOB f R1TZ, REAL ESTATE at *-- --- Johnsburg-. Tel McHenry 37. 43-tf NOTICE--The undersigned will not be responsible for any debts other run »ALt--185 acres in vicinity of than those authorized by either of Crystal Lake, .Illinois, on gravel us- Signed, Peter and Helen road. All under cultivation except Schroeder. - 45 15 acres. Beautiful modern 7 rm 20-tf HELP WANTED--BRICKLAYERS Wanted At Once! $2.75 An Hour Long Job O. W. POTTER & SONS General Contractors Wauconda, 111., Phone 3231 ,. 45-2 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Churcb of the Lutheran Hour) Henry Heinle and Henry, Jr., 4lalph John St. % block east of Hwy. 31 ~ West McHenry, 111. Sunday Worship Service--10:15. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard May are the I Sunday School and Bible Study-- happy parents of a baby girl weigh-, 9 o'clock. ing Q lbs. 12 oz.; born Sunday, March 21. | Community Methodist Church Little Vic Freund invited several ; Church School: 10:00. of his playmates to his home Satur- Mornin? Worship: 11:00. day afternoon for a birthday party. Choir Rehearsals: Games were played and prizes given. Junior Choir on Wed. at 3:30 p. m. He received many lovely gifts. There Cherub Choir on Thurs. at 3:30 p. m. was a large birthday cake included W. S. C. S. on third Thursday of in the lunch served at the end of: month at 1 p. m. this happy afternoon. Those present j Church board of education on second were Mary Lou and Jimmy Joe j Wednesday of month at 7:30 p. m. Kagan, Judy Weber, Ginny Dawson,! Official board on second Wednesday Pauline Ann Brown, Donna, Diane! of month at 8:30 p. m. and Jimmy May, Jerry Miller, Char* j A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to, come and Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern visited Mr. tfnd Mrs. John Schumacher at Pell Lake Sunday afterneon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller were visitors in the Home of Mrs. Tena Lay in Johnsburg Wednesday afternoon. Many from here attended the St. m species, 228 varieti «a and 87 hybrids, a total of 1,177 different forma of trees in the United States. A few are foreign species. Only 34 softwoods and 70 hardwoods are commercially important. - Census of Inse«ta - A-- There are from 5 to 10 million species of insects, accord :ng to many authorities. So far more than 475,000 different species have been classified. Insects inflict an annual loss of 400 million dollars on United States livestock. Beetles, or fourwing insects, number 195,000 different species. Many new species of Inieets were found by the armed forces in the southwest • Pacific. Cost of . _ The cost of transporting all food products adds about 10 per cent t4 the price consumers pay, and the expense of moving fruits and vegetables rapidly enoigh to avoid excessive waste makes up 90 per cent of the final price charged for ttinss classes of foods. jOne of the agricul* tural research projects approved for immediate action is an Invest!* gation of ways to cut food transpertation costa. Complete line ef LeeV remedies at Wattles Drue Store. Me- Henry. S4f Order your rubber stamps at $ti Plaindealer. ; H»'* UP in fh« doudt!^ .ft " Q mi'jmv yee e future 1W1 bilghi%wMb feUMMps^ d e i e r * , . . a n d y W l b e w d k t o g e e l e e l • CURTIS G. NEWMAN ' i ;'>/ Special Agent „ " '» is«. west a CSMMNV ass Meiate, tewa MOSEY INN HINGWOO& ^ Fish Fry Every Friday PRAOEB BEER iRED BOWMAN, worsbin with us. Wayne B. Price, pastor. Gospel Onter Wonder Center, Wonder Lalf? (Nonsectarian) Services Sunday Bible School--10:15 a.m. Morning Worship Service -11:00 Z01A MONUMENT CO. ^ LARGE MODERN DISPLAY t f Near Court House Since 1890 Woodstock, Open 8nnday Afternoons Patrick's dance at Memorial hall in I a.m. Richmond, Wednesday night and all! Midweek Prayer Service on Thursreport having had a wonderful time. I day Evenings at 8:00 p.m. I - w -->_ j A cordial Welcome is extended to 1 * | all the peeple of the community to Atomic Bomb Hst Slf|ht j worshl?!,RANKUw. anderson, I Affoet OR Marino Llff# j Pastor. J Atomic bomb radiations in Bikini ; Christ The King Miasion 1 lagoon have caused almost no Wonder I,iikr change in the marine life, so far as ! Masses: is discernible a year later. This is j Sunday: 10:00. the observation of Dr. Leonard P. j Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00 Schultz, Smithsonian institution, who 1 Confessions: took part in the Bikini scientific re- I Sundays: Immediately before the 10 o'clock mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 First Fridays, Communion dis- HELI» WANTED -SECRETARY, 18- 25 YEARS OF AGE. FOR OUR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. , MUST BE A GOOD TYPIST. THE!.search survey. POSITION IS INTERESTING AND I Doubtless enormous numbers of PI EASANT FOR ONE WHO LIKES fish and other marine organisms I trituted at'eTnd'6^-30 a"m"!Sld dur" ^|iXAII; ^ORK. PHONE OR VISIT wei^e killed by the bomb explosion, 1 [ng 6.3o mass THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, t)r Schultz savs hut their olacea 1 - - 12?hJA^ood- ,llino,s- TEh' ^ RiCHMOM) 5. { ^ pressure from outside the immedi- | ate explosion area, with the result that life seems about as abundant Rev. James A. Vanderpool. WANTED TO BUY house, with new foundation and utili- BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITY--Boat ties; excellent drive through dairy shoP' ft. on lake, shop attached tfin . i7 t> • ' u ^ ~1~ , "r"X~ bam, new milkhouse, silo, implement 16x?0- extra building, 16x16; two L ° ^ 2°0 acres. Write Lake Region by the continued radioactivity in the WANTED TO BUY--Have buyer for j as everfarm from 80 to 100 acres witn good j There was some question as to modern house. Also buyer for farm,! whether sterility would be caused Ringwood Church *: * Ringwood, Illf - Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. ~ v~ Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Rev. George Marshall, pastor ahed^^ and granary. "Will"finance? Con- c^bins> sleep 8 people; possession I Sffity' Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. ^L. area. There was no evidence of this; tact Mr. Adcock, Hugh C. Michels April 1. Price $13,000; cash $9,000; Company, 105 W Madison St., Chi- balance terms. lLake Region Realty, eago ST A 4045. 42-4 Fo* Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 FOR SALE--7-room house, approx. 17 acres tillable land in town. Genoa CLINTS REFRIGERATION SERVICE City, Wis. Write N. Matyas, 1212 S. ' When you have refrigeration trouble Pulaski, Chicago 23, 111. *42-4 ca'l an expert. I specialize in --no c .. _ _ -- domestic refrigeration, deep freeze, ruK aALfc---Generators, armatures, milk coolers and small commercial starters, fuel pumps, distributors units only. All work guaranteed, 24 voltage regulators and ignition parts hours service. Call Crystal Lake for Ford and all other cars. Seaco 1280-R. Corner Virginia and Hickory mles & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Road, in Lennor Heights, Crystal Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. Lake, 111. *42-4 37-tf FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl for example, vast numbers of sea > ; ,. .:;§ew Color Televlslea A new color television tube has TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 43-tf WANTED TO EUY--We have cash urch.ins Were spawning in normal been developed by Arthur B. Bronbuyers for resort properties, homes I fashion. Specimens of the "shark j well, Northwestern university. The and_ farms. JACOB FRITZ. REAL- pilot," the strange little fish that new tube differs from other color "hitchhikes" on a shark's back, ; tubes in that it is the only system were found in spawning condition. ! with a composite viewing tube and " a single electron gun. Other television color systems have three tubes and two or more electron guns. By coating three screens with a different color phosphor which PYROFAX GAS SERVICE superior BOTTLE GAS ssRviea Chef Rawrei * Water Servel O&s Refrigerators TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES Phone 770-W LeROY M. SMITH Apt. 9 - 419 Main St. McHenry WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. WANTED Corals were budding as usual. Another curious little fish, a goby, was S2-tl busily building nests among ~ ^ the corals. The coconut crab, the female of which dips her tail loaded St., Tel.- McHenry 18. CARPENTER WORK Remodeling and Repairs Free Estimate • B. ARVIDSON Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 42-tf if PAINTING--Painting and decorat- - ing; plastic tile; first class work; f|CR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- insured. For free estimate phone Mc- 1NG MACHINES. Service on all Henry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. ikes. Also ribbons for all makes; *43-3 cazfcon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 649. 7-tt IX)TS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., en Route 31, about two block from dibpot. Inquire at 716 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about April 1st. Eail R. Walsh, Phone 43. •87-tf W 4NTED--Watches and jeweiiy to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Be-* uty Shoppe.) 15-tf LOST LOST -- IE-lack Cocker, female, vicinity, Wickline Bay. Wonder Lake; , , •«. j i children's pet. Reward. Call 258. *46 Pr°due*ion of grain, six million dol- LOST -- Navy blue zipper billfold, I lars ,or forage and one million dolwith eggs in the water, whereupon j corresponds with the three primary the thousands of eggs hatch imme- colors, a composite image screen is diately, was operating as usual. j provided which enables the viewer £ | to see the television programs in increase sorgnnm rrems I natural color- The three screens are Sorghum research by the Okla- j ^PerimP°f ^ upon each homa station has yielded inform* 1 fre separated by a microtion as to the most satisfactory va- ^ rieties for gTain, forage and sirup in from each other. various parts of Oklahoma, and more productive forage and grain varieties have been developed. The annual (value of this research is estimated fat three million dollars for Helen Weber Sayi: r ^ Most Pl««arir GREETING TO ALL McHenry Cleaners - -j»ene W4-M 103 Ehs gi. Helen Weber. Mgr. m initial "L" on front. Lost at Schaefer's ^bowling alleys, Friday evening, March 19. Reward for return. Tel. McHenry 562-R-l. *46 LOST--Thoroghbred black Scotty, 11 years old; answers to name "Jock;" carries right ear partially down; $26 reward for return. Information leading to recovery will be rewarded also. Tel. McHenry 164. 46 lars for sirup. Need Rubber - Stamps ? Order at The Plaindealer. Trucks in Milk, Trade More motor vehicles are used in distribution^ of milk than any other ' commodity. There are approximately 190,000 trucks used in delivering milk and dairy products from farms to plants and from plants to consumers. GUESSING* CAN BE EXPENSIVE TEST YOUR SOIL ard Know its requirements FOR HIGHER PRODUCTION * Sign v.p with AAA before April 1st for soil testing to receive practice payment of 5c per acre. We take the samples, analyse the soils, make maps, fill out report and send these with recommendations to jou. Write us today Write us for instructions if you , take tlH camples yourself--' . OLSON MANAGEMENT SERVICE 904 W. Stephenson St. Freeport, 111. FARM TIRE FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Basement1 apartment, s u i t a b l e f o r a c o u p l e . L o c a t e d i n . McCullom Lake, Tel. McHenry 673-R-2. 45 STORE FOR RENT--Corner store,' living rooms rear; 11 Belvan street, Spring Grove, 111. $60 month. 46 FOR HIRE--One and one-half ton { truck with driver; $3 per hour. | Phone McHenry 433-R. 43-3 ' Don't Be Hooked When choosing a design for a hooked rug, remember to use shades of no more than three colors and to emphasize one color i-.*ore than the other, housing and design speciilists advise. " • ' Subscribe for The Plaindealer IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT * 'f^'iFollow the Crowd to the • - GAIIA SPRING OPENING - Nell's Ballroom ~3ohnsburg--3 miles north of McHenry, Illinois SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1948 tfr STEVENS and his famous orchestra-- featuring Carroll Nash v Admission 83c--Plus Tax * Dancing Every Saturday at ^NONE ^ McHENRY 424 FOR THI FAKM Tou don't have to take your tire troubles to town now. This nmr convenient service brings oat sepair shop right into your bank* yard to mount and tires on farm machinery, mate •pot repairs, and fill your tractoff IARTICKE & NIXON 'Where the Best Bands Play" le Drive and Efaa McHeery - PHONE McHBNRT 42 ~V , : ^ j . .i _ . . .

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